
Defines functions make_pages

Documented in make_pages

#' Make synopsis pages
#' This is the main workhorse function that creates the synopsis pages.
#' @param dat A data list object from [gfdata::cache_pbs_data()].
#' @param dat_iphc A data list object from [gfiphc::cache_pbs_data_iphc()].
#' @param spp A species common name.
#' @param d_geostat_index `d_geostat_index` data
#' @param aspect The aspect ratio of the 2nd page.
#' @param short_page_height_ratio The aspect ratio of the shorter first page.
#' @param width The width of a page.
#' @param debug If `TRUE` then a debugging grid will be added to the plot
#'   layout.
#' @param resolution The resolution for a png page.
#' @param png_format If `TRUE` then the pages will be png instead of PDF.
#' @param spp_file A version of the species name to be used when generating file
#'   names.
#' @param report_folder The folder in which to create the report.
#' @param include_map_square If `TRUE` then a perfect square will be added to
#'   the maps to help adjust the figure layout to get the aspect ratio of these
#'   maps correct.
#' @param map_xlim The X axis limits in UTM coordinates.
#' @param map_ylim The Y axis limits in UTM coordinates.
#' @param save_gg_objects If `TRUE` then the ggplot2 objects will be saved as a
#'   list object in `file.path(report_folder, 'ggplot-objects')`. This will also
#'   cause the CPUE model to be cached.
#' @param survey_cols A vector of colors for the surveys.
#' @param mat_min_n The minimum number of samples before the maturity ogives are
#'   plotted.
#' @param survey_map_outlier A quantile above which of the colors in the map
#'   should be squashed the same color. Useful to avoid a small number of
#'   outlying cells from distorting the color scale.
#' @param synoptic_max_survey_years A vector of length 2 giving the maximum
#'   synoptic survey years to include.
#' @param parallel Parallel CPUE index fitting?
#' @param length_ticks A data frame indicating optional length composition
#'   x-axis breaks and labels.
#' @param all_survey_years DF with `survey_abbrev` and all `year`
#' @param stitch_model_type A string indicating what type of stitch model to fit.
#'   Matching one of: "st-rw" (the default), "st-rw_tv-rw". See
#'   [gfsynopsis::get_stitched_index()].
#' @param index_ggplot Pre-made ggplots for survey indices.
#' @param spatiotemporal_cpue Logical: use commercial trawl CPUE sdmTMB model output?
#' @return
#' This function generates 2 png files with all of the plots for a given species.
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf png
#' @importFrom ggplot2 labeller theme element_blank ggtitle
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @importFrom rosettafish en2fr

make_pages <- function(
    aspect = 1.35,
    short_page_height_ratio = 0.78,
    width = 11.5,
    debug = FALSE,
    resolution = 170,
    png_format = TRUE,
    spp_file = clean_name(spp),
    report_folder = "report",
    report_lang_folder = "report",
    include_map_square = FALSE,
    map_xlim = c(360, 653),
    map_ylim = c(5275, 6155),
    save_gg_objects = FALSE,
    survey_cols = c("SYN WCHG" = "#E41A1C",
      "SYN WCVI" = "#984EA3",
      "SYN HS" = "#377EB8",
      "SYN QCS" = "#4DAF4A",
      "HBLL OUT N" = "#FF7F00",
      "HBLL OUT S" = "#FDBF6F",
      "HBLL INS N/S" = "#A65628",
      "IPHC FISS" = "#F781BF",
      "MSSM WCVI" = "#6c6c6c",
      "MSSM Geostat" = "#6c6c6c",
      "MSA HS" = "#6c6c6c",
      "SYN HS/QCS/WCHG/WCVI" = "#6c6c6c",
      "SYN HS/QCS/WCVI" = "#6c6c6c",
      "HBLL OUT N/S" = "#6c6c6c",
      "Commercial" = "#000000"
    mat_min_n = 20,
    survey_map_outlier = 1,
    synoptic_max_survey_years =
      list("SYN WCHG" = 2020, "SYN HS" = 2019, "SYN WCVI" = 2018, "SYN QCS" = 2019),
    hbll_out_max_survey_years = list("HBLL OUT N" = 2019, "HBLL OUT S" = 2020),
    parallel = FALSE,
    french = FALSE,
    final_year_comm = 2021,
    final_year_surv = 2022,
    length_ticks = NULL,
    all_survey_years = NULL,
    stitch_model_type = "st-rw",
    spatiotemporal_cpue = FALSE,
  raw_cpue = NULL
  ) {
  progress_fn <- function(...) cli::cli_progress_step(..., spinner = TRUE)
  # cli::cli_inform("------------------------------------")
  # progress_fn(paste0("Building figure pages for ", spp))
  # Internal setup calculations: -----------------------------------------------
  height <- width * aspect

  dat$survey_sets <- dplyr::filter(dat$survey_sets, species_common_name == spp)
  dat$survey_samples <- dplyr::filter(dat$survey_samples, species_common_name == spp) |>
    mutate(survey_abbrev = ifelse(survey_abbrev %in% c("HBLL INS N", "HBLL INS S"), "HBLL INS N/S", survey_abbrev))
  dat$commercial_samples <- dplyr::filter(dat$commercial_samples, species_common_name == spp)

  ## remove recreational samples:
  dat$commercial_samples <- dat$commercial_samples[!grepl("recreational", tolower(dat$commercial_samples$gear_desc)),,drop=FALSE]
  ## remove unknown sector samples:
  dat$commercial_samples <- dat$commercial_samples[!grepl("^unknown", tolower(dat$commercial_samples$gear_desc)),,drop=FALSE]

  dat$catch <- dplyr::filter(dat$catch, species_common_name == spp)

  # TODO: temp:
  dat$catch$major_stat_area_description <- NULL # in case; older version
  dat$catch$major_stat_area_name <- NULL # in case; older version
  dat$catch <- dplyr::inner_join(dat$catch, gfplot::pbs_areas, by = "major_stat_area_code")
  dat$catch <- rename(dat$catch, major_stat_area_name = major_stat_area_description)

  dat$cpue_spatial <- dplyr::filter(dat$cpue_spatial, species_common_name == spp)
  dat$cpue_spatial_ll <- dplyr::filter(dat$cpue_spatial_ll, species_common_name == spp)
  dat$survey_index <- dplyr::filter(dat$survey_index, species_common_name == spp)
  dat$age_precision <- dplyr::filter(
    species_code == unique(dat$survey_sets$species_code)

