
Defines functions writeResultHDF5 writeResultsOverviewHDF5 writeObjectAttributesHDF5 writeMapHDF5 writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwoperm writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwo writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scanoneperm writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scanonebins writeDatasetHDF5.scantwoperm writeDatasetHDF5.scantwo writeDatasetHDF5.scanoneperm writeDatasetHDF5.scanonebins writeDatasetHDF5.scanone writeDatasetHDF5.qtlintervals writeDatasetHDF5.matrix writeDatasetHDF5.mapframe writeDatasetHDF5.map writeDatasetHDF5.list writeDatasetHDF5.default writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame writeDatasetHDF5.cross writeDatasetHDF5.array writeDatasetHDF5 writeCrossHDF5 splitH5ObjectName resolveMapNameHDF5 resolveH5ObjectName readResultsOverviewHDF5 readResultHDF5 readObjectAttributesHDF5 readMapHDF5 readDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwoperm readDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwo readDatasetHDF5.summary.scanoneperm readDatasetHDF5.summary.scanonebins readDatasetHDF5.scantwoperm readDatasetHDF5.scantwo readDatasetHDF5.scanoneperm readDatasetHDF5.scanonebins readDatasetHDF5.scanone readDatasetHDF5.qtlintervals readDatasetHDF5.matrix readDatasetHDF5.mapframe readDatasetHDF5.map readDatasetHDF5.list readDatasetHDF5.default readDatasetHDF5.data.frame readDatasetHDF5.cross readDatasetHDF5.array readDatasetHDF5 readCrossHDF5 makeGroupObjectNames makeDefaultMapName makeDefaultElementNames joinH5ObjectNameParts hasResultsOverviewHDF5 hasObjectHDF5 hasMapHDF5 hasCrossHDF5 h5writeAttributes getResultPhenotypesHDF5 getResultNamesHDF5 getResultInfoHDF5 getResultAnalysesHDF5 getObjectNamesHDF5 getObjectClassHDF5 getMapNamesHDF5 copyObjectsHDF5

Documented in copyObjectsHDF5 getMapNamesHDF5 getObjectClassHDF5 getObjectNamesHDF5 getResultAnalysesHDF5 getResultInfoHDF5 getResultNamesHDF5 getResultPhenotypesHDF5 h5writeAttributes hasCrossHDF5 hasMapHDF5 hasObjectHDF5 hasResultsOverviewHDF5 joinH5ObjectNameParts makeDefaultElementNames makeDefaultMapName makeGroupObjectNames readCrossHDF5 readDatasetHDF5 readDatasetHDF5.array readDatasetHDF5.cross readDatasetHDF5.data.frame readDatasetHDF5.default readDatasetHDF5.list readDatasetHDF5.map readDatasetHDF5.mapframe readDatasetHDF5.matrix readDatasetHDF5.qtlintervals readDatasetHDF5.scanone readDatasetHDF5.scanonebins readDatasetHDF5.scanoneperm readDatasetHDF5.scantwo readDatasetHDF5.scantwoperm readDatasetHDF5.summary.scanonebins readDatasetHDF5.summary.scanoneperm readDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwo readDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwoperm readMapHDF5 readObjectAttributesHDF5 readResultHDF5 readResultsOverviewHDF5 resolveH5ObjectName resolveMapNameHDF5 splitH5ObjectName writeCrossHDF5 writeDatasetHDF5 writeDatasetHDF5.array writeDatasetHDF5.cross writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame writeDatasetHDF5.default writeDatasetHDF5.list writeDatasetHDF5.map writeDatasetHDF5.mapframe writeDatasetHDF5.matrix writeDatasetHDF5.qtlintervals writeDatasetHDF5.scanone writeDatasetHDF5.scanonebins writeDatasetHDF5.scanoneperm writeDatasetHDF5.scantwo writeDatasetHDF5.scantwoperm writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scanonebins writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scanoneperm writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwo writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwoperm writeMapHDF5 writeObjectAttributesHDF5 writeResultHDF5 writeResultsOverviewHDF5

# Start of hdf5.R ##############################################################

# copyObjectsHDF5 --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Copy objects between HDF5 files.
#' @param infile Input HDF5 file.
#' @param outfile Output HDF5 file.
#' @param h5names Names of HDF5 objects to copy. If none are specified,
#' every HDF5 object in the input file is copied to the output file.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Adelete
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Dclose
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Dopen
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Gcreate
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Gopen
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Lexists
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5ls
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5readAttributes
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeAttribute
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeDataset
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname copyObjectsHDF5
copyObjectsHDF5 <- function(infile, outfile, h5names=NULL) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(infile) )
    stopifnot( file.exists(infile) )
    stopifnot( isSingleString(outfile) )
    if ( ! is.null(h5names) ) {
        stopifnot( is.character(h5names) )
        stopifnot( length(h5names) > 0 )
        h5names <- sapply(unique(h5names), resolveH5ObjectName)
    # Open root HDF5 object of input file.
    h5stack <- methods::new('H5Stack', infile)
    # Ensure last opened HDF5 stack will be closed on exit.
    on.exit( closeStack(h5stack) )
    # Get info on all objects in HDF5 file.
    h5info <- rhdf5::h5ls(peek(h5stack), datasetinfo=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
    # Close input HDF5 file.
    h5stack <- closeStack(h5stack)
    # Get HDF5 name and type for every object in HDF5 file.
    h5info <- data.frame(
        h5name = sapply( getRowIndices(h5info), function(i)
            joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(h5info$group[i], h5info$name[i]) ) ),
        h5type = as.character(h5info$otype), stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
    # Add HDF5 name and type of root group.
    h5info <- rbind(h5info, c('/', 'H5I_GROUP'))
    err.h5types <- h5info$h5type[ ! h5info$h5type %in% c('H5I_GROUP', 'H5I_DATASET') ]
    if ( length(err.h5types) > 0 ) {
        stop("cannot copy HDF5 objects - unsupported types (",
            toString(err.h5types), ")")
    err.h5names <- h5names[ ! h5names %in% h5info$h5name ]
    if ( length(err.h5names) > 0 ) {
        stop( "HDF5 objects not found - ",
            paste0("'", err.h5names, "'", collapse=', ') )
    # If HDF5 object names given, keep only specified HDF5 object names.
    if ( ! is.null(h5names) ) {
        h5info <- h5info[h5info$h5name %in% h5names, ]
    # Get sorted vector of HDF5 group names.
    # NB: sorting ensures that ancestral groups are copied before their descendants.
    group.h5names <- sort( h5info$h5name[ h5info$h5type == 'H5I_GROUP' ] )
    # Copy HDF5 groups from input to output file.
    for ( group.h5name in group.h5names ) {
        # Get attributes of this HDF5 group in input file.
        input.attrs <- rhdf5::h5readAttributes(infile, group.h5name)
        # Get attributes of this HDF5 group in output file, if present.
        if ( file.exists(outfile) && hasObjectHDF5(outfile, group.h5name) ) {
            output.attrs <- rhdf5::h5readAttributes(outfile, group.h5name)
        } else {
            output.attrs <- list()
        # Open output HDF5 group.
        h5stack <- methods::new('H5Stack', outfile, group.h5name)
        # Get HDF5 group object.
        h5group <- peek(h5stack)
        # Remove existing attributes of output group.
        for ( k in names(output.attrs) ) {
            rhdf5::H5Adelete(h5group, k)
        # Copy input group attributes to output group.
        for ( i in seq_along(input.attrs) ) {
            rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(h5obj=h5group, name=names(input.attrs)[i],
        # Close output HDF5 group.
        h5stack <- closeStack(h5stack)
    # Get HDF5 dataset names.
    dataset.h5names <- h5info$h5name[ h5info$h5type == 'H5I_DATASET' ]
    # Copy HDF5 datasets from input to output file.
    for ( dataset.h5name in dataset.h5names ) {
        # Read dataset from input file.
        dataset <- rhdf5::h5read(file=infile, name=dataset.h5name,
        # Open output HDF5 file.
        h5stack <- methods::new('H5Stack', outfile)
        # Get HDF5 root object.
        h5root <- peek(h5stack)
        # Write dataset to output file.
        rhdf5::h5writeDataset(h5loc=h5root, name=dataset.h5name, obj=dataset)
        # Copy input dataset attributes to output dataset.
        h5obj <- rhdf5::H5Dopen(h5root, dataset.h5name)
        h5writeAttributes(h5obj, object=dataset)
        # Close output HDF5 file.
        h5stack <- closeStack(h5stack)
    return( invisible() )

# getMapNamesHDF5 --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get names of maps in HDF5 file.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @return Vector of map names. Returns an empty
#' character vector if there are no maps present.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getMapNamesHDF5
getMapNamesHDF5 <- function(infile) {
    mapnames <- character()
    if ( hasObjectHDF5(infile, 'Maps') ) {
        mapnames <- getObjectNamesHDF5(infile, 'Maps', relative=TRUE,
            min.depth=1, max.depth=1)

