
Defines functions MVP FetchResiduals_reference GetResidualsChunked FetchResidualSCTModel FetchResiduals SCTransform.StdAssay CreateSCTAssay SCTransform.IterableMatrix .VST .SparseMean .SparseFeatureVar .SparseNormalize .Mean .FeatureVar DISP .CalcN.IterableMatrix CalcN CalcDispersion VST.matrix VST.dgCMatrix VST.IterableMatrix VST.default ScaleData.StdAssay NormalizeData.StdAssay NormalizeData.default LogNormalize.IterableMatrix LogNormalize.default FindSpatiallyVariableFeatures.StdAssay FindVariableFeatures.StdAssay FindVariableFeatures.default

Documented in CalcDispersion DISP FetchResiduals FetchResidualSCTModel FetchResiduals_reference FindSpatiallyVariableFeatures.StdAssay LogNormalize.default MVP SCTransform.IterableMatrix VST.default VST.dgCMatrix VST.IterableMatrix VST.matrix

#' @include generics.R
#' @include preprocessing.R
#' @importFrom stats loess
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom SeuratObject .MARGIN .SparseSlots
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar

hvf.methods <- list()

# Generics

# Functions

# Methods for Seurat-defined generics

#' @method FindVariableFeatures default
#' @export
FindVariableFeatures.default <- function(
  method = VST,
  nfeatures = 2000L,
  verbose = TRUE,
  selection.method = selection.method,
) {
  if (is_quosure(x = method)) {
    method <- eval(
      expr = quo_get_expr(quo = method),
      envir = quo_get_env(quo = method)
  if (is.character(x = method)) {
    method <- get(x = method)
  if (!is.function(x = method)) {
      "'method' must be a function for calculating highly variable features",
      call. = FALSE
  var.gene.ouput <- method(
    data = object,
    nselect = nfeatures,
    verbose = verbose,
  rownames(x = var.gene.ouput) <- rownames(x = object)

#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultLayer Features Key Layers
#' @method FindVariableFeatures StdAssay
#' @export
FindVariableFeatures.StdAssay <- function(
  method = NULL,
  nfeatures = 2000L,
  layer = NULL,
  span = 0.3,
  clip = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  selection.method = 'vst',
) {
  if (selection.method == 'vst') {
    layer <- layer%||%'counts'
    method <- VST
    key <- 'vst'
  } else if (selection.method %in% c('mean.var.plot', 'mvp')) {
    layer <- layer%||%'data'
    method <- MVP
    key <- 'mvp'
  } else if (selection.method %in% c('dispersion', 'disp')) {
    layer <- layer%||%'data'
    method <- DISP
    key <- 'disp'
  } else if (is.null(x = method) || is.null(x = layer)){
    stop('Custome functions and layers are both required')
  } else {
    key <- NULL
  layer <- Layers(object = object, search = layer)
  if (is.null(x = key)) {
    false <- function(...) {
    key <- if (tryCatch(expr = is_quosure(x = method), error = false)) {
    } else if (is.function(x = method)) {
      substitute(expr = method)
    } else if (is.call(x = enquo(arg = method))) {
      enquo(arg = method)
    } else if (is.character(x = method)) {
    } else {
      parse(text = method)
    key <- .Abbrv(x = as_name(x = key))
  warn.var <- warn.rank <- TRUE
  for (i in seq_along(along.with = layer)) {
    if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
      message("Finding variable features for layer ", layer[i])
    data <- LayerData(object = object, layer = layer[i], fast = TRUE)
    hvf.function <- if (inherits(x = data, what = 'V3Matrix')) {
    } else {
    hvf.info <- hvf.function(
      object = data,
      method = method,
      nfeatures = nfeatures,
      span = span,
      clip = clip,
      verbose = verbose,
    if (warn.var) {
      if (!'variable' %in% colnames(x = hvf.info) || !is.logical(x = hvf.info$variable)) {
          "No variable feature indication in HVF info for method ",
          ", `VariableFeatures` will not work",
          call. = FALSE,
          immediate. = TRUE
        warn.var <- FALSE
    } else if (warn.rank && !'rank' %in% colnames(x = hvf.info)) {
        "No variable feature rank in HVF info for method ",
        ", `VariableFeatures` will return variable features in assay order",
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE
      warn.rank <- FALSE
    colnames(x = hvf.info) <- paste(
      colnames(x = hvf.info),
      sep = '_'
    rownames(x = hvf.info) <- Features(x = object, layer = layer[i])
    object[["var.features"]] <- NULL
    object[["var.features.rank"]] <- NULL
    object[[names(x = hvf.info)]] <- NULL
    object[[names(x = hvf.info)]] <- hvf.info
  VariableFeatures(object) <- VariableFeatures(object, nfeatures=nfeatures,method = key)

#' @param layer Layer in the Assay5 to pull data from
#' @param features If provided, only compute on given features. Otherwise,
#' compute for all features.
#' @param nfeatures Number of features to mark as the top spatially variable.
#' @method FindSpatiallyVariableFeatures StdAssay
#' @rdname FindSpatiallyVariableFeatures
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @concept spatial
#' @export
FindSpatiallyVariableFeatures.StdAssay <- function(
  layer = "scale.data",
  selection.method = c('markvariogram', 'moransi'),
  features = NULL,
  r.metric = 5,
  x.cuts = NULL,
  y.cuts = NULL,
  nfeatures = nfeatures,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  features <- features %||% rownames(x = object)
  if (selection.method == "markvariogram" && "markvariogram" %in% names(x = Misc(object = object))) {
    features.computed <- names(x = Misc(object = object, slot = "markvariogram"))
    features <- features[! features %in% features.computed]
  data <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = layer)
  data <- as.matrix(x = data[features, ])
  data <- data[RowVar(x = data) > 0, ]
  if (nrow(x = data) != 0) {
    svf.info <- FindSpatiallyVariableFeatures(
      object = data,
      spatial.location = spatial.location,
      selection.method = selection.method,
      r.metric = r.metric,
      x.cuts = x.cuts,
      y.cuts = y.cuts,
      verbose = verbose,
  } else {
    svf.info <- c()
  if (selection.method == "markvariogram") {
    if ("markvariogram" %in% names(x = Misc(object = object))) {
      svf.info <- c(svf.info, Misc(object = object, slot = "markvariogram"))
    suppressWarnings(expr = Misc(object = object, slot = "markvariogram") <- svf.info)
    svf.info <- ComputeRMetric(mv = svf.info, r.metric)
    svf.info <- svf.info[order(svf.info[, 1]), , drop = FALSE]
  if (selection.method == "moransi") {
    colnames(x = svf.info) <- paste0("MoransI_", colnames(x = svf.info))
    svf.info <- svf.info[order(svf.info[, 2], -abs(svf.info[, 1])), , drop = FALSE]
  var.name <- paste0(selection.method, ".spatially.variable")
  var.name.rank <- paste0(var.name, ".rank")
  svf.info[[var.name]] <- FALSE
  svf.info[[var.name]][1:(min(nrow(x = svf.info), nfeatures))] <- TRUE
  svf.info[[var.name.rank]] <- 1:nrow(x = svf.info)
  object[names(x = svf.info)] <- svf.info

#' @rdname LogNormalize
#' @method LogNormalize default
#' @param margin Margin to normalize over
#' @importFrom SeuratObject .CheckFmargin
#' @export
LogNormalize.default <- function(
  scale.factor = 1e4,
  margin = 2L,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  margin <- .CheckFmargin(fmargin = margin)
  ncells <- dim(x = data)[margin]
  if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(file = stderr(), style = 3)
  for (i in seq_len(length.out = ncells)) {
    x <- if (margin == 1L) {
      data[i, ]
    } else {
      data[, i]
    xnorm <- log1p(x = x / sum(x) * scale.factor)
    if (margin == 1L) {
      data[i, ] <- xnorm
    } else {
      data[, i] <- xnorm
    if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = i / ncells)
  if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
    close(con = pb)

#' @method LogNormalize IterableMatrix
#' @export
LogNormalize.IterableMatrix <- function(
    scale.factor = 1e4,
    margin = 2L,
    verbose = TRUE,
) {
  data <- BPCells::t(BPCells::t(data) / colSums(data))
  # Log normalization
  data <- log1p(data * scale.factor)

