
Defines functions getFeature findNeighborFeature findAdjacentFeature findBodyFeature annotateEvent getASName getEvent numberAS getIsoAS getESS stream getEES getIsoPartsList countLogicRle getMultiTxGene parseEvent

Documented in annotateEvent countLogicRle findAdjacentFeature findBodyFeature findNeighborFeature getASName getEES getESS getEvent getFeature getIsoAS getIsoPartsList getMultiTxGene numberAS parseEvent stream

## SURF ATR Event Parsing

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ 0. main function ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' Parse ATR events from genome annotation
#' This function parses ATR events (including AS, ATI, and APA) from genome 
#' annotation. It also identifies location features for each event. The latter 
#' task could be computationally demanding for unfiltered (raw) genome 
#' annotation.
#' @param anno.file `character`, directory to genome annotation file.
#' @param anno.format `character`, the format of the annotation file. The format 
#'     can be inferred from `anno.file` automatically, unless it is not implicit 
#'     by the extension.
#' @inheritParams getIsoPartsList
#' @inheritParams getEvent
#' @inheritParams annotateEvent
#' @inheritParams getFeature
#' @param location.feature `logical`, whether (default to `TRUE`) to add 
#'     location features for each event. This usually takes the longest time in 
#'     annotation parsing procedure.
#' @param verbose `logical`, whether (default to `TRUE`) to print out progress.
#' @return a `surf` object with ATR event annotation and updated `genePartsList` 
#'     slot.
#' @references Chen, F., & Keles, S. (2020). SURF: integrative analysis of a 
#'     compendium of RNA-seq and CLIP-seq datasets highlights complex governing 
#'     of alternative transcriptional regulation by RNA-binding proteins. 
#'     *Genome Biology*, 21(1), 1-23.
#' @export
parseEvent <- function(anno.file,
                       anno.format = tools::file_ext(anno.file),
                       cores = max(1, detectCores() - 2),
                       min.event.length = 6,
                       location.feature = TRUE,
                       depth.exon = 100,
                       depth.intron = 300,
                       remove.duplicate = TRUE,
                       verbose = FALSE) {
  ## import annotation
  if (anno.format != tools::file_ext(anno.file))
    warning("Annotation format is not implicit from file extension.")
  if (verbose)
    cat("Importing genome annotation...\n")
  anno <- import(con = anno.file, format = anno.format)
  if (verbose)
    cat("Extracting gene parts list... ")
  timer <- system.time({
    isoPL = getIsoPartsList(anno, depth.intron = depth.intron, cores = cores)
    isoPLas = getEvent(isoPL, cores = cores)
  if (verbose)
    cat("Running time:", timer[3], "sec.\n")
  if (verbose)
    cat("Annotating AS/ATS/APA events...")
  ## (optional) start/stop codon, used to exclude some interior events 
  ## (SE/RI/A3SS/A5SS) that overlap
  anno_ss = anno[anno$type %in% c("start_codon", "stop_codon")] 
  ## staring or stoping sites
  timer <- system.time({
    anno_event_nofeat = annotateEvent(
      cores = cores,
      min.event.length = min.event.length,
      anno_ss = anno_ss,
      remove.duplicate = FALSE
  if (verbose)
    cat("Running time:", timer[3], "sec.\n")
  if (location.feature) {
    if (verbose)
      cat("Extracting feature windows...\n")
    timer <- system.time({
      anno_event = getFeature(
        depth.exon = depth.exon,
        depth.intron = depth.intron,
        remove.duplicate = remove.duplicate,
        cores = cores,
        verbose = verbose
    if (verbose)
      cat("Running time:", timer[3], "sec.\n")

