## Attempt to standardize some network-formation functions.
#' Given a matrix of scores (bit score, e-value, etc), create an adjacency graph.
#' I am hoping to use this as the starting point for a generic network generator.
#' In its current form it takes a matrix of pairwise scores and
#' generates an adjacency graph of those scores.
#' @param scores tsv or matrix of scores with column and row names containing IDs.
#' @param metadata Currently unused, but intended to provide a
#' starting point for annotating the resulting adjacency network.
#' When implemented, it should make use of the annotate_network()
#' functions which follow.
#' @param type Currently I only know of networks which use
#' correlation, distance, and distcor matrices of the original
#' scores; but I suspect a cursory glance at the WGCNA documentation
#' will teach me that there are many more possibilities.
#' @param simplify Return a simplified matrix without loops and
#' redundancies?
#' @param mode Network type to create, I don't yet understand the implications
#' of changing this.
#' @param weighted Add weights to the nodes? I also don't yet
#' understand what happens when you mess with this.
#' @param diag Include the matrix-diagonal nodes? I do not know when
#' one would want these.
#' @return igraph adjacency network.
network_from_matrix <- function(scores, metadata = NULL, type = "distcor", simplify = TRUE,
mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE) {
if ("character" %in% class(scores)) {
scores <- as.matrix(read.table(scores, header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
row.names = 1))
} else {
scores <- as.matrix(scores)
input <- scores
if (type == "cor") {
mesg("Calculating correlation matrix.")
input <- as.matrix(cor(input))
} else if (type == "dist") {
mesg("Calculating distance matrix.")
input <- as.matrix(stats::as.dist(input))
} else if (type == "distcor") {
mesg("Calculating correlation matrix.")
cor_mtrx <- cor(input)
mesg("Calculating distance matrix of correlations.")
input <- as.matrix(stats::as.dist(cor_mtrx))
## initial <- igraph::graph.adjacency(input, mode="undirected", weighted=TRUE, diag=FALSE)
initial <- igraph::graph.adjacency(input, mode = mode,
weighted = weighted, diag = diag)
if (isTRUE(simplify)) {
initial <- igraph::simplify(initial, remove.multiple = TRUE,
remove.loops = TRUE)
#' Use grep to add a vector of annotations/colors to a network.
#' The igraph syntaxes are a little clunky, but the set_attr()
#' functions mostly make sense.
#' @param network Input network
#' @param names set of node-names to which to add annotations.
#' @param color Color to attach to the added annotation.
#' @param default Set a default annotation for this name to all nodes.
#' @param annot_name Annotation name to attach to the nodes.
#' @param annot_value and the associated value.
#' @return a new network!
annotate_network <- function(network, names, color = NULL, default = NULL,
annot_name = "type", annot_value = "high") {
net_names <- igraph::vertex_attr(network, name = "name")
if (!is.null(default)) {
network <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = network, name = annot_name,
value = default)
for (name in names) {
wanted_names <- grepl(x = net_names, pattern = name)
mesg("Network name: ", name, " was found ", sum(wanted_names), " times.")
network <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = network, name = annot_name,
index = wanted_names, value = annot_value)
if (!is.null(color)) {
network <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = network, name = "color",
index = wanted_names, value = color)
#' A version of annotate_network, but which uses a dataframe as input.
#' The annotate_network() function uses a vector of values, this
#' extends that logic to add every column of a dataframe. I would
#' like to make this function a little more fun vis a vis abilities to
#' add colors and such.
#' @param network input network.
#' @param df input dataframe, columns are the new metadata, rows are
#' the node-strings to search on.
#' @param default Set a default?
annotate_network_df <- function(network, df, default = NULL) {
new <- network
net_names <- igraph::vertex_attr(network, name = "name")
df <- as.data.frame(df)
for (col in colnames(df)) {
mesg("Starting annotation of ", col, ".")
values <- df[[col]]
names(values) <- rownames(df)
if (!is.null(default)) {
new <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = new, name = col, value = default)
possibilities <- as.factor(values)
for (pos in levels(possibilities)) {
mesg("Setting vertices to: ", pos, ".")
pos_idx <- values == pos
pos_names <- names(values)[pos_idx]
pos_positive <- net_names %in% pos_names
positive_vertices <- igraph::V(network)[pos_positive]
new <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(graph = new, name = col,
index = positive_vertices, value = pos)
annotate_network_nodes <- function(network, df, column = "assemblyxls", col_number = 5,
column_name = "interpfamvalue") {
entries <- rownames(df)
net_names <- igraph::vertex_attr(network, name = "name")
nodes_annotated <- 0
for (e in seq_len(length(entries))) {
entry <- entries[e]
gene_annotation_file <- df[e, column]
gene_annotations <- try(sm(extract_metadata(gene_annotation_file,
fill = "")), silent=TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(gene_annotations)) {
pfam_names <- as.data.frame(stringr::str_split_fixed(gene_annotations[[column_name]],
",", col_number))[[col_number]]
names(pfam_names) <- rownames(gene_annotations)
defined_names <- pfam_names != ""
pfam_defined <- pfam_names[defined_names]
entries_found <- 0
nodes_found <- 0
for (d in seq_len(length(pfam_defined))) {
defined_name <- names(pfam_defined)[d]
defined_value <- pfam_defined[d]
pfam_nodes <- net_names == defined_name
times_found <- sum(pfam_nodes)
if (times_found > 0) {
entries_found <- entries_found + 1
nodes_found <- nodes_found + times_found
nodes_annotated <- nodes_annotated + times_found
pfam_vertices <- igraph::V(network)[pfam_nodes]
network <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(
graph = network, name = column_name,
index = pfam_vertices, value = defined_value)
mesg("Finished searching sample: ", entry, ", found ", entries_found, " genes across ",
nodes_found, " network vertices.")