#' @importFrom SeuratObject IsSparse
#' @method NormalizeData default
#' @export
NormalizeData.default <- function(
  normalization.method = c('LogNormalize', 'CLR', 'RC'),
  scale.factor = 1e4,
  cmargin = 2L,
  margin = 1L,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  normalization.method <- normalization.method[1L]
  normalization.method <- match.arg(arg = normalization.method)
  # TODO: enable parallelization via future
  normalized <- switch(
    EXPR = normalization.method,
    'LogNormalize' = {
      if (IsSparse(x = object) && .MARGIN(object = object) == cmargin) {
          data = object,
          scale.factor = scale.factor,
          verbose = verbose
      } else {
          data = object,
          scale.factor = scale.factor,
          margin = cmargin,
          verbose = verbose,
    'CLR' = {
      if (inherits(x = object, what = 'dgTMatrix')) {
        warning('Convert input dgTMatrix into dgCMatrix')
        object <- as(object = object, Class = 'dgCMatrix')
      if (!inherits(x = object, what = 'dgCMatrix') &&
          !inherits(x = object, what = 'matrix')) {
        stop('CLR normalization is only supported for dense and dgCMatrix')
        data = object,
        custom_function = function(x) {
          return(log1p(x = x/(exp(x = sum(log1p(x = x[x > 0]), na.rm = TRUE)/length(x = x)))))
        margin = margin,
        verbose = verbose
    'RC' = {
      if (!inherits(x = object, what = 'dgCMatrix') &&
          !inherits(x = object, what = 'matrix')) {
        stop('RC normalization is only supported for dense and dgCMatrix')
      RelativeCounts(data = object,
                     scale.factor = scale.factor,
                     verbose = verbose)

#' @importFrom SeuratObject Cells DefaultLayer DefaultLayer<- Features
#' LayerData LayerData<-
#' @method NormalizeData StdAssay
#' @export
NormalizeData.StdAssay <- function(
  normalization.method = 'LogNormalize',
  scale.factor = 1e4,
  margin = 1L,
  layer = 'counts',
  save = 'data',
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  olayer <- layer <- unique(x = layer)
  layer <- Layers(object = object, search = layer)
  if (length(x = save) != length(x = layer)) {
    save <- make.unique(names = gsub(
      pattern = olayer,
      replacement = save,
      x = layer
  for (i in seq_along(along.with = layer)) {
    l <- layer[i]
    if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
      message("Normalizing layer: ", l)
      object = object,
      layer = save[i],
      features = Features(x = object, layer = l),
      cells = Cells(x = object, layer = l)
    ) <- NormalizeData(
      object = LayerData(object = object, layer = l, fast = NA),
      normalization.method = normalization.method,
      scale.factor = scale.factor,
      margin = margin,
      verbose = verbose,
  gc(verbose = FALSE)

#' @importFrom SeuratObject StitchMatrix
#' @method ScaleData StdAssay
#' @export
ScaleData.StdAssay <- function(
  features = NULL,
  layer = 'data',
  vars.to.regress = NULL,
  latent.data = NULL,
  by.layer = FALSE,
  split.by = NULL,
  model.use = 'linear',
  use.umi = FALSE,
  do.scale= TRUE,
  do.center = TRUE,
  scale.max = 10,
  block.size = 1000,
  min.cells.to.block = 3000,
  save = 'scale.data',
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  use.umi <- ifelse(test = model.use != 'linear', yes = TRUE, no = use.umi)
  olayer <- layer <- unique(x = layer)
  layer <- Layers(object = object, search = layer)
  if (is.null(layer)) {
    abort(paste0("No layer matching pattern '", olayer, "' found. Please run NormalizeData and retry"))
  if (isTRUE(x = use.umi)) {
    layer <- "counts"
      message = "'use.umi' is TRUE, please make sure 'layer' specifies raw counts"
  features <- features %||% VariableFeatures(object = object)
  if (!length(x = features)) {
    features <- Features(x = object, layer = layer)
  if (isTRUE(x = by.layer)) {
    if (length(x = save) != length(x = layer)) {
      save <- make.unique(names = gsub(
        pattern = olayer,
        replacement = save,
        x = layer
    for (i in seq_along(along.with = layer)) {
      lyr <- layer[i]
      if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
        inform(message = paste("Scaling data for layer", sQuote(x = lyr)))
      LayerData(object = object, layer = save[i], ...) <- ScaleData(
        object = LayerData(
          object = object,
          layer = lyr,
          features = features,
          fast = NA
        features = features,
        vars.to.regress = vars.to.regress,
        latent.data = latent.data,
        split.by = split.by,
        model.use = model.use,
        use.umi = use.umi,
        do.scale = do.scale,
        do.center = do.center,
        scale.max = scale.max,
        block.size = block.size,
        min.cells.to.block = min.cells.to.block,
        verbose = verbose,
  } else {
    ldata <- if (length(x = layer) > 1L) {
        x = LayerData(object = object, layer = layer[1L], features = features),
        y = lapply(
          X = layer[2:length(x = layer)],
          FUN = LayerData,
          object = object,
          features = features
        rowmap = slot(object = object, name = 'features')[features, layer],
        colmap = slot(object = object, name = 'cells')[, layer]
    } else {
      LayerData(object = object, layer = layer, features = features)
    ldata <- ScaleData(
      object = ldata,
      features = features,
      vars.to.regress = vars.to.regress,
      latent.data = latent.data,
      split.by = split.by,
      model.use = model.use,
      use.umi = use.umi,
      do.scale = do.scale,
      do.center = do.center,
      scale.max = scale.max,
      block.size = block.size,
      min.cells.to.block = min.cells.to.block,
      verbose = verbose,
    LayerData(object = object, layer = save, features = rownames(ldata)) <- ldata

#' @rdname VST
#' @method VST default
#' @export
VST.default <- function(
  margin = 1L,
  nselect = 2000L,
  span = 0.3,
  clip = NULL,
) {

#' @rdname VST
#' @method VST IterableMatrix
#' @importFrom SeuratObject EmptyDF
#' @export
VST.IterableMatrix <- function(
    margin = 1L,
    nselect = 2000L,
    span = 0.3,
    clip = NULL,
    verbose = TRUE,
) {
  nfeatures <- nrow(x = data)
  hvf.info <- EmptyDF(n = nfeatures)
  hvf.stats <- BPCells::matrix_stats(
    matrix = data,
    row_stats = 'variance')$row_stats
  # Calculate feature means
  hvf.info$mean <- hvf.stats['mean', ]
  # Calculate feature variance
  hvf.info$variance <- hvf.stats['variance', ]
  hvf.info$variance.expected <- 0L
  not.const <- hvf.info$variance > 0
  fit <- loess(
    formula = log10(x = variance) ~ log10(x = mean),
    data = hvf.info[not.const, , drop = TRUE],
    span = span
  hvf.info$variance.expected[not.const] <- 10 ^ fit$fitted
  feature.mean <- hvf.info$mean
  feature.sd <-  sqrt(x = hvf.info$variance.expected)
  standard.max <- clip %||% sqrt(x = ncol(x = data))
  feature.mean[feature.mean == 0] <- 0.1
  data <- BPCells::min_by_row(mat = data, vals = standard.max*feature.sd + feature.mean)
  data.standard <- (data - feature.mean) / feature.sd
  hvf.info$variance.standardized <- BPCells::matrix_stats(
    matrix = data.standard,
    row_stats = 'variance'
    )$row_stats['variance', ]
  # Set variable features
  hvf.info$variable <- FALSE
  hvf.info$rank <- NA
  vf <- head(
    x = order(hvf.info$variance.standardized, decreasing = TRUE),
    n = nselect
  hvf.info$variable[vf] <- TRUE
  hvf.info$rank[vf] <- seq_along(along.with = vf)
  rownames(x = hvf.info) <- rownames(x = data)

