spliceGraph <- function(features)
if (is(features, "SGFeatures")) {
features <- asGRanges(features)
} else if (is(features, "SGSegments")) {
features <- asGRangesList(features)
if (is(features, "GRanges")) {
edges <- features[mcols(features)$type %in% c("J", "E")]
i_J <- which(mcols(edges)$type == "J")
i_E <- which(mcols(edges)$type == "E")
d <- cbind(from = NA, to = NA, as.data.frame(mcols(edges)))
## splice junctions -> from nodes
D <- gr2pos(flank(edges[i_J], -1, start = TRUE))
d$from[i_J] <- paste0("D:", D)
## splice junctions -> to nodes
A <- gr2pos(flank(edges[i_J], -1, start = FALSE))
d$to[i_J] <- paste0("A:", A)
## exons -> from nodes
E_5p_int <- gr2pos(flank(edges[i_E], -1, start = TRUE))
E_5p_ext <- gr2pos(flank(edges[i_E], 1, start = TRUE))
i <- which(E_5p_int %in% A)
d$from[i_E][i] <- paste0("A:", E_5p_int[i])
i <- which(is.na(d$from[i_E]) & E_5p_ext %in% D)
d$from[i_E][i] <- paste0("D:", E_5p_ext[i])
i <- which(is.na(d$from[i_E]))
d$from[i_E][i] <- paste0("S:", E_5p_int[i])
## exons -> to nodes
E_3p_int <- gr2pos(flank(edges[i_E], -1, start = FALSE))
E_3p_ext <- gr2pos(flank(edges[i_E], 1, start = FALSE))
i <- which(E_3p_int %in% D)
d$to[i_E][i] <- paste0("D:", E_3p_int[i])
i <- which(is.na(d$to[i_E]) & E_3p_ext %in% A)
d$to[i_E][i] <- paste0("A:", E_3p_ext[i])
i <- which(is.na(d$to[i_E]))
d$to[i_E][i] <- paste0("E:", E_3p_int[i])
} else if (is(features, "GRangesList")) {
d <- as.data.frame(mcols(features))
g <- graph.data.frame(d = d, directed = TRUE)
gd <- edges(g)
gv <- nodes(g)
if (is(features, "GRanges")) {
splicesites <- features[mcols(features)$type %in% c("D" ,"A")]
gv$featureID <- mcols(splicesites)$featureID[match(gv$name,
gv_cluster <- as.integer(clusters(g)$membership)
gd_cluster <- gv_cluster[match(gd$from, gv$name)]
if (is.null(mcols(features)$geneID)) {
gv$geneID <- gv_cluster
gd$geneID <- gd_cluster
} else {
cluster2geneID <- tapply(gd$geneID, gd_cluster, unique,
simplify = FALSE)
if (any(elementNROWS(cluster2geneID) > 1)) {
stop("splice graph inconsistent with geneIDs")
} else {
cluster2geneID <- unlist(cluster2geneID)
gv$geneID <- cluster2geneID[match(gv_cluster, names(cluster2geneID))]
## For each gene, reorder nodes 5' to 3' and by type (S -> A -> D -> E)
tmp <- strsplit(gv$name, split = ":", fixed = TRUE)
type <- c(S = 0, A = 1, D = 2, E = 3)[vapply(tmp, "[", character(1), 1)]
pos <- as.integer(vapply(tmp, "[", character(1), 3))
strand <- vapply(tmp, "[", character(1), 4)
i_neg <- which(strand == "-")
pos[i_neg] <- -1 * pos[i_neg]
gv <- gv[order(gv$geneID, pos, type), ]
## For each gene, reorder edges in 5' to 3' direction
split_from <- strsplit(gd$from, split = ":", fixed = TRUE)
split_to <- strsplit(gd$to, split = ":", fixed = TRUE)
start <- as.integer(vapply(split_from, "[", character(1), 3))
end <- as.integer(vapply(split_to, "[", character(1), 3))
strand <- vapply(split_from, "[", character(1), 4)
i_neg <- which(strand == "-")
tmp_start_neg <- start[i_neg]
tmp_end_neg <- end[i_neg]
start[i_neg] <- -1 * tmp_end_neg
end[i_neg] <- -1 * tmp_start_neg
gd <- gd[order(gd$geneID, start, end), ]
## Create splice graph
g <- graph.data.frame(d = gd, directed = TRUE, vertices = gv)
nodes <- function(g)
get.data.frame(g, "vertices")
edges <- function(g)
get.data.frame(g, "edges")
neighborhood2 <- function(graph, order, nodes, mode)
n <- neighborhood(graph, order, nodes, mode)
n <- mapply(setdiff, n, nodes, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
addSourceAndSinkNodes <- function(g)
gd <- edges(g)
gv <- nodes(g)
## Add unique source node and edges
i <- which(degree(g, mode = "in") == 0)
gd_R <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(i), ncol = ncol(gd)))
names(gd_R) <- names(gd)
gd_R$from <- "R"
gd_R$to <- gv$name[i]
gv_R <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(gv)))
names(gv_R) <- names(gv)
gv_R$name <- "R"
## Add unique sink nodes and edges
i <- which(degree(g, mode = "out") == 0)
gd_K <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(i), ncol = ncol(gd)))
names(gd_K) <- names(gd)
gd_K$from <- gv$name[i]
gd_K$to <- "K"
gv_K <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(gv)))
