
Defines functions ecdf_plot_ts ecdf_plot_smooth probability.exceeding.mat probability.exceeding.vec rgumbel qgumbel pgumbel dgumbel snorm_shape snormFit rsnorm qsnorm psnorm dsnorm heaviside_fun fit.norm.temp fit.berngamma.rain fit.distributions bernweibull_distr_params bernlnorm_distr_params bernexp_distr_params berngamma_distr_params gumbel_distr_params weibull_distr_params exp_distr_params gamma_distr_params snorm_distr_params lnorm_distr_params norm_distr_params get_distr_parameters qbernweibull pbernweibull qbernlnorm pbernlnorm qbernexp pbernexp qberngamma pberngamma startbernweibull startbernlnorm startbernexp startberngamma startgumbel startweibull startexp startgamma startlnorm startsnorm startnorm skewnessM skewnessV quantile8

## Sample Quantiles Type 8
quantile8 <- function(x, probs){
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    nl <- length(x)
    if(nl == 0) return(rep(NA, length(probs)))
    xs <- sort.int(x, decreasing = FALSE)
    xq <- nl * probs + 0.3333 * probs + 0.3333
    ix <- trunc(xq)
    if(length(ix) >= nl)
        xs[ix] + (xq - ix) * (xs[ix + 1] - xs[ix])


skewnessV <- function(x){
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    n <- length(x)
    x <- x - mean(x)
    sqrt(n) * sum(x^3)/(sum(x^2)^(3/2))

skewnessM <- function(mat){
    nr <- colSums(!is.na(mat))
    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    X <- sweep(mat, 2, M, FUN = "-")
    S2 <- colSums(X^2, na.rm = TRUE)
    S3 <- colSums(X^3, na.rm = TRUE)
    sqrt(nr) * S3/(S2^(3/2))


## Initial values of parameters

## Normal
startnorm <- function(x){
    m <- mean(x)
    s <- stats::sd(x)
    list(mean = m, sd = s)

## Skew Normal
startsnorm <- function(x){
    m <- mean(x)
    s <- stats::sd(x)
    xi <- 1
    # location: mean
    # scale: sd
    # shape or skewness: xi
    list(mean = m, sd = s, xi = xi)

## Log-normal
startlnorm <- function(x){
    m <- mean(x)
    v <- stats::var(x)
    slog2 <- log((v + m^2) / m^2)
    mlog <- log(m) - slog2 / 2
    slog <- sqrt(slog2)
    list(meanlog = mlog, sdlog = slog)

## Gamma
startgamma <- function(x){
    m <- mean(x)
    v <- stats::var(x)
    shape <- m^2 / v
    scale <- v / m
    list(shape = shape, scale = scale)

## Exponential
startexp <- function(x){
    m <- mean(x)
    rate <- 1 / m
    list(rate = rate)

## Weibull
startweibull <- function(x){
    m <- mean(x)
    s <- stats::sd(x)
    # Ramírez and Carta (2005)
    # shape <- (m / s)^1.086
    shape <- (0.9874 / (s/m))^1.0983
    scale <- m / gamma(1 + 1/shape)
    list(shape = shape, scale = scale)

# ## Gumbel
# startgumbel <- function(x){
#     m <- mean(x)
#     s <- stats::sd(x)
#     # euler <- 0.5772156649015323

#     scale <- s * sqrt(6) / pi
#     ## maximum
#     loc <- m - 0.45006 * s
#     ## or
#     ## loc <- m - euler * scale

#     ## minimum
#     # loc <- m + 0.45006 * s
#     ## or
#     ## loc <- m + euler * scale

#     list(loc = loc, scale = scale)
# }

startgumbel <- function(x){
    ## using L-moments
    euler <- 0.5772156649015323

    lmom <- lmomco::TLmoms(x, nmom = 2)
    scale <- lmom$lambdas[2]/log(2)
    loc <- lmom$lambdas[1] - euler * scale

    list(loc = loc, scale = scale)

