
Defines functions score_all_epitopes match_epitopes score_epitope epitope_found .sequence_comparison_stats find_epitope_in_ref

Documented in epitope_found find_epitope_in_ref match_epitopes score_all_epitopes score_epitope .sequence_comparison_stats

#' @include patient_HLA.R
#' @include msa.R
#' @include lanl_hla_data.R

#' Finds the position of the epitope in the reference sequence
#' It uses pairwiseAlignment with the default settings. See Biostrings manual.
#' Lots of things to test and investigate that can potentially improve this
#' function.
#' @param epitope The epitope to find in the sequence. Either a character
#' string or an AAString
#' @param query_alignment The query alignment
#' @param alignment_type The type of alignment to try. Defaults to 'overlap'
#' use 'global' if 'overlap' alignment cannot be found. See Biostrings manual.
#' @export

find_epitope_in_ref <- function(epitope, query_alignment, 
                                alignment_type = 'overlap'){
  if (class(epitope) == 'character'){
    epitope <- AAString(epitope)

  ref_seq <- query_alignment[[1]]

  alignment <- pairwiseAlignment(pattern = epitope, subject = ref_seq, 
                                 type = alignment_type)
  start_pos <- start(Views(alignment))
  end_pos <- end(Views(alignment))
  aln_score <- score(alignment)
  return(list(start_pos = start_pos,
              end_pos = end_pos, 
              alignment = alignment))

#' Internal function lists information about the alignment between the epitope
#' and the query sequence.
#' @param sequence_substr_name The name of the sequence in the query alignment
#' that the substring that was compared to the epitope came from.
#' @param pair_alignment The pairwise alignment between the epitope and the
#' substring from the query sequence.
#' @param start_pos The starting position where the epitope was found in the
#' reference sequence.
#' @param end_pos The end position where the epitope was found in the reference
#' sequence.
#' @param range_expansion After the epitope is found in the reference
#' seqeuence, search in each of the query sequences for the same epitope, but
#' expand the range with this number of amino acids
#' @param candidate_substr The candidate substring that was obtained by
#' expanding the coordinates found in the reference sequence by
#' 'range_expansion' AAs on each
#' side (unless at the end or beginning of the sequence)
#' @export

.sequence_comparison_stats <- function(sequence_substr_name, pair_alignment, start_pos, 
                                       end_pos, range_expansion, candidate_substr){
  x <- data.frame(sequence_id = sequence_substr_name,
                  score = score(pair_alignment),
                  score_type = type(pair_alignment),
                  eregion_in_refseq = as.character(pattern(pair_alignment)),
                  candidate_substr = candidate_substr,
                  matched_substr = as.character(subject(pair_alignment)),
                  comparison = compareStrings(pair_alignment),
                  pid = pid(pair_alignment),
                  simple_distance = 100 - pid(pair_alignment),
                  nmatch = nmatch(pair_alignment),
                  nmismatch = nmismatch(pair_alignment),
                  leven.dist = nedit(pair_alignment),
                  start_pos_in_ref = start_pos,
                  end_pos_in_ref = end_pos,
                  start_pos_in_candidate = start(Views(pair_alignment)),
                  end_pos_in_candidate = end(Views(pair_alignment)),
                  range_expansion = range_expansion,
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' A function that indicates if an epitope was found in the reference sequence.
#' An epitope is seen as not found if the alignment between the epitope and the
#' reference does not contain the same number of bases as the epitope. This
#' should maybe be relaxed in the future.
#' @param epitope The epitope that was searched for in the reference
#' @param alignment The alignment to check - usually the output from
#' pairwiseAlignment
#' @export

epitope_found <- function(epitope, alignment){
  pat <- as.character(pattern(alignment))
  subj <- as.character(subject(alignment))
  epitope <- as.character(epitope)
  print(paste(pat, subj, epitope, sep = ' - '))
  if (pat == "" | subj == "" | nchar(pat) != nchar(epitope)){
  } else {

