feature2name <- function(features, collapse_terminal = FALSE)
if (is(features, "Features")) {
features_type <- type(features)
} else {
features_type <- mcols(features)$type
name <- rep(NA, length(features))
if (collapse_terminal) {
i <- which(features_type %in% c("J", "I", "U", "E"))
name[i] <- paste0(features_type[i], ":", gr2co(features[i]))
i <- which(features_type %in% c("F", "L"))
start <- ifelse(features_type[i] == "F", FALSE, TRUE)
name[i] <- paste0(features_type[i], ":",
gr2co(flank(features[i], -1, start)))
} else {
i <- which(features_type %in% c("J", "I", "F", "L", "U", "E"))
name[i] <- paste0(features_type[i], ":", gr2co(features[i]))
i <- which(features_type %in% c("D", "A"))
name[i] <- paste0(features_type[i], ":", gr2pos(features[i]))
co2str <- function(seqlevel, start, end, strand)
paste0(seqlevel, ":", start, "-", end, ":", strand)
gr2co <- function(x)
if (length(x) == 0) {
} else {
co2str(seqnames(x), start(x), end(x), strand(x))
co2gr <- function(co)
x <- strsplit(co, split = ":", fixed = TRUE)
r <- strsplit(vapply(x, "[", character(1), 2), split = "-", fixed = TRUE)
sn <- vapply(x, "[", character(1), 1)
start <- as.integer(vapply(r, "[", character(1), 1))
end <- as.integer(vapply(r, "[", character(1), 2))
st <- vapply(x, "[", character(1), 3)
GRanges(sn, IRanges(start, end), st)
pos2str <- function(seqlevel, position, strand)
paste0(seqlevel, ":", position, ":", strand)
gr2pos <- function(x)
if (length(x) == 0) {
} else {
pos2str(seqnames(x), start(x), strand(x))
pos2gr <- function(x)
x <- strsplit(x, split = ":", fixed = TRUE)
sn <- vapply(x, "[", character(1), 1)
pos <- as.integer(vapply(x, "[", character(1), 2))
st <- vapply(x, "[", character(1), 3)
GRanges(sn, IRanges(pos, pos), st)
readGap <- function(file, paired_end, which, sample_name, verbose)
if (length(which) != 1) {
stop("which argument must have length 1")
## the following flags are set by functions
## readGAlignments and readGAlignmentPairs
## - isUnmappedQuery
## - isPaired
## - hasUnmappedMate
flag <- scanBamFlag(isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE)
param <- ScanBamParam(flag = flag, tag = "XS", which = which)
if (paired_end) {
gap <- suppressWarnings(readGAlignmentPairs(file = file,
param = param))
## scanBam workaround start
## bamWhat(param) <- c("flag", "mrnm", "mpos")
## ga <- readGAlignments(file = file, use.names = TRUE, param = param)
## gap <- makeGAlignmentPairs(ga, use.names = TRUE, use.mcols = TRUE)
## names(gap) <- NULL
## scanBam workaround end
gap <- propagateXS(gap)
} else {
gap <- suppressWarnings(readGAlignments(file = file, param = param))
gap <- filterGap(gap)
mcols(gap)$strand <- XS2strand(mcols(gap)$XS)
gap <- gap[mcols(gap)$strand %in% c(as.character(strand(which)), "*")]
frag_exonic <- reduce(ranges(grglist(gap, drop.D.ranges = TRUE)))
frag_intron <- ranges(junctions(gap))
if (paired_end) {
diff <- setdiff(frag_exonic, frag_intron)
excl <- which(sum(width(frag_exonic)) > sum(width(diff)))
if (length(excl) > 0) {
if (verbose) {
msg <- paste(
"inconsistent paired alignments in",
frag_exonic <- frag_exonic[-excl]
frag_intron <- frag_intron[-excl]
gap <- list(frag_exonic = frag_exonic, frag_intron = frag_intron)
propagateXS <- function(gap)
first_xs <- mcols(first(gap))$XS
last_xs <- mcols(last(gap))$XS
xs <- first_xs
xs[is.na(xs)] <- last_xs[is.na(xs)]
mcols(gap)$XS <- xs
XS2strand <- function(xs)
s <- xs
s[is.na(s)|s == "?"] <- "*"
filterGap <- function(gap)
if (is(gap, "GAlignments")) {
exclude <- filterGa(gap)
if (is(gap, "GAlignmentPairs")) {
exclude <- filterGa(first(gap)) | filterGa(last(gap))
gap <- gap[!exclude]
filterGa <- function(ga)
grepl("(\\d+D\\d+N)|(\\d+N\\d+D)", cigar(ga))
dropMcols <- function(x)
mcols(x) <- NULL
completeMcols <- function(x, retain_coverage)
