Man pages for hms-dbmi/crestree
Analysis of branching branching trajectories from single-cell data

activation.forkEstimate optimum of expression and time of activation
activation.statisticsEstimate optimum of expression and time of activation
activity.lassoPredict regulatory impact (activity) of transcription factors
bootstrap.pptSample pptree objects using bootstrap
branch.specific.genesAssign genes differentially expressed between two...
classify.genesClassify tree-associated genes
cleanup.branchesRemove spurious branches of pptree
corEvolEstimate switch point in correlation trend
cor.matCalculate weighted pairwise correlations between columns of...
corMatrixEstimates local gene-gene correlations in a sequence of...
corMatrixCEstimates local gene-gene correlations in a sequence of...
crestProcessed neural crest single-cell data
decomposeDecompose a number by degrees of 2.
euclidean.matCalculate pairwise euclidean distances between columns of...
extract.subtreeExtract subtree of the tree
fig.cellsVisualize cells assigned to each local window
fig.corsVisualize patterns of local correlations in consequtive...
fit.associated.genesModel gene expression levels as a function of tree positions.
fit.tsModel gene expression levels as a brancing spline function of...
fork.ptExtract subtree of the tree
inclusion.statShow summary cumulative probability of genes inclusion in...
lambda.exploreExplore lambda
loc.optIdentify all local optima for a time series data
matWVCorrcalculate weighted correlation between columns of a matrix...
mppt.treeSample pptree objects using different seeds
onsetEstimates inclusion times of genes in a correlated module for...
onset.estEstimates inclusion times of genes in a correlated module
plotpptVisualize pptree onto embedding
plotpptlVisualize list of pptree objects onto embedding
ppt.treeReconstruction of the tree
project.cells.onto.pptProject cells onto the principal tree
setrootOrient the tree by setting up the root
show.gene.inclusionShow cumulative probability of gene inclusion in correlated...
show.inclusion.summaryShow summary cumulative probability of genes inclusion in...
sig.exploreEstimate optimal sigma parameter.
slide.cellsAssign cells in a probabilistic manner to non-intersecting...
slide.corsAssign cells in a probabilistic manner to non-intersecting...
switchPointEstimates switch point in correlation trend
synchroEstimates pseudotime trends of local intra- and inter-module...
synchro.pathEstimates pseudotime trends of local intra- and inter-module...
test.associated.genesDetermine a set of genes significantly associated with the...
test.fork.genesDetermine genes differentially upregulated after bifurcation...
visualise.clustersVisualize clusters of genes using heatmap and consensus...
visualise.trajectoryVisualize branching trajectories of a particular gene.
visualize.synchroVisualise local correlation trends of inter- and intra-...
wcrcalculate weighted correlation between columns of a matrix...
hms-dbmi/crestree documentation built on July 11, 2019, 8:04 p.m.