
#' Is this a whole number
#' Function that tets whether input is a whole number and
#' returns T/F. This is used creating the pmf of discrete
#' distributions. This is taken from the example in as.integer
#' documentation included in base.
#' @param x A number
#' @param tol the tolerance used to compare x and round(x)
#' @return Logical is the number an integer

is_wholenumber <-function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5){
   abs(x - round(x)) < tol

#' PMF of a zero truncated Poisson distribution
#' PMF of zero truncated Poisson distribution at a point x.
#' @param x A number or vector of numbers
#' @param lambda The mean of the Poisson distribution that is truncated
#' not the mean of the truncated distribution.
#' @return Logical is the number an integer
#' @examples
#' dzpois(1,3)
#' # If Nb and l are vectors the output is a matrix of the form
#' # |---------Nb_j---------|
#' # |                      |
#' # |                      |
#' # l_i                   l_i
#' # |                      |
#' # |                      |
#' # |                      |
#' dzpois(1:2,1:3)
#' @export
dzpois<-function(x,lambda){ # the pmf of the zero truncated poisson distribution
  if(x<=0 | is_wholenumber(x)==F){

dzpois<-Vectorize(dzpois,vectorize.args = c("x"))

#' Probability of drawing an allele n times in n draws
#' Probability of drawing an allele n times in n draws. This is a helper
#' function used in transmission modeling.
#' @param p The probability (frequency of allele)
#' @param n The number of draws. or a vector of draw values
#' @return The probability of only drawing an allele at the given frequency.
#' Or a vector of such probabilities

p_all<-function(p,n){ # probability all success - only finding the variant at frequency p in n draws

#' The probability of lambda for a loci
#' The probability of observing the data given lambda and the presence absence
#' model.In this fit we take the minority frequency to be  correct
# and set the major frequency to 1-minority. This accounts for
# the fact that frequencies are related by the expression :
# minor allele + major allele + errror =1.
#Here we make the major allele frequency = major allele + error.
#The error is always small. if it exceeds 1% then we through an error here.

#' @param data a data frame of one donor polymorphic loci. It must have
#' columns chr,pos,freq1, and found
#' @param Nb_max The maximum bottleneck size to test
#' @param model The model we are using must be either "PA" or "BetaBin"
#' @param threshold limit of variant calling detection
#' @param acc a data frame with accuracy metrics
#' @return a tibble with columns for each lambda and the probability of
#' observing the data for that site.
#' @examples
#' get_freqs(c("HS1595","HS1563"),small_isnv)->small_dups
#' polish_freq(small_dups,freq1,0.02)->x
#' x$found=c(TRUE,TRUE)
#' math_fit(x,100,"PA")
#' x$found=c(FALSE,TRUE)
#' math_fit(x,100,"PA")
#' @export
  # this  calculation is for each position in the genome.
  stopifnot(length(unique(data$chr))==1, length(unique(data$pos))==1)
  # and each model.
  if(model=="PA"){#| model=="PA-straight"){
    #  In this fit we take the minority frequency to be  correct
    # and set the major frequency to 1-minority. This accounts for
    # the fact that frequencies are related by the expression :
    # minor allele + major allele + errror =1.
    #Here we make the major allele frequency = major allele + error.
    #The error is always small. if it exceeds 1% then we through an error here.

      warning("The sum of the frequencies is less than 99% make sure the assumption major freq = 1-minor freq is valid")

    found<-data[data$found==T,] # only alleles that were transmitted
    Nb<-1:Nb_max # Here are the bottlenecks

    if(nrow(found)==0 | nrow(found)>2){
      stop(paste0("No variant transmitted for this site or",
                  "there are more than 2 variants here"))
    }else if(nrow(found)==1){ # one variant found here. All successes
      # this is a vector of probabilities for each
      # n prob[i]= the probability of only getting that
      # variant in Nb[i] (i.e. draws)
    }else if(nrow(found)==2){
    # if at least on of each allele was transmitted

      first_var<-p_all(p=found$freq1[1],n=Nb) # all this one
      second_var<-p_all(p=found$freq1[2],n=Nb) # all the other one
      # at least one of each -
      # This is a vector as above since R adds and subtracts the
      # elements of the vectors as expected