message("Finished iterating over annotations, annotated: ", nodes_annotated,
" vertices out of ", length(net_names), ".")
#' Exclude nodes from a network which are not well connected.
#' @param network input network to prune.
#' @param min_weight Minimum acceptable weight.
#' @param min_connectivity Minimum number of nodes to which to be connected.
#' @return A hopefully smaller, but not too small network.
prune_network <- function(network, min_weight = 0.4, min_connectivity = 1) {
start_vertices <- length(igraph::V(network))
start_edges <- length(igraph::E(network))
low_nodes <- igraph::edge_attr(network, name = "weight") <= min_weight
low_edges <- igraph::E(network)[low_nodes]
pruned_edges <- igraph::delete_edges(network, low_edges)
low_degree <- igraph::degree(pruned_edges) <= min_connectivity
if (sum(low_degree) == start_vertices) {
stop("Every vertex is removed by this minimum connectivity.")
pruned_vertices <- igraph::delete.vertices(pruned_edges, low_degree)
end_vertices <- length(igraph::V(pruned_vertices))
end_edges <- length(igraph::E(pruned_vertices))
delta_vertices <- start_vertices - end_vertices
delta_edges <- start_edges - end_edges
mesg("Network pruning vertices, start: ", start_vertices, ", end: ",
end_vertices, ", delta: ", delta_vertices, ".")
if (start_edges > 0) {
mesg("Network pruning edges, start: ", start_edges, ", end: ",
end_edges, ", delta: ", delta_edges, ".")
#' Just putting down an example from Alejandro's work and
#' https://bioinformaticsworkbook.org/tutorials/wgcna.html#gsc.tab=0
#' so that I have someplace to remember the general path wgcna takes and
#' as a starting point to explore further.
#' @param expt Input expressionset.
wgcna_network <- function(expt) {
chosen_power <- 8
## WGCNA calls cor() without specifying its own namespace, so overwrite cor for the moment.
cor <- WGCNA::cor
start_exprs <- t(exprs(expt))
l2input <- t(exprs(normalize_expt(expt, transform = "log2")))
initial_modules <- WGCNA::blockwiseModules(
start_exprs, maxBlockSize = 11000, TOMType = "signed",
power = chosen_power, mergeCutHeight = 0.25, numericLabels = FALSE,
verbose = 3)
cor <- stats::cor
initial_eigen <- initial_modules[["MEs"]]
network_colors <- WGCNA::labels2colors(initial_modules[["colors"]])
dendroLabels = FALSE,
hang = 0.03,
addGuide = TRUE,
guideHang = 0.05)
meta_numeric <- data.frame(
"cf_numeric" = as.numeric(as.factor(pData(l2input)[["finaloutcome"]])),
"visit_numeric" = as.numeric(as.factor(pData(l2input)[["visitnumber"]])))
rownames(meta_numeric) <- rownames(pData(l2input))
meta_factors <- pData(l2input)[, c("finaloutcome", "visitnumber")]
meta_eigen <- merge(initial_eigen, meta_factors, by = "row.names")
rownames(meta_eigen) <- meta_eigen[["Row.names"]]
meta_eigen[["Row.names"]] <- NULL
module_trait_corr <- stats::cor(initial_eigen, meta_numeric, use = "p")
module_trait_pvalues <- WGCNA::corPvalueStudent(module_trait_corr, nrow(meta_numeric))
wanted <- initial_modules[["colors"]] == "turqoise" | initial_modules[["colors"]] == "pink"
interesting_genes <- names(initial_modules[["colors"]])[wanted]
fData(l2input)[interesting_genes, "hgnc_symbol"]
## Note that we can do similarity matrices on the samples too in order to get
## dendrograms which may get interesting groups of samples?
not_grey <- initial_modules[["colors"]] != "grey"
not_grey_exprs <- t(exprs(l2input))[, not_grey]
not_grey_genes <- colnames(not_grey_exprs)
dist_tom <- 1 - WGCNA::TOMsimilarityFromExpr(
power = chosen_power)
colnames(dist_tom) <- not_grey_genes
rownames(dist_tom) <- colnames(dist_tom)
similarity_cluster <- flashClust::flashClust(
stats::as.dist(dist_tom), method = "average")
colors = initial_modules[["colors"]][not_grey_genes],
dendroLabels = FALSE,
hang = 0.03,
addGuide = TRUE,
guideHang = 0.05,
cex.colorLabels = 1.5,
main = ("Cluster Dendrogram (WGCNA)"))
## EOF
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