
# bootstrap resampling and test

resample.test.greater <- function(x, y, nBoots=10000){
    n.x = length(x)
    n.y = length(y)
    x.bmean = rep(NA, nBoots)
    y.bmean = rep(NA, nBoots)
    t = rep(NA, nBoots)
    for (i in 1:nBoots){
        x.bmean[i] = mean(sample(x, n.x, replace=TRUE))
        y.bmean[i] = mean(sample(y, n.y, replace=TRUE))
        t[i] = x.bmean[i] - y.bmean[i]
    p = (sum(t < 0)+1)/(length(t)+1)

resample.test.pooled <- function(x, y, nBoots=10000){
    mean.diff = mean(x) - mean(y)
    z = c(x,y)
    n.x = length(x)
    n.y = length(y)
    labs = c(rep('x',n.x), rep('y', n.y))
    t = rep(NA, nBoots)
    for (i in 1:nBoots){
        labs.i = sample(labs)
        x.mean = mean(z[which(labs.i=='x')])
        y.mean = mean(z[which(labs.i=='y')])
        t[i] = x.mean - y.mean
    p = (sum(t > mean.diff)+1)/(length(t)+1)

#' Generate and calculate bootstrap means for all clusters
#' Depricated!
#' @param variants: data frame of variants with cluster assignments and VAF
#' of samples. Columns are c('cluster', 'sample1', 'sample2', ....)
#' @param zero.sample: The sample of zero vaf (to use to compare with other
#' clusters to determine if the cluster should be considered zero VAF, and
#' not included in the models)
generate.boot.nonparametric <- function(variants, cluster.col.name='cluster',
                          vaf.col.names=NULL, vaf.in.percent=TRUE,
    cat('Generating boostrap samples...\n')
    boot.means = NULL
    if (is.null(vaf.col.names)){
        vaf.col.names = setdiff(colnames(variants), cluster.col.name)

    # if no cluster or no sample provided, return NULL
    clusters = unique(variants[[cluster.col.name]])
    num.clusters = length(clusters)
    num.samples = length(vaf.col.names)
    if (num.samples == 0 || num.clusters == 0){return(NULL)}
    if (vaf.in.percent){
        variants[,vaf.col.names] = variants[,vaf.col.names]/100.00
    # make separate data frame for each cluster
    v = list()
    for (cl in clusters){
        v1 = variants[variants[[cluster.col.name]]==cl, vaf.col.names]
        v[[as.character(cl)]] = v1

    # debug
    # vv <<- v

    # generate bootstrap samples for each cluster, each sample
    num.variants.per.cluster = table(variants[[cluster.col.name]])

    boot.means = list()
    clusters = as.character(clusters)
    zeros = c()
    for (vaf.col.name in vaf.col.names){
        #cat('Booting sample: ', vaf.col.name, '\n')
        sample.boot.means = matrix(NA, nrow=num.boots, ncol=num.clusters)
        colnames(sample.boot.means) = clusters
        rownames(sample.boot.means) = seq(1, num.boots)
        for (cl in clusters){
            # learn zero samples from data, if a cluster has median VAF = 0, consider
            # it as a sample generated from true VAF = 0
            vafs = v[[cl]][[vaf.col.name]]
            if (median(vafs)==0){zeros = c(zeros, vafs)}

            boot.size = num.variants.per.cluster[cl]
            #cat('Booting cluster: ', cl, 'boot.size=', boot.size, '\n')
            for (b in 1:num.boots){
                s.mean = mean(sample(v[[cl]][[vaf.col.name]], boot.size,
                sample.boot.means[b, cl] = s.mean
        boot.means[[vaf.col.name]] = sample.boot.means

    #generate bootstrap means for zero sample
    if (is.null(zero.sample)){
        zero.sample = zeros
    if (length(zero.sample) > 0){
        zero.sample.boot.means = rep(NA, num.boots)
        zero.sample.boot.size = length(zero.sample)
        for (b in 1:num.boots){
            s.mean = mean(sample(zero.sample, zero.sample.boot.size,
            zero.sample.boot.means[b] = s.mean
        boot.means$zero.means = zero.sample.boot.means

#' Calculate CI for a cluster in a sample
boot.vaf.ci <- function(boot, sample, cluster, alpha=0.05){
    vaf.means = boot[[sample]][,as.character(cluster)]
    mean.vaf = mean(vaf.means)
    upper.vaf = quantile(vaf.means, 1-alpha/2)
    lower.vaf = quantile(vaf.means, alpha/2)
    upper.vaf.fmt = sprintf('%0.2f%%', upper.vaf)
    lower.vaf.fmt = sprintf('%0.2f', lower.vaf)
    vaf.ci.str = paste0(lower.vaf.fmt, ' - ', upper.vaf.fmt)
                vaf.lower=lower.vaf, vaf.upper=upper.vaf,

