
Defines functions get_consensus_df

Documented in get_consensus_df

##' Caution! This function will take much time, because it is only
##' optimised for small sequences.
##' This function is based on samtools to get the reference to the
##' hit. Further the consensus is generated by adding blanks "-" to
##' the start and the end of the reads to cover the full
##' reference. Therefore, it will be very slow, if the reference
##' becomes very large.
##' @title Get the consenus sequence of the read hits to the reference
##' @param hits Genebank IDs of the hits
##' @param out_file File path to the results dir
##' @param par_list Parameter given by the par_list(), see
##'   \code{\link{set_par_list}}
##' @return data.frame
##' @author Jochen Kruppa
##' @export
get_consensus_df <- function(hits, out_file, par_list){
  talk("[CONSENSUS] Get sequence information on hits")
  dna_read_seqs <- readRDS(str_c(out_file, "_dna_seqs.RDS"))
  dna_read_seqs_info <- tbl_df(data.frame(str_split(names(dna_read_seqs), "_", simplify = TRUE),
                                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
  names(dna_read_seqs_info) <- c("genebank_id", "qname", "pos_start", "pos_end")
  dna_read_seqs_info$pos_start <- as.numeric(dna_read_seqs_info$pos_start)
  dna_read_seqs_info$pos_end <- as.numeric(dna_read_seqs_info$pos_end)
  dna_read_seqs_info$seq_id <- names(dna_read_seqs) 
  ## index the ref sequence and load the subset of sequences
  runCMD(paste("samtools faidx", par_list["ref_seq_file"],
               "2>", file.path(tmpDir, "samtools.log")))
  tmp_hit_ref_fa <- tempfile(pattern = "tmp_hit_ref_",
                             tmpdir = par_list["tmp_dir"], fileext = ".fa")
  runCMD(paste("samtools faidx", par_list["ref_seq_file"],
               str_c(hits, collapse = " "), ">", tmp_hit_ref_fa,
               "2>", file.path(tmpDir, "samtools.log")))
  hit_ref_seq <- readDNAStringSet(tmp_hit_ref_fa)
  ## info from each hit
  talk("[CONSENSUS] Get species information from each hit")
  consensus_info_list <- setNames(llply(hits, function(hit) {
    ## get the hit information
    hit_info <- filter(dna_read_seqs_info, genebank_id %in% hit)
    hit_dna_seqs <- dna_read_seqs[names(dna_read_seqs) %in% hit_info$seq_id]
    hit_length <- collect(filter(par_list["species_info"], genebank_id == hit))$Length
    ## align all reads
    return(list(hit_info = hit_info,
                hit_length = hit_length,
                hit_dna_seqs = hit_dna_seqs,
                hit_ref_seq = hit_ref_seq[hit]))
  }), hits)
  talk("[CONSENSUS] Align reads to the reference sequence")
  consensus_list <- llply(consensus_info_list, function(x) {
    ## talk(names(x$hit_ref_seq))
    tmp_aligned_file <- tempfile(pattern = str_c("tmp_aligned_ref_", names(x$hit_ref_seq), "_"),
                                 tmpdir = par_list["tmp_dir"], fileext = ".fa.gz")
    l_ply(seq_along(x$hit_dna_seqs), function(i) {
      if(length(x$hit_length) != 1) {
        x$hit_length <- mean(x$hit_length)
      tmp_hit_dna_seq <- as.character(x$hit_dna_seqs[i])
      end_correct <- ifelse(x$hit_length - x$hit_info$pos_end[i] < 0,
                            x$hit_length - x$hit_info$pos_end[i])
      aligned <- DNAStringSet(str_c(str_dup("-", x$hit_info$pos_start[i]-1),
                                    str_dup("-", end_correct)))
      names(aligned) <- names(tmp_hit_dna_seq)
      writeXStringSet(aligned, tmp_aligned_file, append = TRUE, compress = TRUE)
    hit_read_aligned <- subseq(readDNAStringSet(tmp_aligned_file), 1, width(x$hit_ref_seq))
    } else {
      file.copy(tmp_aligned_file, dirname(out_file), overwrite = TRUE)
