
Defines functions export_taxa_table export_otu_table match_datasets filter_dm filter_samples_by_counts filter_data load_2_dms load_dm load_taxa_table

Documented in export_otu_table export_taxa_table filter_data filter_dm filter_samples_by_counts load_2_dms load_dm load_taxa_table match_datasets

# mctoolsr


#' @title Load a taxa table for use with mctoolsr
#' @description Load in a taxa table (also known as an OTU table) and a
#'   corresponding mapping file with metadata values. The samples in the loaded
#'   taxa table and mapping file will be in the same order and only samples in
#'   both will be loaded. The function can optionally filter samples of a
#'   specific type based on the mapping file. This can also be done later via
#'   the \code{\link{filter_data}} function.
#' @param tab_fp Taxa table filepath.
#' @param map_fp Metadata mapping filepath.
#' @param filter_cat [OPTIONAL] The map_fp header string for the factor you
#'   would like to use to filter samples.
#' @param filter_vals [OPTIONAL] The values within the filter category (vector
#'   or single value) you would like to use to remove samples from the imported
#'   data.
#' @param keep_vals [OPTIONAL] Alternatively, keep only samples represented by
#'   these values.
#' @param taxa_fp [OPTIONAL] If taxonomy is not contained in the taxa table, you
#'   can supply a tab-delimited file with the taxon ID in the first column and
#'   the taxonomy in the second column. It assumes no header line in the file. 
#'   Lines beginning with '#' are ignored.
#' @return A list variable with (1) the loaded taxa table, (2) the loaded 
#'   mapping file, and optionally (3) the loaded taxonomy.
#' @concept Load external data
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' load_taxa_table("filepath_to_taxa_table.txt", "filepath_to_mapping_file.txt",
#'   "sample_type", filter_vals = "blank")
#' }
load_taxa_table = function(tab_fp, map_fp, filter_cat, filter_vals, keep_vals, 
                           taxa_fp) {
  # load data
  if (tools::file_ext(tab_fp) == 'biom') {
    if (!requireNamespace("biomformat", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop(paste0("'biomformat' package needs to be installed to load a ", 
                  "biom table. Install it using bioconductor."), call. = FALSE)
    data_b = biomformat::read_biom(tab_fp)
    data = as.data.frame(as.matrix(biomformat::biom_data(data_b)))
    data_taxonomy = .compile_taxonomy(data_b)
  else if (tools::file_ext(tab_fp) == 'txt') {
    if (readChar(tab_fp, nchars = 4) == "#OTU") {
      data = read.table(
        tab_fp, sep = '\t', comment.char = '', header = TRUE,
        check.names = FALSE, row.names = 1, quote = "\""
    } else {
      data = read.table(
        tab_fp, sep = '\t', skip = 1, comment.char = '',
        header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, row.names = 1,
        quote = "\""
    if (names(data)[ncol(data)] == 'taxonomy') {
      data_taxonomy = .parse_taxonomy(data$taxonomy)
      if (!is.null(data_taxonomy)) {
        row.names(data_taxonomy) = row.names(data)
      data$taxonomy = NULL
    } else {
      data_taxonomy = NULL
    if (is.null(data_taxonomy)) {
      if (!missing(taxa_fp)) {
        taxadf = read.delim(taxa_fp, header = FALSE, comment.char = "#")
        idxs = match(row.names(data), taxadf$V1)
        data_taxonomy = .parse_taxonomy(taxadf$V2[idxs])
        row.names(data_taxonomy) = row.names(data)
      } else {
      warning('No taxonomy loaded. If taxonomy should have been loaded, check ', 
              'that "taxonomy" header exists.')
  } else stop('Input file must be either biom (.biom) or tab-delimited (.txt) ', 
  # import mapping file
  map = tryCatch(
      map_fp, sep = '\t', comment.char = '', header = TRUE,
      check.names = FALSE, row.names = 1, quote = "\""
    error = function(c)
    warning = function(c) {
      c$message = paste0("Error loading mapping file. Please ",
                         "check that there are no quotation marks.")
    message = function(c)
  if (class(map) != 'data.frame') {
        'Problem loading mapping file. Note that the mapping file ',
        'should have more than one metadata column. Check that ',
        'All rows have the same number of columns and that there ',
        'are no duplicate sample IDs. It could also be that the ',
        'specified filepath is not correct.'
  # optionally, subset data
  # cant subset if trying to filter out certain values and keep certain values
  # use one or the other
  if (!missing(filter_cat)) {
    map_f = .filt_map(map, filter_cat, filter_vals, keep_vals)
  } else {
    map_f = map
  # match up data from dissimilarity matrix with mapping file
  matched_data = .match_data_components(tax_table = data, metadata_map = map_f,
                                        taxonomy = data_taxonomy)
  message(paste0(nrow(matched_data$map_loaded), ' samples loaded'))

