#' @include utils.R models.R processing.R
#' Screen for Interactions and Initialize Matchmaker Object
#' Screen for interactiins and initialize a Matchmaker object.
#' @param data Expression data. A d x M matrix with d rows of features and M columns of data points (cells).
#' @param annotation Cell type identity in following formats:
#' \itemize{
#' \item character, cell type identity with either names as cell ids (barcodes) or in the same order matching the column names in data.
#' \item data.frame, cell ids (barcodes) in row names and cell type identity in first column.
#' }
#' @param interaction Interaction partner pair data with at least two columns indicating gene-gene interaction partners.
#' @param partner_a Column name or index for interaction partner a. Defaulte is 1, the first column in interaction pair data.
#' @param partner_b Column name or index for interaction partner b. Defaulte is 2, the second column in interaction pairs data.
#' @param project_name Name of the project.
#' @param path Whether inputs are in directory path format.
#' @param zero_percent Zero-entry percentage threshold. If the number of zero entries in the returned matrices is above this number, a sparse matrix will be returned. Default is 0.7 aka 70\%.
#' @return Returns a Matchmaker object.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom utils read.csv packageVersion
#' @export
#' @concept matchmake
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' object <- Screening(data = data.use, annotation = idents.use, interaction = interaction.data)
#' }
Screening <- function(data, annotation, interaction, partner_a = 1, partner_b = 2, path = FALSE, project_name = "", zero_percent = 0.7){
message("Checking for interaction pairs...")
raw.data <- read.csv(file = data, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1)
annotation <- read.csv(file = annotation, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE, row.names = 1)[,1]
interaction <- read.csv(file = interaction, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1)
if(is.data.frame(x = annotation)){
cell.id <- rownames(x = annotation)
idents <- as.character(annotation[,1])
names(x = idents) <- cell.id
} else {
idents <- annotation
annotation <- data.frame(idents = annotation)
annotation[,1] <- as.factor(x = annotation[,1])
raw.data <- asSparse(mat = data, zero_percent = zero_percent)
idents <- checkIdents(data = raw.data, idents = idents)
annotation[,1] <- idents
data.pairs <- matchNames(data = raw.data, pairs = interaction, partner_a = partner_a, partner_b = partner_b)
object <- new(Class = "Matchmaker", data = data.pairs$data, interaction = data.pairs$pairs, annotation = annotation, project_name = project_name, misc = list(raw_data = raw.data))
object@command$Screening <- logCommand(pos = 1:3)
object@command$Version <- packageVersion(pkg = "scMatchmaker")
#' Run Matchmaker
#' Run matchmaker to Identify cell-cell interactions.
#' @param object Matchmaker object.
#' @param ident1 Cell type identity group 1. Default is NULL and all cell types will be used.
#' @param ident2 Cell type identity group 2. Default is NULL and all cell types will be used.
#' @param stats Statistics used to calculate strength.
#' \itemize{
#' \item mean, using mean (Default).
#' \item medain, using median.
#' }
#' @param pair.fxn Functions used to calculate pair strength.
#' \itemize{
#' \item +, using sum of the pairs (Default).
#' \item *, using product of the pairs.
#' }
#' @param emd Whethter to run Earth Mover's Distance adjustment. Default is FALSE.
#' @param nbins Number of bins to use for Earth Mover's Distance calculation. Default is 100.
#' @param n_perm Number of random permutations. Default is 100.
#' @param weighted Logic, compute weighted Earth Mover's Distance which will give higher weight/penalty on lowly expressed genes. Default is FALSE.
#' @param p.adjust.method p value adjustment method. Default is "none". See details \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}.
#' @param min_emd_pct Earth Mover's Distance below this percentile will be replaced with this percentile value. Default is 0.
#' @param max_emd_pct Earth Mover's Distance above this percentile will be replaced with this percentile value. Default is 1.
#' @param drop_zero Whether to drop all the zeros in the data when calculating EMD. Default is FALSE.
