
Defines functions split_data_for_ggplot check_data_vec_variables splitter_d

Documented in check_data_vec_variables split_data_for_ggplot splitter_d

#' Some functions used in one or several functions of PPBstats
#' @name common_functions
#' @description
#' This file group functions used in several functions of PPBstats
#' @author Pierre Riviere

# splitter_d ----------
#'copy paste from plyr:::splitter_d in order to avoid NOTE in the package check ... I know it is quite dirty to do that !
#' @param data data
#' @param .variables .variables
#' @param drop drop
splitter_d = function(data, .variables = NULL, drop = TRUE) 
  indexed_df = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable
  if (length(.variables) == 0) {
    splitv <- rep(1, nrow(data))
    split_labels <- NULL
    attr(splitv, "n") <- max(splitv)
    vars <- character(0)
  else {
    splits <- eval.quoted(.variables, data)
    splitv <- id(splits, drop = drop)
    split_labels <- split_labels(splits, drop = drop, id = splitv)
    vars <- unlist(lapply(.variables, all.vars))
  index <- split_indices(as.integer(splitv), attr(splitv, "n"))
  il <- indexed_df(data, index, vars)
  structure(il, class = c(class(il), "split", "list"), split_type = "data.frame", 
            split_labels = split_labels)

# check_data_vec_variables ----------
#' check if variable are part of the data
#' @param data data frame
#' @param vec_variables variables to check
#' @export
check_data_vec_variables = function(data, vec_variables){
  for(variable in vec_variables) { if(!is.element(variable, colnames(data))) { stop(variable," is not in data") } }
  for(variable in vec_variables) {
    if(!is.numeric(data[,variable])) { stop(variable," is not numeric") } }

# split_data_for_ggplot ----------
#' split data into several list for a given factor and a number of rows
#' @param data data frame
#' @param factor factor on which the split is done
#' @param nb_param number of rows
#' @export
#' @import plyr
split_data_for_ggplot = function(data, factor, nb_param){
  split_factor = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable
  ns = unique(data[,factor])
  s = rep(c(1:length(ns)), each = nb_param)[1:length(ns)]
  names(s) = ns
  data$split_factor = s[data[,factor]]
  data_f =  plyr:::splitter_d(data, .(split_factor))

# get_biplot ----------
#' get ggplot object for a biplot based on output from FactoMineR::PCA
#' @param res.pca output from FactoMineR::PCA
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
get_biplot = function(res.pca){
  x = y = label = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

  var = as.data.frame(res.pca$var$coord)
  var = cbind.data.frame(rownames(var), var, color = "darkgreen"); colnames(var)[1:3] = c("label", "x", "y")

  ind = as.data.frame(res.pca$ind$coord)
  ind = cbind.data.frame(rownames(ind), ind, color = "black"); colnames(ind)[1:3] = c("label", "x", "y")

  r <- min((max(ind[, "x"]) - min(ind[, "x"])/(max(var[, "x"]) - min(var[, "x"]))), (max(ind[, "y"]) - min(ind[, "y"])/(max(var[, "y"]) - min(var[, "y"]))))
  var[, c("x", "y")] <- var[, c("x", "y")] * r * 0.7 # taken from factoextra::fviz_pca_biplot

  vi = rbind.data.frame(var, ind)
  vi$size = 4
  vi$size[which(vi$color == "darkgreen")] = 6

  dimvar = round(as.data.frame(res.pca$eig)$`percentage of variance`[1:2], 1)

  p = ggplot(data = vi, aes(x = x, y = y, label = label)) + geom_text(color = as.character(vi$color), size = vi$size) + geom_point(color = as.character(vi$color))
  p = p + xlab(paste("Dim 1 (", dimvar[1], "%)", sep = "")) + ylab(paste("Dim 2 (", dimvar[2], "%)", sep = ""))
  p = p + ggtitle("Biplot germplasm and locations")
  p = p + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "longdash",color="grey") + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "longdash",color="grey")


# get_perpendicular_segment ----------
#' get coordinate to draw perpendicular segment
#' @param x1 x coordinate of point 1
#' @param y1 y coordinate of point 1
#' @param x2 x coordinate of point 2
#' @param y2 y coordinate of point 2
#' @param x3 x coordinate of point 3
#' @param y3 y coordinate of point 3
#' @param longer TRUE or FALSE
#' @details following formulas thanks to jdbertron cf http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10301001/perpendicular-on-a-line-segment-from-a-given-point
#' @export
get_perpendicular_segment = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, longer = FALSE){
  px = x2-x1
  py = y2-y1
  dAB = px*px + py*py
  u = ((x3 - x1) * px + (y3 - y1) * py) / dAB
  x4 = x1 + u * px
  y4 = y1 + u * py

  # to make the segment longer
  if(longer & x4 != 0){
    y4 = y4/x4 * x4*1000000
    x4 = x4*1000000

  return(c(x1 = x3, y1 = y3, x2 = x4, y2 = y4))

# check_analysis_argument ----------
#' error message regadring check_model of bayesian analysis
#' @param analysis type of analysis : "experimental_design", "convergence" or "posteriors"
#' @export
check_analysis_argument = function(analysis){
  if(!is.null(analysis)) {
    if( !is.element(analysis, c("experimental_design", "convergence", "posteriors")) ){ stop("analysis must be \"experimental_design\", \"convergence\" or \"posteriors\".") }
    if( !is.element(analysis, c("convergence")) ){ warning("\"convergence\" is not chosen! You may make mistakes in the interpretation of the results !!!") }
  } else { analysis = "all" }

# check_convergence ----------
#' check convergence of bayesian model
#' @param out.model output from bayesian model
#' @param model_name name of the model
#' @export
#' @import coda
check_convergence = function(out.model, model_name = "model1"){
  MCMC = out.model$MCMC
  MCMC = rbind.data.frame(MCMC[[1]], MCMC[[2]])
  attributes(MCMC)$model = model_name

  s = summary(out.model$MCMC)
  sq_MCMC = as.data.frame(s$quantiles)
  sq_MCMC$parameter = as.factor(rownames(sq_MCMC))
  colnames(sq_MCMC) = c("q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5", "parameter")

  message("The Gelman-Rubin test is running for each parameter ...")
  test = coda::gelman.diag(out.model$MCMC, multivariate = FALSE)$psrf[,1]
  conv_ok = names(which(test < 1.05))
  conv_not_ok = names(which(test > 1.05))

  if( length(conv_not_ok) > 0 ) {
    message("The two MCMC of the following parameters do not converge thanks to the Gelman-Rubin test : ", paste(conv_not_ok, collapse = ", ") ,". Therefore, they are not present in MCMC output.")
  } else {
    message("The two MCMC for each parameter converge thanks to the Gelman-Rubin test.")
  OUT = list("MCMC" = MCMC, "sq_MCMC" = sq_MCMC, "conv_not_ok" = conv_not_ok)

# get.caterpillar.plot ----------
#' get caterpillar plot to view posterior of bayesian model
#' @param x data frame
#' @param xmin xmin of the plot
#' @param xmax xmax of the plot
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
get.caterpillar.plot = function(x, xmin, xmax){ # cf ggmcmc:ggs_caterpillar
  parameter = q1 = q2 = q3 = q4 = q5 = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

  p = ggplot(x, aes(x = q3, y = reorder(parameter, q3)))
  p = p + geom_point(size = 3) # median
  p = p + geom_segment(aes(x = q2, xend = q4, yend = reorder(parameter, q3)), size = 1.5) # 25%-75%
  p = p + geom_segment(aes(x = q1, xend = q5, yend = reorder(parameter, q3)), size = 0.5) # 2.5%-25% and 75%-97.5%
  p = p + ylab("parameter") + xlab("value") + ggtitle(x[1, "environment"])
  p = p + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(xmin, xmax))

# get_mcmc_traceplot_density ----------
#' get mcmc traceplot density to view posterior of bayesian model
#' @param MCMC MCMC chain from bayesian model
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
get_mcmc_traceplot_density = function(MCMC){
  Iteration = value = Chain  = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

  if( is.vector(MCMC) ) {
    mcmc = as.data.frame(matrix(MCMC, ncol = 1))
    colnames(mcmc) = names(MCMC)[1]
    MCMC = mcmc
  conv_not_ok = colnames(MCMC)
  vec.plot = NULL
  for (para in conv_not_ok) {
    D = cbind.data.frame(Iteration = rep(c(1:(nrow(MCMC)/2)), 2),
                         Chain = factor(rep(c(1,2), each = (nrow(MCMC)/2))),
                         Parameter = para,
                         value = as.vector(MCMC[,para])
    traceplot = ggplot(D, aes(x = Iteration, y = value, color = Chain)) + geom_line() + ggtitle(para) # cf ggmcmc:ggs_traceplot
    density = ggplot(D, aes(x = value, fill = Chain, color = Chain)) + geom_density() + ggtitle(para) # cf ggmcmc:ggs_density
    plot = list(list("traceplot" = traceplot, "density" = density))
    names(plot) = para
    vec.plot = c(vec.plot, plot)

