
Defines functions missingBatch readLocalHapmap .read_hapmap smallPlates gelmanDiag ntile tileSummaries permnK annotateRegions .testcnp consensusCNP defineCnpRegions consensusRegion

Documented in consensusCNP

#'@include help.R

consensusRegion <- function(g){
  ## Defined the consensus start as the minimum basepair that is
  ## spanned by at least half of all identified CNVs
  grl <- split(g, g$id)
  if(length(grl)/length(g) < 0.9){
    ## more than 10% of individuals have more than one cnv in the region
    ## assume that these individuals should have one cnv
    grl1 <- grl[elementNROWS(grl)==1]
    g1 <- unlist(grl1)
    #if(class(g1)=="list") browser()
    g1 <- GRanges(as.character(seqnames(g1)), IRanges(start(g1), end(g1)))
    grl2ormore <- grl[elementNROWS(grl) >= 2]
    grl3 <- unname(lapply(grl2ormore, reduce, min.gapwidth=1e6))
    g2ormore <- unlist(GRangesList(grl3))
    g <- c(g1, g2ormore)
  threshold <- floor(length(g)/2)
  dj <- disjoin(g)
  cnt <- countOverlaps(disjoin(g), g)
  while(all(cnt <= threshold)){
    threshold <- floor(threshold/2)
  ## the disjoint intervals are sorted, so we only need to take the
  ## first interval that passes this threshold
  index.start <- tryCatch(min(which(cnt > threshold)), error=function(e) NULL)
  index.end <- max(which(cnt > threshold))
  startg <- dj[index.start]
  endg <- dj[index.end]
  if(startg != endg){
    region <- GRanges(as.character(seqnames(startg)), IRanges(start(startg), end(endg)))
  } else region <- startg

defineCnpRegions <- function(grl, thr=0.02){
  message("unlist GRangesList...")
  g <- unlist(grl)
  names(g) <- NULL
  dj <- disjoin(g)
  prop.cnv <- countOverlaps(dj, g)/length(grl)
  is_cnp <- prop.cnv > thr

  ## throw-out large CNVs and CNVs that do not overlap any of the CNPs
  ## gsmall <- g[width(g) < 200e3]
  gsmall <- subsetByOverlaps(g, dj[is_cnp])
  regions <- reduce(gsmall) ## 267 regions

  ## Split the cnvs by region
  hits <- findOverlaps(regions, g)
  hitlist <- split(subjectHits(hits), queryHits(hits))
  regionlist <- vector("list", length(hitlist))
  message("find consensus regions...")
  for(j in seq_along(hitlist)){
    message(".", appendLF=FALSE)
    i <- hitlist[[j]]
    regionlist[[j]] <- consensusRegion(g[i])
  ##regionlist <- GRangesList(foreach(i=hitlist) %do% consensusRegion(g[i]))
  regions <- GRangesList(regionlist)

