
Defines functions importTxreviseCounts importVariantInformation extractGeneMetadataFromBiomartFile importBiomartMetadata scanTabixDataFrame

Documented in importBiomartMetadata importTxreviseCounts importVariantInformation scanTabixDataFrame

#' A general function to quickly import tabix indexed tab-separated files into data_frame
#' @param tabix_file Path to tabix-indexed text file
#' @param param An instance of GRanges, RangedData, or RangesList
#' provide the sequence names and regions to be parsed. Passed onto Rsamtools::scanTabix()
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed on to readr::read_delim()
#' @return List of data_frames, one for each entry in the param GRanges object.
#' @export
scanTabixDataFrame <- function(tabix_file, param, ...){
  tabix_list = Rsamtools::scanTabix(tabix_file, param = param)
  df_list = lapply(tabix_list, function(x,...){
    if(length(x) > 0){
      if(length(x) == 1){
        #Hack to make sure that it also works for data frames with only one row
        #Adds an empty row and then removes it
        result = paste(paste(x, collapse = "\n"),"\n",sep = "")
        result = readr::read_delim(result, delim = "\t", ...)[1,]
        result = paste(x, collapse = "\n")
        result = readr::read_delim(result, delim = "\t", ...)
    } else{
      #Return NULL if the nothing is returned from tabix file
      result = NULL
  }, ...)

#' Import transcript metadata from biomart web export
#' @param biomart_path Path to the biomart download text file
#' @param col_types Column types of the biomart download file (for readr)
#' @return tibble containing transcript metadata
#' @export
importBiomartMetadata <- function(biomart_path, col_types = "ccccccciciiciiiiccccccccidccccii"){
  transcript_meta = readr::read_tsv(biomart_path, col_types = col_types)
  col_df = dplyr::data_frame(column_name = c('Gene stable ID', 'Transcript stable ID', 'Chromosome/scaffold name', 'Gene start (bp)', 'Gene end (bp)', 'Strand', 'Transcript start (bp)', 'Transcript end (bp)', 'Transcription start site (TSS)', 'Transcript length (including UTRs and CDS)', 'Transcript support level (TSL)', 'APPRIS annotation', 'GENCODE basic annotation', 'Gene name', 'Transcript name', 'Transcript count', 'Transcript type', 'Gene type', 'Gene % GC content', 'Version (gene)', 'Version (transcript)'),
                             column_id = c('gene_id', 'transcript_id', 'chromosome', 'gene_start', 'gene_end', 'strand', 'transcript_start', 'transcript_end', 'tss', 'transcript_length', 'transcript_tsl', 'transcript_appris', 'is_gencode_basic', 'gene_name', 'transcript_name', 'transcript_count', 'transcript_type', 'gene_type', 'gene_gc_content', 'gene_version', 'transcript_version'))
  transcript_meta = transcript_meta[,col_df$column_name] %>% dplyr::distinct()
  colnames(transcript_meta) = col_df$column_id

extractGeneMetadataFromBiomartFile <- function(biomart_df){
  required_gene_meta_columns = c("phenotype_id","quant_id","group_id","gene_id",

  #Extract gene metadata
  gene_data = dplyr::select(biomart_df, gene_id, chromosome, gene_start, gene_end, strand,
                            gene_name, gene_type, gene_gc_content, gene_version) %>%
    dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(phenotype_id = gene_id, group_id = gene_id, quant_id = gene_id) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(phenotype_pos = ifelse(strand == 1, gene_start, gene_end)) %>%
    dplyr::select(required_gene_meta_columns, dplyr::everything())

#' Import variant information extracted from VCF file into R
#' The variant information text file can be generated from the VCF using the following
#' bcftools command:
#' bcftools query -f '\%CHROM\\t\%POS\\t\%ID\\t\%REF\\t\%ALT\\t\%TYPE\\t\%AC\\t\%AN\\n' path/to/vcf_file.vcf.gz | bgzip > path/to/variant_infromation_file.txt.gz
#' @param path Path to the the variant information text file.
#' @export
importVariantInformation <- function(path){
  info_col_names = c("chr","pos","snp_id","ref","alt","type","AC","AN", "MAF", "R2")
  into_col_types = "cicccciidd"
  snp_info = readr::read_delim(path, delim = "\t", col_types = into_col_types, col_names = info_col_names)
  snp_info = dplyr::mutate(snp_info, indel_length = pmax(nchar(alt), nchar(ref))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(is_indel = ifelse(indel_length > 1, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(MAF = pmin(AC/AN, 1-(AC/AN)))

#' Read and merge the TxRevise count matrices
#' @param path Path to directory where TxRevise files located.
#' @export
importTxreviseCounts <- function(path){
  txrevise_count_files = list.files(path, pattern = "^txrevise*", full.names = T)
  message("Importing the following files: ")
  merged_counts <- dplyr::tibble()
  for (count_file_path in txrevise_count_files) {
    count_file_df <- utils::read.csv(count_file_path, sep = '\t', check.names = FALSE)
    merged_counts <- rbind(merged_counts, count_file_df)
kauralasoo/eQTLUtils documentation built on March 12, 2023, 8:50 p.m.