#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans
#' @importFrom SeuratObject EmptyDF
#' @rdname VST
#' @method VST dgCMatrix
#' @export
VST.dgCMatrix <- function(
  margin = 1L,
  nselect = 2000L,
  span = 0.3,
  clip = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  nfeatures <- nrow(x = data)
  hvf.info <- EmptyDF(n = nfeatures)
  # Calculate feature means
  hvf.info$mean <- Matrix::rowMeans(x = data)
  # Calculate feature variance
  hvf.info$variance <- SparseRowVar2(
    mat = data,
    mu = hvf.info$mean,
    display_progress = verbose
  hvf.info$variance.expected <- 0L
  not.const <- hvf.info$variance > 0
  fit <- loess(
    formula = log10(x = variance) ~ log10(x = mean),
    data = hvf.info[not.const, , drop = TRUE],
    span = span
  hvf.info$variance.expected[not.const] <- 10 ^ fit$fitted
  hvf.info$variance.standardized <- SparseRowVarStd(
    mat = data,
    mu = hvf.info$mean,
    sd = sqrt(x = hvf.info$variance.expected),
    vmax = clip %||% sqrt(x = ncol(x = data)),
    display_progress = verbose
  # Set variable features
  hvf.info$variable <- FALSE
  hvf.info$rank <- NA
  vf <- head(
    x = order(hvf.info$variance.standardized, decreasing = TRUE),
    n = nselect
  hvf.info$variable[vf] <- TRUE
  hvf.info$rank[vf] <- seq_along(along.with = vf)

#' @rdname VST
#' @method VST matrix
#' @export
VST.matrix <- function(
  margin = 1L,
  nselect = 2000L,
  span = 0.3,
  clip = NULL,
) {
    data = as.sparse(x = data),
    margin = margin,
    nselect = nselect,
    span = span,
    clip = clip,

# Methods for R-defined generics

# Internal

#' Calculate dispersion of features
#' @param object Data matrix
#' @param mean.function Function to calculate mean
#' @param dispersion.function Function to calculate dispersion
#' @param num.bin Number of bins to use
#' @param binning.method Method to use for binning. Options are 'equal_width' or 'equal_frequency'
#' @param verbose Display progress
#' @keywords internal
CalcDispersion <- function(
  mean.function = FastExpMean,
  dispersion.function = FastLogVMR,
  num.bin = 20,
  binning.method = "equal_width",
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  if (!inherits(x = object, what = c('dgCMatrix', 'matrix'))) {
    stop('mean.var.plot and dispersion methods only \
     support dense and sparse matrix input')
  if (inherits(x = object, what =  'matrix')) {
    object <- as.sparse(x = object)
  feature.mean <- mean.function(object, verbose)
  feature.dispersion <- dispersion.function(object, verbose)

  names(x = feature.mean) <- names(
    x = feature.dispersion) <- rownames(x = object)
  feature.dispersion[is.na(x = feature.dispersion)] <- 0
  feature.mean[is.na(x = feature.mean)] <- 0
  data.x.breaks <- switch(
    EXPR = binning.method,
    'equal_width' = num.bin,
    'equal_frequency' = c(
        x = feature.mean[feature.mean > 0],
        probs = seq.int(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = num.bin)
    stop("Unknown binning method: ", binning.method)
  data.x.bin <- cut(x = feature.mean, breaks = data.x.breaks,
                    include.lowest = TRUE)
  names(x = data.x.bin) <- names(x = feature.mean)
  mean.y <- tapply(X = feature.dispersion, INDEX = data.x.bin, FUN = mean)
  sd.y <- tapply(X = feature.dispersion, INDEX = data.x.bin, FUN = sd)
  feature.dispersion.scaled <- (feature.dispersion - mean.y[as.numeric(x = data.x.bin)]) /
    sd.y[as.numeric(x = data.x.bin)]
  names(x = feature.dispersion.scaled) <- names(x = feature.mean)
  hvf.info <- data.frame(
    feature.mean, feature.dispersion, feature.dispersion.scaled)
  rownames(x = hvf.info) <- rownames(x = object)
  colnames(x = hvf.info) <- paste0(
    'mvp.', c('mean', 'dispersion', 'dispersion.scaled'))

#' @importFrom SeuratObject .CalcN
CalcN <- function(object, ...) {
  return(.CalcN(object, ...))

#' @method .CalcN IterableMatrix
#' @export
.CalcN.IterableMatrix <- function(object, ...) {
  col_stat <- BPCells::matrix_stats(matrix = object, col_stats = 'mean')$col_stats
    nCount = round(col_stat['mean', ] * nrow(object)),
    nFeature = col_stat['nonzero', ]

#' Find variable features based on dispersion
#' @param data Data matrix
#' @param nselect Number of top features to select based on dispersion values
#' @param verbose Display progress
#' @keywords internal
DISP <- function(
  nselect = 2000L,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  hvf.info <- CalcDispersion(object = data, verbose = verbose, ...)
  hvf.info$variable <- FALSE
  hvf.info$rank <- NA
  vf <- head(
    x = order(hvf.info$mvp.dispersion, decreasing = TRUE),
    n = nselect
  hvf.info$variable[vf] <- TRUE
  hvf.info$rank[vf] <- seq_along(along.with = vf)

#' @importFrom SeuratObject .CheckFmargin
.FeatureVar <- function(
  fmargin = 1L,
  standardize = FALSE,
  sd = NULL,
  clip = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  fmargin <- .CheckFmargin(fmargin = fmargin)
  ncells <- dim(x = data)[-fmargin]
  nfeatures <- dim(x = data)[fmargin]
  fvars <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = nfeatures)
  if (length(x = mu) != nfeatures) {
    stop("Wrong number of feature means provided")
  if (isTRUE(x = standardize)) {
    clip <- clip %||% sqrt(x = ncells)
    if (length(x = sd) != nfeatures) {
      stop("Wrong number of standard deviations")
  if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
    msg <- 'Calculating feature variances'
    if (isTRUE(x = standardize)) {
      msg <- paste(msg, 'of standardized and clipped values')
    pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3, file = stderr())
  for (i in seq_len(length.out = nfeatures)) {
    if (isTRUE(x = standardize) && sd[i] == 0) {
      if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = i / nfeatures)
    x <- if (fmargin == 1L) {
      data[i, , drop = TRUE]
    } else {
      data[, i, drop = TRUE]
    x <- x - mu[i]
    if (isTRUE(x = standardize)) {
      x <- x / sd[i]
      x[x > clip] <- clip
    fvars[i] <- sum(x ^ 2) / (ncells - 1L)
    if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = i / nfeatures)
  if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
    close(con = pb)

.Mean <- function(data, margin = 1L) {
  nout <- dim(x = data)[margin]
  nobs <- dim(x = data)[-margin]
  means <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = nout)
  for (i in seq_len(length.out = nout)) {
    x <- if (margin == 1L) {
      data[i, , drop = TRUE]
    } else {
      data[, i, drop = TRUE]
    means[i] <- sum(x) / nobs

.SparseNormalize <- function(data, scale.factor = 1e4, verbose = TRUE) {
  entryname <- .SparseSlots(x = data, type = 'entries')
  p <- slot(object = data, name = .SparseSlots(x = data, type = 'pointers'))
  if (p[1L] == 0) {
    p <- p + 1L
  np <- length(x = p) - 1L
  if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3L, file = stderr())
  for (i in seq_len(length.out = np)) {
    idx <- seq.int(from = p[i], to = p[i + 1] - 1L)
    xidx <- slot(object = data, name = entryname)[idx]
    slot(object = data, name = entryname)[idx] <- log1p(
      x = xidx / sum(xidx) * scale.factor
    if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = i / np)
  if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
    close(con = pb)

