setOldClass(c("tbl_duckdb_connection", "tbl_dbi", "tbl_sql", "tbl_lazy", "tbl"))
setOldClass(c("tbl_PqConnection", "tbl_dbi", "tbl_sql", "tbl_lazy", "tbl"))
# Interface ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' An S4 virtual class for Ramses objects
#' @slot id an identifier or vector of identifiers
#' @slot conn a database connection
#' @slot record a \code{tbl_sql} for the corresponding database record
#' @rdname RamsesObject
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom duckdb duckdb_connection
slots = c(
id = "vector",
conn = "DBIConnection",
record = "tbl_sql"
contains = "VIRTUAL"
# Patient -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' An S4 class to represent patients
#' @slot id a patient identifier
#' @slot conn a database connection
#' @slot record a \code{tbl_sql} for the corresponding database record
#' @param id a patient identifier
#' @param conn a database connection
#' @param x an object inheriting class \link[Ramses]{RamsesObject}
#' @rdname Patient
#' @export
contains = "RamsesObject"
#' @rdname Patient
#' @param ... generic signature
#' @export
Patient <- function(...) {
#' @rdname Patient
#' @export
Patient.DBIConnection <- function(conn, id) {
if ( is.null(id) | length(id) != 1 ) {
stop("`id` must have length 1")
if ( {
stop("`id` must not be NA.")
id_data_type <- .sql_data_type(conn = conn,
table = "patients",
field = "patient_id")
if (is.numeric(id) & id_data_type == "character") {
stop("`id` must be character")
if (is.character(id) & id_data_type !="character") {
stop(paste("`id` must be", id_data_type))
record <- tbl(conn, "patients") %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$patient_id == !!id)
id = id,
conn = conn,
record = record)
#' @rdname Patient
#' @export
Patient.RamsesObject <- function(x) {
conn <- x@conn
record <- collect(x)
id <- unique(na.omit(record$patient_id))
Patient.DBIConnection(conn = conn, id = id)
#' @export
#' @noRd
setGeneric(name = "Patient", def = Patient)
# Encounter ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' An S4 class to represent inpatient encounters
#' @slot id an encounter identifier
#' @slot conn a database connection
#' @slot record a \code{tbl_sql} for the corresponding database record
#' @slot longitudinal_table a \code{tbl_sql} for the longitudinal encounter table
#' @param id an encounter identifier
#' @param conn a database connection
#' @param extend_table_start optional integer to specify an earlier start
#' (in hours) in the longitudinal table of the object. For example, a value of
#' 6 means the longitudinal table will begin 6 hours prior to the admission
#' date. The value must be a positive number. Decimal numbers will be
#' rounded up to the nearest integer. The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @rdname Encounter
#' @export
slot = c(longitudinal_table = "tbl"),
contains = "RamsesObject"
#' @rdname Encounter
#' @export
Encounter <- function(conn, id, extend_table_start = NULL) {
id <- sort(na.omit(unique(id)))
if ( is.null(id) | length(id) < 1) {
stop("`id` must contain at least one identifier")
id_data_type <- .sql_data_type(conn = conn,
table = "inpatient_episodes",
field = "encounter_id")
if (is.numeric(id) & id_data_type == "character") {
stop("`id` must be character")
if (is.character(id) & id_data_type !="character") {
stop(paste("`id` must be", id_data_type))
extend_table_start <- .validate_extended_table_input(extend_table_start)
record <- dplyr::inner_join(
tbl(conn, "inpatient_episodes"),
dplyr::tibble(encounter_id = id),
by = "encounter_id", copy = TRUE)
longitudinal_table <- .longitudinal_table_create.Encounter(
conn = conn,
id = id,
extend_table_start = extend_table_start
# longitudinal_table <- .longitudinal_table_parenteral_indicator(
# longitudinal_table)
id = id,
conn = conn,
record = record,
longitudinal_table = longitudinal_table)
#' Create the therapy episode longitudinal table
#' @param conn a database connection
#' @param id a vector of encounter identifiers
#' @param extend_table_start optional integer to specify an earlier start
#' (in hours) in the longitudinal table of the object. For example, a value of
#' 6 means the longitudinal table will begin 6 hours prior to the start of