#' @title Load a dissimilarity matrix for use with mctoolsr
#' @description Load in a dissimilarity matrix and a corresponding metadata 
#'   mapping file
#' @param dm_fp Dissimilarity matrix filepath (tab-delimited text).
#' @param map_fp Metadata mapping filepath.
#' @param filter_cat [OPTIONAL] The map_fp header string for the factor you
#'   would like to use to filter samples.
#' @param filter_vals [OPTIONAL] The values within the filter category (vector
#'   or single value) you would like to use to remove samples from the imported
#'   data.
#' @param keep_vals [OPTIONAL] Alternatively, keep only samples represented by
#'   these values.
#' @return A list variable with (1) the loaded dissimilarity matrix, and (2) the
#'   loaded mapping file.
#' @concept Load external data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load_dm("filepath_to_dissim_matrix.txt", "filepath_to_mapping_file.txt",
#'   "sample_type", filter_vals = "blank")
#' }
load_dm = function(dm_fp, map_fp, filter_cat, filter_vals, keep_vals) {
  dm = read.table(
    dm_fp, sep = '\t', comment.char = '', header = T, check.names = F,
    row.names = 1
  map = read.table(
    map_fp, sep = '\t', comment.char = '', header = T, check.names = F,
    row.names = 1
  # optionally, subset data
  # cant subset if trying to filter out certain values and keep certain values
  # use one or the other
  if (!missing(filter_cat)) {
    map_f = .filt_map(map, filter_cat, filter_vals, keep_vals)
  } else
    map_f = map
  # match up data from dissimilarity matrix with mapping file
  samplesToUse = intersect(names(dm), row.names(map_f))
  dm.use = as.dist(dm[match(samplesToUse,names(dm)),
                      match(samplesToUse, names(dm))])
  map.use = map_f[match(samplesToUse, row.names(map_f)),]
  # output
  list(dm_loaded = dm.use, map_loaded = map.use)