  #dat_iphc <- gfdata::load_iphc_dat(species == spp)
  #dat_iphc$set_counts <- dplyr::mutate(dat_iphc$set_counts, species_common_name = spp)

  if (identical(spp, "sablefish")) {
    dat$survey_samples <- dplyr::filter(dat$survey_samples, length < 110)
    dat$commercial_samples <- dplyr::filter(dat$commercial_samples, length < 110)

  dat$commercial_samples_no_keepers <- dplyr::filter(
    sampling_desc %in% "UNSORTED"

  # Create a data frame that combines the survey and commercial samples:
  common_cols <- intersect(
  common_cols <- c(common_cols, "survey_abbrev")
  dat$commercial_samples[["survey_abbrev"]] <-
    character(length = nrow(dat$commercial_samples))
  temp_commercial_samples <- dat$commercial_samples[, common_cols, drop = FALSE]
  temp_survey_samples <- dat$survey_samples[, common_cols, drop = FALSE]
  dat$combined_samples <- rbind(temp_commercial_samples, temp_survey_samples)

  dat$survey_index$survey_abbrev <- gsub("_", " ", dat$survey_index$survey_abbrev)
  dat$survey_index$survey_abbrev <-
    ifelse(dat$survey_index$survey_series_desc ==
      "Hecate Strait Multispecies Assemblage Bottom Trawl", "MSA HS",

  # File and folder setup: -----------------------------------------------------

  fig_folder <- file.path(report_lang_folder, "figure-pages")
  ggplot_folder <- file.path(report_lang_folder, "ggplot-objects")
  if (spatiotemporal_cpue) {
    cpue_cache <- file.path(report_folder, "cpue-sdmTMB-cache")
  } else {
    cpue_cache <- file.path(report_folder, "cpue-cache")
  survey_map_cache <- file.path(report_folder, "map-cache")
  vb_cache <- file.path(report_folder, "vb-cache")
  iphc_index_cache <- file.path(report_folder, "iphc-cache")
  stitch_cache <- file.path(report_folder, "stitch-cache")

  dir.create(fig_folder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(ggplot_folder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(cpue_cache, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(survey_map_cache, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(file.path(survey_map_cache, "synoptic"), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(file.path(survey_map_cache, "iphc"), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(file.path(survey_map_cache, "hbll"), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(vb_cache, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(iphc_index_cache, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(file.path(stitch_cache, "synoptic"), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(file.path(stitch_cache, "hbll_outside"), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(file.path(stitch_cache, "hbll_inside"), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(file.path(stitch_cache, "iphc"), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  gg_folder_spp <- paste0(file.path(ggplot_folder, spp_file), ".rds")
  fig_folder_spp1 <- paste0(file.path(fig_folder, spp_file), if (png_format) "-1.png" else "-1.pdf")
  fig_folder_spp2 <- paste0(file.path(fig_folder, spp_file), if (png_format) "-2.png" else "-2.pdf")
  cpue_cache_spp <- paste0(file.path(cpue_cache, spp_file), ".rds")
  map_cache_spp_synoptic <- paste0(file.path(survey_map_cache, "synoptic", spp_file), ".rds")
  map_cache_spp_iphc <- paste0(file.path(survey_map_cache, "iphc", spp_file), ".rds")
  map_cache_spp_hbll <- paste0(file.path(survey_map_cache, "hbll", spp_file), ".rds")
  vb_cache_spp <- paste0(file.path(vb_cache, spp_file), ".rds")
  iphc_index_cache_spp <- paste0(file.path(iphc_index_cache, spp_file), ".rds")
  sc_spp_synoptic <- paste0(file.path(stitch_cache, "synoptic", spp_file), "_", stitch_model_type, ".rds")
  sc_spp_hbll_out <- paste0(file.path(stitch_cache, "hbll_outside", spp_file), "_", stitch_model_type, ".rds")
  sc_spp_hbll_ins <- paste0(file.path(stitch_cache, "hbll_inside", spp_file), "_", stitch_model_type, ".rds")
  sc_spp_iphc <- paste0(file.path(stitch_cache, "iphc", spp_file), "_", stitch_model_type, ".rds")
  sc_spp_mssm <- paste0(file.path(stitch_cache, "mssm", spp_file), "_", stitch_model_type, ".rds")

  samp_panels <- c(
    en2fr("Commercial", french)

  # Age compositions: ----------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Age compositions")
  ss <- tidy_ages_raw(dat$survey_samples,
    sample_type = "survey", survey = c(
      "SYN WCHG", "SYN HS", "SYN QCS", "SYN WCVI",

  sc <- tidy_ages_raw(dat$commercial_samples_no_keepers, sample_type = "commercial")

  if (is.data.frame(sc)) {
    if (nrow(sc) == 0) {
      sc <- NA

  if (all(!is.na(ss[[1]])) && all(!is.na(sc[[1]]))) {
    sb <- suppressWarnings(bind_rows(ss, sc))
  if (all(!is.na(ss[[1]])) && all(is.na(sc[[1]]))) {
    sb <- ss
  if (all(is.na(ss[[1]])) && all(!is.na(sc[[1]]))) {
    sb <- sc
  if (all(is.na(ss[[1]])) && all(is.na(sc[[1]]))) {
    sb <- NA

  survey_cols_dark <- gsub("6c6c6c", "000000", survey_cols)
  if (all(!is.na(sb))) {
    # Plot the most recent 15 years with age data
    age_comp_first_year <- ifelse(max(sb$year) - min(sb$year) > 15, max(sb$year) - 15, min(sb$year))
    age_comp_final_year <- age_comp_first_year + 15

    sb$survey_abbrev <- factor(sb$survey_abbrev, levels = samp_panels)

    ## make grey surveys darker to better distinguish from light grey males:

    sb <- sb |> filter(year >= age_comp_first_year)
    g_ages <- plot_ages(sb, survey_cols = survey_cols_dark,
      year_range = c(age_comp_first_year, age_comp_final_year), french = french) +
      guides(fill = "none", colour = "none") +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Age frequencies", french)) +
      labs(y = en2fr("Age (years)", french))
  } else {
    g_ages <- plot_ages(
        survey_abbrev = factor(x = samp_panels, levels = samp_panels),
        year = seq(final_year_surv - 15, final_year_surv, 2),
        max_size = 8,
        sex = NA, age = 0, proportion = 0, total = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      year_range = c(final_year_surv - 15, final_year_surv)
    ) +
      guides(fill = "none", colour = "none") +
      theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Age frequencies", french)) +
      labs(y = en2fr("Age (years)", french))