mcol <- c("type", "N")
if (retain_coverage) {
mcol <- c(mcol, "N_splicesite", "coverage")
for (m in setdiff(mcol, names(mcols(x)))) {
if (m == "N") {
mcols(x)[, m] <- NA_integer_
} else if (m == "N_splicesite") {
mcols(x)[, m] <- IntegerList(vector("list", length(x)))
} else if (m == "coverage") {
mcols(x)[, m] <- RleList(IntegerList(vector("list", length(x))))
mcols(x) <- mcols(x)[, mcol, drop = FALSE]
names(mcols(x)) <- mcol
getBamInfoPerSample <- function(file_bam, yieldSize, sample_name)
if (is(file_bam, "BamFile")) {
file_tmp <- file_bam
} else {
file_tmp <- BamFile(file_bam)
if (!is.null(yieldSize)) {
yieldSize(file_tmp) <- yieldSize
flag <- scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE)
what <- c("qname", "flag", "qwidth", "isize")
param <- ScanBamParam(flag = flag, what = what, tag = "XS")
bam <- scanBam(file = file_tmp, param = param)[[1]]
XS <- !is.null(bam$tag$XS)
paired_end <- any(bamFlagTest(bam$flag, "isPaired"))
read_length <- median(bam$qwidth, na.rm = TRUE)
if (paired_end) {
isize <- bam$isize
frag_length <- median(isize[which(isize > 0)], na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
frag_length <- NA_real_
x <- data.frame(
XS = XS,
paired_end = paired_end,
read_length = read_length,
frag_length = frag_length,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (is.null(yieldSize)) {
x$lib_size <- length(unique(bam$qname))
expandUnstrandedRanges <- function(x)
i <- which(strand(x) == "*")
if (length(i) > 0) {
additional <- x[i]
strand(additional) <- "-"
strand(x)[i] <- "+"
x <- c(x, additional)
uniqueFeatures <- function(features)
i_duplicated <- vector()
for (type in levels(type(features))) {
i_type <- which(type(features) == type)
i <- i_type[which(duplicated(features[i_type]))]
i_duplicated <- c(i_duplicated, i)
if (length(i_duplicated) > 0) {
features <- features[-i_duplicated]
##' Export features to BED format. Splice sites are not included.
##' @title Export to BED format
##' @param features \code{TxFeatures} or \code{SGFeatures} object
##' @param file Character string specifying output file
##' @return \code{NULL}
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' exportFeatures(txf_pred, "txf.bed")
##' exportFeatures(sgf_pred, "sgf.bed")
##' }
##' NULL
##' @author Leonard Goldstein
exportFeatures <- function(features, file)
if (!is(features, "Features")) {
stop("features must be a TxFeatures or SGFeatures object")
features <- asGRanges(features)
i_splicesite <- which(mcols(features)$type %in% c("D", "A"))
if (length(i_splicesite) > 0) {
features <- features[-i_splicesite]
i_junction <- which(mcols(features)$type == "J")
tmp <- features
mcols(tmp) <- NULL
bed <- split(tmp, seq_along(tmp))
if (length(i_junction) > 0) {
bed[i_junction] <- setdiff(
split(tmp[i_junction], seq_along(i_junction)),
split(tmp[i_junction] - 1, seq_along(i_junction)))
if (!is.null(mcols(features)$color)) {
itemRgb <- rgb(t(col2rgb(mcols(features)$color)), maxColorValue = 255)
mcols(bed)$itemRgb <- itemRgb
names(bed) <- feature2name(features)
export(object = bed, con = file, format = "BED")
nextFrame <- function(f, w, prev = FALSE)
if (is(f, "list") || is(f, "List")) {
f_unlisted <- unlist(f)
w_unlisted <- w[togroup0(f)]
n_unlisted <- nextFrame(f_unlisted, w_unlisted, prev)
n <- relist(n_unlisted, f)
} else {
if (prev) {
n <- ifelse(f != -1, (f - w) %% 3, -1)
} else {
n <- ifelse(f != -1, (f + w) %% 3, -1)
splitCharacterList <- function(x, f)
if (!is(f, "factor")) {
stop("f must be a factor")
x_unlisted <- setNames(unlist(x), NULL)
f_unlisted <- f[togroup0(x)]
y <- CharacterList(split(x_unlisted, f_unlisted))
y <- unique(y)
asGRanges <- function(from)
granges(from, use.mcols = TRUE)
asGRangesList <- function(from)
as(from, "GRangesList")
