
Defines functions relative.abundance make.abundancy.table

Documented in make.abundancy.table relative.abundance

#' relative.abundance
#' Estimate relative abundance for each phylotype in each sample 
#' with a given threshold '
#' @param dat data matrix (phylotypes x samples) in original (non-log) scale
#' @param det.th detection threshold. 
#' @return Vector containing relative proportions for each phylotype in 
#'         each sample 
#' @examples 
#'   data(peerj32)
#'   relab <- relative.abundance(10^t(peerj32$microbes), det.th = 0)
#' @export
#' @references See citation('microbiome') 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{microbiome-admin@@googlegroups.com}
#' @keywords utilities

relative.abundance <- function(dat, det.th = 0) {
    # Specify detection threshold if not provided Use the 80% quantile
    # as this has proven robust across methodologies

    if (is.null(det.th)) {
        dat <- 10^t(impute(t(log10(dat))))  # impute missing values
        det.th <- quantile(dat, 0.8)
        warning(paste("Applying detection threshold at 0.8 quantile: ", det.th))
    # Apply detection threshold
    dat.th <- dat - det.th
    dat.th[dat.th < 0] <- 0
    # Species richness - count phylotypes that exceed detection threshold
    dat <- apply(dat.th, 2, function(x) {

#' make.abundancy.table
#' Calculate abundancies
#' Discretize Hitchip matrix to form abundancy table
#' of form j, nj where j is number of counts and nj is number
#' of phylotypes with the corresponding counts
#' this format is often required by richness estimation
#' @param dat data matrix
#' @param det.th detection threshold
#' @param discretization.resolution discretization resolution
#' @return abundancy table
#' @examples 
#'   data(peerj32)
#'   abtab <- make.abundancy.table(10^t(peerj32$microbes), det.th = 0)
#' @export
#' @references 
#'    To cite the microbiome R package, see citation('microbiome') 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{microbiome-admin@@googlegroups.com}
#' @keywords utilities

make.abundancy.table <- function(dat, det.th, discretization.resolution = 1) {
    di <- 10^dat - 10^det.th
    di[di < 0] <- 0
    di <- discretization.resolution * (di)
    di[di > 0 & di < 1] <- 1
    di <- round(di)
    ab <- t(di)
microbiome/microbiomeold documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:57 p.m.