#' @param cutoff.stats Cutoff used to calculate the statistics (mean or median). Default is NA. If set to 0, all 0 values will be removed when calculating mean or median.
#' @param save.perm Whether to save permutation result. Default is FALSE.
#' @param n_cores Number of cores used. Default is to use all cores - 1. See details \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}}.
#' @param seed Random seed number for permutation. Default is 1.
#' @return Returns a Matchmaker object.
#' @export
#' @concept matchmake
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' object <- Matchmaking(object, stats = "mean", emd = TRUE, n_perm = 100)
#' }
Matchmaking <- function(object, ident1 = NULL, ident2 = NULL, stats = c("mean", "median"), pair.fxn = c("+", "*"), emd = FALSE, nbins = 100, n_perm = 100, weighted = FALSE,
p.adjust.method = "none", min_emd_pct = 0, max_emd_pct = 1, drop_zero = FALSE, cutoff.stats = NA, save.perm = FALSE, n_cores = NULL, seed = 1){
if(!(is.null(x = ident1) & is.null(x = ident2))){
if(is.null(x = ident1)) ident1 <- levels(x = object@object@annotation[,1])
if(is.null(x = ident2)) ident2 <- levels(x = object@object@annotation[,1])
idx.use <- which(x = object@annotation[,1] %in% unique(x = c(ident1, ident2)))
data.use <- object@data[, idx.use, drop = FALSE]
idents.use <- object@object@annotation[idx.use,1]
} else {
data.use <- object@data
idents.use <- object@annotation[,1]
interactions <- findInteractions(data = data.use, idents = idents.use, ligand = object@interaction[,object@command$Screening[["partner_a"]]],
receptor = object@interaction[,object@command$Screening[["partner_b"]]], stats = stats, pair.fxn = pair.fxn, n_perm = n_perm, emd = emd, weighted = weighted,
nbins = nbins, p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method, min_pct = min_emd_pct, max_pct = max_emd_pct, drop_zero = drop_zero, cutoff.stats = cutoff.stats,
return.perm = save.perm, n_cores = n_cores, seed = seed)
object@strength <- asSparse(mat = interactions$strength, zero_percent = object@command$Screening[["zero_percent"]])
object@pvalue <- asSparse(mat = interactions$pvalues, zero_percent = object@command$Screening[["zero_percent"]])
object@misc <- c(object@misc, interactions[-c(1:2)])
object@command$Matchmaking <- logCommand()
#' Filter and Select Interaction Data
#' Filter interaction using interacting strength and p value cutoffs.
#' Non-significant interactions will be either removed or set to zero.
#' @param object Matchmaker object.
#' @param pval.cutoff p value cutoff. Default is 0.05.
#' @param strength.pct Top strength quantile to select. Default is 0.1 aka the top 10\%.
#' @param filter.cells Whether to filter the cells. Default is TRUE.
#' @return Returns a Matchmaker object with filtered interactions saved in @selected slot.
#' @export
#' @concept matchmake
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' object <- Selecting(object, pval.cutoff = 0.05, strength.pct = 0.1)
#' }
Selecting <- function(object, pval.cutoff = 0.05, strength.pct = 0.1, filter.cells = TRUE){
filtered.data <- filterInteractions(interact.strength = object@strength, interact.pval = object@pvalue, interaction.meta = object@interaction,
pval.cutoff = pval.cutoff, strength.pct = strength.pct, filter.cells = filter.cells)
object@selected$strength <- asSparse(mat = filtered.data$strength, zero_percent = object@command$Screening[["zero_percent"]])
object@selected$pvalue <- asSparse(mat = filtered.data$pvalues, zero_percent = object@command$Screening[["zero_percent"]])
object@selected$merged.data <- filtered.data$merge.data
object@command$Selecting <- logCommand()
#' Convert Interaction Data
#' Convert interaction data frame into a molten data frame using \code{\link[reshape2]{melt}}. If there are many interactions the molten data can be very long.
#' If \code{\link[scMatchmaker]{Selecting}} was run, it will convert the data in @selected slot Interactions with zero strenghth will be removed.