  }else if(model=="BetaBin"){# | model =="BetaBin-straight"){
      warning("The beta binomials model only uses minor alleles. Subsetting the data now.")
    # 2 is the recipient
    v_r = data$freq2
    v_d = data$freq1
    gc_ul = data$gc_ul2
    threshold = 0.02

    prob = L.Nb.beta(v_r,v_d,Nb,gc_ul,threshold,acc)


#' Fit the transmission model
#' This is wrapper around math_fit that fits the presence absence model to
#' each pair present in the data set.
#' @param data a data frame or tibble it will be split by chr pos and pair_id
#' @param Nb_max The maximum bottleneck size to test
#' @param model PA or BetaBin will fit lambda of a zero truncated Poisson. PA-straight, BetaBin-straight will fit 1 Nb.
#' @param threshold limit of variant calling detection
#' @param acc a data frame with accuracy metrics
#' @param ... other columns to group by in final output.
#' @return a tibble with columns pair_id,lambda,LL (log likelihood), and pair_id if desired.
#' @export


    group <- rlang::quos(...,Nb)
  original_group <- rlang::quos(...)
  probs<-data %>% dplyr::group_by(chr,pos,pair_id) %>%
  # For each genomic position in question

  #control for number of the mutations in each donor.
  counts <- data %>% dplyr::group_by(!!!original_group) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(donor_mutants = length(which(freq1>0 & freq1<0.5)))
  LL.df<-probs %>% dplyr::left_join(counts,by = "pair_id") %>%
    dplyr::group_by(!!!group) %>%
                     weighted_LL = (max_mut/unique(donor_mutants)) * LL)
  # Get the  log likelihood of the each lambda for this pair - we can sum accros pairs later.

#' Fit a distribution to pair_wise bottlenecks
#' This funciton returns the negative log likelihood for
#' a distribution of bottlenecks given a data frame of
#' fits on a per-pair basis. This can be used with mle from
#' the bbmle package.
#' @param data A tibble or data frame as outputed from trans_fit
#' @param weight A tibble or data frame providing the weighting factors for each
#' pair. It should have columns pair Id and weight_factor
#' @param ddist The pdf or pmf function for the distribution to test.
#' @param ... The parameters to pass to the ddist function
#' @return the negative Log likelihood weighted by the weighted data frame
#' @examples
#' require(magrittr)
#' require(dplyr)
#' fit <-trans_fit(small_trans,100,"PA",threshold = NULL,acc=NULL,pair_id)
#' weights<-small_trans %>% group_by(pair_id) %>%
#' summarize(donor_mutants = length(which(freq1>0 & freq1<0.5))) %>%
#'  mutate(weight_factor = max(donor_mutants)/donor_mutants)
#' dist_prob(fit,weights,dzpois,lambda=1)
#' @export

dist_prob <- function(data,weight,ddist,...){
  params <- rlang::enquos(...)
  ddist <-rlang::enexpr(ddist)

  Nb = unique(data$Nb) # probability of data
  data<- dplyr::mutate(data,prob_D = exp(LL))
  # I don't know the details of quoting ect. But this works.
  # prob of Nb
  prob_Nb<-rlang::eval_tidy(quo(Nb %>% purrr::map_dbl(.f = !!ddist,!!!params)))
  data<-data %>%
    dplyr::left_join(dplyr::tibble(Nb=Nb,prob_Nb = prob_Nb),by="Nb") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(prob_D_and_Nb = prob_D*prob_Nb)

   l_by_pair<- data %>% dplyr::group_by(pair_id) %>%
     dplyr::summarize(prob_D_given_dist = sum(prob_D_and_Nb),
               LL_D_given_dist = log(prob_D_given_dist)) %>%
     dplyr::mutate(weighted_total_LL  = weight$weight_factor[weight$pair_id==pair_id] * LL_D_given_dist)


#' Make distribution specific functions to fit distribution
#' This is a wrapper that  function that uses a provided distribution
#' to fit the negative log likelihood for
#' a distribution of bottlenecks given a data frame of
#' fits on a per-pair basis. This can be used with mle from
#' the bbmle package.