names(gv_K) <- names(gv)
gv_K$name <- "K"
## update graph
gd <- rbindDfsWithoutRowNames(gd_R, gd, gd_K)
gv <- rbindDfsWithoutRowNames(gv_R, gv, gv_K)
g <- graph.data.frame(d = gd, directed = TRUE, vertices = gv)
subgraph <- function(g, geneIDs)
gv <- nodes(g)
i <- which(gv$geneID %in% geneIDs)
g <- induced.subgraph(g, i)
findSGSegments <- function(features, cores = 1)
g <- spliceGraph(features)
gv <- nodes(g)
gd <- edges(g)
i_branch <- setNames(which(degree(g, mode = "out") != 1 |
degree(g, mode = "in") != 1), NULL)
geneID_n_branch <- table(gv$geneID[i_branch])
## Collapse graph for geneIDs with single isoform
## NOTE edges must be ordered in 5' to 3' direction
geneIDs_1 <- as.integer(names(which(geneID_n_branch == 2)))
i <- which(gd$geneID %in% geneIDs_1)
segments_1 <- IntegerList(split(gd$featureID[i], gd$geneID[i]))
## Collapse graph for geneID with multiple isoforms
## NOTE nodes must be ordered in 5' to 3' direction
geneIDs_2 <- as.integer(names(which(geneID_n_branch > 2)))
list_segments_2 <- mclapply(
g = g,
mc.cores = cores)
## error checking only works for mc.preschedule = FALSE
## checkApplyResultsForErrors(
## list_segments_2,
## "findSGSegmentsPerGene",
## geneIDs_2,
## "try-error")
segments_2 <- IntegerList(do.call(c, list_segments_2))
segments <- c(segments_1, segments_2)
segmentID <- togroup0(segments)[match(featureID(features),
findSGSegmentsPerGene <- function(g, geneID)
h <- subgraph(g, geneID)
## Extract nodes and edges
hv <- nodes(h)
hd <- edges(h)
## Find start and end nodes
starts <- setNames(which(degree(h, mode = "out") > 1 |
degree(h, mode = "in") != 1), NULL)
ends <- setNames(which(degree(h, mode = "in") > 1 |
degree(h, mode = "out") != 1), NULL)
list_neighbors <- neighborhood2(h, 1, starts, "out")
s <- starts[togroup0(list_neighbors)]
n <- unlist(list_neighbors)
r <- is.finite(shortest.paths(h, n, ends, "out"))
t <- ends[apply(r, 1, function(x) { min(which(x)) })]
fun <- function(from, to)
if (from == to) {
p <- integer()
} else if (edge.connectivity(h, from, to) == 1) {
p <- get.shortest.paths(h, from, to, output = "epath")$epath[[1]]
p <- as.integer(p)
} else {
p <- which(hd$from == hv$name[from] & hd$to == hv$name[to])
p <- as.list(p)
segments_1 <- mapply(fun, s, n, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
segments_2 <- mapply(fun, n, t, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
i <- which(vapply(segments_1, is.list, logical(1)))
if (length(i) > 0) {
segments_2 <- c(segments_2[-i],
segments_2[rep(i, elementNROWS(segments_1[i]))])
segments_1 <- c(segments_1[-i],
unlist(segments_1[i], recursive = FALSE))
segments <- pc(IntegerList(segments_1), IntegerList(segments_2))
segments <- relist(hd$featureID[unlist(segments)], segments)
##' Identify splice variants from splice graph.
##' @title Identify splice variants from splice graph
##' @param features \code{SGFeatures} object
##' @param maxnvariant If more than \code{maxnvariant} variants are
##' identified in an event, the event is skipped, resulting in a warning.
##' Set to \code{NA} to include all events.
##' @param annotate_events Logical indicating whether identified
##' splice variants should be annotated in terms of canonical events.
##' For details see help page for \code{\link{annotateSGVariants}}.
##' @param include Character string indicating whether identified splice
##' variants should be filtered. Possible options are \dQuote{default}
##' (only include variants for events with all variants closed),
##' \dQuote{closed} (only include closed variants) and \dQuote{all}
##' (include all variants).
##' @param cores Number of cores available for parallel processing
##' @return \code{SGVariants} object
##' @examples
##' sgv <- findSGVariants(sgf_pred)
##' @author Leonard Goldstein
findSGVariants <- function(features, maxnvariant = 20, annotate_events = TRUE,
include = c("default", "closed", "all"), cores = 1)
include <- match.arg(include)
if (!is(features, "SGFeatures")) {
stop("features must be an SGFeatures object")
variants <- findSGVariantsFromSGFeatures(features, maxnvariant, cores)
if (length(variants) == 0) {
if (annotate_events) {
message("Annotate variants...")