#' @param object Matchmaker object.
#' @param selected Use selected data if calculated. Default is TRUE.
#' @return Returns a ranked list of interactions.
#' @export
#' @concept matchmake
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' convert.data <- Converting(object)
#' }
Converting <- function(object, selected = TRUE){
if(length(x = object@selected) > 0){
message("Using @selected data")
convert.data <- convertData(interact.strength = object@selected$strength, interact.pval = object@selected$pvalue)
} else {
stop("@selected not found, please run Selecting(object, ...) first!", call. = FALSE)
} else {
convert.data <- convertData(interact.strength = object@strength, interact.pval = object@pvalue)
#' Downsampling and Geometric Sketching
#' Run downsampling or geometric sketching to reduce number of cells for interaction calculation.
#' See \href{https://www.cell.com/cell-systems/pdfExtended/S2405-4712(19)30152-8}{Hie et al. 2019 Cell Systems} for details.
#' @param object Matchmaker object.
#' @param cell_id Cell IDs used to subset the data. Default is NULL. If provided the downsampling will be skipped.
#' @param downsampling Perform downsampling based on the idents probability rather than geometric sketching. Default is TRUE.
#' @param size Number of cells to return. Default is 2000. Please note that if downsampling is performed the actual size may vary due to rounding effect.
#' @param geom_pca_dims Number of PCA dimensions to use. Default is 10.
#' @param scale Whether to scale the data. Default is TRUE.
#' @param seed Random seed number for sampling. Default is 1.
#' @param which_python Path to python3 used.
#' @return Returns a Matchmaker object.
#' @export
#' @concept matchmake
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' object <- Sketching(object, size = 2000)
#' }
Sketching <- function(object, cell_id = NULL, downsampling = TRUE, size = 2000, geom_pca_dims = 10, scale = TRUE, seed = 1, which_python = Sys.which(names = "python3")){
if(is.null(x = cell_id)){
idents.counts <- round(x = (table(object@annotation[,1])/length(x = object@annotation[,1]))*size)
idents.split <- split(x = 1:ncol(x = object@data), f = object@annotation[,1])
set.seed(seed = seed)
sketch.id <- unlist(x = lapply(X = 1:length(x = idents.split), FUN = function(x) sample(x = idents.split[[x]], size = idents.counts[x])))
} else {
sketch.id <- geomSketch(data = object@data, geom_size = size, n_pca = geom_pca_dims, scale = scale, seed = seed, which_python = which_python)
} else {
sketch.id <- cell_id
object@data <- object@data[, sketch.id]
object@annotation <- object@annotation[sketch.id,,drop=FALSE]
object@misc$sketch_id <- sketch.id
object@command$Sketching <- logCommand()
#' Subset Interactions
#' Subset the interactions based on cell type identity and interacting partners.
#' @param object Matchmaker object.
#' @param ident1 Cell type identity group 1 to subset.
#' @param ident2 Cell type identity group 2 to subset. Default is NULL, and all cell types will be used.
#' @param partner_a Interaction partner a (See \code{\link[scMatchmaker]{Screening}}) to subset. Defaulte is NULL, and all interactions will be selected.
#' @param partner_b Interaction partner b (See \code{\link[scMatchmaker]{Screening}}) to subset. Defaulte is NULL, and all interactions will be selected.
#' @param directed Logic, if TRUE subset only ident1 with ligands (partner_a) and ident2 with receptor (partner_b).
#' If FALSE, ident2 with ligands and ident1 with receptor will be included. Default is TRUE.
#' @return Returns a new Matchmaker object.