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ 1. generate isoform parts list ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' Find multi-transciption gene
#' Find genes that contain multiple transcripts.
#' @param anno `data.frame` or `GRanges`, genome annotation.
#' @param min `integer`, minimum number of transcripts.
#' @param max `integer`, maximum number of transcripts..
#' @return a `character` vector of gene identifiers that possess multiple 
#'     transcripts.
getMultiTxGene = function(anno, min = 2, max = Inf) {
  anno_tx = anno[anno$type == "transcript"]
  cnt_tx = table(anno_tx$gene_id)
  names(cnt_tx)[cnt_tx >= min & cnt_tx <= max]

#' Count number of `TRUE` from a logical rle
#' @param x logical rle
#' @return a integer rle
countLogicRle = function(x) {
  runs = rle(x)
  runs$values[runs$values] = seq_len(sum(runs$values))
  label = inverse.rle(runs)

#' Parse isoform parts list from annotation
#' Parse the isoform parts list from annotation.
#' @param anno a `GRanges` object of genome annotation, return by [import].
#' @param gene_id `character`, gene_id"s to analyze, default to all 
#'     multi-transcript genes.
#' @param depth.intron `integer`, extended depth into gene's flanks, default to 
#'     300 nt.
#' @param cores `integer`, number of computing cores to use.
#' @return a `list` named by gene_id, each of which contains:
#' \item{segment}{`GRanges`, genomic data of parts list.}
#' \item{label}{`integer` vector, gene model (0 for intron) and exon numbers 
#'     (coded as integer 1,2,...).}
#' \item{layout}{`lgCMatrix`, transcript structure.}
#' @export
getIsoPartsList = function(anno,
                           gene_id = getMultiTxGene(anno),
                           depth.intron = 300,
                           cores = max(1, detectCores() - 2)) {
  ## check input
  if (!is(anno, "GRanges")) {
    anno = GRanges(anno)
    warning("anno is coerced to GRanges.")
  if (depth.intron < 1)
    stop("\"depth.intron\" has to be greater than 0.")
  isoPartsList = foreach (g = gene_id) %dopar% {
    anno_g = anno[anno$gene_id == g]
    gene = anno_g[anno_g$type == "gene"]
    tx = anno_g[anno_g$type == "transcript"]
    exon = anno_g[anno_g$type == "exon"]
    intron = c(
      GenomicRanges::setdiff(gene, exon),
      ## exon-exon junction + exonic region of filtered isoform
      GenomicRanges::flank(gene, depth.intron),
      GenomicRanges::flank(gene, depth.intron, start = FALSE)
    ) ## add up/down-stream of genes
    strand = as.character(strand(gene))
    exon_pooled = GenomicRanges::disjoin(exon) 
    ## these are bins that DEXSeq works on (except overlapping exons)
    intron_pooled = GenomicRanges::disjoin(intron)
    ## valid check
    if (length(tx) == 1) {
      warning(paste("Gene", g, "has only one transcript.")) 
    ## $segment - GRanges, genomic data of parts list
    segment = sort(c(exon_pooled, intron_pooled)) ## sort exonic & intronic segments
    ## $label - integer, exon numerator
    label = !!countOverlaps(segment, exon_pooled) ## logical rep.
    label = countLogicRle(label)
    ## layout - Matrix, isoform structure
    ## group exons by tx, then arrange by transcript_id
    exon_tx = S4Vectors::split(exon, exon$transcript_id)[tx$transcript_id]
    seg_tx = findOverlaps(segment, exon_tx) ## map segments to tx
    layout = Matrix::Matrix(FALSE, length(segment), length(tx), sparse = TRUE)
    colnames(layout) = tx$transcript_id
    layout[as.matrix(seg_tx)] = TRUE
    ## reverse everything, if "-" strand gene
    if (strand == "-") {
      segment = rev(segment)
      label = (!!rev(label)) * (max(label) + 1 - rev(label))
      layout = layout[nrow(layout):1, ]
    list(segment = segment,
         label = label,
         layout = layout)
  stopImplicitCluster() ## close parallel environment
  names(isoPartsList) = gene_id
  isoPartsList[!!sapply(isoPartsList, length)]