startberngamma <- function(x, thres = 1){
    x[x < thres] <- 0

startbernexp <- function(x, thres = 1){
    x[x < thres] <- 0

startbernlnorm <- function(x, thres = 1){
    x[x < thres] <- 0

startbernweibull <- function(x, thres = 1){
    x[x < thres] <- 0

pberngamma <- function(...) qmap::pberngamma(...)
qberngamma <- function(...) qmap::qberngamma(...)
pbernexp <- function(...) qmap::pbernexp(...)
qbernexp <- function(...) qmap::qbernexp(...)
pbernlnorm <- function(...) qmap::pbernlnorm(...)
qbernlnorm <- function(...) qmap::qbernlnorm(...)
pbernweibull <- function(...) qmap::pbernweibull(...)
qbernweibull <- function(...) qmap::qbernweibull(...)


# mat = matrix (row: dates, column: stations/points/grid)
# distr = list(name = "norm", pars = c('mean', 'sd'), longname = 'Normal')
# distr = list(name = "lnorm", pars = c('meanlog', 'sdlog'), longname = "Log-Normal")
# distr = list(name = "snorm", pars = c('mean', 'sd', 'xi'), longname = "Skew Normal")
# distr = list(name = "gamma", pars = c('shape', 'scale'), longname = "Gamma")
# distr = list(name = "exp", pars = 'rate', longname = "Exponential")
# distr = list(name = "weibull", pars = c('shape', 'scale'), longname = "Weibull")
# distr = list(name = "gumbel", pars = c('loc', 'scale'), longname = "Gumbel")
# distr = list(name = "berngamma", pars = c('prob', 'shape', 'scale'), longname = 'Bernoulli-Gamma', thres = 1)
# distr = list(name = "bernexp", pars = c('prob', 'rate'), longname = "Bernoulli-Exponential", thres = 1)
# distr = list(name = "bernlnorm", pars = c('prob', 'meanlog', 'sdlog'), longname = "Bernoulli-Log-Normal", thres = 1)
# distr = list(name = "bernweibull", pars = c('prob', 'shape', 'scale'), longname = "Bernoulli-Weibull", thres = 1)

get_distr_parameters <- function(mat, distr){
    params_fun <- paste0(distr$name, '_distr_params')
    args <- list(mat = mat)
        args$thres <- distr$thres
    do.call(params_fun, args)


## Normal
norm_distr_params <- function(mat){
    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    S <- matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    S[S == 0] <- 1e-3

    coef <- list()
    coef$mean <- M
    coef$sd <- S


## Log-normal
lnorm_distr_params <- function(mat){
    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    V <- matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    SL <- log((V + M^2) / M^2)
    ML <- log(M) - SL / 2
    SL <- sqrt(SL)

    coef <- list()
    coef$meanlog <- ML
    coef$sdlog <- SL


## Skew Normal
snorm_distr_params <- function(mat){
    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    S <- matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    S[S == 0] <- 1e-3
    Xi <- snorm_shape(mat)

    coef <- list()
    coef$mean <- M
    coef$sd <- S
    coef$xi <- Xi


## Gamma
gamma_distr_params <- function(mat){
    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    V <- matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    shape <- M^2 / V
    scale <- V / M

    coef <- list()
    coef$shape <- shape
    coef$scale <- scale


## Exponential
exp_distr_params <- function(mat){
    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    rate <- 1 / M

    coef <- list()
    coef$rate <- rate


## Weibull
weibull_distr_params <- function(mat){
    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    S <- matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    # Ramírez and Carta (2005)
    # shape <- (M / S)^1.086
    shape <- (0.9874 / (S/M))^1.0983
    scale <- M / gamma(1 + 1/shape)

    coef <- list()
    coef$shape <- shape
    coef$scale <- scale


## Gumbel
gumbel_distr_params <- function(mat){
    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    S <- matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    scale <- S * sqrt(6) / pi
    # loc <- M - 0.45006 * S
    loc <- M - 0.5772156649015323 * scale

    coef <- list()
    coef$loc <- loc
    coef$scale <- scale


## Bernoulli-Gamma
berngamma_distr_params <- function(mat, thres = 1){
    if(thres == 0) thres <- 1e-2
    nb <- colSums(!is.na(mat))
    P <- colSums(mat >= thres, na.rm = TRUE) / nb
    P[P == 0] <- 1e-6

    mat[mat < thres] <- NA
    nna <- colSums(!is.na(mat))
    miss <- nna < 7

    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    V <- matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    M[miss] <- NA
    V[miss] <- NA
    V[V == 0] <- 0.001

    coef <- list()
    coef$prob <- P
    coef$scale <- V / M
    coef$shape <- M^2 / V


