
Defines functions plotEncDimSearch.OUTRIDER plotPowerAnalysis plotDispEsts.OUTRIDER plotFPKM plotAberrantPerSample.OUTRIDER plotHeatmap plotCountGeneSampleHeatmap plotCountCorHeatmapPlotly plotCountCorHeatmap.OUTRIDER plotExpressionRank plotExpectedVsObservedCounts plotQQ.OUTRIDER plotVolcano.OUTRIDER

Documented in plotCountGeneSampleHeatmap plotExpectedVsObservedCounts plotExpressionRank plotFPKM plotPowerAnalysis

#' @title Visualization functions for OUTRIDER
#' @name plotFunction
#' @description The OUTRIDER package provides mutliple functions to visualize
#' the data and the results of a full data set analysis.
#' This is the list of all plotting function provided by OUTRIDER:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item plotAberrantPerSample()
#'   \item plotVolcano()
#'   \item plotExpressionRank()
#'   \item plotQQ()
#'   \item plotExpectedVsObservedCounts()
#'   \item plotCountCorHeatmap()
#'   \item plotCountGeneSampleHeatmap()
#'   \item plotSizeFactors()
#'   \item plotFPKM()
#'   \item plotExpressedGenes()
#'   \item plotDispEsts()
#'   \item plotPowerAnalysis()
#'   \item plotEncDimSearch()
#' }
#' For a detailed description of each plot function please see the details.
#' Most of the functions share the same parameters.
#### Data specific parameters
#' @param ods,object An OutriderDataSet object.
#' @param sampleID,geneID A sample or gene ID, which should be plotted.
#'             Can also be a vector. Integers are treated as indices.
#' @param padjCutoff,zScoreCutoff Significance or Z-score cutoff
#'             to mark outliers
#' @param label Indicates which genes or samples should be labeled. By default 
#'             all aberrant genes/samples are labelled. Can be set to NULL for 
#'             no labels. Provide a vector of geneIDs/sampleIDs to label 
#'             specific genes/samples.
#' @param global Flag to plot a global Q-Q plot, default FALSE
#' @param outlierRatio The fraction to be used for the outlier sample filtering
#' @param normalized If TRUE, the normalized counts are used, the default,
#'             otherwise the raw counts
#' @param compareDisp If TRUE, the default, and if the autoCorrect normalization
#'             was used it computes the dispersion without autoCorrect and
#'             plots it for comparison.
#' @param xaxis Indicates which assay should be shown on the x-axis of the 
#'             volcano plot. Defaults to 'zscore'. Other options are 'fc' and 
#'             'log2fc' for the fold-change or log2 fold-change.
#' @param value Indicates which assay is shown in the manhattan plot. Defaults 
#'             to 'pvalue'. Other options are 'zScore' and 'log2fc'.
#' @param featureRanges A GRanges object of the same length as the 
#'             OutriderDataSet object that contains the genomic positions of 
#'             features that are shown in the manhattan plot.
#' @param subsetName The name of a subset of genes of interest for which FDR 
#'             corrected pvalues were previously computed. Those FDR values 
#'             on the subset will then be used to determine aberrant status. 
#'             Default is NULL (using transcriptome-wide FDR corrected pvalues).
#' @param chr The chromosomes to be displayed in the \code{plotManhattan} 
#'             function. Default is \code{NULL}, i.e. all chromosomes are shown. 
#### Graphical parameters
#' @param main Title for the plot, if missing a default title will be used.
#' @param groups A character vector containing either group assignments of
#'             samples or sample IDs. Is empty by default. If group assignments
#'             are given, the vector must have the same length as the number of
#'             samples. If sample IDs are provided the assignment will result
#'             in a binary group assignemt.
#' @param groupColSet A color set from RColorBrewer or a manual vector of
#'             colors, which length must match the number of categories
#'             from groups.
#' @param pch Integer or character to be used for plotting the points
#' @param col Set color for the points. If set, it must be a character vector
#'             of length 2. (1. normal point; 2. outlier point) or a single 
#'             character referring to a color palette from \code{RColorBrewer}.
#' @param basePlot if \code{TRUE}, use the R base plot version, else use the
#'             plotly framework, which is the default
#' @param legendPos Set legendpos, by default topleft.
#' @param conf.alpha If set, a confidence interval is plotted, defaults to 0.05
#' @param samplePoints Sample points for Q-Q plot, defaults to max 30k points
#' @param xlim,ylim The x/y limits for the plot or NULL to use
#'             the full data range
#' @param log If TRUE, the default, counts are plotted in log10.
#' @param rowCentered If TRUE, the counts are row-wise (gene-wise) centered
#' @param rowGroups,colGroups A vector of co-factors (colnames of colData)
#'             for color coding the rows. It also accepts a data.frame of
#'             dim = (#samples, #groups). Must have more than 2 groups.
#' @param rowColSet,colColSet A color set from RColorBrewer/colorRampPalette
#' @param nRowCluster,nColCluster Number of clusters to show in the row and
#'             column dendrograms. If this argument is set the resulting
#'             cluster assignments are added to the OutriderDataSet.
#' @param show_names character string indicating whether to show 'none', 'row',
#'             'col', or 'both' names on the heatmap axes.
#' @param bcvQuantile quantile for choosing the cutoff for the biological 
#'             coefficient of variation (BCV)
#' @param nGenes upper limit of number of genes (defaults to 500). Subsets the
#'             top n genes based on the BCV.
#' @param nBreaks number of breaks for the heatmap color scheme. Default to 50.
#' @param bins Number of bins used in the histogram. Defaults to 100.
#' @param yadjust Option to adjust position of Median and 90 percentile labels.
#' @param ylab The y axis label
#' @param chrColor A vector of length 2 giving the two colors used for 
#'             coloring alternating chromosomes in the manhattan plot. Default 
#'             colors are 'black' and 'darkgrey'.
#### Additional ... parameter
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to plot() or plot_ly() if not stated
#'             otherwise in the details for each plot function
#' @details
#' \code{plotAberrantPerSample}: The number of aberrant events per sample are
#' plotted sorted by rank. The ... parameters are passed on to the
#' \code{\link{aberrant}} function.
#' \code{plotVolcano}: the volcano plot is sample-centric. It plots for a given