#' @title Load two dissimilarity matrices for use with mctoolsr
#' @description Load in two dissimilarity matrices and a corresponding metadata 
#'   mapping file. Useful for Mantel tests when dms are already generated.
#' @param dm1_fp Dissimilarity matrix filepath (tab-delimited text).
#' @param dm2_fp Dissimilarity matrix filepath (tab-delimited text).
#' @param map_fp Metadata mapping filepath.
#' @param filter_cat [OPTIONAL] The map_fp header string for the factor you
#'   would like to use to filter samples.
#' @param filter_vals [OPTIONAL] The values within the filter category (vector
#'   or single value) you would like to use to remove samples from the imported
#'   data.
#' @param keep_vals [OPTIONAL] Alternatively, keep only samples represented by
#'   these values.
#' @return A list variable with (1) the loaded dissimilarity matrix 1, (2) the 
#'   loaded dissimilarity matrix 2, and (3) the loaded mapping file.
#' @concept Load external data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load_dm("filepath_to_dissim_matrix1.txt", "filepath_to_dissim_matrix1.txt",
#'   "filepath_to_mapping_file.txt", "sample_type", filter_vals = "blank")
#' }
load_2_dms = function(dm1_fp, dm2_fp, map_fp, filter_cat, filter_vals, keep_vals) {
  dm1 = read.table(
    dm1_fp,sep = '\t',comment.char = '',header = T,check.names = F,row.names =
  dm2 = read.table(
    dm2_fp,sep = '\t',comment.char = '',header = T,check.names = F,row.names =
  map = read.table(
    map_fp,sep = '\t',comment.char = '',header = T,check.names = F,row.names =
  # optionally, subset data
  # cant subset if trying to filter out certain values and keep certain values
  # use one or the other
  if (!missing(filter_cat)) {
    map_f = .filt_map(map, filter_cat, filter_vals, keep_vals)
  } else
    map_f = map
  # match up data from dissimilarity matrix with mapping file
  samplesToUse = intersect(intersect(names(dm1), row.names(map_f)), names(dm2))
  dm1.use = as.dist(dm1[match(samplesToUse,names(dm1)),
  dm2.use = as.dist(dm2[match(samplesToUse,names(dm2)),
  map.use = map_f[match(samplesToUse,row.names(map_f)),]
  # output
  list(dm1_loaded = dm1.use, dm2_loaded = dm2.use, map_loaded = map.use)

#' @title Filter samples from dataset
#' @description Filter out or keep particular samples in a dataset based on
#'   contextual metadata.
#' @param input The input dataset as loaded by \code{\link{load_taxa_table}}.
#' @param filter_cat The map_fp header string for the factor you would like to
#'   use to filter samples.
#' @param filter_vals The values within the filter category (vector or single
#'   value) you would like to use to remove samples from the imported data.
#' @param keep_vals Alternatively, keep only samples represented by these
#'   values.
#' @return A list variable with (1) the loaded taxa table, (2) the loaded
#'   mapping file, and optionally (3) the loaded taxonomy information.
#' @concept Taxa table manipulation
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ex_in_filt = filter_data(input = "example_input", filter_cat = "Sample_type",
#'                          filter_vals = c("mushrooms", "strawberries"))
#' }
filter_data = function(input, filter_cat, filter_vals, keep_vals) {
  if (!missing(filter_cat)) {
    map_f = .filt_map(input$map_loaded, filter_cat, filter_vals, keep_vals)
  } else
    map_f = input$map_loaded
  # match up data from dissimilarity matrix with mapping file
  if ('taxonomy_loaded' %in% names(input)) {
    matched_data = .match_data_components(input$data_loaded, map_f,
    message(paste0(nrow(matched_data$map_loaded), ' samples remaining'))
  } else {
    matched_data = .match_data_components(input$data_loaded, map_f, NULL)
    message(paste0(nrow(matched_data$map_loaded), ' samples remaining'))

#' @title Filter samples from a dataset based on number of sequences
#' @description This function is useful for removing samples that have a low
#'   number of sequences.
#' @param input The input dataset as loaded by \code{\link{load_taxa_table}}.
#' @param min_seqs A sample must have at minimum this number of sequences in
#' order to be retained.
#' @return A list variable with (1) the loaded taxa table, (2) the loaded 
#'   mapping file, and optionally (3) the loaded taxonomy information.
#' @concept Taxa table manipulation
#' @examples
#' # see number of sequences per sample
#' sort(colSums(fruits_veggies$data_loaded))
#' # remove samples with less than 1100 sequences
#' filter_samples_by_counts(fruits_veggies, min_seqs = 1100)
filter_samples_by_counts = function(input, min_seqs) {
  data_filt = input$data_loaded[, colSums(input$data_loaded) >= min_seqs]
  # match up data from dissimilarity matrix with mapping file
  if ('taxonomy_loaded' %in% names(input)) {
    matched_data = .match_data_components(data_filt, input$map_loaded,
    message(paste0(nrow(matched_data$map_loaded), ' samples remaining'))
  } else {
    matched_data = .match_data_components(data_filt, input$map_loaded, NULL)
    message(paste0(nrow(matched_data$map_loaded), ' samples remaining'))