# get_mean_comparisons_and_Mpvalue ----------
#' get mean comparisons and square matrix with pvalue from MCMC for bayesian models
#' @param MCMC MCMC
#' @param parameter parameter
#' @param type type
#' @param threshold threshold
#' @param alpha alpha
#' @param p.adj p.adj
#' @param precision precision
#' @param get.at.least.X.groups get.at.least.X.groups
#' @details see \code{\link{mean_comparisons}}
#' @export
get_mean_comparisons_and_Mpvalue = function(MCMC, parameter, type, threshold, alpha, p.adj, precision, get.at.least.X.groups){
  element = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

  if( !is.element(type, c(1,2)) ){ stop("type must be 1 or 2") }

  Mpvalue = comp.parameters(MCMC = MCMC, parameter = parameter, type = type, threshold = threshold)

  if(type == 1 & is.null(Mpvalue)) { message("mean comparisons not done for ", sub("\\\\\\[", "", element), " because there are less than two parameters to compare.") }

  if(type == 1 & !is.null(Mpvalue)) {
    Comparison = get.significant.groups(Mpvalue = Mpvalue, MCMC = MCMC, alpha = alpha, p.adj = p.adj)

    # number of groups
    a = unlist(strsplit(paste(Comparison[, "groups"], collapse = ""), ""))
    nb_group = length(unique(a))

    # get at least X groups
    if(nb_group == 1 & !is.null(get.at.least.X.groups)) {
      env = sub("\\]", "", unique(sapply(colnames(MCMC), function(x){unlist(strsplit(x, ","))[2]})))
      message(paste("Get at least X groups for ", sub("\\\\\\[", "", env),". It may take some time ...", sep = "")) # The sub is useful for model2
      ALPHA = get.at.least.X.groups(Mpvalue, MCMC, p.adj = p.adj, precision = precision)
      alp = ALPHA[paste(get.at.least.X.groups, "_groups", sep = "")]
      if(is.numeric(alp)){ alp = round(alp, 3) }
      message(paste("Get at least X groups for", sub("\\\\\\[", "", env),"is done."))
    } else { alp = alpha }

    TAB = cbind.data.frame("parameter" = Comparison$parameter,
                           "median" = Comparison$median,
                           "groups" = Comparison$groups,
                           "nb_group" = rep(nb_group, nrow(Comparison)),
                           "alpha" = rep(alp, nrow(Comparison)),
                           "alpha.correction" = rep(p.adj, nrow(Comparison))


  if(type == 2) {
    TAB = cbind.data.frame("proba" = Mpvalue)
    o = order(TAB$proba)
    tab = as.data.frame(matrix(TAB[o,], ncol = 1)); rownames(tab) = rownames(TAB)[o]
    TAB = tab

  out = list(TAB, Mpvalue)
  names(out) = c("mean.comparisons", "Mpvalue")

# add_split_col ----------
#' add a column to split a dataframe
#' @param x vector
#' @param each nb of element iln each split
#' @export
add_split_col = function(x, each){ rep(c(1:nrow(x)), each = each)[1:nrow(x)] }

# is.inside.sector ----------
#' to know if a point is inside an area
#' @param x x coordinate of point to know if it is inside the area or not
#' @param y y coordinate of point to know if it is inside the area or not
#' @param x1 x coordinate of point 1 of the area
#' @param y1 y coordinate of point 1 of the area
#' @param x2 x coordinate of point 2 of the area
#' @param y2 y coordinate of point 2 of the area
#' @param x3 x coordinate of point 3 of the area
#' @param y3 y coordinate of point 3 of the area
#' @details it is used for ggplot_which_won_where.R, ggplot_mean_vs_stability.R
#' @export
is.inside.sector = function(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3){
  # resolve it with barycentric coordinates
  # thanks to andreasdr, cf http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2049582/how-to-determine-if-a-point-is-in-a-2d-triangle

  p0y = y1
  p0x = x1
  p1y = y2
  p1x = x2
  p2y = y3
  p2x = x3
  py = y
  px = x

  Area = 0.5 *(-p1y*p2x + p0y*(-p1x + p2x) + p0x*(p1y - p2y) + p1x*p2y)
  s = 1/(2*Area)*(p0y*p2x - p0x*p2y + (p2y - p0y)*px + (p0x - p2x)*py)
  t = 1/(2*Area)*(p0x*p1y - p0y*p1x + (p0y - p1y)*px + (p1x - p0x)*py)

  test = s > 0 & t > 0 & (1-s-t) > 0

# reshape_data_split_x_axis_in_col ----------
#' Reshape data in a list based on nb_parameters_per_plot arguments
#' @details used in describe_data.data_agro.R and plot.data_network.R
#' @param d data frame
#' @param vec_variables vectors of variables
#' @param labels_on which label to display
#' @param x_axis x axis
#' @param nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis nb of paramters for x axis on the lpot
#' @param in_col in color
#' @param nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col nb of paramters for color on the plot
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @import plyr
reshape_data_split_x_axis_in_col = function(
  split_x_axis = split_in_col  = NULL  # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

  if(!is.null(x_axis)){ d$x_axis = as.factor(as.character(d[,x_axis])) } else { d$x_axis = NA }
  if(!is.null(in_col)){ d$in_col = as.factor(as.character(d[,in_col])) } else { d$in_col = NA }
  if(!is.null(labels_on)){ d$labels_text = d[,labels_on] } else { d$labels_text = NA }
  d_head = d[,c("labels_text", "x_axis", "in_col")]

  if( length(vec_variables) == 1) {
    d_var = as.data.frame(as.matrix(d[,vec_variables], ncol = 1))
  } else {
    d_var = d[,vec_variables]

  # get rid off rows with only NA
  tokeep = apply(d_var, 1, function(x){length(which(is.na(x))) != length(x)})
  t = length(which(!tokeep))
  if( t > 0 ) { warning(t, " rows have been deleted for ", paste(vec_variables, collapse = ", "), " because of only NA on the row for these variables.") }

  if( length(vec_variables) == 1) {
    d_var = as.data.frame(as.matrix(d_var[tokeep,], ncol = 1))
  } else {
    d_var = d_var[tokeep,]
  colnames(d_var) = vec_variables

  d_head = d_head[tokeep,]
  d = droplevels(cbind.data.frame(d_head, d_var))

  # split for x_axis
    ns = unique(d$x_axis)
    s = rep(c(1:length(ns)), each = nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis)[1:length(ns)]
    names(s) = ns
    d$split_x_axis = s[d$x_axis]
  } else { d$split_x_axis = NA }

  # split for in_col
    ns = unique(d$in_col)
    s = rep(c(1:length(ns)), each = nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col)[1:length(ns)]
    names(s) = ns
    d$split_in_col = s[d$in_col]
  } else { d$split_in_col = NA }

  # Overall split
  d$split = paste(
    paste(x_axis, d$split_x_axis, sep = "-"),
    paste(in_col, d$split_in_col, sep = "-"),
    sep = "|")
  d = dplyr::select(d, - split_x_axis, - split_in_col)
  d = plyr:::splitter_d(d, .(split))


