
Defines functions plot_ordination calc_ordination calc_dm

Documented in calc_dm calc_ordination plot_ordination

# mctoolsr


#' @title Calculate a dissimilarity matrix from a taxa table
#' @description The default is to calculate Bray-Curtis dissimilarities after 
#'   performing square-root transformations on the data. Send requests to add 
#'   additional metrics.
#' @param tax_table The taxa table.
#' @param method The method to use to calculate the dissimilarity metric. 
#'   Available methods include: 'bray_sq_trans', 'bray', 'jaccard',
#'   'sorensen'. Jaccard converts data to presence/absence before calculating
#'   dissimilarity. Sorensen is the presence/absence version of bray.
#' @return A variable of class \code{dist}.
#' @concept Dissimilarity calculation and manipulation
#' @examples
#' dm = calc_dm(fruits_veggies$data_loaded, method = "bray_sq_trans")
calc_dm = function(tax_table, method = 'bray_sq_trans'){
  # check for and warn about samples with no sequences
  if(min(colSums(tax_table)) == 0){
    warning('Some samples have no sequences. Samples with low sequence counts
            should be filtered out by rarefying or another acceptable method.')
  if(method == 'bray_sq_trans') {
    # transform otu table (square root transformation)
    tax_table_xform = t(sqrt(tax_table))
    # create dissimilarity matrix from otu table
    vegan::vegdist(tax_table_xform, method = 'bray')
  } else if (method == 'bray') {
    vegan::vegdist(t(tax_table), method = 'bray')
  } else if (method == 'jaccard') {
    vegan::vegdist(t(tax_table), method = 'jaccard', binary = TRUE)
  } else if (method == 'sorensen') {
    vegan::vegdist(t(tax_table), method = 'bray', binary = TRUE)
  } else {
    stop(paste0('Invalid dissimilarity metric specified. See documentation ', 
                'for allowable metrics.'))

#' @title Calculate Point Coordinates in an Ordination
#' @description Use to generate ordination axis scores to use when plotting
#'   ordination.
#' @param dm Dissimilarity matrix.
#' @param ord_type The type of ordination. 'NMDS', 'PCoA', or 'constrained' are 
#'   the current accepted values.
#' @param metadata_map Required if 'constrained' ord_type.
#' @param constrain_factor Required if 'constrained' ord_type.
#' @return A data frame consisting of the coordinates.
#' @details Impliments nonmetric multidimensional scaling, principal coordinates
#'   analysis, or constrained ordination (via \code{\link{capscale}} in
#'   \code{\link{vegan}}).
#' @concept Dissimilarity calculation and manipulation
#' @examples 
#' dm = calc_dm(fruits_veggies$data_loaded)
#' ord = calc_ordination(dm, "nmds")
calc_ordination = function(dm, ord_type, metadata_map, constrain_factor){
  dm = as.dist(dm)
  if(ord_type == 'NMDS' | ord_type == 'nmds'){
    dm_mds = vegan::metaMDS(dm, k = 2)
  else if(ord_type == 'PCoA' | ord_type == 'pcoa'){
    pcoa = cmdscale(dm, k = 2, eig = TRUE, add = TRUE)
    pct_explained = round((pcoa$eig / sum(pcoa$eig)) * 100, 1)
    pcoa_pts = data.frame(pcoa$points)
    colnames(pcoa_pts) = c(paste0('PC1 (', pct_explained[1], '%)'),
                           paste0('PC2 (', pct_explained[2], '%)'))
  else if(ord_type == 'constrained'){
    cap = vegan::capscale(formula = dm ~ metadata_map[, constrain_factor])
  else stop('Only "NMDS", "PCoA", and "constrained" implementd so far.')

