
Defines functions export_from_seurat normalize_cpx_amt seuratify_thy_data deseuratify_raw_data dge_merge_list add_maehrlab_metadata add_tcr load_thymus_profiling_data get_metadata

Documented in add_maehrlab_metadata add_tcr deseuratify_raw_data dge_merge_list export_from_seurat get_metadata load_thymus_profiling_data normalize_cpx_amt seuratify_thy_data

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Export raw and normalized data from a Seurat object.
#' @export
export_from_seurat = function( dge, results_path, name, 
                               metadata_included = c( "nGene", "nUMI", "orig.ident", "eday", "IG1.S", "S", "G2.M", "M", "M.G1" ) ){
  desired_metadata = dge@data.info[, metadata_included ]
  raw_dge = deseuratify_raw_data( dge )
  desired_total = normalize_cpx_amt( raw_dge, results_path, do.plot = F )
  normalized_dge = apply(raw_dge, 2, div_by_sum)*desired_total
  write.table( raw_dge,          file.path( results_path, paste0( name, "_counts_raw.data" ) ), 
               row.names = T, col.names = T, quote = F, sep = "\t" )
  write.table( normalized_dge,   file.path( results_path, paste0( name, "_counts_scaled.data" ) ), 
               row.names = T, col.names = T, quote = F, sep = "\t" )
  write.table( desired_metadata, file.path( results_path, paste0( name, "_metadata.data" ) ), 
               row.names = T, col.names = T, quote = F, sep = "\t" )

#' Rescale every cell to a certain amount of UMIs, where
#' that amount is selected by rounding up the median UMI count up to the next power of 10.
#' @export
normalize_cpx_amt = function(dge, results_path = NULL, do.plot = T ){

  umis_by_cell = apply( dge, 2, sum )
  assertthat::are_equal(length(umis_by_cell), length(colnames(dge)))
  magnitude = umis_by_cell %>% median %>% log10 %>% ceiling
  to.return = 10^magnitude 
  # # Plot results
  if( do.plot & !is.null(results_path) ){
    dir.create.nice( file.path( results_path, "QC" ) )
    pdf( file.path( results_path, "QC", "total_umis_by_cell.pdf"))
           breaks = 40,
           xlab = "log10 UMI count", main = "Number of UMIs by cell")
      abline(v = to.return)
demo1 = matrix(2000, nrow = 5, ncol = 3)
assertthat::are_equal(normalize_cpx_amt(demo1, results_path = NULL), 10000)

#' Make arrays into Seurat objects.
#' Keeps all genes expressed in at least
#' (by default) 3 cells and keeps all cells with at least 1000 genes. It reports some 
#' summary figures, plotting number of genes by cell, num UMIs by cell, and number of cells by
#' gene. 
#' @export
seuratify_thy_data = function(raw_dge, results_path = NULL, test_mode = F, 
                              min.genes = 1000, min.cells = 3, ... ){
  atat(1 < raw_dge %>% dim %>% min %>% min)