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ 2. find ATR events ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' Get exon end site from exon parts list
#' This is a helper function of [getEvent].
#' @param x an element of the isoform part list.
#' @return a `logical` vector of the same length as `x`, indicating the exon end
#'   sites in the isoform part list.
getEES = function(x) {
  nEES = length(x) - match(FALSE, rev(x), nomatch = length(x) + 1) + 1
  rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(nEES, length(x) - nEES))

#' Reconstruct exon parts list to isoform parts list
#' This is a helper function of [getEvent].
#' @param ex exon parts list.
#' @param gm gene model.
#' @return a `logical` vector of the same length of `gm`, indicating exonic 
#'     (`1`) or intronic (`0`) segments. 
stream = function(ex, gm) {
  for (e in seq_len(length(ex)))
    gm[gm == e] = ex[[e]]

#' Get exon start site from exon parts list
#' This is a helper function of [getEvent].
#' @param x an element of the isoform part list.
#' @return a `logical` vector of the same length as `x`, indicating the exon
#'   start sites in the isoform part list.
getESS = function(x) {
  nESS = match(FALSE, x, nomatch = length(x) + 1)
  rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(nESS - 1, length(x) - nESS + 1))

#' Get AS events for one isoform (decision tree)
#' @param li boolean layout of i-th isoform.
#' @param gm gene model.
#' @return a `factor` vector of the same length as `li`, indicating the ATR 
#'     events (e.g., "SE", "A5SS", etc) or "." for no event.
getIsoAS = function(li, gm) {
  bVar = xor(li, gm) ## variable bins
  eVar = base::split(bVar, gm) ## variable exon
  if (!min(gm))
    eVar = eVar[-1]
  isoAS = ifelse(bVar, "", ".") ## initial
  ## Alternative start site 2
  nTSS = min(which(li)) ## transcript start site
  bASS = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(nTSS, length(gm) - nTSS))
  isoAS[bVar & bASS] = "A5U"
  ## Alternative end site 2
  nPAS = max(which(li)) ## polyA site
  bAES = rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(nPAS, length(gm) - nPAS))
  isoAS[bVar & bAES] = "TAP"
  ## Skipped exon
  nSE = sapply(eVar, all)
  bSE = gm %in% which(nSE) & !bASS & !bAES
  isoAS[bVar & bSE] = "SE"
  ## Alternative start site 1 (whole exon)
  bAFE = gm %in% which(nSE) & bASS
  isoAS[bVar & bAFE] = "AFE"
  ## Alternative end site 1 (whole exon)
  bIAP = gm %in% which(nSE) & bAES
  isoAS[bVar & bIAP] = "IAP"
  ## Alternative 5" splicing (donors) site
  bEES = lapply(eVar, getEES)
  bA5SS = stream(bEES, gm) & !bSE & !bASS & !bAES
  isoAS[bVar & bA5SS] = "A5SS"
  ## Alternative 3" splicing (acceptors) site
  bESS = lapply(eVar, getESS)
  bA3SS = stream(bESS, gm) & !bSE & !bASS & !bAES
  isoAS[bVar & bA3SS] = "A3SS"
  ## Retained intron
  bRI = bVar & !bASS & !bAES & !bSE & !bA5SS & !bA3SS
  isoAS[bVar & bRI] = "RI"
  factor(isoAS, c(".", surf.events)) 
  ## this will be ignored if called by `apply()`

#' Enumerate AS events
#' @details AFE, IAP, and consecutive SE events will be merged.
#' @param as a `factor` vector of AS events /isoform.
#' @param gm gene model.
#' @return a `integer` vector of the same length as `as`, indexing the order of 
#'     ATR events. 
numberAS = function(as, gm) {
  as.tmp = as.character(as[!!gm])
  runs <- rle(as.tmp)
  runs$values[runs$values != "."] = seq_len(sum(runs$values != "."))
  runs$values[runs$values == "."] = 0
  runs$values = as.numeric(runs$values)
  num <- rep(0, length(as))
  num[!!gm] = inverse.rle(runs)

