
Defines functions estimateExpressionChange

Documented in estimateExpressionChange

#' @importFrom sccore checkPackageInstalled

#' Expression shift magnitudes per cluster between conditions
#' @param cm.per.type List of normalized count matrices per cell type
#' @param sample.groups Named factor with cell names indicating condition/sample, e.g., ctrl/disease
#' @param cell.groups Named clustering/annotation factor with cell names
#' @param dist what distance measure to use: 'JS' - Jensen-Shannon divergence (default), 'cor' - Pearson's linear correlation on log transformed values
#' @param n.cores number of cores (default=1)
#' @param verbose (default=FALSE)
#' @return List of distances per cell type, distance matrices, sample groups, cell types, pvalues, and adjusted p-values.
#' @export
estimateExpressionChange <- function(cm.per.type, sample.groups, cell.groups, sample.per.cell,
                                     dist=NULL, dist.type=c("shift", "total", "var"), verbose=FALSE,
                                     ref.level=NULL, n.permutations=1000, p.adjust.method="BH",
                                     top.n.genes=NULL, gene.selection="wilcox", n.pcs=NULL,
                                     trim=0.2, n.cores=1, ...) {
  dist.type <- match.arg(dist.type)
  dist <- parseDistance(dist, top.n.genes=top.n.genes, n.pcs=n.pcs)

  norm.type <- ifelse(dist.type == "shift", "both", "ref")
  r.type <- ifelse(dist.type == "var", "target", "cross")

  cell.groups %<>% as.factor() %>% droplevels()

  sample.type.table <- cell.groups %>% table(sample.per.cell[names(.)]) # table of sample types and cells

  if (verbose) message("Calculating pairwise distances using dist='", dist, "'...\n", sep="")

  n.cores.inner <- max(n.cores %/% length(levels(cell.groups)), 1)
  res.per.type <- levels(cell.groups) %>% sccore::sn() %>% plapply(function(ct) {
    cm.norm <- cm.per.type[[ct]]
    dist.mat <- estimateExpressionShiftsForCellType(cm.norm, sample.groups=sample.groups, dist=dist, n.pcs=n.pcs,
                                                    top.n.genes=top.n.genes, gene.selection=gene.selection, ...)
    attr(dist.mat, 'n.cells') <- sample.type.table[ct, rownames(cm.norm)] # calculate how many cells there are

    dists <- estimateExpressionShiftsByDistMat(dist.mat, sample.groups, norm.type=norm.type,
                                               return.type=r.type, ref.level=ref.level)
    obs.diff <- mean(dists, trim=trim)

    randomized.dists <- plapply(1:n.permutations, function(i) {
      sg.shuff <- sample.groups[rownames(cm.norm)] %>% as.factor() %>%
        droplevels() %>% {setNames(sample(.), names(.))}
      dm <- dist.mat
      if (!is.null(top.n.genes) && (gene.selection != "od")) {
        dm <- estimateExpressionShiftsForCellType(cm.norm, sample.groups=sg.shuff, dist=dist, n.pcs=n.pcs,
                                                  top.n.genes=top.n.genes, gene.selection=gene.selection, ...)

      estimateExpressionShiftsByDistMat(dm, sg.shuff, norm.type=norm.type, return.type=r.type, ref.level=ref.level) %>%
    }, progress=FALSE, n.cores=n.cores.inner, mc.preschedule=TRUE, fail.on.error=TRUE) %>% unlist()

    pvalue <- (sum(randomized.dists >= obs.diff) + 1) / (sum(!is.na(randomized.dists)) + 1)
    dists <- dists - median(randomized.dists, na.rm=TRUE)

    list(dists=dists, dist.mat=dist.mat, pvalue=pvalue)
  }, progress=verbose, n.cores=n.cores, mc.preschedule=TRUE, mc.allow.recursive=TRUE, fail.on.error=TRUE)

  if (verbose) message("Done!\n")

  pvalues <- sapply(res.per.type, `[[`, "pvalue")
  dists.per.type <- lapply(res.per.type, `[[`, "dists")
  p.dist.info <- lapply(res.per.type, `[[`, "dist.mat")

  padjust <- p.adjust(pvalues, method=p.adjust.method)

  return(list(dists.per.type=dists.per.type, p.dist.info=p.dist.info, sample.groups=sample.groups,
              cell.groups=cell.groups, pvalues=pvalues, padjust=padjust))

