
Defines functions SafeLoad CheckClass CheckClassTxLocRef CheckClassTxLocConsistency MatchFlank LoadRefTx FilterTxLoc DownsampleTxLoc SubsampleTxLoc TxLoc2GRangesList GetTxRegionCoordinates GetDistNearestStartStop GetRelDistNearest EstimateCIFromBS AddAlpha IsEmptyChar GetColPal Unfactor

Documented in AddAlpha CheckClass CheckClassTxLocConsistency CheckClassTxLocRef DownsampleTxLoc EstimateCIFromBS FilterTxLoc GetColPal GetDistNearestStartStop GetRelDistNearest GetTxRegionCoordinates IsEmptyChar LoadRefTx MatchFlank SafeLoad SubsampleTxLoc TxLoc2GRangesList Unfactor

#' Safe-loading an R package.
#' Safe-loading an R package. See 'Details'.
#' The function calls \code{require} to load a package.
#' If the package can be loaded it returns \code{TRUE},
#' else \code{FALSE}.
#' @param lib A character string; package to be loaded.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A logical scalar.
SafeLoad <- function(lib) {
    # Safe-loading an R package.
    # Args:
    #   lib: Name of the package to be loaded
    # Returns:
    #   A logical scalar; TRUE if lib was loaded successfully
    ret <- suppressMessages(require(lib,
                                    character.only = TRUE,
                                    quietly = TRUE))

#' Check if object has class classType.
#' Check if object has class classType.
#' @param object An R object.
#' @param classType String of class type for toplevel.
#' @param classType2 String of class type for level 2.
#' @return Logical. \code{TRUE} if object is of class classType.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
CheckClass <- function(object, classType = NULL, classType2 = NULL) {
    # Check that object is of type classType
    # Args:
    #   object: Object.
    #   classType: Class type of object.
    # Returns:
    #    TRUE
    if (class(object) != classType) {
        objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
        stop(sprintf("%s is not an object of type %s.\n",
                     objName, classType),
             call. = FALSE)
    if (classType == "list" &&
        !is.null(classType2) &&
        !all(lapply(object, class) == classType2)) {
        objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
        stop(sprintf("%s does not contain a list of objects of type %s.\n",
                     objName, classType2),
             call. = FALSE)

#' Check if entries of two \code{txLoc} objects are based on the
#' same reference genome.
#' Check if entries of two \code{txLoc} objects are based on the
#' same reference genome.
#' @param obj1 A \code{txLoc} object.
#' @param obj2 A \code{txLoc} object.
#' @return A logical scalar.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
CheckClassTxLocRef <- function(obj1, obj2) {

    # Sanity checks
    CheckClass(obj1, "txLoc")
    CheckClass(obj2, "txLoc")

    # Check that reference genome versions match
    obj1Name <- deparse(substitute(obj1))
    obj2Name <- deparse(substitute(obj2))
    ref1 <- GetRef(obj1)
    ref2 <- GetRef(obj2)
    if (ref1 != ref2) {
        ss <- sprintf("%s and %s are not based on the same reference genome.",
                      obj1Name, obj2Name)
        ss <- sprintf("%s\n  %s: %s", ss, obj1Name, ref1)
        ss <- sprintf("%s\n  %s: %s", ss, obj2Name, ref2)
    } else TRUE


#' Check if entries of two \code{txLoc} objects are consistent.
#' Check if entries of two \code{txLoc} objects are consistent.
#' See 'Details'.
#' The function checks if the reference genome and transcript regions from
#' two \code{txLoc} objects match.
#' @param obj1 A \code{txLoc} object.
#' @param obj2 A \code{txLoc} object.
#' @return A logical scalar.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
CheckClassTxLocConsistency <- function(obj1, obj2) {

    # Check that `obj1` and `obj2` are based on the same reference genome
    CheckClassTxLocRef(obj1, obj2)

    # Check that transcript regions match
    obj1Name <- deparse(substitute(obj1))
    obj2Name <- deparse(substitute(obj2))
    if (!identical(GetRegions(obj1), GetRegions(obj2))) {
        ss <- sprintf(
            "Regions of %s and %s do not match:",
        ss <- sprintf(
            "%s\n  Regions in %s: %s",
            ss, obj1Name, paste(GetRegions(obj1), collapse = ", "))
        ss <- sprintf(
            "%s\n  Regions in %s: %s",
            ss, obj2Name, paste(GetRegions(obj2), collapse = ", "))
    } else TRUE