  total_desired = normalize_cpx_amt( raw_dge, results_path )
  raw_dge_norm = apply( X = raw_dge, MARGIN = 2, FUN = div_by_sum ) * total_desired
  raw_dge_norm = as( raw_dge_norm, "sparseMatrix" )
  seurat_dge = Setup( new( "seurat", raw.data = log2( 1+raw_dge_norm ) ),
                      min.cells = min.cells * (1 - test_mode), # 0 if test_mode; else 3
                      min.genes = min.genes * (1 - test_mode), # 0 if test_mode; else min.genes
                      do.logNormalize = F, 
                      project = "thymus_scRNAseq", 
                      names.delim = "\\|",
                      names.field = 2, ... )
  # # Make sure the raw data is just UMI counts and update the nUMI field, which will be
  # # filled incorrectly given the above
  seurat_dge@raw.data = raw_dge[ seurat_dge@data %>% rownames, 
                                 seurat_dge@data %>% colnames ]
  seurat_dge %<>% AddMetaData( col.name = "nUMI", 
                               metadata = setNames( colSums( seurat_dge@raw.data ),
                                                    colnames( seurat_dge@raw.data ) ) )
  # # Plot results
  if( !is.null( results_path ) ){
    dir.create.nice( file.path(results_path, "QC" ) )
    genes_by_cell = apply( raw_dge, 2, nnz )
    atat( length( genes_by_cell ) == ncol( raw_dge ) ) # num cells = num cols
      pdf(file.path(results_path, "QC", "total_genes_by_cell.pdf"))
      hist(log10(genes_by_cell), breaks = 40,
           xlab = "log10 gene count", main = "Number of genes by cell")
      abline(v = log10( min.genes ) )
    cells_by_gene = apply( raw_dge, 1, nnz )
    atat( length( cells_by_gene ) == nrow( raw_dge )[1] ) # num genes = num rows
      pdf(file.path(results_path, "QC", "total_cells_by_gene.pdf"))
      hist(log10(cells_by_gene), breaks = 40,
           xlab = "log10 cell count", main = "Number of cells by gene")
      abline(v = log10( min.cells ) )
    print( paste0("There are ", 
                  length(cells_by_gene), " genes and ", 
                  length(genes_by_cell), " cells in the raw data."))
    print( paste0( length( cells_by_gene ) - nrow( seurat_dge@data ), " genes and ", 
                   length( genes_by_cell ) - ncol( seurat_dge@data ), " cells were excluded from the Seurat object."))


#' Extract mostly-raw (medium rare?) data from a Seurat object.
#' Seurat preserves the raw data exactly. Sometimes that's not ideal.
#' This function helps you get rawish data that have undergone the same QC filters as the Seurat scale.data,
#' so some cells and genes are filtered out. 
#' But, the numbers are UMI counts, integers, not logged or with any of that normalization BS.
#' This function guarantees output with `colnames(output) == dge@cell.names`.
#' Because the `@raw.data` slot was filled in wrong in some of my Seurat objects,
#' this can use `load_thymus_profiling_data` to get the raw data.
#' To toggle this behavior, set `retrieve_anew = {T,F}`.
#' @export
deseuratify_raw_data = function( seurat_dge, retrieve_anew = F ){
  if( !retrieve_anew ){
    raw_dge = seurat_dge@raw.data
  } else {
    raw_dge = load_thymus_profiling_data( sample_ids = unique( FetchData(seurat_dge, "orig.ident" )[[1]]) ) %>% dge_merge_list
  desired_genes = rownames( seurat_dge@data )
  acceptable_genes = intersect( desired_genes, rownames( raw_dge ) )
  missing_genes    = setdiff(   desired_genes, rownames( raw_dge ) )
  raw_dge = as.matrix( raw_dge )[acceptable_genes, seurat_dge@cell.names]
  ##Zero-pad to ensure all genes from either @data slot are present
  my_zeroes = matrix( 0, ncol = ncol( raw_dge ), nrow = length( missing_genes ) )
  rownames( my_zeroes ) = missing_genes
  colnames( my_zeroes ) = colnames( raw_dge )
  raw_dge = rbind( raw_dge, my_zeroes )
  raw_dge = raw_dge[desired_genes, ]
  atae(raw_dge, round( raw_dge ) )
  atae(desired_genes, rownames( raw_dge ) )
  return( as.matrix( raw_dge ) )