#' Subclonal test of H0:
#      mean_X1 + mean_X2 < mean_X    Ha: less
#      mean_X1 + mean_X2 = mean_X    Ha: two.sided  (not available)
#      mean_X1 + mean_X2 > mean_X    Ha: greater
#' @param boot: output of generate.boot(), if NULL, test using VAFs
#' @param vaf.col.name: name of the VAF column
#' @param parent.cluster: the cluster of mutations representing the parent
#' clone
#' @param sub.clusters: vector of sub clusters to test if they can be
#' all directly arise from the parent clone; if NULL, the parent.cluster
#' will be tested against 0 (this will help determine if this (parent)clone
#' represents with high enough cell frac to report)
#' @param cdf: Clonal data frame with VAF
#' @param min.cluster.vaf: if not NULL and no bootstrap used, any cluster VAF
#' smaller than this is considered zero
#' @param alternative: alternative hypothesis c('greater', 'less')
#' default = 'greater' ie. Ha: mean_X >= mean_X1 + mean_X2
#' @description Return a list of p-value, confidence intervals of X-(X1+X2),etc.
#' if p-value is small, reject H0, otherwise, not enough evidence to reject H0
subclonal.test <- function(vaf.col.name, parent.cluster, sub.clusters=NULL,
                           boot=NULL, cdf=NULL, min.cluster.vaf=0, alpha=0.05,
    # debug
    # cat('subclonal.test: sample=', vaf.col.name, 'parent.cluster=', parent.cluster,
    #    'sub.clusters=', paste(sub.clusters, collapse=','),'\n')

    # if min.cluster.vaf provided,
    #zero.vaf = ifelse(is.null(sub.clusters) & !is.null(min.cluster.vaf),
    #    min.cluster.vaf, 0)
    if (is.null(boot) || length(boot) == 0){
        #cat('NO BOOT\n')
        # test using absolute values of VAF
        # debug
        # cat('No bootstrap! absolute value comparison.\n')
        min.cluster.vaf = ifelse(is.null(min.cluster.vaf), 0, min.cluster.vaf)
        zero.vaf = min.cluster.vaf
        if (is.null(sub.clusters)){
            mean.free.vaf = cdf$vaf[cdf$lab==parent.cluster]
            p = ifelse(mean.free.vaf > zero.vaf, 1, 0)
            mean.free.vaf = (cdf$vaf[cdf$lab==parent.cluster] -
                sum(cdf$vaf[cdf$lab %in% sub.clusters]))
            p = ifelse(mean.free.vaf >= 0, 1, 0)
        #if (parent.cluster == 'c1' && (all(c('c1a', 'c1aC1') %in% sub.clusters))){
        #  cat('mean.free.vaf=', mean.free.vaf, 'p=', p, '\n')
        #zz <<- mean.free.vaf
        upper.free.vaf = NA
        lower.free.vaf = NA
        upper.free.vaf.fmt = NA
        lower.free.vaf.fmt = NA
        confident.level = NA
        confident.level.non.negative = NA
        free.vaf.ci.str = NA

        num.boots = nrow(boot[[1]])
        if (num.boots == 0){return(NULL)}
        if (is.null(sub.clusters)){
            #free.vaf = boot[[vaf.col.name]][,parent.cluster]
            # -boot$zero.means
            free.vaf = boot[[vaf.col.name]][,parent.cluster]
            #cat('debug: AAA\n')

            free.vaf = apply(boot[[vaf.col.name]], 1,
                             function(row) (row[parent.cluster] -
            #cat('debug: BBB\n')
            #bbb <<- boot
            #cat(vaf.col.name, parent.cluster, '\n')
        zz <<- free.vaf
        zero.vaf = 0
        # p = probability that clone has non-negative ccf
        # also equal p-value of test to reject Ho: ccf < 0
        # TODO: change to >= in free.vaf > zero.vaf???

        fv <<- free.vaf

        p = sum(free.vaf > zero.vaf)/length(free.vaf)
        mean.free.vaf = mean(free.vaf)
        upper.free.vaf = quantile(free.vaf, 1-alpha/2)
        lower.free.vaf = quantile(free.vaf, alpha/2)
        upper.free.vaf.fmt = sprintf('%0.2f%%', upper.free.vaf)
        lower.free.vaf.fmt = sprintf('%0.2f', lower.free.vaf)
        confident.level = 1 - alpha
        confident.level.non.negative = ifelse(lower.free.vaf >= 0,
            confident.level, sum(free.vaf >= 0 &
            free.vaf <= upper.free.vaf)/length(free.vaf)
        free.vaf.ci.str = ifelse(lower.free.vaf > 0,
                                 paste0(lower.free.vaf.fmt, ' - ',
                                 paste0('0 - ', upper.free.vaf.fmt))
    # cat('p-value =', p, '\n')
    #cat('CI =', lower.free.vaf, '-', upper.free.vaf, 'free.mean=', mean.free.vaf, '\n')

    # default was less in the past, now just need to recalc p as 1-p
    # so new p is prob that ccf is negative
    # or the p.value to reject Ho: ccf < 0
    if (alternative == 'greater'){p = 1 - p}


fisher.p <- function(pvals, max.p=1){
    return(pchisq( -2*sum(log(pvals)), df=length(pvals), lower.tail=FALSE))

# w = weights
combine.p <- function(pvals, method='fisher', max.p=1, w=NULL){
    if (method == 'z'){
    if (is.null(w)){
        w = rep(1, length(pvals))
    keep = !is.na(pvals) & pvals <= max.p
    pvals = pvals[keep]
    w = w[keep]
    n = length(pvals)
    if (n < 1){
    } else if (n == 1){
    }else if (method == 'fisher'){
        return(fisher.p(pvals, max.p))
    }else if (method == 'z'){
        return(sumz(pvals, weights=w)$p)
hdng/clonevol documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:19 p.m.