#' @param ddist The pdf or pmf function for the distribution to test as a string.
#' @param params The parameters to pass to the ddist function as a string with commas
#' @return the negative Log likelihood weighted by the weighted data frame
#' @examples
#' require(magrittr)
#' require(dplyr)
#' fit <-trans_fit(small_trans,100,"PA",threshold = NULL,acc=NULL,pair_id)
#' weights<-small_trans %>% group_by(pair_id) %>%
#' summarize(donor_mutants = length(which(freq1>0 & freq1<0.5))) %>%
#'  mutate(weight_factor = max(donor_mutants)/donor_mutants)
#' binom_fit<-dist_prob_wrapper("dbinom","size,prob")
#' binom_fit(fit,weights,100,0.1)
#' @export

  f_string<- paste0("function(data,weight,",params,"){dist_prob(data,weight,",ddist,",", params,")}")
  eval(parse(text = f_string))

#' Summarize model likelihoods
#' This function summarizes the likelihood from the model_fit functions.
#' returning the max lambda and 95% confidence interval. The confidence interval
#' assumes a smooth curve.
#' @param data data frame or tibble of model fit data.
#' @return a tibble with columns
#' lambda : best fit
#' lower_95 : lower 95% bound (lambda)
#' upper_95 : upper 95% bound (lambda)
#' Nb : mean Nb of a zero truncated poisson given the lambda
#' @examples
#' trans_fit(small_trans,100,"PA",threshold=NULL,acc=NULL,pair_id) ->model_fit
#' model_summary(model_fit)
#' @export

  Nb<-data$Nb[which(data$LL==max(data$LL))] # Get the  max lambda
  good_range<-subset(data,LL> (max(LL)-1.92)) # get the bottlenecks that fall in this region the 95% confidence intereval
  upper <- good_range$Nb[nrow(good_range)]

#' Simulate transmission Presence absence model
#' Simulate the transmission of alleles using the
#' presence absence model. Essentially this takes
#' the frequency of the variant allele, and bottleneck
#' size and simulates the found column. It also selects a bottleneck size
#' based on lambda and a zero truncated Poisson. If simulatin the whole data
#' set each pair should be run separately as to not use the same bottleneck
#' @param data a data frame with with chr,pos,freq1, and  pair_id columns
#' @param lambda The lambda of the zero truncated Poisson
#' @return data frame the same as data but with a simulated found column
#' @examples
#' pa_sim(small_trans,1.3)
#' @export
    warning(paste0("Running on ",length(pair)," pairs. All will have the same bottleneck."))
  out<-data %>% dplyr::group_by(chr,pos,pair_id) %>%

#' PA sim helper
#' Helper function to simulate presence absence data. This takes in one loci.
#' the data frame should have 2 rows (one for each allele.)
#' Simulate the transmission of alleles using the
#' presence absence model. Essentially this takes
#' the frequency of the variant allele, and bottleneck
#' size and simulates the found column.
#' @param data a data frame with with freq1 and pair_id columns and 2 rows
#' @param Nb the bottleneck size
#' @return data frame the same as data but with a simulated found column

  # data refers to the 2 mutations at this position, bottlenecks-
  #  a data frame with the bottle_neck,
  #model - the name of the column in the bottlenecks that
  # contains the bottleneck size we want to use.
    stop(print("There are not 2 mutations at this point."))

    stop(print("There should only be one pair id at this point."))
  # This is the major allele frequency - calculated the same as in the model

  # the number of success in n trials.
  #  How many of the major alleles in the draw
  if(success==Nb){ # only found major variants
  } else if(success==0){ # only the minor
  } else if(success>0 & success<Nb){   # both were found
  } else{