#' @title Generate an Ordination Plot
#' @description Used to generate a plot from the output of \code{ 
#'   calc_ordination()}
#' @param input The input dataset as loaded by \code{load_taxa_table()}.
#' @param ordination_axes The output of \code{calc_ordination()}.
#' @param color_cat The metadata map header used to color points.
#' @param shape_cat The metadata map header used for points' shapes (optional).
#' @param hulls Whether or not to include an outline around sample categories.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to ggplot2's \code{geom_point()}.
#' @concept Plots
#' @examples 
#' fvrar = single_rarefy(fruits_veggies, 100)
#' ord = calc_ordination(calc_dm(fvrar$data_loaded), 'nmds')
#' plot_ordination(fvrar, ord, 'Sample_type', 'Farm_type', hulls = TRUE)
plot_ordination = function(input, ordination_axes, color_cat, shape_cat,
                           hulls = FALSE, ...) {
  if (missing(color_cat)) {
    warning('No mapping category to color by.')
    color_vec = rep('none', nrow(input$map_loaded))
  } else
    color_vec = input$map_loaded[, color_cat]
  to_plot = data.frame(ordination_axes, cat = color_vec)
  names(to_plot)[3] = 'cat'
  headers = colnames(to_plot)
  # hulls prep
  if (hulls) {
    .find_hulls = function(df) {
    hull_vals = dplyr::do_(dplyr::group_by_(to_plot, "cat"), ~ .find_hulls(.))
  # plot w/ shape
  if (!missing(shape_cat)) {
    to_plot = data.frame(to_plot, cat2 = input$map_loaded[, shape_cat])
    p = ggplot2::ggplot(to_plot, ggplot2::aes_string(headers[1], headers[2]))
    p = p + ggplot2::geom_point(
      ggplot2::aes_string(color = "cat", shape = "cat2"),
      ..., size = 3, alpha = 0.8
    p = p + ggplot2::theme_bw()
    p = p + ggplot2::xlab(colnames(to_plot)[1]) +
    p = p + ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank())
  # plot without shape
    p = ggplot2::ggplot(to_plot, ggplot2::aes_string(headers[1], headers[2]))
    p = p + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes_string(color = "cat"),
                                ..., size = 3, alpha = 0.8)
    p = p + ggplot2::theme_bw()
    p = p + ggplot2::xlab(colnames(to_plot)[1]) +
    p = p + ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank())
  if (hulls) {
    p = p + ggplot2::geom_polygon(
      data = hull_vals,
      ggplot2::aes_string(fill = "cat", color = "cat"),
      alpha = 0.1
    p = p + ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank())

#' @title Generate an NMDS Plot Quickly
#' @description Used to generate a quick ordination.
#' @param dm Dissimilarity matrix.
#' @param metadata_map The metadata mapping data frame.
#' @param color_cat The metadata map header used to color points.
#' @param shape_cat [OPTIONAL] The metadata map header used for points' shapes.
#' @concept Plots
#' @examples 
#' dm = calc_dm(fruits_veggies$data_loaded)
#' plot_nmds(dm, metadata_map = fruits_veggies$map_loaded, "Sample_type",
#'           "Farm_type")
plot_nmds = function(dm, metadata_map = NULL, color_cat, shape_cat){
    warning('No mapping category to color by.')
    color_vec = rep('none', length(labels(dm)))
  } else color_vec = metadata_map[, color_cat]
  # format data and do NMDS
  dm = as.dist(dm)
  dm.mds = vegan::metaMDS(dm, k=2)
  # plot w shape
    points = data.frame(dm.mds$points, cat = color_vec, 
                        cat2 = metadata_map[, shape_cat])
                    ggplot2::aes_string("MDS1", "MDS2", color = "cat", 
                                        shape = "cat2")) +
      ggplot2::geom_point(size = 3, alpha = 0.8) + 
      ggplot2::theme_bw() +
      ggplot2::scale_color_discrete('') + 
  # plot without shape
    points = data.frame(dm.mds$points, cat = color_vec)
                    ggplot2::aes_string("MDS1", "MDS2", color = "cat")) +
      ggplot2::geom_point(size = 3, alpha = 0.8) + 
      ggplot2::theme_bw() +
      ggplot2::scale_color_discrete('') + 