# getObjectClassHDF5 -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Get R class of a HDF5 object.
#' If possible, the R class of the specified object is obtained from the
#' attributes \code{'R.class'} and \code{'class'}, in that order. If neither
#' attribute is available, the object is loaded from the HDF5 file and its R
#' class determined from the resulting R object.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @param h5name HDF5 object name.
#' @return R class of HDF5 object.
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5readAttributes
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getObjectClassHDF5
getObjectClassHDF5 <- function(infile, h5name) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(infile) )
    stopifnot( file.exists(infile) )
    h5name <- resolveH5ObjectName(h5name)
    stopifnot( hasObjectHDF5(infile, h5name) )
    attrs <- rhdf5::h5readAttributes(infile, h5name)
    if ( 'R.class' %in% names(attrs) ) {
        cls <- attrs[['R.class']]
    } else if ( 'class' %in% names(attrs) ) {
        cls <- attrs[['class']]
    } else {
        obj <- rhdf5::h5read(infile, h5name, read.attributes=TRUE)
        cls <- class(obj)

# getObjectNamesHDF5 -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Get names of HDF5 objects from HDF5 file and name.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @param h5name Name of HDF5 object to use as a starting-point. By
#' default, results are returned with respect to the HDF5 root object.
#' @param relative Option indicating that the returned HDF5 object names should
#' be given relative to the starting-point. By default, absolute HDF5 object
#' names are returned.
#' @param min.depth Minimum recursion depth (relative to starting-point) from
#' which to return object names. If not specified, no minimum depth constraint
#' is applied, and the results include the starting-point HDF5 object (if all
#' other constraints are satisfied).
#' @param max.depth Maximum recursion depth (relative to starting-point) from
#' which to return object names. If not specified, no maximum depth constraint
#' is applied, and the results include every HDF5 object below the
#' starting-point (for which all other constraints are satisfied).
#' @return Character vector of names of HDF5 objects that lie within the section
#' of the HDF5 file defined by the starting-point HDF5 object and any specified
#' constraints.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Iget_type
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Lexists
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5ls
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getObjectNamesHDF5
getObjectNamesHDF5 <- function(infile, h5name=NULL, relative=FALSE,
    min.depth=0, max.depth=NULL) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(infile) )
    stopifnot( file.exists(infile) )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(relative) )
    stopifnot( isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumber(min.depth) )
    if ( ! is.null(max.depth) ) {
        stopifnot( isSingleNonNegativeWholeNumber(max.depth) )
    h5name <- resolveH5ObjectName(h5name)
    # Open HDF5 file.
    h5stack <- methods::new('H5Stack', infile)
    on.exit( closeStack(h5stack) )
    # Check that starting-point HDF5 object exists.
    if( ! rhdf5::H5Lexists(fileID(h5stack), h5name) ) {
        stop("HDF5 object ('", h5name, "') not found in file - '",  infile, "'")
    # Open starting-point HDF5 object.
    h5stack <- push(h5stack, rhdf5::H5Oopen(peek(h5stack), h5name))
    # Get type of starting-point HDF5 object.
    h5type <- as.character( rhdf5::H5Iget_type( peek(h5stack) ) )
    if ( ! h5type %in% c('H5I_GROUP', 'H5I_DATASET', 'H5I_FILE') ) {
        stop("unknown HDF5 object type - '", h5type, "'")
    # Init vector of HDF5 object names.
    object.h5names <- character()
    # If starting-point is not a HDF5 dataset, and maximum depth is greater
    # than zero, get the names of HDF5 objects below the starting-point.
    if ( h5type != 'H5I_DATASET' && ( is.null(max.depth) || max.depth > 0 ) ) {
        # Get recursive listing if maximum depth is greater than one.
        if ( is.null(max.depth) || max.depth > 1 ) {
            recursive <- TRUE
        } else {
            recursive <- FALSE
        # Get data-frame listing HDF5 objects below starting-point.
        h5info <- rhdf5::h5ls(peek(h5stack), datasetinfo=FALSE,
        # Get relative depths of HDF5 objects from number
        # of component separators in returned group name.
        object.depths <- unlist( lapply( strsplit(h5info$group, ''),
            function(x) length( grep('/', x, fixed=TRUE) ) ) )
        # If maximum depth not specified, get actual maximum depth.
        if ( is.null(max.depth) ) {
            max.depth <- max(object.depths)
        # Append each HDF5 object satisfying the specified constraints.
        for ( i in getRowIndices(h5info) ) {
            if ( object.depths[i] >= min.depth && object.depths[i] <= max.depth ) {
                h5parts <- c(h5info$group[i], h5info$name[i])
                if (relative) {
                    object.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts(h5parts, relative=TRUE)
                } else { # absolute
                    object.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(h5name, h5parts) )
                object.h5names <- c(object.h5names, object.h5name)
    # If minimum depth includes starting-point, add this to HDF5 object names.
    if ( min.depth == 0 ) {
        object.h5names <- c(h5name, object.h5names)

# getResultAnalysesHDF5 --------------------------------------------------------
#' Get names of result analyses for a given phenotype.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @param phenotype Name of phenotype (or equivalent analysis units).
#' @return Vector of result analysis names for the given phenotype.
#' Returns an empty character vector if no result analyses are found.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getResultAnalysesHDF5
getResultAnalysesHDF5 <- function(infile, phenotype) {
    stopifnot( isValidID(phenotype) )
    h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c('Results', phenotype) )
    analyses <- character()
    if ( hasObjectHDF5(infile, h5name) ) {
        analyses <- getObjectNamesHDF5(infile, h5name, relative=TRUE,
            min.depth=1, max.depth=1)

# getResultInfoHDF5 ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get result info for the given HDF5 scan files.
#' @param infile Vector of input HDF5 scan file paths.
#' @param phenotypes Phenotypes (or equivalent analysis units) for which result
#' info should be obtained. If none are specified, result info is returned for
#' all available phenotypes.
#' @param analyses Analyses for which result info should be obtained. If none
#' are specified, result info is returned for all available analyses.
#' @return Hierarchical list containing result info for each of the input HDF5
#' scan files. Each element of the returned list is named for a specific HDF5
#' scan file, and contains a sub-list of result info for the given scan file.
#' Each element of the sub-list is named for a specific phenotype, and contains
#' a sub-sub-list of result info for the given scan file and phenotype. Every
#' element of that sub-sub-list is named for a specific analysis, and is a
#' character vector of results for the given scan file, phenotype, and analysis.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getResultInfoHDF5
getResultInfoHDF5 <- function(infiles, phenotypes=NULL, analyses=NULL) {
    stopifnot( is.character(infiles) )
    rinfo <- list()
    for ( infile in infiles ) {
        if ( ! file.exists(infile) ) {
            stop("file not found - '", infile, "'")
        if ( ! hasObjectHDF5(infile, 'Results') ) {
            stop("results not found in file '", infile, "'")
        finfo <- list()
        phenotypes.found <- getResultPhenotypesHDF5(infile)
        if ( ! is.null(phenotypes) ) {
            relevant.phenotypes <- unique(phenotypes)
        } else {
            relevant.phenotypes <- phenotypes.found
        if ( ! is.null(analyses) ) {
            relevant.analyses <- unique( resolveAnalysisTitle(analyses) )
        for ( phenotype in relevant.phenotypes ) {
            if ( phenotype %in% phenotypes.found ) {
                results <- list()
                analyses.found <- getResultAnalysesHDF5(infile, phenotype)
                if ( is.null(analyses) ) {
                    relevant.analyses <- analyses.found
                for ( analysis in relevant.analyses ) {
                    if ( analysis %in% analyses.found ) {
                        results[[analysis]] <- getResultNamesHDF5(
                            infile, phenotype, analysis)
                if ( length(results) > 0 ) {
                    finfo[[phenotype]] <- results
        if ( length(finfo) > 0 ) {
            rinfo[[infile]] <- finfo

# getResultNamesHDF5 -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Get names of results for a given phenotype and analysis.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @param phenotype Name of phenotype (or equivalent analysis units).
#' @param analysis Name of analysis from which results were generated.
#' @return Vector of result names for the given phenotype and analysis. Returns
#' an empty character vector if no results are found for the given phenotype and
#' analysis.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getResultNamesHDF5
getResultNamesHDF5 <- function(infile, phenotype, analysis) {
    stopifnot( isValidID(phenotype) )
    stopifnot( isValidID(analysis) )
    h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c('Results', phenotype, analysis) )
    results <- character()
    if ( hasObjectHDF5(infile, h5name) ) {
        results <- getObjectNamesHDF5(infile, h5name, relative=TRUE,
            min.depth=1, max.depth=1)