#' @title Filter samples from dissimilarity matrix
#' @description Filter out or keep particular samples in a dissimilarity matrix 
#'   based on contextual metadata.
#' @param input_dm The input dissimilarity matrix with corresponding mapping 
#'   file as generated by \code{\link{load_dm}} or
#'   \code{\link{calc_mean_dissimilarities}} with the option to produce a
#'   resulting metadata map.
#' @param filter_cat The metadata map header string for the factor you would 
#'   like to use to filter samples.
#' @param filter_vals The values within the filter category (vector or single 
#'   value) you would like to use to remove samples from the dissimilarity 
#'   matrix and metadata map.
#' @param keep_vals Alternatively, keep only samples represented by these 
#'   values.
#' @return A list variable with (1) the loaded dissimilarity matrix and (2) the 
#'   loaded mapping file.
#' @concept Dissimilarity calculation and manipulation
#' @examples 
#' # rarefy
#' fruits_veggies_rar = single_rarefy(fruits_veggies, 1000)
#' # calculate dissimilarities
#' dm = calc_dm(fruits_veggies_rar$data_loaded)
#' # calculated mean dissimilarities by sample type
#' dm_means = calc_mean_dissimilarities(dm = dm,
#'                                      metadata_map = fruits_veggies$map_loaded,
#'                                      summarize_by_factor = 'Sample_type',
#'                                      return_map = TRUE)
#' # filter sample types to include only lettuce and spinach
#' filter_dm(input_dm = dm_means, filter_cat = 'Sample_type',
#'           keep_vals = c('Lettuce', 'Spinach'))
filter_dm = function(input_dm, filter_cat, filter_vals, keep_vals) {
  map_filt = .filt_map(input_dm$map_loaded, filter_cat, filter_vals, keep_vals)
  # match up data from dissimilarity matrix with mapping file
  dm = as.matrix(input_dm$dm_loaded)
  samplesToUse = intersect(colnames(dm), row.names(map_filt))
  dm_use = as.dist(dm[match(samplesToUse, colnames(dm)),
                      match(samplesToUse, colnames(dm))])
  map_use = map_filt[match(samplesToUse, row.names(map_filt)),]
  # output
  list(dm_loaded = dm_use, map_loaded = map_use)

#' @title Match up samples from two datasets
#' @description Function to match up sample order and optionally,  taxa order 
#'   from two datasets that contain some overlapping sample IDs. Sample IDs that
#'   are not present in both datasets will be dropped. The output is a list 
#'   containing the two filtered datasets in the same order as they were input.
#' @param ds1 The first dataset as loaded by \code{\link{load_taxa_table}}.
#' @param ds2 The second dataset.
#' @param match_taxa [OPTIONAL] Do you want to match taxa in addition to sample 
#'   IDs? If \code{TRUE}, taxa will be removed if they are not in common between
#'   datasets. Default = \code{FALSE}
#' @return A list variable with the matched ds1 as the first element and ds2 as 
#'   the second element.
#' @concept Taxa table manipulation
#' @examples 
#' # This function would normally be run with two different datasets not the
#' # same one as in this example. For example if you had bacterial and fungal
#' # data for the same samples and wanted to compare the two.
#' match_datasets(fruits_veggies, fruits_veggies)
match_datasets = function(ds1, ds2, match_taxa = FALSE) {
  common_samples = intersect(names(ds1$data_loaded), names(ds2$data_loaded))
  if (length(common_samples) == 0)
    stop('No shared samples were found.')
  ds1$map_loaded$common_sample = row.names(ds1$map_loaded) %in% common_samples
  ds1_filt = filter_data(ds1, filter_cat = 'common_sample', filter_vals = FALSE)
  ds1_filt$data_loaded = ds1_filt$data_loaded[,
                                              drop = FALSE]
  ds1_filt$map_loaded = ds1_filt$map_loaded[match(common_samples,
                                            , drop = FALSE]
  ds2$map_loaded$common_sample = row.names(ds2$map_loaded) %in% common_samples
  ds2_filt = filter_data(ds2, 'common_sample', FALSE)
  ds2_filt$data_loaded = ds2_filt$data_loaded[,
                                              drop = FALSE]
  ds2_filt$map_loaded = ds2_filt$map_loaded[match(common_samples,
                                            , drop = FALSE]
  if (match_taxa) {
    common_taxa = intersect(row.names(ds1_filt$data_loaded),
    if (length(common_taxa) == 0)
      stop('No shared taxa were found.')
    ds1_filt = filter_taxa_from_input(ds1_filt, taxa_IDs_to_keep = common_taxa)
    ds2_filt = filter_taxa_from_input(ds2_filt, taxa_IDs_to_keep = common_taxa)
  list(ds1 = ds1_filt, ds2 = ds2_filt)