#' therapy. The value must be a positive number. Decimal numbers will be
#' rounded up to the nearest integer. The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @noRd
.longitudinal_table_create.Encounter <- function(conn, id, extend_table_start) {
longitudinal_table <- dplyr::inner_join(
tbl(conn, "inpatient_episodes"),
dplyr::tibble(encounter_id = sort(unique(id))),
by = "encounter_id", copy = TRUE
) %>%
if(is(conn, "PqConnection") | is(conn, "duckdb_connection")) {
tbl(conn, "ramses_tally") %>%
dplyr::mutate(t = .data$t - as.integer(extend_table_start)) %>%
dplyr::cross_join(longitudinal_table) %>%
dplyr::mutate(t_start = dplyr::sql("admission_date + interval '1h' * t ")) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$t_start < .data$discharge_date) %>%
dplyr::mutate(t_end = dplyr::sql("admission_date + interval '1h' * (t + 1)")) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$patient_id, .data$encounter_id) %>%
dplyr::mutate(t_end = dplyr::if_else(
.data$t == max(.data$t, na.rm = TRUE),
)) %>%
} else {
# MedicationRequest -------------------------------------------------------
#' An S4 class to represent a drug-dose medication request
#' @description This class represent a clinician's request for a single
#' drug-dose order, whether it is to be used as monotherapy or combination therapy.
#' @slot id a prescription identifier
#' @slot conn a database connection
#' @slot record a \code{tbl_sql} for the corresponding database record
#' @param id a prescription identifier
#' @param conn a database connection
#' @rdname MedicationRequest
#' @export
contains = "RamsesObject"
#' @rdname MedicationRequest
#' @export
MedicationRequest <- function(conn, id) {
if ( is.null(id) | length(id) == 0 ) {
stop("`id` must have length 1.")
id <- id[1]
if ( length(id) > 1 ) {
warning("`id` must have length 1. The first value will be used")
id <- id[1]
if ( {
stop("`id` must not be NA.")
id_data_type <- .sql_data_type(conn = conn,
table = "drug_prescriptions",
field = "prescription_id")
if (is.numeric(id) & id_data_type == "character") {
stop("`id` must be character")
if (is.character(id) & id_data_type !="character") {
stop(paste("`id` must be", id_data_type))
record <- dplyr::filter(tbl(conn, "drug_prescriptions"),
.data$prescription_id == !!id)
id = id,
conn = conn,
record = record)
# TherapyEpisode ----------------------------------------------------------
#' An S4 class to represent episodes of antimicrobial therapy
#' @slot id a therapy episode identifier
#' @slot conn a database connection
#' @slot record a \code{tbl_sql} for the corresponding database record
#' @slot longitudinal_table a \code{tbl_sql} for the longitudinal therapy table
#' @param id a vector of one or several therapy episode identifiers (from
#' database field \code{drug_therapy_episodes.therapy_id} as generated by
#' \code{\link{load_medications}()} or
#' \code{\link{create_therapy_episodes}()})
#' @param conn a database connection
#' @param x an object of class \code{MedicationRequest}
#' @param extend_table_start optional integer to specify an earlier start
#' (in hours) in the longitudinal table of the object. For example, a value of
#' 6 means the longitudinal table will begin 6 hours prior to the start of
#' antimicrobial therapy. The value must be a positive number. Decimal numbers
#' will be rounded up to the nearest integer. The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @rdname TherapyEpisode
#' @export
slot = c(longitudinal_table = "tbl"),
contains = "RamsesObject"
#' @rdname TherapyEpisode
#' @param ... generic signature
#' @export
TherapyEpisode <- function(...) {
#' @rdname TherapyEpisode
#' @export
TherapyEpisode.DBIConnection <- function(conn, id, extend_table_start = NULL) {
id <- sort(na.omit(unique(id)))
if ( is.null(id) | length(id) < 1) {
stop("`id` must contain at least one identifier")
id_data_type <- .sql_data_type(conn = conn,
table = "drug_therapy_episodes",
field = "therapy_id")
if (is.numeric(id) & id_data_type == "character") {
stop("`id` must be character")
if (is.character(id) & id_data_type !="character") {
stop(paste("`id` must be", id_data_type))