  # Length compositions: -------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Length compositions")
  length_samples_survey <- dplyr::filter(
    !length %in% find_length_outliers(dat$survey_samples$length)
  length_samples_commercial <- dplyr::filter(
    !length %in% find_length_outliers(dat$commercial_samples_no_keepers$length)

  bin_width1 <- diff(quantile(length_samples_survey$length,
    na.rm = TRUE,
    probs = c(0, 1)
  )) / 20
  bin_width2 <- diff(quantile(length_samples_commercial$length,
    na.rm = TRUE, probs = c(0, 1)
  )) / 20
  bin_width <- mean(c(bin_width1, bin_width2), na.rm = TRUE)

  ss <- tidy_lengths_raw(length_samples_survey,
    bin_size = bin_width,
    sample_type = "survey",
    survey = c(
      "SYN WCHG", "SYN HS", "SYN QCS", "SYN WCVI",
  sc <- length_samples_commercial %>%
    mutate(sex = 2) %>% # fake all sex as female for commercial samples; often not sexed
      bin_size = bin_width,
      sample_type = "commercial", spp_cat_code = 1

  if (all(!is.na(sc[[1]]))) sc <- sc %>% dplyr::filter(year >= 2003)
  if (is.data.frame(sc)) {
    if (nrow(sc) == 0) {
      sc <- NA

  if (all(!is.na(ss[[1]])) && all(!is.na(sc[[1]]))) {
    sb <- suppressWarnings(bind_rows(ss, sc))
  if (all(!is.na(ss[[1]])) && all(is.na(sc[[1]]))) {
    sb <- ss
  if (all(is.na(ss[[1]])) && all(!is.na(sc[[1]]))) {
    sb <- sc
  if (all(is.na(ss[[1]])) && all(is.na(sc[[1]]))) {
    sb <- NA

  min_total <- 10
  if (all(!is.na(sb)) && max(sb$total) >= min_total) {
    sb <- sb |>
      mutate(survey_abbrev2 = case_when(
        survey_abbrev %in% c('HBLL OUT N', 'HBLL OUT S') ~ 'HBLL OUT',
        survey_abbrev == 'HBLL INS N/S' ~ 'HBLL INS',
        TRUE ~ survey_abbrev)) |>
      mutate(survey_abbrev2 = factor(survey_abbrev2,
      levels = c("SYN WCHG", "SYN HS", "SYN QCS", "SYN WCVI",
        "HBLL OUT", "HBLL INS",
        "MSSM WCVI", "IPHC FISS",
        en2fr("Commercial", french)))

    sb$survey_abbrev <- factor(sb$survey_abbrev,
      levels = c("SYN WCHG", "SYN HS", "SYN QCS", "SYN WCVI",
        "HBLL OUT N", "HBLL OUT S", "HBLL INS N/S",
        "MSSM WCVI", "IPHC FISS",
        en2fr("Commercial", french)
    sb$year <- factor(sb$year, levels = seq(2003, final_year_surv))

      x_breaks <- if (!is.na(length_ticks$breaks)) {
        eval(parse(text = length_ticks$breaks))
      } else {
      x_labels <- if (!is.na(length_ticks$labels)) {
        eval(parse(text = length_ticks$labels))
      } else {

      g_lengths <- plot_lengths(sb,
        survey_cols = survey_cols_dark,
        survey_facets = "survey_abbrev2",
        bin_size = bin_width, min_total = min_total, french = french
      ) +
        guides(colour = "none", fill = "none") +
        ggtitle(en2fr("Length frequencies", french)) +
        ggplot2::xlab(paste(en2fr("Length", french), "(cm)")) +
        ggplot2::ylab(en2fr("Relative length frequency", french)) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = x_breaks, labels = x_labels)
  } else {
    g_lengths <- ggplot() +
      theme_pbs() +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Length frequencies", french)) +
      ggplot2::xlab(paste(en2fr("Length", french), "(cm)")) +
      ggplot2::ylab(en2fr("Relative length frequency", french))

  # Aging precision: -----------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Aging precision")
  if (nrow(dat$age_precision) > 0) {
    g_age_precision <- tidy_age_precision(dat$age_precision) %>%
  } else {
    g_age_precision <- ggplot() +

  # Commercial CPUE indices: ---------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Commercial CPUE indices")
  all_not_NA <- function(x) {
  all_NA <- function(x) {

  if ("cpue_index" %in% names(dat)) {
    if (nrow(dat$catch) > 0) {
      # if (!file.exists(cpue_cache_spp)) {
      #   cpue_index <- gfsynopsis::fit_cpue_indices(dat$cpue_index,
      #     species = unique(dat$catch$species_common_name),
      #     save_model = save_gg_objects, parallel = parallel
      #   )
      #   saveRDS(cpue_index, file = cpue_cache_spp, compress = FALSE)
      # } else {
      cpue_index <- readRDS(cpue_cache_spp)
      # }

      if (spatiotemporal_cpue) { # a ton of code to jam this into the old function...
        old <- cpue_index
        if (!all_NA(old)) {
          new <- transmute(old, year, model = "Combined", est = est, est_link = log_est, se_link = se, lwr, upr)
          new$area <- case_when(
            old$region == "SYN QCS; SYN HS; SYN WCVI; SYN WCHG" ~ "3CD5ABCDE",
            old$region == "SYN HS; SYN WCHG" ~ "5CDE",
            old$region == "SYN QCS" ~ "5AB",
            old$region == "SYN WCVI" ~ "3CD",
            .default = NA_character_
          new <- new[!is.na(new$se_link),,drop=FALSE]
          new <- group_by(new, area) |>
            mutate(geo_mean = exp(mean(log(est)))) |>
              upr = upr / geo_mean,
              lwr = lwr / geo_mean,
              est = est / geo_mean
            ) |> ungroup()
          cpue_index <- new
          if (nrow(cpue_index) == 0L) cpue_index <- NA
        rr <- dplyr::filter(raw_cpue, species == spp)
        rr$area <- case_when(
          rr$region == "SYN QCS; SYN HS; SYN WCVI; SYN WCHG" ~ "3CD5ABCDE",
          rr$region == "SYN HS; SYN WCHG" ~ "5CDE",
          rr$region == "SYN QCS" ~ "5AB",
          rr$region == "SYN WCVI" ~ "3CD",
          .default = NA_character_
        if (nrow(rr) > 0) {
          cpue_index <- dplyr::left_join(cpue_index, dplyr::select(rr, year, area, est_unstandardized),
            by = join_by(year, area))
        } else {
          cpue_index$est_unstandardized <- cpue_index$est

      if (all_not_NA(cpue_index)) { # enough vessels?