#' @param data A sparse matrix
#' @param mu A vector of feature means
#' @param fmargin Feature margin
#' @param standardize Standardize matrix rows prior to calculating variances
#' @param sd If standardizing, a vector of standard deviations to
#' standardize with
#' @param clip Set upper bound for standardized variances; defaults to the
#' square root of the number of cells
#' @param verbose Show progress updates
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom SeuratObject .CheckFmargin
#' @noRd
.SparseFeatureVar <- function(
  fmargin = 1L,
  standardize = FALSE,
  sd = NULL,
  clip = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  fmargin <- .CheckFmargin(fmargin = fmargin)
  if (fmargin != .MARGIN(object = data)) {
    data <- t(x = data)
    fmargin <- .MARGIN(object = data)
  entryname <- .SparseSlots(x = data, type = 'entries')
  p <- slot(object = data, name = .SparseSlots(x = data, type = 'pointers'))
  if (p[1L] == 0) {
    p <- p + 1L
  np <- length(x = p) - 1L
  ncells <- dim(x = data)[-fmargin]
  fvars <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = np)
  if (length(x = mu) != np) {
    stop("Wrong number of feature means provided")
  if (isTRUE(x = standardize)) {
    clip <- clip %||% sqrt(x = ncells)
    if (length(x = sd) != np) {
      stop("Wrong number of standard deviations provided")
  if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
    msg <- 'Calculating feature variances'
    if (isTRUE(x = standardize)) {
      msg <- paste(msg, 'of standardized and clipped values')
    pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3, file = stderr())
  for (i in seq_len(length.out = np)) {
    if (isTRUE(x = standardize) && sd[i] == 0) {
      if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = i / np)
    idx <- seq.int(from = p[i], to = p[i + 1L] - 1L)
    xidx <- slot(object = data, name = entryname)[idx] - mu[i]
    nzero <- ncells - length(x = xidx)
    csum <- nzero * ifelse(
      test = isTRUE(x = standardize),
      yes = ((0 - mu[i]) / sd[i]) ^ 2,
      no = mu[i] ^ 2
    if (isTRUE(x = standardize)) {
      xidx <- xidx / sd[i]
      xidx[xidx > clip] <- clip
    fsum <- sum(xidx ^ 2) + csum
    fvars[i] <- fsum / (ncells - 1L)
    if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = i / np)
  if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
    close(con = pb)

#' @importFrom SeuratObject .CheckFmargin
.SparseMean <- function(data, margin = 1L) {
  margin <- .CheckFmargin(fmargin = margin)
  if (margin != .MARGIN(object = data)) {
    data <- t(x = data)
    margin <- .MARGIN(object = data)
  entryname <- .SparseSlots(x = data, type = 'entries')
  p <- slot(object = data, name = .SparseSlots(x = data, type = 'pointers'))
  if (p[1L] == 0) {
    p <- p + 1L
  np <- length(x = p) - 1L
  nobs <- dim(x = data)[-margin]
  means <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = np)
  for (i in seq_len(length.out = np)) {
    idx <- seq.int(from = p[i], to = p[i + 1L] - 1L)
    means[i] <- sum(slot(object = data, name = entryname)[idx]) / nobs

#' @inheritParams stats::loess
#' @param data A matrix
#' @param fmargin Feature margin
#' @param nselect Number of features to select
#' @param clip After standardization values larger than \code{clip} will be set
#' to \code{clip}; default is \code{NULL} which sets this value to the square
#' root of the number of cells
#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans
#' @importFrom SeuratObject .CheckFmargin
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.VST <- function(
  fmargin = 1L,
  nselect = 2000L,
  span = 0.3,
  clip = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  fmargin <- .CheckFmargin(fmargin = fmargin)
  nfeatures <- dim(x = data)[fmargin]
  # TODO: Support transposed matrices
  # nfeatures <- nrow(x = data)
  if (IsSparse(x = data)) {
    mean.func <- .SparseMean
    var.func <- .SparseFeatureVar
  } else {
    mean.func <- .Mean
    var.func <- .FeatureVar
  hvf.info <- SeuratObject::EmptyDF(n = nfeatures)
  # hvf.info$mean <- mean.func(data = data, margin = fmargin)
  hvf.info$mean <- rowMeans(x = data)
  hvf.info$variance <- var.func(
    data = data,
    mu = hvf.info$mean,
    fmargin = fmargin,
    verbose = verbose
  hvf.info$variance.expected <- 0L
  not.const <- hvf.info$variance > 0
  fit <- loess(
    formula = log10(x = variance) ~ log10(x = mean),
    data = hvf.info[not.const, , drop = TRUE],
    span = span
  hvf.info$variance.expected[not.const] <- 10 ^ fit$fitted
  hvf.info$variance.standardized <- var.func(
    data = data,
    mu = hvf.info$mean,
    standardize = TRUE,
    sd = sqrt(x = hvf.info$variance.expected),
    clip = clip,
    verbose = verbose
  hvf.info$variable <- FALSE
  hvf.info$rank <- NA
  vs <- hvf.info$variance.standardized
  vs[vs == 0] <- NA
  vf <- head(
    x = order(hvf.info$variance.standardized, decreasing = TRUE),
    n = nselect
  hvf.info$variable[vf] <- TRUE
  hvf.info$rank[vf] <- seq_along(along.with = vf)
  # colnames(x = hvf.info) <- paste0('vst.', colnames(x = hvf.info))

# hvf.methods$vst <- VST

# S4 Methods

################################# SCTransform ##################################

#' @importFrom SeuratObject Cells as.sparse
#' @method SCTransform IterableMatrix
#' @rdname SCTransform
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @export
SCTransform.IterableMatrix <- function(
    reference.SCT.model = NULL,
    do.correct.umi = TRUE,
    ncells = 5000,
    residual.features = NULL,
    variable.features.n = 3000,
    variable.features.rv.th = 1.3,
    vars.to.regress = NULL,
    latent.data = NULL,
    do.scale = FALSE,
    do.center = TRUE,
    clip.range = c(-sqrt(x = ncol(x = object) / 30), sqrt(x = ncol(x = object) / 30)),
    vst.flavor = 'v2',
    conserve.memory = FALSE,
    return.only.var.genes = TRUE,
    seed.use = 1448145,
    verbose = TRUE,
) {
  if (!is.null(x = seed.use)) {
    set.seed(seed = seed.use)
  if (!is.null(reference.SCT.model)){
    do.correct.umi <- FALSE
    do.center <- FALSE
  sampled_cells <- sample.int(n = ncol(x = object), size = min(ncells, ncol(x = object)))
  umi <- as.sparse(x = object[, sampled_cells])
  cell.attr <- cell.attr[colnames(x = umi),,drop=FALSE]
  vst.out <- SCTransform(object = umi,
                         cell.attr = cell.attr,
                         reference.SCT.model = reference.SCT.model,
                         do.correct.umi = do.correct.umi,
                         ncells = ncells,
                         residual.features = residual.features,
                         variable.features.n = variable.features.n,
                         variable.features.rv.th = variable.features.rv.th,
                         vars.to.regress = vars.to.regress,
                         latent.data = latent.data,
                         do.scale = do.scale,
                         do.center = do.center,
                         clip.range = clip.range,
                         vst.flavor = vst.flavor,
                         conserve.memory = conserve.memory,
                         return.only.var.genes = return.only.var.genes,
                         seed.use = seed.use,
                         verbose = verbose,
  if (!do.correct.umi) {
    vst.out$umi_corrected <- umi

#' @importFrom SeuratObject CreateAssayObject SetAssayData GetAssayData
CreateSCTAssay <- function(vst.out,  do.correct.umi, residual.type, clip.range){
  residual.type <- vst.out[['residual_type']] %||% 'pearson'
  sct.method <- vst.out[['sct.method']]
  assay.out <- CreateAssayObject(counts = vst.out$umi_corrected)

  # set the variable genes
  VariableFeatures(object = assay.out) <- vst.out$variable_features
  # put log1p transformed counts in data
  assay.out <- SetAssayData(
    object = assay.out,
    slot = 'data',
    new.data = log1p(x = GetAssayData(object = assay.out, slot = 'counts'))
  scale.data <- vst.out$y
  assay.out <- SetAssayData(
    object = assay.out,
    slot = 'scale.data',
    new.data = scale.data
  vst.out$y <- NULL
  # save clip.range into vst model
  vst.out$arguments$sct.clip.range <- clip.range
  vst.out$arguments$sct.method <- sct.method
  Misc(object = assay.out, slot = 'vst.out') <- vst.out
  assay.out <- as(object = assay.out, Class = "SCTAssay")
  return (assay.out)