#' Match `flank` function argument
#' @param flank An \code{integer} scalar or an \code{nteger} vector of length 2.
#' @return An \code{integer} vector of length 2.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
MatchFlank <- function(flank) {

    if (length(flank) == 1) {
        if (flank < 0) stop("`flank` cannot be negative!")
        return(c(-abs(flank), abs(flank)))
    } else if (length(flank) == 2) {
        if (any(flank < 0)) stop("`flank` cannot be negative!")
        return(c(-abs(flank[1]), abs(flank[2])))
    } else {
        stop("`flank` needs to be a scalar or a vector of length 2!")


#' Load reference transcriptome.
#' Load reference transcriptome. See 'Details'.
#' The function loads transcriptome data generated from \code{BuildTx()} and
#' stored in a \code{.RData} file, and makes the objects assessible in the
#' parent enviroment. There should not be any need to call this function
#' directly.
#' Reference transcriptome data includes the following objects:
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item \code{txBySec}: A \code{list} of \code{GRangesList} objects
#'     \item \code{seqBySec}: A \code{list} of \code{DNAStringSet} objects
#'     \item \code{geneXID}: A \code{DataFrame} with transcript and gene IDs
#' }
#' @param refGenome A \code{character} string; specifies a specific reference
#' genome assembly and gene annotation version.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} scalar; determines the amount of output;
#' default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return \code{NULL}.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @export
LoadRefTx <- function(refGenome, verbose = FALSE) {

    # Check that RData file exists
    refTx <- sprintf("tx_%s.RData", refGenome)
    if (!file.exists(refTx)) {
        ss <- sprintf(
            "Reference transcriptome data for %s not found.",
        ss <- sprintf("%s\nRunning BuildTx(\"%s\") might fix that.",
                      ss, refGenome)

    # Load and check objects
    requiredObj <- c("geneXID", "seqBySec", "txBySec")
    if (!all(requiredObj %in% ls())) {
        ss <- sprintf("Mandatory transcript data objects not found.")
        ss <- sprintf("%s\nNeed all of the following: %s",
                      ss, paste0(requiredObj, collapse = ", "))
        ss <- sprintf("%s\nRunning BuildTx(\"%s\") might fix that.",
                      ss, refGenome)

    # Get objets and check versions
    txBySec <- get("txBySec")
    seqBySec <- get("seqBySec")
    geneXID <- get("geneXID")
    if (is.null(attr(txBySec, "package_version"))) {
        ss <- "Transcriptome data are based on an unknown version of RNAModR:"
        ss <- sprintf(
            "%s\n    RNAModR version: %s, transcriptome data version: <NULL>", 
            ss, packageVersion("RNAModR"))
        ss <- sprintf(
            "%s\n  %s",
            "There is not guarantee that RNAModR functions will work.")
        ss <- sprintf(
            "%s %s",
                "Consider re-running `BuildTx(\"%s\")`.",
    } else {
        version <- attr(txBySec, "package_version")
        if (version$major != packageVersion("RNAModR")$major) {
            ss <- "Transcriptome data are based on an older version of RNAModR:"
            ss <- sprintf(
                "%s\n    RNAModR version: %s, transcriptome data version: %s", 
                ss, packageVersion("RNAModR"), version)
            ss <- sprintf(
                "%s\n  %s",
                "Difference in major version. RNAModR may not work!")
            ss <- sprintf(
                "%s\n  %s",
                    "Consider re-running `BuildTx(\"%s\")`.",
        } else if (version$major == packageVersion("RNAModR")$major & 
                   version$minor != packageVersion("RNAModR")$minor) {
            ss <- "Transcriptome data are based on an older version of RNAModR:"
            ss <- sprintf(
                "%s\n    RNAModR version: %s, transcriptome data version: %s", 
                ss, packageVersion("RNAModR"), attr(txBySec, "package_version"))
            ss <- sprintf(
                "%s\n  %s",
                "Difference in minor version. RNAModR might not work!")
            ss <- sprintf(
                "%s\n  %s",
                    "Consider re-running `BuildTx(\"%s\")`.",
        } else if (version$major == packageVersion("RNAModR")$major & 
                   version$minor == packageVersion("RNAModR")$minor & 
                   version$patchlevel != packageVersion("RNAModR")$patchlevel &
                   verbose == TRUE) {
            ss <- "Transcriptome data are based on an older version of RNAModR:"
            ss <- sprintf(
                "%s\n    RNAModR version: %s, transcriptome data version: %s", 
                ss, packageVersion("RNAModR"), attr(txBySec, "package_version"))
            ss <- sprintf(
                "%s\n  %s",
                "Difference in patchlevel.")
            ss <- sprintf(
                "%s\n  %s",
                    "Consider re-running `BuildTx(\"%s\")`.",
    # Assign objects to parent environment
    assign("txBySec", txBySec, envir = parent.frame(1L))
    assign("seqBySec", seqBySec, envir = parent.frame(1L))
    assign("geneXID", geneXID, envir = parent.frame(1L))

