
Defines functions .extract_indices .read_spot_pos read10Xh5 readVisium

Documented in .extract_indices read10Xh5 .read_spot_pos readVisium

#' Load a Visium spatial dataset as a SingleCellExperiment.
#' @param dirname Path to spaceranger output directory (e.g. "sampleID/outs/").
#'   This directory must contain the counts matrix and feature/barcode TSVs in
#'   \code{filtered_feature_bc_matrix/} for \code{readVisium}, or in
#'   \code{filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5} for \code{read10Xh5}. Besides, it
#'   must also contain a file for spot positions at
#'   \code{spatial/tissue_positions_list.csv} (before Space Ranger V2.0) or
#'   \code{spatial/tissue_positions.csv} (since Space Ranger V2.0).
#'   (To understand the output directory, refer to the corresponding
#'   \href{https://support.10xgenomics.com/spatial-gene-expression/software/pipelines/latest/output/overview}{10X Genomics help page}.)
#' @param fname File name of the h5 file. It should be inside \code{dirname}.
#'   (By default "filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5")
#' @return SingleCellExperiment containing the counts matrix in \code{counts}
#'   and spatial data in \code{colData}. Array coordinates for each spot are
#'   stored in columns \code{array_row} and \code{array_col}, while image
#'   coordinates are stored in columns \code{pxl_row_in_fullres} and
#'   \code{pxl_col_in_fullres}.
#' @details We store two variables associated with downstream BayesSpace
#'   functions in a list called \code{BayesSpace.data} in the
#'   SingleCellExperiment's \code{metadata}.
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{platform} is set to "Visium", and is used to determine spot
#'       layout and neighborhood structure.
#'     \item \code{is.enhanced} is set to \code{FALSE} to denote the object
#'       contains spot-level data.
#'   }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sce <- readVisium("path/to/outs/")
#' }
#' @name readVisium

#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.csv read.table
#' @importFrom scater uniquifyFeatureNames
#' @importFrom Matrix readMM colSums
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment counts
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata metadata<-
#' @rdname readVisium
readVisium <- function(dirname) {
    spatial_dir <- file.path(dirname, "spatial")
    matrix_dir <- file.path(dirname, "filtered_feature_bc_matrix")

    if (!dir.exists(matrix_dir)) {
        stop("Matrix directory does not exist:\n  ", matrix_dir)
    if (!dir.exists(spatial_dir)) {
        stop("Spatial directory does not exist:\n  ", spatial_dir)

    rowData <- read.table(file.path(matrix_dir, "features.tsv.gz"), header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
    colnames(rowData) <- c("gene_id", "gene_name", "feature_type")
    rowData <- rowData[, c("gene_id", "gene_name")]
    rownames(rowData) <- scater::uniquifyFeatureNames(rowData$gene_id, rowData$gene_name)

    .counts <- Matrix::readMM(file.path(matrix_dir, "matrix.mtx.gz"))
    barcodes <- read.table(file.path(matrix_dir, "barcodes.tsv.gz"), header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
    colData <- .read_spot_pos(spatial_dir, barcodes)
    colnames(.counts) <- barcodes$V1
    rownames(.counts) <- rownames(rowData)
    .counts <- .counts[, rownames(colData)]

    sce <- SingleCellExperiment(
        assays = list(counts = .counts),
        rowData = rowData,
        colData = colData

    # Remove spots with no reads for all genes.
    sce <- sce[, Matrix::colSums(counts(sce)) > 0]

    metadata(sce)$BayesSpace.data <- list()
    metadata(sce)$BayesSpace.data$platform <- "Visium"
    metadata(sce)$BayesSpace.data$is.enhanced <- FALSE


#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix colSums
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment counts
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata metadata<-
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @rdname readVisium
read10Xh5 <- function(dirname, fname = "filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5") {
    spatial_dir <- file.path(dirname, "spatial")
    h5_file <- file.path(dirname, fname)

    if (!dir.exists(spatial_dir)) {
        stop("Spatial directory does not exist:\n  ", spatial_dir)

    if (!file.exists(h5_file)) {
        stop("H5 file does not exist:\n  ", h5_file)

    colData <- .read_spot_pos(spatial_dir)

    non.zero.indices <- .extract_indices(
        h5read(h5_file, "matrix/indices"),
        h5read(h5_file, "matrix/indptr")

    rowData <- h5read(h5_file, "matrix/features/id")

    .counts <- sparseMatrix(
        i = non.zero.indices$i,
        j = non.zero.indices$j,
        x = h5read(h5_file, "matrix/data"),
        dims = h5read(h5_file, "matrix/shape"),
        dimnames = list(
            h5read(h5_file, "matrix/barcodes")
        index1 = FALSE
    .counts <- .counts[, rownames(colData)]

    sce <- SingleCellExperiment(
        assays = list(
            counts = .counts
        rowData = rowData,
        colData = colData

    # Remove spots with no reads for all genes.
    sce <- sce[, Matrix::colSums(counts(sce)) > 0]

    metadata(sce)$BayesSpace.data <- list()
    metadata(sce)$BayesSpace.data$platform <- "Visium"
    metadata(sce)$BayesSpace.data$is.enhanced <- FALSE


#' Load spot positions.
#' @param dirname Path to spaceranger outputs of spatial pipeline, i.e., "outs/spatial".
#'     This directory must contain a file for the spot positions at
#'     \code{tissue_positions_list.csv} (before Space Ranger V2.0) or
#'     \code{tissue_positions.csv} (since Space Ranger V2.0).
#' @return Data frame of spot positions.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr inner_join
#' @importFrom tidyr uncount
.read_spot_pos <- function(dirname, barcodes = NULL) {
    if (file.exists(file.path(dirname, "tissue_positions_list.csv"))) {
        message("Inferred Space Ranger version < V2.0")
        colData <- read.csv(file.path(dirname, "tissue_positions_list.csv"), header = FALSE)
        colnames(colData) <- c("barcode", "in_tissue", "array_row", "array_col", "pxl_row_in_fullres", "pxl_col_in_fullres")
    } else if (file.exists(file.path(dirname, "tissue_positions.csv"))) {
        message("Inferred Space Ranger version >= V2.0")
        colData <- read.csv(file.path(dirname, "tissue_positions.csv"))
    } else {
        stop("No file for spot positions found in ", dirname)
    if (!is.null(barcodes)) {
      colData <- inner_join(
        by = c("barcode" = "V1")

    rownames(colData) <- colData$barcode
    colData <- colData[colData$in_tissue > 0, ]

#' Extract row and column indices of the count matrix from h5 file.
#' @param idx Row index of corresponding element in the non-zero count matrix.
#' @param new.start Index of the start of each column corresponding to
#'     \code{idx} and the non-zero count matrix.
#' @param zero.based Whether the \code{} and \code{} are zero-based or not.
#'     (By default is TRUE)
#' @return List of row (i) and column (j) indices of the non-zero elements
#'     in the count matrix.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr uncount
.extract_indices <- function(idx, new.start, zero.based = TRUE) {
    if (length(idx) < 1) {

    idx.cnts <- do.call(
            function(x) c(x - ifelse(zero.based, 2, 1), new.start[[x]] - new.start[[x - 1]])
    colnames(idx.cnts) <- c("id", "n")

            i = idx,
            j = as.integer(uncount(as_tibble(idx.cnts), n)[[1]]),
            new.start = new.start
edward130603/BayesSpace documentation built on May 11, 2023, 6:13 a.m.