        ## remove those with giant SEs:
        cpue_index <- group_by(cpue_index, area) |>
          mutate(max_se = max(se_link)) |>
            est = if_else(max_se < 3, est, NA_real_),
            lwr = if_else(max_se < 3, lwr, NA_real_),
            upr = if_else(max_se < 3, upr, NA_real_)

        g_cpue_index <- gfsynopsis::plot_cpue_indices(cpue_index, xlim = c(1996, final_year_comm)) +
          ggplot2::ggtitle(en2fr("Commercial bottom trawl CPUE", french)) +
          ylab("") + xlab("") +
            axis.title.y = element_blank(),
            axis.text.y = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks.y = element_blank()
  } else {
    cpue_index <- NA
  if (nrow(dat$catch) == 0 || all_NA(cpue_index)) {
    g_cpue_index <-
          area = factor(c("3CD5ABCDE", "5CDE", "5AB", "3CD"),
            levels = c("3CD5ABCDE", "5CDE", "5AB", "3CD")
          ), year = 2000,
          est = NA, lwr = NA, upr = NA
        blank_plot = TRUE, xlim = c(1996, final_year_comm)
      ) +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(en2fr("Commercial bottom trawl CPUE", french)) +
      ylab("") + xlab("") +
        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank()

  # Commercial catch: ----------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn('\tCommercial catch')
  if (nrow(dat$catch) > 0) {
    g_catch <- gfsynopsis::plot_catches(dat$catch, french = french, xlim = c(1955, final_year_comm))
  } else {
    g_catch <- ggplot() +
    g_catch <- gfsynopsis::plot_catches(expand.grid(
      year = 999,
      area = factor(c("Coastwide", "5AB", "5CDE", "3CD"),
        levels = c("Coastwide", "5AB", "5CDE", "3CD")
      gear = "abc", value = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    ), blank_plot = TRUE) +
      theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
  g_catch <- g_catch + ggplot2::theme(legend.key.width = grid::unit(0.7, "line")) +
    ggtitle(en2fr("Commercial catch", french))

  # Survey biomass indices: ----------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Biomass indices")

  g_survey_index <- index_ggplot

  # Specimen numbers: ----------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Specimen numbers")
  temp <- tidy_sample_avail(dat$commercial_samples, year_range = c(1996, final_year_surv))
  # FIXME: na_colour always white!?
  na_colour <- if (all(is.na(temp$n_plot))) "transparent" else "grey75"
  g_comm_samples <- plot_sample_avail(temp,
    title = en2fr("Commercial samples", french), year_range = c(1996, final_year_surv),
    french = french
  ) +
    ggplot2::ggtitle(en2fr("Commercial specimen counts", french))
    g_comm_samples <- g_comm_samples +
      viridis::scale_fill_viridis(option = "D", end = 0.82, na.value = na_colour)
  temp <- tidy_sample_avail(dat$survey_samples, year_range = c(1996, final_year_surv))
  na_colour <- if (all(is.na(temp$n_plot))) "transparent" else "grey75"
  g_survey_samples <- plot_sample_avail(temp,
    title = en2fr("Survey samples", french), year_range = c(1996, final_year_surv),
    french = french
  ) +
    ggplot2::ggtitle(en2fr("Survey specimen counts", french))
    g_survey_samples <- g_survey_samples +
      viridis::scale_fill_viridis(option = "C", end = 0.82, na.value = na_colour)

  # Maturity by month: ---------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Maturity by month")
  dat_tidy_maturity_months <- tidy_maturity_months(dat$combined_samples, french = french)
  if (nrow(dplyr::filter(dat_tidy_maturity_months, !is.na(maturity))) == 0L) {
    g_maturity_month <- ggplot() +
      theme_pbs() +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Maturity frequencies", french))
  } else {
    g_maturity_month <- dat_tidy_maturity_months %>%
      plot_maturity_months(min_fish = 0, french = french) +
      guides(colour = "none", fill = "none") +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Maturity frequencies", french))

  # Growth fits: ---------------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Growth fits")
  if (nrow(dat$survey_samples) >= 10) {
    check_convergence_tmb <- if (identical(spp, "shortspine thornyhead")) FALSE else TRUE

    tmb_init <- list(k = 0.5, linf = 40, log_sigma = log(0.1), t0 = -1)

    if (spp == "yelloweye rockfish") {
      tmb_init <- list(k = 0.9, linf = 55, log_sigma = log(0.1), t0 = -1)

    if (spp == "sablefish") {
      tmb_init <- list(k = 0.12, linf = 70, log_sigma = log(0.1), t0 = -8)
    # https://spo.nmfs.noaa.gov/content/estimating-von-bertalanffy-growth-parameters-sablefish-anoplopoma-fimbria-and-pacific-cod

    if (spp == "shortspine thornyhead") {
      tmb_init <- list(k = 0.03, linf = 47, log_sigma = log(0.1), t0 = -8.5)
    # https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/40603039.pdf

    vb_m <- fit_vb(dat$survey_samples,
      sex = "male", method = "tmb",
      too_high_quantile = 1, check_convergence_tmb = check_convergence_tmb,
      tmb_inits = tmb_init
    vb_f <- fit_vb(dat$survey_samples,
      sex = "female", method = "tmb",
      too_high_quantile = 1, check_convergence_tmb = check_convergence_tmb,
      tmb_inits = tmb_init
    vb <- list()
    vb$m <- vb_m
    vb$f <- vb_f

    # FIXME: these look way off; omitting them for now
    if (identical(spp, "shortspine thornyhead")) {
      vb$f$predictions$age <- NA
      vb$f$predictions$length <- NA
      vb$f$pars <- list(k = NA, linf = NA, t0 = NA)

    g_vb <- plot_vb(object_female = vb$f, object_male = vb$m, french = french) +
      guides(colour = "none", fill = "none", lty = "none") +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Growth", french)) +
      xlab(en2fr("Age (years)", french)) + ylab(paste0(en2fr("Length", french), " (cm)"))

    lw_m <- fit_length_weight(dat$survey_samples,
      sex = "male", method = "tmb",
      too_high_quantile = 1
    lw_f <- fit_length_weight(dat$survey_samples,
      sex = "female", method = "tmb",
      too_high_quantile = 1

    g_length_weight <-
      plot_length_weight(object_female = lw_f, object_male = lw_m, french = french) +
        legend.position = c(0.87, 0.2),
        legend.key.width = grid::unit(1.8, units = "char")
      ) +
        lty =
          guide_legend(override.aes = list(lty = c(1, 2), lwd = c(.7, .7)))
      ) +
      xlab(paste0(en2fr("Length", french), " (cm)")) + ylab(paste0(en2fr("Weight", french), " (kg)")) +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Length-weight relationship", french))
  } else {
    g_vb <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
      theme_pbs() +
      xlab(en2fr("Age (years)", french)) +
      ylab(paste0(en2fr("Length", french), " (cm)")) +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Growth", french))
    g_length_weight <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
      theme_pbs() +
      xlab(paste0(en2fr("Length", french), " (cm)")) +
      ylab(paste0(en2fr("Weight", french), " (kg)")) +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Length-weight relationship", french))