extend_table_start <- .validate_extended_table_input(extend_table_start)
record <- dplyr::inner_join(
tbl(conn, "drug_therapy_episodes"),
dplyr::tibble(therapy_id = id),
by = "therapy_id", copy = TRUE)
longitudinal_table <- .longitudinal_table_create.TherapyEpisode(
conn = conn,
id = id,
longitudinal_table <- .longitudinal_table_parenteral_indicator(longitudinal_table)
id = id,
conn = conn,
record = record,
longitudinal_table = longitudinal_table)
#' @rdname TherapyEpisode
#' @export
TherapyEpisode.MedicationRequest <- function(x, extend_table_start = NULL) {
conn <- x@conn
record <- collect(x)
id <- unique(na.omit(record$therapy_id))
TherapyEpisode.DBIConnection(conn = conn, id = id, extend_table_start = extend_table_start)
#' @export
#' @noRd
setGeneric(name = "TherapyEpisode", def = TherapyEpisode)
#' Create the therapy episode longitudinal table
#' @param conn a database connection
#' @param id a vector of therapy episode character identifiers (by design, Ramses creates
#' this as the identifier of the first prescription ordered in an episode)
#' @param extend_table_start optional integer to specify an earlier start
#' (in hours) in the longitudinal table of the object. For example, a value of
#' 6 means the longitudinal table will begin 6 hours prior to the admission
#' date. The value must be a positive number. Decimal numbers will be
#' rounded up to the nearest integer. The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @noRd
.longitudinal_table_create.TherapyEpisode <- function(conn, id, extend_table_start) {
longitudinal_table <- dplyr::inner_join(
tbl(conn, "drug_therapy_episodes"),
dplyr::tibble(therapy_id = sort(unique(id))),
by = "therapy_id", copy = TRUE
) %>%
if(is(conn, "PqConnection") | is(conn, "duckdb_connection")) {
tbl(conn, "ramses_tally") %>%
dplyr::mutate(t = .data$t - as.integer(extend_table_start)) %>%
dplyr::cross_join(longitudinal_table) %>%
dplyr::mutate(t_start = dplyr::sql("therapy_start + interval '1h' * t "))%>%
dplyr::filter(.data$t_start < .data$therapy_end) %>%
dplyr::mutate(t_end = dplyr::sql("therapy_start + interval '1h' * (t + 1)")) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$patient_id, .data$therapy_id) %>%
dplyr::mutate(t_end = dplyr::if_else(
t == max(.data$t, na.rm = TRUE),
)) %>%
} else {
#' Create parenteral indicator
#' @param longitudinal_table `tbl_sql` for the spine of the longitudinal_table
#' @return a longitudinal_table with an IV column (1 = 1+ drugs are parenteral,
#' 0 = all drugs administered via oral route)
#' @noRd
.longitudinal_table_parenteral_indicator <- function(longitudinal_table) {
medication_requests <- dplyr::inner_join(
tbl(longitudinal_table$src$con, "drug_prescriptions"),
dplyr::distinct(longitudinal_table, .data$therapy_id),
by = "therapy_id", copy = TRUE
if (is(longitudinal_table$src$con, "PqConnection") | is(longitudinal_table$src$con, "duckdb_connection") ) {
longitudinal_table_meds_join <- dplyr::left_join(
by = c("patient_id", "therapy_id")) %>%
dplyr::between(.data$t_start, .data$prescription_start, .data$prescription_end) |
dplyr::between(.data$prescription_start, .data$t_start, .data$t_end) |
dplyr::between(.data$prescription_end, .data$t_start, .data$t_end)
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$patient_id, .data$therapy_id, .data$t) %>%
dplyr::summarise(parenteral = dplyr::if_else(
dplyr::if_else(.data$ATC_route == "P", 1.0, 0.0),
na.rm = T) == 0.0,
} else {
longitudinal_table_parenteral <- dplyr::left_join(
by = c("patient_id", "therapy_id", "t")
#' Get parenteral antimicrobial therapy sequences
#' @description Timely switch to oral therapy is a widely recommended
#' antimicrobial stewardship behaviour. \code{parenteral_changes()}
#' extracts 'therapy sequences', which are defined as either:
#' \itemize{
#' \item a period of parenteral antimicrobial therapy subsequently converted
#' into oral therapy
#' \item a period of parenteral antimicrobial therapy never converted into
#' oral therapy
#' }
#' @param therapy_episode a \code{\link{TherapyEpisode}} object
#' @param tolerance_hours integer for the maximum number of hours during which
#' an absence of prescription or the administration of some oral drugs
#' will be ignored. The default is 12.
