
# ideas for subsppR 
# -- mccormack 2010 jniche paper -- niche tests are not very robust
# -- scale issue -- why not just do by longitude or whatever? 
#   -- what about the rotation of points or something? 
#   -- GIGO though, the data points aren't good. 
# -- are the son/chi desert different or the same? scale? 
# -- are the climatic envelopes different at a biome scale?
# -- also phaino is a weird one to test 
# -- have you tried using other layers? 
# -- eclogy keeps them separated or not? 
# -- first one -- are the deserts different -- does env drive differentiation, what about it? local adaptation? flipside of CFB -- locally adapted is same as saying cant cross CFB. but can be locally adapted and have the same niche so what's important s why can't cross barrier.
# -- second one is getting at the latter. try to understand why the barrier affects your species. then can set up to test ability of them to cross using niche models in comparative framework. 
# -- consistent biases allows for answers 
# -- to test the strength of the barrier - does resistance explain differentiation across the barrier.
# -- ideally with spatially explicit simulation. going to be difficult to get aorund points and scale issues of niche model.
# -- barrier is small geographic area with large scale data. but can refine data down. 
# -- ditch ebird stuff totally from the gbif data. probably just stationary counts less than 10 minutes and will get tons of recrods.
# -- specimens may have too much lat long error. 
# -- remember the error estimates. 
# -- stationary counts, like <1 hour or something? see how much data that is. past 5 years? people using ebird app which does very good lat long. high res high quality points. factor in cell phone shittiness. 
# -- most of these birds not a climatic issue. but is correlated with broad scale habitat?
# -- start with large scale stuff to see if it works? then it probalby wont and go for small stuff. 
# -- how habitat associations correlate with climate? 
# -- could do the ML though. LandSat? landscape classification?
# -- mary has a remose sensing package? 

## -- hypervolumes are more accurate than minimum convex polygons! r package hypervolume. see the woodpecker color paper 

## input object: results of PairsOfBirdSpeciesNicheOverlap-3orMoreSpecies.R
## list of two objects
## first of which is a dataframe with columns: name (spp name), lat, long, subspecies (a priori),
## then some number of columns of boolean values as to whether a point
## is assigned to a subspecies or not 
## second of which are polygons associated with each subspecies

## problem: multiple tests between 19 subspecies? bonferoni corrections
## maybe only do if adjacent? -- probably not, says the instructors
## may want to figure out another way to measure similarity to walk through subspp space 
##TODO: consider lumping? 

## for now testing with phainopeplaNitens
##TODO: change all the lapply to function if possible 
##TODO: update plotting here (and in other file) so that everything plots iteratively, esp if pairwise
##TODO: add in species name not just subspp name 

## need to add a check in here -- remove unknown points with exact same lat/long as a labeled point

setwd("~/Documents/Classes/Finished Classes/Spatial Bioinformatics/project/")


## also split these into subspecies assignments with $assigned
## this is a list, can access with $x or [[i]]

## if you want you can check through the points that suck to add in more localities 
## but for now not doing that 

## now we have groups that are assigned to single areas and don't mismatch
## let's split into two different groupings and make some niche models! 
## then test overlap

# step 1 -- import environmental variables 
##TODO: add in other data than Worldclim
##TODO: water layer, how often water there is at that spot? 30m layer!!!
Env = raster::stack(list.files(
  path='/Users/kprovost/Documents/Classes/Finished Classes/Spatial Bioinformatics/spatial_bioinformatics-master/ENM/wc2-5/',
ext = raster::extent(c(-125,-60,10,50)) ## make sure this will play nice with your points
Env = raster::crop(Env, ext)
bg = Env[[1]] ## just for plotting 

## get locs 
#species = "Phainopepla nitens"
#subspecies = c("nitens","lepida")

species = "Cardinalis sinuatus"
subspecies = c("sinuatus","fulvescens","peninsulae")
#species = "Cardinalis cardinalis"
#subspecies = c("affinis","canicaudus","cardinalis","carneus",
#                "clintoni","coccineus","flammiger","floridanus",
#                "igneus","littoralis","magnirostris","mariae",
#                "phillipsi","saturatus","seftoni","sinaloensis",
#                "superbus","townsendi","yucatanicus")

#subspecies_igne = c("affinis","clintoni","igneus","seftoni","sinaloensis","superbus","townsendi")
#subspecies_card = c("canicaudus","cardinalis","floridanus","magnirostris")
#subspecies_cocc = c("coccineus","flammiger","littoralis","phillipsi","yucatanicus")
#subspecies_rest = c("carneus","mariae","saturatus")
#test = c("clintoni","affinis")

## there is a bug -- if one subspp range is entirely subsumed within another polygon, 
## will delete that subspecies. no bueno 

processedSpecies = databaseToAssignedSubspecies(spp=species,
                                     outputDir="~/Documents/Classes/Finished Classes/Spatial Bioinformatics/project/")

#processedSpecies_rest = databaseToAssignedSubspecies(spp=species,
#                                                 subsppList=subspecies_rest,
#                                                 pointLimit=500,dbToQuery=c("gbif","bison","inat","ebird","ecoengine","vertnet"),
#                                                 quantile=0.95,xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50,plotIt=T,bgLayer=bg,
#                                                 outputDir="~/Documents/Classes/Spatial Bioinformatics/project/")
#processedSpecies_cocc = databaseToAssignedSubspecies(spp=species,
#                                                     subsppList=subspecies_cocc,
#                                                     pointLimit=500,dbToQuery=c("gbif","bison","inat","ebird","ecoengine","vertnet"),
#                                                     quantile=0.95,xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50,plotIt=T,bgLayer=bg,
#                                                     outputDir="~/Documents/Classes/Spatial Bioinformatics/project/")
#processedSpecies_card = databaseToAssignedSubspecies(spp=species,
#                                                     subsppList=subspecies_card,
#                                                     pointLimit=500,dbToQuery=c("gbif","bison","inat","ebird","ecoengine","vertnet"),
#                                                     quantile=0.95,xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50,plotIt=T,bgLayer=bg,
#                                                     outputDir="~/Documents/Classes/Spatial Bioinformatics/project/")
#processedSpecies_igne = databaseToAssignedSubspecies(spp=species,
#                                                     subsppList=subspecies_igne,
#                                                     pointLimit=500,dbToQuery=c("gbif","bison","inat","ebird","ecoengine","vertnet"),
#                                                     quantile=0.95,xmin=-125,xmax=-60,ymin=10,ymax=50,plotIt=T,bgLayer=bg,
#                                                     outputDir="~/Documents/Classes/Spatial Bioinformatics/project/")

