Man pages for kharchenkolab/cacoa
Case-Control Analysis Tools for Single-Cell RNA-Seq

addZScoresAdd Z scores to DE results
brewerPaletteHelper function for creating color palettes
CacoaCacoa R6 class
checkDataCheck cell count data
checkDataAndCellsCheck data and list of cells
checkDataGroupsCheck cell count data and groups
checkDataSbpCheck the agreement between sbp and cell count table
checkDataTreeCheck agreement between Tree and the Cell count table
checkGroupsCheck groups
checkSbpCheck sequential binary partitions(sbp)
checkSbpWholeCheck sequential binary partitions(sbp) for the whole set of...
checkTreeCheck Tree
clusteredOntologyDotplotPerforms ontology clustering by genes and then shows medoids...
clusterOntologyDFCluster Ontology DataFrame
collapseFamiliesCollapse ontology families
constructBestPartitionTreeConstruct the canonical tree
constructTreeConstruct the canonical tree
createDendrogramhelper function for creating dendograms
diffCellDensityEstimate differential cell density
distanceBetweenTermsDistance between terms
distTreeOrderhelper function for creating dendograms
estimateCellDensityGraphEstimate graph smooth based cell density
estimateCellDensityKdeEstimate cell density in giving embedding, Density will...
estimateDEPerCellTypeInnerDifferential expression using different methods (deseq2,...
estimateExpressionChangeExpression shift magnitudes per cluster between conditions
estimateGeneProgramsFabiaEstimate Gene Programs with FABIA
estimateOntologyFamiliesEstimate ontology families
estimateOntologyFromIdsCalculate ontologies based on DEs
extractCellGraphExtract the cell groups from the object
extractCellGroupsExtract the cell groups from the object
extractEmbeddingExtract embeddings from the object
extractGeneExpressionExtract the gene exrpession from the object
extractJointCountMatrixExtract the joint count matrix from the object
extractOdGenesExtract the top overdispersed genes from the object
extractRawCountMatricesExtract the cell groups from the object
extractSamplePerCellExtract the sample/dataset per cell from the object
getCdaLoadingsGet Loadings from the caconical data analysis
getDEEntrezIdsSplittedGet DE ENTREZ IDs
getDensityContourExtract contour from embedding
getGenePaletteGet Gene Scale
getLoadingsGet loadings by different methods
getLogFreqGet log frequencies from the cell count table
getNodeBalancesGet balances for all inner nodes of the tree
getRndBalancesGet balances based on the random ilr basis
getRndPartitionGenerate one random partition of given length
getRndSbpGenerate random sbp
identifyFamiliesIdentify ontology families
plotCellTypeSizeDepShow a scatter plot of cell-type values vs. number of cells...
plotContrastTreehelper function for creating dendograms
plotCountBoxplotsPerTypePlot count boxplots per type
plotDensityKdePlot cell density
plotHeatmapPlot heatmap
plotMeanMedValuesPerCellTypePlot bar, point or boxplots showing mean/median values per...
plotNCellRegressionPlot number of cells regression
plotOntologyFamilyPlot related ontologies in one hierarchical network plot
produceResamplingThis function produces the resampling dataset
rblapplyIterate over tree (list of lists of lists, etc) for...
removeGroupEffectRemove the strongest group effect from balances
saveDEasJSONSave DE results as JSON files
sbp2treeGet tree from balances
summarizeDEResamplingResultsSummarize DE Resampling Results
theme_legend_positionHelper function for creating color palettes Syncs input to...
validateDEPerCellTypeParamsValidate parameters per cell type
wrap_stringsWrap strings for readibility on plots
kharchenkolab/cacoa documentation built on May 10, 2022, 3:42 a.m.