#' @export
#' @concept matchmake
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # subset all Macrophage related interactions
#' interaction.mac <- Subsetting(object, ident1 = "Macrophage")
#' # subset all CSF1 related interactions
#' interaction.csf <- Subsetting(object, partner_a = "CSF1")
#' }
Subsetting <- function(object, ident1 = NULL, ident2 = NULL, partner_a = NULL, partner_b = NULL, directed = FALSE){
idents.all <- levels(x = object@annotation[,1])
if(is.null(x = ident1) & is.null(x = ident2) & is.null(x = partner_a) & is.null(x = partner_b))
stop("At least one of the arguments: ident1, ident2, partner_a or partner_b has to be provided.", call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(x = ident1)) ident1 <- levels(x = object@annotation[,1])
if(is.null(x = ident2)) ident2 <- levels(x = object@annotation[,1])
if(!all(ident1 %in% idents.all)) stop("ident1 not found in @annotation", call. = FALSE)
if(!all(ident2 %in% idents.all)) stop("ident2 not found in @annotation", call. = FALSE)
idx.use <- which(x = object@annotation[,1] %in% c(ident1, ident2))
object@annotation <- object@annotation[idx.use,,drop = FALSE]
object@data <- object@data[,idx.use]
object@misc$raw.data <- object@misc$raw.data[,idx.use]
idents.use <- apply(X = expand.grid(ident1, ident2), MARGIN = 1, FUN = paste, collapse = "|")
if(!directed) idents.use <- c(idents.use, apply(X = expand.grid(ident2, ident1), MARGIN = 1, FUN = paste, collapse = "|"))
idx.use1 <- which(x = rownames(x = object@strength) %in% idents.use)
object@strength <- object@strength[idx.use1, ,drop = FALSE]
object@pvalue <- object@pvalue[idx.use1, ,drop = FALSE]
if(!is.null(x = object@selected$strength)){
idx.use2 <- which(x = rownames(x = object@selected$strength) %in% idents.use)
object@selected$strength <- object@selected$strength[idx.use1, ,drop = FALSE]
object@selected$pvalue <- object@selected$pvalue[idx.use1, ,drop = FALSE]
if(!is.null(x = partner_a) | !is.null(x = partner_b)){
if(is.null(x = partner_a)) partner_a <- unique(x = object@interaction[,1])
if(is.null(x = partner_b)) partner_b <- unique(x = object@interaction[,2])
if(!all(partner_a %in% object@interaction[,1])) stop("partner_a not found in @interaction.", call. = FALSE)
if(!all(partner_b %in% object@interaction[,2])) stop("partner_b not found in @interaction.", call. = FALSE)
genes.use <- apply(X = expand.grid(partner_a, partner_b), MARGIN = 1, FUN = paste, collapse = "_")
genes.use1 <- which(x = colnames(x = object@strength) %in% genes.use)
object@interaction <- object@interaction[object@interaction[,1] %in% partner_a & object@interaction[,2] %in% partner_b,]
object@strength <- object@strength[, genes.use1, drop = FALSE]
object@pvalue <- object@pvalue[, genes.use1, drop = FALSE]
if(!is.null(x = object@selected$strength)){
genes.use2 <- which(x = colnames(x = object@selected$strength) %in% genes.use)
object@selected$strength <- object@selected$strength[, genes.use2, drop = FALSE]
object@selected$pvalue <- object@selected$pvalue[, genes.use2, drop = FALSE]
object@command$Subsetting <- logCommand()
#' Save Interaction Data
#' Save the interactions calculated.
#' @param object Matchmaker object.
#' @param file_name File name prefix to save as.
#' @param dir Directory. Default is current directory (NULL).
#' @param selected Use selected data if calculated. Default is FALSE.
#' @return Return three csv files:
#' \itemize{
#' \item filename_strength.csv, interaction strength data.
#' \item filename_pval.csv, interaction p-value data.
#' \item filename_rank.csv, ranked list of interactions.