#' Identify consensus start and stop coordinates of a copy number
#' polymorphism
#' The collection of copy number variants (CNVs) identified in a study
#' can be encapulated in a GRangesList, where each element is a
#' GRanges of the CNVs identified for an individual.  (For a study
#' with 1000 subjects, the GRangesList object would have length 1000
#' if each individual had 1 or more CNVs.)  For regions in which CNVs
#' occur in more than 2 percent of study participants, the start and
#' end boundaries of the CNVs may differ because of biological
#' differences in the CNV size as well as due to technical noise of
#' the assay and the uncertainty of the breakpoints identified by a
#' segmentation of the genomic data.  Among subjects with a CNV called
#' at a given locus, the \code{consensusCNP} function identifies the
#' largest region that is copy number variant in half of these
#' subjects.
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' ##
#' ## Simulate 2 loci at which CNVs are common
#' ##
#' set.seed(100)
#' starts <- rpois(1000, 100) + 10e6L
#' ends <- rpois(1000, 100) + 10.1e6L
#' cnv1 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(starts, ends))
#' cnv1$id <- paste0("sample", seq_along(cnv1))
#' starts <- rpois(500, 1000) + 101e6L
#' ends <- rpois(500, 1000) + 101.4e6L
#' cnv2 <- GRanges("chr5", IRanges(starts, ends))
#' cnv2$id <- paste0("sample", seq_along(cnv2))
#' ##
#' ## Simulate a few other CNVs that are less common because they are
#' ## very large, or because they occur in regions that in which copy
#' ## number alerations are not common
#' ##
#' cnv3 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(9e6L, 15e6L), id="sample1400")
#' starts <- seq(5e6L, 200e6L, 10e6L)
#' ends <- starts + rpois(length(starts), 25e3L)
#' cnv4 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(starts, ends),
#'                 id=paste0("sample", sample(1000:1500, length(starts))))
#' all_cnvs <- suppressWarnings(c(cnv1, cnv2, cnv3, cnv4))
#' grl <- split(all_cnvs, all_cnvs$id)
#' \dontrun{
#'   cnps <- consensusCNP(grl)
#'   ##
#'   ## 2nd CNP is filtered because of its size
#'   ##
#'   truth <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(10000100L, 10100100L))
#'   seqinfo(truth) <- seqinfo(grl)
#'   identical(cnps, truth)
#' }
#' ##
#' ## Both CNVs identified
#' ##
#' \dontrun{
#'   cnps <- consensusCNP(grl, max.width=500e3)
#' }
#' truth <- GRanges(c("chr1", "chr5"),
#'                  IRanges(c(10000100L, 101000999L),
#'                          c(10100100L, 101400999L)))
#' seqlevels(truth, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqlevels(grl)
#' seqinfo(truth) <- seqinfo(grl)
#' \dontrun{
#'   identical(cnps, truth)
#' }
#' @param grl  A \code{GRangesList} of all CNVs in a study -- each
#' element is the collection of CNVs for one individual.
#' @param transcripts a \code{GRanges} object containing annotation of
#' genes or transcripts (optional)
#' @param min.width length-one integer vector specifying the minimum width of CNVs
#' @param max.width length-one integer vector specifying the maximum
#' width of CNVs
#' @param min.prevalance a length-one numeric vector specifying the
#' minimum prevalance of a copy number polymorphism.  Must be in the
#' interval [0,1].  If less that 0, this function will return all CNV
#' loci regardless of prevalance.  If greater than 1, this function
#' will return a length-zero GRanges object
#' @return a \code{GRanges} object providing the intervals of all
#' identified CNPs above a user-specified prevalance cutoff.
consensusCNP <- function(grl, transcripts, min.width=2e3,
                         max.width=200e3, min.prevalance=0.02){
  g <- as(unlist(grl), "GRanges")
  si <- seqinfo(g)
  names(g) <- NULL
  grl <- split(g, g$id)
  ##grl <- grl[colnames(views)]
  regions <- defineCnpRegions(grl, thr=min.prevalance)
  filters <- width(regions) > min.width  & width(regions) <= max.width
    message("Dropping CNV regions failing min.width and max.width criteria. See ?consensusCNP to relax these settings.")
    regions <- regions[ filters ]
  regions <- reduce(regions)
    regions <- annotateRegions(regions, transcripts)
  seqlevels(regions, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqlevels(si)
  seqinfo(regions) <- si

.testcnp <- function(){
    starts <- rpois(1000, 100) + 10000000L
    ends <- rpois(1000, 100) + 10100000L
    cnv1 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(starts, ends))
    cnv1$id <- paste0("sample", seq_along(cnv1))
    starts <- rpois(500, 1000) + 101000000L
    ends <- rpois(500, 1000) + 101400000L
    cnv2 <- GRanges("chr5", IRanges(starts, ends))
    cnv2$id <- paste0("sample", seq_along(cnv2))
    cnv3 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(9000000L, 15000000L), id = "sample1400")
    starts <- seq(5000000L, 200000000L, 10000000L)
    ends <- starts + rpois(length(starts), 25000L)
    cnv4 <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(starts, ends), id = paste0("sample",
        sample(1000:1500, length(starts))))
    all_cnvs <- suppressWarnings(c(cnv1, cnv2, cnv3, cnv4))
    grl <- split(all_cnvs, all_cnvs$id)
    cnps <- consensusCNP(grl)
    truth <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(10000100L, 10100100L))
    seqinfo(truth) <- seqinfo(grl)
    ##expect_identical(truth, cnps)
    cnps <- consensusCNP(grl, max.width = 5e+05)
    truth <- GRanges(c("chr1", "chr5"), IRanges(c(10000100L,
        101000999L), c(10100100L, 101400999L)))
    seqlevels(truth, pruning.mode = "coarse") <- seqlevels(grl)
    seqinfo(truth) <- seqinfo(grl)
    ##expect_identical(truth, cnps)