    if (verbose) cat("Loaded reference transcriptome data.\n")


#' Filter sections of a \code{txLoc} object.
#' Filter sections of a \code{txLoc} object.
#' @param txLoc A \code{txLoc} object.
#' @param filter A \code{character} vector; only keep transcript regions
#' that match entries from \code{filter}; if \code{NULL}, return the original
#' \code{txLoc} object.
#' @return A \code{txLoc} object.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @export
FilterTxLoc <- function(txLoc, filter = NULL) {

    # Sanity check
    CheckClass(txLoc, "txLoc")

    # Get all slots from the `txLoc` object
    id <- GetId(txLoc)
    refGenome <- GetRef(txLoc)
    version <- GetVersion(txLoc)
    loci <- GetLoci(txLoc)

    # Filter regions
    if (!is.null(filter)) loci <- loci[which(names(loci) %in% filter)]

    # Return `txLoc` object
        loci = loci,
        id = id,
        refGenome = refGenome,
        version = version)


#' Downsample a \code{txLoc} object.
#' Downsample a \code{txLoc1} object based on the number of sites per region
#' from a \code{txLoc2} object.
#' @param txLoc1 A \code{txLoc} object; this is the \code{txLoc} object that
#' will be downsampled.
#' @param txLoc2 A \code{txLoc} object; this is the \code{txLoc} object that
#' will be used as a target for the downsampling.
#' @param seed A single value, interpreted as an \code{integer}, or \code{NULL};
#' this is to ensure reproducibility when subsampling \code{txLoc2} sites;
#' default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param replace A \code{logical} scalar; should sampling be with replacement?
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A \code{txLoc} object.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @export
DownsampleTxLoc <- function(txLoc1, txLoc2, seed = NULL, replace = FALSE) {

    # Sanity check
    CheckClassTxLocConsistency(txLoc1, txLoc2)
    objname1 <- deparse(substitute(txLoc1))
    objname2 <- deparse(substitute(txLoc2))
    if (any(GetNumberOfLoci(txLoc1) <= GetNumberOfLoci(txLoc2))) {
        ss <- sprintf(
            "Cannot downsample %s to %s",
        ss <- sprintf(
            "%s: %s",
                "There are more sites in %s than in %s!",

    # Add "_downsampled" to id slot of `txLoc1`
    id <- GetId(txLoc1)
    id <- sprintf("%s_downsampled", id)

    # Get reference genome and version slots from `txLoc1`
    refGenome <- GetRef(txLoc1)
    version <- GetVersion(txLoc1)

    # If required, set fixed random seed
    if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

    # Subsample
    loci <- Map(
        function(loci1, loci2) loci1[sample.int(nrow(loci1), nrow(loci2)), ],

    # Return `txLoc` object
        loci = loci,
        id = id,
        refGenome = refGenome,
        version = version)


#' Subsample a \code{txLoc} object.
#' Subsample a \code{txLoc1} object based on a vector of fractions for every
#' transcript region.
#' @param txLoc A \code{txLoc} object; this is the \code{txLoc} object from
#' which the subsampled \code{txLoc} will be created.
#' @param fractions A \code{numeric} vector, specifying the fraction of sites
#' that will be sampled from every transcript region. Note that the length
#' of \code{fractions} has to match the length of \code{GetRegions(txLoc)}.
#' @param seed A single value, interpreted as an \code{integer}, or \code{NULL};
#' this is to ensure reproducibility when subsampling \code{txLoc2} sites;
#' default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param replace A \code{logical} scalar; should sampling be with replacement?
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A \code{txLoc} object.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @export
SubsampleTxLoc <- function(txLoc, fractions, seed = NULL, replace = FALSE) {

    # Sanity check
    CheckClass(txLoc, "txLoc")
    objname <- deparse(substitute(txLoc))
    if (length(fractions) != length(GetRegions(txLoc))) {
        ss <- sprintf(
            "Need as many entries in `fractions` as there are regions in `%s`!",
    if (any(fractions > 1)) {
        ss <- "Entries in `fractions` need to be numbers from [0, 1]!"