variants <- annotateSGVariants(variants)
variantName(variants) <- makeVariantNames(variants)
open <- !closed5p(variants) | !closed3p(variants)
if (include == "default") {
excl <- which(eventID(variants) %in% eventID(variants)[open])
} else if (include == "closed") {
excl <- which(open)
} else if (include == "all") {
excl <- vector()
if (length(excl) > 0) {
variants <- variants[-excl]
findSGVariantsFromSGFeatures <- function(features, maxnvariant, cores = 1)
message("Find segments...")
segments <- convertToSGSegments(features, cores)
message("Find variants...")
g <- spliceGraph(segments)
i <- setNames(which(degree(g, mode = "out") > 1 |
degree(g, mode = "in") > 1), NULL)
geneIDs <- unique(nodes(g)$geneID[i])
if (length(geneIDs) == 0) {
list_variant_info <- mclapply(
g = g,
maxnvariant = maxnvariant,
mc.cores = cores)
## error checking only works for mc.preschedule = FALSE
## checkApplyResultsForErrors(
## list_variant_info,
## "findVariantsPerGene",
## geneIDs,
## "try-error")
variant_info <- rbindListOfDFs(list_variant_info, cores)
if (nrow(variant_info) == 0) {
## obtain variants in terms of SGFeatures
variant_featureID <- extractIDs(variant_info$featureID)
variants <- split(features[match(unlist(variant_featureID),
featureID(features))], togroup0(variant_featureID))
names(variants) <- NULL
variant_gr <- unlist(range(variants))
## sort by genomic position
i <- order(variant_gr)
variant_info <- variant_info[i, ]
variants <- variants[i]
variant_gr <- variant_gr[i]
## obtain event IDs and variant IDs
ft <- paste(variant_info$from, variant_info$to)
variant_info$eventID <- as.integer(factor(ft, levels = unique(ft)))
variant_info$variantID <- seq_len(nrow(variant_info))
## replace source nodes with corresponding start nodes
x <- flank(variant_gr, -1, TRUE)
i <- which(variant_info$from == "R")
if (length(i) > 0) { variant_info$from[i] <- paste0("S:", gr2pos(x[i])) }
## replace sink nodes with corresponding end nodes
x <- flank(variant_gr, -1, FALSE)
i <- which(variant_info$to == "K")
if (length(i) > 0) { variant_info$to[i] <- paste0("E:", gr2pos(x[i])) }
## obtain representative feature IDs
f5p <- getRepresentativeFeatureIDs(variant_info, features, TRUE)
f3p <- getRepresentativeFeatureIDs(variant_info, features, FALSE)
## set 5' representative feature IDs for 3' closed variants
variant_info$featureID5p <- f5p
i <- which(!variant_info$closed3p)
variant_info$featureID5p[i] <- IntegerList(vector("list", length(i)))
## set 3' representative feature IDs for 5' closed variants
variant_info$featureID3p <- f3p
i <- which(!variant_info$closed5p)
variant_info$featureID3p[i] <- IntegerList(vector("list", length(i)))
## convert eventIDs to factor
eid <- factor(variant_info$eventID)
## set 5' representative feature IDs for 3' closed events
eid_f5p <- split(unlist(f5p), eid[togroup0(f5p)])
eid_f5p <- unique(IntegerList(eid_f5p))
variant_info$featureID5pEvent <- setNames(
eid_f5p[match(eid, names(eid_f5p))], NULL)
i <- which(!variant_info$closed3pEvent)
variant_info$featureID5pEvent[i] <- IntegerList(vector("list", length(i)))
## set 3' representative feature IDs for 5' closed events
eid_f3p <- split(unlist(f3p), eid[togroup0(f3p)])
eid_f3p <- unique(IntegerList(eid_f3p))
variant_info$featureID3pEvent <- setNames(
eid_f3p[match(eid, names(eid_f3p))], NULL)
i <- which(!variant_info$closed5pEvent)
variant_info$featureID3pEvent[i] <- IntegerList(vector("list", length(i)))
## create SGVariants object
mcols(variants) <- variant_info
variants <- SGVariants(variants)
variants <- annotatePaths(variants)
getRepresentativeFeatureIDs <- function(variant_info, features, start = TRUE)
variant_rep_id <- IntegerList(vector("list", nrow(variant_info)))
if (start) {
index <- grep("^D", variant_info$from)
tmp_info <- variant_info[index, ]
tmp_node <- tmp_info$from
} else {
index <- grep("^A", variant_info$to)
tmp_info <- variant_info[index, ]
tmp_node <- tmp_info$to
if (length(index) == 0) {
tmp_rep_id <- getTerminalFeatureIDs(tmp_info$featureID, start)
## replace exons with splice sites
tmp_rep_id_unlisted <- unlist(tmp_rep_id)
tmp_rep_id_unlisted_i <- match(tmp_rep_id_unlisted, featureID(features))
i_E <- which(type(features)[tmp_rep_id_unlisted_i] == "E")
if (length(i_E) > 0) {