#' @importFrom SeuratObject Cells DefaultLayer DefaultLayer<- Features
#' LayerData LayerData<- as.sparse
#' @method SCTransform StdAssay
#' @export
SCTransform.StdAssay <- function(
  layer = 'counts',
  cell.attr = NULL,
  reference.SCT.model = NULL,
  do.correct.umi = TRUE,
  ncells = 5000,
  residual.features = NULL,
  variable.features.n = 3000,
  variable.features.rv.th = 1.3,
  vars.to.regress = NULL,
  latent.data = NULL,
  do.scale = FALSE,
  do.center = TRUE,
  clip.range = c(-sqrt(x = ncol(x = object) / 30), sqrt(x = ncol(x = object) / 30)),
  vst.flavor = 'v2',
  conserve.memory = FALSE,
  return.only.var.genes = TRUE,
  seed.use = 1448145,
  verbose = TRUE,
  ...) {
  if (!is.null(x = seed.use)) {
    set.seed(seed = seed.use)
  if (!is.null(reference.SCT.model)){
    do.correct.umi <- FALSE
    do.center <- FALSE
  olayer <- layer <- unique(x = layer)
  layers <- Layers(object = object, search = layer)
  dataset.names <- gsub(pattern = paste0(layer, "."), replacement = "", x = layers)
  # loop over layers performing SCTransform() on individual layers
  sct.assay.list <- list()
  # Keep a tab of variable features per chunk
  variable.feature.list <- list()

  for (dataset.index in seq_along(along.with = layers)) {
    l <- layers[dataset.index]
    if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
      message("Running SCTransform on layer: ", l)
    all_cells <-  Cells(x = object, layer = l)
    all_features <- Features(x = object, layer = l)
    layer.data <- LayerData(
      object = object,
      layer = l,
      features = all_features,
      cells = all_cells
    local.reference.SCT.model <- NULL
    set.seed(seed = seed.use)
    do.correct.umi.chunk <- FALSE
    sct.function <- if (inherits(x = layer.data, what = 'V3Matrix')) {
    } else {
    if (is.null(x = cell.attr) && is.null(x = reference.SCT.model)){
      calcn <- CalcN(object = layer.data)
      cell.attr.layer <-  data.frame(umi = calcn$nCount,
                               log_umi = log10(x = calcn$nCount))
      rownames(cell.attr.layer) <- colnames(x = layer.data)
    } else {
      cell.attr.layer <- cell.attr[colnames(x = layer.data),, drop=FALSE]
    if (!"umi" %in% cell.attr.layer && is.null(x = reference.SCT.model)){
      calcn <- CalcN(object = layer.data)
      cell.attr.tmp <-  data.frame(umi = calcn$nCount)
      rownames(cell.attr.tmp) <- colnames(x = layer.data)
      cell.attr.layer$umi <- NA
      cell.attr.layer$log_umi <- NA
      cell.attr.layer[rownames(cell.attr.tmp), "umi"] <- cell.attr.tmp$umi
      cell.attr.layer[rownames(cell.attr.tmp), "log_umi"] <- log10(x = cell.attr.tmp$umi)

    # Step 1: Learn model
    vst.out <- sct.function(object = layer.data,
                            do.correct.umi = TRUE,
                            cell.attr = cell.attr.layer,
                            reference.SCT.model = reference.SCT.model,
                            ncells = ncells,
                            residual.features = residual.features,
                            variable.features.n = variable.features.n,
                            variable.features.rv.th = variable.features.rv.th,
                            vars.to.regress = vars.to.regress,
                            latent.data = latent.data,
                            do.scale = do.scale,
                            do.center = do.center,
                            clip.range = clip.range,
                            vst.flavor = vst.flavor,
                            conserve.memory = conserve.memory,
                            return.only.var.genes = return.only.var.genes,
                            seed.use = seed.use,
                            verbose = verbose,
    min_var <- vst.out$arguments$min_variance
    residual.type <- vst.out[['residual_type']] %||% 'pearson'
    assay.out <- CreateSCTAssay(vst.out = vst.out, do.correct.umi = do.correct.umi, residual.type = residual.type,
                                clip.range = clip.range)

    # If there is no reference model, use the model learned on subset of cells to calculate residuals
    # by setting the learned model as the reference model (local.reference.SCT.model)
    if (is.null(x = reference.SCT.model)) {
      local.reference.SCT.model <- assay.out@SCTModel.list[[1]]
    } else {
      local.reference.SCT.model <- reference.SCT.model
    variable.features <- VariableFeatures(assay.out)

    # once we have the model, just calculate residuals for all cells
    # local.reference.SCT.model set to reference.model if it is non null
    vst_out.reference <- SCTModel_to_vst(SCTModel = local.reference.SCT.model)
    vst_out.reference$gene_attr <- local.reference.SCT.model@feature.attributes
    min_var <- vst_out.reference$arguments$min_variance
    if (min_var == "umi_median"){
      counts.x <- as.sparse(x = layer.data[, sample.int(n = ncol(x = layer.data), size =  min(ncells, ncol(x = layer.data)) )])
      min_var <- (median(counts.x@x)/5)^2

    # Step 2: Use learned model to calculate residuals in chunks
    cells.vector <- 1:ncol(x = layer.data)
    cells.grid <- split(x = cells.vector, f = ceiling(x = seq_along(along.with = cells.vector)/ncells))
    # Single block
    residuals <- list()
    corrected_counts <- list()
    cell_attrs <- list()

    if (length(x = cells.grid) == 1){
      merged.assay <- assay.out
      corrected_counts[[1]] <- GetAssayData(object = assay.out, slot = "data")
      residuals[[1]] <- GetAssayData(object = assay.out, slot = "scale.data")
      cell_attrs[[1]] <- vst_out.reference$cell_attr
      sct.assay.list[[dataset.names[dataset.index]]] <- assay.out
    } else {
      # iterate over chunks to get residuals
      for (i in seq_len(length.out = length(x = cells.grid))) {
        vp <- cells.grid[[i]]
        if (verbose){
          message("Getting residuals for block ", i, "(of ", length(cells.grid), ") for ", dataset.names[[dataset.index]], " dataset")
        counts.vp <- as.sparse(x = layer.data[, vp, drop=FALSE])
        cell.attr.object <- cell.attr.layer[colnames(x = counts.vp),, drop=FALSE]
        vst_out <- vst_out.reference