  # Maturity ogives: -----------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Maturity ogives")
  if (sum(!is.na(dat$survey_samples$maturity_code)) > 10) {
    mat_age <- dat$survey_samples %>%
        type = "age",
        months = seq(1, 12)
  } else {
    mat_age <- NA

  type <- "none"

  if (length(mat_age) > 1L) {
    sample_size <- mat_age$data %>%
      group_by(female, mature) %>%
      summarise(N = n()) %>%
      group_by(female) %>%
      summarise(N_min = min(N, na.rm = TRUE))

    sample_size <- reshape::melt(table(mat_age$data$mature, mat_age$data$female))
    names(sample_size) <- c("mature", "female", "N")
    sample_size <- sample_size %>%
      group_by(female) %>%
      summarise(N_min = min(N, na.rm = TRUE))

    # if prob. mature looks wrong, fake a low sample size to not plot it:
    prob_mat <- mat_age$pred_data %>%
      select(age_or_length, female, glmm_fe) %>%
      unique() %>%
      group_by(female) %>%
      filter(age_or_length < quantile(age_or_length, probs = 0.1)) %>%
      summarise(mean_mat = mean(glmm_fe, na.rm = TRUE))

    sample_size <- left_join(sample_size, prob_mat, by = "female") %>%
      mutate(N_min = ifelse(mean_mat > 0.5, 0, N_min))

    if (nrow(sample_size) > 1L && length(unique(sample_size$female)) > 1L && nrow(prob_mat) >= 1L) {
      if (sample_size[sample_size$female == 0, "N_min", drop = TRUE] < mat_min_n &&
        sample_size[sample_size$female == 1, "N_min", drop = TRUE] < mat_min_n) {
        type <- "none"
      if (sample_size[sample_size$female == 0, "N_min", drop = TRUE] >= mat_min_n &&
        sample_size[sample_size$female == 1, "N_min", drop = TRUE] >= mat_min_n) {
        type <- "all"
      if (sample_size[sample_size$female == 0, "N_min", drop = TRUE] >= mat_min_n &&
        sample_size[sample_size$female == 1, "N_min", drop = TRUE] < mat_min_n) {
        type <- "male"
      if (sample_size[sample_size$female == 0, "N_min", drop = TRUE] < mat_min_n &&
        sample_size[sample_size$female == 1, "N_min", drop = TRUE] >= mat_min_n) {
        type <- "female"

  if (length(mat_age) > 1L && type != "none") {
    g_mat_age <- gfplot::plot_mat_ogive(mat_age, prediction_type = type, french = french) +
      guides(colour = "none", fill = "none", lty = "none") +
      ggplot2::guides(lty = "none", colour = "none") +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Age at maturity", french)) +
      ggplot2::labs(x = en2fr("Age (years)", french), y = en2fr("Probability mature", french), colour = en2fr("Sex", french), lty = en2fr("Sex", french))
  } else {
    g_mat_age <- ggplot() +
      theme_pbs() +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Age at maturity", french)) +
      ggplot2::labs(x = en2fr("Age (years)", french), y = en2fr("Probability mature", french)) +
      ggplot2::guides(lty = "none", colour = "none")

  if (sum(!is.na(dat$survey_samples$maturity_code)) > 10) {
    mat_length <- dat$survey_samples %>%
        type = "length",
        months = 1:12
  } else {
    mat_length <- NA

  type <- "none"
  if (length(mat_length) > 1L) {
    sample_size <- reshape::melt(table(mat_length$data$mature, mat_length$data$female))
    names(sample_size) <- c("mature", "female", "N")
    sample_size <- sample_size %>%
      group_by(female) %>%
      summarise(N_min = min(N, na.rm = TRUE))

    if (nrow(sample_size) > 1L && length(unique(sample_size$female)) > 1L) {
      if (sample_size[sample_size$female == 0, "N_min", drop = TRUE] < mat_min_n &&
        sample_size[sample_size$female == 1, "N_min", drop = TRUE] < mat_min_n) {
        type <- "none"
      if (sample_size[sample_size$female == 0, "N_min", drop = TRUE] >= mat_min_n &&
        sample_size[sample_size$female == 1, "N_min", drop = TRUE] >= mat_min_n) {
        type <- "all"
      if (sample_size[sample_size$female == 0, "N_min", drop = TRUE] >= mat_min_n &&
        sample_size[sample_size$female == 1, "N_min", drop = TRUE] < mat_min_n) {
        type <- "male"
      if (sample_size[sample_size$female == 0, "N_min", drop = TRUE] < mat_min_n &&
        sample_size[sample_size$female == 1, "N_min", drop = TRUE] >= mat_min_n) {
        type <- "female"
  if (spp == "spotted ratfish") type <- "none" # FIXME almost none; way off
  if (spp == "tope shark") type <- "none" # FIXME almost none; way off
  if (spp == "stripetail rockfish") type <- "none" # FIXME almost none; way off
  if (spp == "curlfin sole") type <- "none" # FIXME almost none; way off

  if (length(mat_length) > 1L && type != "none") {
    g_mat_length <- gfplot::plot_mat_ogive(mat_length, prediction_type = type, french = french) +
        legend.position = c(0.9, 0.2),
        legend.key.width = grid::unit(1.8, units = "char")
      ) +
        lty =
          guide_legend(override.aes = list(lty = c(1, 2), lwd = c(.7, .7)))
      ) +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Length at maturity", french)) +
      ggplot2::labs(x = paste0(en2fr("Length", french), " (cm)"), y = paste0(en2fr("Probability mature", french)))
  } else {
    g_mat_length <- ggplot() +
      theme_pbs() +
      ggtitle(en2fr("Length at maturity", french)) +
      ggplot2::labs(x = paste0(en2fr("Length", french), " (cm)"), y = paste0(en2fr("Probability mature", french))) +
      ggplot2::guides(lty = "none", colour = "none")
  # Commercial CPUE maps -------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Commercial CPUE maps")
  coord_cart <- coord_cartesian(xlim = map_xlim, ylim = map_ylim)