annotateRegions <- function(regions, transcripts){
  hits <- findOverlaps(regions, transcripts)
  indices <- split(subjectHits(hits), queryHits(hits))
  hgnc.ids <- sapply(indices, function(i, tx){
    paste(unique(tx$hgnc[i]), collapse=",")
  }, tx=transcripts)
  drivers <- sapply(indices, function(i, tx){
    hgnc <- tx$hgnc[i]
    is.cancer.connection <- tx$cancer_connection[i]
    paste(unique(hgnc[is.cancer.connection]), collapse=",")
  }, tx=transcripts)
  regions$driver <- regions$hgnc <- ""
  i <- as.integer(names(indices))
  regions$driver[i] <- drivers
  regions$hgnc[i] <- hgnc.ids

permnK <- function(k, maxperm){
  if(k < 2) return(matrix(1,1,1))
  kperm <- permn(seq_len(k))
  kperm <- do.call("rbind", kperm)
  kperm.identity <- kperm[1, , drop=FALSE]
  kperm <- kperm[-1, , drop=FALSE]
  neq <- apply(kperm, 1, function(x, y) sum(x != y), y=kperm.identity)
  kperm <- kperm[order(neq, decreasing=TRUE), , drop=FALSE]
  N <- min(maxperm-1, nrow(kperm))
  kperm <- rbind(kperm.identity, kperm[seq_len(N), ])

tileSummaries <- function(tiles){
  batch <- tile <- logratio <- NULL
  tile.summaries <- tiles %>% group_by(tile) %>%

# This function is copied from dplyr! Just copied the code over since this
# is the only function used in dplyr.
ntile <- function(x, n) {
    floor((n * (rank(x, ties.method="first", na.last="keep") - 1)
           / length(x)) + 1)

gelmanDiag <- function(model){
  theta.ch <- thetac(model)
  cut1 <- floor(iter(model)/2)
  chain1 <- theta.ch[1:cut1, ]
  chain2 <- theta.ch[(cut1+1):nrow(theta.ch), ]
  theta.mc <- mcmc.list(mcmc(chain1),
  result <- gelman.diag(theta.mc)

## This is a tough example. Best approach is unclear.
smallPlates <- function(x){
  tab <- table(x)
  names(tab)[tab < 20]

.read_hapmap <- function(){
  ddir <- "~/Dropbox/labs/cnpbayes"
  lrr <- readRDS(file.path(ddir, "data/EA_198_lrr.rds"))

readLocalHapmap <- function(){
  lrr <- .read_hapmap()
  lrr1 <- lapply(lrr, function(x) x/1000)
  batch.id <- c(rep(0,8), rep(1, 8))
  ##avg.lrr <- unlist(lapply(lrr1, colMeans, na.rm=TRUE))
  avg.lrr <- unlist(lapply(lrr1, colMedians, na.rm=TRUE))
  plate <- substr(names(avg.lrr), 1, 5)
  avg.lrr <- avg.lrr[!plate %in% smallPlates(plate)]
  plate <- plate[!plate %in% smallPlates(plate)]
  names(avg.lrr) <- plate