loc_suspect = processedSpecies$loc_suspect
loc_good = processedSpecies$loc_good
pol = processedSpecies$pol

write.table(loc_suspect,paste(paste("SuspectLoci",species,paste(subspecies,collapse=" "),sep="_"),".txt",sep=""),
write.table(loc_good,paste(paste("GoodLoci",species,paste(subspecies,collapse=" "),sep="_"),".txt",sep=""),

for (i in 1:length(pol)) {
  obj = pol[[i]]
  obj2 = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(obj,,length(obj))))
  name = names(pol)[i]
           layer=name,driver="ESRI Shapefile")

# loc_suspect = rbind(processedSpecies_card$loc_suspect,
#                     processedSpecies_cocc$loc_suspect,
#                     processedSpecies_rest$loc_suspect,
#                     processedSpecies_igne$loc_suspect)
# loc_good = rbind(processedSpecies_card$loc_good,
#                  processedSpecies_cocc$loc_good,
#                  processedSpecies_rest$loc_good,
#                  processedSpecies_igne$loc_good)
# loc_good = rbind(processedSpecies_card$loc_good,
#                  processedSpecies_cocc$loc_good,
#                  processedSpecies_rest$loc_good,
#                  processedSpecies_igne$loc_good)

## build png of the points used 

printPointsPng = function(species,subspecies,bg,loc_good){
  #col = floor(sqrt(length(subspecies)))
  #row = ceiling((sqrt(length(subspecies))))
  mf = n2mfrow(length(subspecies))
  if(mf[[1]] > mf[[2]]){mf = rev(mf)}
  for(sub in subspecies){
    raster::plot(bg, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey",main=paste("assigned",sub,sep=" "),
    temp = loc_good[loc_good$assigned==sub,]
    legend("top", legend=as.factor(unique(temp$subspecies)),


printPointsPdfGood = function(species,subspecies,bg,loc_good){
  #col = floor(sqrt(length(subspecies)))
  #row = ceiling((sqrt(length(subspecies))))
  #mf = n2mfrow(length(subspecies))
  #if(mf[[1]] > mf[[2]]){mf = rev(mf)}
  for(sub in subspecies){
    raster::plot(bg, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey",main=paste("assigned",sub,sep=" "),
    temp = loc_good[loc_good$assigned==sub,]
    legend("top", legend=as.factor(unique(temp$subspecies)),

printPointsPdfSuspect = function(species,subspecies,bg,loc_suspect){
  #col = floor(sqrt(length(subspecies)))
  #row = ceiling((sqrt(length(subspecies))))
  #mf = n2mfrow(length(subspecies))
  #if(mf[[1]] > mf[[2]]){mf = rev(mf)}
  for(sub in subspecies){
    raster::plot(bg, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey",main=paste("assigned",sub,sep=" "),
    temp = loc_suspect[loc_suspect$assigned==sub,]
    legend("top", legend=as.factor(unique(temp$subspecies)),


# png("Phainopepla nitens assignment.png")
# par(mfrow=c(1,2))
# plot(bg, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey",main="assigned lepida")
# points(loc_good[loc_good$assigned=="lepida",2:3],col=as.factor(loc_good$subspecies),
#        pch=as.numeric(as.factor(loc_good$subspecies)))
# legend("top", legend=as.factor(unique(loc_good$subspecies)),
#        pch=unique(as.numeric(as.factor(loc_good$subspecies))),
#        bty="n", 
#        col=as.factor(unique(loc_good$subspecies)))
# plot(bg, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey",main="assigned nitens")
# points(loc_good[loc_good$assigned=="nitens",2:3],col=as.factor(loc_good$subspecies),
#        pch=as.numeric(as.factor(loc_good$subspecies)))
# legend("top", legend=as.factor(unique(loc_good$subspecies)),
#        pch=unique(as.numeric(as.factor(loc_good$subspecies))),
#        bty="n", 
#        col=as.factor(unique(loc_good$subspecies)))

# raster::plot(bg, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey")
# points(loc_good[loc_good$subspecies=="nitens",2:3],col=as.factor(loc_good$assigned),
#        pch=as.numeric(as.factor(loc_good$subspecies)),main="nitens prior")
# raster::plot(bg, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey")
# points(loc_good[loc_good$subspecies=="lepida",2:3],col=as.factor(loc_good$assigned),
#        pch=as.numeric(as.factor(loc_good$subspecies)),main="lepida prior")

## step 2 -- remove any locations with no Env data


cleanByEnvironment = function(Env,loc){
  loc[,2] = as.numeric(loc[,2])
  loc[,3] = as.numeric(loc[,3])
  extr = raster::extract(Env, loc[,2:3]) ## gets values from Env that are at loc 
  loc_clean = loc[![,1]),]
  print(paste("Removed",nrow(loc)-nrow(loc_clean),"rows with no Env data"))

loc_good_clean = cleanByEnvironment(Env=Env,loc=loc_good)

spThinBySubspecies = function(loc_good_clean,species,overwrite=T){
  ## step 3 -- subset data based on subspecies, then run spthin
  ## this only gives lat longs, results in a named list with subspp names as names
  loc_good_by_subspp = split(loc_good_clean[,2:3], loc_good_clean$assigned) 
  pathlist <- sapply(names(loc_good_by_subspp),function(x) NULL)
  for(i in 1:length(names(loc_good_by_subspp))){
    sub = names(loc_good_by_subspp)[[i]]
    dir = paste(getwd(),"/Thinned/",sep="")
    if (!(file.exists(dir))){
    subDir = paste(getwd(),"/Thinned/",species," ",sub,sep="")
    if (!(file.exists(subDir))){
    loc_sub = loc_good_by_subspp[[i]]
    loc_sub$name = sub
    ## select a single subspecies and thin it 
      if ((file.exists(paste(subDir,"/thinned_data_thin1.csv",sep="")))){
    path = paste(subDir,"/thinned_data_thin1.csv",sep="")
    pathlist[[i]] = path
    thin<-spThin::thin( = loc_sub, 
                       lat.col = "latitude", 
                       long.col = "longitude",
                       spec.col = "name", 
                       thin.par = 10, ## km distance that records need to be separated by
                       reps = 10, ## number of times to repeat thinning process
                       locs.thinned.list.return = T, 
                       write.files = T, 
                       max.files = 1, 
                       out.dir = subDir,
                       write.log.file = T)
  ## convert a list of the paths to the thinned stuff, named by subspecies
  newThin = data.frame()
  for(path in pathList){
    addThin = read.csv(path)
    newThin = rbind(newThin,addThin)


loc_thin = spThinBySubspecies(loc_good_clean = loc_good_clean,species=species,overwrite = T)