        vst_out$cell_attr <- cell.attr.object
        vst_out$gene_attr <- vst_out$gene_attr[variable.features,,drop=FALSE]
        if (return.only.var.genes){
          new_residual <- get_residuals(
            vst_out = vst_out,
            umi = counts.vp[variable.features,,drop=FALSE],
            residual_type = "pearson",
            min_variance = min_var,
            res_clip_range = clip.range,
            verbosity =  FALSE
        } else {
          new_residual <- get_residuals(
            vst_out = vst_out,
            umi = counts.vp[all_features,,drop=FALSE],
            residual_type = "pearson",
            min_variance = min_var,
            res_clip_range = clip.range,
            verbosity =  FALSE
        vst_out$y <- new_residual
        corrected_counts[[i]] <- correct_counts(
          x = vst_out,
          umi = counts.vp[all_features,,drop=FALSE],
          verbosity = FALSE# as.numeric(x = verbose) * 2
        residuals[[i]] <- new_residual
        cell_attrs[[i]] <- cell.attr.object
      new.residuals <- Reduce(cbind, residuals)
      corrected_counts <- Reduce(cbind, corrected_counts)
      cell_attrs <- Reduce(rbind, cell_attrs)
      vst_out.reference$cell_attr <- cell_attrs[colnames(new.residuals),,drop=FALSE]
      SCTModel.list <- PrepVSTResults(vst.res = vst_out.reference, cell.names = all_cells)
      SCTModel.list <- list(model1 = SCTModel.list)
      # scale data here as do.center and do.scale are set to FALSE inside
      new.residuals <- ScaleData(
        features = NULL,
        vars.to.regress = vars.to.regress,
        latent.data = latent.data,
        model.use = 'linear',
        use.umi = FALSE,
        do.scale = do.scale,
        do.center = do.center,
        scale.max = Inf,
        block.size = 750,
        min.cells.to.block = 3000,
        verbose = verbose
      assay.out <- CreateSCTAssayObject(counts = corrected_counts, scale.data = new.residuals,  SCTModel.list = SCTModel.list)
      assay.out$data <- log1p(x = corrected_counts)
      VariableFeatures(assay.out) <- variable.features
      # one assay per dataset
      if (verbose){
        message("Finished calculating residuals for ", dataset.names[dataset.index])
      sct.assay.list[[dataset.names[dataset.index]]] <- assay.out
      variable.feature.list[[dataset.names[dataset.index]]] <- VariableFeatures(assay.out)
  # Return array by merging everythin
  if (length(x = sct.assay.list) == 1){
    merged.assay <- sct.assay.list[[1]]
    } else {
      vf.list <- lapply(X  = sct.assay.list, FUN = function(object.i) VariableFeatures(object = object.i))
      variable.features.union <- Reduce(f = union, x = vf.list)
      var.features.sorted <- sort(
        x = table(unlist(x = vf.list, use.names = FALSE)),
        decreasing = TRUE
      # select top ranking features
      var.features <- variable.features.union
      # calculate residuals for union of features
      for (layer.name in names(x = sct.assay.list)){
        vst_out <- SCTModel_to_vst(SCTModel = slot(object = sct.assay.list[[layer.name]], name = "SCTModel.list")[[1]])
        all_cells <-  Cells(x = object, layer = paste0(layer, ".", layer.name))
        all_features <- Features(x = object, layer = paste0(layer, ".", layer.name))
        variable.features.target <- intersect(x = rownames(x = vst_out$model_pars_fit), y = var.features)
        variable.features.target <- setdiff(x = variable.features.target, y = VariableFeatures(sct.assay.list[[layer.name]]))
        if (length(x = variable.features.target )<1){
        layer.counts.tmp <- LayerData(
          object = object,
          layer = paste0(layer, ".", layer.name),
          cells = all_cells
        layer.counts.tmp <- as.sparse(x = layer.counts.tmp)
        vst_out$cell_attr <- vst_out$cell_attr[, c("log_umi"), drop=FALSE]
        vst_out$model_pars_fit <- vst_out$model_pars_fit[variable.features.target,,drop=FALSE]
        new_residual <- GetResidualsChunked(
          vst_out = vst_out, 
          layer.counts = layer.counts.tmp,
          residual_type = "pearson", 
          min_variance = min_var, 
          res_clip_range = clip.range,
          verbose = FALSE
        old_residual <- GetAssayData(object = sct.assay.list[[layer.name]], slot = 'scale.data')
        merged_residual <- rbind(old_residual, new_residual)
        merged_residual <- ScaleData(
          features = NULL,
          vars.to.regress = vars.to.regress,
          latent.data = latent.data,
          model.use = 'linear',
          use.umi = FALSE,
          do.scale = do.scale,
          do.center = do.center,
          scale.max = Inf,
          block.size = 750,
          min.cells.to.block = 3000,
          verbose = verbose
        sct.assay.list[[layer.name]] <- SetAssayData(object = sct.assay.list[[layer.name]], slot = 'scale.data', new.data = merged_residual)
        VariableFeatures(sct.assay.list[[layer.name]]) <- rownames(x = merged_residual)
      merged.assay <- merge(x = sct.assay.list[[1]], y = sct.assay.list[2:length(sct.assay.list)])
      VariableFeatures(object = merged.assay) <- VariableFeatures(object = merged.assay, use.var.features = FALSE, nfeatures = variable.features.n)

  # set the names of SCTmodels to be layer names
  models <- slot(object = merged.assay, name="SCTModel.list")
  names(models) <- names(x = sct.assay.list)
  slot(object = merged.assay, name="SCTModel.list") <- models
  gc(verbose = FALSE)

#' Calculate pearson residuals of features not in the scale.data
#' This function calls sctransform::get_residuals.
#' @param object A seurat object
#' @param features Name of features to add into the scale.data
#' @param assay Name of the assay of the seurat object generated by SCTransform
#' @param layer Name (prefix) of the layer to pull counts from
#' @param umi.assay Name of the assay of the seurat object containing UMI matrix
#' and the default is RNA
#' @param clip.range Numeric of length two specifying the min and max values the
#' Pearson residual will be clipped to
#' @param reference.SCT.model reference.SCT.model If a reference SCT model should be used
#' for calculating the residuals. When set to not NULL, ignores the `SCTModel`
#' paramater.
#' @param replace.value Recalculate residuals for all features, even if they are
#' already present. Useful if you want to change the clip.range.
#' @param na.rm For features where there is no feature model stored, return NA
#' for residual value in scale.data when na.rm = FALSE. When na.rm is TRUE, only
#' return residuals for features with a model stored for all cells.
#' @param verbose Whether to print messages and progress bars
#' @return Returns a Seurat object containing Pearson residuals of added
#' features in its scale.data
#' @importFrom sctransform get_residuals
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowAnyNAs
#' @export
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @seealso \code{\link[sctransform]{get_residuals}}
FetchResiduals <- function(
  assay = NULL,
  umi.assay = "RNA",
  layer = "counts",
  clip.range = NULL,
  reference.SCT.model = NULL,
  replace.value = FALSE,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE) {
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
  if (IsSCT(assay = object[[assay]])) {
    object[[assay]] <- as(object[[assay]], "SCTAssay")
  if (!inherits(x = object[[assay]], what = "SCTAssay")) {
    stop(assay, " assay was not generated by SCTransform")
  sct.models <- levels(x = object[[assay]])
  if (length(sct.models)==1){
    sct.models <- list(sct.models)
  if (length(x = sct.models) == 0) {
    warning("SCT model not present in assay", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
  possible.features <- Reduce(f = union, x = lapply(X = sct.models, FUN = function(x) {
    rownames(x = SCTResults(object = object[[assay]], slot = "feature.attributes", model = x))
  bad.features <- setdiff(x = features, y = possible.features)
  if (length(x = bad.features) > 0) {
    warning("The following requested features are not present in any models: ",
            paste(bad.features, collapse = ", "),
            call. = FALSE
    features <- intersect(x = features, y = possible.features)
  features.orig <- features
  if (na.rm) {
    # only compute residuals when feature model info is present in all
    features <- names(x = which(x = table(unlist(x = lapply(
      X = sct.models,
      FUN = function(x) {
        rownames(x = SCTResults(object = object[[assay]], slot = "feature.attributes", model = x))
    ))) == length(x = sct.models)))
    if (length(x = features) == 0) {

  features <- intersect(x = features.orig, y = features)
  if (length(features) < 1){
    warning("The following requested features are not present in all the models: ",
            paste(features.orig, collapse = ", "),
            call. = FALSE
  }  #if (length(x = sct.models) > 1 & verbose) {
  #  message("This SCTAssay contains multiple SCT models. Computing residuals for cells using")

  # Get all (count) layers
  layers <- Layers(object = object[[umi.assay]], search = layer)

  # iterate over layer running sct model for each of the object names
  new.residuals <- list()
  total_cells <- 0
  all_cells <- c()
  if (!is.null(x = reference.SCT.model)) {
    if (inherits(x = reference.SCT.model, what = "SCTModel")) {
      reference.SCT.model <- SCTModel_to_vst(SCTModel = reference.SCT.model)
    if (is.list(x = reference.SCT.model) & inherits(x = reference.SCT.model[[1]], what = "SCTModel")) {
      stop("reference.SCT.model must be one SCTModel rather than a list of SCTModel")
    if (reference.SCT.model$model_str != "y ~ log_umi") {
      stop("reference.SCT.model must be derived using default SCT regression formula, `y ~ log_umi`")
  for (i in seq_along(along.with = layers)) {
    l <- layers[i]
    sct_model <- sct.models[[i]]
    # these cells belong to this layer
    layer_cells <- Cells(x = object[[umi.assay]], layer = l)
    all_cells <- c(all_cells, layer_cells)
    total_cells <- total_cells + length(layer_cells)
    # calculate residual using this model and these cells
    new.residuals[[i]] <- FetchResidualSCTModel(
      object = object,
      umi.assay = umi.assay,
      assay = assay,
      layer = l,
      layer.cells = layer_cells,
      SCTModel = sct_model,
      reference.SCT.model = reference.SCT.model,
      new_features = features,
      replace.value = replace.value,
      clip.range = clip.range,
      verbose = verbose

  existing.data <- GetAssayData(object = object, slot = "scale.data", assay = assay)
  all.features <- union(x = rownames(x = existing.data), y = features)
  new.scale <- matrix(
    data = NA,
    nrow = length(x = all.features),
    ncol = total_cells,
    dimnames = list(all.features, all_cells)
  common_cells <- intersect(colnames(new.scale), colnames(existing.data))
  if (nrow(x = existing.data) > 0) {
    new.scale[rownames(x = existing.data), common_cells] <- existing.data[, common_cells]
  if (length(x = new.residuals) == 1 & is.list(x = new.residuals)) {
    new.residuals <- new.residuals[[1]]
  } else {
    new.residuals <- Reduce(cbind, new.residuals)
    #new.residuals <- matrix(data = unlist(new.residuals), nrow = nrow(new.scale) , ncol = ncol(new.scale))
    #colnames(new.residuals) <- colnames(new.scale)
    #rownames(new.residuals) <- rownames(new.scale)
  new.scale[rownames(x = new.residuals), colnames(x = new.residuals)] <- new.residuals

  if (na.rm) {
    new.scale <- new.scale[!rowAnyNAs(x = new.scale), ]

  return(new.scale[features, ])