# ggradar_bis
#' ggradar_bis
#' @description ggplot radar
#' @param data the data
#' @export
#' @import scales
#' @import tibble
#' @import RColorBrewer
ggradar_bis = function(data){
  x = y = axis.no = values = text = group = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable
  # code from https://github.com/region-spotteR/PrepPlot/tree/master/Radar_examples
  ############################ 0. Set up example data ####################################################
  ## a) You can either use data, which is rescaled between 0 and 1 for the radar OR
  ## b) You can calculate the quantile moment of each data point
  ## -> The latter method avoids overplotting if your data is clustered and provides meaningful grid-lines, 
  ##    but since it distorts the data outliers won't be spotted easily. The first method
  ##    doesn't distort the distribution, but with it the 50 % quantile will be on a different distance
  ##    from the center of the radar. Thus a) only makes sense in special situations. 
  ## -> If you are interested in outliers and the distribution: Make a boxplot! Not a radar ;)
  ### 0.1a Rescale the mtcars dataset and select the last four cars and the first nine variables 
  ##       Warning: This will make any quantile lines 'meaningless'
  #data %>% tibble::rownames_to_column(var = 'group' ) %>%  mutate_at(.vars=vars(),.funs=scales::rescale) -> data_radar
  ### 0.1b Create quantile data from the example dataset to create the grid (recommended)
  # tmp<-lapply(1:ncol(data),function(j) rank(data[,j],na.last="keep")/sum(!is.na(data[,j]))) 
  # => note done and the next line instead because of consistency of methods between data_radar and qdata. Otherwise the line do not set on the right x ans y coord
  tmp<-lapply(1:ncol(data),function(j) scales::rescale(data[,j],na.omit=TRUE))
  ## do the same as with the rescaled data
  qdata %>% tibble::rownames_to_column(var = 'group' ) -> data_radar
  ### 0.2 Create hover data for plotly - leave this out when you chose a)
  data_hover<-cbind(data, data[,1])
  colnames(data_hover) = c(colnames(data), colnames(data)[1])
  ### 0.3 Create quantile data for the hoverinfo of the gridlines - leave this out when you chose a)
  qdata<-sapply(colnames(data_hover),function(j) quantile(data_hover[,j],probs = seq(0,1,0.25)))
  ### 0.4 Set the plot parameters - mostly similar to ggradar
  plot.data <- data_radar
  ### parameters
  centre.y=grid.min - ((1/9)*(grid.max-grid.min))
  r<-seq(0,1,0.25) ## Radius of the gridlines
  ############################ 1. Helper functions ####################################################
  CalculateGroupPath4 <- function(df) {
    angles = seq(from=0, to=2*pi, by= (2*pi)/(ncol(df)-1)) # find increment
    xx<-c(rbind(t(df[,-1])*sin(angles[-ncol(df)]),t(df[,2])*sin(angles[1]))) # The first observation needs to be repeated to allow the lines to close
  CalculateAxisPath2 <- function(var.names,min,max) {
    #Cacluate required number of angles (in radians)
    angles <- seq(from=0, to=2*pi, by=(2*pi)/n)
    #calculate vectors of min and max x+y coords
    min.x <- min*sin(angles)
    min.y <- min*cos(angles)
    max.x <- max*sin(angles)
    max.y <- max*cos(angles)
    tmp<-lapply(1:n,function(i) matrix(c(i,i,min.x[i],max.x[i],min.y[i],max.y[i]),2,3))
    colnames(res) <- c("axis.no","x","y")
  funcCircleCoords <- function(center = centre.y, r = 1, npoints = ncol(plot.data)){
    #Adapted from Joran's response to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6862742/draw-a-circle-with-ggplot2
    tt <- seq(0,2*pi,length.out = npoints)
    yy <- (center + r) * cos(tt)
    xx <- (center + r) * sin(tt)
    return(data.frame(x = xx, y = yy))
  ############################ 2. Prepare Plotting  ####################################################
  ### 2.1. Create vector with all KPI/variable names; Set up the data for plotting 
  var.names <- colnames(plot.data)[-1]  # Short version of variable names 
  plot.data.offset <- plot.data
  plot.data.offset[,2:ncol(plot.data)]<- plot.data[,2:ncol(plot.data)]+abs(centre.y)
  ### 2.2. Calculate the x and y coordinates for our data
  xy_lines <- CalculateGroupPath4(plot.data.offset)
  xy_lines$annot<-  c(t(data_hover))
  xy_lines$text <-  paste(paste(rep(colnames(data_hover),nrow(data_radar)),xy_lines$annot,sep=": "),'<br />')
  ### 2.3. Create a list containing all grid-objects
  ## 2.3.1 Calculate the data frame for the axis-lines
  grid <- NULL
  grid$axis_path  <- CalculateAxisPath2(var.names,grid.min+abs(centre.y),grid.max+abs(centre.y))
  n.vars <- length(var.names)
  ## 2.3.2 Calculate the coordinates for the axis labels
  grid$axis_label <-funcCircleCoords(0,(grid.max+abs(centre.y))*axis.label.offset,ncol(plot.data))[-ncol(plot.data),]
  ## 2.3.3a For polygon-radar (spider-chart): Calculate the grid-lines
  grid$lines<- lapply(1:length(r),function(i) funcCircleCoords(0,r[i]+abs(centre.y),ncol(plot.data)))
  ## 2.3.3b For circular radar: Calculate the grid-lines
  grid$lines_circle<- lapply(1:length(r),function(i) funcCircleCoords(0,r[i]+abs(centre.y),ncol(plot.data)*(2^7)))
  names(grid$lines_circle)<-paste(r*100,'% Quantile',sep='')
  ## 2.3.4 Add the real values to the gridlines
  grid$lines<-lapply(1:length(grid$lines),function(j) cbind(grid$lines[[j]],values=round(qdata[names(grid$lines[j]),],2)))
  ## 2.3.5 Bind all the grid-lines in one data.frame
  n<-nrow(grid$all_lines)/length(grid$lines)        # n 
  grid$all_lines$q<-rep(names(grid$lines), each=n)  # The quantiles of each grid
  ## 2.3.5a For plotly: Create a data without 0 and 100 % Quantile to plot all grid-lines at once
  myrows<-which(grid$all_lines$q%in%names(grid$lines)[-c(1,length(grid$lines))]) # Select all quantiles except q0 & q100
  grid$inner_lines<-grid$all_lines[myrows,] # create df of the inner grid values
  ## 2.3.5b For a circular grid: Bind all the grid-lines in one df and add the real values
  grid$all_lines_c$q<-rep(names(grid$lines_circle),each=n) # The quantiles of each grid
  ### 2.4 Create a data.frame to annotate the maximum points of the radar-chart
  ### 3.1. Create an empty theme for ggplot
  theme_clear <- theme_bw(base_size=20) + 
  ### 3.2. Set the extent of the plot and the colors of the grid
  bg_colors<-c(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9,'Purples')[2],'#DFDFED') # Set the grid colors
  ### 3.3. Set up a basic empty gg-object
  basething <- ggplot() + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) + coord_fixed() +
    scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-plot.extent.x,plot.extent.x)) + 
    scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-plot.extent.y,plot.extent.y)) + theme_clear 
  ### 3.4 For the polygon-radar (spider-chart): Add the gridlines
  n<-nrow(grid$all_lines)/length(grid$lines)        # n 
  ### 3.5 Add text to gg-object
  ### 3.6 Add observation lines to gg-object

# check_freq_anova ----------
#' check freq anova
#' @param model anova model
#' @export
#' @import agricolae
#' @import stats
check_freq_anova = function(model){
  r = y = percentage_Sum_sq  = NULL  # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

  anova_model = stats::anova(model)
  # 1. Check residuals (qqplot, Skewness & Kurtosis tests) ----------
  r = stats::residuals(model)

  # 1.1. Normality ----------
  data_ggplot_normality = data.frame(r)
  data_ggplot_skewness_test = agricolae::skewness(r)
  data_ggplot_kurtosis_test = agricolae::kurtosis(r)
  data_ggplot_shapiro_test = stats::shapiro.test(r)
  # 1.2. Standardized residuals vs theoretical quantiles ----------
  s = sqrt(deviance(model)/stats::df.residual(model))
  rs = r/s
  data_ggplot_qqplot = data.frame(x = qnorm(ppoints(rs)), y = sort(rs))

  # Test for homogeneity of variances
  #ft = fligner.test(variable ~ interaction(germplasm,location), data=data)

  # 2. repartition of variability among factors ----------
  total_Sum_Sq = sum(anova_model$"Sum Sq")
  Sum_sq = anova_model$"Sum Sq"
  pvalue = anova_model$"Pr(>F)"
  percentage_Sum_sq = Sum_sq/total_Sum_Sq*100
  factor = rownames(anova_model)
  data_ggplot_variability_repartition_pie = cbind.data.frame(factor, pvalue, Sum_sq, percentage_Sum_sq)

  # 3. variance intra germplasm
  var_intra = tapply(model$residuals, model$model$germplasm, var, na.rm = TRUE)
  data_ggplot_var_intra = data.frame(x = model$model$germplasm, y = model$residuals)

  data_ggplot = list(
    "data_ggplot_residuals" = list(
      "data_ggplot_normality" = data_ggplot_normality,
      "data_ggplot_skewness_test" = data_ggplot_skewness_test,
      "data_ggplot_kurtosis_test" = data_ggplot_kurtosis_test,
      "data_ggplot_shapiro_test" = data_ggplot_shapiro_test,
      "data_ggplot_qqplot" = data_ggplot_qqplot
    "data_ggplot_variability_repartition_pie" = data_ggplot_variability_repartition_pie,
    "data_ggplot_var_intra" = data_ggplot_var_intra