## import the thinned data one at a time to run enmeval on 
## step 4 -- run EMNeval
##TODO: bg points, buffer or something
##TODO: run all subspp at same time?
##TODO: parallel it?

## buffer the points!

##TODO: get this running on a list rather than doing manually 
## and do all the pairwise stuff
backgroundForPCA = function(localities=loc_good[,2:3],
  bg1 = ENMTools::background.points.buffer(localities, radius = r,
                         n = num, mask = e[[1]])
  extract1 = na.omit(cbind(localities, 
                         extract(e, localities), rep(1, nrow(localities))))
  colnames(extract1)[ncol(extract1)] = 'occ'
  extbg1 = na.omit(cbind(bg1, extract(e, bg1), rep(0, nrow(bg1))))
  colnames(extbg1)[ncol(extbg1)] = 'occ'
  dat1 = rbind(extract1, extbg1)

loc_thin_bgstuff = backgroundForPCA(localities=loc_thin[,2:3])
bg_dat = loc_thin_bgstuff$bgenv
bg_bg = loc_thin_bgstuff$bgpoints

backgroundPerSpecies = function(localities=loc_thin){
  loc_thin_by_subspecies = split(loc_thin, loc_thin$name) 
  bgenv_by_subspecies = list()
  bgext_by_subspecies = list()
  bgpoints_by_subspecies = list()
  bgextbg_by_subspecies = list()
  for(i in 1:length(names(loc_thin_by_subspecies))){
    singleSubspp = loc_thin_by_subspecies[[i]]
    subsppName = names(loc_thin_by_subspecies)[[i]]
    single_bgstuff = backgroundForPCA(singleSubspp[,2:3])
    bgenv_by_subspecies[[i]] = single_bgstuff$bgenv
    bgext_by_subspecies[[i]] = single_bgstuff$bgext
    bgpoints_by_subspecies[[i]] = single_bgstuff$bgpoints
    bgextbg_by_subspecies[[i]] = single_bgstuff$bgextbg
  names(bgenv_by_subspecies) = names(loc_thin_by_subspecies)
  names(bgext_by_subspecies) = names(loc_thin_by_subspecies)
  names(bgpoints_by_subspecies) = names(loc_thin_by_subspecies)
  names(bgextbg_by_subspecies) = names(loc_thin_by_subspecies)
perspecies_bgstuff = backgroundPerSpecies(localities=loc_thin)