#' @details Antimicrobial drugs may be administered via oral or parenteral
#' (usually intravenous) route. Oral administration is preferred when patients
#' can tolerate them and infections are not deep seated.
#' This function analyses the \code{parenteral} field in a
#' longitudinal table. By default, it returns positions of sequences of at least
#' twelve "1" (= parenteral drug administration) followed by a
#' "0" (= oral administration) or a terminating sequence composed exclusively of "0".
#' Short periods without therapy lasting up to twelve hours (e.g. between two prescriptions)
#' are ignored by default (see \code{tolerance_hours} parameter).
#' Short periods of oral administration lasting up to twelve hours are also ignored by default.
#' This ensures that very short oral prescriptions (including when parenteral
#' therapy continues uninterrupted) do not distort the analysis of therapy
#' changes.
#' @return a named list containing, for every therapy episode, a nested list of
#' vectors describing therapy sequences. Each vector consists
#' of three integers coding for the time \code{t}:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item when the sequence is initiated (parenteral administration begins)
#' \item when the sequence ends
#' \item \emph{if the therapy is converted to oral administration:} time of conversion,
#' (otherwise \code{NA_integer_})
#' }
#' The integers are in direct correspondence with field \code{t} in the
#' therapy episode table (\code{\link{longitudinal_table}()}).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(dplyr)
#' ramses_db <- create_mock_database("Ramses_mock_database_example.duckdb")
#' example_therapy <- TherapyEpisode(ramses_db, "2a2b6da3b67f6f495f4cedafb029f631")
#' # Obtain the parenteral to oral sequence indexes
#' therapy_sequence <- parenteral_changes(example_therapy)
#' therapy_sequence
#' # Look for the section of the longitudinal_table where 0 <= t <= 267
#' filter(longitudinal_table(example_therapy, collect = TRUE),
#' between(t,
#' therapy_sequence[["2a2b6da3b67f6f495f4cedafb029f631"]][[1]][1],
#' therapy_sequence[["2a2b6da3b67f6f495f4cedafb029f631"]][[1]][2])) %>% head()
#' # Look for the section of the longitudinal_table near conversion (t = 220)
#' filter(longitudinal_table(example_therapy, collect = TRUE),
#' between(t, 218, 223))
#' }
parenteral_changes <- function(therapy_episode, tolerance_hours = 12L) {
if (!is(therapy_episode, "TherapyEpisode")) {
.throw_error_method_not_implemented("parenteral_changes", class(therapy_episode))
stopifnot(is.numeric(tolerance_hours) | length(tolerance_hours) != 1)
tolerance_hours <- as.integer(tolerance_hours)
TT <- longitudinal_table(therapy_episode, collect = T)
TT <- split(x = TT, f = TT$therapy_id)
lapply(TT, function(x, input_tolerance_hours){
}, input_tolerance_hours = tolerance_hours)
.parenteral_vector_process <- function(x, tolerance_hours) {
iosequence <- gsub("NA", "#", paste(x, collapse = ""))
match_indices <- list()
i = 1
position = 0
while ( nchar(iosequence) > 0 ) {
# eg, if tolerance set to 9 hours, regex is:
# "1{8,}((10{1,8}1)|1|#{1,9})*(1{9,}|1$|#{9,}){1}"
# "1{8,}((10{1,9}1)|1|(1#{1,9}1))*(0{10,}|1$|#{10,}){1}"
match_index <- regexpr(
"(10{1,", tolerance_hours, "})|",
"(1#{1,", tolerance_hours, "})",
"(0{", tolerance_hours, ",}|1|$){1}"
conversion_index <- regexpr(
"0{", tolerance_hours, ",}$"
as.integer(match_index) + attr(match_index, "match.length") -1)
# If no conversion, return NA
if (conversion_index == -1) {
conversion_index <- NA_integer_