## Bernoulli-Exponential
bernexp_distr_params <- function(mat, thres = 1){
    if(thres == 0) thres <- 1e-2
    nb <- colSums(!is.na(mat))
    P <- colSums(mat >= thres, na.rm = TRUE) / nb
    P[P == 0] <- 1e-6

    mat[mat < thres] <- NA
    nna <- colSums(!is.na(mat))
    miss <- nna < 7

    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    M[miss] <- NA

    coef <- list()
    coef$prob <- P
    coef$rate <- 1 / M


## Bernoulli-Log-Normal 
bernlnorm_distr_params <- function(mat, thres = 1){
    if(thres == 0) thres <- 1e-2
    nb <- colSums(!is.na(mat))
    P <- colSums(mat >= thres, na.rm = TRUE) / nb
    P[P == 0] <- 1e-6

    mat[mat < thres] <- NA
    nna <- colSums(!is.na(mat))
    miss <- nna < 7

    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    V <- matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    M[miss] <- NA
    V[miss] <- NA

    SL <- log((V + M^2) / M^2)
    ML <- log(M) - SL / 2
    SL <- sqrt(SL)

    coef <- list()
    coef$prob <- P
    coef$meanlog <- ML
    coef$sdlog <- SL


## Bernoulli-Weibull
bernweibull_distr_params <- function(mat, thres = 1){
    if(thres == 0) thres <- 1e-2
    nb <- colSums(!is.na(mat))
    P <- colSums(mat >= thres, na.rm = TRUE) / nb
    P[P == 0] <- 1e-6

    mat[mat < thres] <- NA
    nna <- colSums(!is.na(mat))
    miss <- nna < 7

    M <- colMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    S <- matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    M[miss] <- NA
    S[miss] <- NA
    S[S == 0] <- 0.001

    ## Ramírez and Carta (2005)
    # shape <- (M / S)^1.086
    shape <- (0.9874 / (S/M))^1.0983
    scale <- M / gamma(1 + 1/shape)

    ## qmap
    # shape <- 1.2/S
    # scale <- exp(M + 0.572/shape)

    coef <- list()
    coef$prob <- P
    coef$scale <- scale
    coef$shape <- shape



## Fitting empirical distributions to theoretical models
fit.distributions <- function(x, distr = c("norm", "snorm", "lnorm",
                              "gamma", "exp", "weibull", "gumbel"),
                              method = 'mle', ...)
    fit.distr <- lapply(distr, function(dm){
        if(dm %in% c("lnorm", "gamma", "weibull") & any(x <= 0)) return(NULL)
        start.pars <- do.call(paste0("start", dm), list(x))
        fit.mod <- try(fitdistrplus::fitdist(x, dm, method = method, start = start.pars, ...), silent = TRUE)
    idist <- sapply(fit.distr, function(d) if(!is.null(d)) !inherits(d, "try-error") else FALSE)
    fit.distr <- if(any(idist)) fit.distr[idist] else NULL

## remove
## Fit Bernoulli-Gamma distribution
fit.berngamma.rain <- function(x, min.len = 7, alpha = 0.05, method = 'mle',
                               lower = c(0, 1e-10, 1e-10), upper = c(1, Inf, Inf),
                               keepdata = FALSE, keepdata.nb = 3, ...)
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    ret <- NULL
    if(length(x) > min.len){
        if(length(x[x > 0]) > 2){
            if(stats::var(x[x > 0]) == 0)
                x[x > 0] <- x[x > 0] + stats::runif(length(x[x > 0]))
            if(length(which(x == 0)) == 0) x <- c(x, 0)
        }else return(NULL)