## the base ecospat function didn't check for na.rm so I did so
ecospat.grid.clim.dyn_custom <- function(glob, glob1, sp, R, th.sp = 0, th.env = 0,
                                         geomask = NULL,removeNA=T) {
  glob <- as.matrix(glob)
  glob1 <- as.matrix(glob1)
  sp <- as.matrix(sp)
  l <- list()
  if (ncol(glob) > 2) 
    stop("cannot calculate overlap with more than two axes")
  if (ncol(glob) == 1) {
    # if scores in one dimension (e.g. LDA,SDM predictions,...)
    xmax <- max(glob[, 1])
    xmin <- min(glob[, 1])
    x <- seq(from = min(glob[, 1]), to = max(glob[, 1]), length.out = R)  # breaks on score gradient 1
    sp.dens <- density(sp[, 1], kernel = "gaussian", from = xmin, to = xmax,
                       n = R, cut = 0)  # calculate the density of occurrences in a vector of R pixels along the score gradient
    # using a gaussian kernel density function, with R bins.
    glob1.dens <- density(glob1[, 1], kernel = "gaussian", from = xmin,
                          to = xmax, n = R, cut = 0)  # calculate the density of environments in glob1
    z <- sp.dens$y * nrow(sp)/sum(sp.dens$y)  # rescale density to the number of occurrences in sp
    # number of occurrence/pixel
    Z <- glob1.dens$y * nrow(glob)/sum(glob1.dens$y)  # rescale density to the number of sites in glob1
    glob1r <- sapply(glob1, findInterval, glob1.dens$x)
    th.env <- quantile(glob1.dens$y[glob1r], th.env)
    glob1rm <- which(Z < th.env)
    spr <- sapply(sp, findInterval, sp.dens$x)
    th.sp <- quantile(sp.dens$y[spr], th.sp)
    sprm <- which(z < th.sp)
    z[sprm] <- 0  # remove infinitesimally small number generated by kernel density function
    Z[glob1rm] <- 0  # remove infinitesimally small number generated by kernel density function
    z.uncor <- z/max(z)  # rescale between [0:1] for comparison with other species
    z.cor <- z/Z  # correct for environment prevalence
    z.cor[] <- 0  # remove n/0 situations
    z.cor[z.cor == "Inf"] <- 0  # remove 0/0 situations
    z.cor <- z.cor/max(z.cor)  # rescale between [0:1] for comparison with other species
    w <- z.uncor
    w[w > 0] <- 1
    l$x <- x
    l$z <- z
    l$z.uncor <- z.uncor
    l$z.cor <- z.cor
    l$Z <- Z
    l$glob <- glob
    l$glob1 <- glob1
    l$sp <- sp
    l$w <- w
  if (ncol(glob) == 2) {
    # if scores in two dimensions (e.g. PCA)
    xmin <- min(glob[, 1])
    xmax <- max(glob[, 1])
    ymin <- min(glob[, 2])
    ymax <- max(glob[, 2])  # data preparation
    glob1r <- data.frame(cbind((glob1[, 1] - xmin)/abs(xmax - xmin), (glob1[,
                                                                            2] - ymin)/abs(ymax - ymin)))  # data preparation
    spr <- data.frame(cbind((sp[, 1] - xmin)/abs(xmax - xmin), (sp[, 2] -
                                                                  ymin)/abs(ymax - ymin)))  # data preparation
    mask <- ascgen(SpatialPoints(cbind((0:(R))/R, (0:(R)/R))), 
                   nrcol = R-2, count = FALSE) # data preparation
    sp.dens <- kernelUD(SpatialPoints(spr[, 1:2]), h = "href", grid = mask,
                        kern = "bivnorm")  # calculate the density of occurrences in a grid of RxR pixels along the score gradients
    sp.dens <- raster(xmn = xmin, xmx = xmax, ymn = ymin, ymx = ymax, matrix(sp.dens$ud,
                                                                             nrow = R))
    # using a gaussian kernel density function, with RxR bins.
    # sp.dens$var[sp.dens$var>0 & sp.dens$var<1]<-0
    glob1.dens <- kernelUD(SpatialPoints(glob1r[, 1:2]), grid = mask, kern = "bivnorm")
    glob1.dens <- raster(xmn = xmin, xmx = xmax, ymn = ymin, ymx = ymax,
                         matrix(glob1.dens$ud, nrow = R))
    # glob1.dens$var[glob1.dens$var<1 & glob1.dens$var>0]<-0
    x <- seq(from = min(glob[, 1]), to = max(glob[, 1]), length.out = R)  # breaks on score gradient 1
    y <- seq(from = min(glob[, 2]), to = max(glob[, 2]), length.out = R)  # breaks on score gradient 2
    glob1r <- extract(glob1.dens, glob1) <- quantile(glob1r, th.env,na.rm=removeNA)
    glob1.dens[glob1.dens <] <- 0
    if (!is.null(geomask)) {
      proj4string(geomask) <- NA
      glob1.dens <- mask(glob1.dens, geomask, updatevalue = 0)  # Geographical mask in the case if the analysis takes place in the geographical space
    Z <- glob1.dens * nrow(glob1)/cellStats(glob1.dens, "sum")
    spr <- extract(sp.dens, sp) <- quantile(spr, th.sp)
    sp.dens[Z == 0] <- 0
    sp.dens[sp.dens <] <- 0
    if (!is.null(geomask)) {
      sp.dens <- mask(sp.dens, geomask, updatevalue = 0)  # Geographical mask in the case if the analysis takes place in the geographical space
    z <- sp.dens * nrow(sp)/cellStats(sp.dens, "sum")
    z.uncor <- z/cellStats(z, "max")
    w <- z.uncor  # remove infinitesimally small number generated by kernel density function
    w[w > 0] <- 1
    z.cor <- z/Z  # correct for environment prevalence
    z.cor[] <- 0  # remove n/0 situations
    z.cor <- z.cor/cellStats(z.cor, "max")
    l$x <- x
    l$y <- y
    l$z <- z
    l$z.uncor <- z.uncor
    l$z.cor <- z.cor
    l$Z <- Z
    l$glob <- glob
    l$glob1 <- glob1
    l$sp <- sp
    l$w <- w

createPcaToCompare = function(loc_thin_bgstuff,perspecies_bgstuff,species) {
  bg_dat = loc_thin_bgstuff$bgenv
  bg_bg = loc_thin_bgstuff$bgpoints
  bgext_by_subspecies = perspecies_bgstuff$bgext_by_subspecies
  bgenv_by_subspecies = perspecies_bgstuff$bgenv_by_subspecies
  ## pca bg points
  pca.env <- dudi.pca(bg_dat[,3:(ncol(bg_dat)-1)],scannf=F,nf=2)
  ecospat.plot.contrib(contrib=pca.env$co, eigen=pca.env$eig)
  ## pca scores whole study area, all points, all subspecies
  scores_globclim<-pca.env$li # PCA scores for the whole study area (all points)
  ## now get pca scores per species instead
  scores = list()
  scores_clim = list()
  grid_clim = list()
  for(i in 1:length(names(bgext_by_subspecies))){
    singleSubspp_bgext = bgext_by_subspecies[[i]]
    singleSubspp_bgenv = bgenv_by_subspecies[[i]]
    subsppName = names(bgext_by_subspecies)[[i]]
    scores_subspp = suprow(pca.env,
                             ,3:(ncol(singleSubspp_bgext)-1)])$li # PCA scores for the species 1 distribution
    scores[[i]] = scores_subspp
    scores_clim_subspp = suprow(pca.env,
                                singleSubspp_bgenv[,3:(ncol(singleSubspp_bgenv)-1)])$li # PCA scores for the whole native study area species 1 ## bgenv
    scores_clim[[i]] = scores_clim_subspp
    ## make a dynamic occurrence densities grid
    ## grid of occ densities along one or two environmental gradients
    ## glob = env variables in background 
    ## glob1 = env variables for species
    ## sp = occurrences of species
    ## R = resolution
    ## th.sp = a threshhold to elimite low density values of species occurrences
    grid_clim_subspp <- ecospat.grid.clim.dyn_custom(glob = scores_globclim,
                                              glob1 = scores_clim_subspp,
                                              sp = scores_subspp,
                                              R = 100,
                                              th.sp = 0,
                                              th.env = 0,
    grid_clim[[i]] = grid_clim_subspp
  names(scores) = names(bgext_by_subspecies)
  names(scores_clim) = names(bgext_by_subspecies)
  names(grid_clim) = names(bgext_by_subspecies)
  for(i in 1:length(grid_clim)){