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Merge a list of digital gene expression matrices.
#' @param dge_list list of matrices with genes as rows and cell barcodes as columns. 
#' @param allow_barcode_overlap Set this to TRUE if matching barcodes in different inputs refer to the same cells, 
#' as in a resequencing of a library. Set this to FALSE (default) if matching barcodes would only occur by coincidence, 
#' as in merging of different replicates for joint analysis.
#' @details `dge_merge_list` converts the digital gene expression matrices to dataframes with genes as columns, merges them, then converts the result back, all without disturbing the gene labels. A gene will be included if it appears in any of the datasets. If a gene appears in one dataset but not another, zeroes will be filled in for missing expression levels.
#' @export
dge_merge_list = function(dge_list, allow_barcode_overlap = F){
  # Allow duplicate cells but not duplicate genes
  all_genes = Reduce( f = union, x = lapply( dge_list, rownames ) )
  all_cells = Reduce( f = c,     x = lapply( dge_list, colnames ) )
  if( allow_barcode_overlap ){
    all_cells = unique( all_cells )
  } else {
      warning( "These samples contain overlapping barcodes! 
                \nAttempting to append names(dge_list) to barcodes..." )
        stop("...No names available for dge_list!")
      all_cells = lapply( dge_list, colnames ) %>% 
        mapply( paste0, .,  "|", names(dge_list) ) %>%
        Reduce( f = c,     x = . )
  new_dge = as.data.frame( matrix( 0, nrow = length( all_genes ), 
                                      ncol = length( all_cells ) ) )
  rownames( new_dge ) = all_genes
  colnames( new_dge ) = all_cells
  for( ii in seq_along( dge_list ) ){
    dge = dge_list[[ii]]
    new_dge[rownames(dge), colnames(dge)] = new_dge[rownames(dge), colnames(dge)] + dge
    print( paste( "Finished merging dge matrix", names(dge_list)[[ii]] ) )
  #Results should have at least as many genes (barcodes) as the input with the most genes (barcodes) 
  input_dimensions = Reduce(rbind, lapply(dge_list, dim)) %>% matrix(ncol = 2)
  assertthat::assert_that(dim(new_dge)[1] >= max(input_dimensions[,1]))
  assertthat::assert_that(dim(new_dge)[2] >= max(input_dimensions[,2]))
  #If no barcode overlap, should retain all input barcodes.
  if( !allow_barcode_overlap ){
    assertthat::assert_that(dim(new_dge)[2] == sum(input_dimensions[,2]))
  return( as.matrix( new_dge )) 

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Given a Seurat object, add information about our experiments.
#' @details It looks in `get_metadata()` for a column named `variable_to_add` and adds 
#' that variable to @data.info with the 
#' name `new_name` (default is `variable_to_add`).
#' It finds the right cells by matching "Sample_ID" to "orig.ident".
#' @export
add_maehrlab_metadata = function( dge, variable_to_add, new_name = NULL, NA_strings = c("NA", ""),
                                  maehrlab_metadata = get_metadata() ){
  if( !all(levels( dge@data.info$orig.ident ) %in% maehrlab_metadata[["Sample_ID"]] ) ){
    stop( "Some sample id's not recognized. Look at unique(get_metadata()[['Sample_ID']]) to see what's available." )
  if( !variable_to_add %in% names( maehrlab_metadata ) ){
    stop( "Some variables not recognized. Look at colnames(get_metadata()) to see what's available." )
  data_by_sample = maehrlab_metadata[[variable_to_add]]
  data_by_sample[ data_by_sample %in% NA_strings ] = NA
  names( data_by_sample ) = maehrlab_metadata[["Sample_ID"]]
  # # Expand it to go cell by cell instead of sample by sample; add it to the Seurat object
  new_temp = data_by_sample[ as.character( dge@data.info$orig.ident ) ]
  names( new_temp ) = rownames( dge@data.info )
  if( is.null( new_name ) ){ new_name = variable_to_add }
  dge = Seurat::AddMetaData( dge, metadata = new_temp, col.name = new_name )
  return( dge )