#' sample the negative log10 nominal P-values against the Z-scores for all
#' genes.
#' \code{plotExpressionRank}: This function plots for a given gene the
#' expression level against the expression rank for all samples. This can
#' be used with normalized and unnormalized expression values.
#' \code{plotQQ}: the quantile-quantile plot for a given gene or if
#' \code{global} is set to \code{TRUE} over the full data set. Here the
#' observed P-values are plotted against the expected ones in the negative
#' log10 space.
#' \code{plotExpectedVsObservedCounts}: A scatter plot of the observed counts
#' against the predicted expression for a given gene. 
#' \code{plotCountCorHeatmap}: The correlation heatmap of the count data
#' of the full data set. Default the values are log transformed and
#' row centered. This function returns an OutriderDataSet with annotated
#' clusters if requested. The ... arguments are passed to the
#' \code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}} function.
#' \code{plotCountGeneSampleHeatmap}: A gene x sample heatmap of the raw or
#' normalized counts. By default they are log transformed and row centered.
#' Only the top 500 viable genes based on the BCV (biological coefficient 
#' of variation) is used by default. 
#' \code{plotSizeFactors}: The sizefactor distribution within the dataset. 
#' \code{plotFPKM}: The distribution of FPKM values. If the OutriderDataSet
#' object contains the \code{passedFilter} column, it will plot both FPKM
#' distributions for the expressed genes and for the filtered genes.
#' \code{plotExpressedGenes}: A summary statistic plot on the number of genes
#' expressed within this dataset. It plots the sample rank (based on the 
#' number of expressed genes) against the accumulated statistics up to the 
#' given sample. 
#' \code{plotDispEsts}: Plots the dispersion of the OutriderDataSet
#' model against the normalized mean count. If autoCorrect is used it will also
#' estimate the dispersion without normalization for comparison.
#' \code{plotPowerAnalysis}: The power analysis plot should give the user a
#' ruff estimate of the events one can be detected with OUTRIDER. Based on
#' the dispersion of the provided OUTRIDER data set the theoretical P-value
#' over the mean expression is plotted. This is done for different expression
#' levels. The curves are smooths to make the reading of the plot easier.
#' \code{plotEncDimSearch}: Visualization of the hyperparameter optimization. 
#' It plots the encoding dimension against the achieved loss (area under the 
#' precision-recall curve). From this plot the optimum should be choosen for
#' the \code{q} in fitting process. 
#' \code{plotManhattan}: Visualizes different metrics for each gene (pvalue, 
#' log2 fold-change, z-score) along with the genomic coordinates of the 
#' respective gene as a manhattan plot. Detected outlier genes are highlighted 
#' in red. 
#' @return If base R graphics are used nothing is returned else the plotly or
#'             the gplot object is returned.
#' @examples
#' ods <- makeExampleOutriderDataSet(dataset="Kremer")
#' implementation <- 'autoencoder'
#' \dontshow{
#'     # reduce the object size to speed up the calculations
#'     ods <- ods[1:400,1:80]
#'     implementation <- 'pca'
#' }
#' mcols(ods)$basepairs <- 300 # assign pseudo gene length for filtering
#' ods <- filterExpression(ods)
#' # restrict FDR correction to set of genes of interest per sample
#' genesOfInterest <- list(MUC1372 = c("ATPIF1", "UROD", "YBX1", 
#'                                      sample(rownames(ods), 25)),
#'                         MUC1360 = sample(rownames(ods), 50),
#'                         MUC1350 = sample(rownames(ods), 75),
#'                         X76619 = sample(rownames(ods), 20),
#'                         X74172 = sample(rownames(ods), 150))
#' ods <- OUTRIDER(ods, implementation=implementation, subsets=list("exampleGenes"=genesOfInterest))
#' plotAberrantPerSample(ods)
#' plotAberrantPerSample(ods, subsetName="exampleGenes")
#' plotVolcano(ods, 49)
#' plotVolcano(ods, 'MUC1365', basePlot=TRUE)
#' plotVolcano(ods, 'MUC1351', basePlot=TRUE, xaxis="log2fc", label=c("NBPF16"))
#' plotVolcano(ods, 'MUC1372', basePlot=TRUE, subsetName="exampleGenes")
#' plotExpressionRank(ods, 35)
#' plotExpressionRank(ods, 35, subsetName="exampleGenes")
#' plotExpressionRank(ods, "NDUFS5", normalized=FALSE, label="MUC1372",
#'     log=FALSE, main="Over expression outlier", basePlot=TRUE)
#' plotQQ(ods, 149)
#' plotQQ(ods, 149, subsetName="exampleGenes")
#' plotQQ(ods, global=TRUE, outlierRatio=0.001)
#' plotExpectedVsObservedCounts(ods, 149)
#' plotExpectedVsObservedCounts(ods, "ATAD3C", basePlot=TRUE)
#' plotExpectedVsObservedCounts(ods, "UROD", subsetName="exampleGenes")
#' plotExpressedGenes(ods)
#' sex <- sample(c("female", "male"), dim(ods)[2], replace=TRUE)
#' colData(ods)$Sex <- sex
#' ods <- plotCountCorHeatmap(ods, nColCluster=4, normalized=FALSE)
#' ods <- plotCountCorHeatmap(ods, colGroup="Sex", colColSet="Set1")
#' table(colData(ods)$clusterNumber_4)
#' plotCountGeneSampleHeatmap(ods, normalized=FALSE)
#' plotCountGeneSampleHeatmap(ods, rowGroups="theta", 
#'         rowColSet=list(c("white", "darkgreen")))
#' plotSizeFactors(ods)
#' mcols(ods)$basepairs <- 1
#' mcols(ods)$passedFilter <- rowMeans(counts(ods)) > 10
#' plotFPKM(ods)
#' plotDispEsts(ods, compareDisp=FALSE)
#' plotPowerAnalysis(ods)
#' \dontrun{
#' # for speed reasons we only search for 5 different dimensions
#' ods <- findEncodingDim(ods, params=c(3, 10, 20, 35, 50), 
#'         implementation=implementation)
#' plotEncDimSearch(ods)
#' }
#' # To show the pvalues of a sample in a manhattan plot, rowRanges(ods) must 
#' # contain the genomic position of each feature or a GRanges object must 
#' # be provided 
#' \dontrun{
#' # in case rowRanges(ods) is a GRangesList, run this first once to speed up:
#' rowRanges(ods) <- unlist(endoapply(rowRanges(ods), range))
#' }
#' gr <- GRanges(
#'          seqnames=sample(paste0("chr", 1:22), nrow(ods), replace=TRUE),
#'          ranges=IRanges(start=runif(nrow(ods), min=0, max=1e5), width=100))
#' plotManhattan(ods, "MUC1350", value="pvalue", featureRanges=gr)
#' plotManhattan(ods, "MUC1350", value="l2fc", featureRanges=gr)
#' plotManhattan(ods, "MUC1372", featureRanges=gr, subsetName="exampleGenes")
#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @aliases plotFunctions plotVolcano plotQQ plotExpectedVsObservedCounts 
#'       plotExpressionRank plotCountCorHeatmap plotCountGeneSampleHeatmap
#'       plotAberrantPerSample plotFPKM plotDispEsts plotPowerAnalysis
#'       plotEncDimSearch plotExpressedGenes plotSizeFactors plotManhattan