# getResultPhenotypesHDF5 ------------------------------------------------------
#' Get names of result phenotypes in HDF5 file.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @return Vector of result phenotype names. Returns an empty
#' character vector if there are no result phenotypes present.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getResultPhenotypesHDF5
getResultPhenotypesHDF5 <- function(infile) {
    phenotypes <- character()
    if ( hasObjectHDF5(infile, 'Results') ) {
        result.names <- getObjectNamesHDF5(infile, 'Results', relative=TRUE,
            min.depth=1, max.depth=1)
        phenotypes <- result.names[ result.names != 'Overview' ]

# h5writeAttributes ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Write attributes to HDF5 object.
#' @param h5obj HDF5 object to which attributes will be assigned.
#' @param object An R object whose attributes will be written.
#' @param attrs List of attributes to be written.
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeAttribute
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeAttribute.array
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeAttribute.character
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeAttribute.double
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeAttribute.integer
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeAttribute.logical
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeAttribute.matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname h5writeAttributes
h5writeAttributes <- function(h5obj, object=NULL, attrs=NULL) {
    if ( ! is.null(object) && ! is.null(attrs) ) {
        stop("cannot specify both object and attribute list")
    } else if ( ! is.null(object) ) {
        attrs <- attributes(object)
    } else if ( ! is.list(attrs) ) {
        stop("must specify either object or attribute list")
    if ( is.list(attrs) && length(attrs) > 0 ) {
        # If 'dimnames' attribute present, split into one attribute
        # per dimension, then store dimension names separately.
        if ( 'dimnames' %in% names(attrs) ) {
            stopifnot( 'dim' %in% names(attrs) )
            exp.keys <- paste0( 'dimnames.', c('names', seq_along(attrs[['dim']]) ) )
            if ( any( exp.keys %in% names(attrs) ) ) {
                stop("cannot split 'dimnames' without overwriting existing attributes")
            object.dimnames <- attrs[['dimnames']]
            if ( ! is.null(object.dimnames) ) {
                if ( ! is.null( names(object.dimnames) ) ) {
                    attrs[['dimnames.names']] <- names(object.dimnames)
                indices <- which( ! sapply(object.dimnames, is.null) )
                for ( i in indices ) {
                    key <- paste0('dimnames.', i)
                    attrs[[key]] <- object.dimnames[[i]]
                attrs[['dimnames']] <- NULL
        # If attributes include row names, remove these.
        if ( 'row.names' %in% names(attrs) ) {
            attrs[['row.names']] <- NULL
        # Write attributes.
        for ( i in seq_along(attrs) ) {
            rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(h5obj=h5obj, name=names(attrs)[i],
    return( invisible() )

# hasCrossHDF5 -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if HDF5 file contains an \pkg{R/qtl} \code{cross} object.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the given HDF5 file contains an \pkg{R/qtl}
#' \code{cross} object; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname hasCrossHDF5
hasCrossHDF5 <- function(infile) {
    return( hasObjectHDF5(infile, 'Cross') )

# hasMapHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if HDF5 file contains the named map.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @param name Map name.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the given HDF5 file contains the named map;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname hasMapHDF5
hasMapHDF5 <- function(infile, name) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(name) )
    stopifnot( isValidID(name) )
    mapnames <- getMapNamesHDF5(infile)
    return( name %in% mapnames )

# hasObjectHDF5 ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if HDF5 file contains the named object.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @param h5name HDF5 object name.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the given HDF5 file contains the named object;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Lexists
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname hasObjectHDF5
hasObjectHDF5 <- function(infile, h5name) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(infile) )
    stopifnot( file.exists(infile) )
    h5name <- resolveH5ObjectName(h5name)
    h5stack <- methods::new('H5Stack', infile)
    on.exit( closeStack(h5stack) )
    return( rhdf5::H5Lexists(peek(h5stack), h5name) )

# hasResultsOverviewHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------
#' Test if HDF5 file contains a QTL analysis results overview.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the given HDF5 file contains a
#' QTL analysis results overview; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname hasResultsOverviewHDF5
hasResultsOverviewHDF5 <- function(infile) {
    return( hasObjectHDF5(infile, 'Results/Overview') )

# joinH5ObjectNameParts --------------------------------------------------------
#' Join components of HDF5 object name.
#' @param components HDF5 name components.
#' @param relative Option indicating that the returned HDF5 object name should
#' be relative (i.e. should not contain a leading forward slash \code{'/'}).
#' @return HDF5 object name.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname joinH5ObjectNameParts
joinH5ObjectNameParts <- function(components, relative=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( isBOOL(relative) )
    if ( isSingleString(components) && components == '' ) {
        h5name <- '/'
    } else {
        if ( any( grepl('/', components) ) ) {
            components <- unlist( lapply(components, splitH5ObjectName) )   
        # Join HDF5 name components.
        h5name <- paste(components, collapse='/')
        # Collapse multiple component separators.
        h5name <- gsub('/+', '/', h5name)
        # Strip leading component separator.
        h5name <- gsub('^/', '', h5name)
        # If not returning a relative HDF5 object name,
        # prepend leading component separator.
        if ( ! relative ) {
            h5name <- paste0('/', h5name)

# makeDefaultElementNames ------------------------------------------------------
#' Make default HDF5 group element names.
#' Following the convention of the \pkg{rhdf5} package, default HDF5 group
#' element names are of the form \code{'ELT1'}, where 1 can be any positive
#' integer. Leading zeros are used to pad element numbers, depending on the
#' group size, so that the generated name strings will sort in numerical order.
#' @param n Number of default group element names to generate.
#' @return Character vector of default group element names.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeDefaultElementNames
makeDefaultElementNames <- function(n) {
    stopifnot( isSinglePositiveWholeNumber(n) )
    return( sprintf(paste0('ELT%0', ceiling( log10(n + 1) ), 'd'), 1:n) )

# makeDefaultMapName -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Get default map name.
#' @param map An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object.
#' @return Default map name.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeDefaultMapName
makeDefaultMapName <- function(map) {
    stopifnot( 'map' %in% class(map) )
    default.name <- ifelse(isPhysicalMap(map), 'Physical Map', 'Genetic Map')

# makeGroupObjectNames ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Make valid HDF5 group object names.
#' Group names are made based on the proposed group names or the group size. 
#' Default group element names will replace every group name that is either 
#' an empty string or \code{NA} value. Default group element names are of the
#' form \code{'ELT1'}, where the number indicates the position of the element
#' within the given group.
#' @param group.names HDF5 group object names.
#' @param group.size Number of elements in HDF5 group.
#' @return HDF5 group object names.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeGroupObjectNames
#' @seealso makeDefaultElementNames
makeGroupObjectNames <- function(group.names=NULL, group.size=NULL) {
    if ( ! is.null(group.names) ) {
        stopifnot( is.character(group.names) )
        stopifnot( length(group.names) > 0 )
        if ( ! is.null(group.size) ) {
            stopifnot( group.size == length(group.names) )
        group.indices <- seq_along(group.names)
        m <- regexec(const$pattern$h5element, group.names)
        matches <- regmatches(group.names, m)
        default.element.nums <- sapply(matches, function(x) as.integer(x[2]))
        mask <- ! is.na(default.element.nums)
        if( any(default.element.nums[mask] == group.indices[mask]) ) {
            stop("group names have invalid default element names")
        group.names[mask] <- NA
        indices <- which( is.na(group.names) | ! nzchar(group.names) )
        stopif( anyDuplicated(group.names[indices]) )
    } else if ( ! is.null(group.size) ) {
        stopifnot( isSinglePositiveWholeNumber(group.size) )
        indices <- 1:group.size
    } else {
        stop("cannot validate group object names - not enough information")
    if ( length(indices) > 0 ) {
        group.names[indices] <- makeDefaultElementNames(group.size)[indices]

# readCrossHDF5 ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Read \pkg{R/qtl} \code{cross} object from an input HDF5 file.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @return The \pkg{R/qtl} \code{cross} object in the given HDF5 file.
#' Returns \code{NULL} if no \code{cross} object is found.
#' @export
#' @family cross object functions
#' @family HDF5 functions
#' @rdname readCrossHDF5
readCrossHDF5 <- function(infile) {
    if ( hasCrossHDF5(infile) ) {
        cross <- readDatasetHDF5(infile, 'Cross')
        stopifnot( 'cross' %in% class(cross) )
    } else {
        cross <- NULL

# readDatasetHDF5 --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Read HDF5 dataset.
#' The named HDF5 dataset is read from the specified HDF5 file using the
#' method for the dataset type, as determined from the \code{'R.class'}
#' or \code{'class'} attribute of the HDF5 object.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @param h5name HDF5 dataset name.
#' @param ... Further arguments (see below).
#' @param rownames.column For a \code{data.frame}, if any column has a name that
#' matches this parameter, that column is extracted from the \code{data.frame}
#' and the rownames are set from its contents.
#' @return R object corresponding to the named HDF5 object.
#' @template author-thomas-walsh
#' @template author-yue-hu
#' @export
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5 <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    class.vector <- getObjectClassHDF5(infile, h5name)
    readDataset <- dispatchFromClassS3('readDatasetHDF5', class.vector, 'shmootl')
    dataset <- readDataset(infile, h5name, ...)