#' Calculate pearson residuals of features not in the scale.data
#' This function is the secondary function under FetchResiduals
#' @param object A seurat object
#' @param assay Name of the assay of the seurat object generated by
#' SCTransform. Default is "SCT"
#' @param umi.assay Name of the assay of the seurat object to fetch
#' UMIs from. Default is "RNA"
#' @param layer Name of the layer under `umi.assay` to fetch UMIs from.
#' Default is "counts"
#' @param chunk_size Number of cells to load in memory for calculating
#' residuals
#' @param layer.cells Vector of cells to calculate the residual for.
#' Default is NULL which uses all cells in the layer
#' @param SCTModel Which SCTmodel to use from the object for calculating
#' the residual. Will be ignored if reference.SCT.model is set
#' @param reference.SCT.model If a reference SCT model should be used
#' for calculating the residuals. When set to not NULL, ignores the `SCTModel`
#' paramater.
#' @param new_features A vector of features to calculate the residuals for
#' @param clip.range Numeric of length two specifying the min and max values
#' the Pearson residual will be clipped to. Useful if you want to change the
#' clip.range.
#' @param replace.value Whether to replace the value of residuals if it
#' already exists
#' @param verbose Whether to print messages and progress bars
#' @return Returns a matrix containing centered pearson residuals of
#' added features
#' @importFrom sctransform get_residuals
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @keywords internal
FetchResidualSCTModel <- function(
  assay = "SCT",
  umi.assay = "RNA",
  layer = "counts",
  chunk_size = 2000,
  layer.cells = NULL,
  SCTModel = NULL,
  reference.SCT.model = NULL,
  new_features = NULL,
  clip.range = NULL,
  replace.value = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE
) {

  model.cells <- character()
  model.features <- Features(x = object, assay = assay)
  if (is.null(x = reference.SCT.model)){
    clip.range <- clip.range %||% SCTResults(object = object[[assay]], slot = "clips", model = SCTModel)$sct
    model.features <- rownames(x = SCTResults(object = object[[assay]], slot = "feature.attributes", model = SCTModel))
    model.cells <- Cells(x = slot(object = object[[assay]], name = "SCTModel.list")[[SCTModel]])
    sct.method <- SCTResults(object = object[[assay]], slot = "arguments", model = SCTModel)$sct.method %||% "default"

  layer.cells <- layer.cells %||% Cells(x = object[[umi.assay]], layer = layer)
  if (!is.null(reference.SCT.model)) {
    # use reference SCT model
    sct.method <- "reference"
  existing.scale.data <- NULL
  if (is.null(x=reference.SCT.model)){
    existing.scale.data <- suppressWarnings(GetAssayData(object = object, assay = assay, slot = "scale.data"))
  scale.data.cells <- colnames(x = existing.scale.data)
  scale.data.cells.common <- intersect(scale.data.cells, layer.cells)
  scale.data.cells <- intersect(x = scale.data.cells, y = scale.data.cells.common)
  if (length(x = setdiff(x = layer.cells, y = scale.data.cells)) == 0) {
    # existing.scale.data <- suppressWarnings(GetAssayData(object = object, assay = assay, slot = "scale.data"))
    #full.scale.data <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = nrow(x = existing.scale.data),
    #                          ncol = length(x = layer.cells), dimnames = list(rownames(x = existing.scale.data), layer.cells))
    #full.scale.data[rownames(x = existing.scale.data), colnames(x = existing.scale.data)] <- existing.scale.data
    #existing_features <- names(x = which(x = !apply(
    #  X = full.scale.data,
    #  MARGIN = 1,
    #  FUN = anyNA
    existing_features <- rownames(x = existing.scale.data)
  } else {
    existing_features <- character()
  if (replace.value) {
    features_to_compute <- new_features
  } else {
    features_to_compute <- setdiff(x = new_features, y = existing_features)
  if (length(features_to_compute)<1){
    return (existing.scale.data[intersect(x = rownames(x = scale.data.cells), y = new_features),,drop=FALSE])

  if (is.null(x = reference.SCT.model) & length(x = setdiff(x = model.cells, y =  scale.data.cells)) == 0) {
    existing_features <- names(x = which(x = ! apply(
      X = GetAssayData(object = object, assay = assay, slot = "scale.data")[, model.cells],
      MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = anyNA)
  } else {
    existing_features <- character()
  if (sct.method == "reference.model") {
    if (verbose) {
      message("sct.model ", SCTModel, " is from reference, so no residuals will be recalculated")
    features_to_compute <- character()
  if (!umi.assay %in% Assays(object = object)) {
    warning("The umi assay (", umi.assay, ") is not present in the object. ",
            "Cannot compute additional residuals.",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE
  # these features do not have feature attriutes
  diff_features <- setdiff(x = features_to_compute, y = model.features)
  intersect_features <- intersect(x = features_to_compute, y = model.features)
  if (sct.method == "reference") {
    vst_out <- SCTModel_to_vst(SCTModel = reference.SCT.model)

    # override clip.range
    clip.range <- vst_out$arguments$sct.clip.range
    umi.field <- paste0("nCount_", assay)
    # get rid of the cell attributes
    vst_out$cell_attr <- NULL
    all.features <- intersect(
      x = rownames(x = vst_out$gene_attr),
      y = features_to_compute
    vst_out$gene_attr <- vst_out$gene_attr[all.features, , drop = FALSE]
    vst_out$model_pars_fit <- vst_out$model_pars_fit[all.features, , drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    vst_out <- SCTModel_to_vst(SCTModel = slot(object = object[[assay]], name = "SCTModel.list")[[SCTModel]])
    clip.range <- vst_out$arguments$sct.clip.range
  clip.max <- max(clip.range)
  clip.min <- min(clip.range)

  layer.cells <- layer.cells %||% Cells(x = object[[umi.assay]], layer = layer)
  if (length(x = diff_features) == 0) {
    counts <- LayerData(
      object = object[[umi.assay]],
      layer = layer,
      cells = layer.cells
    cells.vector <- 1:length(x = layer.cells)
    cells.grid <- split(x = cells.vector, f = ceiling(x = seq_along(along.with = cells.vector)/chunk_size))
    new_residuals <- list()

    for (i in seq_len(length.out = length(x = cells.grid))) {
      vp <- cells.grid[[i]]
      block <- counts[,vp, drop=FALSE]
      umi.all <- as.sparse(x = block)

      # calculate min_variance for get_residuals
      # required when vst_out$arguments$min_variance == "umi_median"
      # only calculated once
      if (i==1){
        nz_median <- median(umi.all@x)
        min_var_custom <- (nz_median / 5)^2
      umi <- umi.all[features_to_compute, , drop = FALSE]