pcaOutput = createPcaToCompare(loc_thin_bgstuff=loc_thin_bgstuff,

pca_grid_clim = pcaOutput$grid_clim

## PCA the background points 
# pca.env <- dudi.pca(bg_dat[,3:(ncol(bg_dat)-1)],scannf=F,nf=2)
# png(paste("PCAcorrelationCircle_",species,".png",sep=""))
# ecospat.plot.contrib(contrib=pca.env$co, eigen=pca.env$eig)
# scores.sp1 <- suprow(pca.env,
#                      bgext_lepida[which(bgext_lepida[,22]==1),3:21])$li # PCA scores for the species 1 distribution
# scores.sp2 <- suprow(pca.env,
#                      bgext_nitens[which(bgext_nitens[,22]==1),3:21])$li # PCA scores for the species 2 distribution
# scores.clim1 <- suprow(pca.env,bg_lepida[,3:21])$li # PCA scores for the whole native study area species 1 ## bgenv
# scores.clim2 <- suprow(pca.env,bg_nitens[,3:21])$li # PCA scores for the whole native study area species 2
# ## make a dynamic occurrence densities grid
# ## grid of occ densities along one or two environmental gradients
# ## glob = env variables in background 
# ## glob1 = env variables for species
# ## sp = occurrences of species
# ## R = resolution
# ## th.sp = a threshhold to elimite low density values of species occurrences
# grid.clim1 <- ecospat.grid.clim.dyn(
#   glob = scores.globclim,
#   glob1 = scores.clim1,
#   sp = scores.sp1,
#   R = 100,
#   th.sp = 0
# )
# grid.clim2 <- ecospat.grid.clim.dyn(
#   glob = scores.globclim,
#   glob1 = scores.clim2,
#   sp = scores.sp2,
#   R = 100,
#   th.sp = 0
# )

## get overlaps and test for niche equivalence pairwise

pairwiseNicheOverlap = function(pca_grid_clim=pca_grid_clim){
  overlap_df = data.frame(spp1=character(),
  for(i in 1:length(pca_grid_clim)){
    for(j in 1:length(pca_grid_clim)){
        spp1_name = names(pca_grid_clim)[[i]]
        spp1 = pca_grid_clim[[i]]
        spp2_name = names(pca_grid_clim)[[j]]
        spp2 = pca_grid_clim[[j]]
        overlap <- ecospat.niche.overlap(spp1, spp2, cor=T)
        rowToAdd = cbind(as.character(spp1_name),
        colnames(rowToAdd) = colnames(overlap_df)
        overlap_df = rbind(overlap_df,rowToAdd)

overlap_df = pairwiseNicheOverlap(pca_grid_clim=pca_grid_clim)

# ## calculate overlap between the species niches
# ## Schoener's D
# D.overlap <- ecospat.niche.overlap (grid.clim1, grid.clim2, cor=T)$D 
# D.overlap # 0.3298541 for Toxostoma cris vs leco
# ## modified Hellinger's I
# I.overlap = ecospat.niche.overlap (grid.clim1, grid.clim2, cor=T)$I
# I.overlap # 0.5620279 for Toxostoma cris vs leco
# ## this is looking for overlap in PCA-environmental space of the two species

## is this a projection of the niche?
# ## its the pca space occupied by the two species
# png(paste("NicheSpaceComparison_",species,".png",sep=""))
# par(mfrow=c(1,2))
# plot(grid.clim1$w,main="lepida",sub=paste("Sch. D =",round(D.overlap,digits=6)))
# plot(grid.clim2$w,main="nitens",sub=paste("Hel. I =",round(I.overlap,digits=6)))

## test for niche equvalence pairwise
## first need to modify function again to remove NA
ecospat.niche.equivalency.test_custom <- function(z1, z2, rep, alternative = "greater", ncores=1) {
  R <- length(z1$x)
  l <- list()
  obs.o <- ecospat.niche.overlap(z1, z2, cor = TRUE)  #observed niche overlap
  if (ncores == 1){
    sim.o <-, overlap.eq.gen_custom, z1, z2)), byrow = TRUE,
                                  ncol = 2))  #simulate random overlap
    #number of cores attributed for the permutation test
    cl <- makeCluster(ncores)  #open a cluster for parallelization
    invisible(clusterEvalQ(cl))  #import the internal function into the cluster
    sim.o <-, 1:rep, overlap.eq.gen_custom, z1, z2)), byrow = TRUE,
                                  ncol = 2))  #simulate random overlap
    stopCluster(cl)  #shutdown the cluster
  colnames(sim.o) <- c("D", "I")
  l$sim <- sim.o  # storage
  l$obs <- obs.o  # storage
  if (alternative == "greater") {
    l$p.D <- (sum(sim.o$D >= obs.o$D) + 1)/(length(sim.o$D) + 1)  # storage of p-values alternative hypothesis = greater -> test for niche conservatism/convergence
    l$p.I <- (sum(sim.o$I >= obs.o$I) + 1)/(length(sim.o$I) + 1)  # storage of p-values alternative hypothesis = greater -> test for niche conservatism/convergence
  if (alternative == "lower") {
    l$p.D <- (sum(sim.o$D <= obs.o$D) + 1)/(length(sim.o$D) + 1)  # storage of p-values alternative hypothesis = lower -> test for niche divergence
    l$p.I <- (sum(sim.o$I <= obs.o$I) + 1)/(length(sim.o$I) + 1)  # storage of p-values alternative hypothesis = lower -> test for niche divergence