plotVolcano.OUTRIDER <- function(object, sampleID, main, padjCutoff=0.05,
                    zScoreCutoff=0, label="aberrant",
                    xaxis=c("zscore", "log2fc", "fc"),
                    pch=16, basePlot=FALSE, 
                    col=c("gray", "firebrick"), subsetName=NULL){
        stop("specify which sample should be plotted, sampleID = 'sample5'")
    if(!all(c('padjust', 'zScore') %in% assayNames(object))){
        stop('Calculate Z-scores and P-values first.')
        sampleID <- which(sampleID)
        if(!(is.numeric(sampleID) && max(sampleID) <= ncol(object))){
            stop('Sample index is out of bounds:',
                    paste(sampleID, collapse=", "))
        sampleID <- colnames(object)[sampleID]
    if(!all(sampleID %in% colnames(object))){
        stop("Sample ID is not in the data set.")
    if(length(sampleID) > 1){
        ans <- lapply(sampleID, plotVolcano, object=object, 
                zScoreCutoff=zScoreCutoff, basePlot=basePlot,
        main <- paste0("Volcano plot: ", sampleID)

        rownames(object) <- paste("feature", seq_len(nrow(object)), sep="_")
    xaxis <- match.arg(xaxis)
    if(xaxis == "zscore"){
        if("zScore" %in% assayNames(object)){
            xaxis <- zScore(object)
            xaxis_name <- "Z-Score"
            base_x_lab <- xaxis_name
        } else{
            stop("Calculate zScores first or choose other xaxis type.")
    } else if(xaxis == "fc"){
        if("l2fc" %in% assayNames(object)){
            xaxis <- 2^assay(object, "l2fc")
            xaxis_name <- "Fold change"
            base_x_lab <- xaxis_name
        } else{
            stop("Calculate log2fc first or choose other xaxis type.")
    } else if(xaxis == "log2fc"){
        if("l2fc" %in% assayNames(object)){
            xaxis <- assay(object, "l2fc")
            xaxis_name <- expression(paste(log[2], "(fold-change)"))
            base_x_lab <- paste("log<sub>2</sub>(fold-change)")
        } else{
            stop("Calculate log2fc first or choose other xaxis type.")
    } else {
        stop("Unknown xaxis type, choose one of zscore, fc, log2fc.")

    dt <- data.table(
        GENE_ID   = rownames(object),
        pValue    = pValue(object)[,sampleID],
        padjust   = padj(object, subsetName=subsetName)[,sampleID],
        # zScore    = zScore(object)[,sampleID],
        xaxis        = xaxis[,sampleID],
        normCts   = counts(object, normalized=TRUE)[,sampleID],
        medianCts = rowMedians(counts(object, normalized=TRUE)),
        expRank   = apply(
                counts(object, normalized=TRUE), 2, rank)[,sampleID],
        aberrant  = aberrant(object, padjCutoff=padjCutoff,
                zScoreCutoff=zScoreCutoff, subsetName=subsetName)[,sampleID],
        color     = col[1])
    dt[aberrant == TRUE, color:=col[2]]
    dt[is.na(padjust), color:=col[3]]
    dt[aberrant == TRUE, aberrantLabel:="aberrant"]
    dt[aberrant == FALSE, aberrantLabel:="not aberrant"]
    dt[is.na(aberrant), aberrantLabel:="not in tested group"]

    # remove the NAs from the zScores for plotting

    p <- ggplot(dt, aes(xaxis, -log10(pValue), color=aberrantLabel, 
                        label=GENE_ID, text=paste0(
                "Gene ID: ", GENE_ID,
                "<br>Sample ID: ", sampleID,
                "<br>Median normcount: ", round(medianCts, 2),
                "<br>normcount: ", round(normCts, 2),
                "<br>expression rank: ", as.integer(expRank),
                "<br>nominal P-value: ", signif(pValue,3),
                "<br>adj. P-value: ", signif(padjust,3),
                "<br>", xaxis_name, ": ", signif(xaxis,2)))) + 
        geom_point() + 
        theme_bw() + 
        xlab(xaxis_name) + 
        ylab(expression(paste(-log[10], "(", italic(P), "-value)"))) + 
        ggtitle(main) + 
        scale_color_manual(values=c("not aberrant"=col[1], "aberrant"=col[2], 
                                    "not in tested group"="gray90")) + 
        theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
        p <- p + labs(subtitle=paste0("FDR across genes in the ", subsetName, 
                                " group (N=", dt[!is.na(padjust), .N], ")"))
    # Log scale if fold change is plotted
        if(!is(xaxis_name, "expression") && xaxis_name == 'Fold change'){
            p <- p + scale_x_log10(labels = scales::trans_format(
                "log10", scales::math_format(10^.x)))
            if(isScalarCharacter(label) && label == "aberrant"){
                if(nrow(dt[aberrant == TRUE,]) > 0){
                    p <- p + 
                        geom_text_repel(data=dt[aberrant == TRUE,], 
                                        aes(col=aberrantLabel), fontface='bold', 
                                        hjust=-.2, vjust=.2)
                if(nrow(dt[GENE_ID %in% label]) > 0){
                    p <- p + 
                        geom_text_repel(data=subset(dt, GENE_ID %in% label), 
                                        aes(col=aberrantLabel), fontface='bold', 
                                        hjust=-.2, vjust=.2)
                if(any(!(label %in% dt[,GENE_ID]))){
                    warning("Did not find gene(s) ", 
                            paste(label[!(label %in% dt[,GENE_ID])], 
                                    collapse=", "), " to label.")
        p <- p + ylab(paste("-log<sub>10</sub>(<i>P</i>-value)"))
        return(ggplotly(p, tooltip="text"))        

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
setMethod("plotVolcano", signature(object="OutriderDataSet"),

plotQQ.OUTRIDER <- function(object, geneID, main, global=FALSE, padjCutoff=0.05,
                    zScoreCutoff=0, samplePoints=TRUE, legendPos="topleft",
                    outlierRatio=0.001, conf.alpha=0.05, subsetName=NULL,
                    pch=16, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, col=NULL){
    if(missing(geneID) & isFALSE(global)){
        stop('Please provide a geneID or set global to TRUE')
    # Singel gene QQplot.
        geneID <- getGeneIndex(geneID, object)

        # Produce multiple qqplot if geneID is a vector.
            lapply(geneID, plotQQ, object=object, main=main, 
                    legendPos=legendPos, col=col, global=FALSE)
        #Plot QQplot for single gene.
            main <- paste0('Q-Q plot for gene: ', geneID)
            main <- paste0(main, "\nFDR across genes in the ", subsetName, 
                            " group")
            col <- c('black', 'firebrick')
        pVal <- as.numeric(assay(object[geneID,], 'pValue'))
        #plot all points with cex=1 for single gene.
        pointCex <- 1
        #data table with expected and observerd log10(pValues)
        aberrantEvent <- aberrant(object[geneID,], padjCutoff=padjCutoff,
                zScoreCutoff=zScoreCutoff, subsetName=subsetName, by='sample')
        df <- data.table(obs= -log10(pVal), pch=pch, subset=FALSE,
                col=ifelse(aberrantEvent, col[2], col[1]))

    # global QQplot
    } else {
            main <- 'Global Q-Q plot'
            col <- c('#d95f02', '#1b9e77')
        pVal <- as.numeric(assay(object, 'pValue'))

        # Reducing Point size for global QQplot.
        pointCex <- .5

        #data table with expected and observerd log10(pValues)
        df <- data.table(obs= -log10(pVal), col=col[1], pch=pch, subset=FALSE)

            odssub <- object[,aberrant(object, by='s', padjCutoff=padjCutoff,
                    zScoreCutoff=zScoreCutoff) < outlierRatio*length(object)]
            if(ncol(odssub) > 0){
                pVal <- as.numeric(assay(odssub, 'pValue'))
                dfsub <- data.table(obs=-log10(pVal), col=col[2], pch=pch,
                df <- rbind(df, dfsub)

    # compute expected pValues.
    df <- df[order(subset, -obs)]

    # Correct p value if needed
    df[is.na(obs) | is.infinite(obs), obs:=1]
    minNonZeroP <- min(df[obs!=0, obs]) * 1e-2
    df[obs==0, obs:=minNonZeroP]

    df[,exp:=-log10(ppoints(.N)), by='subset']
        ylim=range(df[,obs], na.rm=TRUE)
    plot(NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, main=main, 
                    paste(-log[10], " (expected ", italic(P), "-value)")),
                    paste(-log[10], " (observed ", italic(P), "-value)")))