#' }
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @export
#' @concept matchmake
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' Saving(object, file_name = "decidua")
#' }
Saving <- function(object, file_name, dir = NULL, selected = FALSE){
if(length(x = object@selected) == 0) stop("@selected not found, please run Selecting(object, ...) first!", call. = FALSE)
strength <- object@selected$strength
pval <- object@selected$pvalue
rank.list <- Converting(object = object, selected = selected)
file_name <- paste(file_name, "selected", sep = "_")
} else {
strength <- object@strength
pval <- object@pvalue
rank.list <- Converting(object = object, selected = selected)
gene.use <- paste(object@interaction[,1], object@interaction[,2], sep = "_")
meta.data <- object@interaction[match(x = colnames(x = strength), table = gene.use),]
merge.strength <- cbind.data.frame(meta.data, t(x = as.matrix(x = strength)), row.names = 1:nrow(x = meta.data))
merge.pvalue <- cbind.data.frame(meta.data, t(x = as.matrix(x = pval)), row.names = 1:nrow(x = meta.data))
if(!is.null(x = dir)){
write.csv(x = merge.strength, file = paste(dir, "/", paste(file_name, "strength.csv", sep = "_"),sep = ""))
write.csv(x = merge.pvalue, file = paste(dir, "/", paste(file_name, "pval.csv", sep = "_"),sep = ""))
write.csv(x = rank.list, file = paste(dir, "/", paste(file_name, "rank.csv", sep = "_"),sep = ""))
} else {
write.csv(x = merge.strength, file = paste(file_name, "strength.csv", sep = "_"))
write.csv(x = merge.pvalue, file = paste(file_name, "pval.csv", sep = "_"))
write.csv(x = rank.list, file = paste(file_name, "rank.csv", sep = "_"))
#' Calculate Complex Interaction
#' Calculate complex interactions by combining its subunits.
#' Each complex is named by its subunits saperated by semicolon, such as ITGB1:ITGA2.
#' Therefore COL9A2_ITGB1:ITGA2 represents interactions between COL9A2 and ITGB1:ITGA2 complex.
#' @param object Matchmaker object.
#' @param subunit_a Column names or indices (of @interactions slot) containing complex subunits information for interaction partner_a. Default is subunit_a_1, subunit_a_2, subunit_a_3.
#' @param subunit_b Column names or indices (of @interactions slot) containing complex subunits information for interaction partner_b. Default is subunit_b_1, subunit_b_2, subunit_b_3.
#' @param strength_comb Method to combine complex interaction strengths from its subunits. Default is min (minimum).
#' \itemize{
#' \item min, minimum strength of its subunits.
#' \item average, average strength of its subunits.
#' \item max, maximum strength of its subunits.
#' }
#' @param pval_comb Method to combine complex interaction p values from its subunits. Default is max (maximum).
#' \itemize{
#' \item max, maximum p value of its subunits.
#' \item average, average p value of its subunits.
#' \item min, minimum p value of its subunits.
#' }
#' @return Returns a Matchmaker object.
#' @export
#' @concept matchmake
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # For example, if CellPhoneDB data is used via LoadCellPhoneDB function,
#' # the subunits are named as subunit_a_1, subunit_a_2 ...
#' object <- Complexing(object, strength_comb = "min", pval_comb = "max")
#' }
Complexing <- function(object, subunit_a = c("subunit_a_1","subunit_a_2","subunit_a_3"), subunit_b = c("subunit_b_1","subunit_b_2","subunit_b_3"),
strength_comb = c("min", "average", "max"), pval_comb = c("max", "average", "min")){
strength.comb <- match.arg(arg = strength_comb)
strength.fxn <- switch(strength.comb,
min = min,
average = mean,
max = max)
pval.comb <- match.arg(arg = pval_comb)
pval.fxn <- switch(pval.comb,
min = min,
average = mean,
max = max)
idx.a <- apply(X = object@interaction[, subunit_a], MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) x %in% object@interaction[,object@command$Screening$partner_a])
idx.b <- apply(X = object@interaction[, subunit_b], MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) x %in% object@interaction[,object@command$Screening$partner_b])