#### internal functions from ENMtools that are needed for custom ones
overlap.sim.gen <- function(repi, z1, z2, rand.type = rand.type) {
  R1 <- length(z1$x)
  R2 <- length(z2$x)
  if (is.null(z1$y) & is.null(z2$y)) {
    if (rand.type == 1) {
      # if rand.type = 1, both z1 and z2 are randomly shifted, if rand.type =2, only z2 is randomly
      # shifted
      center.z1 <- which(z1$z.uncor == 1)  # define the centroid of the observed niche
      Z1 <- z1$Z/max(z1$Z) <- sample(1:R1, size = 1, replace = FALSE, prob = Z1)  # randomly (weighted by environment prevalence) define the new centroid for the niche
      xshift.z1 <- - center.z1  # shift on x axis
      z1.sim <- z1
      z1.sim$z <- rep(0, R1)  # set intial densities to 0
      for (i in 1:length(z1$x)) {
        i.trans.z1 <- i + xshift.z1
        if (i.trans.z1 > R1 | i.trans.z1 < 0)
          (next)()  # densities falling out of the env space are not considered
        z1.sim$z[i.trans.z1] <- z1$z[i]  # shift of pixels
      z1.sim$z <- (z1$Z != 0) * 1 * z1.sim$z  # remove densities out of existing environments
      z1.sim$z.cor <- (z1.sim$z/z1$Z)/max((z1.sim$z/z1$Z), na.rm = TRUE)  #transform densities into occupancies
      z1.sim$z.cor[which($z.cor))] <- 0
      z1.sim$z.uncor <- z1.sim$z/max(z1.sim$z, na.rm = TRUE)
      z1.sim$z.uncor[which($z.uncor))] <- 0
    center.z2 <- which(z2$z.uncor == 1)  # define the centroid of the observed niche
    Z2 <- z2$Z/max(z2$Z) <- sample(1:R2, size = 1, replace = FALSE, prob = Z2)  # randomly (weighted by environment prevalence) define the new centroid for the niche
    xshift.z2 <- - center.z2  # shift on x axis
    z2.sim <- z2
    z2.sim$z <- rep(0, R2)  # set intial densities to 0
    for (i in 1:length(z2$x)) {
      i.trans.z2 <- i + xshift.z2
      if (i.trans.z2 > R2 | i.trans.z2 < 0)
        (next)()  # densities falling out of the env space are not considered
      z2.sim$z[i.trans.z2] <- z2$z[i]  # shift of pixels
    z2.sim$z <- (z2$Z != 0) * 1 * z2.sim$z  # remove densities out of existing environments
    z2.sim$z.cor <- (z2.sim$z/z2$Z)/max((z2.sim$z/z2$Z), na.rm = TRUE)  #transform densities into occupancies
    z2.sim$z.cor[which($z.cor))] <- 0
    z2.sim$z.uncor <- z2.sim$z/max(z2.sim$z, na.rm = TRUE)
    z2.sim$z.uncor[which($z.uncor))] <- 0
  if (!is.null(z2$y) & !is.null(z1$y)) {
    if (rand.type == 1) {
      # if rand.type = 1, both z1 and z2 are randomly shifted, if rand.type =2, only z2 is randomly
      # shifted
      centroid.z1 <- which(z1$z.uncor == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]  # define the centroid of the observed niche
      Z1 <- z1$Z/max(z1$Z)
      rand.centroids.z1 <- which(Z1 > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)  # all pixels with existing environments in the study area
      weight.z1 <- Z1[Z1 > 0]
      rand.centroid.z1 <- rand.centroids.z1[sample(1:nrow(rand.centroids.z1), size = 1, replace = FALSE,
                                                   prob = weight.z1), ]  # randomly (weighted by environment prevalence) define the new centroid for the niche
      xshift.z1 <- rand.centroid.z1[1] - centroid.z1[1]  # shift on x axis
      yshift.z1 <- rand.centroid.z1[2] - centroid.z1[2]  # shift on y axis
      z1.sim <- z1
      z1.sim$z <- matrix(rep(0, R1 * R1), ncol = R1, nrow = R1)  # set intial densities to 0
      for (i in 1:R1) {
        for (j in 1:R1) {
          i.trans.z1 <- i + xshift.z1
          j.trans.z1 <- j + yshift.z1
          if (i.trans.z1 > R1 | i.trans.z1 < 0)
            (next)()  # densities falling out of the env space are not considered
          if (j.trans.z1 > R1 | j.trans.z1 < 0)
          z1.sim$z[i.trans.z1, j.trans.z1] <- z1$z[i, j]  # shift of pixels
      z1.sim$z <- (z1$Z != 0) * 1 * z1.sim$z  # remove densities out of existing environments
      z1.sim$z.cor <- (z1.sim$z/z1$Z)/max((z1.sim$z/z1$Z), na.rm = TRUE)  #transform densities into occupancies
      z1.sim$z.cor[which($z.cor))] <- 0
      z1.sim$z.uncor <- z1.sim$z/max(z1.sim$z, na.rm = TRUE)
      z1.sim$z.uncor[which($z.uncor))] <- 0
    centroid.z2 <- which(z2$z.uncor == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]  # define the centroid of the observed niche
    Z2 <- z2$Z/max(z2$Z)
    rand.centroids.z2 <- which(Z2 > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)  # all pixels with existing environments in the study area
    weight.z2 <- Z2[Z2 > 0]
    rand.centroid.z2 <- rand.centroids.z2[sample(1:nrow(rand.centroids.z2), size = 1, replace = FALSE,
                                                 prob = weight.z2), ]  # randomly (weighted by environment prevalence) define the new centroid for the niche
    xshift.z2 <- rand.centroid.z2[1] - centroid.z2[1]  # shift on x axis
    yshift.z2 <- rand.centroid.z2[2] - centroid.z2[2]  # shift on y axis
    z2.sim <- z2
    z2.sim$z <- matrix(rep(0, R2 * R2), ncol = R2, nrow = R2)  # set intial densities to 0
    for (i in 1:R2) {
      for (j in 1:R2) {
        i.trans.z2 <- i + xshift.z2
        j.trans.z2 <- j + yshift.z2
        if (i.trans.z2 > R2 | i.trans.z2 < 0)
          (next)()  # densities falling out of the env space are not considered
        if (j.trans.z2 > R2 | j.trans.z2 < 0)
        z2.sim$z[i.trans.z2, j.trans.z2] <- z2$z[i, j]  # shift of pixels
    z2.sim$z <- (z2$Z != 0) * 1 * z2.sim$z  # remove densities out of existing environments
    z2.sim$z.cor <- (z2.sim$z/z2$Z)/max((z2.sim$z/z2$Z), na.rm = TRUE)  #transform densities into occupancies
    z2.sim$z.cor[which($z.cor))] <- 0
    z2.sim$z.uncor <- z2.sim$z/max(z2.sim$z, na.rm = TRUE)
    z2.sim$z.uncor[which($z.uncor))] <- 0
  if (rand.type == 1) {
    o.i <- ecospat.niche.overlap(z1.sim, z2.sim, cor = TRUE)
  if (rand.type == 2)
    o.i <- ecospat.niche.overlap(z1, z2.sim, cor = TRUE)
  }  # overlap between random and observed niches
  sim.o.D <- o.i$D  # storage of overlaps
  sim.o.I <- o.i$I
  return(c(sim.o.D, sim.o.I))
overlap.eq.gen_custom <- function(repi, z1, z2) {
  if (is.null(z1$y)) {
    # overlap on one axis
    occ.pool <- c(z1$sp, z2$sp)  # pool of random occurrences
    rand.row <- sample(1:length(occ.pool), length(z1$sp))  # random reallocation of occurrences to datasets
    sp1.sim <- occ.pool[rand.row]
    sp2.sim <- occ.pool[-rand.row]
  if (!is.null(z1$y)) {
    # overlap on two axes
    occ.pool <- rbind(z1$sp, z2$sp)  # pool of random occurrences
    row.names(occ.pool)<-c()  # remove the row names
    rand.row <- sample(1:nrow(occ.pool), nrow(z1$sp))  # random reallocation of occurrences to datasets
    sp1.sim <- occ.pool[rand.row, ]
    sp2.sim <- occ.pool[-rand.row, ]
  z1.sim <- ecospat.grid.clim.dyn_custom(z1$glob, z1$glob1, data.frame(sp1.sim), R = length(z1$x))  # gridding
  z2.sim <- ecospat.grid.clim.dyn_custom(z2$glob, z2$glob1, data.frame(sp2.sim), R = length(z2$x))
  o.i <- ecospat.niche.overlap(z1.sim, z2.sim, cor = TRUE)  # overlap between random and observed niches
  sim.o.D <- o.i$D  # storage of overlaps
  sim.o.I <- o.i$I
  return(c(sim.o.D, sim.o.I))