reorderFeatures <- function(x)
x_names <- names(x)
x_mc <- mcols(x)
features <- unlist(x, use.names = FALSE)
features_x <- togroup0(x)
i_pos <- which(strand(features) == "+" | strand(features) == "*")
i_neg <- which(strand(features) == "-")
i_pos <- i_pos[order(features[i_pos])]
i_neg <- i_neg[order(features[i_neg], decreasing = TRUE)]
i_all <- c(i_pos, i_neg)
x <- split(features[i_all], features_x[i_all])
names(x) <- x_names
mcols(x) <- x_mc
pfirst <- function(x, use_names = FALSE)
unlist(heads(x, 1), use.names = use_names)
plast <- function(x, use_names = FALSE)
unlist(tails(x, 1), use.names = use_names)
rbindListOfDFs <- function(x, cores)
i_nonempty <- which(elementNROWS(x) > 0)
if (length(i_nonempty) == 0) {
} else {
x <- x[i_nonempty]
k <- names(x[[1]])
df <- vector("list", length(k))
for (j in seq_along(k)) {
df[[j]] <- do.call(c, mclapply(x, "[[", j, mc.cores = cores))
names(df) <- k
df <- DataFrame(df, check.names = FALSE)
checkApplyResultsForErrors <- function(out, fun_name, items, error_class)
failed <- vapply(out, is, logical(1), error_class)
if (any(failed)) {
i <- which(failed)
err <- makeErrorMessage(fun_name, items[i], out[i])
err <- paste0("\n", err)
stop(err, call. = FALSE)
makeErrorMessage <- function(fun_name, items, msgs)
msg <- paste0("Error in ", fun_name, " for ", items, ":", "\n", msgs)
msg <- paste(msg, collapse = "\n")
makeWarningMessage <- function(fun_name, items, msgs)
msg <- paste0("Warning in ", fun_name, " for ", items, ":", "\n", msgs)
msg <- paste(msg, collapse = "\n")
makeCompleteMessage <- function(item) {
paste(item, "complete.")
generateWarningMessage <- function(fun_name, item, msg)
message(makeWarningMessage(fun_name, item, msg))
generateCompleteMessage <- function(item)
getCoverage <- function(sample_info, which, sizefactor, cores)
if (!is(which, "GRanges") || length(which) > 1) {
stop("which must be a GRanges object of length 1")
list_cov <- mcmapply(
file_bam = sample_info$file_bam,
paired_end = sample_info$paired_end,
sample_name = sample_info$sample_name,
sizefactor = sizefactor,
MoreArgs = list(which = which),
mc.preschedule = setPreschedule(cores),
mc.cores = cores)
getCoveragePerSample <- function(file_bam, paired_end, sample_name,
sizefactor, which)
gap <- readGap(file_bam, paired_end, which, sample_name, FALSE)
cov <- coverage(unlist(gap$frag_exonic), width = end(which))
cov <- cov / sizefactor
calculateSizeFactor <- function(sample_info)
E <- rep(NA, nrow(sample_info))
i_PE <- which(sample_info$paired_end)
if (length(i_PE) > 0) {
R_PE <- sample_info$read_length[i_PE]
F_PE <- sample_info$frag_length[i_PE]
I_PE <- F_PE - 2 * R_PE
E[i_PE] <- F_PE - pmax(I_PE, 0)
i_SE <- which(!sample_info$paired_end)
if (length(i_SE) > 0) {
E[i_SE] <- sample_info$read_length[i_SE]
sizefactor <- sample_info$lib_size * E * 1e-9
checkIdenticalSummarizedExperiment <- function(target, current,
check.colData = FALSE)
checkTrue(is(target, "RangedSummarizedExperiment"))
checkTrue(is(current, "RangedSummarizedExperiment"))
slots <- c(
checkIdentical(slots, slotNames(target))
checkIdentical(slots, slotNames(current))
slots <- slots[slots != "assays"]
if (!check.colData) {
slots <- slots[slots != "colData"]
for (s in slots) {
a <- slot(target, s)
b <- slot(current, s)
## a <- as.data.frame(a)
## b <- as.data.frame(b)
checkIdentical(a, b)
assays_target <- assayNames(target)
assays_current <- assayNames(current)
checkIdentical(assays_target, assays_current)
for (a in assays_target) {
checkIdentical(assay(target, a), assay(current, a))
rbindDfsWithoutRowNames <- function(...)
rbind(..., make.row.names = FALSE)
##' Import GFF file and generate a \code{GRangesList} of transcripts
##' suitable as input for functions \code{convertToTxFeatures} or
##' \code{predictVariantEffects}.