#' @title Export an OTU table as a text file [DEPRECATED]
#' @description PLEASE USE \code{export_taxa_table()} INSTEAD.
#' @param input The input dataset as loaded by \\code{\link{load_taxa_table}} or
#'  an otu table of class \code{data.frame}.
#' @param out_fp The output filepath.
#' @param map_fp [OPTIONAL] The metadata map output filepath if you want to
#'  write it to file.
#' @concept dont include
export_otu_table = function(input, out_fp, map_fp) {
  stop('This function is deprecated. Use "export_taxa_table()"')

#' @title Export a taxa table as a text file
#' @description A convenient way to export a loaded taxa table as a text file.
#'  Taxonomy strings will appear in the right most column. This is also a good
#'  way to save an taxa table to be loaded later. Output format is tab-delimited.
#' @param input The input dataset as loaded by \code{\link{load_taxa_table}} or
#'  a taxa table of class \code{data.frame}.
#' @param out_fp The output filepath.
#' @param map_fp [OPTIONAL] The metadata map output filepath if you want to
#'  write it to file.
#' @concept Taxa table manipulation
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' export_taxa_table(fruits_veggies, "exported_taxa_table", "exported_map_file")
#' }
export_taxa_table = function(input, out_fp, map_fp) {
  if (class(input) == 'list') {
    table = input$data_loaded
    if (!is.null(input$taxonomy_loaded)) {
      taxonomy = apply(input$taxonomy_loaded, 1, paste, collapse = '; ')
      out_tab = data.frame(OTU_ID = row.names(table), table, taxonomy,
                           check.names = FALSE)
    } else {
      out_tab = data.frame(OTU_ID = row.names(table), table,
                           check.names = FALSE)
  } else if (class(input) == 'data.frame') {
    table = input
    if (!missing(map_fp)) {
          'Cannot write a metadata map unless input is a list that
          contains the metadata.'
    out_tab = data.frame(OTU_ID = row.names(table), table,
                         check.names = FALSE)
  names(out_tab)[1] = '#OTU ID'
  write('#Exported from mctoolsr', out_fp)
    out_tab, out_fp, sep = '\t', row.names = FALSE,
    append = TRUE
  if (!missing(map_fp)) {
    if (class(map_fp) != 'character')
      stop('map_fp must be a valid filepath.')
    map_file = data.frame(row.names(input$map_loaded), input$map_loaded,
                          check.names = FALSE)
    names(map_file)[1] = '#Sample ID'
    write.table(map_file, map_fp, sep = '\t', row.names = FALSE)
leffj/mctoolsr documentation built on Aug. 5, 2022, 1:27 a.m.