Man pages for dmcable/RCTD
SpatialeXpressionR: Cell type identification and cell type-specific differential expression in spatial transcriptomics

aggregate_cell_typesAggregates the pixel occurrences for each cell type in the...
build.designmatrix.nonparamConstructs a design matrix for running CSIDE...
build.designmatrix.regionsConstructs a design matrix for running CSIDE across a set of...
build.designmatrix.singleConstructs a design matrix for running CSIDE with a single...
choose_sigma_cEstimates sigma_c by maximum likelihood
convert.old.RCTDUpdates an old 'RCTD' object to be compatible with the...
count_cell_typesCounts number of pixel occurrences for each cell type to be...
create.RCTDCreates an 'RCTD' object from a scRNA-seq reference...
create_RCTD_plotsCreate all plots for an RCTD object after cell types have...
create.RCTD.replicatesCreates an 'RCTD.replicates' object across multiple...
CSIDE.population.inferenceRuns population-level differential expression inference for a...
exvar.celltocell.interactionsConstructs an explanatory variable representing density of a...
exvar.point.densityConstructs an explanatory variable representing density of a...
fitBulkPerforms Platform Effect Normalization:
fitPixelsRuns the RCTD algorithm
get_cell_type_infoComputes cell type profiles in a scRNA-seq dataset
get_decomposed_dataDecomposes SpatialRNA data into individual cells
get_de_genesReturns a list of differentially expressed genes
get_doublet_weightsConverts RCTD doublet mode results to a weight matrix (across...
get_norm_refNormalizes cell type profiles to a target dataset
get_standard_errorsOn an RCTD object after running CSIDE, returns an array of...
import_weightsAssigns a cell type 'weights' matrix to an 'RCTD' object
make_all_de_plotsMakes all CSIDE plots on RCTD object, after running CSIDE
make_de_plots_genesMakes spatial gene CSIDE plots (colored continuously) on RCTD...
make_de_plots_quantMakes quantitative CSIDE plots on RCTD object, after running...
make_de_plots_regionsMakes spatial gene CSIDE plots (colored by discrete regions)...
make_de_plots_replicatesMakes spatial gene CSIDE plots (colored by two discrete...
make_de_plots_spatialMakes spatial gene CSIDE plots (colored by two discrete...
merge_RCTD_objectsCreates an 'RCTD.replicates' object across multiple 'RCTD'...
normalize_weightsNormalizes the 'weights' matrix from the RCTD results object
plot_all_cell_typesPlots all cell types in space
plot_classPlots a factor variable in space on the puck
plot_cond_occurBarplot of the confident counts for each cell type
plot_doubletsPlots all doublets in space
plot_doublets_typePlots doublets of each cell type individually
plot_doub_occur_stackPlots doublet co-occurances
plot_gene_rawMakes a spatial plot of continuous gene expression for a...
plot_gene_regionsMakes a spatial plot of gene expression for a particular gene...
plot_gene_two_regionsMakes a spatial plot of gene expression for a particular gene...
plot_occur_unthresholdBarplot of the counts for each cell type
plot_prediction_geneMakes a spatial plot of CSIDE fitted gene expression
plot_puck_continuousPlots a continuous value over locations on the puck
plot_puck_wrapperPlots a continuous value over filtered locations on the puck
plot_weightsSpatially plot the confident weights for each cell type
plot_weights_doubletSpatially plot the weights for each cell type in doublet_mode
plot_weights_unthresholdSpatially plot all weights for each cell type
process_beads_batchRuns RCTD in doublet mode on 'puck'
process_dataRuns RCTD in full mode on 'puck'
RCTD-classAn S4 class used to run the RCTD and CSIDE algorithms
RCTD.replicates-classAn S4 class used to store multiple replicates as 'SpatialRNA'...
read.SpatialRNACreates a SpatialRNA object from a coords and counts file
read.VisiumSpatialRNACreates a SpatialRNA object from a 10x Genomics Visium 'outs'...
Referenceconstructor of 'Reference' object
Reference-classAn S4 class to represent Single-Cell RNA-seq reference
restrict_countsRestricts a SpatialRNA object to a subset of genes (and...
restrict_puckRestricts a SpatialRNA object to a subset of pixels
run.CSIDERuns cell type specific CSIDE on a 'RCTD' object with a...
run.CSIDE.generalRuns CSIDE on a 'RCTD' object with a general design matrix
run.CSIDE.nonparamRuns CSIDE on a 'RCTD' object to detect nonparametric smooth...
run.CSIDE.regionsRuns CSIDE on a 'RCTD' object for DE across multiple discrete...
run.CSIDE.replicatesRuns CSIDE on a 'RCTD.replicates' object
run.CSIDE.singleRuns CSIDE on a 'RCTD' object with a single explanatory...
run.RCTDRuns the RCTD pipeline on a 'RCTD' object
run.RCTD.replicatesRuns the RCTD pipeline on a 'RCTD.replicates' object
save.CSIDE.replicatesSaves the CSIDE population-level differential expression...
set_cell_types_assignedIf cell types have been assigned to the RCTD object, running...
set_likelihood_varsSets Precomputed Probabiliites as Global Variable
spacexrspacexr: an R package for assigning cell types and cell type...
SpatialRNAconstructor of SpatialRNA object
SpatialRNA-classAn S4 class to represent Spatial Transcriptomic data
write_de_summarySaves to csv the CSIDE significant gene dataframes after...
dmcable/RCTD documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 11:03 p.m.