    # confidence band
    # http://genome.sph.umich.edu/wiki/Code_Sample:_Generating_QQ_Plots_in_R
        conf.alpha <- 0.05
        exp <- df[subset==FALSE,exp]
        len <- length(exp)
        slen <- seq_len(len)
        getY <- function(x, exp){
            x1 <- exp[2]
            x2 <- exp[1]
            y1 <- -log10(x[2])
            y2 <- -log10(x[1])
            m <- (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
            return(10^-(y1 + m*((x2+1)-x1)))
        upper <- qbeta(    conf.alpha/2, slen, rev(slen))
        lower <- qbeta(1 - conf.alpha/2, slen, rev(slen))
        polygon(col="gray", border="gray", x=c(rev(exp), max(exp)+c(1,1), exp),
                        rev(upper), getY(upper, exp), getY(lower, exp), lower)))

    #Add points to plot.
        samplePoints <- c(5000, 30000)
    if(is.numeric(samplePoints) & length(samplePoints) == 2){
        plotPoint <- df[,seq_len(.N) %in% c(seq_len(min(.N, samplePoints[1])),
                sample(seq_len(.N), size=min(.N, samplePoints[2]))),
        df <- df[plotPoint]
    df[,points(exp, obs, pch=pch, col=col, cex=pointCex)]

    # diagonal and grid

    #Add legend
        legenddt <- data.table(onlyFull=c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
                text=c("Full data set", "Filtered data set",
                        paste0("CI (\u03B1 = ", signif(conf.alpha, 2), ")")),
                lty=1, lwd=6, col=c(col, "gray"))
        if(length(unique(df[,subset])) == 1){
            legenddt <- legenddt[onlyFull == TRUE]
        legenddt[,legend(legendPos, text, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, col=col)]
    } else {
            legend(legendPos, lty=1, lwd=7, col="gray",
                    paste0("CI (\u03B1 = ", signif(conf.alpha, 2), ")"))


#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
setMethod("plotQQ", signature(object="OutriderDataSet"), plotQQ.OUTRIDER)

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
plotExpectedVsObservedCounts <- function(ods, geneID, main, basePlot=FALSE,
                    log=TRUE, groups=c(), groupColSet='Set1', label="aberrant", 
                    subsetName=NULL, ...){

    # check user input
    if(is.null(normalizationFactors(ods))) {
        stop('Normalized counts missing')
        stop("Please Specify which gene should be plotted, geneID = 'geneA'")
    geneID <- getGeneIndex(geneID, ods)
    if (missing(main)) {
        main <- paste("Predicted expression plot:", geneID)
        subtitle <- NULL
    } else{
        subtitle <- paste0("FDR across genes in the ", subsetName, " group")

    ods <- ods[geneID]
    cnts <- data.table(
            feature_id = geneID,
            sampleID   = colnames(ods),
            observed   = as.vector(counts(ods)) + isTRUE(log),
            expected   = as.vector(normalizationFactors(ods)) + isTRUE(log),
            aberrant   = as.vector(aberrant(ods, subsetName=subsetName)))
    cnts[is.na(aberrant), aberrant:=FALSE]

    # group assignment
    if(length(groups) != ncol(ods)) {
        tmp_group <- logical(nrow(cnts))
        tmp_group[cnts$sampleID %in% groups] <- TRUE
        groups <- tmp_group

    # rename NA groups
    groups[is.na(groups)] <- 'NA'
    cnts[, group := groups]

    g <- ggplot(cnts, aes(expected, observed, label=sampleID, 
                "Gene ID: ", feature_id, "<br>", 
                "Sample ID: ", sampleID, "<br>",
                "Raw count: ", observed, "<br>",
                "Expected count: ", round(expected, 2), "<br>"))) +
        theme_bw() +
        geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0) +
        labs(title = main, subtitle=subtitle,
                x=paste('Expected counts', ifelse(isTRUE(log), '+ 1', '')),
                y=paste('Raw counts', ifelse(isTRUE(log), '+ 1', '')))

    if(isTRUE(log)) {
        g <- g + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()

    point_mapping <- aes()
    # distinguish whether groups are given or not
    if(uniqueN(cnts$group) > 1 ) { # more than 1 group given
        # set color of groups
        if (is.character(groupColSet)) {
            g  <- g + scale_color_brewer(palette = groupColSet)
        } else {
            g <- g + scale_color_manual(values = groupColSet)
        point_mapping$colour <- substitute(group)
        g <- g + geom_point(point_mapping)
    } else { # no grouping given
        point_mapping$colour <- substitute(aberrant)
        g <- g + geom_point(point_mapping) +
            scale_color_manual(values = c("FALSE"="gray", 
                                          "TRUE"="firebrick")) +
            theme(legend.position = 'none')

    if (isTRUE(basePlot)) {
            if(isScalarCharacter(label) && label == "aberrant"){
                if(nrow(cnts[aberrant == TRUE,]) > 0){
                    g <- g + 
                        geom_text_repel(data=cnts[aberrant == TRUE,], 
                                        aes(col=aberrant), fontface='bold', 
                                        hjust=-.2, vjust=.5)
                if(nrow(cnts[sampleID %in% label]) > 0){
                    g <- g + 
                        geom_text_repel(data=subset(cnts, sampleID %in% label), 
                                        aes(col=aberrant), fontface='bold', 
                                        hjust=-.2, vjust=.5)
                if(any(!(label %in% cnts[,sampleID]))){
                    warning("Did not find sample(s) ", 
                            paste(label[!(label %in% cnts[,sampleID])], 
                                    collapse=", "), " to label.")
    ggplotly(g, tooltip="text")

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
plotExpressionRank <- function(ods, geneID, main, padjCutoff=0.05,
                    zScoreCutoff=0, normalized=TRUE, basePlot=FALSE, log=TRUE,
                    col=c("gray", "firebrick"), groups=c(),
                    groupColSet='Accent', label="aberrant", 
    # check user input
    if(isTRUE(normalized) & is.null(sizeFactors(ods))){
        stop("Please calculate the sizeFactors or normalization factors ",
                "before plotting normlized counts.")
        stop("Please Specify which gene should be plotted, geneID = 'geneA'")
    geneID <- getGeneIndex(geneID, ods)

    if(length(col) != 2){
        stop("Please provide two colors as a vector.")
    if(length(groups) == 0){
        groups <- logical(ncol(ods))
    } else if(all(groups %in% colData(ods)[,'sampleID'])){
        group <- colData(ods)[,'sampleID'] %in% groups
    } else if(length(groups) == ncol(ods)){
        groups[is.na(groups)] <- 'NA'
    } else {
        stop("Please provide meaningfull input for 'groups'.")