#' @keywords internal
estimateExpressionShiftsForCellType <- function(cm.norm, sample.groups, dist, top.n.genes=NULL, n.pcs=NULL,
                                                gene.selection="wilcox", exclude.genes=NULL) {
  if (!is.null(top.n.genes)) {
    sel.genes <- filterGenesForCellType(
      cm.norm, sample.groups=sample.groups, top.n.genes=top.n.genes, gene.selection=gene.selection,
    cm.norm <- cm.norm[,sel.genes,drop=FALSE]

  if (!is.null(n.pcs)) {
    min.dim <- min(dim(cm.norm)) - 1
    if (n.pcs > min.dim) {
      n.pcs <- min.dim
      warning("n.pcs is too large. Setting it to maximal allowed value ", min.dim)

    pcs <- svd(cm.norm, nv=n.pcs, nu=0)
    cm.norm <- as.matrix(cm.norm %*% pcs$v)

  if (dist == 'cor') {
    dist.mat <- 1 - cor(t(cm.norm))
  } else if (dist == 'l2') {
    dist.mat <- dist(cm.norm, method="euclidean") %>% as.matrix()
  } else if (dist == 'l1') {
    dist.mat <- dist(cm.norm, method="manhattan") %>% as.matrix()
  } else {
    stop("Unknown distance: ", dist)

  dist.mat[is.na(dist.mat)] <- 1;

#' @keywords internal
subsetDistanceMatrix <- function(dist.mat, sample.groups, cross.factor, build.df=FALSE) {
  comp.selector <- if (cross.factor) "!=" else "=="
  selection.mask <- outer(sample.groups[rownames(dist.mat)], sample.groups[colnames(dist.mat)], comp.selector);
  diag(dist.mat) <- NA;
  if (!build.df)

  dist.mat[!selection.mask] <- NA;

  if(all(is.na(dist.mat))) return(NULL);
  dist.df <- reshape2::melt(dist.mat) %>% na.omit()

#' @keywords internal
estimateExpressionShiftsByDistMat <- function(dist.mat, sample.groups, norm.type=c("both", "ref", "none"),
                                              ref.level=NULL, return.type=c("cross", "target")) {
  norm.type <- match.arg(norm.type)
  return.type <- match.arg(return.type)

  if (((norm.type == "ref") || (return.type == "target")) && is.null(ref.level))
    stop("ref.level has to be provided for norm.type='ref' or return.type='target'")

  sample.groups %<>% .[rownames(dist.mat)]
  if (norm.type == "both") {
    sg1 <- levels(sample.groups)[1]
    m1 <- outer(sample.groups, sample.groups, function(a, b) (a == sg1) & (b == sg1))
    m2 <- outer(sample.groups, sample.groups, function(a, b) (a != sg1) & (b != sg1))
    diag(m1) <- NA; diag(m2) <- NA
    norm.const <- (median(dist.mat[m1], na.rm=TRUE) + median(dist.mat[m2], na.rm=TRUE)) / 2
  } else if (norm.type == "ref") {
    mr <- outer(sample.groups, sample.groups, function(a, b) (a == ref.level) & (b == ref.level))
    diag(mr) <- NA
    norm.const <- median(dist.mat[mr], na.rm=TRUE)
  } else {
    norm.const <- 0

  dist.mat <- dist.mat - norm.const
  if (return.type == "cross") {
    dists <- subsetDistanceMatrix(dist.mat, sample.groups=sample.groups, cross.factor=TRUE)
  } else {
    dists <- dist.mat %>%
      .[(sample.groups[rownames(.)] != ref.level), (sample.groups[colnames(.)] != ref.level)] %>%


#' @keywords internal
joinExpressionShiftDfs <- function(dist.df.per.type, sample.groups) {
  dist.df.per.type %<>% .[!sapply(., is.null)]
  df <- names(dist.df.per.type) %>%
    lapply(function(n) cbind(dist.df.per.type[[n]], Type=n)) %>%
    do.call(rbind, .) %>%
    mutate(Condition=sample.groups[as.character(Var1)]) %>%