tmp_rep_id_unlisted_i[i_E] <- match(
tmp_node[togroup0(tmp_rep_id)][i_E], feature2name(features))
tmp_rep_id_unlisted <- featureID(features)[tmp_rep_id_unlisted_i]
tmp_rep_id <- relist(tmp_rep_id_unlisted, tmp_rep_id)
variant_rep_id[index] <- tmp_rep_id
findVariantsPerGene <- function(g, geneID, maxnvariant)
## Extract subgraph corresponding to geneID
h <- subgraph(g, geneID)
## Add unique source and sink nodes
h <- addSourceAndSinkNodes(h)
## Extract data frames of nodes and edges
hv <- nodes(h)
hd <- edges(h)
## Find events
b <- findEvents(h)
## Sort events
b <- sortEvents(b, h)
## Initialize list of alternative paths
list_path_info <- vector("list", nrow(b))
## Initialize data frame of recursively defined paths
ref <- hd[, c("from", "to", "type", "featureID", "segmentID")]
ref$segmentID <- as.character(ref$segmentID)
n_skipped <- 0
for (k in seq_len(nrow(b))) {
from <- hv$name[b$start[k]]
to <- hv$name[b$end[k]]
paths_index_ref <- findAllPaths(from, to, NULL, ref, hv$name)
if (!is.na(maxnvariant) && (length(paths_index_ref) > maxnvariant ||
(length(paths_index_ref) == 1L && is.na(paths_index_ref)))) {
n_skipped <- n_skipped + 1
if (k < nrow(b)) {
## Include event in data frame of recursively defined events
ref <- rbindDfsWithoutRowNames(ref,
from = from,
to = to,
type = "",
featureID = "",
segmentID = "",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
i <- unlist(paths_index_ref)
f <- togroup0(paths_index_ref)
paths_type <- unstrsplit(split(ref$type[i], f), "")
paths_featureID <- unstrsplit(split(ref$featureID[i], f), ",")
paths_segmentID <- unstrsplit(split(ref$segmentID[i], f), ",")
names(paths_type) <- NULL
names(paths_featureID) <- NULL
names(paths_segmentID) <- NULL
o <- order(nchar(paths_type), paths_type)
paths_type <- paths_type[o]
paths_featureID <- paths_featureID[o]
paths_segmentID <- paths_segmentID[o]
## determine whether variants are closed
paths_segmentIDs <- extractIDs(paths_segmentID)
i <- match(unlist(paths_segmentIDs), hd$segmentID)
paths_all_from <- relist(hd$from[i], paths_segmentIDs)
paths_all_to <- relist(hd$to[i], paths_segmentIDs)
paths_int_nodes <- lapply(pc(paths_all_from, paths_all_to),
setdiff, y = hv$name[c(b$start[k], b$end[k])])
paths_ext_nodes <- lapply(paths_int_nodes, setdiff, x = hv$name)
event_ext_nodes <- setdiff(hv$name, unlist(paths_int_nodes))
hme <- delete.vertices(h, b$end[k])
paths_nodes_out <- lapply(paths_int_nodes,
function(x) { unique(unlist(lapply(x,
function(y) { names(subcomponent(y,
graph = hme, mode = "out")) }))) })
paths_edges_out <- lapply(paths_int_nodes,
function(x) { setdiff(hd$segmentID[hd$from %in% x], NA) })
closed3pVariant <- elementNROWS(mapply(intersect,
paths_nodes_out, paths_ext_nodes, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) == 0 &
elementNROWS(mapply(setdiff, paths_edges_out,
paths_segmentIDs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) == 0
closed3pEvent <- all(elementNROWS(lapply(paths_nodes_out,
intersect, event_ext_nodes)) == 0)
hms <- delete.vertices(h, b$start[k])
paths_nodes_in <- lapply(paths_int_nodes,
function(x) { unique(unlist(lapply(x,
function(y) { names(subcomponent(y,
graph = hms, mode = "in")) }))) })
paths_edges_in <- lapply(paths_int_nodes,
function(x) { setdiff(hd$segmentID[hd$to %in% x], NA) })
closed5pVariant <- elementNROWS(mapply(intersect,
paths_nodes_in, paths_ext_nodes, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) == 0 &
elementNROWS(mapply(setdiff, paths_edges_in,
paths_segmentIDs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) == 0
closed5pEvent <- all(elementNROWS(lapply(paths_nodes_in,
intersect, event_ext_nodes)) == 0)
if (k < nrow(b) && closed3pEvent && closed5pEvent) {
## Include event in data frame of recursively defined paths
ref <- rbindDfsWithoutRowNames(ref,
from = from,
to = to,
type = paste0("(", paste(paths_type, collapse = "|"), ")"),
featureID = paste0("(", paste(paths_featureID,
collapse = "|"), ")"),
segmentID = paste0("(", paste(paths_segmentID,
collapse = "|"), ")"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
ref <- ref[-unique(unlist(paths_index_ref)), ]
list_path_info[[k]] <- data.frame(
from = rep(from, length(o)),
to = rep(to, length(o)),
type = paths_type,