    # apply over each gene if vector
    if(length(geneID) > 1){
        ans <- lapply(geneID, plotExpressionRank, ods=ods,
                padjCutoff=padjCutoff, zScoreCutoff=zScoreCutoff,
                basePlot=basePlot, normalized=normalized, subsetName=subsetName)

    # subset ods
    ods <- ods[geneID,]

    dt <- data.table(
        sampleID  = colnames(ods),
        counts    = as.vector(counts(ods, normalized=normalized)) + isTRUE(log),
        rawcounts = as.vector(counts(ods)),
        group     = groups)

    dt[, medianCts:= median(counts)]
    dt[, norm_rank:= rank(counts, ties.method = 'first')]
    if(all(c('pValue', 'padjust', 'zScore') %in% assayNames(ods))){
        dt[, pValue   := assay(ods, 'pValue')[1,]]
        dt[, padjust  := padj(ods, subsetName=subsetName)[1,]]
        dt[, zScore   := assay(ods, 'zScore')[1,]]
        dt[, aberrant := aberrant(ods, padjCutoff=padjCutoff,
                zScoreCutoff=zScoreCutoff, subsetName=subsetName)[1,]]
        dt[is.na(aberrant), aberrant:=FALSE]
    } else {
    ylab <- paste0(ifelse(isTRUE(normalized), "Normalized", "Raw"),
            " counts", ifelse(isTRUE(log), " + 1", ""))
        main <- paste("Expression rank plot:", geneID)
        subtitle <- NULL
    } else{
        subtitle <- paste0("FDR across genes in the ", subsetName, " group")

    # create ggplot object
    g <- ggplot(data=dt, aes(x = norm_rank, y = counts, label = sampleID, 
                            text = paste0(
        "Gene ID: ", geneID, "<br>",
        "Sample ID: ", sampleID, "<br>",
        ifelse(uniqueN(groups) == 1, "", paste0("Group: ", group, "<br>")),
        "Median normcount: ", round(medianCts, digits = 1), "<br>", 
        "rawcount: ", rawcounts, "<br>", 
        "expression rank: ", round(norm_rank, digits = 1), "<br>",
        if('padjust' %in% colnames(dt))
             paste0("adj. P-value: ", sprintf("%1.1E", padjust), "<br>", 
                    "nominal P-value: ", sprintf("%1.1E", pValue), "<br>",
                    "Z-score: ", round(zScore, digits = 1), "<br>")
    ))) +
        labs(title = main, subtitle=subtitle, x = 'Sample rank', y = ylab) +

        g <- g + scale_y_log10()
    point_mapping <- aes(col = aberrant)

    # switch color mode
    if(uniqueN(groups) > 1){
        point_mapping$fill <- substitute(group)
            g <- g + 
                geom_point(size=3, stroke=0.5, pch=21, mapping=point_mapping) +
                scale_fill_brewer(palette=groupColSet) +
                scale_color_manual(values= c('grey30', col[2]))
    } else {
            g <- g + geom_point(size = 2, point_mapping) +
                scale_color_manual(values = col) +
                theme(legend.position = 'none')

            if(isScalarCharacter(label) && label == "aberrant"){
                if(nrow(dt[aberrant == TRUE,]) > 0){
                    g <- g + 
                        geom_text_repel(data=dt[aberrant == TRUE,], 
                                        aes(col=aberrant), fontface='bold', 
                                        hjust=-.2, vjust=.5)
                if(nrow(dt[sampleID %in% label]) > 0){
                    g <- g + 
                        geom_text_repel(data=subset(dt, sampleID %in% label), 
                                        aes(col=aberrant), fontface='bold', 
                                        hjust=-.2, vjust=.5)
                if(any(!(label %in% dt[,sampleID]))){
                    warning("Did not find sample(s) ", 
                            paste(label[!(label %in% dt[,sampleID])], 
                                    collapse=", "), " to label.")

plotCountCorHeatmap.OUTRIDER <- function(object, normalized=TRUE,
                    rowCentered=TRUE, rowGroups=NA, rowColSet=NA, colGroups=NA,
                    colColSet=NA, nRowCluster=4, nColCluster=4,
                    main="Count correlation heatmap", basePlot=TRUE, nBreaks=50,
                    show_names=c("none", "row", "col", "both"), ...) {
            "colGroups"="colCoFactor", "nRow/nCol-Cluster"="nCluster", 
            "not used anymore"="dendrogram", "show_names"="names"), ...)
            object, normalized=normalized, rowCentered=rowCentered,
            rowGroups=rowGroups, rowColSet=rowColSet,
            colGroups=colGroups, colColSet=colColSet,
            nRowCluster=nRowCluster, nColCluster=nColCluster,
            main=main, ...))

    # correlation
    fcMat <- as.matrix(log2(counts(object, normalized=normalized) + 1))
        fcMat <- fcMat - rowMeans(fcMat)
    ctscor <- cor(fcMat, method="spearman")

    # extract annotation and set clustering if requested
    annotation_row <- getAnnoHeatmap(x=object, matrix=ctscor, groups=rowGroups,
            nClust=nRowCluster, extractFun=colData)
    annotation_col <- getAnnoHeatmap(x=object, matrix=ctscor, groups=colGroups,
            nClust=nColCluster, extractFun=colData)
    if(!is.null(annotation_row) & "nClust" %in% colnames(annotation_row)){
        colData(object)[[paste0('clusterNumber_', nRowCluster)]] <- 
    if(!is.null(annotation_col) & "nClust" %in% colnames(annotation_col)){
        colData(object)[[paste0('clusterNumber_', nColCluster)]] <- 
    show_names <- match.arg(show_names, several.ok=FALSE)

        object, ctscor,
        annotation_row = annotation_row,
        annotation_col = annotation_col,
        rowColSet = rowColSet,
        colColSet = colColSet,
        main = main,
        show_names = show_names,
        breaks=seq(-1, 1, length.out = nBreaks),

plotCountCorHeatmapPlotly <- function(x, normalized=TRUE, rowCentered=TRUE,
                    rowGroups=NA, rowColSet=NA, 
                    colGroups=NA, colColSet=NA, 
                    nCluster=4, main="Count correlation heatmap", ...){
    # correlation
    fcMat <- as.matrix(log2(counts(x, normalized=normalized) + 1))
        fcMat <- fcMat - rowMeans(fcMat)
    ctscor <- cor(fcMat, method="spearman")

    # dendogram and clusters
    clusters <- cutree(hclust(dist(ctscor)), nCluster)
    clustCol <- getXColors(factor(clusters), "Dark2")
        colData(x)$clusterNumber <- names(clustCol)

    if(is.na(rowGroups) & is.na(colGroups)){
        rowColSet <- colColSet
            colColSet <- "Dark2"
        colCols <- getXColors(colData(x)[,colGroups], colColSet)
    } else {
        colCols <- clustCol
            rowColSet <- "Dark2"
        colRows <- getXColors(colData(x)[,rowGroups], rowColSet)
    } else {
        colRows <- clustCol

    p <- heatmaply(ctscor, col_side_colors=colCols, 
            row_side_colors=colRows, ...)