#' @keywords internal
prepareJointExpressionDistance <- function(p.dist.per.type, sample.groups=NULL, return.dists=TRUE) {
  checkPackageInstalled(c("abind"), cran=TRUE)
  # bring to a common set of cell types
  common.types <- lapply(p.dist.per.type, colnames) %>% unlist() %>% unique()

  p.dist.per.type %<>% lapply(function(x) {
    y <- matrix(0,nrow=length(common.types),ncol=length(common.types));  # can set the missing entries to zero, as they will carry zero weights
    rownames(y) <- colnames(y) <- common.types;
    y[rownames(x),colnames(x)] <- x;
    ycct <- setNames(rep(0,length(common.types)), common.types);
    ycct[colnames(x)] <- attr(x, 'n.cells')
    attr(y, 'n.cells') <- ycct
  }) # reform the matrix to make sure all cell type have the same dimensions

  x <- abind::abind(lapply(p.dist.per.type, function(x) {
    nc <- attr(x, 'n.cells')
    #wm <- (outer(nc,nc,FUN='pmin'))
    wm <- sqrt(outer(nc, nc, FUN = 'pmin'))
    return(x * wm)
  }), along = 3)

  # just the weights (for total sum of weights normalization)
  y <- abind::abind(lapply(p.dist.per.type, function(x) {
    nc <- attr(x, 'n.cells')
    sqrt(outer(nc, nc, FUN = 'pmin'))
  }), along = 3)

  # normalize by total weight sums
  xd <- apply(x, c(1, 2), sum) / apply(y, c(1, 2), sum)

  if (return.dists)

  cross.factor <- outer(sample.groups[rownames(xd)], sample.groups[colnames(xd)], '==')
  diag(xd) <- NA # remove self pairs
  # restrict
  xd[!cross.factor] <- NA
  if (!any(!is.na(xd)))
  xmd2 <- na.omit(reshape2::melt(xd))
  xmd2 <- na.omit(xmd2)
  xmd2$type1 <- sample.groups[as.character(xmd2$Var1)]
  xmd2$type2 <- sample.groups[as.character(xmd2$Var2)]


#' @keywords internal
filterCellTypesByNSamples <- function(cell.groups, sample.per.cell, sample.groups,
                                      min.cells.per.sample, min.samp.per.type, verbose=TRUE) {
  freq.table <- table(Type=cell.groups, Sample=sample.per.cell) %>% as.data.frame() %>%
    mutate(Condition=sample.groups[as.character(Sample)]) %>%
    filter(Freq >= min.cells.per.sample)

  if (length(unique(freq.table$Condition)) != 2)
    stop("'sample.groups' must be a 2-level factor describing which samples are being contrasted")

  removed.types <- freq.table %>% split(.$Type) %>% sapply(function(df) {
    df %$% split(Sample, Condition) %>% sapply(length) %>% {any(. < min.samp.per.type)}
  }) %>% which() %>% names()

  if (verbose && (length(removed.types) > 0)) {
    message("Excluding cell types ", paste(removed.types, collapse=", "), " that don't have enough samples\n")

  freq.table %<>% filter(!(Type %in% removed.types))

#' @keywords internal
filterExpressionDistanceInput <- function(cms, cell.groups, sample.per.cell, sample.groups,
                                          min.cells.per.sample=10, min.samp.per.type=2, min.gene.frac=0.01,
                                          genes=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
  # Filter rare samples per cell type
  cell.names <- lapply(cms, rownames) %>% unlist()
  freq.table <- filterCellTypesByNSamples(
    cell.groups[cell.names], sample.per.cell[cell.names], sample.groups=sample.groups,
    min.cells.per.sample=min.cells.per.sample, min.samp.per.type=min.samp.per.type, verbose=verbose

  filt.types.per.samp <- freq.table %$% split(Type, Sample)
  cms.filt <- names(filt.types.per.samp) %>% sn() %>% lapply(function(n) {
    cms[[n]] %>% .[cell.groups[rownames(.)] %in% filt.types.per.samp[[n]],, drop=FALSE]

  cell.names <- lapply(cms.filt, rownames) %>% unlist()