# plot check_freq_anova ----------
#' plot check freq anova
#' @param x output from check_model
#' @param variable variable
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
plot_check_freq_anova = function(x, variable){
  r = y = percentage_Sum_sq = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

  data_ggplot = x$data_ggplot

  data_ggplot_normality = data_ggplot$data_ggplot_residuals$data_ggplot_normality
  data_ggplot_skewness_test = data_ggplot$data_ggplot_residuals$data_ggplot_skewness_test
  data_ggplot_kurtosis_test = data_ggplot$data_ggplot_residuals$data_ggplot_kurtosis_test
  data_ggplot_shapiro_test = data_ggplot$data_ggplot_residuals$data_ggplot_shapiro_test
  data_ggplot_qqplot = data_ggplot$data_ggplot_residuals$data_ggplot_qqplot
  data_ggplot_variability_repartition_pie = data_ggplot$data_ggplot_variability_repartition_pie
  data_ggplot_var_intra = data_ggplot$data_ggplot_var_intra

  # 1. Normality ----------
  # 1.1. Histogram ----------
  p = ggplot(data_ggplot_normality, aes(x = r), binwidth = 2)
  p = p + geom_histogram() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0)
  p = p + ggtitle("Test for normality", 
                  paste("Skewness:", signif(data_ggplot_skewness_test, 3), 
                        "; Kurtosis:", signif(data_ggplot_kurtosis_test, 3),
                        "; Shapiro:", signif(data_ggplot_shapiro_test$p.value, 3)
  p1.1 = p + theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5))

  # 1.2. Standardized residuals vs theoretical quantiles ----------
  p = ggplot(data_ggplot_qqplot, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_point() + geom_line()
  p = p + geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "red")
  p = p + xlab("Theoretical Quantiles") + ylab("Standardized residuals")
  p1.2 = p + ggtitle("QQplot") + theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5))

  # 1.3. simple points to look at autocorrelation ----------
  data_ggplot_normality$x = c(1:nrow(data_ggplot_normality))
  p = ggplot(data_ggplot_normality, aes(x = x, y = r)) + geom_point()
  p1.3 = p + ggtitle("residuals") + theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5))
  # 2. repartition of variability among factors ----------
  p = ggplot(data_ggplot_variability_repartition_pie,
             aes(x = "", y = percentage_Sum_sq, fill = factor,
                 label = paste(round(percentage_Sum_sq, 1), "%", sep = "")
  p = p + ggtitle(paste("Total variance distribution for", variable))
  p = p + geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity") + coord_polar("y", start = 0)
  p = p + geom_text(position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5))
  p2 = p + ylab("") + xlab("") + theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5))

  # 3. variance intra germplasm
  p = ggplot(data_ggplot_var_intra, aes(x = x, y = y))  + geom_boxplot(aes(color=x))
  p = p + ggtitle("Distribution of residuals") + xlab("germplasm") + ylab(variable)
  p = p + theme(legend.position = "none", axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90), plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5))
  p3 = p

  # 4. return results
  out = list(
    "residuals" = list(
      "histogram" = p1.1,
      "qqplot" = p1.2,
      "points" = p1.3),
    "variability_repartition" = p2,
    "variance_intra_germplasm" = p3


# mean_comparisons_freq_anova ----------
#' mean comparisons for frequentist analysis
#' @param model anova model
#' @param variable variable
#' @param alpha alpha
#' @param p.adj p.adj
#' @param vec_fac vec_fac
#' @param info info from mean_comparisons
#' @export
#' @import agricolae
mean_comparisons_freq_anova = function(model, variable, alpha = 0.05,
                                       p.adj = "none", info = NULL,
                                       vec_fac = c("germplasm", "location", "year")

  data_ggplot_LSDbarplot = function(model, fac, p.adj, alpha){
    lsd = agricolae::LSD.test(model, fac, alpha = alpha, p.adj = p.adj)

    parameter = factor(rownames(lsd$groups), levels = rownames(lsd$groups))
    means = lsd$groups[,1]
    groups = lsd$groups[,2]
    alpha = rep(alpha, length(parameter))
    alpha.correction = rep(p.adj, length(parameter))

    out_LSD = data.frame(parameter, means, groups, alpha, alpha.correction)
    if( nrow(out_LSD) == 0 ) { out_LSD = NULL }

  # vec_fac = attr(model$terms,"term.labels")
  out = list()
  for(fac in vec_fac){
    out = c(out, list(data_ggplot_LSDbarplot(model, fac, p.adj, alpha)))
  names(out) = paste("data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_", vec_fac, sep = "")

  # Return results
  out <- c(list("info" = info), out)


# plot_mean_comparisons_freq_anova ----------
#' plot mean comparisons for frequentist analysis
#' @param x output from mean comparison
#' @param variable variable
#' @param nb_parameters_per_plot nb paramter per plot
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @import plyr
plot_mean_comparisons_freq_anova = function(x, variable, nb_parameters_per_plot = 8){

  data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_germplasm = x$data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_germplasm
  data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_location = x$data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_location
  data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_year = x$data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_year

  ggplot_LSDbarplot = function(d_LSD, fac, variable, nb_parameters_per_plot){
    parameter = means  = NULL  # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

    d_LSD = dplyr::arrange(d_LSD, means)
    d_LSD$max = max(d_LSD$means, na.rm = TRUE)
    d_LSD$split = add_split_col(d_LSD, nb_parameters_per_plot)
    d_LSD_split = plyr:::splitter_d(d_LSD, .(split))

    out = lapply(d_LSD_split, function(dx){
      p = ggplot(dx, aes(x = reorder(parameter, means), y = means)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")
      p = p + geom_text(aes(x = reorder(parameter, means), y = means/2, label = groups), angle = 90, color = "white")
      p = p + ggtitle(paste(fac, "\n alpha = ", dx[1, "alpha"], "; alpha correction :", dx[1, "alpha.correction"]))
      p = p + xlab("") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, dx[1,"max"])) + ylab(variable)

  out = list()
  # Germplasm
  if( !is.null(data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_germplasm) ){
    ggplot_LSDbarplot_germplasm = ggplot_LSDbarplot(data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_germplasm, "germplasm", variable, nb_parameters_per_plot)
    out = c(out, list("germplasm" = ggplot_LSDbarplot_germplasm))
  } else {
    ggplot_LSDbarplot_germplasm = NULL

  # Location
  if( !is.null(data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_location) ){
    ggplot_LSDbarplot_location = ggplot_LSDbarplot(data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_location, "location", variable, nb_parameters_per_plot)
    out = c(out, list("location" = ggplot_LSDbarplot_location))
  } else {
    ggplot_LSDbarplot_location = NULL

  # Year
  if( !is.null(data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_year) ){
    ggplot_LSDbarplot_year = ggplot_LSDbarplot(data_ggplot_LSDbarplot_year, "year", variable, nb_parameters_per_plot)
    out = c(out, list("year" = ggplot_LSDbarplot_year))
  } else {
    ggplot_LSDbarplot_year = NULL

# pmap -----
#' map background for plot.data_agro, plot.data_network
#' @param net network object or data frame
#' @param format network format
#' @param labels_on where display label
#' @param labels_size label size
#' @param zoom zoom of the text on the map. See ?get_stamenmap for more details.
#' @export
#' @details The box of the map is settle based on lat and long data and stamen map.
#' See ?get_stamenmap for more details.
#' Do not forget to cite credit:
#' Map tiles by \href{http://stamen.com}{Stamen Design}, 
#' under \href{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0}{CC BY 3.0}. 
#' Data by \href{http://openstreetmap.org}{OpenStreetMap}, 
#' under \href{http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright}{ODbL}.
#' @import ggmap
#' @import ggnetwork
#' @import intergraph
#' @import png
#' @import grid
pmap = function(net, format, labels_on, labels_size, zoom){
  wt = mpg = long = lat  = NULL  # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