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
setMethod("plotCountCorHeatmap", signature="OutriderDataSet", 

##### plotCountGeneSampleHeatmap #####
#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
plotCountGeneSampleHeatmap <- function(ods, normalized=TRUE, rowCentered=TRUE,
                    rowGroups=NA, rowColSet=NA, colGroups=NA,
                    colColSet=NA, nRowCluster=4, nColCluster=4,
                    main="Count Gene vs Sample Heatmap", bcvQuantile=0.9,
                    show_names=c("none", "col", "row", "both"),
                    nGenes=500, nBreaks=50, ...){

    if (is.null(rownames(ods))) {
        message("Missing row names, using row numbers.")
        rownames(ods) <- paste0('row', seq_row(ods))
    } else if (is.null(colnames(ods))) {
        message("Missing column names, using column numbers.")
        colnames(ods) <- paste0('col', seq_col(ods))

    ## Take top nGenes variable genes
    bcv <- 1/sqrt(robustMethodOfMomentsOfTheta(counts(ods), 1e4, 1e-2))
    if("theta" %in% colnames(mcols(ods))){
        bcv <- 1/sqrt(theta(ods))
    rowData(ods)$BCV <- bcv
    ods_sub <- ods[!is.na(bcv) & 
            bcv > quantile(bcv, probs=bcvQuantile, na.rm=TRUE),]

    # take the top n genes if specified
        ods_sub <- ods_sub[rank(rowData(ods_sub)$BCV) <= nGenes,]
        main = paste0(main, "\n", nrow(ods_sub), " most variable genes")

    # count matrix
        # autoencoder normalised values
        fcMat <- as.matrix(log2(counts(ods_sub, normalized=TRUE) + 1))
    } else {
        # normalize using sizeFactors
        fcMat <- as.matrix(log2(counts(ods_sub, normalized=FALSE) + 1))
        fcMat <- t(t(fcMat)/estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(fcMat))

    # center matrix
    if(isTRUE(rowCentered)) {
        fcMat <- fcMat - rowMeans(fcMat)

    # row annotations
    annotation_row <- getAnnoHeatmap(x=ods_sub, matrix=fcMat, 
            groups=rowGroups, nClust=nRowCluster, extractFun=rowData)
    annotation_col <- getAnnoHeatmap(x=ods_sub, matrix=t(fcMat), 
            groups=colGroups, nClust=nColCluster, extractFun=colData)

    show_names <- match.arg(show_names, several.ok=FALSE)

        ods, fcMat,
        annotation_row = annotation_row,
        annotation_col = annotation_col,
        rowColSet = rowColSet,
        colColSet = colColSet,
        main = main,
        show_names = show_names,
        breaks=seq(-10, 10, length.out = nBreaks),

plotHeatmap <- function(ods, mtx, annotation_row=NULL, annotation_col=NULL,
                    rowColSet=NA, colColSet=NA, main = "Heatmap",
                    show_names = c("none", "col", "row", "both"),
                    annotation_colors=NA, breaks=NA, ...){

    if (is.null(rownames(ods))) {
        message("Missing row names, using row numbers.")
        rownames(ods) <- paste0('row', seq_row(ods))
    } else if (is.null(colnames(ods))) {
        message("Missing column names, using column numbers.")
        colnames(ods) <- paste0('col', seq_col(ods))

    # collect colours
    row_colors <- getAnnoColors(colorSet=rowColSet, annotation=annotation_row)
    col_colors <- getAnnoColors(colorSet=colColSet, annotation=annotation_col)
    tmp_anno_colors <- c(row_colors, col_colors)
    # use user defined colors and override autogenerated once if needed
    if(!missing(annotation_colors) & !isScalarNA(annotation_colors)){
        tmp_anno_colors <- c(annotation_colors, tmp_anno_colors)
    # remove duplicates and NULL colors
    annotation_colors <- tmp_anno_colors[!duplicated(names(tmp_anno_colors))]
    annotation_colors <- annotation_colors[
            !vapply(annotation_colors, is.null, logical(1))]
    if(length(annotation_colors) == 0){
        annotation_colors <- NA

    # option to show names in heatmap
    show_names <- match.arg(show_names, several.ok=FALSE)

        mat = mtx,
        breaks = breaks,
        color = colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(length(breaks)),
        main = main,
        border_color = NA,
        show_rownames = (show_names == 'row' | show_names == 'both'),
        show_colnames = (show_names == 'col' | show_names == 'both'),
        annotation_row = annotation_row,
        annotation_col = annotation_col,
        annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
        labels_row = getNiceName(rownames(mtx), 12),
        labels_col = getNiceName(colnames(mtx), 12),


plotAberrantPerSample.OUTRIDER <- function(object, 
                    main='Aberrant Genes per Sample',
                    outlierRatio=0.001, col='Dark2', yadjust=1.2,
                    ylab="Aberrantly expressed genes", 
                    subsetName=NULL, ...){
    oneOffset <- 0.8
    count_vector <- aberrant(object, by="sample", 
                                    subsetName=subsetName, ...)
    testedSamples <- colnames(object)[which(
        colSums(is.na(padj(object, subsetName=subsetName))) != nrow(object))]
    count_vector <- sort(count_vector[testedSamples])
    hlines = quantile(count_vector, c(0.5, 0.9))
    hlines[hlines == 0] <- oneOffset
    dt2p <- data.table(
            y=c(count_vector, c(1, oneOffset)[(count_vector != 0) + 1]),
            fill=!count_vector <= max(1, length(object)*outlierRatio))
        subtitle <- NULL
    } else{
        subtitle <- paste0("FDR across genes in the ", subsetName, " group")
    g <- ggplot(dt2p, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=fill)) + 
        geom_bar(stat = "Identity") + 
        theme_bw() + 
        scale_y_log10(limits=c(oneOffset, NA)) + 
        ylab(ylab) + 
        xlab("Sample rank") + 
        ggtitle(main, subtitle=subtitle) + 
        theme(legend.position="none") + 
        geom_hline(yintercept=hlines) + 
        annotate("text", label=c("Median", "90^th ~ percentile"), 
                x=1, y=hlines*yadjust, hjust=0, parse=TRUE)
        g <- g + scale_fill_brewer(palette=col)
    } else {
        g <- g + scale_fill_manual(values=col)

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
setMethod("plotAberrantPerSample", signature="OutriderDataSet", 

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
plotFPKM <- function(ods, bins=100){
    fpkm <- fpkm(ods)
    colors <- c("grey60","darkgreen")
    if(!'passedFilter' %in% colnames(mcols(ods))){
        message(paste0('To see the difference between the filtering ',
                'run first the filterExpression() function.'))
        passed <- rep(TRUE, nrow(ods))
        colors <- c("darkgreen")
    } else {
        passed <- mcols(ods)[['passedFilter']]

    histdata <- data.table(melt(fpkm, value.name = 'fpkm'),
            'passedFilter'=rep(passed, dim(fpkm)[2]))

    if(any(histdata$fpkm == 0)){
        numZero <- sum(histdata$fpkm == 0)
        message(paste0(numZero, " sample-gene combinations are zero. This is ",
                signif(numZero/nrow(histdata)*100, 3), "% of the data"))
        histdata <- histdata[fpkm != 0]

    p <- ggplot(histdata, aes(fpkm, fill=passedFilter), alpha=0.5) +
        geom_histogram(bins=bins) +
        scale_fill_manual(values=colors) + 
        theme_bw() +
        theme(legend.position = c(0.1, 0.9)) +
        scale_x_log10(labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) +
        labs(x='FPKM', y='Frequency') + 
        ggtitle("FPKM distribution")

plotDispEsts.OUTRIDER <- function(object, compareDisp, xlim, ylim,
                    main="Dispersion estimates versus mean expression", ...){
    # validate input
    if(!'theta' %in% names(mcols(object))){
        stop('Fit OUTRIDER first by executing ods <- OUTRIDER(ods) ',
                'or ods <- fit(ods)')
        compareDisp <- !is.null(E(object))