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Add T-cell receptor expression from a separate alignment process. 
#' @param dge Seurat object
#' @param metadata Sample sheet containing a field "Sample_ID" (to be matched with "orig.ident" from dge) 
#' and another called "tcr_dge_path" (to look for TCR-containing DGEs).
#' @export
add_tcr = function( dge, metadata = get_metadata() ){
  # Filter metadata down to essentials
  samples_needed = levels(FetchData(dge, "orig.ident")[[1]])
  metadata = subset( metadata, Sample_ID %in% samples_needed, 
                     select = c("Sample_ID", "tcr_dge_path"), drop = F)
  tcr_paths = subset(metadata, file.exists( tcr_dge_path ) )
  # Deal with samples for which no TCR realignment was performed
  unavailable = subset(metadata, !file.exists( tcr_dge_path ), select = "Sample_ID", drop = T )
  if( length(unavailable) > 0 ){
    warning(paste0(c("TCR alignments unavailable for these samples:", unavailable ), collapse = "\n"))
  # Read in TCR expression
  tcr_matrices = lapply(tcr_paths$tcr_dge_path, read.table, header = T, row.names = 1)

  # Filter out cells not present in dge, handling situations with no matches
  for( i in seq_along( tcr_matrices ) ){
    # Append correct sample ID to barcodes, asserting that it's not there yet
    # I used the pipe as a separator. Probably a naïve choice but I'm stuck now.
    atae( 0, length(grep("\\|", colnames(tcr_matrices[[i]]) ) ) )
    colnames(tcr_matrices[[i]]) %<>% paste0("|", tcr_paths$Sample_ID[[i]] )
    tcr_cells = tcr_matrices[[i]] %>% colnames %>% intersect(dge@cell.names)
    if (length(tcr_cells)==0){
      tcr_matrices[[i]] = "NO_MATCH"
    } else {
      tcr_matrices[[i]] %<>% extract(, tcr_cells)
  tcr_matrices %<>% Filter(f = function(x) {!identical(x, "NO_MATCH")})
  # Get list of TCR genes
  all_tcr_genes = thymusatlastools:::ALL_TCR_GENES
  # Filter out non-TCR genes
  for( i in seq_along( tcr_matrices ) ){
    tcr_genes_present = tcr_matrices[[i]] %>% rownames %>% intersect(all_tcr_genes)
    if (length(tcr_genes_present)==0){
      tcr_matrices[[i]] = "NO_MATCH"
    } else {
      tcr_matrices[[i]] %<>% extract(tcr_genes_present, )
  tcr_matrices %<>% Filter(f = function(x) {!identical(x, "NO_MATCH")})
  # Remove any cells lurking in the raw data that were excluded downstream.
  dge@raw.data = deseuratify_raw_data(dge) 
  # Merge into Seurat object @raw.data, but keep the old UMI counts to preserve the normalization.
  normalization_totals = dge@raw.data %>% colSums
  for( i in seq_along( tcr_matrices ) ){
    # Overwrite existing UMIs to avoid double-counting.
    dge@raw.data[intersect(rownames(dge@raw.data), all_tcr_genes), ] = 0
    dge@raw.data = dge_merge_list(list(dge = dge@raw.data,
                                       tcr_i = tcr_matrices[[i]]),
                                  allow_barcode_overlap = TRUE )
  dge@raw.data %<>% as.matrix

  # Merge into Seurat object @data.
  old_lognorm = dge@data 
  dge@data = log2( 1 + 1e4*sweep( dge@raw.data, MARGIN = 2, STATS = normalization_totals, FUN = "/" ) ) 
  non_tcr_genes = dge@data %>% rownames %>% setdiff(all_tcr_genes)
  if( !all( dge@data[non_tcr_genes,] == old_lognorm[non_tcr_genes,] ) ){
    warning(paste0("Normalized data does not quite match raw data. \n",
                   "Renormalizing TCR counts with current cellwise UMI counts.\n",
                   "Leaving non-TCR normalized data untouched.\n"))
    dge@data[non_tcr_genes,] = old_lognorm[non_tcr_genes,] %>% as.matrix
  # Add total TCR A, B, D, and G expression to metadata
  for( pattern in paste0("TR", c("A", "B", "D", "G"))){
    gene_segments = all_tcr_genes[grep(pattern, all_tcr_genes, ignore.case = TRUE)]
    dge %<>% AddMetaData( FetchDataZeroPad(dge, gene_segments) %>% rowSums, col.name = paste0(pattern, "_TOTAL"))
  return( dge )