#' Enumerate AS events
#' This will not merge SE events across consecutive exon
# numberAS = function(as) {
#   ## as - factor of AS events /isoform
#   runs = rle(!(as %in% c(".", "AFE", "IAP")))
#   runs$values[runs$values] = seq_len(sum(runs$values))
#   num = inverse.rle(runs)
#   if (any(as == "AFE")) {
#     num[!!num] = num[!!num] + 1
#     num[as == "AFE"] = 1
#   }
#   num[as == "IAP"] = max(num) + 1
#   num
# }

#' Find AS events from isoform parts list
#' @param isoPL isoform parts `list`
#' @param cores `integer`, number of computing cores to use.
#' @return a `list` as input with added two components:
#' \item{asNum}{integer `matrix`, dim = dim of segment 0 means no event, and 
#'     other integers indicate event number.}
#' \item{asName}{a `list` of named `character` vector, with each element 
#'     corresponding to one isoform. name is event number, character is event 
#'     name}
getEvent = function(isoPL, cores = max(1, detectCores() - 2)) {
  isoPLas = foreach (pl = isoPL, g = names(isoPL)) %dopar% {
    segment = pl$segment
    label = pl$label
    layout = pl$layout
    ## extract AS events, compress
    ## apply coerce factor columns to character
    asEvent = data.frame(apply(layout, 2, getIsoAS, gm = label)) 
    asNum = data.frame(sapply(asEvent, numberAS, gm = label))
    asName = mapply(split, asEvent, asNum, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    asName = lapply(asName, function(x) sapply(x, unique))
    ## check isolation
    asSplit = do.call("c", mapply(split, asEvent, asNum, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
    asSplit = asSplit[!(names(asSplit) %in% c(".", "AFE", "IAP"))]
    asCheck = sapply(asSplit, function(x) length(unique(x)))
    if (any(asCheck != 1))
      message("Warning: ", g, " has adjacent AS events. Please check!")
    ## append
    append(pl, list(asNum = asNum, asName = asName))
  setNames(isoPLas, names(isoPL))

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ 3. annotate event (no features) ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#' ATR event name
#' @param plas a plas object containing `asName`
#' @return a named (by event_id) vector of event type
getASName <- function(plas) {
  asName = plas$asName
  tx_id <- rep(names(asName), sapply(asName, length))
  event_name <- unlist(unname(asName), use.names = TRUE)
  event_name <- factor(event_name, c(".", surf.events))
  names(event_name) <- paste(tx_id, names(event_name), sep = "@")
  event_name <- na.omit(droplevels(event_name, exclude = "."))