# readDatasetHDF5.array --------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.array <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.default(infile, h5name)
    dataset <- aperm(dataset) # NB: R is column-major, HDF5 is row-major

# readDatasetHDF5.cross --------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.cross <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    cross.attrs <- readObjectAttributesHDF5(infile, h5name)
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% names(cross.attrs) )
    cross.class <- as.character(cross.attrs[['R.class']])
    stopifnot( length(cross.class) == 2 )
    stopifnot( cross.class[2] == 'cross' )
    crosstype <- cross.class[1]
    stopifnot( crosstype %in% const$supported.crosstypes )
    stopifnot( 'alleles' %in% names(cross.attrs) )
    cross.alleles <- as.character(cross.attrs[['alleles']])
    pheno.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(h5name, 'pheno') )
    pheno <- readDatasetHDF5(infile, pheno.h5name)
    stopifnot( 'data.frame' %in% class(pheno) )
    stopif( '' %in% pheno )
    pheno.cols <- getPhenoColIndices(pheno)
    phenotypes <- colnames(pheno)[pheno.cols]
    colnames(pheno)[pheno.cols] <- make.names(phenotypes)
    id.col <- getIdColIndex(pheno)
    if ( ! is.null(id.col) ) {
        samples <- as.character(pheno[, id.col])
    } else {
        samples <- getRowIndices(pheno)
    num.samples <- length(samples)
    geno.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(h5name, 'geno') )
    geno.seqs <- getObjectNamesHDF5(infile, geno.h5name,
        relative=TRUE, min.depth=1, max.depth=1)
    stopifnot( length(geno.seqs) > 0 )
    stopifnot( all( isNormSeq(geno.seqs) ) ) # NB: normalised implies sorted
    geno <- vector('list', length(geno.seqs))
    locus.seqs <- locus.ids <- character()
    for ( i in seq_along(geno.seqs) ) {
        data.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(geno.h5name, geno.seqs[i], 'data') )
        seq.data <- readDatasetHDF5(infile, data.h5name)
        stopifnot( 'matrix' %in% class(seq.data) )
        stopifnot( nrow(seq.data) == num.samples )
        map.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(geno.h5name, geno.seqs[i], 'map') )
        seq.mapframe <- readDatasetHDF5(infile, map.h5name)
        stopifnot( 'mapframe' %in% class(seq.mapframe) )
        map.seqs <- pullLocusSeq(seq.mapframe)
        stopifnot( all( map.seqs == geno.seqs[i] ) )
        locus.seqs <- c(locus.seqs, map.seqs)
        seq.ids <- pullLocusIDs(seq.mapframe)
        stopifnot( all( isValidID(seq.ids) ) )
        locus.ids <- c(locus.ids, seq.ids)
        seq.map <- pullLocusPos(seq.mapframe)
        names(seq.map) <- seq.ids
        geno[[i]] <- list(data=seq.data, map=seq.map)
        class(geno[[i]]) <- 'A' # NB: assumes no 'X' chromosomes.
    stopif( anyDuplicated(locus.ids) )
    geno.ids <- unlist( lapply( geno, function(x) colnames(x$data) ) )
    stopifnot( identical(geno.ids, locus.ids) )
    genotypes <- sort( unique( unlist( lapply(geno, function(x)
        unique( as.character( unlist(x$data) ) ) ) ) ) ) # NB: sort removes NA values
    genotypes <- genotypes[ genotypes != const$missing.value ] # NB: remove missing value symbols
    for ( i in seq_along(geno.seqs) ) {
        geno[[i]]$data <- encodeGenotypes(geno[[i]]$data, genotypes)
    geno.alleles <- unique( unlist( strsplit(genotypes, '') ) )
    stopifnot( setequal(geno.alleles, cross.alleles) )
    # Set reference sequence names of cross geno object.
    names(geno) <- geno.seqs
    cross.info <- methods::new('CrossInfo')
    cross.info <- setMarkers(cross.info, markers=locus.ids)
    cross.info <- setMarkerSeqs(cross.info, sequences=locus.seqs)
    cross.info <- setPhenotypes(cross.info, phenotypes)
    cross.info <- setAlleles(cross.info, cross.alleles)
    cross.info <- setGenotypes(cross.info, genotypes)
    cross.info <- setCrosstype(cross.info, crosstype)
    cross.info <- setSamples(cross.info, samples)
    # Set sorted sequences in CrossInfo object.
    sequences <- sortSeq( unique(locus.seqs) )
    cross.info <- setSequences(cross.info, sequences)
    dataset <- list(geno=geno, pheno=pheno)
    class(dataset) <- cross.class
    attr(dataset, 'alleles') <- cross.alleles
    attr(dataset, 'info') <- cross.info

# readDatasetHDF5.data.frame ---------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.data.frame <- function(infile, h5name,
    rownames.column='rownames', ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.default(infile, h5name)
    stopifnot( 'R.colClasses' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    colClasses <- attr(dataset, 'R.colClasses')
    dataset <- coerceDataFrame(dataset, colClasses)
    attr(dataset, 'R.colClasses') <- NULL
    if ( rownames.column %in% colnames(dataset) && ! hasRownames(dataset) ) {
        dataset <- setRownamesFromColumn(dataset, col.name=rownames.column)

# readDatasetHDF5.default ------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.default <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopifnot( isSingleString(infile) )
    stopifnot( file.exists(infile) )
    h5name <- resolveH5ObjectName(h5name)
    dataset <- rhdf5::h5read(infile, h5name, read.attributes=TRUE)
    attr.keys <- names( attributes(dataset) )
    dimnames.keys <- attr.keys[ grepl('^dimnames.([[:digit:]]+|names)$', attr.keys) ]
    dimnames.attrs <- attributes(dataset)[dimnames.keys]
    # Reassemble 'dimnames' attribute.
    if ( length(dimnames.attrs) > 0 ) {
        stopifnot( 'dim' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
        dims <- attr(dataset, 'dim')
        dataset.dimnames <- vector( 'list', length(dims) )
        for ( i in seq_along(dims) ) {
            attr.key <- paste0('dimnames.', i)
            if ( attr.key %in% names(dimnames.attrs) ) {
                stopifnot( length(dimnames.attrs[[attr.key]]) == dims[i] )
                dataset.dimnames[[i]] <- dimnames.attrs[[attr.key]]
                attr(dataset, attr.key) <- NULL
            } else {
                dataset.dimnames[[i]] <- NULL
        if ( 'dimnames.names' %in% dimnames.keys ) {
            stopifnot( length(dimnames.attrs[['dimnames.names']]) == length(dims) )
            names(dataset.dimnames) <- dimnames.attrs[['dimnames.names']]
            attr(dataset, 'dimnames.names') <- NULL
        attr(dataset, 'dimnames') <- dataset.dimnames

# readDatasetHDF5.list ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.list <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    # Get names from HDF5 attributes first, because once the list dataset has 
    # been loaded, the attribute names will be in alphabetical order.
    dataset.attrs <- readObjectAttributesHDF5(infile, h5name)
    original.names <- dataset.attrs[['names']]
    original.names[ original.names == 'NA' ] <- NA
    child.names <- getObjectNamesHDF5(infile, h5name, relative=TRUE,
        min.depth=1, max.depth=1)
    ordered.names <- makeGroupObjectNames(group.names=original.names, 
        group.size=length(child.names) )
    stopifnot( all( sort(child.names) == sort(ordered.names) ) )
    dataset <- vector( 'list', length(child.names) )
    names(dataset) <- ordered.names
    for ( child.name in child.names ) {
        child.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(h5name, child.name) )
        dataset[[child.name]] <- readDatasetHDF5(infile, child.h5name, ...)
    names(dataset) <- original.names
    attributes(dataset) <- dataset.attrs

# readDatasetHDF5.map ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.map <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    h5attrs <- readObjectAttributesHDF5(infile, h5name)
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.data.frame(infile, h5name, rownames.column='id')
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% names(h5attrs) )
    stopifnot( 'map' %in% h5attrs[['R.class']] )
    special.attributes <- getSpecialAttributeNames(dataset)
    h5attrs <- h5attrs[ ! names(h5attrs) %in% special.attributes ]
    dataset <- as.map(dataset)
    for ( name in names(h5attrs) ) {
        attr(dataset, name) <- h5attrs[[name]]
    class(dataset) <- attr(dataset, 'R.class')
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- NULL

# readDatasetHDF5.mapframe -----------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.mapframe <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.data.frame(infile, h5name, rownames.column='id')
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    class(dataset) <- attr(dataset, 'R.class')
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- NULL