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Load digital gene expression matrices from Maehrlab dropbox.
#' @param sample_ids Sample IDs to include.
#' @param test_mode If true, return teensy little datasets with 50 cells and 200 genes. 
#' @param lincRNA Deprecated.
#' @param convert_all_to_mouse Deprecated.
#' @details There is one array for every sample ID you pass in. Each array has one column per gene and one row per cell. 
#' The column names are sample id's concatenated onto cell barcodes, separated by the infix `"|"`. 
#' This allows sample ID's to contain underscores without confusing Seurat when it goes to fetch the sample ID for `orig.ident`. 
load_thymus_profiling_data = function( sample_ids = "all", 
                                       test_mode = F, convert_all_to_mouse = NULL, 
                                       lincRNA = F ){
    warning( "`convert_all_to_mouse` arg is deprecated and has no effect. Use `thymusatlastools::convert_species_dge`.")
  # # Subset metadata down to just the desired samples
  metadata = get_metadata()
  missing = setdiff( sample_ids, metadata$Sample_ID )
  if(length(missing) > 0){
      warning( "\n There are no records of these sample IDs: \n"); cat( missing ); cat("\n")
  # Keep only samples in both
  if( !identical( sample_ids, "all" ) ){
    metadata = subset( metadata, Sample_ID %in% sample_ids)
  rownames(metadata) = metadata$Sample_ID
  metadata = metadata[sample_ids, ]
  # # Check dge file availability 
  file_type_header = ifelse( lincRNA, "lincRNA_dge_path", "dge_path" )	
  available = file.exists( metadata[[ file_type_header ]] ) 
  sample_ids = as.character( metadata[["Sample_ID"]] )
  unavailable_samples_str = paste0( sample_ids[!available], collapse = "\n" )
  available_samples_str   = paste0( sample_ids[ available], collapse = "\n" )
    warning( "\n Files unavailable for these samples: \n"); cat( unavailable_samples_str ); cat("\n")
  metadata = metadata[ available, ]
  runs_to_return = as.list( metadata[["Sample_ID"]] )
  names( runs_to_return ) = runs_to_return
  # # Fetch data
  for( i in seq_along( runs_to_return ) ){
    print( paste( "Loading dataset", metadata[i, "Sample_ID"] ) )
    readpath = metadata[i, file_type_header]
    # Adapt to whichever pipeline created the data
    reddit = F
    if ( metadata[i, "pipeline"] %in% c("10X", "cellranger", "umitools", "umi_tools" ) ){
      dge = Seurat::Read10X( data.dir = readpath )
      reddit = T
    if( metadata[i, "pipeline"] == "dropseq" ){
      dge = read.table( file = readpath, sep="\t", header=TRUE, row.names=1 )
      reddit = T
    # In case pipeline creating data is not known
    if ( !reddit ) {
      warning(paste0("For sample ",
                     metadata[i, "Sample_ID"], 
                     " , unrecognized entry in pipeline field:\n", 
                     metadata[i, "pipeline"], "\n",
                     "I'll do my best, but check the results.\n"))
      dge = matrix()
      if( file.info( readpath )$isdir ){
        cat("Reading \n", readpath, "\n as 10X.\n")
        dge = try( Seurat::Read10X( data.dir = readpath ) )
      } else {
        cat("Reading \n", readpath, "\n as dropseq.\n")
        dge = try( read.table( file = readpath, sep="\t", header=TRUE, row.names=1 ) )
    # Append sample ID to barcodes
    colnames( dge ) = paste( colnames( dge ), metadata[i, "Sample_ID"], sep = "|" )
    # Downsample if in test mode
    if( test_mode ){
      genes_included = c( rownames( dge )[1001:1200] )
      dge = dge[genes_included, 1:50]
    # Ensure type is predictable
    runs_to_return[[i]] = as.matrix( dge )
  assertthat::are_equal( length( runs_to_return ), length( sample_ids) ) 
  return( runs_to_return )