if (match_index == -1) {
match_indices[[i]] <- c(as.integer(match_index) + position - 1,
as.integer(match_index) + attr(match_index, "match.length") + position - 2,
as.integer(conversion_index) + as.integer(match_index) + position - 2)
# reduce sequence to what is left beyond the match
position <- as.integer(match_index) + attr(match_index, "match.length") + position - 1
iosequence <- substr(iosequence,
as.integer(match_index) + attr(match_index, "match.length"),
rm(match_index, conversion_index)
i <- i + 1
# longitudinal_table -------------------------------------------------------
#' Verify that all therapy episodes/encounters are present in record
#' @description To verify that a `tbl_objects` table contains
#' all therapy episodes referenced in the `object@id` slot
#' @param x a `TherapyEpisode` or `Encounter` object
#' @param tbl_object a `tbl_sql` or `tbl_df` containing a `therapy_id` column
#' @param silent if `TRUE`, will not throw a warning if not all therapy
#' episodes are present
#' @return a boolean (and throws a warning)
#' @noRd
.longitudinal_table_completeness_check <- function(x, tbl_object, silent = FALSE) {
if (is(x, "Encounter")) {
object_id_field <- "encounter_id"
warning_object_class <- "encounters"
} else if (is(x, "TherapyEpisode")) {
object_id_field <- "therapy_id"
warning_object_class <- "therapy episodes"
} else {
function_name = ".longitudinal_table_completeness_check()",
class_name = class(x)
remote_ids <- dplyr::distinct(tbl_object, .data[[object_id_field]]) %>%
missing <- !x@id %in% remote_ids[[object_id_field]]
if (any(missing)) {
if (!silent) {
warning("Some ", warning_object_class, " were not found:\n",
paste(utils::head(x@id[missing]), collapse = ", "),
ifelse(sum(!missing) > 5, "...", ""), call. = FALSE)
#' Get the longitudinal_table
#' @param x an object of class \code{Encounter}, \code{TherapyEpisode},
#' or \code{MedicationRequest}
#' @param collect if \code{TRUE}, collect the remote \code{tbl_sql} and return a local
#' \code{tbl_df}. The default is \code{FALSE}, and simply returns the remote \code{tbl_sql}
#' @return an object of class \code{tbl}
#' @rdname longitudinal_table
#' @export
setGeneric("longitudinal_table", function(x, collect = FALSE) standardGeneric("longitudinal_table"))
#' @rdname longitudinal_table
#' @export
setMethod("longitudinal_table", "TherapyEpisode", function(x, collect = FALSE) {
.longitudinal_table_completeness_check(x, x@longitudinal_table)
if( collect ) {
dplyr::collect(x@longitudinal_table) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$therapy_id, .data$t)
} else {
#' @rdname longitudinal_table
#' @export
setMethod("longitudinal_table", "MedicationRequest", function(x, collect = FALSE) {
x <- TherapyEpisode(x)
.longitudinal_table_completeness_check(x, x@longitudinal_table)
if( collect ) {
dplyr::collect(x@longitudinal_table) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$therapy_id, .data$t)
} else {
#' @rdname longitudinal_table
#' @export
setMethod("longitudinal_table", "Encounter", function(x, collect = FALSE) {
.longitudinal_table_completeness_check(x, x@longitudinal_table)
if( collect ) {
dplyr::collect(x@longitudinal_table) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$encounter_id, .data$t)
} else {
#' Return a single positive integer
#' @param x input
#' @noRd
.validate_extended_table_input <- function(x) {
if ( is.null(x) || all( ) {
x <- 0
if ( length(x) > 1 || !is.numeric(x) ) {
stop("`", substitute(x), "` must be a numeric or integer of length 1.")