    # disp from OUTRIDER
    odsVals <- getDispEstsData(object)
    legText <- c("OUTRIDER fit")
    legCol <- c("firebrick")
    nonAutoVals <- NULL

        #fit OUTRIDER without AutoCorrect
        ods2 <- OutriderDataSet(countData = counts(object))
        ods2 <- estimateSizeFactors(ods2)
        ods2 <- fit(ods2)
        nonAutoVals <- getDispEstsData(ods2, odsVals$mu)
    # plot dispersion
    plot(NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, pch='.', log="yx", xlab='Mean expression',
            ylab='Dispersion', main=main)
        points(odsVals$mu, 1/nonAutoVals$disp, pch='.', col="black")
    points(odsVals$mu, 1/odsVals$disp, pch='.', col='firebrick')

    # plot fit
    lines(odsVals$xpred, odsVals$ypred, lwd=2, col="firebrick")
        lines(odsVals$xpred, nonAutoVals$ypred, lwd=2, col="black")
        legText <- c("before correction fit", "OUTRIDER fit")
        legCol <- c('black', 'firebrick')

    legend("bottomleft", legText, col=legCol, pch=20, lty=1, lwd=3)

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
setMethod("plotDispEsts", signature(object="OutriderDataSet"),

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
plotPowerAnalysis <- function(ods){
    dispfit <-getDispEstsData(ods)
    m <- 10^seq.int(0,4,length.out = 1E4)
    d <- 1/dispfit$fit(m)
    dt<-rbindlist(lapply(c(0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5, 2,5,10), function(frac)
        data.table(mean=m, disp=d, frac=frac,
                pVal=pmin(0.5, pnbinom(round(frac * m), mu = m, size=d),
                        1 - pnbinom(round(frac * m), mu = m, size=d) +
                                dnbinom(round(frac * m), mu = m, size=d))

    dt[,ExprType:= ifelse(frac<1, 'Downregulation', 'Overexpression')]
    ggplot(dt, aes(mean, negLog10pVal, col=Fraction, linetype=ExprType)) +
        geom_smooth(method=lm, formula = y ~ bs(x, 10), se = FALSE) +
        scale_x_log10(breaks=c(1,5,10,50,100,500,1000,5000,10000)) +
        labs(x="Mean", y='-log10(P-value)',color='Expression level',
                linetype='Expression type') + ylim(0,15)

plotEncDimSearch.OUTRIDER <- function(object){
    if(is(object, 'OutriderDataSet')){
        if(!'encDimTable' %in% colnames(metadata(object)) &
                !is(metadata(object)$encDimTable, 'data.table')){
            stop('Please run first the findEncodingDim before ',
                    'plotting the results of it.')
        dt <- metadata(object)$encDimTable
        q <- getBestQ(object)
    } else {
        dt <- object
        dt <- dt[, opt:=
                encodingDimension[which.max(evaluationLoss)[1]], by=zScore]
        q <- dt[opt == encodingDimension, opt]

        stop('Please provide the encDimTable from the OutriderDataSet object.')
    if(!'zScore' %in% colnames(dt)){
    dtPlot <- dt[,.(enc=encodingDimension, z=as.character(zScore),
            eva=evaluationLoss, opt)]
    ggplot(dtPlot, aes(enc, eva, col=z)) +
        geom_point() +
        scale_x_log10() +
        geom_smooth(method='loess') +
        ggtitle('Search for best encoding dimension') +
        geom_vline(data=dtPlot[opt == enc], show.legend=TRUE,
                aes(xintercept=enc, col=z, linetype='Optimum')) +
        geom_text(data=dtPlot[opt == enc], aes(y=0.0, enc-0.5, label=enc)) +
        labs(x='Encoding dimensions',
                y='Evaluation loss', col='Z score', linetype='Best Q') +

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
setMethod("plotEncDimSearch", signature="OutriderDataSet",

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
plotExpressedGenes <- function(ods, main='Statistics of expressed genes'){
    # labels and col names
    exp_genes_cols <- c(
        'sampleID'                         = 'sampleID',
        'Expressed\ngenes'                 = 'expressedGenes',
        'Union of\nexpressed genes'        = 'unionExpressedGenes',
        'Intersection of\nexpressed genes' = 'intersectionExpressedGenes',
        'Genes passed\nfiltering'          = 'passedFilterGenes',
        'Rank'                             = 'expressedGenesRank')

    # validate input
    if(!all(exp_genes_cols %in% names(colData(ods)))){
        stop('Compute expressed genes first by executing \n\tods <- ',
                'filterExpression(ods, addExpressedGenes=TRUE)')

    dt <- as.data.table(colData(ods)[, exp_genes_cols])
    colnames(dt) <- names(exp_genes_cols)
    melt_dt <- melt(dt, id.vars = c('sampleID', 'Rank'))

    ggplot(melt_dt, aes(Rank, value)) +
        geom_point(aes(col = variable), size=1) +
        geom_line(aes(col = variable)) +
        theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
        ylim(0, NA) +
        theme(legend.position = 'top', legend.title = element_blank()) +
        labs(y = 'Number of genes', x = 'Sample rank', title = main) +
        scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Set1')

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
plotSizeFactors <- function(ods, basePlot=TRUE){
    plotdt <- data.table(sizeFactor=sizeFactors(ods),
                    sizeFactor, sampleID, rank=.I)]
    g <- ggplot(plotdt, aes(rank, sizeFactor, text=paste0(
        "SampleID: ", sampleID, "<br>",
        "Sizefactor: ", round(sizeFactor, 3), "<br>",
        "Rank: ", rank))) +
        geom_point() +
        theme_bw() +
        xlab("Sample rank") + 
        ggtitle("Size factor plot")
        g <- ggplotly(g, tooltip="text")

checkDeprication <- function(names2check, ...){
    lnames <- names(list(...))
    for(i in seq_along(names2check)){
        if(!names2check[i] %in% lnames){
        warning("We changed the API for the given parameter.\n",
                "  Please switch to the new parameter:\n",
                "\t'", names2check[i], "' --> '", names(names2check[i]), "'")

plotManhattan.OUTRIDER <- function(object, sampleID, value="pvalue", 
                                   chr=NULL, main=paste0("Sample: ", sampleID),
                                   chrColor = c("black", "darkgrey")){
    # check user input
    stopifnot("Sample not in ods" = sampleID %in% colnames(object))
    stopifnot("Value should be either pvalue, zscore or l2fc" = 
                  value %in% c('pvalue', 'pValue', 'pv', 'zscore', 'zScore', 
                               'l2fc', 'L2FC', 'log2fc'))
    # get granges from rowRanges(ods) or provided ranges, check dimension
            stop("No rowRanges(ods) found. Assign them first to use ", 
                    "this function or provide a GRanges object.")
    } else if(length(featureRanges) != nrow(object)){
        stop("The provided feature ranges must be of the same length as the ", 
                "ods object.")
    } else if(is(featureRanges, "GRanges")){
        gr <- featureRanges
    } else if(is(featureRanges, "GRangesList")){
        gr <- unlist(endoapply(featureRanges, range)) 
        # faster than range but gives error for empty GRangesList:
        # gr <- unlist(endoapply(featureRanges, function(rr) rr[1,]))
        if(length(gr) != nrow(object)){
            stop("The provided gene ranges do not contain ranges for all rows ",
                 "of the ods object")
    } else{
        stop("The provided feature_ranges must a a GRanges or GRangesList ",
    GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(gr) <- 'NCBI'