  # As it is not possible to use annotation_custom with polar coordinates (i.e. output from ggmap) in order to add pies on map,
  # I decided to transfer ggmap output to a png that is inserted in a background of a plot with cartesian coordinates
  # Note there is a change in the look of the map because of coordinates changes ...
  if( is_igraph(net) ){
    d = ggnetwork::ggnetwork(net, arrow.gap = 0)

    if( format == "bipart" ) {
      d = d[which(d$type == "location"), c("lat", "long", "vertex.names")]
      colnames(d)[ncol(d)] = "location"
    if( format == "unipart_location" ){
      d = d[c("lat", "long", "vertex.names")]
      colnames(d)[ncol(d)] = "location"
  } else { d = net }

  n = unique(d[, c("lat", "long", "location")])
  n$lat = as.numeric(as.character(n$lat))
  n$long = as.numeric(as.character(n$long))
  n = na.omit(n)
  long_min = min(n$long) - 1
  long_max = max(n$long) + 1
  lat_min = min(n$lat) - 1
  lat_max = max(n$lat) + 1
  # Calculates the geodesic distance between two points specified by radian latitude/longitude using the
  # Haversine formula (hf)
  # https://www.r-bloggers.com/great-circle-distance-calculations-in-r/
  gcd.hf <- function(long1, lat1, long2, lat2) {
    long1 = long1*pi/180
    lat1 = lat1*pi/180
    long2 = long2*pi/180
    lat2 = lat2*pi/180
    R <- 6371 # Earth mean radius [km]
    delta.long <- (long2 - long1)
    delta.lat <- (lat2 - lat1)
    a <- sin(delta.lat/2)^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(delta.long/2)^2
    c <- 2 * asin(min(1,sqrt(a)))
    d = R * c
    return(d) # Distance in km
  left_box = gcd.hf(long_min, lat_min, long_min, lat_max)
  bottom_box = gcd.hf(long_min, lat_min, long_max, lat_min)
  if( bottom_box < left_box ){ # increase long_max and decrease lat min
      l = 0
      longmax = long_max
      longmin = long_min
      while(l < left_box){ 
        longmax = longmax + 0.01
        longmin = longmin - 0.01
        l = gcd.hf(longmin, lat_min, longmax, lat_min) 
      long_max = longmax
      long_min = longmin
  if( left_box < bottom_box ){ # increase lat_max and decrease lat_min
    l = 0
    latmax = lat_max
    latmin = lat_min
    while(l < left_box){ 
      latmax = lat_max + 0.01
      latmin = lat_min + 0.01
      l = gcd.hf(long_min, latmin, long_min, latmax)
    lat_max = latmax
    lat_min = latmin
  # update box
  box = c(long_min, lat_min, long_max, lat_max)
  map = ggmap::get_map(location = box, source = "stamen", zoom = zoom)
  m = ggmap::ggmap(map, extent = "device")
  # m = m + geom_text(x = (long_min + long_max)/2 , y = lat_min + 0.2 , size = 2,
  #              label = "Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.")
  ggsave("tmp_map.png", m, width = 1, height = 1) # get a perfect square
  p = ggplot() # support for the map background
  p = p + coord_cartesian(xlim = range(m$data$lon), ylim = range(m$data$lat), expand = FALSE)
  img = png::readPNG("tmp_map.png")
  pmap = p + annotation_custom(grid::rasterGrob(img, width = unit(1,"npc"), height = unit(1,"npc")),
                               -Inf, Inf, -Inf, Inf) # change in the look of the map because of coordinates changes
  pmap = pmap + xlab("long") + ylab("lat")
  if( !is.null(labels_on) ){
    if( labels_on == "location" ){
      pmap = pmap + geom_nodelabel_repel(data = n, aes(x = long, y = lat, label = location), size = labels_size, inherit.aes = FALSE)

# add_pies ----------
#' Add_pies on map or network for plot.data_agro, plot.data_network
#' @param p network or map ggplot
#' @param n network object from igraph or data frame with coordinates
#' @param format format of n
#' @param plot_type network or map
#' @param data_to_pie data with the variables
#' @param variable variable to display
#' @param pie_size size of the pie
#' @details
#' script adapted from
#' Pies On A Map, Demonstration script, By QDR :
#' https://qdrsite.wordpress.com/2016/06/26/pies-on-a-map/
#' Guangchuang YU code :
#' https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggimage/vignettes/ggimage.html#geom_subview
#' https://github.com/GuangchuangYu/ggimage/blob/master/R/geom_subview.R
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggimage geom_subview
#' @import plyr
#' @import ggnetwork
#' @import intergraph
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import igraph
add_pies = function(p, n, format, plot_type, data_to_pie, variable, pie_size){

  id_ok = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable ‘id_ok’

  # add a invisible point with variable value to get the legend of pies + set the legend
  colnames(data_to_pie)[which(colnames(data_to_pie) == variable)] = "variable"

  col_low = "red" # "#132B43"
  col_high = "green" # "#56B1F7"

  if( is.numeric(data_to_pie$variable) ) {
    p = p + geom_point(data = data_to_pie, x = 0, y = 0, size = -10, aes(fill = variable), inherit.aes = FALSE)
    p = p + scale_fill_continuous(low = col_low, high = col_high)
    scale_ok = scales::seq_gradient_pal(low = col_low, high = col_high)(seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(data_to_pie)))
    s = seq(min(data_to_pie$variable, na.rm = TRUE), max(data_to_pie$variable, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = nrow(data_to_pie))
    data_to_pie$scale_col = sapply(data_to_pie$variable, function(x){scale_ok[which(s >= x)[1]]})

  if( is.factor(data_to_pie$variable) ) {
    p = p + geom_point(data = data_to_pie, x = -10, y = 10, aes(shape = variable, fill = variable), inherit.aes = FALSE)
    p = p + scale_shape_manual(values = rep(22, nlevels(data_to_pie$variable)))
    scale_ok = scales::seq_gradient_pal(low = col_low, high = col_high)(seq(0, 1, length.out = nlevels(data_to_pie$variable)))
    p = p + scale_fill_manual(values = scale_ok)
    s = seq(1, nlevels(data_to_pie$variable))
    data_to_pie$scale_col = sapply(as.numeric(data_to_pie$variable), function(x){scale_ok[which(s >= x)[1]]})

  # Set colnames for next step according to plot type and get range for x and y
  if( plot_type == "map" ) {
    colnames(data_to_pie)[which(colnames(data_to_pie) == "location")] = "id_ok"
    xmin = min(p$coordinates$limits$x); xmax = max(p$coordinates$limits$x)
    ymin = min(p$coordinates$limits$y); ymax = max(p$coordinates$limits$y)

  if( plot_type == "network" ){
    colnames(data_to_pie)[which(colnames(data_to_pie) == "seed_lot")] = "id_ok"
    xmin = min(p$data$x); xmax = max(p$data$x)
    ymin = min(p$data$y); ymax = max(p$data$y)

  # Create a list of ggplot objects. Each one is the pie chart for each site with all labels removed.
  pies <- plyr::dlply(data_to_pie, .(id_ok), function(z){
    z = dplyr::arrange(z, variable)
    s_col = z$scale_col; names(s_col) = z$variable
    s_col = s_col[unique(names(s_col))]
    ggplot(z, aes(x = factor(1), fill = factor(variable))) +
      geom_bar(width = 1) +
      coord_polar(theta = "y") +
      scale_fill_manual(values = s_col) +

  # Get coordinates of each pie and select pies
  if( igraph::is_igraph(n) ){
    d = ggnetwork::ggnetwork(n, arrow.gap = 0)
  } else { d = n }
  v_id = c(unique(as.character(data_to_pie$id_ok)))

  if( plot_type == "map" & format == "bipart" ){
    d = droplevels(d[which(d$type == "location"),])
    v_ok = v_id[which(is.element(v_id, as.character(d$vertex.names) ))]
    v_not_ok = v_id[which(!is.element(v_id, as.character(d$vertex.names) ))]
  if( plot_type == "map" & format == "unipart_location" ){
    v_ok = v_id[which(is.element(v_id, as.character(d$vertex.names) ))]
    v_not_ok = v_id[which(!is.element(v_id, as.character(d$vertex.names) ))]
  if( plot_type == "map" & format == "unipart_sl" ){
    v_ok = v_id[which(is.element(v_id, as.character(d$location) ))]
    v_not_ok = v_id[which(!is.element(v_id, as.character(d$location) ))]
  if( plot_type == "network" & format == "unipart_sl" ){
    v_ok = v_id[which(is.element(v_id, as.character(d$vertex.names) ))]
    v_not_ok = v_id[which(!is.element(v_id, as.character(d$vertex.names) ))]
  if( plot_type == "map" & format == "data_agro" ){
    v_ok = v_id[which(is.element(v_id, as.character(d$location) ))]
    v_not_ok = v_id[which(!is.element(v_id, as.character(d$location) ))]
  pies = pies[v_ok]

  if( length(v_ok) == 0) {
    warning("In the data with the variable, no id exist in the data with coordinates and therefore no pies are displayed")
  if( length(v_ok) < length(v_id) ){
    warning("In the data with the variable, the following id does not exist in the data with the coordinates: ", paste(v_not_ok, collapse = ", "))

  if( plot_type == "map" ){
    if( length(v_ok) > 0 ) {
      if( format == "bipart" ) {
        d = ggnetwork::ggnetwork(n, arrow.gap = 0)
        d = d[which(d$type == "location"), c("lat", "long", "vertex.names")]
        colnames(d)[ncol(d)] = "location"
      if( format == "unipart_location" ){
        d = ggnetwork::ggnetwork(n, arrow.gap = 0)
        d = d[c("lat", "long", "vertex.names")]
        colnames(d)[ncol(d)] = "location"
      d = unique(d[, c("lat", "long", "location")])

      piecoords = lapply(names(pies), function(x){
        c(x = as.numeric(as.character(d[which(d$location == x), "long"])),
          y = as.numeric(as.character(d[which(d$location == x), "lat"]))

  if( plot_type == "network" ){
    if( length(v_ok) > 0 ) {
      piecoords = lapply(names(pies), function(x){
        c(x = unique(p$data[which(p$data$vertex.names == x), "x"]), y = unique(p$data[which(p$data$vertex.names == x), "y"]))