#' Randomly sample a zero truncated Poisson
#' Randomly sample a zero truncated Poisson distribution given
#' the lambda of the underlying Poisson (that is of course truncated).
#' @param n number samples
#' @param lambda The mean of the untruncated Poisson
#' @return a random sample
#' @examples
#' rzpois(10,2.3)
#' @export
  #from http://giocc.com/zero_truncated_poisson_sampling_algorithm.html
  out = vector(mode="double",length=n)
  for(i in 1:n){
    k = 1
    t = exp(-lambda) / (1 - exp(-lambda)) * lambda
    s = t
    u = runif(1)
    while(s < u){
      k = k+1
      t = t*(lambda / k)
      s = s+t
    out[i] <- k

#' Simulate probability of transmission  based on frequency
#' @param data data frame of transmission data
#' @param runs how many simulations to run
#' @param lambda What is the lamda of the zero truncated Poisson to use
#' @param FUN what function to use to simulate the found column pa_sim or betabin_sim unquoted
#' @param threshold - optional to pass to betabinomial simulator
#' @param acc optional to pass to betabinomial simulation
#' @param ... columns to group for simulations. These will get the same
#' bottleneck size within each replication. It should probably only ever be
#' pair_id.(ie each person gets the same bottleneck within a run)
#' @return a data frame of simulated logit fits to frequency in donor vs.
#' probability of transmission
#' @examples
#' simulations(small_trans,10,3.2,pa_sim)
#' simulations(small_trans,10,3.2,betabin_sim,0.02,accuracy_stringent)
#' @export
  # iSNV data, how many iterations,
  # what is lambda value and what function is used to simulate the data.

    for (i in 1:runs){

    trial.df<-data %>% dplyr::group_by(!!!group_by)%>%
      trial.df<-data %>% dplyr::group_by(!!!group_by)%>%
    logit<-glm(formula =found~freq1,family=binomial(logit),data=trial.df) # Fit a logit model to the data
    model.df$prob[ind]<-trial.df$prob# add to the final output
#                           BETA BINOMIAL FUNCTIONS

#' @describeIn L.Nb.beta likelihood the variant is  found in recipient

    acc_gc <- 1e5
  # If the frequency is below our threshold then the probability of being found is 0
  # This will round the gc down to the nearest log as discussed below.
  if(v_r>=0.02 & v_r<0.05){
    sense= acc$sensitivity[which(acc$gc_ul==acc_gc & acc$freq==0.02)]
  }else if(v_r>=0.05 & v_r<0.1){
    sense= acc$sensitivity[which(acc$gc_ul==acc_gc & acc$freq==0.05)]
  else {
  prob = c()
    for(k in 0:Nb){
      prob[k+1]=dbeta(x=v_r,shape1 = k,shape2=Nb-k)*dbinom(x=k,size=Nb,prob = v_d)*sense
  }else if(v_r>(1-threshold)){
    # it is fixed - whats the probability the other allele was not found
    lost_allele_freq = 1-v_d
    # The for loop over k and sum is in the like_lost.beta.uncert function
    prob = like_lost.beta.uncert(v_r=0,v_d=lost_allele_freq,Nb,gc_ul,threshold,acc=acc)

#' @describeIn L.Nb.beta likelihood the variant is not found in recipient
like_lost.beta.uncert<-function(v_r,v_d,Nb,gc_ul,threshold,acc=accuracy_stringent){ # sum over k
  stopifnot(v_r<threshold) # ensure not found in the recipient
    acc_gc <- 1e5
  # This will round the gc down to the nearest log as discussed below.
  for(k in 0:Nb){
    for(i in 1:(length(f)-1)){
      uncert=1-acc$sensitivity[which(acc$gc_ul==acc_gc & acc$freq==f[i])]
      # The prob the variant is missed because itis between f[i] and f[i+1] given
      # the sample size
      uncert_term[i]=(pbeta(q = f[i+1],shape1 = k,shape2 = Nb-k)-
                        pbeta(q = f[i],shape1 = k,shape2 = Nb-k))*
        dbinom(x=k,size=Nb,prob = v_d)*uncert
    #probability the variant is below the cut off or present but missed
    prob[k+1]=pbeta(q = threshold,shape1 = k,shape2 = Nb-k)*dbinom(x=k,size=Nb,prob = v_d)+sum(uncert_term)