  # for checking if aspect ratio of map is 1:1
  checking_square <- geom_polygon(
    data = data.frame(
      x = c(400, 600, 600, 400),
      y = c(5500, 5500, 5700, 5700)
    ), aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"),
    inherit.aes = FALSE, fill = "grey50", lwd = 1, col = "black"

  g_cpue_spatial <- dat$cpue_spatial %>%
      bin_width = 7, n_minimum_vessels = 3,
      rotation_angle = 40, xlim = map_xlim, ylim = map_ylim,
      show_historical = TRUE, start_year = 2013,
      fill_scale = ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "fourth_root_power", option = "D"),
      colour_scale = ggplot2::scale_colour_viridis_c(trans = "fourth_root_power", option = "D"),
      percent_excluded_xy = if (!french) c(0.015, -0.02) else c(0.08, -0.02),
      percent_excluded_text = if (!french) "Fishing events excluded due to Privacy Act" else "Activités de pêche exclues en raison de la Loi sur la protection des\nrenseignements personnel"
    ) +
    ggplot2::ggtitle(en2fr("Commercial trawl CPUE", french)) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ggplot2::annotate("text", 360, 6172,
      label = paste0("2013–", final_year_comm), col = "grey30",
      hjust = 0
    g_cpue_spatial <- g_cpue_spatial +
      coord_cart + theme(
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank()
  # g_cpue_spatial <- ggplot() + theme_pbs()

  if (include_map_square) {
    g_cpue_spatial <- g_cpue_spatial + checking_square

    g_cpue_spatial_ll <- dat$cpue_spatial_ll %>%
        bin_width = 7, n_minimum_vessels = 3,
        rotation_angle = 40, xlim = map_xlim, ylim = map_ylim,
        start_year = 2008,
        fill_scale = ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "fourth_root_power", option = "D"),
        colour_scale = ggplot2::scale_colour_viridis_c(trans = "fourth_root_power", option = "D"),
        fill_lab = "CPUE (kg/fe)",
        percent_excluded_xy = if (!french) c(0.015, -0.02) else c(0.08, -0.02),
        percent_excluded_text = if (!french) "Fishing events excluded due to Privacy Act" else "Activités de pêche exclues en raison de la Loi sur la protection des\nrenseignements personnel"
      ) +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(en2fr("Commercial H & L CPUE", french)) +
      theme(legend.position = "none") +
      coord_cart + theme(
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank()
      ) +
      ggplot2::annotate("text", 360, 6172,
        label = paste0("2008–", final_year_comm), col = "grey30",
        hjust = 0
  # g_cpue_spatial_ll <- ggplot() + theme_pbs()

  # Survey maps: ---------------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Survey maps")
  if (!file.exists(map_cache_spp_synoptic)) {
    # Multiply by 1000 for computational reasons.
    # Otherwise the numbers are too small sometimes:
    dat$survey_sets$density_kgpm2 <- dat$survey_sets$density_kgpm2 * 1000
    surv <- c("SYN QCS", "SYN HS", "SYN WCHG", "SYN WCVI")
    syn_fits <- gfsynopsis::fit_survey_maps(dat$survey_sets,
      surveys = surv, species = spp,
      silent = TRUE, years = seq(2002, max(unlist(synoptic_max_survey_years)))
    saveRDS(syn_fits, map_cache_spp_synoptic)
    # file = file.path("report", "map-cache", "synoptic",
    #   spp_file, gsub(" ", "-", surv[i]), ".rds"), compress = FALSE)
  } else {
    syn_fits <- readRDS(map_cache_spp_synoptic)

  # if (!file.exists(map_cache_spp_iphc)) {
  #   iphc_fits <- gfsynopsis::fit_survey_maps(dat$survey_sets,
  #     species = spp,
  #     surveys = "IPHC FISS",
  #     silent = TRUE, years = 2020)
  #   iphc_fits$models <- NULL # save space
  #   saveRDS(iphc_fits, file = map_cache_spp_iphc, compress = FALSE)
  # } else {
  #   iphc_fits <- readRDS(map_cache_spp_iphc)
  # }

  if (!file.exists(map_cache_spp_hbll)) {
    hbll_fits <- gfsynopsis::fit_survey_maps(dat$survey_sets,
      species = spp,
      surveys = c("HBLL OUT N", "HBLL OUT S"),
      silent = TRUE, years = unlist(hbll_out_max_survey_years)
    saveRDS(hbll_fits, file = map_cache_spp_hbll, compress = FALSE)
  } else {
    hbll_fits <- readRDS(map_cache_spp_hbll)

  # squash massive outlying cells for colour scale goodness:
  if ("combined" %in% names(syn_fits$pred_dat)) {
    if (!is.null(syn_fits$pred_dat$combined)) {
      qs <- quantile(syn_fits$pred_dat$combined, probs = survey_map_outlier, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]]
      syn_fits$pred_dat$combined[syn_fits$pred_dat$combined > qs] <- qs
  if ("combined" %in% names(hbll_fits$pred_dat)) {
    if (!is.null(hbll_fits$pred_dat$combined)) {
      qs <- quantile(hbll_fits$pred_dat$combined, probs = survey_map_outlier, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]]
      hbll_fits$pred_dat$combined[hbll_fits$pred_dat$combined > qs] <- qs

  round_density <- function(x) {
    if (x >= 10000) {
      x <- gfplot:::round_any(x, 1000)
    if (x >= 1000 && x < 10000) {
      x <- gfplot:::round_any(x, 100)
    if (x >= 100 && x < 1000) {
      x <- gfplot:::round_any(x, 100)
    if (x >= 10 && x < 100) {
      x <- gfplot:::round_any(x, 1)
    if (x >= 1 && x < 10) {
      x <- sprintf("%.1f", round(x, 1))
    if (x < 1) {
      x <- sprintf("%.2f", round(x, 2))

  format_french_1000s_expr <- function(x) {
    out <- format(as.numeric(x), big.mark = " ", scientific = FALSE, trim = TRUE)
    gsub(" ", "~", out)