    ## get the consensus
    ## library(msa)
    con_mat_raw <- consensusMatrix(hit_read_aligned, baseOnly = TRUE, as.prob = FALSE)
    con_mat <- apply(con_mat_raw, 2, function(x) {x/sum(x[-5])})
    row.names(con_mat)[5] <- "-"
    ## consensus string
    con_str <- row.names(con_mat)[apply(con_mat, 2,
                                        function(x) ifelse(x[5] == Inf, 5, which.max(x[-5])))]
    hit_con_seq <- DNAStringSet(str_c(con_str, collapse = ""))
    ## consensus prob
    con_prob <- apply(con_mat, 2, function(x) ifelse(x[5] == Inf, 0, max(x[-5])))
    ## get the consensus makes no sense -> must be one file...
    con_ref_seq <- compareStrings(x$hit_ref_seq, hit_con_seq)
    names(con_ref_seq) <- unique(x$hit_info$genebank_id)
    comp_dna <- function(x,y) {as.vector(as.matrix(x) == as.matrix(y))}
    comp_dna_bool <- comp_dna(hit_con_seq, x$hit_ref_seq)
    ## get the run values of the same symbol
    run_hit_df <- ddply(data.frame(lengths = rle(comp_dna_bool)$lengths,
                                   values = rle(comp_dna_bool)$values), c("values"), summarize,
    run_len_info <- c(summary(rle(comp_dna_bool)$lengths),
                      run_to_ref = run_hit_df[2,2], run_not_to_ref = run_hit_df[1,2])
    ## get the coverage to the reference     
    coverage_equal_ref <- mean(comp_dna_bool)
    coverage_overall_ref <- mean(!str_detect(str_split(as.character(hit_con_seq), "", simplify = TRUE), "-"))
    return(list(consensus_seq = setNames(hit_con_seq,
                consensus_to_refseq = setNames(BStringSet(con_ref_seq),
                consensus_df = tibble(genebank_id = unique(x$hit_info$genebank_id),
                                      pos = 1:length(con_prob),
                                      bool = comp_dna_bool),
                entropy = entropy::entropy(comp_dna_bool, unit = "log2"),
                run_len = run_len_info,
                median_con_prob = summary(con_prob, na.rm = TRUE),
                coverage_equal_ref = coverage_equal_ref,
                coverage_overall_ref = coverage_overall_ref
  }, .parallel = TRUE)
  talk("[CONSENSUS] Write consensus seqeunces to file")
  writeXStringSet(Reduce(c, llply(consensus_list, function(x) x$consensus_seq)),
                  str_c(out_file, "_consensus.fa"))
  writeXStringSet(Reduce(c, llply(consensus_list, function(x) x$consensus_to_refseq)),
                  str_c(out_file, "_consensus_to_refseq.fa"))
  return(list(consensus_df = tbl_df(ldply(consensus_list, function(x) x$consensus_df)),
              entropy_df = setNames(tbl_df(ldply(consensus_list, function(x) x$entropy)),
                                    c("genebank_id", "entropy")),
              run_len_df = setNames(tbl_df(ldply(consensus_list, function(x) x$run_len)),
                                    c("genebank_id", "min", "first", "median", "mean", "third", "max",
                                      "run_to_ref", "run_not_to_ref")),
              median_con_prob_df = setNames(tbl_df(ldply(consensus_list, function(x) x$median_con_prob)),
                                            c("genebank_id", "min", "first", "median", "mean", "third", "max")),
              coverage_equal_ref_df = setNames(tbl_df(ldply(consensus_list, function(x) x$coverage_equal_ref)),
                                               c("genebank_id", "coverage_equal_ref")),
              coverage_overall_ref_df = setNames(tbl_df(ldply(consensus_list, function(x) x$coverage_overall_ref)),
                                                 c("genebank_id", "coverage_overall_ref"))


jkruppa/virDisco documentation built on May 3, 2019, 7:05 p.m.