#' @title Generate a dendrogram based on a dissimilarity matrix
#' @description Generating a dendrogram can be useful for visualizing 
#'   similarities and differences in community compositions among samples.
#' @param dm Dissimilarity matrix.
#' @param metadata_map The metadata mapping dataframe. Typically, 
#'   input$map_loaded.
#' @param labels The metadata mapping dataframe column name representing the 
#'   intended leaf labels.
#' @param color_by [OPTIONAL] The metadata mapping dataframe column name 
#'   representing the intended leaf label colors.
#' @param method The clustering method to use when creating the dendrogram.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed on to geom_text
#' @concept Plots
#' @examples 
#' fvrar = single_rarefy(fruits_veggies, 100)
#' dm = calc_dm(fvrar$data_loaded)
#' plot_dendrogram(
#'   dm, metadata_map = fvrar$map_loaded, labels = 'Sample_type',
#'   color_by = 'Farm_type'
#' )
plot_dendrogram = function(dm, metadata_map, labels, color_by, 
                           method = 'complete', ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("ggdendro", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop(paste0("'ggdendro' package needed for this function ", 
                "to work. Please install it."), call. = FALSE)
  hc = hclust(dm, method)
  ddata = ggdendro::dendro_data(hc)
  map_rows = match(ddata$labels$label, row.names(metadata_map))
  leaf_labels = as.character(metadata_map[map_rows, labels])
  if(!missing(color_by)) {
    sample_categories = metadata_map[map_rows, color_by]
    ddata$leaf_labels = data.frame(ddata$labels[, 1:2], leaf_labels, 
  } else {
    ddata$leaf_labels = data.frame(ddata$labels[, 1:2], leaf_labels)
  p = ggplot2::ggplot()
  p = p + ggplot2::geom_segment(data = ddata$segments, 
                                ggplot2::aes_string("x", "y", xend = "xend", 
                                                    yend = "yend"))
  if(!missing(color_by)) {
    p = p + ggplot2::geom_text(data = ddata$leaf_labels, 
                               ggplot2::aes_string("x", "y", label = "leaf_labels", 
                                            color = "sample_categories"), 
                               hjust = 0, angle = -90)
  } else {
    p = p + ggplot2::geom_text(data = ddata$leaf_labels, 
                               ggplot2::aes_string("x", "y", 
                                                   label = "leaf_labels"), 
                               color = 'black', hjust = 0, angle = -90)
  p = p + ggdendro::theme_dendro()
  p = p + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(lim = c(-0.5, max(ddata$segments$y)*1.05))

# Interactive plots NOT WORKING
# # @title Generate interactive plot
# # @description Create an interactive plot with the 'clickme' package
# # @param color_by The mapping file header for the factor to color by
# plot_interactive = function(ordination_axes, data, color_by, name_by){
#   to_plot = data.frame(ordination_axes, point_colors = data$map_loaded[, color_by], 
#                        point_names = data$map_loaded[, name_by])
#   clickme('points', to_plot[, 1], to_plot[, 2],
#           color_groups = factor(to_plot$point_colors),
#           names = to_plot$point_names)
# }
# # data = otu_data
# # color_by = 'group'
# # output_dir = outdir

# secondary_permanova = function(data, split_cat, cat_level, test_factor){
#   data.tmp = filter_data(data, filter_cat = split_cat, keep_vals = cat_level)
#   data.tmp = filter_data(data.tmp, filter_cat = test_factor, filter_vals = '#N/A')
#   dm.tmp = calc_dm(data.tmp$data_loaded)
#   results = adonis(dm.tmp ~ data.tmp$map_loaded[, test_factor])
#   results
# }
# assess_within_category_effects = function(data, category, test_factor){
#   for(i in 1:length(unique(data$map_loaded[, category]))){
#     level = unique(data$map_loaded[, category])[i]
#     print(paste(cat('\n'), level, cat('\n')))
#     results = secondary_permanova(data, category, level, test_factor)
#     print(results)
#   }
# }

#' @title Convert dissimilarity matrix to 3 column format
#' @description This is useful for performing analyses on dissimilarity values.
#' @param dm Dissimilarity matrix of either class \code{dist} or class
#'   \code{data.frame}.
#' @concept Dissimilarity calculation and manipulation
#' @return The dissimilarity matrix as a 3 column data frame with coulmns: 
#'   \code{c('x1', 'x2', 'dist')}.
#' @examples
#' dm = calc_dm(fruits_veggies$data_loaded)
#' dm_cols = convert_dm_to_3_column(dm) 
convert_dm_to_3_column = function(dm){
  if(class(dm) == 'data.frame'){
    dmat = as.dist(dm)
    dmat = dm
  dmat.clmns = data.frame(t(combn(unlist(labels(dmat)), 2)), as.numeric(dmat))
  names(dmat.clmns) = c('x1', 'x2', 'dist')

.add_metadata_to_df = function(x, y, z){
  stop('Deprecated - Please use "add_metadata_to_dm_clmns".')