# readDatasetHDF5.matrix -------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.matrix <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.default(infile, h5name)
    dataset <- t(dataset) # NB: R is column-major, HDF5 is row-major

# readDatasetHDF5.qtlintervals -------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.qtlintervals <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.list(infile, h5name, rownames.column='id')
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    class(dataset) <- attr(dataset, 'R.class')
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- NULL

# readDatasetHDF5.scanone ------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.scanone <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    return( readDatasetHDF5.mapframe(infile, h5name, ...) )

# readDatasetHDF5.scanonebins --------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.scanonebins  <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset.attrs <- readObjectAttributesHDF5(infile, h5name)
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.data.frame(infile, h5name)
    attr.names <- names(dataset.attrs)
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% attr.names )
    trans.attrs <- dataset.attrs[ ! attr.names %in% c('class', 'names', 'row.names') ]
    perm.indices <- as.character(dataset$perm)
    dataset <- deleteColumn(dataset, col.name='perm')
    bin.labels <- colnames(dataset)
    dim.names <- list(perm.indices, bin.labels, 'lod')
    dataset <- array(unlist(dataset), dim=lengths(dim.names), dimnames=dim.names)
    for ( attr.name in names(trans.attrs) ) {
        attr(dataset, attr.name) <- trans.attrs[[attr.name]]
    class(dataset) <- attr(dataset, 'R.class')
    attr(dataset, 'R.colClasses') <- NULL # currently unused
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- NULL

# readDatasetHDF5.scanoneperm --------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.scanoneperm  <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset.attrs <- readObjectAttributesHDF5(infile, h5name)
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.data.frame(infile, h5name)
    attr.names <- names(dataset.attrs)
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% attr.names )
    trans.attrs <- dataset.attrs[ ! attr.names %in% c('class', 'names', 'row.names') ]
    perm.indices <- dataset$perm
    dataset <- matrix(dataset$lod, dimnames=list(perm.indices, 'lod') )
    for ( attr.name in names(trans.attrs) ) {
        attr(dataset, attr.name) <- trans.attrs[[attr.name]]
    class(dataset) <- attr(dataset, 'R.class')
    attr(dataset, 'R.colClasses') <- NULL # currently unused
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- NULL

# readDatasetHDF5.scantwo ------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.scantwo <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.list(infile, h5name)
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    dataset$map <- setRownamesFromColumn(dataset$map, col.name='id')
    dataset$map$eq.spacing <- as.numeric( dataset$map$eq.spacing )
    dataset$map$xchr <- FALSE
    attr(dataset, 'fullmap') <- as.map(dataset$fullmap)
    dataset[['fullmap']] <- NULL
    dataset['scanoneX'] <- list(NULL)
    class(dataset) <- attr(dataset, 'R.class')
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- NULL

# readDatasetHDF5.scantwoperm --------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.scantwoperm <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset.attrs <- readObjectAttributesHDF5(infile, h5name)
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.data.frame(infile, h5name)
    attr.names <- names(dataset.attrs)
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% attr.names )
    trans.attrs <- dataset.attrs[ ! attr.names %in% c('class', 'names', 'row.names') ]
    indices <- which( colnames(dataset) != 'perm' )
    lod.types <- colnames(dataset)[indices]
    dataset <- lapply(indices, function (i) matrix(dataset[[i]]))
    names(dataset) <- lod.types
    for ( attr.name in names(trans.attrs) ) {
        attr(dataset, attr.name) <- trans.attrs[[attr.name]]
    class(dataset) <- attr(dataset, 'R.class')
    attr(dataset, 'R.colClasses') <- NULL # currently unused
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- NULL
    for ( i in seq_along(dataset) ) {
        colnames(dataset[[i]]) <- attr(dataset, 'phenotypes')
    attr(dataset, 'phenotypes') <- NULL

# readDatasetHDF5.summary.scanonebins ------------------------------------------
#' @export readDatasetHDF5.summary.scanonebins
#' @method readDatasetHDF5 summary.scanonebins
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.summary.scanonebins <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.data.frame(infile, h5name)
    dataset.attrs <- attributes(dataset)
    attr.names <- names( attributes(dataset) )
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% attr.names )
    trans.attrs <- dataset.attrs[ ! attr.names %in% c('class', 'names', 'row.names') ]
    dataset[, 'FDR'] <- paste0(as.character(100 * dataset[, 'FDR']), '%')
    dataset <- setRownamesFromColumn(dataset, col.name='FDR')
    dataset <- data.matrix(dataset)
    for ( attr.name in names(trans.attrs) ) {
        attr(dataset, attr.name) <- trans.attrs[[attr.name]]
    class(dataset) <- attr(dataset, 'R.class')
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- NULL

# readDatasetHDF5.summary.scanoneperm ------------------------------------------
#' @export readDatasetHDF5.summary.scanoneperm
#' @method readDatasetHDF5 summary.scanoneperm
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.summary.scanoneperm <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.data.frame(infile, h5name)
    dataset.attrs <- attributes(dataset)
    attr.names <- names( attributes(dataset) )
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% attr.names )
    trans.attrs <- dataset.attrs[ ! attr.names %in% c('class', 'names', 'row.names') ]
    dataset[, 'alpha'] <- paste0(as.character(100 * dataset[, 'alpha']), '%')
    dataset <- setRownamesFromColumn(dataset, col.name='alpha')
    dataset <- data.matrix(dataset)
    for ( attr.name in names(trans.attrs) ) {
        attr(dataset, attr.name) <- trans.attrs[[attr.name]]
    class(dataset) <- attr(dataset, 'R.class')
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- NULL

# readDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwo ----------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method readDatasetHDF5 summary.scantwo
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwo <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.data.frame(infile, h5name)
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    class(dataset) <- attr(dataset, 'R.class')
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- NULL

# readDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwoperm ------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname readDatasetHDF5
readDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwoperm <- function(infile, h5name, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset.attrs <- readObjectAttributesHDF5(infile, h5name)
    dataset <- readDatasetHDF5.data.frame(infile, h5name)
    attr.names <- names(dataset.attrs)
    stopifnot( 'R.class' %in% attr.names )
    trans.attrs <- dataset.attrs[ ! attr.names %in% c('class', 'names', 'row.names') ]
    alphas <- paste0(as.character(100 * dataset[, 'alpha']), '%')
    dataset <- deleteColumn(dataset, col.name='alpha')
    lod.types <- colnames(dataset)
    dataset <- lapply(dataset, matrix)
    for ( attr.name in names(trans.attrs) ) {
        attr(dataset, attr.name) <- trans.attrs[[attr.name]]
    class(dataset) <- attr(dataset, 'R.class')
    attr(dataset, 'R.colClasses') <- NULL # currently unused
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- NULL
    phenotypes <- attr(dataset, 'phenotypes')
    attr(dataset, 'phenotypes') <- NULL
    for ( i in seq_along(dataset) ) {
        colnames(dataset[[i]]) <- phenotypes
        rownames(dataset[[i]]) <- alphas

# readMapHDF5 ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Read \code{map} from an input HDF5 file.
#' @details A \code{mapframe} dataset is read from the \code{'Maps'} group at
#' the root of the HDF5 file, and converted to an \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @param name Map name.
#' @return An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object. Returns \code{NULL}
#' if no map is found with the specified name.
#' @export
#' @family HDF5 functions
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname readMapHDF5
readMapHDF5 <- function(infile, name) {
    if ( hasMapHDF5(infile, name) ) {
        h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c('Maps', name) )
        result <- readDatasetHDF5(infile, h5name)
    } else {
        result <- NULL

# readObjectAttributesHDF5 -----------------------------------------------------
#' Read HDF5 object attributes.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @param h5name HDF5 object name.
#' @return List of attributes of the named HDF5 object.
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5readAttributes
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname readObjectAttributesHDF5
readObjectAttributesHDF5 <- function(infile, h5name) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(infile) )
    stopifnot( file.exists(infile) )
    h5name <- resolveH5ObjectName(h5name)
    return( rhdf5::h5readAttributes(infile, h5name) )

# readResultHDF5 ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Read QTL analysis result from an input HDF5 file.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @param phenotype Name of phenotype (or equivalent analysis unit).
#' @param analysis Name of analysis from which result was generated.
#' @param name Name of QTL analysis result.
#' @return R object containing QTL analysis result. Returns \code{NULL} if
#' either the given phenotype or analysis are not present, or they are both
#' present but have no result with the specified name.
#' @export
#' @family HDF5 functions
#' @rdname readResultHDF5
readResultHDF5 <- function(infile, phenotype, analysis, name) {
    stopifnot( isValidID(phenotype) )
    stopifnot( isValidID(analysis) )
    stopifnot( isValidID(name) )
    results <- getResultNamesHDF5(infile, phenotype, analysis)
    if ( name %in% results ) {
        h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c('Results', phenotype, analysis, name) )
        result <- readDatasetHDF5(infile, h5name)
    } else {
        result <- NULL