    # Add "_subsampled" to id slot of `txLoc`
    id <- GetId(txLoc)
    id <- sprintf("%s_subsampled", id)

    # Get reference genome and version slots from `txLoc`
    refGenome <- GetRef(txLoc)
    version <- GetVersion(txLoc)

    # If required, set fixed random seed
    if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

    # Subsample
    loci <- Map(
        function(loci, frac) {
            idx <- sample.int(nrow(loci), round(frac * nrow(loci)))
            loci[idx, ]

    # Return `txLoc` object
        loci = loci,
        id = id,
        refGenome = refGenome,
        version = version)


#' Convert a \code{txLoc} object to a \code{GRangesList} object.
#' Convert a \code{txLoc} object to a \code{GRangesList} object.
#' See 'Details'.
#' The function converts a \code{txLoc} to a \code{GRangesList}
#' object. Coordinates can be either genomic coordinates
#' (\code{method = "genome"}) or transcript region coordinates
#' (\code{method = "tx_region"}).
#' @param txLoc A \code{txLoc} object.
#' @param method A character string; specifies whether coordinates
#' are genome (\code{method = "genome"}) or transcriptome coordinates
#' (\code{method = "tx_region"}).
#' @return A \code{list} of \code{GRanges} objects. See 'Details'.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
TxLoc2GRangesList <- function(txLoc, method = c("tx_region", "genome")) {

    # Sanity checks
    CheckClass(txLoc, "txLoc")
    method <- match.arg(method)

    # Return a `list` of `GRanges`
    lapply(GetLoci(txLoc), function(locus) {
        gr <- switch(
            "genome" = locus$locus_in_genome,
            "tx_region" = locus$locus_in_tx_region)
        mcols(gr) <- DataFrame(
            source = GetId(txLoc),
            tx_refseq = locus$tx_refseq,
            tx_region = locus$tx_region,
            id = locus$id)


#' Calculate transcript region starting coordinates.
#' Calculate transcript region starting coordinates along full transcript from
#' a reference transcriptome. See 'Details'.
#' The function loads transcriptome data generated from \code{BuildTx()} and
#' stored in a \code{.RData} file, and calculates starting coordinates of the
#' transcript regions 5'UTR, CDS, 3'UTR along the full transcript. There should 
#' not be any need to call this function directly. The function returns a 
#' \code{list} with the following elements:
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item \code{start_region}: A \code{data.frame} of transcript region 
#'     start coordinates
#'     \item \code{gr.start}: A \code{GRanges} object of start codon transcript
#'     coordinates
#'     \item \code{gr.stop}: A \code{GRanges} object of stop codon transcript
#'     coordinates
#' } 
#' @param refGenome A \code{character} string.
#' @return A \code{list}. See 'Details'.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
GetTxRegionCoordinates <- function(refGenome) {
    # Read transcriptome data
    seqBySec <- txBySec <- geneXID <- NULL
    # Get transcript region starting coordinates
    regions <- c("5'UTR", "CDS", "3'UTR")
    df <- Reduce(
        function(x, y) merge(x, y, by = "seqnames"),
            function(seq, reg) setNames(
                data.frame(names(seq), width(seq)),
                c("seqnames", reg)),
    df[, regions] <- Reduce(`+`, df[, regions], accumulate = TRUE)
    # Return `list` consisting of the following elements
    #   - A `data.frame` of transcript region start coordinates
    #   - A `GRanges` object of start codon transcript coordinates
    #   - A `GRanges` object of stop codon transcript coordinates
        start_region = df,
        gr.start = GRanges(
            seqnames = df[, "seqnames"],
            IRanges(df[, "CDS"], df[, "CDS"] + 3),
            strand = "*"),
        gr.stop = GRanges(
            seqnames = df[, "seqnames"],
            IRanges(df[, "3'UTR"] - 4, df[, "3'UTR"] - 1),
            strand = "*"))