if ( x < 0 ) {
stop("`", substitute(x), "` must be >= 0")
x <- ceiling(x)
# show methods ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Show a Ramses object
#' @description Print a summary of a Ramses object.
#' @param object an object of class RamsesObject
#' @return show returns an invisible \code{NULL}.
#' @rdname show
#' @seealso \code{\link[methods]{show}()}
#' @importFrom methods show
#' @export
setMethod("show", "RamsesObject", function(object) {
cat(class(object), as.character(object@id), "\n")
cat("\nDatabase connection:\n")
#' @rdname show
#' @export
setMethod("show", "Encounter", function(object) {
if( length(object@id) == 1 ) {
cat("Encounter", paste(as.character(object@id), collapse = ", "), "\n")
} else if( length(object@id) <= 3 ) {
cat("Encounters", paste(as.character(object@id), collapse = ", "), "\n")
} else if( length(object@id) > 3 ) {
cat("Encounters", paste(as.character(object@id)[1:3], collapse = ", "), "...\n")
record <- dplyr::collect(object@record)
if( nrow(record) == 0 ) {
cat("Record is not available.\n")
cat("Please check object id is valid\n")
} else if( length(object@id) == 1 ) {
cat("Patient: ", unique(record$patient_id), "\n")
cat("Start: ", format(unique(record$admission_date), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), "\n")
cat("End: ", format(unique(record$discharge_date), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), "\n\n")
} else if( length(object@id) > 1 ) {
cat("[total of", length(object@id), "encounters]\n")
record <- dplyr::arrange(record, .data$encounter_id, .data$episode_number)
if (dplyr::n_distinct(record$patient_id) > 3) {
cat("Patients: ", paste(as.character(unique(record$patient_id)[1:3]), collapse = ", "), ", ...\n")
} else {
cat("Patient(s): ", paste(as.character(unique(record$patient_id)), collapse = ", "), "\n")
cat("\nDatabase connection:\n")
#' @rdname show
#' @export
setMethod("show", "TherapyEpisode", function(object) {
if( length(object@id) <= 3 ) {
cat(class(object), paste(as.character(object@id), collapse = ", "), "\n")
} else if( length(object@id) > 3 ) {
cat(class(object), paste(as.character(object@id)[1:3], collapse = ", "), "...\n")
record <- dplyr::collect(object@record)
if( nrow(record) == 0 ) {
cat("Record is not available.\n")
cat("Please check object id is valid\n")
} else if( length(object@id) == 1 ) {
prescriptions <- tbl(object@conn, "drug_prescriptions") %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$patient_id == !!record$patient_id &
.data$therapy_id == !!object@id) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$therapy_rank) %>%
dplyr::select("prescription_text") %>%
cat("Patient: ", record$patient_id, "\n")
cat("Start: ", format(record$therapy_start, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), "\n")
cat("End: ", format(record$therapy_end, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), "\n\n")
cat("Medications:\n ")
if(nrow(prescriptions) > 5) {
cat(paste0(" > ", prescriptions$prescription_text[1:4], "\n"))
cat(paste0(" ... (", nrow(prescriptions) - 4, " additional medication requests)\n"))
} else {
cat(paste0(" > ", prescriptions$prescription_text, "\n"))
} else if( length(object@id) > 1 ) {
cat("[total of", nrow(record), "therapy episodes]\n")
record <- dplyr::arrange(record, .data$therapy_id)
record <- record[order(object@id), ]
if (length(unique(record$patient_id)) > 3) {
cat("Patients: ", paste(as.character(unique(record$patient_id)[1:3]), collapse = ", "), ", ...\n")
} else {
cat("Patient(s): ", paste(as.character(unique(record$patient_id)), collapse = ", "), "\n")
cat("\nDatabase connection:\n")