#' Annotate AS events (generate feature bins)
#' @param isoPLas isoform parts list with AS events
#' @param cores `integer`, number of computing cores to use.
#' @param min.event.length `numeric` (positive), minimum length of a valid event.
#' @param anno_ss a `GRanges` of start/stop codon, UTR, Selenocysteine, etc; 
#'     used to exclude some interior events (i.e., SE/RI/A3SS/A5SS)
#' @param remove.duplicate `logical`, whether (default to `TRUE`) to remove 
#'     identical event duplicates (by keeping one).
#' @return a `surf` object.
annotateEvent <- function(isoPLas,
                          cores = max(1, detectCores() - 2),
                          min.event.length = 6,
                          anno_ss = NULL,
                          remove.duplicate = FALSE) {
  event.list = foreach (
    plas = isoPLas,
    g = names(isoPLas),
    .combine = "c"
    ) %dopar% {
      segment = plas$segment
      asNum = plas$asNum
      strand <- as.vector(strand(segment[1]))
      ## input check 1: existence of variable bins
      if (any(!sapply(asNum, max))) {
          colnames(asNum)[!sapply(asNum, max)], 
          collapse = ", "), 
          ": no (0) variable bin.")
      ## collect event name
      event_name <- getASName(plas)
      event_name <- factor(event_name, surf.events)
      ## merge variable bins by events
      body = lapply(asNum, function(x) {
        ## remove 0 segments, merge segments by event
        ## note: reduce() will re-order segments by genomic coordinates.
        asSeg <- unlist(GenomicRanges::reduce(S4Vectors::split(
          segment, replace(x, x == 0, NA))))
        if (strand == "-" && length(asSeg)) {
          i <-
              by = list(names(asSeg)),
              FUN = rev
        } else
          i <- seq_along(asSeg)
        asSeg <- asSeg[i]
        asSeg$event_part_number = unlist(lapply(
          rle(names(asSeg))$lengths, seq_len))
      ## construct GRangesList of events
      event <- c_granges(body, sep = "@")
      event <-
        GRangesList(S4Vectors::split(unname(event), names(event)))
      mcols(event)$event_id = event_id = names(event)
      mcols(event)$event_name = event_name[event_id]
      mcols(event)$gene_id = rep(g, length(event_id))
      mcols(event)$transcript_id = sapply(strsplit(event_id, "@"), head, 1)
      ## ---- clean up
      ## (1) event body length (an amino acid spans 3 bps)
      event = event[sapply(width(event), sum) >= min.event.length]
      ## (2) when A3SS/A5SS/RI/SE overlap with AFE/ALE, keep the latter
      if (!is.null(anno_ss)) {
        cnt = suppressWarnings(countOverlaps(
          event, anno_ss[anno_ss$gene_id == g]))
        event = event[!mcols(event)$event_name %in% 
                        c("A3SS", "A5SS", "RI", "SE") |
      ## (3) remove duplicated event:
      ##    with the same (i) `exonic part` and (ii) `event_name`
      if (remove.duplicate) {
        hit <- findOverlaps(event, event)
        hit <- hit[from(hit) < to(hit)]
        hit <-
          hit[mcols(event)$event_name[from(hit)] == mcols(event)$event_name[to(hit)]] ## (ii)
        hit <-
          hit[as.logical(sapply(event[from(hit)] == event[to(hit)], all))] ## (i)
        if (length(hit))
          event <- event[to(hit)]
          event = event[integer(0)]
      ## this is the event annotation (w/o features) for one gene
  anno_event <- mcols(event.list)
  anno_event$genomicData <- event.list
  mcols(anno_event$genomicData) <- NULL
  ## add mcols()
  mcols(anno_event)$type <- "annotation"
  mcols(anno_event)["event_id", "description"] <- "event identifier"
  mcols(anno_event)["event_name", "description"] <- "event type/class"
  mcols(anno_event)["gene_id", "description"] <- "gene/group identifier"
  mcols(anno_event)["transcript_id", "description"] <- 
    "harbouring transcript identifier"
  mcols(anno_event)["genomicData", "description"] <-
    "genomic ranges of the ATR event"
  ## keep isoform parts list
  genePartsList = DataFrame(
    gene_id = names(isoPLas),
    transcript_id = List(lapply(
      lapply(isoPLas, "[[", "layout"), colnames
    segment = GRangesList(lapply(isoPLas, "[[", "segment")),
    label = List(lapply(isoPLas, "[[", "label")),
    layout = List(lapply(isoPLas, "[[", "layout")),
    row.names = names(isoPLas)
  mcols(genePartsList)$description <- c(
    "gene identifier",
    "transcript identifiers",
    "genomic segments (parts list)",
    "exonic label (0 as intronic)",
    "transcript (isoform) layout indicators"
  res <- new("surf",
             genePartsList = genePartsList,
             sampleData = DataFrameList())
  metadata(res) = list(min.event.length = min.event.length)