##mclustMeans <- function(y, batch){
##  ylist <- split(y, batch)
##  .mclust <- function(y){
##    Mclust(y)$parameters$mean
##  }
##  mns <- lapply(ylist, .mclust)
##  L <- sapply(mns, length)
##  collections <- split(names(L), L)

missingBatch <- function(dat, ix){
  batches <- dat$provisional_batch
  batches.sub <- batches[ix]
  u.batch <- unique(batches)
  u.batch.sub <- unique(batches.sub)
  missing.batch <- u.batch[ !u.batch %in% u.batch.sub ]

rst <- function (n, u, df = 100, mean = 0, sigma = 1){
  if (any(sigma <= 0))
    stop("The sigma parameter must be positive.")
  if (any(df <= 0))
    stop("The df parameter must be positive.")
  n <- ceiling(n)
  y <- rnorm(n)
    u <- rchisq(n, df=df)
  x <- mean + sigma * y * sqrt(df/u)

#' Abbreviated model name
#' @param object a SingleBatchModel, MultiBatchModel, etc.
#' @examples
#' modelName(SingleBatchModelExample)
#' @export
setMethod("modelName", "MixtureModel", function(object){
  . <- NULL
  model.name <- class(object) %>%
    gsub("CopyNumber", "", .) %>%
    gsub("SingleBatchPooled", "SBP", .) %>%
    gsub("SingleBatchModel", "SB", .) %>%
    gsub("MultiBatchModel", "MB", .) %>%
    gsub("MultiBatchCopyNumber", "MB", .) %>%
    gsub("MultiBatchPooled", "MBP", .) %>%
    gsub("MultiBatch", "MB", .)
  L <- length(unique(batch(object)))
  if(L == 1){
    model.name <- gsub("MB", "SB", model.name)
  model.name <- paste0(model.name, k(object))

freeParams <- function(model){
  ## K: number of free parameters to be estimated
  ##   - component and batch-specific parameters:  theta, sigma2  ( k(model) * nBatch(model))
  ##   - mixing probabilities: (k-1)*nBatch
  ##   - component-specific parameters: mu, tau2                 2 x k(model)
  ##   - length-one parameters: sigma2.0, nu.0                   +2
  nBatch <- function(model) length(unique(batch(model)))
  nm <- substr(modelName(model), 1, 2)
  nsigma <- ncol(sigma(model))
  ntheta <- k(model)
  if(is.null(nsigma)) nsigma <- length(sigma(model))
  K <- (ntheta + nsigma)*nBatch(model) + (k(model)-1) + 2*k(model) + 2

#' Compute the Bayes factor
#' Calculated as log(ML1) - log(ML2) + log prior odds
#' where ML1 is the marginal likelihood of the model with the most free parameters
#' @param model.list list of models from \code{gibbs}
#' @param prior.odds scalar
bayesFactor <- function(model.list, prior.odds=1){
  ## set null model to be the model with the fewest free parameters
  free.params <- sapply(model.list, freeParams)
  ix <- order(free.params, decreasing=TRUE)
  model.list2 <- model.list[ix]
  model.names <- sapply(model.list2, modelName)
  nm <- paste(model.names, collapse="-")
  ##p2 <- p[ix]
  ## log marginal likelihood
  log.mlik <- sapply(model.list2, marginal_lik)
  bf <- log.mlik[1] - log.mlik[2] + log(prior.odds)
  names(bf) <- nm

#' Order models by Bayes factor
#' @param models list of \code{MixtureModel}-derived objects
#' @param bf.thr scalar: minimal bayes factor for selecting a model with more parameters over a more parsimonious model
orderModels <- function(models, bf.thr=10){
  mliks <- sapply(models, marginal_lik)
    ml <- marginalLik(models)
    bf <- bayesFactor(models, prior.odds=1)
    model.order <- strsplit(names(bf), "-")[[1]]
    if(bf < bf.thr) model.order <- rev(model.order)
    models <- models[ model.order ]

#' Extract marginal likelihoods from a list of models
#' @param models list of models
#' @export
marginalLik <- function(models){
  ml <- sapply(models, marginal_lik) %>%
  names(ml) <- sapply(models, modelName)
  ml2 <- paste0(names(ml), ": ", ml)
  names(ml2) <- names(ml)