# readResultsOverviewHDF5 ------------------------------------------------------
#' Read QTL analysis results overview from an input HDF5 file.
#' @param infile An input HDF5 file.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} containing a QTL analysis results
#' overview. Returns \code{NULL} if no results overview is found.
#' @export
#' @family HDF5 functions
#' @rdname readResultsOverviewHDF5
readResultsOverviewHDF5 <- function(infile) {
    if ( hasResultsOverviewHDF5(infile) ) {
        h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c('Results', 'Overview') )
        overview <- readDatasetHDF5(infile, h5name)
    } else {
        overview <- NULL

# resolveH5ObjectName ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Resolve absolute HDF5 object name.
#' Validates and (if necessary) corrects a HDF5 object name: ensuring
#' that it has a leading slash and does not have a trailing slash.
#' @param components HDF5 name components.
#' @return HDF5 object name.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname resolveH5ObjectName
resolveH5ObjectName <- function(h5name) {
    if ( ! is.null(h5name) ) {
        stopifnot( isSingleString(h5name) )
        res <- sub('^/?', '/', unname(h5name))
        if ( res != '/' ) {
            res <- sub('/$', '', res)
    } else {
        res <- '/'

# resolveMapNameHDF5 -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Resolve map name in HDF5 file.
#' This function resolves the name of a map in the given HDF5 file: if the given
#' map is present in the HDF5 file, that map name is returned. If no map name is
#' specified and one map is found, the name of that map is returned by default;
#' otherwise a map name must be given.
#' @param infile Input HDF5 file.
#' @param name Map name.
#' @return Resolved map name.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname resolveMapNameHDF5
resolveMapNameHDF5 <- function(infile, name=NULL) {
    mapnames <- getMapNamesHDF5(infile)
    if ( ! is.null(name) ) {
        if ( ! name %in% mapnames ) {
            stop("map ('", name, "') not found in HDF5 file - '", infile, "'")
    } else {
        if ( length(mapnames) == 1 ) {
            name <- mapnames[1]
        } else if ( length(mapnames) > 1 ) {
            stop("cannot resolve multiple maps from HDF5 file - please choose one")
        } else if ( length(mapnames) == 0 ) {
            stop("no maps found in HDF5 file - '", infile, "'")

# splitH5ObjectName ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Split HDF5 object name into component parts.
#' @param h5name Character vector representing a HDF5 object name. If this has
#' multiple parts, only the initial part can contain an absolute H5Object name.
#' @return HDF5 name components.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname splitH5ObjectName
splitH5ObjectName <- function(h5name) {
    stopifnot( is.character(h5name) )
    stopifnot( length(h5name) > 0 )
    if ( length(h5name) == 1 ) {
        if ( h5name == '/' ) {
            components <- ''
        } else {
            trimmed.h5name <- gsub('(^/)|(/$)', '', h5name)
            components <- unname( unlist( strsplit(trimmed.h5name, '/') ) )
            if ( ! all( isValidID(components) ) ) {
                stop("invalid H5Object name - '", toString(h5name), "'")
    } else if ( length(h5name) > 1 ) {
        if ( any( substring(h5name[-1], 1, 1) == '/' ) ) {
            stop("invalid multi-part H5Object name - '", toString(h5name), "'")
        components <- unlist( lapply(h5name, splitH5ObjectName) )

# writeCrossHDF5 ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Write \pkg{R/qtl} \code{cross} object to an output HDF5 file.
#' @param cross An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{cross} object.
#' @param outfile An output HDF5 file.
#' @param overwrite Option indicating whether to force overwrite of an existing
#' \code{cross}. By default, existing \code{cross} objects cannot be overwritten.
#' @export
#' @family cross object functions
#' @family HDF5 functions
#' @rdname writeCrossHDF5
writeCrossHDF5 <- function(cross, outfile, overwrite=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( 'cross' %in% class(cross) )
    writeDatasetHDF5(cross, outfile, 'Cross', overwrite=overwrite)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5 -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Write R object to an output HDF5 dataset.
#' @description The given R object is written to the named HDF5 dataset using
#' the method for the given dataset type, as determined by the class of the R
#' object.
#' @param dataset R object.
#' @param outfile An output HDF5 file.
#' @param h5name HDF5 dataset name.
#' @param overwrite Option indicating whether to force overwrite of an
#' existing dataset. By default, existing datasets cannot be overwritten.
#' @param ... Further arguments (see below).
#' @param rownames.column For a \code{data.frame} or equivalent object, any
#' rownames are removed, and then inserted into a column of the main table,
#' with its column name taken from this parameter.
#' @template author-thomas-walsh
#' @template author-yue-hu
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Dopen
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeDataset
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeDataset.array
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeDataset.character
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeDataset.data.frame
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeDataset.double
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeDataset.integer
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeDataset.list
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeDataset.logical
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5writeDataset.matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5 <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    UseMethod('writeDatasetHDF5', dataset)

