
Defines functions sv.summary

Documented in sv.summary

##' Summary of regions with abnormal coverage as detected by 'call.abnomal.cov'. It's a static version of 'sv.summary.interactive'. It produces graphs to to get an idea of the quality of the calls. For normal samples we would expect: the amount of called genome in each sample to be somewhat similar; the copy number estimates to locate near integer values; No systematic calls (i.e. called in all samples). The output graphs represent the amount of affected genome across samples, the copy number estimates distribution, the frequency distribution.
##' A list is returned. Its first element is a list of ggplot object with the different graphs. The second is a data.frame with summary information used to create the graphs.
##' @title Abnormal regions summary
##' @param res.df the data.frame with the results.
##' @param out.pdf the name for the output PDF file to create. If NULL (default), the graphs are either displayed directly or returned as a list.
##' @param print Should the graphs be displayed ? If 'out.pdf' though, this parameter is not used as no graph will be displayed.
##' @param FDR.th the FDR threshold to use. Default is 0.05.
##' @param min.cn2Dev the minimum deviation from CN2. Default is 0. Using '0.5' would remove CNVs with CN estimates in [1.5,2.5]. 
##' @param min.cov the minimum coverage in the reference samples. Default is 0.
##' @param max.sing.kb the maximum amount of single-bin calls. Default is Inf. Use and tweak when batches or outliers are visible in the calls.
##' @return A list with :
##' \item{graphs.l}{a list of ggplot graphs}
##' \item{cnv.df}{a data.frame with the selected CNVs}
##' \item{info.df}{a data.frame with different summary statistics}
##' @author Jean Monlong
##' @export
sv.summary <- function(res.df, out.pdf=NULL, print=TRUE, FDR.th=.05, min.cn2Dev=0, min.cov=0, max.sing.kb=Inf){
  sample = gen.kb = col = cn = chr = nb = fc = type = start = end = prop = . = freq.n = nb.bin.cons = NULL ## Uglily appease R checks

  nb.samp = length(unique(res.df$sample))

  res.df$gen.kb = with(res.df, (end-start)/1e3)
  res.df = res.df[which(res.df$qv<FDR.th & res.df$cn2.dev>=min.cn2Dev),]
    samp.th = with(res.df, dplyr::summarize(dplyr::arrange(dplyr::group_by(res.df[res.df$nb.bin.cons==1,], sample), qv), sig.th=qv[max(which(cumsum(gen.kb)<max.sing.kb))]))
    if(!all(unique(res.df$sample) %in% samp.th$sample)){
      samp.th = rbind(samp.th, data.frame(sample=setdiff(unique(res.df$sample), samp.th$sample), sig.th=Inf))
    res.df = merge(res.df, samp.th)
    res.df = res.df[which(res.df$qv <= res.df$sig.th), ]
    res.df$sig.th = NULL
    res.df = res.df[which(res.df$mean.cov>min.cov),]
  } else {
    warning("No column with the mean coverage in the reference.")

  cnv.df = res.df
  cnv.df$gen.kb = NULL
  samp.o = stats::aggregate(gen.kb~sample, data=res.df, sum)
  res.df$sample = factor(res.df$sample, levels=samp.o$sample[order(samp.o$gen.kb)])

  info.df = data.frame(variable="kb-meanPerSamp",value=mean(samp.o$gen.kb), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  freq.df = rbind(data.frame(type="deletion",freq.range(res.df[which(res.df$fc<1),], nb.samp=nb.samp)),
          data.frame(type="duplication",freq.range(res.df[which(res.df$fc>1),], nb.samp=nb.samp)))

  output = list()

  res.df$col = ifelse(res.df$fc>1, "duplication","deletion")
  res.df.s = dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(res.df, sample, col), gen.kb=sum(gen.kb))
  output$nb.calls.perType = ggplot2::ggplot(res.df.s, ggplot2::aes(x=sample, y=gen.kb, fill=col)) +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity") + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(name="type",palette="Set1") +
                     legend.position=c(0,1),legend.justification=c(0,1)) + ggplot2::ylab("abnormal genome (Kb)")

  m.df = dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(res.df.s,col), gen.kb=mean(gen.kb))
  info.df = rbind(info.df, data.frame(variable=paste("kb-meanPerSamp",m.df$col,sep="-"), value=m.df$gen.kb, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

  res.df$col = cut(res.df$nb.bin.cons, breaks=c(0,1,2,3,5,10,Inf))
  res.df.s = dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(res.df, sample, col), gen.kb=sum(gen.kb))
  output$nb.calls.perSize = ggplot2::ggplot(res.df.s, ggplot2::aes(x=sample, y=gen.kb, fill=col)) +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity") + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(name="size (bin)",palette="Set1") +
                     legend.position=c(0,1),legend.justification=c(0,1)) + ggplot2::ylab("abnormal genome (Kb)")

  pdf = res.df[which(res.df$nb.bin.cons>=3),]
  pdf$cn = pdf$fc*2
  if(any(pdf$cn>5)) pdf$cn[pdf$cn>5] = 5
  pdf$col = ifelse(pdf$fc>1, "duplication","deletion")
  output$cn.perType =  ggplot2::ggplot(pdf, ggplot2::aes(x=cn, fill=col)) +
    ggplot2::geom_histogram() + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0,5,1), labels=c(seq(0,4,1),">5"), limits=c(0,5.2)) + ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(name="type",palette="Set1") +
      ggplot2::theme(legend.position=c(.5,1),legend.justification=c(.5,1)) + ggplot2::xlab("Copy Number estimates") + ggplot2::ylab("number of calls")

  pdf$col = cut(pdf$nb.bin.cons, breaks=c(0,1,2,3,5,10,Inf))
  output$cn.perSize =  ggplot2::ggplot(pdf, ggplot2::aes(x=cn, fill=col)) +
    ggplot2::geom_histogram() + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0,5,1), labels=c(seq(0,4,1),">5"), limits=c(0,5.2)) + ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(name="size (bin)",palette="Set1") +
      ggplot2::theme(legend.position=c(.5,1),legend.justification=c(.5,1)) + ggplot2::xlab("Copy Number estimates") + ggplot2::ylab("number of calls")

  f.df = dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(freq.df, chr, start, end), nb=sum(nb), prop=sum(prop), gen.kb=utils::head((end-start)/1e3, 1))
  f.df = dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(f.df, chr, nb, prop), gen.kb=sum(gen.kb))
  output$freq = ggplot2::ggplot(dplyr::arrange(f.df, chr), ggplot2::aes(x=nb,  y=gen.kb, fill=chr)) + ggplot2::xlab("number of samples") +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity") + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::ylab("abnormal genome (Kb)") +
      ggplot2::guides(fill=FALSE) + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=rep(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9,"Set1"),3))

  output$freq.10samps = ggplot2::ggplot(dplyr::arrange(f.df[which(f.df$nb>=10),], chr), ggplot2::aes(x=nb,  y=gen.kb, fill=chr)) + ggplot2::xlab("number of samples") +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity") + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::ylab("abnormal genome (Kb)") +
      ggplot2::guides(fill=FALSE) + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=rep(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9,"Set1"),3))

  info.df = rbind(info.df, data.frame(variable="freq<10%-propBp", value=sum(f.df$gen.kb[which(f.df$prop<.1)])/sum(f.df$gen.kb), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

    grDevices::pdf(out.pdf, 9,6)
    lapply(output, print)
  } else if(print) {
    lapply(output, print)

  return(list(graphs.l = output, cnv.df=cnv.df, info.df=info.df))
jmonlong/PopSV documentation built on Sept. 15, 2019, 9:29 p.m.