#' @title Add metadata to an additional column in column formatted 
#'   dissimilarities dataframe
#' @description This is a useful function to quickly add sample data to a 
#'   data frame containing pairwise dissimilarities.
#' @param dm_clmns The dissimilarities dataframe produced using 
#'   \code{\link{convert_dm_to_3_column}}.
#' @param metadata_map The metadata dataframe.
#' @param cat The header string from the metadata map corresponding to the data 
#'   you would like to add to the dissimilarities dataframe.
#' @concept Dissimilarity calculation and manipulation
#' @return A 5 column data frame with the metadata added. The two additional 
#'   columns correspond to x1 and x2's metadata values
#' @examples
#' dm = calc_dm(fruits_veggies$data_loaded)
#' dm_cols = convert_dm_to_3_column(dm)
#' dm_cols_with_metadata = add_metadata_to_dm_clmns(dm_cols, 
#' fruits_veggies$map_loaded, "Sample_type")  
add_metadata_to_dm_clmns = function(dm_clmns, metadata_map, cat){
  cat1 = metadata_map[match(dm_clmns$x1, row.names(metadata_map)), cat]
  cat2 = metadata_map[match(dm_clmns$x2, row.names(metadata_map)), cat]
  dm_clmns_wCat = cbind(dm_clmns, cat1, cat2)
  names(dm_clmns_wCat) = c(names(dm_clmns), paste(cat, "_1", sep=''), 
                           paste(cat, "_2", sep=''))

# cats_equal = function(x, col1, col2){
#   if(x[col1] == x[col2]){"same"} else{"different"}
# }

#' @keywords internal
# Test which order of two paired strings is the recognized order by comparing to a vector of accepted
# categories
.get_combination_category = function(x, accepted_categories){
  if(paste(x, collapse='__') %in% accepted_categories) {return(paste(x, collapse='__'))}
  else if(paste(rev(x), collapse='__') %in% accepted_categories) {return(paste(rev(x), collapse='__'))}
  else {return("Not accepted category")}

#' @keywords internal
# Get the combination category of two vectors containing strings. 
# This command dereplicates reverse order combinations.
.id_treatment_combination = function(col1, col2){
  # get the list of unique categories
  unique_levels = unique(c(as.character(col1), as.character(col2)))
  # get all possible combinations
  combinations = rbind(t(combn(unique_levels, 2)), 
                       t(as.data.frame(lapply(unique_levels, FUN=rep, times=2))))
  combinations = paste(combinations[,1], combinations[,2], sep='__')
  # identify the combination for each pair of categories testing each order
  comparison_types = apply(data.frame(col1, col2), 1, .get_combination_category, 
                           accepted_categories = combinations)

#' @keywords internal
# convert 3 column dissimilarities back to matrix format
.convert_one_column_to_matrix = function(df){
  # initialize matrix with dimensions equal to number of unique categories
  uNames = unique(c(as.character(df[, 1]), as.character(df[, 2])))
  mean_dists_mat = data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(uNames), nrow = length(uNames)))
  names(mean_dists_mat) = uNames
  row.names(mean_dists_mat) = uNames
  for(i in 1:nrow(df)){
    mean_dists_mat[as.character(df[i, 1]), as.character(df[i, 2])] = as.character(df[i, 3])
  for(i in 1:nrow(mean_dists_mat)){
    for(k in 1:ncol(mean_dists_mat)){
        mean_dists_mat[i,k] = mean_dists_mat[k,i]
  mean_dists_mat[is.na(mean_dists_mat)] = 0