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ 4. add features ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#' Find body features
#' Locate the body feature of AS events and extract the genomic bins.
#' This is a helper function to `getFeature()`.
#' @param plas one element in `isoPLas`.
#' @param type `character`, either "lead" for upstream, or "lag" for downstream.
#' @param depth.exon depth extended into exon, default is 100 nt.
#' @return a `GRangesList`.
findBodyFeature = function(plas,
                           type = c("lead", "lag"),
                           depth.exon = 100) {
  segment = plas$segment
  asNum = plas$asNum
  strand <- as.vector(strand(segment[1]))
  ## input check 1: contain variable bins
  if (any(!sapply(asNum, max)) && type == "lead") {
    warning(paste(colnames(asNum)[!sapply(asNum, max)], 
                  collapse = ", "), 
            ": no (0) variable bin.")
  body = lapply(asNum, function(x) {
    ## remove 0 segments, merge segments by event
    ## note: reduce() will re-order segments by genomic coordinates.
    asSeg <-
        segment, replace(x, x == 0, NA))))
    if (xor(strand == "-", type == "lag")) {
      i <- cumsum(rle(names(asSeg))$lengths)
    } else {
      i <-
        data.table::shift(cumsum(rle(names(asSeg))$lengths), fill = 0) + 1
  body <- as(body, "GRangesList")
  ## take flank
  bodyBin = GenomicRanges::flank(
    x = body,
    width = lapply(IRanges::width(body) * -1, pmax, -depth.exon),
    start = type == "lead"
  as(bodyBin, "CompressedGRangesList")

#' Find adjacent features of given feature
#' Locate the adjacent bins at the desired direction and extract the genomic 
#' bins, given some location features of AS events. This is a helper function to 
#' `getFeature()`.
#' @param plas one isoform element in `isoPLas`.
#' @param body `list`, $id_tx, $event_id = body bins indices.
#' @param type `character`, either"lead" for upstream, or "lag" for downstream.
#' @param depth.exon `integer`, extended depth into exon, default 100 nt.
#' @param depth.intron `integer`, extended depth into intron, default 300 nt.
#' @return a `GRangesList`.
findAdjacentFeature = function(plas,
                               type = c("lead", "lag"),
                               depth.exon = 100,
                               depth.intron = 300) {
  segment = plas$segment
  label = plas$label
  layout = plas$layout
  adjBin = mapply(function(bd, lt) {
    ## reconstruct isoform part list
    rle <- rle(lt)
    exonic <- rle$values
    rle$values <- seq_along(rle$values)
    label.new <- inverse.rle(rle)
    mergeSeg <-
      unlist(GenomicRanges::reduce(S4Vectors::split(segment, label.new)))
    mergeSeg$exonic <- exonic
    ## probe into flank exon/intron
    probe = GenomicRanges::flank(bd, 1, start = type == "lead")
    adjSeg = to(findOverlaps(probe, mergeSeg))
    if (length(adjSeg) != length(bd)) {
      stop("Inproper \"body\" argument or overlapping isoform parts list \"plas\".")
    width <-
      ifelse(mergeSeg[adjSeg]$exonic, depth.exon, depth.intron)
    if (!length(width))
      width <- 0
    tmp <- GenomicRanges::flank(x = bd,
                                width = width,
                                start = type == "lead")
    pintersect(tmp, mergeSeg[adjSeg])
  }, body, data.frame(as.matrix(layout)), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  as(adjBin, "CompressedGRangesList")