# writeDatasetHDF5.array -------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.array <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset <- aperm(dataset) # NB: R is column-major, HDF5 is row-major
    writeDatasetHDF5.default(dataset, outfile, h5name, overwrite=overwrite)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.cross -------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.cross <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopifnot( isSingleString(outfile) )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(overwrite) )
    # If output file exists and overwrite option is TRUE,
    # prepare to overwrite the dataset via a temp file..
    if ( file.exists(outfile) && hasObjectHDF5(outfile, h5name) && overwrite ) {
        sinkfile <- tempfile()
        on.exit( if ( file.exists(sinkfile) ) { file.remove(sinkfile) } )
        overwriting <- TRUE
    } else { # ..otherwise prepare to write directly to output file.
        sinkfile <- outfile
        overwriting <- FALSE
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    map.unit <- 'cM'
    # Get indices of phenotype columns.
    pheno.col <- getPhenoColIndices(dataset)
    # Get CrossInfo object.
    cross.info <- attr(dataset, 'info')
    # Take cross info from CrossInfo, if available..
    if ( ! is.null(cross.info) ) {
        compareCrossInfo(dataset, cross.info)
        crosstype <- getCrosstype(cross.info)
        phenotypes <- getPhenotypes(cross.info)
        alleles <- getAlleles(cross.info)
        markers <- getMarkers(cross.info)
        sample.ids <- getSamples(cross.info)
    } else { # ..otherwise take directly from cross.
        crosstype <- pull.crosstype(dataset)
        phenotypes <- qtl::phenames(dataset)[pheno.col]
        alleles <- pull.alleles(dataset)
        markers <- qtl::markernames(dataset)
        sample.ids <- pull.ind(dataset)
    stopifnot( crosstype %in% const$supported.crosstypes )
    stopifnot( length(sample.ids) > 0 )
    stopifnot( length(phenotypes) > 0 )
    stopifnot( length(alleles) > 0 )
    stopifnot( length(markers) > 0 )
    # Output cross pheno object.
    colnames(dataset$pheno)[pheno.col] <- phenotypes
    pheno.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(h5name, 'pheno') )
    writeDatasetHDF5(dataset$pheno, sinkfile, pheno.h5name)
    # Prepare to output cross geno object.
    geno.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(h5name, 'geno') )
    genotypes <- makeGenotypeSet(alleles, crosstype)
    if ( ! all( sapply(dataset$geno, class) == 'A' ) ) { # NB: assumes no 'X' chromosomes.
        stop("shmootl cross geno elements must be of class 'A'")
    # Normalise cross geno object sequences.
    names(dataset$geno) <- normSeq( names(dataset$geno) )
    # Output cross geno object sequence-by-sequence.
    for ( geno.seq in names(dataset$geno) ) {
        # Store cross genotypes for this sequence as a character matrix.
        data.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(geno.h5name, geno.seq, 'data') )
        seq.geno <- decodeGenotypes(dataset$geno[[geno.seq]]$data, genotypes,
        writeDatasetHDF5(seq.geno, sinkfile, data.h5name)
        # Store genetic map for this sequence as a mapframe object.
        map.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(geno.h5name, geno.seq, 'map') )
        seq.map <- dataset$geno[[geno.seq]]$map
        seq.mapframe <- gmapframe(chr=rep(geno.seq, length(seq.map)),
            pos=unname(seq.map),  row.names=names(seq.map))
        writeDatasetHDF5(seq.mapframe, sinkfile, map.h5name)
    cross.attrs <- list(R.class=class(dataset), alleles=attr(dataset, 'alleles'))
    writeObjectAttributesHDF5(sinkfile, h5name, attrs=cross.attrs)
    # If overwriting dataset via a temp file, transfer any remaining objects to
    # the temp file, then copy the complete temp file to the final output file.
    if (overwriting) {
        # Transfer all existing but unchanged objects
        # from existing output file to temp file.
        updated <- getObjectNamesHDF5(sinkfile, h5name)
        existing <- getObjectNamesHDF5(outfile)
        unchanged <- setdiff(existing, updated) # NB: guarantees unique
        copyObjectsHDF5(outfile, sinkfile, h5names=unchanged)
        # Move temp file to final output file.
        # NB: file.copy is used here instead of file.rename because the latter
        # can sometimes fail when moving files between different file systems.
        file.copy(sinkfile, outfile, overwrite=TRUE)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame --------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, rownames.column='rownames', ...) {
    stopif( 'R.colClasses' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    stopifnot( nrow(dataset) > 0 )
    stopifnot( ncol(dataset) > 0 )
    if ( hasRownames(dataset) ) {
        dataset <- setColumnFromRownames(dataset, col.name=rownames.column)
    colClasses <- sapply(dataset, class)
    cols <- which( colClasses %in% c('factor', 'logical') )
    for ( col in cols ) {
        dataset[[col]] <- as.character(dataset[[col]])
    attr(dataset, 'R.colClasses') <- colClasses
    writeDatasetHDF5.default(dataset, outfile, h5name, overwrite=overwrite, ...)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.default -----------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.default <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopifnot( isSingleString(outfile) )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(overwrite) )
    h5name <- resolveH5ObjectName(h5name)
    # If output file exists and overwrite option is TRUE,
    # prepare to overwrite the dataset via a temp file..
    if ( file.exists(outfile) && hasObjectHDF5(outfile, h5name) && overwrite ) {
        sinkfile <- tempfile()
        overwriting <- TRUE
    } else { # ..otherwise prepare to write directly to output file.
        sinkfile <- outfile
        overwriting <- FALSE
    # Split dataset HDF5 object name into the name of the group
    # containing the dataset, and the name of the dataset itself.
    name.parts <- splitH5ObjectName(h5name)
    h5loc.name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts(name.parts[ -length(name.parts) ])
    dataset.name <- name.parts[ length(name.parts) ]
    # Open new HDF5 stack.
    h5stack <- methods::new('H5Stack', sinkfile, h5loc.name)
        if ( overwriting && file.exists(sinkfile) ) {
    # Write dataset to HDF5.
    rhdf5::h5writeDataset(h5loc=peek(h5stack), name=dataset.name, obj=dataset)
    # Write dataset attributes to HDF5.
    h5stack <- push(h5stack, rhdf5::H5Dopen(peek(h5stack), dataset.name))
    h5writeAttributes(peek(h5stack), object=dataset)
    h5stack <- closeStack(h5stack)
    # If overwriting dataset via a temp file, transfer any remaining objects to
    # the temp file, then copy the complete temp file to the final output file.
    if (overwriting) {
        # Transfer all existing but unchanged objects
        # from existing output file to temp file.
        updated <- getObjectNamesHDF5(sinkfile, h5name)
        existing <- getObjectNamesHDF5(outfile)
        unchanged <- setdiff(existing, updated) # NB: guarantees unique
        copyObjectsHDF5(outfile, sinkfile, h5names=unchanged)
        # Move temp file to final output file.
        # NB: file.copy is used here instead of file.rename because the latter
        # can sometimes fail when moving files between different file systems.
        file.copy(sinkfile, outfile, overwrite=TRUE)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.list --------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.list <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(outfile) )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(overwrite) )
    # If output file exists and overwrite option is TRUE,
    # prepare to overwrite the dataset via a temp file..
    if ( file.exists(outfile) && hasObjectHDF5(outfile, h5name) && overwrite ) {
        sinkfile <- tempfile()
        on.exit( if ( file.exists(sinkfile) ) { file.remove(sinkfile) } )
        overwriting <- TRUE
    } else { # ..otherwise prepare to write directly to output file.
        sinkfile <- outfile
        overwriting <- FALSE
    # Output attributes of list object.
    writeObjectAttributesHDF5(sinkfile, h5name, object=dataset)
    # Resolve names of list elements, setting defaults as needed.
    child.names <- makeGroupObjectNames( group.names=names(dataset), 
        group.size=length(dataset) )
    # Output each list element.
    for ( i in seq_along(dataset) ) {
        child.h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c(h5name, child.names[i]) )
        writeDatasetHDF5(dataset[[i]], sinkfile, child.h5name, ...)
    # If overwriting dataset via a temp file, transfer any remaining objects to
    # the temp file, then copy the complete temp file to the final output file.
    if (overwriting) {
        # Transfer all existing but unchanged objects
        # from existing output file to temp file.
        updated <- getObjectNamesHDF5(sinkfile, h5name)
        existing <- getObjectNamesHDF5(outfile)
        unchanged <- setdiff(existing, updated) # NB: guarantees unique
        copyObjectsHDF5(outfile, sinkfile, h5names=unchanged)
        # Move temp file to final output file.
        # NB: file.copy is used here instead of file.rename because the latter
        # can sometimes fail when moving files between different file systems.
        file.copy(sinkfile, outfile, overwrite=TRUE)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.map ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.map <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    dataset.Rclass <- class(dataset)
    dataset <- as.data.frame(dataset)
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- dataset.Rclass
    writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame(dataset, outfile, h5name,
        overwrite=overwrite, rownames.column='id')
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.mapframe ----------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.mapframe <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- class(dataset)
    dataset <- as.data.frame(dataset)
    writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame(dataset, outfile, h5name,
        overwrite=overwrite, rownames.column='id')