    # Add values to granges
    if(value %in% c('pvalue', 'pValue', 'pv')){
        gr$value <- -log10(pValue(object)[, sampleID])
        # value <- '-log10(pvalue)'
        value <- expression(paste(-log[10], "(P-value)"))
    if(value %in% c('zscore', 'zScore')){
        gr$value <- zScore(object)[, sampleID]
    if(value %in% c('l2fc', 'L2FC', 'log2fc')){
        if(!"l2fc" %in% assayNames(object)){
            stop("Please compute the log2 fold changes first before ",
                 "retrieving them.")
        gr$value <- assay(object, "l2fc")[, sampleID]
        value <- expression(paste(log[2], "(fold-change)"))
    gr$aberrant <- aberrant(object, subsetName=subsetName)[,sampleID]
    # Sort granges for plot
    gr <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(gr)
    gr <- sort(gr)
    # subset to chromosomes in chrSubset if requested
        # check input
        if(any(grepl("chr", chr))){
            chr <- gsub("chr", "", chr)
        if(!all(chr %in% unique(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(gr)))){
            stop("Not all chromosomes selected for subsetting are present ",
                 "in the GRanges object.")
        # subset
        gr <- gr[as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(gr)) %in% chr]
        # add chr to plot title if only one chr given
        if(length(chr) == 1){
            main <- paste0(main, "; ", 
                            paste("chr", chr, collapse=", ", sep=""))
        subtitle <- NULL
    } else{
        subtitle <- paste0("FDR across genes in the ", subsetName, " group")
    p <- plotGrandLinear.adapted(gr, aes(y = value), 
                         color = chrColor, 
                         highlight.gr = gr[which(gr$aberrant == TRUE)], 
                         highlight.col = 'firebrick',
                         highlight.overlap = 'equal',
                         use.genome.coords=is.null(chr)) +
        labs(x="Chromosome", y = value, title=main, subtitle=subtitle)

#' @rdname plotFunctions
#' @export
setMethod("plotManhattan", signature="OutriderDataSet", 

#' Adapted function from ggbio package to create manhattan plot. 
#' Adapted to allow manhattan plots creation for a subset of chromomes only, 
#' as well as highlighting only ranges that exactly match. Uses functions 
#' from package biovizBase.
#' @noRd
plotGrandLinear.adapted <- function (obj, ..., facets, space.skip = 0.01, 
        geom = NULL, cutoff = NULL, cutoff.color = "red", cutoff.size = 1, 
        legend = FALSE, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, main, highlight.gr = NULL, 
        highlight.name = NULL, highlight.col = "red", highlight.label = TRUE, 
        highlight.label.size = 5, highlight.label.offset = 0.05, 
        highlight.label.col = "black", 
        highlight.overlap = c("any", "start", "end", "within", "equal"),
        spaceline = FALSE,
    if (is.null(geom)) 
        geom <- "point"
    args <- list(...)
    args.aes <- biovizBase::parseArgsForAes(args)
    args.non <- biovizBase::parseArgsForNonAes(args)
    two.color <- c("#0080FF", "#4CC4FF")
    .is.seq <- FALSE
    if (!"colour" %in% names(args.aes)) {
        if (!any(c("color", "colour") %in% names(args.non))) {
            .color <- two.color
            args.aes$color <- as.name("seqnames")
            .is.seq <- TRUE
        else {
            if (length(args.non$color) > 1) {
                .color <- args.non$color
                args.aes$color <- as.name("seqnames")
                .is.seq <- TRUE
                args.non <- args.non[!names(args.non) %in% c("colour", 
    else {
        if (quo_name(args.aes$colour) == "seqnames") 
            args.aes$colour <- as.name("seqnames")
    if (!"y" %in% names(args.aes)) 
        stop("need to provide y")
        args.non$coord <- "genome"
    args.non$space.skip <- space.skip
    args.non$geom <- geom
    args.non$object <- obj
    aes.res <- do.call(aes, args.aes)
    p <- do.call(ggbio::autoplot, c(list(aes.res), args.non))
    if (!legend) 
        p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
    if (!missing(ylab)) 
        p <- p + ylab(ylab)
    if (!is.null(cutoff)) 
        p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = cutoff, color = cutoff.color, 
                            size = cutoff.size)
    chrs <- names(GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(obj))
    if (.is.seq) {
        N <- length(chrs)
        cols <- rep(.color, round(N/length(.color)) + 1)[1:N]
        names(cols) <- chrs
        p <- p + scale_color_manual(values = cols)
    if (!missing(facets)) {
        args$facets <- facets
        args.facets <- biovizBase::subsetArgsByFormals(args, facet_grid, 
        facet <- ggbio:::.buildFacetsFromArgs(obj, args.facets)
        p <- p + facet
    p <- p + theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
    if (!is.null(highlight.gr)) {
        highlight.overlap <- match.arg(highlight.overlap)
        idx <- findOverlaps(obj, highlight.gr, type=highlight.overlap)
        .h.pos <- lapply(split(queryHits(idx), subjectHits(idx)), function(id) {
            gr <- GRanges(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(p@data))[id][1], 
                IRanges(start = min(start(p@data[id])), 
                        end = max(end(p@data[id]))))
                val <- max(as.numeric(values(p@data[id])[, quo_name(args.aes$y)]))
                val <- val * (1 + highlight.label.offset)
                values(gr)$val <- val
        .h.pos <- suppressWarnings(do.call("c", unname(.h.pos)))
        if (length(.h.pos)) {
            if (is.null(highlight.name)) {
                highlight.name <- names(highlight.gr)
            else {
                highlight.name <- values(highlight.gr)[, highlight.name]
            p <- p + geom_point(data = biovizBase::mold(p@data[queryHits(idx)]), 
                    do.call(aes, list(x = substitute(midpoint), y = args.aes$y)), 
                    color = highlight.col)
            if (!is.null(highlight.name)) {
                GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(.h.pos, pruning.mode = "coarse") <- 
                suppressWarnings(GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(.h.pos) <- 
                .trans <- biovizBase::transformToGenome(.h.pos, space.skip = space.skip)
                values(.trans)$mean <- (start(.trans) + end(.trans))/2
                values(.trans)$names <- highlight.name
                p <- p + geom_text(data = biovizBase::mold(.trans), 
                            size = highlight.label.size, 
                            vjust = 0, color = highlight.label.col, 
                                list(x = substitute(mean), y = as.name("val"), 
                                label = as.name("names"))))
    if (spaceline) {
        vline.df <- p@ggplot$data
        vline.df <- do.call(rbind, by(vline.df, vline.df$seqnames, 
                function(dd) {
                    data.frame(start = min(dd$start), end = max(dd$end))
        gap <- (vline.df$start[-1] + vline.df$end[-nrow(vline.df)])/2
        p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = gap, alpha = 0.5, color = "gray70") + 
            theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
    if (!missing(main)) 
        p <- p + labs(title = main)
    if (!missing(xlim)) 
        p <- p + xlim(xlim)
    if (!missing(ylim)) 
        p <- p + ylim(ylim)
    if (missing(xlab)) 
        xlab <- ""
    p <- p + ggplot2::xlab(xlab)
gagneurlab/OUTRIDER documentation built on April 29, 2024, 2:22 a.m.