pairwiseNicheEquivalence = function(pca_grid_clim=pca_grid_clim,rep1=10,rep2=1000){
  for(i in 1:length(pca_grid_clim)){
    for(j in 1:length(pca_grid_clim)){
        spp1_name = names(pca_grid_clim)[[i]]
        spp1 = pca_grid_clim[[i]]
        spp2_name = names(pca_grid_clim)[[j]]
        spp2 = pca_grid_clim[[j]]
        eq.test <- ecospat.niche.equivalency.test_custom(z1=spp1, z2=spp2,
                                                  rep=rep1, alternative = "greater")
        sim.test <- ecospat.niche.similarity.test(z1=spp1, z2=spp2,
                                                  rep=rep2, alternative = "greater",
        sim.test2 <- ecospat.niche.similarity.test(z1=spp1, z2=spp2,
                                                   rep=rep2, alternative = "greater",
        ecospat.plot.overlap.test(eq.test, "D", "Equivalency")
        ecospat.plot.overlap.test(sim.test, "D", paste("Similarity ",spp1_name,"->",spp2_name,sep=""))
        ecospat.plot.overlap.test(sim.test2, "D", paste("Similarity ",spp2_name,"->",spp1_name,sep=""))
        ecospat.plot.overlap.test(eq.test, "I", "Equivalency")
        ecospat.plot.overlap.test(sim.test, "I", paste("Similarity ",spp1_name,"->",spp2_name,sep=""))
        ecospat.plot.overlap.test(sim.test2, "I", paste("Similarity ",spp2_name,"->",spp1_name,sep=""))


# ## test for niche equivalence
# ## this is the observed niche overlap when you randomize species id
# ## greater means you test for niche conservatism
# ## lower means you test for niche divergence 
# eq.test <- ecospat.niche.equivalency.test(grid.clim1, grid.clim2,
#                                           rep=10, alternative = "greater") ##rep = 1000 recommended for operational runs
# ## for 10 takes 1 minute
# ## then test for niche similarity -- 
# ## overlap between spp 1 and overlaps between random spp 2 bg niches
# ## rand.type 2 means only z2 is randomly shifted
# sim.test <- ecospat.niche.similarity.test(grid.clim1, grid.clim2,
#                                           rep=1000, alternative = "greater",
#                                           rand.type=2) 
# sim.test2 <- ecospat.niche.similarity.test(grid.clim2,grid.clim1,
#                                            rep=1000, alternative = "greater",
#                                            rand.type=2) 
# png(paste("EquivalencyOverlapTests_",species,"_nitens vs lepida",".png",sep=""))
# par(mfrow=c(2,3))
# ecospat.plot.overlap.test(eq.test, "D", "Equivalency")
# ecospat.plot.overlap.test(sim.test, "D", "Similarity 1->2")
# ecospat.plot.overlap.test(sim.test2, "D", "Similarity 2->1")
# ecospat.plot.overlap.test(eq.test, "I", "Equivalency")
# ecospat.plot.overlap.test(sim.test, "I", "Similarity 1->2")
# ecospat.plot.overlap.test(sim.test2, "I", "Similarity 2->1")

## generate the actual models


listENMresults = lapply(1:length(nitens_by_subspp),function(i){
  ##TODO: add in bg points from above
  subspp = names(nitens_by_subspp)[[i]]
  res = ENMevaluate(occ=nitens_by_subspp[[i]], env = Env, method='block', 
              parallel=T, numCores=4, fc=c("L", "LQ", "H"), #c("L", "LQ", "H", "LQH", "LQHP", "LQHPT")
              RMvalues=seq(0.5,4,0.5), rasterPreds=F)
  #names(res) = names(nitens_by_subspp)[[i]]
names(listENMresults) = names(nitens_by_subspp)

# Mean.AUC is the one to use, 
## full.aUC it's the AUC of the model used for AICc comparisons
## using all the points and no withheld data 
## for omission rate, if small sample size and high confidence
## do mean.ORmin. if don't know, do mean.OR10

## now find the best models 
## minimize omission rate and optimize AUC values
## remember to change ORmin to OR10 depending on sample size 

minORmaxAUCmodel = function(res,or="Mean.OR10",auc="Mean.AUC"){
  setsort = res@results[order(res@results[,or]),]
  setsort2 = setsort[order(setsort[,auc], decreasing=TRUE),]
  top = setsort2[1,]
  ## extract out and put in maxent 
  best = which(as.character(res@results[,1]) == as.character(setsort2[1,1]))

bestModels = lapply(1:length(listENMresults),function(i){
  res = listENMresults[[i]]
  name = names(listENMresults)[[i]]
  print(paste("Choosing best model for",name))
  best = minORmaxAUCmodel(res=listENMresults[[i]])
names(bestModels) = names(listENMresults)