      ## Add cell_attr for missing cells
      cell_attr <- data.frame(
        umi = colSums(umi.all),
        log_umi = log10(x = colSums(umi.all))
      rownames(cell_attr) <- colnames(umi.all)
      if (sct.method %in% c("reference.model", "reference")) {
        vst_out$cell_attr <- cell_attr[colnames(umi.all), ,drop=FALSE]
      } else {
        cell_attr_existing <- vst_out$cell_attr
        cells_missing <- setdiff(rownames(cell_attr), rownames(cell_attr_existing))
        if (length(cells_missing)>0){
          cell_attr_missing <- cell_attr[cells_missing, ,drop=FALSE]
          missing_cols <- setdiff(x = colnames(x = cell_attr_existing),
                                  y = colnames(x = cell_attr_missing))

          if (length(x = missing_cols) > 0) {
            cell_attr_missing[, missing_cols] <- NA
          vst_out$cell_attr <- rbind(cell_attr_existing,
          vst_out$cell_attr <- vst_out$cell_attr[colnames(umi), , drop=FALSE]
      if (verbose) {
        if (sct.method == "reference.model") {
          message("using reference sct model")
        } else {
          message("sct.model: ", SCTModel, " on ", ncol(x = umi), " cells: ",
                  colnames(x = umi.all)[1], " .. ", colnames(x = umi.all)[ncol(umi.all)])

      if (vst_out$arguments$min_variance == "umi_median"){
        min_var <- min_var_custom
      } else {
        min_var <- vst_out$arguments$min_variance
      if (nrow(umi)>0){
        vst_out.tmp <- vst_out
        vst_out.tmp$cell_attr <- vst_out.tmp$cell_attr[colnames(x = umi),]
        new_residual <- get_residuals(
          vst_out = vst_out.tmp,
          umi = umi,
          residual_type = "pearson",
          min_variance = min_var,
          res_clip_range = c(clip.min, clip.max),
          verbosity = as.numeric(x = verbose) * 2
      } else {
          data = NA,
          nrow = length(x = features_to_compute),
          ncol = length(x = colnames(umi.all)),
          dimnames = list(features_to_compute, colnames(umi.all))
      new_residual <- as.matrix(x = new_residual)
      new_residuals[[i]] <- new_residual
    new_residual <- do.call(what = cbind, args = new_residuals)
    # centered data if no reference model is provided
    if (is.null(x = reference.SCT.model)){
      new_residual <- new_residual - rowMeans(x = new_residual)
    } else {
      # subtract residual mean from reference model
      if (verbose){
        message("Using residual mean from reference for centering")
      vst_out <- SCTModel_to_vst(SCTModel = reference.SCT.model)
      ref.residuals.mean <- vst_out$gene_attr[rownames(x = new_residual),"residual_mean"]
      new_residual <- sweep(
        x = new_residual,
        MARGIN = 1,
        STATS = ref.residuals.mean,
        FUN = "-"
    # return (new_residuals)
  } else {
    #  Some features do not exist
      "In the SCTModel ", SCTModel, ", the following ", length(x = diff_features),
      " features do not exist in the counts slot: ", paste(diff_features, collapse = ", ")
    if (length(x = intersect_features) == 0) {
      # No features exist
        data = NA,
        nrow = length(x = features_to_compute),
        ncol = length(x = model.cells),
        dimnames = list(features_to_compute, model.cells)
  old.features <- setdiff(x = new_features, y = features_to_compute)
  if (length(x = old.features) > 0) {
    old_residuals <- GetAssayData(object = object[[assay]], slot = "scale.data")[old.features, model.cells, drop = FALSE]
    new_residual <- rbind(new_residual, old_residuals)[new_features, ]

#' @importFrom sctransform get_residuals
GetResidualsChunked <- function(vst_out, layer.counts, residual_type, min_variance, res_clip_range, verbose, chunk_size=5000) {
  if (inherits(x = layer.counts, what = 'V3Matrix')) {
    residuals <- get_residuals(
      vst_out = vst_out,
      umi = layer.counts,
      residual_type = residual_type,
      min_variance = min_variance,
      res_clip_range = res_clip_range,
      verbosity = as.numeric(x = verbose) * 2
  } else if (inherits(x = layer.counts, what = "IterableMatrix")) {
    cells.vector <- 1:ncol(x = layer.counts)
    residuals.list <- list()
    cells.grid <- split(x = cells.vector, f = ceiling(x = seq_along(along.with = cells.vector)/chunk_size))
    for (i in seq_len(length.out = length(x = cells.grid))) {
      vp <- cells.grid[[i]]
      counts.vp <- as.sparse(x = layer.counts[, vp])
      vst.out <- vst_out
      vst.out$cell_attr <- vst.out$cell_attr[colnames(x = counts.vp),,drop=FALSE]
      residuals.list[[i]] <- get_residuals(
        vst_out = vst.out,
        umi = counts.vp,
        residual_type = residual_type,
        min_variance = min_variance,
        res_clip_range = res_clip_range,
        verbosity = as.numeric(x = verbose) * 2
    residuals <- Reduce(f = cbind, x = residuals.list)
  } else {
    stop("Data type not supported")
  return (residuals)

#' temporal function to get residuals from reference
#' @param object A seurat object
#' @param reference.SCT.model a reference SCT model that should be used
#' for calculating the residuals
#' @param features Names of features to compute
#' @param nCount_UMI UMI counts. If not specified, defaults to
#' column sums of object
#' @param verbose Whether to print messages and progress bars
#' @importFrom sctransform get_residuals
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @keywords internal
FetchResiduals_reference <- function(object,
                                     reference.SCT.model = NULL,
                                     features = NULL,
                                     nCount_UMI = NULL,
                                     verbose = FALSE) {
  ## Add cell_attr for missing cells
  nCount_UMI <- nCount_UMI %||% colSums(object)
  cell_attr <- data.frame(
    umi = nCount_UMI,
    log_umi = log10(x = nCount_UMI)
  features_to_compute <- features
  features_to_compute <- intersect(features_to_compute, rownames(object))
  vst_out <- SCTModel_to_vst(SCTModel = reference.SCT.model)

  # override clip.range
  clip.range <- vst_out$arguments$sct.clip.range
  # get rid of the cell attributes
  vst_out$cell_attr <- NULL
  all.features <- intersect(
    x = rownames(x = vst_out$gene_attr),
    y = features_to_compute
  vst_out$gene_attr <- vst_out$gene_attr[all.features, , drop = FALSE]
  vst_out$model_pars_fit <- vst_out$model_pars_fit[all.features, , drop = FALSE]

  clip.max <- max(clip.range)
  clip.min <- min(clip.range)

  umi <- object[features_to_compute, , drop = FALSE]

  rownames(cell_attr) <- colnames(object)
  vst_out$cell_attr <- cell_attr

  if (verbose) {
    message("using reference sct model")

  if (vst_out$arguments$min_variance == "umi_median"){
    nz_median <- 1
    min_var_custom <- (nz_median / 5)^2
    min_var <- min_var_custom
  } else {
    min_var <- vst_out$arguments$min_variance
  new_residual <- get_residuals(
    vst_out = vst_out,
    umi = umi,
    residual_type = "pearson",
    min_variance = min_var,
    verbosity = as.numeric(x = verbose) * 2

  ref.residuals.mean <- vst_out$gene_attr[rownames(x = new_residual),"residual_mean"]
  new_residual <- sweep(
    x = new_residual,
    MARGIN = 1,
    STATS = ref.residuals.mean,
    FUN = "-"
  new_residual <- MinMax(data = new_residual, min = clip.min, max = clip.max)

#' Find variable features based on mean.var.plot
#' @param data Data matrix
#' @param nselect Number of features to select based on dispersion values
#' @param verbose Whether to print messages and progress bars
#' @param mean.cutoff Numeric of length two specifying the min and max values
#' @param dispersion.cutoff Numeric of length two specifying the min and max values
#' @keywords internal
MVP <- function(
  verbose = TRUE,
  nselect = 2000L,
  mean.cutoff = c(0.1, 8),
  dispersion.cutoff = c(1, Inf),
) {
  hvf.info <- DISP(data = data, nselect = nselect, verbose = verbose)
  hvf.info$variable <- FALSE
  hvf.info$rank <- NA
  hvf.info <- hvf.info[order(hvf.info$mvp.dispersion, decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
  means.use <- (hvf.info[, 1] > mean.cutoff[1]) & (hvf.info[, 1] < mean.cutoff[2])
  dispersions.use <- (hvf.info[, 3] > dispersion.cutoff[1]) & (hvf.info[, 3] < dispersion.cutoff[2])
  hvf.info[which(x = means.use & dispersions.use), 'variable'] <- TRUE
  rank.rows <- rownames(x = hvf.info)[which(x = means.use & dispersions.use)]
  selected.indices <- which(rownames(x = hvf.info) %in% rank.rows)
  hvf.info$rank[selected.indices] <- seq_along(selected.indices)
  hvf.info <- hvf.info[order(as.numeric(row.names(hvf.info))), ]
  # hvf.info[hvf.info$variable,'rank'] <- rank(x = hvf.info[hvf.info$variable,'rank'])
  # hvf.info[!hvf.info$variable,'rank'] <- NA
satijalab/seurat documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 12:09 p.m.