
Defines functions rerunSpiderSeqR .replaceForbiddenCharacters .generateFileName_CALL_SA .generateFileName_CALL_SFA .generateCallRecord .generateParameterRecord

Documented in .generateCallRecord .generateFileName_CALL_SA .generateFileName_CALL_SFA .generateParameterRecord .replaceForbiddenCharacters rerunSpiderSeqR

#' Generate a record of parameters
#' @param st A list of arguments
#' @param file A string with the file name
#' @param fun_name A string with the function name
#' @return Nothing. Create a file with the record
#' @keywords internal
.generateParameterRecord <- function(st, file, fun_name){
    y <- st
    cat(fun_name, file = file, sep = "\n") #Save function name
    for (s in seq_along(y)){
        #Order elements within each category (if multiple exist)
        if (length(y[[s]])>1){
            y[[s]] <- y[[s]][order(y[[s]])]
        #Save names of list elements
        st_out <- names(y)[[s]]
        #Preserve 'NULL'
        if (is.null(y[[s]])){
            #y[[s]] <- "NULL"
            y[[s]] <- ""
        #Append values to the names and collapse
        st_out <- append(st_out, y[[s]])
        st_out <- paste(st_out, collapse = "\t")
        cat(st_out, file = file, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)

#' Generate record of the call
#' @param file A string with the file name (needs to be .Rda to work)
#' @return Nothing. Saves the file with call object
#' @keywords internal
.generateCallRecord <- function(file){
    c <- match.call(definition = sys.function(-1), call = sys.call(-1))
    saveRDS(c, file = file)

#' Generate call file for searchForAccession
#' @param acc_vector A character vector with accessions searched for
#' @return A character vector with the file name
#' Current format:
#' SFA_ACC1_ACCN_Nn_d-a-te.Rda
#' @keywords internal
.generateFileName_CALL_SFA <- function(acc_vector){
    .mm("Running .generateFileName_CALL_SFA", "fn")
    name <- "SFA_"
    acc_vector <- unique(acc_vector)
    acc_vector <- acc_vector[orderAccessions(acc_vector)]
    if (length(acc_vector) > 2){
        acc_name <- paste0(acc_vector[c(1, length(acc_vector))], 
                            collapse = "-")
        acc_name <- paste0(acc_name, "_", length(acc_vector), "n")
    } else {
        acc_name <- paste0(acc_vector, collapse = "-")
    name <- paste0(name, acc_name)
    today <- Sys.time()
    today <- format(today, format = "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S")
    name <- paste0(name, "_", today)
    name <- paste0(name, ".Rda") 
    .mm(".generateFileName_CALL_SFA completed", "fn")

#' Generate file name for call record (searchAnywhere)
#' @param x A list containing relevant parameters from searchAnywhere
#' @return A string with the file name
#' @keywords internal
.generateFileName_CALL_SA <- function(x){
    .mm("Running .generateFileName_CALL_SA", "fn")
    name <- "SA_"
    # Supported arguments
    sa_poss_arguments <- c("SRA_query",
                            #"GEO_type") # Not included
                            #"acc_levels") # Not included
    sa_arguments <- x[c(sa_poss_arguments)]

    .vex("sa_arguments", sa_arguments)
    #sa_arguments <- sa_arguments[-1]
    sa_arguments <- as.character(unlist(sa_arguments))
    sa_arguments <- unique(sa_arguments)
    sa_arguments <- .replaceForbiddenCharacters(sa_arguments)
    if (length(sa_arguments) > 2){
        sa_name <- paste0(sa_arguments[c(1, length(sa_arguments))], 
                            collapse = "-")
        sa_name <- paste0(sa_arguments, "_", length(sa_arguments), "n")
    } else {
        sa_name <- paste0(sa_arguments, collapse = "-")
    if (nchar(sa_name)>40){
        sa_name <- paste0(substr(sa_name, 1, 40), "_")
    name <- paste0(name, sa_name)
    today <- Sys.time()
    today <- format(today, format = "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S")
    name <- paste0(name, "_", today)
    name <- paste0(name, ".Rda") 
    .GlobalEnv$fn <- name
    .mm(".generateFileName_CALL_SA completed", "fn")

#' Replace forbidden characters from a string
#' @param x A character vector with characters to be replaced
#' @return Character vector with replaced forbidden characters
#' @keywords internal
.replaceForbiddenCharacters <- function(x){
    # Doesn't work
    #forbidden_characters <- c('*', '/', '\\', '"', '.', ':', ';', '|', ',')
    #forbidden_characters <- c('*', '/', '\\', '"', '.', ':', ';', '|', ',')
    forbidden_characters <- c('\\*', '/', '"', '\\.', ':', ';', '\\|', ',')
    for (i in seq_along(forbidden_characters)){
        x <- gsub(forbidden_characters[i], "_", x)
    #characters_not_included <- c('\\')
    #gsub('\\', '', 'sght\gg')

#' Rerun SpiderSeqR query
#' @param file Query record generated at the time of query
#' @return Rerun the query
#' @description 
#' This function allows for repeating the same query without 
#' the need to re-type the parameters over and over again. 
#' The main application of this function is to update results 
#' after the database files have been updated 
#' (i.e. to check whether there are any more results 
#' than last time the query was run).
#' @examples 
#' # rerunSpiderSeqR("filename.Rda")
#' @export
rerunSpiderSeqR <- function(file){
    ext_Rda <- grepl("*.Rda$", file)
    ext_tab <- grepl("*.tab$", file)
    if (ext_Rda & ext_tab){
        stop("Something went wrong - two extensions?")
    if (!(ext_Rda | ext_tab)){
        stop("Only Rda and tab files are accepted")
    # RDA
    if (ext_Rda){
        x <- readRDS(file)
        #Using output of .generateCallRecord
        if (methods::is(x, "call")){
    # TAB
    if (ext_tab){
        x <- readLines(file)
        # searchForTerm
        if (x[[1]]=="searchForTerm"){
            x <- x[-1]
            st_template <- c("library_strategy",
            if ((length(st_template))!=length(x)){
                stop(paste0("The number of lines in the input file ",
                "needs to correspond to the number of input variables"))
            #rec <- list()
            rec <- rep(list(NULL), length(st_template))
            names(rec) <- st_template
            for (r in seq_along(st_template)){
                temp <- unlist(strsplit(x[[r]], split = "\t"))
                if (st_template[r]!=temp[1]){
                    stop(paste0("The names need to match between ",
                    "the input and the template"))
                if (length(temp)>1){
                    rec[[r]] <- temp[-1] #Omit the first element (name)
            do.call(searchForTerm, rec)
        # searchForAccession (in the future)
        #To be done
        if (x[[1]]=="searchForAccession"){
            print("Work more...!")
    #Using output of .generateParameterRecord 
    # (or equivalent for searchForAccession)
ss-lab-cancerunit/SpiderSeqR documentation built on Nov. 2, 2020, 12:18 a.m.