#' Get thymus atlas sample metadata.
#' @export
get_metadata = function() {
  PATH_TO_METADATA_PRIVATE = file.path( "~", "Dropbox", "2016JULY07scRNAseq", "data", "DROPseq_stats_working.csv" )
  if( exists("get_metadata_path") ){
    read.csv( get_metadata_path(), stringsAsFactors = F )
  } else if( file.exists( PATH_TO_METADATA_PRIVATE ) ){
    read.csv( PATH_TO_METADATA_PRIVATE, stringsAsFactors = F )
  } else {
    stop("Please define a function get_metadata_path that returns a length-1 character vector containing the path to the metadata. If you are reproducing the Immunity paper, the metadata CSV and a function pointing to it should be included in analysis repo. Make sure the code defining the function has been run. You may have to adjust paths depending on where you saved all the data.")

## ---- eval = F-----------------------------------------------------------
## #' Print errors or warnings but return a predictable 'not_available'.
## #'
## #' Helps wrap calls to thymusatlasdataprivate and thymusatlasdatapublic in tryCatch blocks.
## #'
## # my_err = function( e, package_tried, err_or_warn = "Error", verbose = T ){
## #   if(verbose){
## #     cat(err_or_warn, " received while trying ", package_tried, "::get_metadata:\n", e, "\n")
## #   }
## #   return("not_available")
## # }
## #' Get metadata from the thymusatlasdataprivate or thymusatlasdatapublic packages.
## #'
## #' If you have both installed, thymusatlasdataprivate is preferred.
## #'
## #' @export
## #'
## # function( ..., verbose = F ){
## #   public  = tryCatch( thymusatlasdatapublic::get_metadata( ... ),
## #                      error = function(e) my_err(package_tried = "thymusatlasdatapublic", verbose = verbose))
## #   private = tryCatch( thymusatlasdataprivate::get_metadata( ... ),
## #                      error = function(e) my_err(package_tried = "thymusatlasdatapublic", verbose = verbose))
## #   if( identical(public, "not_available" ) && identical(private, "not_available" )){
## #     stop(paste0("You may need to install either thymusatlasdatapublic or thymusatlasdataprivate to get access to\n",
## #                 "the Maehr lab metadata. If they are installed, use verbose=T or call them directly to see the error. \n"))
## #   } else if( !identical( private, "not_available" )){
## #     return(private)
## #   } else {
## #     return(public)
## #   }
## # }
## #' Get digital gene expression matrices from either thymusatlasdataprivate or thymusatlasdatapublic.
## #'
## #' If you have both available, thymusatlasdataprivate is preferred.
## #'
## #' @export
## #'
## # load_thymus_profiling_data = function( ..., verbose = F ){
## #
## #
## #   #Try private
## #   private = tryCatch( thymusatlasdataprivate::load_maehrlab_private_data( ... ),
## #                        error = function(e) my_err(package_tried = "thymusatlasdataprivate"))
## #   if( !identical( private, "not_available" )){
## #     return(private)
## #   }
## #
## #   #Try public
## #   public = tryCatch( thymusatlasdatapublic::load_thymus_profiling_data( ... ),
## #                      error = function(e) my_err(package_tried = "thymusatlasdatapublic"))
## #   if( !identical( private, "not_available" )){
## #     return(public)
## #   }
## #
## #   #Give up
## #   stop(paste0("You may need to install either thymusatlasdatapublic or thymusatlasdataprivate to get access to\n",
## #               "the Maehr lab data. If they are installed, use verbose=T or call them directly to see the error. \n"))
## #
## # }
maehrlab/thymusatlastools documentation built on May 28, 2019, 2:32 a.m.