#' Find features on the (upstream or downstream) constitutive exons
#' Locate the feature on the (upstream or downstream) constitutive exons and 
#' extract the genomic bins, given some body features of AS events. This is a 
#' helper function to `getFeature()`.
#' @param plas one isoform element in `isoPLas`.
#' @param body `list`, $id_tx$event_id = body bins indices.
#' @param type `character`, either "lead" for upstream, or "lag" for downstream.
#' @param depth.exon `integer`, extended depth into exon.
#' @param constitutive `logical`, whether to use consecutive or adjacent 
#'     neighbor exon. The default is `TRUE`.
#' @return a `GRangesList`.
findNeighborFeature = function(plas,
                               type = c("lead", "lag"),
                               depth.exon = 100,
                               constitutive = TRUE) {
  segment = plas$segment
  layout = plas$layout
  label = plas$label
  # asNum = plas$asNum
  # asName = plas$asName
  strand <- as.vector(strand(segment[1]))
  nExon = max(label)
  Layout = data.frame(as.matrix(layout * label))
  ## exon neihbor (names: current exon index, values: neighbor exon index)
  exonIn = apply(Layout, 2, unique) ## exons included
  if (is.matrix(exonIn))
    exonIn = as.data.frame(exonIn)
  ngbExon = lapply(exonIn, function(x) {
    if (constitutive) {
      ## consecutive
      ord =  seq_len(nExon)
      if (type == "lag")
        ord = rev(ord)
      ngb = c()
      p = NA
      for (i in ord) {
        ngb[i] = p
        if (i %in% x)
          p = i
      setNames(ngb, seq_len(nExon))
    } else
      ## simply adjacent
      setNames(seq_len(nExon), data.table::shift(seq_len(nExon), 1, NA, type))
  ## exon flank (names: exon index, values: flanking bins)
  flankBins <- lapply(Layout, function(x) {
    if (constitutive) {
      exon <-
          segment, replace(x, x == 0, NA)))) ## this definition is local to tx
      if (xor(strand == "-", type == "lag")) {
        i <- cumsum(rle(names(exon))$lengths)
      } else {
        i <-
          data.table::shift(cumsum(rle(names(exon))$lengths), fill = 0) + 1
      exon <- exon[i]
    } else {
      exon <-
          segment, replace(label, label == 0, NA)
        ))) ## this definition is global to gene
      width = -pmin(IRanges::width(exon), depth.exon),
      start = type == "lag"
  ## merge
  ngbBin = mapply(function(bd, ne, fb) {
    exon <-
      unlist(GenomicRanges::reduce(S4Vectors::split(segment, replace(
        label, label == 0, NA
      )))) ## this definition is global to gene
    i.bd <-
      to(findOverlaps(bd, exon)) ## index of exon where the events fall on
    if (length(i.bd) != length(bd))
      stop("Each \"body\" should cover only one exon.")
    i.ngb <- ne[as.character(i.bd)]
    bin <- fb[as.character(na.omit(i.ngb))]
    names(bin) <- names(bd)[!is.na(i.ngb)]
  }, body, ngbExon, flankBins, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  as(ngbBin, "CompressedGRangesList")