featureID = paths_featureID,
segmentID = paths_segmentID,
closed5p = closed5pVariant,
closed3p = closed3pVariant,
closed5pEvent = rep(closed5pEvent, length(o)),
closed3pEvent = rep(closed3pEvent, length(o)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (n_skipped > 0) {
warning(paste(n_skipped, "events exceed maxnvariant in gene", geneID),
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
if (all(elementNROWS(list_path_info) == 0)) {
path_info <- do.call(rbindDfsWithoutRowNames, list_path_info)
## remove references to artifical source and sink nodes
path_info$type <- gsub("NA", "", path_info$type, fixed = TRUE)
path_info$featureID <- gsub("NA,", "", path_info$featureID, fixed = TRUE)
path_info$featureID <- gsub(",NA", "", path_info$featureID, fixed = TRUE)
path_info$segmentID <- gsub("NA,", "", path_info$segmentID, fixed = TRUE)
path_info$segmentID <- gsub(",NA", "", path_info$segmentID, fixed = TRUE)
## include geneID
path_info$geneID <- geneID
findEvents <- function(g)
gv <- nodes(g)
i_start <- setNames(which(degree(g, mode = "out") > 1), NULL)
list_start <- vector()
list_end <- vector()
for (s in i_start) {
## Initialize vector of end nodes completing events from s
t <- vector()
## Consider alternative nodes immediately downstream (proximal) from s
alt_prox <- neighborhood2(g, 1, s, "out")[[1]]
## Proximal nodes with connectivity > 1 complete events
i <- which(vapply(alt_prox, edge.connectivity, numeric(1),
graph = g, source = s) > 1)
t <- c(t, alt_prox[i])
## Consider branchpoints reachable from s (excluding s)
branchpts <- which(is.finite(shortest.paths(g, s, mode = "out")))[-1]
## Keep track of alternative paths in terms of both proximal and
## downstream (distal) nodes when proceeding through branchpoints
alt_dist <- alt_prox
j <- 1
reachable <- is.finite(shortest.paths(g, alt_dist, branchpts[j],
while (!all(reachable)) {
i <- which(reachable)
prox <- unique(alt_prox[i])
dist <- neighborhood2(g, 1, branchpts[j], "out")[[1]]
if (length(prox) > 1) {
t <- c(t, branchpts[j])
prox <- branchpts[j]
alt_prox <- alt_prox[-i]
alt_dist <- alt_dist[-i]
n_prox <- length(prox)
n_dist <- length(dist)
alt_prox <- c(alt_prox, rep(prox, rep(n_dist, n_prox)))
alt_dist <- c(alt_dist, rep(dist, n_prox))
j <- j + 1
reachable <- is.finite(shortest.paths(g, alt_dist,
branchpts[j], "out"))
t <- c(t, branchpts[j])
t <- unique(t)
list_start <- c(list_start, rep(s, length(t)))
list_end <- c(list_end, t)
## exclude special case when start and end node are
## source and sink node, respectively (cf. PLEKHA5)
exclude <- intersect(which(gv$name[list_start] == "R"),
which(gv$name[list_end] == "K"))
if (length(exclude) > 0) {
list_start <- list_start[-exclude]
list_end <- list_end[-exclude]
events <- data.frame(start = list_start, end = list_end)
sortEvents <- function(events, g)
name_split <- strsplit(nodes(g)$name, ":", fixed = TRUE)
gv_type <- vapply(name_split, "[", character(1), 1)
gv_pos <- as.integer(vapply(name_split, "[", character(1), 3))
st <- setdiff(vapply(name_split, "[", character(1), 4), NA)
start_type <- gv_type[events$start]
start_pos <- gv_pos[events$start]
end_type <- gv_type[events$end]
end_pos <- gv_pos[events$end]
i_I <- which(start_type != "R" & end_type != "K")
i_I <- i_I[order(end_pos[i_I] - start_pos[i_I],
decreasing = (st == "-"))]
i_R <- which(start_type == "R")
i_R <- i_R[order(end_pos[i_R], decreasing = (st == "-"))]
i_K <- which(end_type == "K")
i_K <- i_K[order(start_pos[i_K], decreasing = (st == "+"))]
i <- c(i_I, i_R, i_K)
events <- events[i, ]
findAllPaths <- function(from, to, path, ref, nodes)
if (from == to) {
} else {
i <- which(ref$from == from)
i <- i[match(ref$to[i], nodes) <= match(to, nodes)]
if (length(i) > 0) {
if (any(!is.na(ref$type[i]) & ref$type[i] == "")) {
paths <- lapply(i, append, path, 0)
paths <- mapply(findAllPaths,
from = ref$to[i],
path = paths,
MoreArgs = list(to = to, ref = ref, nodes = nodes),
i <- which(vapply(paths, is.list, logical(1)))
if (length(i) > 0) {
paths <- c(paths[-i], unlist(paths[i], recursive = FALSE))
i <- which(elementNROWS(paths) == 0)
if (length(i) > 0) {
paths <- paths[-i]
if (any(is.na(paths))) {
} else {
} else {
##' Annotate splice variants in terms of canonical events.