#' Computes the similarities between the epitope and the sequences in the
#' alignment
#' @param the_scoring_job A scoring job as a object of type 'Scoring_Job'
#' @param query_alignment The query alignment
#' @param range_expansion After the epitope is found in the reference
#' seqeuence, search in each of the query sequences for the same epitope, but
#' expand the range with this number of amino acids
#' @param substitutionMatrix substitution matrix representing the fixed substitution 
#' scores for an alignment. It cannot be used in conjunction with ‘patternQuality’ 
#' and ‘subjectQuality’ arguments.
#' @return The output from this function is a list with two data.frames. The first is
#' the results data.frame that contains these columns:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{sequence_id - The sequence description from the FASTA file}
#'  \item{score - The similarity score produced by the alignment}
#'  \item{score_type - The type of similarity score as returned by pairwiseAlignment}
#'  \item{eregion_in_refseq - The region of the reference sequence that was attempted to be aligned to the query sequence as returned by pairwiseAlignment}
#'  \item{candidate_substr - The candidate substring that was obtained by expanding the coordinates found in the reference sequence by 'range_expansion' AAs on each side (unless at the end or beginning of the sequence)}
#'  \item{matched_substr - The part of the candidate substring that was matched to the epitope as returned by pairwiseAlignment}
#'  \item{comparison - A comparison between the epitope and the query sequence indicating where there were mismatches}
#'  \item{pid - The percentage of amino acids that were identical (Percentage IDentity) between the epitope and query sequences}
#'  \item{simple_distance - 100 - PID}
#'  \item{nmatch - The number of matches in the alignment}
#'  \item{nmismatch - The number of mismatches in the alignment}
#'  \item{leven.dist - The Levenshtein distance (or edit distance) between the two sequences}
#'  \item{start_pos_in_ref - The starting position in the reference sequence of the matching substring that was found for the epitope}
#'  \item{end_pos_in_ref - The end position in the reference sequence of the matching substring that was found for the epitope}
#'  \item{start_pos_in_candidate - The starting position in the candidate subsequence of the query sequence that was obtained by expanding the range of the reference that matches the epitope by starting a number of amino acids earlier in the query sequence. The number of amino acids is controlled by the range_extention parameter.}
#'  \item{end_pos_in_candidate - The end position in the candidate subsequence of the query sequence that was obtained by expanding the range of the reference that matches the epitope by stopping a number of amino acids later in the query sequence. The number of amino acids is controlled by the range_extention parameter.}
#'  \item{range_expansion - The number of amino acids by which the range of the query sequence that is compared to the epitope is larger than then match found for the epitope in the reference sequence.}
#'  \item{These three column are usually added to the table by the score_sequence_epitopes function:
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item{epitope - The epitope from the lanl file that was searched for in the reference sequence}
#'   \item{hla_genotype - The name of the hla genotype the epitope is associated with}
#'   \item{lanl_start_pos - The start position of the epitope according to the lanl file}
#'   \item{lanl_end_pos - The end position of the epitope according to the lanl file}
#'   }
#'  }
#' }
#' The second element of the list is the error log data.frame that contains
#' these columns:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{pattern - The epitope as aligned to the reference sequence when a less restrictive alignment algorithm is used than the one that failed when aligning to the reference sequence the first time}
#'  \item{subject - The portion of the reference sequence to which the epitope was aligned to when a less restrictive alignment algorithm is used than the one that failed when aligning to the reference sequence the first time}
#'  \item{global_alignment_start - The starting position in the reference sequence of the subsequence of the reference sequence that the epitope was aligned to when a less restrictive alignment algorithm is used than the one that failed when aligning to the reference sequence the first time}
#'  \item{global_alignment_end - The end position in the reference sequence of the subsequence of the reference sequence that the epitope was aligned to when a less restrictive alignment algorithm is used than the one that failed when aligning to the reference sequence the first time}
#'  \item{These three column are usually added to the table by the score_sequence_epitopes function:
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item{epitope - The epitope from the lanl file that was searched for in the reference sequence}
#'   \item{hla_genotype - The name of the hla genotype the epitope is associated with}
#'   \item{lanl_start_pos - The start position of the epitope according to the lanl file}
#'   \item{lanl_end_pos - The end position of the epitope according to the lanl file}
#'   }
#'  }
#' }
#' @export

score_epitope <- function(the_scoring_job, query_alignment, range_expansion = 0,
                          substitutionMatrix = "BLOSUM50"){
  epitope <- get_epitope(the_scoring_job)
  if (class(epitope) == 'character'){
    epitope <- AAString(epitope)
  ref_pos <- find_epitope_in_ref(epitope, query_alignment)
  if (epitope_found(epitope, ref_pos$alignment)){
    eregion_in_refseq <- subject(ref_pos$alignment)
    sequence_substr <- substr(query_alignment, ref_pos$start_pos - range_expansion, 
                              ref_pos$end_pos + range_expansion)
    sequence_substr <- lapply(sequence_substr, AAString)
    sequences_to_score <- match(the_scoring_job@query_sequence_names, names(query_alignment))
    results <- NULL
    for (i in sequences_to_score){
      pair_alignment <- pairwiseAlignment(subject = gsub("-", "", sequence_substr[[i]]), 
                                          pattern = gsub("-", "", eregion_in_refseq), 
                                          type = 'overlap',
                                          substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix)
      results <- rbind(results,
                       .sequence_comparison_stats(names(sequence_substr)[i], pair_alignment, 
                                                  ref_pos$start_pos, ref_pos$end_pos,
      error_log <- NULL
      msg <- 'Success'
  } else {
    global_alignment <- find_epitope_in_ref(epitope, query_alignment, alignment_type = 'global')
    alignment <- global_alignment$alignment
    results <- NULL
    error_details <- data.frame(alignment_score = score(alignment),
                                pattern = as.character(pattern(alignment)),
                                subject = as.character(subject(alignment)),
                                global_alignment_start = global_alignment$start_pos,
                                global_alignment_end = global_alignment$end_pos)
    error_log <- list(epitopes_not_in_seq = error_details)
    msg <- 'Failure'
  return(list(msg = msg,
              results = results,
              error_log = error_log))

