
Defines functions get_norm_ref get_cell_type_info

Documented in get_cell_type_info get_norm_ref

#' Computes cell type profiles in a scRNA-seq dataset
#' Computes averaged normalized expression (summing to 1) for
#' all cells within a cell type
#' @param raw.data a Digital Gene Expression matrix, with gene names as rownames and
#' single cells as columns (barcodes for colnames)
#' @param cell_types a named list of cell type assignment for each cell in \code{raw.data}
#' @param nUMI a named list of total UMI count for each cell in \code{raw.data}
#' @return Returns \code{cell_type_info}, a list of three elements: (1) \code{cell_type_means} (a
#' data_frame (genes by cell types) for mean normalized expression) (2) \code{cell_type_names}
#' (a list of cell type names) and (3) the number of cell types
#' @export
get_cell_type_info <- function(raw.data, cell_types, nUMI, cell_type_names = NULL) {
    cell_type_names = levels(cell_types)

  n_cell_types = length(cell_type_names)

  get_cell_mean <- function(cell_type) {
    cell_type_data = raw.data[,cell_types == cell_type]
    cell_type_umi = nUMI[cell_types == cell_type]
    normData = sweep(cell_type_data,2,cell_type_umi,`/`)
    return(rowSums(normData) / dim(normData)[2])

  cell_type = cell_type_names[1]
  cell_type_means <- data.frame(get_cell_mean(cell_type))
  colnames(cell_type_means)[1] = cell_type
  for (cell_type in cell_type_names[2:length(cell_type_names)]) {
    cell_type_means[cell_type] = get_cell_mean(cell_type)
  return(list(cell_type_means, cell_type_names, n_cell_types))

#renormalizes cell_type_means to have average the same as the puck
#proportions is the estimated proportion of each cell type
#' Normalizes cell type profiles to a target dataset
#' renormalizes \code{cell_type_means} to have average the same as the puck.
#' The average for each gene is weighted by cell type proportions given by
#' \code{proportions}.
#' @param proportions a named list (for each cell type) of proportion of the cell type on the bulk dataset
#' (not constrained to sum to 1)
#' @param gene_list a list of genes to be used for the normalization
#' @param puck an object of type \linkS4class{SpatialRNA}, the target dataset
#' @param cell_type_means a data_frame (genes by cell types) for mean normalized expression (see \code{\link{get_cell_type_info}})
#' @return Returns \code{cell_type_means}, a data_frame (genes by cell types) for mean normalized cell type expression profiles in which
#' platform effects have been removed to match the \linkS4class{SpatialRNA} data.
#' @export
get_norm_ref <- function(puck, cell_type_means, gene_list, proportions) {
  bulk_vec = rowSums(puck@counts)
  weight_avg = rowSums(sweep(cell_type_means[gene_list,],2,proportions / sum(proportions),'*'))
  target_means = bulk_vec[gene_list]/sum(puck@nUMI)
  cell_type_means_renorm = sweep(cell_type_means[gene_list,],1,weight_avg / target_means,'/')
dmcable/RCTD documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 11:03 p.m.