##' @title Import transcripts from GFF file
##' @param file Character string specifying input GFF file
##' @param tag_tx GFF attribute tag for transcript identifier
##' @param tag_gene GFF attribute tag for gene identifier
##' @return \code{GRangesList} of exons grouped by transcipts with
##' metadata columns txName, geneName, cdsStart, cdsEnd.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' tx <- importTranscripts(file)
##' }
##' NULL
##' @author Leonard Goldstein
importTranscripts <- function(file, tag_tx = "transcript_id",
tag_gene = "gene_id")
gff <- import(file)
exons <- gff[mcols(gff)$type == "exon", ]
df <- unique(data.frame(mcols(exons)[c(tag_tx, tag_gene)]))
tx <- split(exons, mcols(exons)[[tag_tx]])
cds <- gff[mcols(gff)$type == "CDS"]
cds <- split(cds, mcols(cds)[[tag_tx]])
cds <- unlist(range(cds))
mcols(tx)$txName <- names(tx)
mcols(tx)$geneName <- df[match(names(tx), df[, 1]), 2]
mcols(tx)$cdsStart <- start(cds)[match(names(tx), names(cds))]
mcols(tx)$cdsEnd <- end(cds)[match(names(tx), names(cds))]
rownames(mcols(tx)) <- NULL
convertToTranscripts <- function(txdb)
tx <- exonsBy(txdb, "tx", use.names = TRUE)
mcols(tx)$txName <- names(tx)
df <- silent_select(txdb, names(tx), "GENEID", "TXNAME")
mcols(tx)$geneName <- df$GENEID[match(names(tx), df$TXNAME)]
cds <- unlist(range(cdsBy(txdb, "tx", use.names = TRUE)))
cdsLeft(tx) <- start(cds)[match(names(tx), names(cds))]
cdsRight(tx) <- end(cds)[match(names(tx), names(cds))]
rownames(mcols(tx)) <- NULL
checkTranscriptFormat <- function(x)
if (!exonsOnSameChromAndStrand(x)) {
msg <- "All exons for the same transcript must\n
be on the same chromosome and strand"
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
mcol_type <- c(
txName = "character",
geneName = "character",
cdsStart = "integer",
cdsEnd = "integer")
msg <- validMcols(x, mcol_type)
if (!is.null(msg)) {
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
if (any(mcols(x)$cdsStart > mcols(x)$cdsEnd, na.rm = TRUE)) {
msg <- "All coding transcripts must have cdsStart < cdsEnd"
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
## Starting with IRanges 2.5.31, togroup() does not work on an arbitrary
## object anymore, only on a ManyToOneGrouping object.
## S4Vectors:::quick_togroup() is a replacement for the old togroup() that
## works on any object.
togroup0 <- S4Vectors:::quick_togroup
isOr <- function(object, class2)
any(vapply(class2, is, logical(1), object = object))
silent_select <- function(...)
pintersect <- function(x, y)
n <- length(x)
if (length(unlist(x)) == 0) i_x <- character()
else i_x <- paste0(togroup0(x), ":", unlist(x))
if (length(unlist(y)) == 0) i_y <- character()
else i_y <- paste0(togroup0(y), ":", unlist(y))
i_x <- i_x[i_x %in% i_y]
i <- factor(as.integer(sub(":\\S+$", "", i_x)), seq_len(n))
x <- sub("^\\S+:", "", i_x)
o <- order(x)
z <- split(x[o], i[o])
names(z) <- NULL
punion <- function(x, y)
if (length(unlist(x)) == 0 && length(unlist(y)) == 0) return(x)
n <- length(x)
z <- c(unlist(x), unlist(y))
i <- c(togroup0(x), togroup0(y))
i <- factor(i, seq_len(n))
o <- order(z)
z <- as.list(tapply(z[o], i[o], unique, simplify = FALSE))
names(z) <- NULL
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