##' The following events are considered:
##' \describe{
##' \item{\dQuote{SE}}{skipped exon}
##' \item{\dQuote{S2E}}{two consecutive exons skipped}
##' \item{\dQuote{RI}}{retained intron}
##' \item{\dQuote{MXE}}{mutually exclusive exons}
##' \item{\dQuote{A5SS}}{alternative 5' splice site}
##' \item{\dQuote{A3SS}}{alternative 3' splice site}
##' \item{\dQuote{AFE}}{alternative first exon}
##' \item{\dQuote{ALE}}{alternative last exon}
##' \item{\dQuote{AS}}{alternative start other than \dQuote{AFE}}
##' \item{\dQuote{AE}}{alternative end other than \dQuote{ALE}}
##' }
##' For events \dQuote{SE} and \dQuote{S2E}, suffixes \dQuote{I} and
##' \dQuote{S} indicate inclusion and skipping, respectively.
##' For event \dQuote{RI} suffixes \dQuote{E} and \dQuote{R} indicate
##' exclusion and retention, respectively.
##' For events \dQuote{A5SS} and \dQuote{A3SS}, suffixes \dQuote{P} and
##' \dQuote{D} indicate use of the proximal (intron-shortening) and
##' distal (intron-lengthening) splice site, respectively.
##' All considered events are binary events defined by two alternative
##' variants. A variant is annotated as a canonical event if it coincides
##' with one of the two variants in the canonical event, and there is at
##' least one variant in the same event that coincides with the second
##' variant of the canonical event.
##' @title Annotate splice variants in terms of canonical events
##' @param variants \code{SGVariants} object
##' @return \code{variants} with added metadata column
##' \dQuote{variantType} indicating canonical event(s)
##' @keywords internal
##' @author Leonard Goldstein
annotateSGVariants <- function(variants)
## asymmetric events
list_ae_event_1 <- c("SE:I", "S2E:I", "RI:E", "A5SS:P", "A3SS:P")
list_ae_event_2 <- c("SE:S", "S2E:S", "RI:R", "A5SS:D", "A3SS:D")
list_ae_type_1 <- c("^JE+J$", "^JE+JE+J$", "^J$", "^E+J$", "^JE+$")
list_ae_type_2 <- c("^J$", "^J$", "^E+$", "^J$", "^J$")
## symmetric events
list_se_event <- c("AFE", "ALE", "MXE")
list_se_type <- c("^E+J$", "^JE+$", "^JE+J$")
## maximum number of Js in type patterns
t <- c(list_ae_type_1, list_ae_type_2, list_se_type)
max_n_J <- max(elementNROWS(gregexpr("J", t)))
## preliminaries
path_event_id <- eventID(variants)
path_event <- CharacterList(vector("list", length(variants)))
path_type <- expandType(type(variants), max_n_J)
## asymmetric events
for (k in seq_along(list_ae_type_1)) {
event_1 <- list_ae_event_1[k]
event_2 <- list_ae_event_2[k]
type_1 <- list_ae_type_1[k]
type_2 <- list_ae_type_2[k]
i_1 <- unique(togroup0(path_type)[grep(type_1, unlist(path_type))])
i_2 <- unique(togroup0(path_type)[grep(type_2, unlist(path_type))])
event_id <- intersect(path_event_id[i_1], path_event_id[i_2])
i_1 <- i_1[path_event_id[i_1] %in% event_id]
i_2 <- i_2[path_event_id[i_2] %in% event_id]
path_event[i_1] <- pc(path_event[i_1],
as(rep(event_1, length(i_1)), "CharacterList"))
path_event[i_2] <- pc(path_event[i_2],
as(rep(event_2, length(i_2)), "CharacterList"))
## symmetric events
for (k in seq_along(list_se_type)) {
event <- list_se_event[k]
type <- list_se_type[k]
i <- unique(togroup0(path_type)[grep(type, unlist(path_type))])
if (event == "AFE") { i <- i[grep("^S", from(variants)[i])] }
if (event == "ALE") { i <- i[grep("^E", to(variants)[i])] }
if (length(i) > 0) {
event_id_n <- table(path_event_id[i])
event_id <- names(which(event_id_n >= 2))
i <- i[path_event_id[i] %in% event_id]
path_event[i] <- pc(path_event[i],
as(rep(event, length(i)), "CharacterList"))
## alternative start/end
i <- intersect(grep("^S", from(variants)),
which(!any(path_event == "AFE")))
path_event[i] <- pc(path_event[i],
as(rep("AS", length(i)), "CharacterList"))
i <- intersect(grep("^E", to(variants)),
which(!any(path_event == "ALE")))
path_event[i] <- pc(path_event[i],
as(rep("AE", length(i)), "CharacterList"))
variantType(variants) <- path_event
expandString <- function(x, event = NULL, maxnvariant = NA,
return_full = FALSE)
if (length(grep("(\\[|\\]|:)", x)) > 0) {
stop("x contains characters '[', ']' or ':'")
x_index <- seq_along(x)
x_nesting <- as(x, "CharacterList")
i <- grep("(", x, fixed = TRUE)
skipped <- 0
while (length(i) > 0) {