# getBestRaster = function(best,res,wdToPrint=paste(getwd(),"/",sep=""),prefix,suffix,species,Env){
#   setwd(wdToPrint)
#   pred.raw = predict(Env, res@models[[best]]) ## need to run a new model in maxent with those settings
#   ## need to extract the features and the reg multiplier for the model and put in the arguments into the maxent call 
#   writeRaster(pred.raw,filename=paste(wdToPrint,prefix,"_BestModel_",species," ",suffix,".asc",sep=""),
#               format="ascii",overwrite=T)
#   return(pred.raw)
# }


getBestRaster = function(best,res,wdToPrint=paste(getwd(),"/",sep=""),prefix,suffix,species,Env,locs){
  mod.table<-res@results <- mod.table[mod.table$nparam != 0,]
  ordered<[with(, order(delta.AICc)), ]
  ## beta multiplier 
  beta.mulr<- paste('betamultiplier=',b.m,sep='')
  ## java maxent needs everything to be set false
  ## anything you want then needs to be true
  ## then you set anything as true 
  feat<-strsplit(as.vector(opt.mod[,2]), ',')[[1]]
  if(feat == 'L'){
    feats = 'linear'
    } else if(feat == 'LQ'){
    feats = c('quadratic', 'linear')
    } else if(feat == 'H'){
    feats = 'hinge'
    } else if(feat == 'P'){
    feats = 'product'
    } else if(feat == 'T'){
    feats = 'threshold'
    } else if(feat == 'LQH'){
    feats = c('linear', 'quadratic', 'hinge')
    } else if(feat == 'LQHP'){
    feats = c('linear', 'quadratic', 'hinge', 'product')
    } else if(feat == 'LQHPT'){
    feats = c('linear', 'quadratic', 'hinge', 'product', 'threshold')
  for (j in 1:length(feats)){false.args[which(sub('no','',false.args)==feats[j])] = feats[j]}
  m <-maxent(Env, locs, args=c(false.args, beta.mulr, 'noremoveduplicates', 'noaddsamplestobackground'))
  pred.raw  <- predict(object= m, x=Env, na.rm=TRUE, format='GTiff',overwrite=TRUE, progress='text',args='logistic')
  ## need to extract the features and the reg multiplier for the model and put in the arguments into the maxent call 
  writeRaster(pred.raw,filename=paste(wdToPrint,prefix,"_BestModel_",species," ",suffix,".asc",sep=""),

bestRasters = lapply(1:length(bestModels),function(i){
  locs = nitens_by_subspp[[i]]
  name = names(listENMresults)[[i]]
  print(paste("Making rasters for",name))
  test = getBestRaster(best=bestModels[[i]],res=listENMresults[[i]],prefix="PredRaw",suffix=name,species=species,Env=Env,locs=locs)
  plot(test, col=viridis::viridis(99))
names(bestRasters) = names(listENMresults)

png(paste("BestRastersTest_",species," ","nitens_vs_lepida.png",sep=""))

## now do thresholding
## get the enmeval output

threshRasters = lapply(1:length(bestRasters),function(i){
  pred = bestRasters[[i]]
  name = names(bestRasters)[[i]]
  best = bestModels[[i]]
  ev.set <- evaluate(nitens_by_subspp[[i]], listENMresults[[i]]@bg.pts, listENMresults[[i]]@models[[best]], Env)
  th1 = threshold(ev.set) ## omission options
  p1.kappa = pred >= th1$kappa ## equal sensitivity and specificity according to ROC curve
  p1.spsen = pred >= th1$spec_sens
  p1.nomit = pred >= th1$no_omission
  p1.preva = pred >= th1$prevalence
  p1.equal = pred >= th1$equal_sens_spec
  p1.sns09 = pred >= th1$sensitivity
  png(paste("Thresholds_",species," ",name,".png",sep=""))
  plot(p1.kappa, col=viridis::viridis(99),main=paste(name,"kappa"))#; points(nitens_by_subspp[[i]],col=rgb(0,0,0,0.01))
  plot(p1.spsen, col=viridis::viridis(99),main=paste(name,"spec_sens"))#; points(nitens_by_subspp[[i]],col=rgb(0,0,0,0.01))
  plot(p1.nomit, col=viridis::viridis(99),main=paste(name,"no_omisison"))#; points(nitens_by_subspp[[i]],col=rgb(0,0,0,0.01))
  plot(p1.preva, col=viridis::viridis(99),main=paste(name,"prevalence"))#; points(nitens_by_subspp[[i]],col=rgb(0,0,0,0.01))
  plot(p1.equal, col=viridis::viridis(99),main=paste(name,"equal_sens_spec"))#; points(nitens_by_subspp[[i]],col=rgb(0,0,0,0.01))
  plot(p1.sns09, col=viridis::viridis(99),main=paste(name,"sensitivity0.9"))#; points(nitens_by_subspp[[i]],col=rgb(0,0,0,0.01))
  writeRaster(p1.kappa,filename=paste("Threshold_",species," ",name,"_kappa.asc",sep=""),format="ascii",overwrite=T)
  writeRaster(p1.spsen,filename=paste("Threshold_",species," ",name,"_spec_sens.asc",sep=""),format="ascii",overwrite=T)
  writeRaster(p1.nomit,filename=paste("Threshold_",species," ",name,"_no_omisison.asc",sep=""),format="ascii",overwrite=T)
  writeRaster(p1.preva,filename=paste("Threshold_",species," ",name,"_prevalence.asc",sep=""),format="ascii",overwrite=T)
  writeRaster(p1.equal,filename=paste("Threshold_",species," ",name,"_equal_sens_spec.asc",sep=""),format="ascii",overwrite=T)
  writeRaster(p1.sns09,filename=paste("Threshold_",species," ",name,"_sensitivity0.9.asc",sep=""),format="ascii",overwrite=T)
  th1ras = list(kappa=p1.kappa,
                specSens = p1.spsen,
                noOmit = p1.nomit,
                prevalence = p1.preva,
                equalSensSpec = p1.equal,
                sensitivity_0.9 = p1.sns09)
names(threshRasters) = names(bestRasters)

print("Are these really subspecies, folks?")

### plotting stuff
plot(bg, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey")

plot(bg, col="grey",colNA="darkgrey")

kaiyaprovost/subsppLabelR documentation built on March 17, 2024, 5:09 p.m.