#' @title Calculate mean dissimilarities using a metadata factor
#' @description Calculate mean dissimilarities across all levels of a given
#'   factor
#' @param dm Dissimilarity matrix - typically created using
#'   \code{\link{calc_dm}}.
#' @param metadata_map The metadata mapping dataframe.
#' @param summarize_by_factor Category in mapping file to summarize by.
#' @param return_map Whether or not to return summarized mapping files. If true,
#'   will return a list (default: FALSE).
#' @return Mean dissimilarities.
#' @concept Dissimilarity calculation and manipulation
#' @examples 
#' DM = calc_dm(fruits_veggies$data_loaded)
#' MD = calc_mean_dissimilarities(DM, fruits_veggies$map_loaded, "Sample_type")
calc_mean_dissimilarities = function(dm, metadata_map, summarize_by_factor, 
                                     return_map = FALSE){
  # check that dm labels match metadata sample IDs
  if (!identical(labels(dm), row.names(metadata_map))) {
    warning('Dissimilarity matrix labels and metadata sample IDs do not match.')
  dm_clmns = convert_dm_to_3_column(dm)
  # list sample 1 and sample 2 factor categories in new clmns
  dm_clmns_wCat = add_metadata_to_dm_clmns(dm_clmns, metadata_map, 
  # only take samples in mapping file
  dm_clmns_wCat = dm_clmns_wCat[!is.na(dm_clmns_wCat[, 4]) &
                                  !is.na(dm_clmns_wCat[, 5]),]
  # remove rows where distances are comparing samples from the same cat
  dm_clmns_wCat_reduced = dm_clmns_wCat[dm_clmns_wCat[, 4] != 
                                          dm_clmns_wCat[, 5], ]
  # get pairwise comparison while accounting for differences in category order
  tx_combo = .id_treatment_combination(col1 = dm_clmns_wCat_reduced[, 4], 
                                       col2 = dm_clmns_wCat_reduced[, 5])
  dm_clmns_wCat_reduced = cbind(dm_clmns_wCat_reduced, tx_combo)
  # calc mean dissimilarities
  means = dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(dm_clmns_wCat_reduced, tx_combo), 
                           mean_dist = mean(dist))
  # convert back to matrix format
  means2 = data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(as.character(means$tx_combo), 
                                              split = '__')), 
                      mean_dist = means$mean_dist)
    mean_map = .summarize_map(metadata_map, summarize_by_factor)
    dm_loaded = as.dist(.convert_one_column_to_matrix(means2))
    map_loaded = mean_map[match(labels(dm_loaded), row.names(mean_map)), ]
    list(dm_loaded = dm_loaded, map_loaded = map_loaded) 
  } else as.dist(.convert_one_column_to_matrix(means2))

#' @title Calculate pairwise PERMANOVA results
#' @description The \code{\link[vegan]{adonis}} function in the 
#'   \code{\link[vegan]{vegan}} package does not provide a way to calculate 
#'   pairwise post-hoc comparisons between factor levels. This function 
#'   calculates PERMANOVA results using the \code{\link[vegan]{adonis}}
#'   function for all factor level pairs. Raw p values are returned, but it is
#'   recommended to use the provided FDR corrected p values since the multiple
#'   comparisons can raise your likelihood of false positive differences.
#' @param dm Dissimilarity matrix of class \code{dist}.
#' @param metadata_map The metadata mapping dataframe with samples matching and 
#'   in the same order as the ones in the provided dm.
#' @param compare_header The header in the metadata mapping dataframe with the 
#'   factor levels to use for the pairwise comparisons.
#' @param n_perm A vector that controls the number of permutations required.
#' @return A dataframe with R2 and P values.
#' @concept Dissimilarity calculation and manipulation
#' @examples 
#' dm = calc_dm(fruits_veggies$data_loaded)
#' calc_pairwise_permanovas(dm, fruits_veggies$map_loaded, "Sample_type")
calc_pairwise_permanovas = function (dm, metadata_map, compare_header, n_perm)
  comp_var = metadata_map[, compare_header]
  comp_pairs = combn(levels(comp_var), 2)
  pval = c()
  R2 = c()
  for (i in 1:ncol(comp_pairs)) {
    pair = comp_pairs[, i]
    dm_w_map = list(dm_loaded = dm, map_loaded = metadata_map)
    dm_w_map$map_loaded$in_pair = comp_var %in% pair
    dm_w_map_filt = mctoolsr::filter_dm(dm_w_map, filter_cat = "in_pair",
                                        keep_vals = TRUE)
    if (!missing(n_perm)) {
      m = vegan::adonis(dm_w_map_filt$dm_loaded ~ dm_w_map_filt$map_loaded[, compare_header],
                        permutations = n_perm)
    } else {
      m = vegan::adonis(dm_w_map_filt$dm_loaded ~ dm_w_map_filt$map_loaded[, compare_header])
    pval = c(pval, m$aov.tab$`Pr(>F)`[1])
    R2 = c(R2, m$aov.tab$R2[1])
  results = data.frame(t(comp_pairs), R2, pval)
  results$pvalBon = pval * length(pval)
  results$pvalFDR = round(pval * (length(pval) / rank(pval, ties.method = "average")),
leffj/mctoolsr documentation built on Aug. 5, 2022, 1:27 a.m.