Man pages for jbergenstrahle/STUtility
Analysis and visualization of Spatial Transcriptomics data

add.marginsFunction used to add whitespace to image
AlignImagesAutomatic alignment of HE stained tissue images
apply.transformApply rigid transformation to a set of points
ColorBlenderSqueeze 2 or 3 column feature data into the unit cube and...
combine.trCombines rigid tranformation matrices
ConvertGeneNamesConvert gene names
CorSpatialDimsFind dims with high spatial autocorrelation
CorSpatialGenesFind genes with high spatial autocorrelation
Create3DStackCreates a stack of point patterns with aligned data and...
Create_annotationCreate an annotation
create.array.from.feature.valsCreates an array of dimensions...
create.cols.from.arrayCreates HSV colors from an array
CreateStaffliObjectCreate a Staffli object
CropImagesManual cropping of images
cscaleCreate a plotly compatible colorscale
CustomFacetWrapCustom ggproto object for facet wrap
dark_themeGenerates a dark theme for STPlot
DimOverlayOverlay dimensionality reduction vectors on HE images
DimPlot3DPlots a selected dimensionality reduction vector in 3D
draw_scalebarDraws a scalebar for ST plots
EdgeMaskMasking function t
facet_wrap_customCustom facet wrap function
FactorGeneLoadingPlotPlot a bar chart with gene loadings
FeatureOverlayOverlay features on HE images
FeaturePlot3DPlots the values of a selected feature in 3D
feature.scalerFunction used to scale numerical features
FilterObjectsGet the names of objects within a Seurat object that are of a...
find.optimal.transformFinds optimal transform based on RMSE a map function transformation function
GetCoordsExtract table of x, y coordinates from ST count matrix...
GetCropWindowsGet crop geometries
get.edgesObtain edges of binary mask stores in masked.masks list
get.edges.SeuratFinds edges of a mask and returns a set of x,y coordinates...
get.edges.StaffliFinds edges of a mask and returns a set of x,y coordinates...
getExtensionObtain file extension
GetSpatNetCreate Spatial Networks
GetStaffliExtracts Staffli from Seurat object
g_legendCreate legend
grid.from.staffliCreates 2D point patterns for a set of images
HSVOverlayOverlay HSV encoded features on HE images
HSVPlotHSV encoded plots
HSVPlot3DPlots the values of a feature in 3D
ica_initInitiate NMF using ICA
icpmatMatch two point sets using iterative closest point search
ImagePlotFunction used to plot HE images obtained with 'LoadImages'
iminfoExtracts a list of image info from a Staffli object
InputFromTableCreate Seurat object from Spatial Transcriptomics data
interpolate_2D_dataInterpolate value across point pattern
labelRGBSelect spots by rgb values after ST.DimPlot
LoadImagesFunction used to read HE images in jpeg or png format
make.plotUsed for the manual annotation tool, returns plot and...
ManualAlignImagesManual alignment of images
ManualAnnotationManual annotation tool via shiny This function takes a seurat...
MaskImagesImage masking
MergerMerge expression matrices
MergeSTDataMerge two or more Seurat objects containing Staffli image...
mirrorCreates a transformation matrix that mirrors an object in 2D...
namesMethod used to get samplenames from a Staffli object
obtain.array.coordsObtain array coordinates
palette.selectPalette selection count files
plotPlot method for Staffli objects
prep.sbPrep scalebar
qcGenesQuality metrics for genes
qcSamplesQuality metrics for samples
qc.scatterfunction(x, y, ...) used to plot the contents of each panel...
qcSpotsQuality metrics for spots
rasterize_scatterAssign points to a grid
rasterlistsExtracts available image types from Seurat or Staffli objects
RegionNeighboursAutodetect region neighbours
rigid.reflCreates a transformation matrix for reflection
rigid.rotCreates a transformation matrix for rotation
rigid.stretchCreates a transformation matrix for stretching
rigid.transfCreates a transformation matrix for rotation and translation
rigid.translCreates a transformation matrix for translation with an...
rnmfRun NMF with ica init
rotateCreates a transformation matrix that rotates an object in 2D...
RunNMFRun Non-negative Matrix Factorization
samplenamesExtracts available samplenames from Seurat or Staffli objects
scaled.imdimsExtracts scaled dimensions of images in Staffli object
scale_overrideFunction used to override scales in facets of a ggplot object
scatter_HEFunction used to generate a 2D set of points from an HE image
SetQuantileFind the quantile of a data
showShow method for Staffli objects
sleepyFunction to perform system sleep if user having memory issues...
slicSLIC algorithm
SmoothPlotGraphs a smooth interpolation heatmap colored by continuous...
spatial_dim_plotDimensional reduction plot on ST coordinates on top of HE...
spatial_feature_plotVisualize 'features' on one selected HE image
spatial_hsv_plotOverlay HSVplot on one selected HE image
Staffli-classThe Staffli Class
Staffli-get-methodsMethod used to get meta data from a Staffli object
Staffli-set-methodsMethod used to set meta data in a Staffli object
ST.DimPlotDimensional reduction plot on ST coordinates
ST.FeaturePlotFeature plot on ST coordinates
ST.ImagePlotGraphs ST spots colored by continuous variable, e.g....
st.load.matrixload count files
STPlotGraphs ST spots colored by continuous or categorical features
stretchStretch along angle
ST.rgbDimPlotStore rgb values after ST.Dimplot OBS! could be merged with...
STutility-packageSTutility: Analysis and visualization of Spatial...
SubsetSTDataSubset a Seurat object containing Staffli image data
SummarizeAssocFeaturesSummarize features associated with cselected factors
SwitchResolutionFunction used to reload images in different quality and apply...
translateCreates a transformation matrix that translates an object in...
WarpApply warping of x, y coordinates using a affine...
WarpImagesWarps images using various transformations
jbergenstrahle/STUtility documentation built on March 14, 2023, 7:15 a.m.