  # Filter low-expressed genes
  if (is.null(genes)) {
    genes <- lapply(cms.filt, function(cm) {
      cm@x <- 1 * (cm@x > 1)
      names(which(colMeans(cm) > min.gene.frac))
    }) %>% unlist() %>% table() %>% {. / length(cms.filt) > 0.1} %>% which() %>% names()

  # Collapse matrices and extend to the same genes
  cms.filt %<>% lapply(collapseCellsByType, groups=cell.groups, min.cell.count=1)

  cms.filt %<>% lapply(sccore::extendMatrix, genes) %>% lapply(`[`,,genes, drop=FALSE)

  # Group matrices by cell type
  cell.groups <- droplevels(cell.groups[cell.names])

  cm.per.type <- levels(cell.groups) %>% sccore::sn() %>% lapply(function(ct) {
    lapply(cms.filt, function(x) if (ct %in% rownames(x)) x[ct,] else NULL) %>%
      do.call(rbind, .) %>% {. / pmax(1, rowSums(.))} %>% {log10(. * 1e3 + 1)}

  return(list(cm.per.type=cm.per.type, cell.groups=cell.groups, sample.groups=sample.groups[names(cms)]))

#' @keywords internal
estimateExplainedVariance <- function(cm, sample.groups) {
  checkPackageInstalled("matrixStats", cran=TRUE)
  spg <- rownames(cm) %>% split(droplevels(as.factor(sample.groups[.])))
  if (length(spg) == 1){

  sapply(spg, function(spc) matrixStats::colVars(cm[spc,,drop=FALSE]) * (length(spc) - 1)) %>%
    rowSums(na.rm=TRUE) %>%
    {1 - (. / (matrixStats::colVars(cm) * (nrow(cm) - 1)))} %>%

#' @keywords internal
filterGenesForCellType <- function(cm.norm, sample.groups, top.n.genes=500, gene.selection=c("wilcox", "var", "od"),
                                   exclude.genes=NULL) {
  gene.selection <- match.arg(gene.selection)

  if (gene.selection == "var") {
    sel.genes <- estimateExplainedVariance(cm.norm, sample.groups=sample.groups) %>%
      sort(decreasing=TRUE) %>% names()
  } else if (gene.selection == "wilcox") {
    spg <- rownames(cm.norm) %>% split(sample.groups[.])
    test.res <- matrixTests::col_wilcoxon_twosample(cm.norm[spg[[1]],,drop=FALSE], cm.norm[spg[[2]],,drop=FALSE], exact=FALSE)$pvalue
    sel.genes <- test.res %>% setNames(colnames(cm.norm)) %>% sort() %>% names()
  } else {
    checkPackageInstalled("pagoda2", details="for gene.selection='od'", cran=TRUE)
    # TODO: we need to extract the OD function from Pagoda and scITD into sccore
    # Pagoda2 should not be in DESCRIPTION
    p2 <- pagoda2::Pagoda2$new(t(cm.norm), modelType="raw", verbose=FALSE, n.cores=1)
    sel.genes <- p2$getOdGenes(Inf)

  sel.genes %<>% setdiff(exclude.genes) %>% head(top.n.genes)

#' @keywords internal
parseDistance <- function(dist, top.n.genes, n.pcs) {
  n.comps <- min(top.n.genes, n.pcs, Inf)
  if (is.null(dist)) {
    dist <- ifelse(n.comps < 20, 'l1', 'cor')

  dist %<>% tolower()
  if (dist == 'l2') {
    warning("Using dist='l2' is not recommended, as it may introduce unwanted dependency ",
            "on the number of cells per cluster. Please, consider using 'l1' instead.")
  } else if (dist == 'cor') {
    if (n.comps < 20) {
      warning("dist='cor' is not recommended for data with dimensionality < 20. ",
              "Please, consider using 'l1' instead.")
  } else if (dist == 'l1') {
    if (n.comps > 30) {
      warning("dist='l1' is not recommended for data with dimensionality > 30. ",
              "Please, consider using 'cor' instead.")
  } else {
    stop("Unknown dist: ", dist)

kharchenkolab/cacoa documentation built on Nov. 8, 2024, 6:06 a.m.