z <- maskInnerEvents(x[i])
## find event
m <- regexpr("\\(\\S+\\)", z)
l <- attr(m, "match.length")
## split at event
u <- substr(z, 1, m - 1)
b <- substr(z, m + 1, m + l - 2)
v <- substr(z, m + l, nchar(z))
## expand event
b <- strsplit(b, "|", fixed = TRUE)
n <- elementNROWS(b)
y <- paste0(rep(u, n), unlist(b), rep(v, n))
y <- unmaskEvents(y)
y_index <- x_index[i][togroup0(b)]
y_nesting <- pc(x_nesting[i][togroup0(b)],
as(unlist(b), "CharacterList"))
## update x, x_index, x_nesting
x <- c(x[-i], y)
x_index <- c(x_index[-i], y_index)
x_nesting <- c(x_nesting[-i], y_nesting)
if (!is.null(event) && !is.na(maxnvariant)) {
event_n <- table(event[x_index])
excl_events <- as.integer(names(which(event_n > maxnvariant)))
excl <- which(x_index %in% which(event %in% excl_events))
if (length(excl) > 0) {
x <- x[-excl]
x_index <- x_index[-excl]
x_nesting <- x_nesting[-excl]
skipped <- skipped + length(unique(excl_events))
i <- grep("(", x, fixed = TRUE)
if (skipped > 0) {
warning(paste("skipped", skipped, "events exceeding maxnvariant"),
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
if (return_full) {
out <- DataFrame(index = x_index, expanded = x,
nesting = as(x_nesting, "CharacterList"))
} else {
out <- split(x, x_index)
expandType <- function(x, max_n_J = NA)
x_f <- seq_along(x)
i <- grep("(", x, fixed = TRUE)
while (length(i) > 0) {
z <- maskInnerEvents(x[i])
## find event
m <- regexpr("\\(\\S+\\)", z)
l <- attr(m, "match.length")
## split at event
u <- substr(z, 1, m - 1)
b <- substr(z, m + 1, m + l - 2)
v <- substr(z, m + l, nchar(z))
if (!is.na(max_n_J)) {
u2 <- sub("\\[\\S+$", "", u)
v2 <- sub("^\\S+\\]", "", v)
min_n_J <- elementNROWS(gregexpr("J", paste0(u2, v2)))
excl <- which(min_n_J > max_n_J)
if (length(excl) > 0) {
x[i][excl] <- ""
i <- i[-excl]
u <- u[-excl]
b <- b[-excl]
v <- v[-excl]
if (length(i) > 0) {
## expand event
b <- strsplit(b, "|", fixed = TRUE)
n <- elementNROWS(b)
y <- paste0(rep(u, n), unlist(b), rep(v, n))
y <- unmaskEvents(y)
y_f <- x_f[i][togroup0(b)]
## update x, x_f
x <- c(x[-i], y)
x_f <- c(x_f[-i], y_f)
i <- grep("(", x, fixed = TRUE)
out <- split(x, x_f)
getTerminalFeatureIDs <- function(x, start = TRUE)
x_f <- seq_along(x)
i <- grep("(", x, fixed = TRUE)
while (length(i) > 0) {
z <- maskInnerEvents(x[i])
## find event
m <- regexpr("\\(\\S+\\)", z)
l <- attr(m, "match.length")
## split at event
u <- substr(z, 1, m - 1)
b <- substr(z, m + 1, m + l - 2)
v <- substr(z, m + l, nchar(z))
if (start) {
terminal <- u
} else {
terminal <- v
done <- which(nchar(terminal) > 0)
if (length(done) > 0) {
x[i][done] <- unmaskEvents(terminal[done])
i <- i[-done]
u <- u[-done]
b <- b[-done]
v <- v[-done]
if (length(i) > 0) {
## expand event
b <- strsplit(b, "|", fixed = TRUE)
n <- elementNROWS(b)
y <- paste0(rep(u, n), unlist(b), rep(v, n))
y <- unmaskEvents(y)
y_f <- x_f[i][togroup0(b)]
## update x, x_f
x <- c(x[-i], y)
x_f <- c(x_f[-i], y_f)
i <- grep("(", x, fixed = TRUE)
if (start) {
x <- sub(",\\S*$", "", x)
} else {
x <- sub("^\\S*,", "", x)
out <- tapply(as.integer(x), x_f, unique, simplify = FALSE)
maskInnerEvents <- function(x)
pattern <- "\\([^\\(\\)]+\\)"
m <- regexpr(pattern, x)
done <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
done[m == -1] <- TRUE
while (!all(done)) {
i <- which(!done)
m <- regexpr(pattern, x[i])
l <- attr(m, "match.length")
p1 <- m
p2 <- m + l - 1
substr(x[i], p1, p1) <- "["
substr(x[i], p2, p2) <- "]"
m2 <- regexpr(pattern, x[i])
i_done <- which(m2 == -1)
i_mask <- which(m2 != -1)
if (length(i_done) > 0) {
done[i][i_done] <- TRUE
substr(x[i][i_done], p1[i_done], p1[i_done]) <- "("
substr(x[i][i_done], p2[i_done], p2[i_done]) <- ")"
if (length(i_mask) > 0) {
substr(x[i][i_mask], p1[i_mask], p2[i_mask]) <- gsub("|", ":",
substr(x[i][i_mask], p1[i_mask], p2[i_mask]), fixed = TRUE)
unmaskEvents <- function(x)
x <- gsub("[", "(", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("]", ")", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub(":", "|", x, fixed = TRUE)
expandSGVariantCounts <- function(sgvc, eventID = NULL, maxnvariant = NA,
cores = 1)
variants <- rowRanges(sgvc)
features <- unlist(variants)
if (is.null(eventID)) {
variants_selected <- variants