#' @rdname show
#' @export
setMethod("show", "MedicationRequest", function(object) {
cat(class(object), as.character(object@id), "\n")
record <- dplyr::collect(object@record)
if( nrow(record) == 0 ) {
cat("Record is not available.\n")
cat("Please check object id is valid\n")
} else {
cat(record$prescription_text, "\n")
cat("Patient: ", as.character(record$patient_id), "\n")
cat("Start: ", format(record$prescription_start, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), "\n")
cat("End: ", format(record$prescription_end, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), "\n")
if( !$combination_id) ) {
cat("Combination: ", as.character(record$combination_id), "\n")
cat("Therapy: ", as.character(record$therapy_id), "\n")
cat("\nDatabase connection:\n")
# compute methods ---------------------------------------------------------
.compute_longitudinal_objects <- function(x) {
.longitudinal_table_completeness_check(x, x@record)
x@record <- dplyr::compute(x@record)
x@longitudinal_table <- dplyr::compute(x@longitudinal_table)
conn = x@conn,
table = dbplyr::remote_name(x@longitudinal_table),
field = ifelse(
methods::is(x, "Encounter"),
"t, patient_id, encounter_id",
"t, patient_id, therapy_id"
override_index_name = paste0("idx_pk_", dbplyr::remote_name(x@longitudinal_table))
conn = x@conn,
table = dbplyr::remote_name(x@longitudinal_table),
fields = "patient_id, t_start",
override_index_name = paste0("idx_pt_time_", dbplyr::remote_name(x@longitudinal_table))
#' Compute the database records of a Ramses object
#' @description Compute the \code{tbl_sql} records of a Ramses object in the
#' backend database (see \code{dplyr::\link[dplyr]{compute}()}). This function
#' creates a database index of \code{Encounter} and \code{TherapyEpisode}
#' longitudinal tables, which can speed up operations such as those performed
#' by \code{clinical_feature_x()} functions.
#' @param x an object of class \code{RamsesObject}
#' @param ... arguments passed on to methods (compatibility with \code{dplyr}'s
#' S3 generic)
#' @return an object of class \code{RamsesObject}
#' @seealso \code{\link[dplyr]{compute}()}
#' @rdname compute
#' @importFrom dplyr compute
#' @export
setGeneric("compute", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("compute"))
#' @rdname compute
#' @export
setMethod("compute", "TherapyEpisode", function(x) {
#' @rdname compute
#' @export
setMethod("compute", "Encounter", function(x) {
#' @rdname compute
#' @export
setMethod("compute", "RamsesObject", function(x) {
x@record <- dplyr::compute(x@record)
# collect methods ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Retrieve the database record of a Ramses object
#' @description Retrieve a data frame of the record belonging to a Ramses
#' object instance.
#' @param x an object of class \code{RamsesObject}
#' @param ... arguments passed on to methods (compatibility with \code{dplyr}'s
#' S3 generic)
#' @return a data frame of class \code{tbl_df}
#' @rdname collect
#' @importFrom dplyr collect
#' @seealso \code{\link[dplyr]{collect}()}, \code{\link[Ramses]{longitudinal_table}()}
#' @export
setGeneric("collect", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("collect"))
#' @rdname collect
#' @export
setMethod("collect", "TherapyEpisode", function(x) {
.longitudinal_table_completeness_check(x, x@record)
#' @rdname collect
#' @export
setMethod("collect", "Encounter", function(x) {
.longitudinal_table_completeness_check(x, x@record)
#' @rdname collect
#' @export
setMethod("collect", "RamsesObject", function(x) {
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