#' Computes similarities between certain epitopes and sequences
#' A query alignment and a file specifying which hla_genotypes should be
#' checked for different patients are first compared to construct a list of
#' scores that must be computed. This list is then passed to the
#' score_all_epitopes function which computes the scores. The results and error
#' logs are then returned as output.
#' @param query_alignment The query alignment
#' @param patient_hla The data.frame (of class Patient_HLA) that contain lists
#' all the HLA genotypes each patient has.
#' @param lanl_hla_data The data.frame (of class LANL_HLA_data) that contains
#' the descriptions of the different HLA genotypes
#' @param range_expansion After the epitope is found in the reference
#' seqeuence, search in each of the query sequences for the same epitope, but
#' expand the range with this number of amino acids
#' @param update_progress_bar A closure passed in from a reactive shiny
#' expression that allows a progress bar to be updated when using the shiny web
#' ui.
#' @param substitutionMatrix substitution matrix representing the fixed substitution 
#' scores for an alignment. It cannot be used in conjunction with ‘patternQuality’ 
#' and ‘subjectQuality’ arguments.
#' @export

match_epitopes <- function(query_alignment, patient_hla, lanl_hla_data,
                           range_expansion = 5, update_progress_bar = NULL,
                               substitutionMatrix = "BLOSUM50"){
  if (substitutionMatrix == 'None'){
    substitutionMatrix <- NULL
  if ((class(query_alignment) != 'AAStringSet') |
    (class(patient_hla) != 'Patient_HLA') |
    (class(lanl_hla_data) != 'LANL_HLA_data')){
    return(list(msg = 'Input Files Invalid',
                results = data.frame(note = 'Input Files Invalid'),
                error_log = data.frame(note = 'Input Files Invalid')))

  if (is.function(update_progress_bar)) {
    update_progress_bar(value = 0, detail = 'Job List')
  x <- list_scores_to_compute(query_alignment, patient_hla, lanl_hla_data)

  the_scoring_jobs <- x$result
  list_scores_error_log <- x$error_log

  x <- score_all_epitopes(the_scoring_jobs, query_alignment, range_expansion,
                          update_progress_bar = update_progress_bar, 
                          substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix)

  return(list(results = x$results,
              error_log = c(list_scores_error_log, x$error_log),
              msg = x$msg))

#' Given a list of scoring jobs, compute the similarities
#' This function is mostly just a wrapper for \code{\link{score_epitope}}.
#' @param the_scoring_jobs A list of scoring_jobs
#' @param query_alignment The query alignment
#' @param range_expansion After the epitope is found in the reference
#' seqeuence, search in each of the query sequences for the same epitope, but
#' expand the range with this number of amino acids
#' @param update_progress_bar A closure passed in from a reactive shiny
#' expression that allows a progress bar to be updated when using the shiny web
#' ui.
#' @param substitutionMatrix substitution matrix representing the fixed substitution 
#' scores for an alignment. It cannot be used in conjunction with
#' \emph{patternQuality} and \emph{subjectQuality} arguments.
#' @export

score_all_epitopes <- function(the_scoring_jobs, query_alignment, range_expansion, 
                               update_progress_bar = NULL,
                               substitutionMatrix = "BLOSUM50"){
  error_log <- list()
  results <- NULL
  epitopes_not_in_seq <- NULL

  for (i in seq_along(the_scoring_jobs)){
    epitope <- get_epitope(the_scoring_jobs[[i]])
    print(paste0(i, ' of ', length(the_scoring_jobs), ': ', epitope))
    if (is.function(update_progress_bar)) {
      update_progress_bar(value = i/length(the_scoring_jobs), detail = epitope)
    # Main Computation
    epitope_match <- score_epitope(the_scoring_jobs[[i]], query_alignment, 
                                   range_expansion, substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix)

    # Results processing
    hla_details <- as.data.frame(get_hla_details(the_scoring_jobs[[i]]),
                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    hla_details$hla_genotype <- get_hla_genotype(the_scoring_jobs[[i]])
    if (!is.null(epitope_match$error_log$epitopes_not_in_seq)){
      epitopes_not_in_seq <- rbind(epitopes_not_in_seq, 
    alignment_score <- epitope_match$results
    if (!is.null(alignment_score)){
      alignment_score <- cbind(alignment_score, hla_details)
      results <- rbind(results, alignment_score)
  if (is.null(epitopes_not_in_seq$alignment_score)){
#    error_log$epitopes_not_in_seq <- data.frame(alignment_score = numeric(0),
#                                pattern = character(0),
#                                subject = character(0),
#                                global_alignment_start = numeric(0),
#                                global_alignment_end = numeric(0))
    error_log$epitopes_not_in_seq <- NULL
  } else {
    error_log$epitopes_not_in_seq <- epitopes_not_in_seq[order(epitopes_not_in_seq$alignment_score),]

  return(list(results = results,
              error_log = error_log,
              msg = 'Scores computed successfully'))
philliplab/EpitopeMatcher documentation built on Nov. 17, 2020, 3:28 p.m.