        start.pars <- qmap::startberngamma(x)
        fit.mod <- try(fitdistrplus::fitdist(x, "berngamma", method = method, start = start.pars,
                                             lower = lower, upper = upper, keepdata = keepdata,
                                             keepdata.nb = keepdata.nb, ...),
                       silent = TRUE)

        if(!inherits(fit.mod, "try-error")){
            # Anderson-Darling Test
            goftest <- ADGofTest::ad.test(x, qmap::pberngamma,
                                          prob = fit.mod$estimate['prob'],
                                          scale = fit.mod$estimate['scale'],
                                          shape = fit.mod$estimate['shape'])
            test <- if(goftest$p.value > alpha) 'yes' else 'no'
            ret <- list(fitted.distr = fit.mod, ADgoftest = goftest, h0 = test)
            ret <- list(fitted.distr = list(estimate = unlist(start.pars)), ADgoftest = NULL, h0 = 'null')


## remove
## Fit normal distribution for temp
fit.norm.temp <- function(x, min.len, alpha = 0.05, method = 'mle',
                          lower = c(-20, 0), upper = c(60, 10),
                          keepdata = FALSE, keepdata.nb = 3, ...)
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    ret <- NULL
    if(length(x) > min.len){
        xmoy <- mean(x)
        xsd <- stats::sd(x)
        fit.mod <- try(fitdistrplus::fitdist(x, "norm", method = method,
                                             start = list(mean = xmoy, sd = xsd),
                                             lower = lower, upper = upper,
                                             keepdata = keepdata, keepdata.nb = keepdata.nb, ...),
                       silent = TRUE)

        if(!inherits(fit.mod, "try-error")){
            # Shapiro-Wilk normality test
            swnt <- stats::shapiro.test(x)
            test <- if(swnt$p.value > alpha) 'yes' else 'no'
            ret <- list(fitted.distr = fit.mod, SWNtest = swnt, h0 = test)

            # # Anderson-Darling Test
            # goftest <- ADGofTest::ad.test(x, pnorm,
            #                               mean = fit.mod$estimate['mean'],
            #                               sd = fit.mod$estimate['sd'])
            # test <- if(goftest$p.value > alpha) 'yes' else 'no'
            # ret <- list(fitted.distr = fit.mod, ADgoftest = goftest, h0 = test)
            start.pars <- c(mean = xmoy, sd = xsd)
            ret <- list(fitted.distr = list(estimate = start.pars), SWNtest = NULL, h0 = 'null')



#### from package fGarch
## https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/fGarch/index.html

heaviside_fun <- function(x, a = 0){
    (sign(x - a) + 1)/2

dsnorm <- function(x, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5, log = FALSE){
    x <- (x - mean)/sd
    m1 <- 2/sqrt(2 * pi)
    mu <- m1 * (xi - 1/xi)
    sigma <- sqrt((1 - m1^2) * (xi^2 + 1/xi^2) + 2 * m1^2 - 1)
    z <- x * sigma + mu
    Xi <- xi^sign(z)
    g <- 2 / (xi + 1/xi)
    denst <- g * stats::dnorm(x = z/Xi)
    out <- denst * sigma / sd
    if(log) out <- log(out)


psnorm <- function(q, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5){
    q <- (q - mean)/sd
    m1 <- 2/sqrt(2 * pi)
    mu <- m1 * (xi - 1/xi)
    sigma <- sqrt((1 - m1^2) * (xi^2 + 1/xi^2) + 2 * m1^2 - 1)
    z <- q * sigma + mu
    Xi <- xi^sign(z)
    g <- 2 / (xi + 1/xi)
    heaviside_fun(z) - sign(z) * g * Xi * stats::pnorm(-abs(z)/Xi)

qsnorm <- function(p, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5){
    m1 <- 2/sqrt(2 * pi)
    mu <- m1 * (xi - 1/xi)
    sigma <- sqrt((1 - m1^2) * (xi^2 + 1/xi^2) + 2 * m1^2 - 1)

    g <- 2 / (xi + 1/xi)
    sig <- sign(p - 1/2)
    Xi <- xi^sig
    p <- (heaviside_fun(p - 1/2) - sig * p) / (g * Xi)
    quant <- (-sig * stats::qnorm(p = p, sd = Xi) - mu) / sigma