} else {
variants_selected <- variants[eventID(variants) %in% eventID]
## expand nested variants
expanded <- expandString(featureID(variants_selected),
eventID(variants_selected), maxnvariant, TRUE)
## create new SGVariants object
expanded_featureIDs <- strsplit(expanded$expanded, ",", fixed = TRUE)
expanded_i <- relist(match(unlist(expanded_featureIDs),
featureID(features)), expanded_featureIDs)
rd <- split(features[unlist(expanded_i)], togroup0(expanded_i))
mcols(rd) <- mcols(variants_selected[expanded$index])
rd <- SGVariants(rd)
## update SGVariants object
rd_gr <- unlist(range(rd))
x <- flank(rd_gr, -1, TRUE)
i <- which(substr(from(rd), 1, 1) == "S")
if (length(i) > 0) { from(rd)[i] <- paste0("S:", gr2pos(x[i])) }
x <- flank(rd_gr, -1, FALSE)
i <- which(substr(to(rd), 1, 1) == "E")
if (length(i) > 0) { to(rd)[i] <- paste0("E:", gr2pos(x[i])) }
type(rd) <- expandString(type(variants_selected),
eventID(variants_selected), maxnvariant, TRUE)$expanded
featureID(rd) <- expanded$expanded
segmentID(rd) <- expandString(segmentID(variants_selected),
eventID(variants_selected), maxnvariant, TRUE)$expanded
i <- which(elementNROWS(expanded$nesting) > 1)
featureID5p(rd) <- IntegerList(vector("list", length(rd)))
featureID3p(rd) <- IntegerList(vector("list", length(rd)))
rd <- annotateSGVariants(rd)
variantName(rd) <- makeVariantNames(rd)
rd <- annotatePaths(rd)
## update counts
f <- togroup0(expanded$nesting)
i <- match(unlist(expanded$nesting), featureID(variants))
X <- variantFreq(sgvc)[i, , drop = FALSE]
X <- do.call(cbind, mclapply(seq_len(ncol(X)),
function(j) { tapply(X[, j], f, prod) }, mc.cores = cores))
## create new SGVariantCounts object
M <- matrix(NA_integer_, ncol = ncol(X), nrow = nrow(X))
sgvc_expanded <- SummarizedExperiment(
assays = list(
"countsVariant5p" = M,
"countsVariant3p" = M,
"countsEvent5p" = M,
"countsEvent3p" = M,
"variantFreq" = X),
rowRanges = rd,
colData = colData(sgvc))
colnames(sgvc_expanded) <- colnames(sgvc)
rownames(sgvc_expanded) <- NULL
sgvc_expanded <- SGVariantCounts(sgvc_expanded)
##' Create interpretable splice variant names
##' GENE is based on geneName if available, and geneID otherwise.
##' EVENT and VARIANT enumerate events and variants for the same gene
##' and event, respectively. ORDER indicates the total number of
##' variants in the same event (e.g. 1/2 refers to the first out of two
##' splice variants in the event). TYPE is based on variantType.
##' @title Create interpretable splice variant names
##' @param variants \code{SGVariants} object
##' @return Character vector with splice variant names
##' @examples
##' makeVariantNames(sgv_pred)
##' @keywords internal
##' @author Leonard Goldstein
makeVariantNames <- function(variants)
if (all(elementNROWS(geneName(variants)) == 0)) {
GENE <- geneID(variants)
} else {
eventID_geneNames <- sort(splitCharacterList(geneName(variants),
i <- match(eventID(variants), names(eventID_geneNames))
variant_geneNames <- setNames(eventID_geneNames[i], NULL)
GENE <- unstrsplit(variant_geneNames, ",")
GENE[GENE == ""] <- "NA"
original_eventID <- as.character(eventID(variants))
tmp <- unique(cbind(GENE, original_eventID))
tmp_index <- reindex(tmp[, 1])
EVENT <- tmp_index[match(original_eventID, tmp[, 2])]
VARIANT <- reindex(original_eventID)
eventID_n <- table(original_eventID)
ORDER <- eventID_n[match(original_eventID, names(eventID_n))]
if (all(elementNROWS(variantType(variants)) == 0)) {
} else {
TYPE <- unstrsplit(variantType(variants), ",")
TYPE <- gsub(":\\S", "", TYPE)
TYPE[TYPE == ""] <- "OTHER"
variantName <- paste(GENE, EVENT,
paste0(VARIANT, "/", ORDER), TYPE, sep = "_")
reindex <- function(f)
f <- as.character(f)
f_n <- table(f)
f_n <- f_n[order(names(f_n))]
o <- order(f)
i <- unlist(as(IRanges(1, f_n), "IntegerList"))
i[match(seq_along(f), o)]
extractIDs <- function(x)
x <- gsub("(", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub(")", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- gsub("|", ",", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- strsplit(x, ",", fixed = TRUE)
x <- lapply(x, setdiff, "NA")
x <- IntegerList(x)
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