  # add pies on plot
  if( length(v_ok) > 0 ) {
    for(i in 1:length(pies)){
      p = p + geom_subview(x = piecoords[[i]]["x"], y = piecoords[[i]]["y"],
                           subview = pies[[i]],
                           width = (xmax-xmin)*pie_size, height = (ymax-ymin)*pie_size)
      # p = p + labs(fill = variable) # not good with factor variables ...
      p = p + ggtitle(variable)


# format_organo ----------
#' format data for organoleptic analysis
#' @param data data frame
#' @param threshold threshold
#' @param var_sup supplementary variables
#' @details see \code{\link{format_data_PPBstats.data_organo_napping}} and 
#' \code{\link{format_data_PPBstats.data_organo_hedonic}}
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
format_organo = function(data, threshold, var_sup){
  juges = NULL # to avoid no visible binding for global variable
  # 1. Merge and create data frame ----------
  N = data
  N$sample = factor(paste(N$location, N$germplasm, sep = ":"))

  # 2. Add the occurence of the different descriptors ----------
  descriptors = as.vector(as.character(N$descriptors))
  vec_adj = unlist(strsplit(descriptors, ";"))
  vec_adj = sort(unique(vec_adj))
  if( length(which(vec_adj == "")) > 0 ) { vec_adj = vec_adj[-which(vec_adj == "")] }

  df = matrix(0, ncol = length(vec_adj), nrow = nrow(N))
  df = as.data.frame(df)
  colnames(df) = vec_adj
  out = cbind.data.frame(N, df)

  for (i in 1:nrow(out)){
    v_adj = out[i, "descriptors"]
    v_adj = unlist(strsplit(as.character(v_adj), ";"))
    if( length(which(v_adj == "")) > 0 ) { v_adj = v_adj[-which(v_adj == "")] }

    for (j in 1:length(v_adj)) {
      e = v_adj[j]
      if (length(e)>0) {
        if (!is.na(e)) { out[i, e] = 1 }

  N = out[,-which(colnames(out) == "descriptors")]

  # 3. Apply the threshold to keep certain descriptors ----------
  if( !is.null(threshold) ) {
    test = apply(N[, vec_adj], 2, sum)
    to_delete = which(test <= threshold)
    to_keep = which(test > threshold)
    if( length(to_delete) > 0 ) {
      adj_to_delete = vec_adj[to_delete]
      N = N[,-which(colnames(N) %in% adj_to_delete)]
      message("The following descriptors have been remove because there were less or equal to ", threshold, " occurences : ", paste(adj_to_delete, collapse = ", "))
      if( ncol(N) == 4 ){ stop("There are no more descriptors with threshold = ", threshold,
                               ". You must set another value.") }
    vec_adj = vec_adj[to_keep]

  # 4. Get frequency for each descriptor ----------
  N_freq = N_raw = N
  for (ad in vec_adj) {
    if( sum(N_raw[, ad], na.rm = TRUE) != 0 ) {
      N_freq[, ad] = N_raw[, ad] / sum(N_raw[, ad], na.rm = TRUE)
  # 5. format data for sample, i.e. one row per sample tasted
  data_sample = N_freq
  # 6. format data for juges, i.e. one row per juges and add one column per sample with note
  vec_juges = as.character(unique(data_sample$juges))
  vec_samples = as.character(unique(data_sample$sample))
  df = matrix(0, ncol = (1 + length(vec_samples) + length(var_sup)), nrow = length(vec_juges))
  df = as.data.frame(df)
  colnames(df) = c("juges", vec_samples, var_sup)
  df$juges = vec_juges
  for(i in 1:nrow(df)){
    j = df[i, "juges"]
    for(s in vec_samples){
      dtmp = dplyr::filter(data_sample, juges == j & sample == s)
      note = dtmp$note
      if( length(note) > 0 ) { df[i, s] = note } else { df[i, s] = NA }
      vsup = as.character(unlist(dtmp[,var_sup]))
      if( length(vsup) > 0 ) { df[i, var_sup] = vsup } else { df[i, var_sup] = NA }
  for(v in var_sup){ df[,v] = as.factor(df[,v]) }
  data_juges = df
  # 7. return results
  out = list("data_sample" = data_sample, "data_juges" = data_juges)

# plot descriptive data ----------
#' Plot agro object from format_data_PPBstats()
#' @description
#' \code{plot_descriptive_data} gets ggplot to describe the data
#' @param x The data frame. It should come from \code{\link{format_data_PPBstats}}
#' @param plot_type the type of plot you wish. It can be :
#' \itemize{
#'  \item "pam" for presence abscence matrix that represent the combinaison of germplasm x location
#'  \item "histogramm"
#'  \item "barplot", where sd error are displayed
#'  \item "boxplot"
#'  \item "interaction"
#'  \item "biplot"
#'  \item "radar"
#'  \item "raster"
#'  \item "map"
#' }
#' @param x_axis factor displayed on the x.axis of a plot.
#' "date_julian" can be choosen: it will  display julian day for a given variable automatically calculated from format_data_PPBstats().
#' This is possible only for plot_type = "histogramm", "barplot", "boxplot" and "interaction".
#' @param in_col factor displayed in color of a plot
#' @param vec_variables vector of variables to display
#' @param nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis the number of parameters per plot on x_axis arguments
#' @param nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col the number of parameters per plot for in_col arguments
#' @param labels_on factor to display for plot_type = "biplot"
#' @param labels_size size of the label for plot_type = "biplot" and "radar"
#' @param pie_size when plot_type = "map" and vec_variables is not NULL, size of the pie
#' @param zoom zoom of the map, see ?get_map for more details
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#'  \item For plot_type "histogramm", "barplot", "boxplot" or "interaction",
#'  the function returns a list with ggplot objects for each variable of vec_variables.
#'  \item For plot_type "biplot",
#'  the function returns a list with ggplot objects for each pairs of variables of vec_variables.
#'  \item For plot_type "radar" and "raster,
#'  the function returns a list with ggplot objects with all variables of vec_variables.
#'  \item For plot_type "map", it returns a map with location
#'  if vec_variables = NULL and labels_on = "location".
#'  If vec_variables is not NULL, it displays pie on map.
#' }
#' Each list is divided in several lists according to values
#' of nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis and nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col except for plot_type = "map".
#' @author Pierre Riviere
#' @details
#' S3 method.
#' @seealso \code{\link{format_data_PPBstats}}
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import plyr
plot_descriptive_data = function(
  plot_type = c("pam", "histogramm", "barplot", "boxplot", "interaction", "biplot", "radar", "raster", "map"),
  x_axis = NULL,
  in_col = NULL,
  vec_variables = NULL,
  nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis = 5,
  nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col = 5,
  labels_on = NULL,
  labels_size = 4,
  pie_size = 0.2,
  zoom = 6, ...

  data = x

  # 1. Error message ----------
  mess = "plot_type must be \"pam\", \"histogramm\", \"barplot\", \"boxplot\", \"interaction\", \"biplot\", \"radar\", \"raster\" or \"map\"."
  if(length(plot_type) != 1) { stop(mess) }
  if(!is.element(plot_type, c("pam", "histogramm", "barplot", "boxplot", "interaction", "biplot", "radar", "raster", "map"))) {

  if(is.null(vec_variables) & plot_type != "map"){ stop("You must settle vec_variables") }

  check_arg = function(x, vec_x) {
    for(i in x) {
      if(!is.element(i, vec_x)) {
        stop("Regarding ", substitute(x),", ", i," is not in data")

    if( x_axis != "date_julian") {
      check_arg(x_axis, colnames(data))
    } else {
      warning("x_axis = \"date_julian\" is a special feature that will display julian day for a given variable automatically calculated from format_data_PPBstats().")
      if(!is.element(plot_type, c("histogramm", "barplot", "boxplot", "interaction"))){
        stop("x_axis = \"date_julian\" is possible only for plot_type = \"histogramm\", \"barplot\", \"boxplot\" and \"interaction\".")