    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.matrix ------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.matrix <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    dataset <- t(dataset) # NB: R is column-major, HDF5 is row-major
    writeDatasetHDF5.default(dataset, outfile, h5name, overwrite=overwrite)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.qtlintervals ------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.qtlintervals <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    qtl.names <- names(dataset)
    stopifnot( all( isValidID(qtl.names) ) )
    stopif( anyDuplicated(qtl.names) )
    stopifnot( length(dataset) > 0 )
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- class(dataset)
    class(dataset) <- 'list'
    writeDatasetHDF5.list(dataset, outfile, h5name,
        overwrite=overwrite, rownames.column='id')
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.scanone -----------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.scanone <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    num.phenotypes <- length( getLodColIndices(dataset) )
    stopifnot( num.phenotypes == 1 )
    writeDatasetHDF5.mapframe(dataset, outfile, h5name,
        overwrite=overwrite, ...)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.scanonebins -------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.scanonebins <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    num.phenotypes <- dim(dataset)[3]
    stopifnot( num.phenotypes == 1 )
    others <- otherattributes(dataset)
    bin.labels <- dimnames(dataset)[[2]]
    perm.indices <- as.integer( dimnames(dataset)[[1]] )
    num.bins <- dim(dataset)[2]
    dataset <- sapply(1:num.bins, function(i) as.vector(dataset[, i, 1]))
    dataset <- data.frame(dataset, check.names=FALSE)
    colnames(dataset) <- bin.labels
    dataset <- insertColumn(dataset, col.index=1,
        col.name='perm', data=perm.indices)
    otherattributes(dataset) <- others
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- c('scanonebins', 'array')
    writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.scanoneperm -------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.scanoneperm <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    num.phenotypes <- ncol(dataset)
    stopifnot( num.phenotypes == 1 )
    dataset.attrs <- attributes(dataset)
    attr.keys <- names(dataset.attrs)
    trans.attrs <- dataset.attrs[ ! attr.keys %in% c('class', 'dim', 'dimnames') ]
    perm.indices <- as.integer( rownames(dataset) )
    class(dataset) <- c('scanoneperm', 'matrix')
    scanoneperm.dataset <- data.frame(perm=perm.indices, lod=unname(dataset))
    for ( attr.key in names(trans.attrs) ) {
        attr(scanoneperm.dataset, attr.key) <- trans.attrs[[attr.key]]
    attr(scanoneperm.dataset, 'R.class') <- 'scanoneperm'
    class(scanoneperm.dataset) <- 'data.frame'
    writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame(scanoneperm.dataset, outfile, h5name,
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.scantwo -----------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.scantwo <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    stopifnot( is.null(dataset$scanoneX) )
    stopif( any( isTRUE(dataset$map$xchr) ) )
    pheno.names <- attr(dataset, 'phenotypes')
    stopifnot( length(pheno.names) == 1 )
    dataset$scanoneX <- NULL
    attr(dataset$lod, 'class') <- 'matrix'
    scantwo.map <- dataset[['map']]
    scantwo.map <- setColumnFromRownames(scantwo.map, col.name='id')
    scantwo.map$eq.spacing <- as.logical(scantwo.map$eq.spacing)
    scantwo.map[['xchr']] <- NULL
    dataset[['map']] <- scantwo.map
    dataset[['fullmap']] <- as.mapframe(attr(dataset, 'fullmap'), map.unit='cM')
    attr(dataset, 'fullmap') <- NULL
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- class(dataset)
    class(dataset) <- 'list'
    writeDatasetHDF5.list(dataset, outfile, h5name, overwrite=overwrite)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.scantwoperm -------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.scantwoperm <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    phenames.vectors <- lapply(unname(dataset), colnames)
    stopifnot( length( unique(phenames.vectors) ) == 1 )
    pheno.names <- phenames.vectors[[1]]
    stopifnot( length(pheno.names) == 1 )
    dataset.attrs <- attributes(dataset)
    attr.keys <- names(dataset.attrs)
    trans.attrs <- dataset.attrs[ ! attr.keys %in% c('class', 'names') ]
    # The scantwoperm object should be a list of six matrices, each 
    # with one column of length equal to number of permutations.
    lod.types <- names(dataset)
    stopifnot( identical(lod.types, const$scantwo.lodtypes$scantwoperm) )
    num.perms <- unique( sapply(dataset, nrow) )
    if (  length(num.perms) != 1 ) {
        stop("inconsistent number of permutations in 'scantwoperm' object")
    perm.indices <- 1:num.perms
    scantwoperm.dataset <- data.frame(perm=perm.indices)
    for ( lod.type in lod.types ) {
        scantwoperm.dataset[[lod.type]] <- dataset[[lod.type]][, 1]
    for ( attr.name in names(trans.attrs) ) {
        attr(scantwoperm.dataset, attr.name) <- attr(dataset, attr.name)
    attr(scantwoperm.dataset, 'phenotypes') <- pheno.names
    attr(scantwoperm.dataset, 'R.class') <- c('scantwoperm', 'list')
    class(scantwoperm.dataset) <- 'data.frame'
    writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame(scantwoperm.dataset, outfile, h5name,
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scanonebins -----------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method writeDatasetHDF5 summary.scanonebins
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scanonebins <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    num.lodcolumns <- ncol(dataset)
    stopifnot( num.lodcolumns == 1 )
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- class(dataset)
    dataset.attrs <- attributes(dataset)
    attr.keys <- names(dataset.attrs)
    trans.attrs <- dataset.attrs[ ! attr.keys %in% c('class', 'dim', 'dimnames') ]
    dataset <- data.frame(unclass(dataset), check.names=FALSE)
    dataset <- setColumnFromRownames(dataset, col.name='FDR')
    dataset[, 'FDR'] <- 0.01 * as.numeric( sub('%', '', dataset[, 'FDR']) )
    for ( attr.name in names(trans.attrs) ) {
        attr(dataset, attr.name) <- trans.attrs[[attr.name]]
    writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame(dataset, outfile, h5name, overwrite=overwrite)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scanoneperm -----------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method writeDatasetHDF5 summary.scanoneperm
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scanoneperm <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    num.lodcolumns <- ncol(dataset)
    stopifnot( num.lodcolumns == 1 )
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- class(dataset)
    dataset.attrs <- attributes(dataset)
    attr.keys <- names(dataset.attrs)
    trans.attrs <- dataset.attrs[ ! attr.keys %in% c('class', 'dim', 'dimnames') ]
    dataset <- data.frame(unclass(dataset), check.names=FALSE)
    dataset <- setColumnFromRownames(dataset, col.name='alpha')
    dataset[, 'alpha'] <- 0.01 * as.numeric( sub('%', '', dataset[, 'alpha']) )
    for ( attr.name in names(trans.attrs) ) {
        attr(dataset, attr.name) <- trans.attrs[[attr.name]]
    writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame(dataset, outfile, h5name, overwrite=overwrite)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwo ---------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method writeDatasetHDF5 summary.scantwo
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwo <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- class(dataset)
    dataset <- as.data.frame(dataset)
    rownames(dataset) <- NULL
    writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame(dataset, outfile, h5name, overwrite=overwrite)
    return( invisible() )

# writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwoperm -----------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @method writeDatasetHDF5 summary.scantwoperm
#' @rdname writeDatasetHDF5
writeDatasetHDF5.summary.scantwoperm <- function(dataset, outfile, h5name,
    overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
    stopifnot( emptyArgs(...) )
    stopif( 'R.class' %in% names( attributes(dataset) ) )
    num.phenotypes <- unique( sapply(unname(dataset), ncol) )
    stopifnot( length(num.phenotypes) == 1 )
    stopifnot( num.phenotypes == 1 )
    # Get phenotype names of dataset.
    pheno.names <- getPhenotypes.summary.scantwoperm(dataset) # TODO: implement generic.
    # Set phenotype names attribute, if available.
    if ( ! is.null(pheno.names) ) {
        attr(dataset, 'phenotypes') <- pheno.names
    alpha.vectors <- lapply(unname(dataset), rownames)
    stopifnot( length( unique(alpha.vectors) ) == 1 )
    alphas <- alpha.vectors[[1]]
    attr(dataset, 'R.class') <- class(dataset)
    dataset.attrs <- attributes(dataset)
    attr.keys <- names(dataset.attrs)
    trans.attrs <- dataset.attrs[ ! attr.keys %in% c('class', 'names') ]
    stopifnot( identical(names(dataset), const$scantwo.lodtypes$scantwoperm) )
    dataset <- as.data.frame( lapply( dataset, function(x) unname(x[, 1]) ) )
    dataset <- insertColumn(dataset, col.index=1, col.name='alpha', alphas)
    dataset[, 'alpha'] <- 0.01 * as.numeric( sub('%', '', dataset[, 'alpha']) )
    for ( attr.name in names(trans.attrs) ) {
        attr(dataset, attr.name) <- trans.attrs[[attr.name]]
    writeDatasetHDF5.data.frame(dataset, outfile, h5name, overwrite=overwrite)
    return( invisible() )

# writeMapHDF5 -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Write \code{map} to an output HDF5 file.
#' @details An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object is written to the \code{'Maps'}
#' group at the root of the given HDF5 file. If no map name is specified, a
#' default will be assigned based on whether it is a genetic or physical map.
#' @param map An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{map} object.
#' @param outfile An output HDF5 file.
#' @param name Map name.
#' @param overwrite Option indicating whether to force overwrite of an
#' existing map. By default, existing maps cannot be overwritten.
#' @export
#' @family HDF5 functions
#' @family map utility functions
#' @rdname writeMapHDF5
writeMapHDF5 <- function(map, outfile, name=NULL, overwrite=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( 'map' %in% class(map) )
    if ( ! is.null(name) ) {
        stopifnot( isValidID(name) )
    } else {
        name <- makeDefaultMapName(map)
    h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c('Maps', name) )
    writeDatasetHDF5(map, outfile, h5name, overwrite=overwrite)
    return( invisible() )

# writeObjectAttributesHDF5 ----------------------------------------------------
#' Write attributes to a HDF5 object.
#' @param outfile An output HDF5 file.
#' @param h5name HDF5 object name.
#' @param object An R object whose attributes will be written.
#' @param attrs List of attributes to be written.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname writeObjectAttributesHDF5
writeObjectAttributesHDF5 <- function(outfile, h5name, object=NULL, attrs=NULL) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(outfile) )
    h5stack <- methods::new('H5Stack', outfile, h5name)
    on.exit( closeStack(h5stack) )
    h5writeAttributes(peek(h5stack), object=object, attrs=attrs)
    return( invisible() )

# writeResultsOverviewHDF5 -----------------------------------------------------
#' Write QTL analysis results overview to an output HDF5 file.
#' @param overview A \code{data.frame} containing
#' a QTL analysis results overview.
#' @param outfile An output HDF5 file.
#' @param overwrite Option indicating whether to force overwrite of an
#' existing overview. By default, existing overviews cannot be overwritten.
#' @export
#' @family HDF5 functions
#' @rdname writeResultsOverviewHDF5
writeResultsOverviewHDF5 <- function(overview, outfile, overwrite=FALSE) {
    h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c('Results', 'Overview') )
    writeDatasetHDF5(overview, outfile, h5name, overwrite=overwrite)
    return( invisible() )

# writeResultHDF5 --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Write QTL analysis result to an output HDF5 file.
#' @param result R object containing a QTL analysis result.
#' @param outfile An output HDF5 file.
#' @param phenotype Name of phenotype (or equivalent analysis unit).
#' @param analysis Name of analysis from which result was generated.
#' @param name Name of QTL analysis result.
#' @param overwrite Option indicating whether to force overwrite of an
#' existing result. By default, existing results cannot be overwritten.
#' @export
#' @family HDF5 functions
#' @rdname writeResultHDF5
writeResultHDF5 <- function(result, outfile, phenotype, analysis, name,
    overwrite=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( isValidID(phenotype) )
    stopifnot( isValidID(analysis) )
    stopifnot( isValidID(name) )
    h5name <- joinH5ObjectNameParts( c('Results', phenotype, analysis, name) )
    writeDatasetHDF5(result, outfile, h5name, overwrite=overwrite)
    return( invisible() )

# End of hdf5.R ################################################################
gact/shmootl documentation built on Nov. 11, 2021, 6:23 p.m.