#' Betabinomial Likelihood functions
#' What is the probability of observing the data given a bottleneck
#' size under the beta binomial model. This is a wrapper around the two likelihood
#' functions
#' @param v_r allele frequency in the recipient
#' @param v_d allele frequency in the donor
#' @param Nb Bottleneck size (may be a vector)
#' @param gc_ul titer in recipeint sample
#' @param threshold detection level threshold
#' @param acc a data frame with accrucacy data must contain, columns
#'  freq,sensitivity, and gc_ul
#' @return The likelihood of observing the data given the bottleneck size.
#' @export
  }else if(v_r<threshold){ # Not found
L.Nb.beta<-Vectorize(L.Nb.beta,vectorize.args = "Nb")

#' Simulate transmission Beta binomial model
#' Simulate the transmission of alleles using the
#' betabinomial model. Essentially this takes
#' the frequency of the variant allele, and bottleneck
#' size and simulates the found column. It also selects a bottleneck size
#' based on lambda and a zero truncated Poisson. If simulation the whole data
#' set each pair should be run separately as to not use the same bottleneck
#' @param data a data frame with with chr,pos,freq1, and  pair_id columns
#' @param lambda The lambda of the zero truncated Poisson
#' @param threshold limit of variant calling detection
#' @param acc a data frame with accuracy metrics
#' @return data frame the same as data but with a simulated found column
#' @examples
#' betabin_sim(small_trans,1.2,0.02,accuracy_stringent)
#' @export

    warning(paste0("Running on ",length(pair)," pairs. All will have the same bottleneck."))

  out<-data %>% dplyr::group_by(chr,pos,pair_id) %>%


#' beta bin sim helper
#' Helper function to simulate beta binomial data. This takes in one loci.
#' the data frame should have 2 rows (one for each allele.)
#'  Essentially this takes
#' the frequency of the variant allele, and bottleneck
#' size and simulates the found column.
#' @param data a data frame with with freq1 and pair_id columns and 2 rows
#' @param Nb the bottleneck size
#' @param threshold limit of variant calling detection
#' @param acc a data frame with accuracy metrics
#' @return data frame the same as data but with a simulated found column
  # data refers to the 2 mutations at this position, bottlenecks-
  #  a data frame with the bottle_neck,
  #model - the name of the column in the bottlenecks that
  # contains the bottleneck size we want to use.
    stop(print("There are not 2 mutations at this point."))

    stop(print("There should only be one pair id at this point."))

  minor<-min(data$freq1) # This is the minor allele frequency

    # includes uncertainty -
    # with v_r = 0 or 1 these are probabilities otherwise they are densities.
    only_minor= L.Nb.beta(v_r=1,v_d=minor,Nb=Nb,gc_ul=unique(data$gc_ul2),threshold=threshold,acc)
      # includes uncertainty - The likelihood the allele was lost
    only_major = L.Nb.beta(v_r=1,v_d=major,Nb=Nb,gc_ul=unique(data$gc_ul2),threshold=threshold,acc) # includes uncertainty - The likelihood the allele was lost

  both = 1-(only_minor+only_major)

  # flip the coin
  pick = runif(1,0,1)

  # 0  only_minor         only_major         both                        1
  # |------------------|---------------|---------------------------------|

    # onlny the minor was found
  }else if(pick>only_minor & pick<(only_minor+only_major)){
    # only the major was found
  }else if(pick>=(only_minor+only_major)){
    # both were found
jtmccr1/HIVEr documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:50 a.m.