  if(!is.null(in_col)){ check_arg(in_col, colnames(data)) }
  check_arg(vec_variables, colnames(data))
  if(!is.null(labels_on)){ check_arg(labels_on, colnames(data)) }

  if( plot_type == "pam" & (!is.null(x_axis) | !is.null(in_col)) ){
    warning("Note than with plot_type == pam, x_axis and in_col are not used.")
  if( plot_type == "histogramm" & !is.null(x_axis) ){
    warning("Note than with plot_type == histogramm, x_axis can not be NULL.")
  if( plot_type == "interaction" & (is.null(x_axis) | is.null(in_col)) ){
    stop("With plot_type == interaction, x_axis and in_col can not be NULL.")
  if( plot_type == "biplot" & !is.null(x_axis) ){
    warning("Note than with plot_type == biplot, x_axis is not used can not be NULL.")
  if( plot_type == "biplot" & length(vec_variables) < 2 ){
    stop("With plot_type == biplot, vec_variables must have at least 2 elements.")
  if( plot_type == "biplot" & is.null(labels_on) ){
    stop("With plot_type == biplot, labels_on can not be NULL.")
  if( plot_type == "biplot" & length(labels_on) != 1 ){
    stop("labels_on must be of length one..")
  if( plot_type == "radar" & length(vec_variables) < 2 ){
    stop("With plot_type == radar, vec_variables must have at least 2 elements.")
  if( plot_type == "radar" & is.null(in_col) ){
    stop("With plot_type == radar, in_col must not be NULL.")
  if( plot_type == "radar" & !is.null(labels_on) ){
    warning("Note that with plot_type == radar, labels_on is not used.")

  if( plot_type == "raster" & !is.null(in_col) ){
    warning("Note that with plot_type == raster, in_col is not used.")
  if( plot_type == "raster" & !is.null(labels_on) ){
    warning("Note that with plot_type == raster, labels_on is not used.")

  if( plot_type == "map" ){
    test = unique(is.element(c("lat", "long"), colnames(data)))
    if( length(test) == 2 | !test[1] ){ stop("To display map, you must have columns \"lat\" and \"long\" in your data.") }

  # 2. Functions used in the newt steps ----------

  # 2.1. Function to run presence abscence matrix ----------
  fun_pam = function(data, vec_variables){

    fun_pam_1 = function(variable, data){
      nb_measures = germplasm = NULL  # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

      dtmp = droplevels(na.omit(data[,c("germplasm", "location", "year", variable)]))
      dtmp[,variable] = as.numeric(dtmp[,variable])

      xlim = c(min(dtmp[,variable], na.rm = TRUE), max(dtmp[,variable], na.rm = TRUE))
      ylim = c(0,max(dtmp[,variable], na.rm = TRUE))
      m = as.data.frame(with(dtmp, table(germplasm, location, year)))
      m$Freq = as.factor(m$Freq)
      colnames(m)[4] = "nb_measures"

      p = ggplot(m, aes(x = germplasm, y = location))
      p = p + geom_raster(aes(fill = nb_measures)) + facet_grid(year ~ .)
      nb_NA = round(length(which(m$nb_measures == 0)) / ( length(which(m$nb_measures == 0)) + length(which(m$nb_measures != 0)) ), 2) * 100
      p = p + ggtitle(
        paste("Presence absence repartition for ", variable, sep = ""),
        paste("(",  nb_NA, "% of 0)", sep = "")
      ) + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90))
    out = lapply(vec_variables, fun_pam_1, data)
    names(out) = vec_variables

  # 2.2. Function to run histogramm, barplot, boxplot, interaction ----------
  fun_hbbi_1 = function(d, x_axis, in_col, plot_type, variable, ylim){

    d$variable = d[,variable]

    # histogramm
    if(plot_type == "histogramm") {
      p = ggplot(d, aes( x = variable))
      if( is.null(in_col) ) {
        p = p + geom_histogram()
      } else {
        p = p + geom_histogram(aes(fill = in_col))

    # barplot
    if(plot_type == "barplot") {
      if(is.null(in_col)) {
        mm2 = plyr::ddply(d, "x_axis", summarise, mean = mean(variable, na.rm = TRUE), sd = sd(variable, na.rm = TRUE))
        p = ggplot(mm2, aes(x = x_axis, y = mean)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")
        limits <- aes(ymax = mean + sd, ymin = mean - sd)
        p = p + geom_errorbar(limits, position = position_dodge(width=0.9), width=0.25)
      } else {
        d$toto = paste(d$in_col, d$x_axis, sep = "azerty")
        mm = ddply(d, "toto", summarise, mean = mean(variable, na.rm = TRUE), sd = sd(variable, na.rm = TRUE))
        mm$in_col = as.factor(sapply(mm$toto, function(x){unlist(strsplit(x, "azerty"))[1]}))
        mm$x_axis = as.factor(sapply(mm$toto, function(x){unlist(strsplit(x, "azerty"))[2]}))

        p = ggplot(mm, aes(x = x_axis, y = mean, fill = in_col))
        p = p + geom_bar(position = "dodge", stat = "identity")
        limits <- aes(ymax = mean + sd, ymin = mean - sd)
        p = p + geom_errorbar(limits, position = position_dodge(width=0.9), width=0.25)

    # boxplot
    if(plot_type == "boxplot") {
      p = ggplot(d, aes( x = x_axis, y = variable))
      if( is.null(in_col) ) {
        p = p + geom_boxplot(position="dodge")
      } else {
        p = p + geom_boxplot(aes(fill = in_col))

    # interaction
    if(plot_type == "interaction") {
      p = ggplot(d, aes(y = variable, x = factor(x_axis), colour = factor(in_col), group = factor(in_col)))
      p = p + stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "point") + stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "line")

    if(is.element(plot_type, c("barplot", "boxplot", "interaction"))) {
      p = p + xlab("") + ylab(variable) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1), legend.title = element_blank())
      p = p + coord_cartesian(xlim = NULL, ylim)

  fun_hbbi = function(d, vec_variables,
                      x_axis, nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis,
                      in_col, nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col,

    out = lapply(vec_variables,
                 function(variable, d, labels_on,
                          x_axis, nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis,
                          in_col, nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col,

                     if( x_axis == "date_julian") { x_axis = paste(variable, "$date_julian", sep = "") }

                   d = reshape_data_split_x_axis_in_col(d, variable, labels_on,
                                                        x_axis, nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis,
                                                        in_col, nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col
                   ylim = range(unlist(lapply(d, function(x){ range(x[,variable], na.omit = TRUE) } )))

                   out = lapply(d, fun_hbbi_1, x_axis, in_col, plot_type, variable, ylim)
                 d, labels_on,
                 x_axis, nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis,
                 in_col, nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col,
    names(out) = vec_variables

  # 2.3. Function to run biplot ----------
  fun_biplot = function(d, vec_variables, labels_on, labels_size,
                        x_axis, nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis,
                        in_col, nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col
    labels_text = NULL  # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

    d = reshape_data_split_x_axis_in_col(d, vec_variables, labels_on,
                                         x_axis, nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis,
                                         in_col, nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col

    ylim = NULL
    for(variable in vec_variables){
      ylim = c(ylim, list(
        range(unlist(lapply(d, function(x){ range(x[,variable], na.omit = TRUE) } )))
    names(ylim) = vec_variables

    fun_biplot_1 = function(pair_var, d, in_col, labels_size, ylim){
      fun_biplot_2 = function(d, pair_var, in_col, labels_size, ylim){
        var_ = unlist(strsplit(pair_var, " -azerty- "))
        var1 = var_[1]; d$var1 = d[,var1]
        var2 = var_[2]; d$var2 = d[,var2]
        ylim = range(unlist(ylim[c(var_[1], var_[2])]))
          dtmp = d[,c("in_col", "var1", "var2", "labels_text")]
        } else {
          dtmp = d[,c("var1", "var2", "labels_text")]
        dtmp = na.omit(dtmp)
        if( nrow(dtmp) == 0){
          warning("No biplot is done for ", var1, " and ", var2, " as there are only NA. This can be due to missing data.");
          p = NULL
        } else {
          p = ggplot(dtmp, aes(x = var1, y = var2, label = labels_text))
            p = p + geom_text(aes(colour = in_col), size = labels_size)
          } else {
            p = p + geom_text(size = labels_size)
          p = p + coord_cartesian(xlim = NULL, ylim = ylim)
          p = p + stat_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE)
          p = p  + xlab(var1) + ylab(var2) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1), legend.title = element_blank())

          m <- lm(var2 ~ var1, dtmp)
          eq = paste("y = ", format(coef(m)[1], digits = 2), " x +", format(coef(m)[2], digits = 2), "; r2 = ", format(summary(m)$r.squared, digits = 3), sep = "")
          p = p + ggtitle(eq) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
      p = lapply(d, fun_biplot_2, pair_var, in_col, labels_size, ylim)

    pair_var = apply(combn(vec_variables, 2), 2, function(x){paste(x, collapse = " -azerty- ")})
    out = lapply(pair_var, fun_biplot_1, d, in_col, labels_size, ylim)
    names(out) = sub(" -azerty- ", " - ", pair_var)