  if (nrow(syn_fits$raw_dat) >= 1L) { # calculate a density to label on the map
    # we've already multiplied the density by 1000 for computational reasons
    # so we need to divided by 1000 here to get back to the original units:
    syn_density <- mean(syn_fits$raw_dat$density, na.rm = TRUE) * (1000 * 1000) / 1000
    dens_units <- "~kg/km^2"
    if (syn_density > 1000) {
      dens_units <- "~t/km^2"
      syn_density <- syn_density / 1000
    syn_density <- round_density(syn_density)
    if (french) syn_density <- format_french_1000s_expr(syn_density)

    g_survey_spatial_syn <-
      gfsynopsis::plot_survey_maps(syn_fits$pred_dat, syn_fits$raw_dat,
        north_symbol = TRUE, annotations = "SYN",
        syn_wchg_year = synoptic_max_survey_years[["SYN WCHG"]],
        syn_wcvi_year = synoptic_max_survey_years[["SYN WCVI"]],
        syn_qcs_hs_year = synoptic_max_survey_years[["SYN QCS"]], # FIXME HS hardcoded to QCS
        show_model_predictions = "combined" %in% names(syn_fits$pred_dat)
      ) +
      coord_cart + ggplot2::ggtitle(en2fr("Synoptic survey biomass", french)) +
      ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "fourth_root_power", option = "C") +
      ggplot2::scale_colour_viridis_c(trans = "fourth_root_power", option = "C")

    if (nrow(syn_fits$raw_dat) >= 1L) { # calculate a density to label on the map
      .text <- paste0(en2fr("Mean", french), "~", syn_density, dens_units)
      if (french) {
        .text <- gsub(",", "*','*", .text) # make annotate(parse = TRUE) happy; yikes
      g_survey_spatial_syn <- g_survey_spatial_syn +
        ggplot2::annotate("text", 360, 5253,
          col = "grey30", hjust = 0,
          label = .text, parse = TRUE

  # an internal IPHC function:
  # if (!is.null(dat_iphc)) {
  #   iphc_map_dat <- format_final_year_for_map_iphc(dat_iphc$set_counts,
  #     final_year = iphc_max_survey_year)
  #   # iphc_map_dat$akima_depth <- mean(iphc_fits$raw_dat$depth, na.rm = TRUE)
  #   iphc_map_dat$combined <- ifelse(iphc_map_dat$combined == 0, NA,
  #     iphc_map_dat$combined)
  #   if (sum(!is.na(iphc_map_dat$combined)) >= 1L) { # calculate a density to label on the map
  #     iphc_density <- mean(iphc_map_dat$combined, na.rm = TRUE)
  #     iphc_density <- round_density(iphc_density)
  #   }
  # } else {
  #   stop("No IPHC data.")
  #   iphc_density <- ""
  #   iphc_map_dat <- iphc_fits$pred_dat
  # }
  # hack to create IPHC raw data as of 2020:
  dd <- dat_iphc
  if (nrow(dd) == 0L) {
    dd <- gfdata::iphc_sets |>
      rename(lon = "longitude", lat = "latitude") |>
      mutate(present = 0, number_observed = 0, combined = NA)
  max_iphc_year <- max(dd$year)
  dd <- dd[dd$year == max(dd$year), , drop = FALSE]
  # if (iphc_max_survey_year == 2020) {
  #   iphc2019 <- dat_iphc$set_counts[
  #     dat_iphc$set_counts$year == iphc_max_survey_year, , drop = FALSE]
  #   iphc_south <- filter(iphc2019, !station %in% dd$station)
  #   dd <- bind_rows(dd, iphc_south) # adds empty WCVI stations
  #   dd$year <- iphc_max_survey_year # fake
  # }
  dd$X <- dd$lon
  dd$Y <- dd$lat
  dd <- dplyr::as_tibble(gfplot:::ll2utm(dd, utm_zone = 9))
  dd$present <- ifelse(dd$number_observed > 0, 1, 0)
  dd$density <- dd$number_observed / dd$effective_skates
  dd$combined <- dd$density
  dd$combined <- ifelse(dd$combined == 0, NA, dd$combined)
  dd$depth <- dd$depth_m
  # dd$depth[1] <- 0 # fake for min()
  # dd$depth[2] <- 1e4 # fake for max()
  dd$survey <- "IPHC FISS"
  if (sum(!is.na(dd$combined)) >= 1L) { # calculate a density to label on the map
    iphc_density <- mean(dd$density, na.rm = TRUE)
    iphc_density <- round_density(iphc_density)
    if (french) iphc_density <- format_french_1000s_expr(iphc_density)
  } else {
    iphc_density <- ""

    g_survey_spatial_iphc <-
        pred_dat = dd, raw_dat = dd,
        show_raw_data = FALSE, cell_size = 2.0, circles = TRUE,
        show_model_predictions = TRUE, # hack to make plotting work; actually raw data
        annotations = "IPHC", iphc_year = max_iphc_year
      ) +
      coord_cart + ggplot2::ggtitle(en2fr("IPHC survey catch rate", french)) +
        trans = "fourth_root_power", option = "C",
        na.value = "white"
      ) +
        trans = "fourth_root_power", option = "C",
        na.value = "grey35"
    if (sum(!is.na(dd$combined)) >= 1L) {
      .text <- paste0(en2fr("Mean", french), "~", iphc_density, "~", en2fr("fish/skate", french))
      if (french) {
        .text <- gsub(",", "*','*", .text) # make annotate(parse = TRUE) happy
      g_survey_spatial_iphc <- g_survey_spatial_iphc +
        ggplot2::annotate("text", 360, 5253,
          col = "grey30", hjust = 0,
          label = .text, parse = TRUE

  if (nrow(hbll_fits$raw_dat) >= 1L) { # calculate a density to label on the map
    hbll_density <- mean(hbll_fits$raw_dat$density, na.rm = TRUE)
    hbll_density <- round_density(hbll_density)
    if (french) hbll_density <- format_french_1000s_expr(hbll_density)
    g_survey_spatial_hbll <-
      gfsynopsis::plot_survey_maps(hbll_fits$pred_dat, hbll_fits$raw_dat,
        pos_pt_col = "#FFFFFF35",
        bin_pt_col = "#FFFFFF12",
        pos_pt_fill = "#FFFFFF03",
        hbll_n_year = hbll_out_max_survey_years[["HBLL OUT N"]],
        hbll_s_year = hbll_out_max_survey_years[["HBLL OUT S"]],
        show_model_predictions = "combined" %in% names(hbll_fits$pred_dat),
        annotations = "HBLL"
      ) +
      coord_cart + ggplot2::ggtitle(en2fr("HBLL OUT survey biomass", french)) +
      ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "fourth_root_power", option = "C") +
      ggplot2::scale_colour_viridis_c(trans = "fourth_root_power", option = "C")
    dens_units <- paste0("~", en2fr("fish", french), "/km^2")
    if (nrow(hbll_fits$raw_dat) >= 1L) { # calculate a density to label on the map