#' Get distance of sites to the nearest start/stop codon.
#' Get distance of sites from a \code{txLoc} to the nearest start/stop codon.
#' The function converts transcript region coordinates from a \code{txLoc} to 
#' transcript coordinates, and returns distances of sites to the nearest 
#' start/stop codon. A transcript is defined as the concatenation of
#' the following transcript regions: 5'UTR, CDS, 3'UTR. The return object is
#' a \code{list} of distances of sites from \code{txLoc} to the nearest start 
#' and stop codons.
#' @param txLoc A \code{txLoc} object.
#' @return A \code{list}. See 'Details'.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @import GenomicRanges IRanges
#' @keywords internal
GetDistNearestStartStop <- function(txLoc) {
    # Sanity checks
    CheckClass(txLoc, "txLoc")
    regions <- c("5'UTR", "CDS", "3'UTR")
    objName <- deparse(substitute(txLoc))
    if (!identical(GetRegions(txLoc), regions)) stop(sprintf(
        "%s must contain the regions %s!", 
        paste(regions, collapse = ", ")))

    # Get transcript region start coordinates along transcript and
    # coordinates of start/stop codons
    lst <- GetTxRegionCoordinates(GetRef(txLoc))
    # Get transcript region coordinates of loci
    df.loci <- do.call(
        rbind, c(Map(
            function(locus, reg)
                    as.data.frame(locus$locus_in_tx_region)[, 1:3],
                    c("seqnames", "start", "end", "region")),
            make.row.names = FALSE)

    # Merge transcript region coordinates and widths
    df.loci <- merge(
                lst[["start_region"]][, "seqnames"], 
                stack(lst[["start_region"]], select = -seqnames)),
            c("seqnames", "start_region", "region")),
        by = c("seqnames", "region"))
    # Convert transcript region to transcript coordinates
    df.loci[, "start"] <- df.loci[, "start"] + df.loci[, "start_region"]
    df.loci[, "end"] <- df.loci[, "end"] + df.loci[, "start_region"]

    # Store loci as `GRanges`
    gr.loci <- GRanges(
        seqnames = df.loci[, "seqnames"],
        IRanges(df.loci[, "start"], df.loci[, "end"]),
        strand = "*")
    # Calculate distances to nearest start/stop codons
        list(start = gr.loci, stop = gr.loci), 
        list(start = lst[["gr.start"]], stop = lst[["gr.stop"]]))

#' Return list of nearest distances between entries from two \code{list}s of
#' \code{GRanges} objects.
#' Return list of nearest distances between entries from two \code{list}s of
#' \code{GRanges} objects. See 'Details'.
#' The function uses \code{GenomicRanges::distanceToNearest} to return the
#' nearest distances between the start positions of a \code{GRanges} object
#' from \code{lst1} and the corresponding \code{GRanges} object from
#' \code{lst2} with the same name (based on field \code{seqnames}).
#' Note that distances are given as signed \code{integer}s: Negative
#' distances correspond to pos(gr1) < pos(gr2), positive
#' distances correspond to pos(gr1) > pos(gr2).
#' @param lst1 A \code{list} of \code{GRanges} object.
#' @param lst2 A \code{list} of \code{GRanges} object.
#' @return A list of \code{integer} vectors. See 'Details'.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits subjectHits
GetRelDistNearest <- function(lst1, lst2) {

    # Sanity checks
    all(sapply(lst1, CheckClass, "GRanges"))
    all(sapply(lst2, CheckClass, "GRanges"))
    stopifnot(identical(names(lst1), names(lst2)))

    # Calculate nearest distances from start
    lst <- Map(
        function(gr1, gr2) {
            # Make sure that seqlevels match
            lvls <- intersect(seqlevels(gr1), seqlevels(gr2))
            seqlevels(gr1, pruning.mode = "coarse") <- lvls
            seqlevels(gr2, pruning.mode = "coarse") <- lvls

            # Collapse range of gr1 and gr2 to the start coordinate
            end(gr1) <- start(gr1)
            end(gr2) <- start(gr2)

            # Calculate distance to nearest
            hits <- distanceToNearest(gr1, gr2, ignore.strand = TRUE)

            # Define and return distance d as
            #   d > 0 : if pos(gr1) > pos(gr2)
            #   d < 0 : if pos(gr1) < pos(gr2)
            # In words: Negative distances => gr1 is upstream of gr2
            #           Positive distances => gr1 is downstream of gr2
                end(gr1)[queryHits(hits)] > start(gr2)[subjectHits(hits)],
        lst1, lst2)