##getData <- function(cnp_se, provisional_batch, model, THR=-1){
##  dat <- median_summary(cnp_se, provisional_batch, THR) %>%
##    select(-likely_deletion)
##  model <- dropSimulated(model)
##  batches <- assays(model) %>%
##    group_by(provisional_batch) %>%
##    summarize(batch=unique(batch))
##  dat <- left_join(dat, batches, by="provisional_batch")
##  index <- which(is.na(dat$batch))
##  if(length(index) > 0){
##    stop("batch not modeled")
##    dat$batch[index] <- 1L
##  }
##  ids_ <- id(model)
##  dat2 <- dat %>%
##    mutate(modeled=id %in% ids_)
##  dat2

getData2 <- function(cnp_se, provisional_batch, model, THR=-1){
    likely_deletion <- NULL
    dat <- median_summary(cnp_se, provisional_batch, THR) %>%
    model <- dropSimulated(model)
    batches <- assays(model) %>%
        group_by(provisional_batch) %>%
    dat <- left_join(dat, batches, by=c("provisional_batch", "batch"))
    dat <- filter(dat, !is.na(batch))
    ids_ <- id(model)
    dat2 <- dat %>%
        mutate(modeled=id %in% ids_)

predictiveDist <- function(model){
    freq <- NULL
  ##dat2 %>% filter(modeled == FALSE)
  mb <- model[!isSimulated(model)]
  comb <- tibble(component=map_z(mb),
                 batch=batch(mb)) %>%
    mutate(component=factor(component, levels=seq_len(max(component)))) %>%
    complete(component, batch, fill=list(z=0)) %>%
    group_by(batch, component) %>%
    summarize(freq=n()) %>%
  phat <- comb %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
  phat <- phat %>%
    group_by(batch) %>%
    mutate(p=freq/sum(freq)) %>%
  pred <- predictiveTibble(mb)
  pred <- pred %>%
    group_by(batch, component) %>%
  pred <- left_join(pred, phat)

predictiveProb <- function(pred, dat){
  prob <- function(oned, batchn, k, pred) {
    pred2 <- pred %>% filter(batch==batchn)
    num <- pred2$p[k]*dnorm(oned, pred2$mean[k], pred2$sd[k])
    denom <- sum(pred2$p*dnorm(oned, pred2$mean, pred2$sd), na.rm=TRUE)
  comp.index <- as.integer(levels(pred$component))
  L <- length(comp.index)
  tmp <- tibble("id"=rep(dat$id, each=L),
                "component"=as.character(rep(comp.index, times=nrow(dat))))
  dat2 <- left_join(dat, tmp, by="id") %>%
  dat3 <- dat2 %>%
    mutate(pnorm=prob(oned, batch, as.integer(component)+1, pred)) %>%
  pmax <- group_by(dat3, id) %>%
    summarize(pmax=max(pnorm, na.rm=TRUE))
  dat4 <- dat3 %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    filter(!is.na(pnorm)) %>%
    mutate(inferred_component = which.max(pnorm)) %>%
    spread(component, pnorm) %>%
    left_join(pmax, by="id")

manyToOneMapping <- function(model){
  copynumber <- NULL
  tab <- tibble(comp=seq_len(k(model)),
                copynumber=mapping(model)) %>%
    group_by(copynumber) %>%
  ##!identical(comp, map)
  any(tab$n > 1)

.prob_copynumber <- function(model){
  pz <- probz(model)
  rs <- rowSums(pz)
  if(!all(rs == 1)){
    rs <- matrix(rs, nrow(pz), ncol(pz), byrow=FALSE)
    pz <- pz/rs
  S <- numberStates(model)
  N <- numberObs(model)
  result <- matrix(NA, N, S)
  if(S == 1) {
    result[] <- 1
  ## If we've reached this point, there is a many-to-one mapping of components
  ## to copy number states.
  map <- mapping(model)
  map.list <- split(seq_len(k(model)), map)
  for(i in seq_along(map.list)){
    j <- map.list[[i]]
    p <- pz[, j, drop=FALSE]
    if(ncol(p) > 1){
      result[, i] <- rowSums(p)
    } else result[, i] <- as.numeric(p)
  result <- result/matrix(rowSums(result),
                          nrow(result), ncol(result),
scristia/CNPBayes documentation built on Aug. 9, 2020, 7:31 p.m.