      .text <- paste0(en2fr("Mean", french), "~", hbll_density, dens_units)
      if (french) {
        .text <- gsub(",", "*','*", .text) # make annotate(parse = TRUE) happy
      g_survey_spatial_hbll <- g_survey_spatial_hbll +
        ggplot2::annotate("text", 360, 5253,
          col = "grey30", hjust = 0,
          label = .text, parse = TRUE

  # Page 1 layout: -------------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Page 1 layout")
  gg_catch <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_catch)
  gg_survey_index <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_survey_index)
  gg_cpue_spatial <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_cpue_spatial)
  gg_cpue_spatial_ll <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_cpue_spatial_ll)
  gg_cpue_index <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_cpue_index)
  gg_survey_spatial_syn <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_survey_spatial_syn)
  gg_survey_spatial_iphc <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_survey_spatial_iphc)
  gg_survey_spatial_hbll <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_survey_spatial_hbll)

  fg_catch <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_catch, debug = debug)
  fg_survey_index <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_survey_index, debug = debug)
  fg_cpue_spatial <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_cpue_spatial, debug = debug)
  fg_cpue_spatial_ll <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_cpue_spatial_ll, debug = debug)
  fg_cpue_index <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_cpue_index,
    debug = debug,
    width = grid::unit(0.7, "null")
  fg_survey_spatial_syn <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_survey_spatial_syn, debug = debug)
  fg_survey_spatial_iphc <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_survey_spatial_iphc, debug = debug)
  fg_survey_spatial_hbll <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_survey_spatial_hbll, debug = debug)

  f_topleft <- egg::gtable_frame(
    width = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    height = grid::unit(1.35, "null"),
    debug = debug

  f_topright <- egg::gtable_frame(
    gridExtra::gtable_cbind(fg_catch, fg_cpue_index),
    width = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    height = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    debug = debug

  f_fake_text <- egg::gtable_frame(
    ggplot2::ggplotGrob(ggplot2::ggplot() +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(" ") +
    width = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    height = grid::unit(0.3, "null"),
    debug = debug

  f_top <- egg::gtable_frame(
    gridExtra::gtable_cbind(f_topleft, f_topright),
    width = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    height = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    debug = debug

  f_bottom <- egg::gtable_frame(
      fg_survey_spatial_syn, fg_survey_spatial_hbll, fg_survey_spatial_iphc,
      fg_cpue_spatial, fg_cpue_spatial_ll
    width = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    height = grid::unit(1.35, "null"),
    debug = debug

  f_all <- gridExtra::gtable_rbind(f_top, f_bottom)

  if (png_format) {
      width = width * resolution,
      height = height * resolution * short_page_height_ratio, res = resolution
  } else {
    pdf(fig_folder_spp1, width = width, height = height * short_page_height_ratio)

  # Page 2 layout: -------------------------------------------------------------
  progress_fn("Page 2 layout")
  gg_mat_age <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_mat_age)
  gg_mat_length <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_mat_length)
  gg_mat_month <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_maturity_month)
  gg_lengths <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_lengths)
  gg_ages <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_ages)
  gg_length_weight <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_length_weight)
  gg_vb <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_vb)
  gg_comm_samples <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_comm_samples)
  gg_survey_samples <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(g_survey_samples)

  fg_mat_age <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_mat_age, debug = debug)
  fg_mat_length <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_mat_length, debug = debug)
  fg_mat_month <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_mat_month, debug = debug)
  fg_lengths <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_lengths, debug = debug)
  fg_ages <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_ages, debug = debug)
  fg_length_weight <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_length_weight, debug = debug)
  fg_vb <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_vb, debug = debug)
  fg_comm_samples <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_comm_samples, debug = debug)
  fg_survey_samples <- egg::gtable_frame(gg_survey_samples, debug = debug)

  f_topright <- egg::gtable_frame(
    gridExtra::gtable_rbind(fg_vb, fg_length_weight),
    width = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    height = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    debug = debug

  f_topleft <- egg::gtable_frame(
    width = grid::unit(3, "null"),
    height = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    debug = debug

  f_top <- egg::gtable_frame(
    gridExtra::gtable_cbind(f_topleft, f_topright),
    width = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    height = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    debug = debug

  f_middle <- egg::gtable_frame(
    width = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    height = grid::unit(0.75, "null"),
    debug = debug

  f_bottom <- egg::gtable_frame(
    gridExtra::gtable_cbind(fg_mat_age, fg_mat_length, fg_mat_month),
    width = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    height = grid::unit(0.3, "null"),
    debug = debug

  f_very_bottom <- egg::gtable_frame(
    gridExtra::gtable_cbind(fg_survey_samples, fg_comm_samples),
    width = grid::unit(1, "null"),
    height = grid::unit(0.17, "null"),
    debug = debug

  f_all <- gridExtra::gtable_rbind(f_top, f_middle, f_bottom, f_very_bottom)

  if (png_format) {
      width = width * resolution,
      height = height * resolution, res = resolution
  } else {
    pdf(fig_folder_spp2, width = width, height = height)

  if (save_gg_objects) {
    plots <- list()
    plots$age_precision <- g_age_precision
    plots$ages <- g_ages
    plots$lengths <- g_lengths
    plots$catch <- g_catch
    plots$comm_samples <- g_comm_samples
    plots$survey_samples <- g_survey_samples
    plots$mat_age <- g_mat_age
    plots$mat_length <- g_mat_length
    plots$vb <- g_vb
    plots$cpue_index <- g_cpue_index
    plots$cpue_spatial_ll <- g_cpue_spatial_ll
    plots$cpue_index <- g_cpue_index
    plots$maturity_month <- g_maturity_month
    plots$cpue_spatial <- g_cpue_spatial
    plots$cpue_spatial_ll <- g_cpue_spatial_ll
    plots$survey_spatial_hbll <- g_survey_spatial_hbll
    plots$survey_spatial_iphc <- g_survey_spatial_iphc
    plots$survey_spatial_syn <- g_survey_spatial_syn
    plots$length_weight <- g_length_weight
    plots$survey_index <- g_survey_index
    saveRDS(plots, file = gg_folder_spp, compress = FALSE)
pbs-assess/gfsynopsis documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 9:38 a.m.