    # Return lst


#' Calculate 95% confidence interval from data using empirical
#' bootstrap.
#' Calculate 95% confidence interval from data using empirical
#' bootstrap.
#' @param x A data vector.
#' @param breaks Vector of integer breaks for binning x.
#' @param nBS Number of boostrap samples. Default is 5000.
#' @return List of upper and lower 95% confidence interval
#' bounds for every bin value.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom graphics hist
#' @export
EstimateCIFromBS <- function(x, breaks, nBS = 5000) {
    # Estimate 95% CI from empirical bootstrap
    # Args:
    #   x: Data
    #   breaks: Vector of integer breaks for binning x.
    #   nBS: Number of bootstrap samples. Default is 5000.
    # Returns:
    #    List of lower/upper 95% CI values for each bin.
    h0 <- hist(x, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)
    matBS <- matrix(0, ncol = length(breaks) - 1, nrow = nBS)
    for (j in 1:nBS) {
        xBS <- sample(x, size = length(x), replace = TRUE)
        h <- hist(xBS, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)
        matBS[j, ] <- h$counts
    sd <- apply(matBS, 2, sd)
    z1 <- apply(matBS, 2, function(x) {(x - mean(x)) / sd(x)})
    z1[is.na(z1)] <- 0
    z1 <- apply(z1, 2, sort)
    y.low <- h0$counts - z1[round(0.025 * nBS), ] * sd
    y.high <- h0$counts - z1[round(0.975 * nBS), ] * sd
    return(list(x = h0$mids,
                y.low = y.low,
                y.high = y.high))

#' Add transparency to a list of hex colors
#' Add transparency to a list of colors
#' @param hexList A vector or list of character strings.
#' @param alpha A float scalar; specifies the transparency; default
#' is \code{alpha = 0.5}.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb rgb
#' @export
AddAlpha <- function(hexList, alpha = 0.5) {
    mat <- sapply(hexList, col2rgb, alpha = TRUE) / 255.0
    mat[4, ] <- alpha
    col <- vector()
    for (i in 1:ncol(mat)) {
        col <- c(col, rgb(mat[1, i],
                          mat[2, i],
                          mat[3, i],
                          mat[4, i]))

#' Check if all entries in a character vector are empty.
#' Check if all entries in a character vector are empty.
#' @param v A character vector.
#' @return A logical scalar.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
IsEmptyChar <- function(v) {
    return(all(nchar(v) == 0))

#' Return specific colour palette.
#' Return specific colour palette.
#' @param pal A character string.
#' @param n An integer scalar.
#' @param alpha A float scalar.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
GetColPal <- function(pal = c("apple", "google"), n = NULL, alpha = 1.0) {
    pal <- match.arg(pal)
    alpha <- alpha * 255
    if (pal == "apple") {
        col <- c(
            rgb(95, 178, 51, alpha = alpha, maxColorValue = 255),
            rgb(106, 127, 147, alpha = alpha, maxColorValue = 255),
            rgb(245, 114, 6, alpha = alpha, maxColorValue = 255),
            rgb(235, 15, 19, alpha = alpha, maxColorValue = 255),
            rgb(143, 47, 139, alpha = alpha, maxColorValue = 255),
            rgb(19, 150, 219, alpha = alpha, maxColorValue = 255))
    } else if (pal == "google") {
        col <- c(
            rgb(61, 121, 243, alpha = alpha, maxColorValue = 255),
            rgb(230, 53, 47, alpha = alpha, maxColorValue = 255),
            rgb(249, 185, 10, alpha = alpha, maxColorValue = 255),
            rgb(52, 167, 75, alpha = alpha, maxColorValue = 255))
    if (!is.null(n)) {
        col <- col[1:n]

#' Unfactor entries in a \code{data.frame}.
#' Unfactor entries in a \code{data.frame}.
#' @param df A \code{data.frame} object.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} object.
#' @author Maurits Evers, \email{maurits.evers@@anu.edu.au}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
Unfactor <- function(df) {
    idx <- sapply(df, is.factor)
    df[idx] <- lapply(df[idx], as.character)
mevers/RNAModR documentation built on Nov. 17, 2019, 9:11 a.m.