#' Generate location features
#' Generate location features for each ATR event.
#' @param isoPLas isoform parts list with AS events.
#' @param anno_event `DataFrame`, event annotation w/o features.
#' @param depth.exon `integer`, extended depth into exon, default 50 nt.
#' @param depth.intron `integer`, extended depth into intron, default 300 nt.
#' @param cores `integer`, number of computing cores to use.
#' @param remove.duplicate `logical`, whether (default to `TRUE`) to remove 
#'     identical event duplicates (by keeping one).
#' @param verbose `logical`, whether (default to `TRUE`) to echo progress
#' @return a `surf` object with one added column called `feature`, which 
#'     contains a `GRangesList` of extracted location features.
getFeature = function(isoPLas,
                      depth.exon = 100,
                      depth.intron = 300,
                      cores = max(1, detectCores() - 2),
                      remove.duplicate = TRUE,
                      verbose = FALSE) {
  ## input check
  if (depth.intron < 1 || depth.exon < 1)
    stop("\"depth.intron\" and \"depth.exon\" must be greater than 0.")
  feature.names <-
    c("up3", "up2", "up1", "bd1", "bd2", "dn1", "dn2", "dn3")
  FeatName <- list(
    SE = feature.names,
    RI = feature.names[seq(3, 6)],
    A3SS = feature.names[seq(6)],
    A5SS = feature.names[seq(3, 8)],
    AFE = feature.names[seq(3, 8)],
    A5U = feature.names[seq(3, 6)],
    IAP = feature.names[seq(6)],
    TAP = feature.names[seq(3, 6)]
  event_ids = anno_event$event_id
  feature = foreach(
    g = names(isoPLas),
    plas = isoPLas,
    .combine = "c") %dopar% {
      ## collect event name
      event_name <- getASName(plas)
      event_id <- names(event_name)
      ## filter event
      if (!is.null(event_ids)) {
        event_id_unwanted <- base::setdiff(event_id, event_ids)
        for (i in strsplit(event_id_unwanted, "@")) {
          plas$asNum[, i[1]] = ifelse(plas$asNum[, i[1]] == i[2], 
                                      0, plas$asNum[, i[1]]) 
        event_id <- base::intersect(event_id, event_ids)
      ## local features
      bd1 = findBodyFeature(plas, "lead", depth.exon)
      bd2 = findBodyFeature(plas, "lag", depth.exon)
      up1 = findAdjacentFeature(plas, bd1, "lead", depth.exon, depth.intron)
      dn1 = findAdjacentFeature(plas, bd2, "lag", depth.exon, depth.intron)
      ## distal feature
      up3 = findNeighborFeature(plas, bd1, "lead", depth.exon)
      up2 = findAdjacentFeature(plas, up3, "lag", depth.exon, depth.intron)
      dn3 = findNeighborFeature(plas, bd2, "lag", depth.exon)
      dn2 = findAdjacentFeature(plas, dn3, "lead", depth.exon, depth.intron)
      ## collect feature bins
      Bin <- list(
        bd1 = bd1,
        bd2 = bd2,
        up1 = up1,
        dn1 = dn1,
        up3 = up3,
        up2 = up2,
        dn3 = dn3,
        dn2 = dn2
      Bin <- c_granges(lapply(Bin, c_granges, sep = "@"),
                       use.names = FALSE,
                       save.names = "feature")
      Bin <- S4Vectors::split(Bin, names(Bin)) 
      ## note: the order of event_id was mixed up here
      ## order features (according to event type)
      featBin <- mapply(function(en, fb) {
        featname <- FeatName[[as.character(en)]]
        fb <- fb[match(featname, fb$feature)]
        names(fb) = featname
        mcols(fb) = NULL
      }, event_name[event_id], Bin[event_id], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
      ## add event_name
      featBin <- GRangesList(featBin)
      mcols(featBin)$event_name = event_name[event_id]
      ## ----  remove duplicated events
      ## define with the same (i) `feature` and (ii) `event_name`
      if (remove.duplicate) {
        hit <- findOverlaps(featBin, featBin)
        hit <- hit[from(hit) < to(hit)]
        hit <- hit[mcols(featBin)$event_name[from(hit)] == 
        hit <- hit[as.logical(sapply(
          featBin[from(hit)] == featBin[to(hit)], all))] 
        if (length(hit))
          featBin <- featBin[-to(hit)]
      ## this is the event annotation (with features) for one gene
  ## report # of events after dedup
  event_id_feature <- intersect(event_ids, names(feature))
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Add features to", length(event_id_feature), "events.\n")
    print(table("AS/ATI/APA Event distribution:" = anno_event$event_name))
  ## add mcols()
  mcols(feature) = NULL
  addCols <- DataFrame(feature = feature[event_id_feature])
  mcols(addCols)$type <- "annotation"
  mcols(addCols)$description <-
    "genomic ranges of the event features"
  ## construct new object
  df <- as(anno_event[event_id_feature, ], "DataFrame")
  res <- new(
    cbind(df, addCols),
    genePartsList = anno_event@genePartsList,
    drseqData = anno_event@drseqData,
    drseqResults = anno_event@drseqResults,
    faseqData = anno_event@faseqData,
    faseqResults = anno_event@faseqResults,
    daseqResults = anno_event@daseqResults,
    sampleData = anno_event@sampleData
  metadata(res) = c(
    depth.exon = depth.exon,
    depth.intron = depth.intron,
    remove.duplicate.event = remove.duplicate
fchen365/surf documentation built on June 18, 2021, 12:02 p.m.