    quant * sd + mean  

rsnorm <- function(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, xi = 1.5){
    weight <- xi / (xi + 1/xi)
    z <- stats::runif(n, -weight, 1 - weight)
    Xi <- xi^sign(z)
    rand <- -abs(stats::rnorm(n))/Xi * sign(z)
    m1 <- 2/sqrt(2 * pi)
    mu <- m1 * (xi - 1/xi)
    sigma <- sqrt((1-m1^2)*(xi^2+1/xi^2) + 2*m1^2 - 1)
    rand <- (rand - mu) / sigma

    rand * sd + mean


snormFit <- function(x, ...){
    start <- c(mean = mean(x), sd = sqrt(stats::var(x)), xi = 1)
    loglik <- function(x, y = x) -sum(log(dsnorm(y, x[1], x[2], x[3])))
    fit <- stats::nlminb(start = start, objective = loglik, 
                         lower = c(-Inf, 0, 0),
                         upper = c( Inf, Inf, Inf), 
                         y = x, ...)
    names(fit$par) <- c("mean", "sd", "xi")


# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skew_normal_distribution

snorm_shape <- function(x){
        skewFun <- skewnessM
    }else if(is.vector(x)){
        skewFun <- skewnessV

    S <- skewFun(x)
    S2 <- abs(S)^(2/3)
    delta <- sqrt((pi/2) * S2 / (S2 + ((4 - pi)/2)^(2/3)))

    # sign(S) * delta / sqrt(1 - delta^2)
    delta / sqrt(1 - delta^2)


#### from package evd
## https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/evd/index.html

dgumbel <- function(x, loc = 0, scale = 1, log = FALSE){
    x <- (x - loc)/scale
    d <- log(1/scale) - x - exp(-x)
    if(!log) d <- exp(d)


pgumbel <- function(q, loc = 0, scale = 1, lower.tail = TRUE){
    q <- (q - loc)/scale
    p <- exp(-exp(-q))
    if(!lower.tail) p <- 1 - p


qgumbel <- function(p, loc = 0, scale = 1, lower.tail = TRUE){
    if(!lower.tail) p <- 1 - p
    loc - scale * log(-log(p))

rgumbel <- function(n, loc = 0, scale = 1){
    loc - scale * log(stats::rexp(n))


probability.exceeding.vec <- function(x, thres){
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    if(length(x) < 3) return(NA)
    x <- x[order(x)]
    rk <- rank(x)
    rk <- max(rk) - rk + 1
    pr <- rk / (length(rk) + 1)

    dx <- duplicated(x)
    fpr <- stats::approxfun(x[!dx], pr[!dx])

    if(thres < min(x)){
        x1 <- min(x) - stats::median(diff(x))
        if(thres < x1){
            out <- 1
            out <- pr[1] + (thres - x[1]) * (1 - pr[1])/(x1 - x[1])
    }else if(thres > max(x)){
        x0 <- max(x) + stats::median(diff(x))
        if(thres > x0){
            out <- 0
            n <- length(x)
            out <- pr[n] + (thres - x[n]) * (-pr[n])/(x0 - x[n])
        out <- fpr(thres)

    100 * out

probability.exceeding.mat <- function(x, thres){
    out <- lapply(seq(ncol(x)), function(j){
        probability.exceeding.vec(x[, j], thres[j])

    do.call(c, out)


ecdf_plot_smooth <- function(x, adj = 0.1){
    ex <- 0.01 * diff(range(x))
    xmin <- min(x) - ex
    xmax <- max(x) + ex
    dens <- stats::density(x, adjust = adj, from = xmin, to = xmax)
    y <- 100 * (1 - (cumsum(dens$y) / sum(dens$y)))
    return(list(x = dens$x, y = y))

ecdf_plot_ts <- function(x){
    fn <- stats::ecdf(x)
    x <- sort(x)
    y <- 100 * (1 - fn(x))
    return(list(x = x, y = y))
rijaf-iri/CDT documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:54 a.m.