  # 2.4. Function to run radar ----------
  fun_radar = function(d, vec_variables, in_col, labels_size){
    colnames(d)[which(colnames(d) == in_col)] = "in_col"
    d$group = d$in_col
    m = data.frame(matrix(levels(d$group), ncol = 1))
    colnames(m) = "group"
    if( !is.null(x_axis) ){
      colnames(d)[which(colnames(d) == x_axis)] = "x_axis"
      list_v = lapply(vec_variables, function(variable, d){
        d_value = data.frame()
        for(i in 1:nrow(m)){
          dtmp = droplevels(dplyr::filter(d, in_col == m[i, "group"]))
          value = tapply(dtmp[,variable], dtmp$x_axis, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
          d_value = rbind.data.frame(d_value, value)
        m = cbind.data.frame(m, d_value)
        colnames(m) = c("group", levels(d$x_axis))
        rownames(m) = m$group
        m = m[,-1]
      }, d)
      names(list_v) = vec_variables
    } else {
      for(variable in vec_variables){
        value = tapply(d[,variable], d$group, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
        # rescale all variables to lie between 0 and 1
        # value_ok = value / sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)
        m = cbind.data.frame(m, value)
      colnames(m) = c("group", vec_variables)
      m = m[,-1]
      list_v = list("all-variables" = m)
    out_p = list()
    for(i in 1:length(list_v)){
      p = ggradar_bis(list_v[[i]]) + ggtitle(names(list_v)[i])
      out_p = c(out_p, list(p))
    names(out_p) = names(list_v)

  # 2.5. Function to run raster representation for factor variables ----------
  fun_raster_1 = function(data, vec_variable){
    variable = value = NULL  # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

    vv = vm = vx = NULL
    for(v in vec_variables) {
      vv = c(vv, as.character(rep(v, nrow(data))))
      vm = c(vm, as.character(data[,v]))
      vx = c(vx, as.character(data$x_axis))

    dtmp = cbind.data.frame(
      variable = as.factor(vv),
      value = as.factor(vm),
      x_axis = as.factor(vx)

    p = ggplot(dtmp, aes(x = x_axis, y = variable))
    p = p + geom_raster(aes(fill = value))
    p = p + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90))

  fun_raster = function(d, vec_variables,
                        x_axis, nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis){
    vec_variable = NULL  # to avoid no visible binding for global variable

    vv = vm = vx = NULL
    for(v in vec_variables) {
      vv = c(vv, as.character(rep(v, nrow(d))))
      vm = c(vm, as.character(d[,v]))
      vx = c(vx, as.character(d[,x_axis]))

    dtmp = cbind.data.frame(
      variable = as.factor(vv),
      value = as.factor(vm),
      x_axis = as.factor(vx)

    test = table(dtmp$x_axis)
    if( sum(test) != length(test) ) {
      warning("There are no single value for each x_axis, therefore block, X and Y colums have been added in order to have single value.")
      d$new_x_axis = paste(d[,x_axis], d$block, d$X, d$Y, sep = "-")
    } else { d$new_x_axis = d[,x_axis] }
    d = d[,-which(colnames(d) == x_axis)]
    x_axis = paste(x_axis, "block", "X", "Y", sep = "-")
    colnames(d)[which(colnames(d) == "new_x_axis")] = x_axis

    d = reshape_data_split_x_axis_in_col(d, vec_variables, labels_on = NULL,
                                         x_axis, nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis,
                                         in_col = NULL, nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col = NULL
    out = lapply(d, fun_raster_1, vec_variable)

  # 2.6. Functions to run map ----------
  fun_pies_on_map = function(variable, p, data, pie_size){
    data_to_map = droplevels(unique(data[c("location", "long", "lat")]))
    p = add_pies(p, data_to_map, format = "data_agro", plot_type = "map", data, variable, pie_size)

  fun_map = function(data, vec_variables, labels_on, labels_size, pie_size){
    data_to_map = droplevels(unique(data[c("location", "long", "lat")]))
    p = pmap(data_to_map, format = NULL, labels_on, labels_size, zoom)
    if( !is.null(vec_variables) ){
      out = lapply(vec_variables, fun_pies_on_map, p, data, pie_size)
      names(out) = paste("pies_on_map", vec_variables, sep="_")
    } else { out = list(p); names(out) = "map" }

  # 3. Run code ----------
  # 3.1. Presence absence for each germplasm, location and year
  if(plot_type == "pam"){
    p_out = fun_pam(data, vec_variables)

  # 3.2. histogramm, barplot, boxplot, interaction ----------
  if( is.element(plot_type, c("histogramm", "barplot", "boxplot", "interaction") )) {
    p_out = fun_hbbi(data, vec_variables,
                     x_axis, nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis,
                     in_col, nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col,

  # 3.3. biplot ----------
  if(plot_type == "biplot") {
    p_out = fun_biplot(data, vec_variables, labels_on, labels_size,
                       x_axis, nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis,
                       in_col, nb_parameters_per_plot_in_col)

  # 3.4. radar ----------
  if(plot_type == "radar") {
    p_out = fun_radar(data, vec_variables, in_col, labels_size)

  # 3.5. raster ----------
  if(plot_type == "raster") {
    p_out = fun_raster(data, vec_variables, x_axis, nb_parameters_per_plot_x_axis)

  # 3.6. map ------------
  if(plot_type == "map"){
    p_out = fun_map(data, vec_variables, labels_on, labels_size, pie_size)

  # 4. Return results ----------

# check constitency of list with check_model ----------
#' Check constitency of list with outputs from \code{\link{check_model}}
#' @description
#' \code{check_list_out_check_model} checks consistency of list with outputs from \code{\link{check_model}}
#' @param valid_models A vector with valid models expected
#' @param list_out_check_model A list whose elements are output from \code{\link{check_model}}
#' @return
#' If the list do not contain valid models and all the elements of the list are coming from the same model, an error is returned.
#' If no error message are displayed the function returns a vector with the class of elements in list_out_check_model
#' @author Facundo Munoz and Pierre Riviere
#' @export
check_list_out_check_model = function(valid_models, list_out_check_model){
  if( length(list_out_check_model) <= 1 ) { stop("list_out_check_model must have at least two elements (i.e. two variables).") }
  if( is.null(names(list_out_check_model)) ){ stop("Each element of list_out_check_model must have a name") }
  if( is.element(TRUE, is.element(names(list_out_check_model), "")) ){ stop("Each element of list_out_check_model must have a name") }
  if (!all(
    idx <- vapply(list_out_check_model, inherits, TRUE, valid_models)
  )) {
    ## some (idx) elements of the list are either not a check_model or not
    ## a model_bh_GxE nor model_GxE. Pinpoint all of them.
    mess <- paste(
      paste(names(list_out_check_model)[which(idx)], collapse = ", "),
      "in", substitute(list_out_check_model), "must come from check_model()",
      "from either", 
      paste(valid_models, collapse = ", ")
  ## Check that all elements are consistently from the same model
  ## Matrix where each column (element in the list) contains the idx of the
  ## element's class in the position matching valid_models
  model_classes.idx <- vapply(
    which = TRUE)
  if( !is.matrix(model_classes.idx) ){ model_classes.idx = t(as.matrix(model_classes.idx)) }
  rownames(model_classes.idx) <- valid_models
  all_by_model <- apply(model_classes.idx > 0, 1, all)
  if (sum(all_by_model) != 1) {
    ## not all elements are from the same model
    model.idx <- apply(model_classes.idx > 0, 2, function(x) valid_models[which(x)])
    stop("All elements in", substitute(list_out_check_model),
         "need to come from the same model")
priviere/PPBstats documentation built on May 6, 2021, 1:20 a.m.