idx.a <- apply(X = idx.a, MARGIN = 1, FUN = any)
idx.b <- apply(X = idx.b, MARGIN = 1, FUN = any)
complex.table <- object@interaction[idx.a|idx.b,]
single.table <- object@interaction[!(idx.a|idx.b),]
if(nrow(x = complex.table) == 0) stop("No complex detected.", call. = FALSE)
complex.table$interaction_type <- "complex"
if(nrow(x = single.table) > 0){
single.table$interaction_type <- "single"
single.names <- paste(single.table[,object@command$Screening$partner_a], single.table[,object@command$Screening$partner_b], sep = "_")
single.strength <- object@strength[,single.names]
single.pval <- object@pvalue[,single.names]
} else {
single.strength <- NULL
single.pval <- NULL
complex.names <- apply(X = complex.table, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x){
if(any(!is.na(x = x[subunit_a]) & x[subunit_a] != "")){
genes.a <- x[subunit_a][!is.na(x = x[subunit_a]) & x[subunit_a] != ""]
names.a <- paste(genes.a, collapse = ":")
if(any(!is.na(x = x[subunit_b]) & x[subunit_b] != "")){
genes.b <- x[subunit_b][!is.na(x = x[subunit_b]) & x[subunit_b] != ""]
names.b <- paste(genes.b, collapse = ":")
names.new <- paste(names.a, names.b, sep = "_")
interaction.names1 <- expand.grid(genes.a, genes.b)
interaction.names2 <- expand.grid(genes.b, genes.a)
interaction.names1 <- paste(interaction.names1[,1], interaction.names1[,2], sep = "_")
interaction.names2 <- paste(interaction.names2[,1], interaction.names2[,2], sep = "_")
interaction.names <- intersect(x = c(interaction.names1, interaction.names2), y = colnames(object@strength))
strength.new <- apply(X = object@strength[,interaction.names,drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 1, FUN = strength.fxn)
pvalues.new <- apply(X = object@pvalue[,interaction.names,drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 1, FUN = pval.fxn)
data.new <- cbind(strength.new, pvalues.new)
colnames(x = data.new) <- c(names.new, names.new)
} else {
genes.b <- x[object@command$Screening$partner_b]
names.new <- paste(names.a, genes.b, sep = "_")
interaction.names1 <- expand.grid(genes.a, genes.b)
interaction.names2 <- expand.grid(genes.b, genes.a)
interaction.names1 <- paste(interaction.names1[,1], interaction.names1[,2], sep = "_")
interaction.names2 <- paste(interaction.names2[,1], interaction.names2[,2], sep = "_")
interaction.names <- intersect(x = c(interaction.names1, interaction.names2), y = colnames(x = object@strength))
strength.new <- apply(X = object@strength[,interaction.names,drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 1, FUN = strength.fxn)
pvalues.new <- apply(X = object@pvalue[,interaction.names,drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 1, FUN = pval.fxn)
data.new <- cbind(strength.new, pvalues.new)
colnames(x = data.new) <- c(names.new, names.new)
} else {
genes.b <- x[subunit_b][!is.na(x = x[subunit_b]) & x[subunit_b] != ""]
names.b <- paste(genes.b, collapse = ":")
genes.a <- x[object@command$Screening$partner_a]
names.new <- paste(genes.a, names.b, sep = "_")
interaction.names1 <- expand.grid(genes.a, genes.b)
interaction.names2 <- expand.grid(genes.b, genes.a)
interaction.names1 <- paste(interaction.names1[,1], interaction.names1[,2], sep = "_")
interaction.names2 <- paste(interaction.names2[,1], interaction.names2[,2], sep = "_")
interaction.names <- intersect(x = c(interaction.names1, interaction.names2), y = colnames(x = object@strength))
strength.new <- apply(X = object@strength[,interaction.names,drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 1, FUN = strength.fxn)
pvalues.new <- apply(X = object@pvalue[,interaction.names,drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 1, FUN = pval.fxn)
data.new <- cbind(strength.new, pvalues.new)
colnames(x = data.new) <- c(names.new, names.new)
complex.names <- lapply(X = complex.names, FUN = "[[", ... = 1L)
complex.strength <- lapply(X = complex.names, FUN = function(x) x[,1,drop=FALSE])
complex.pval <- lapply(X = complex.names, FUN = function(x) x[,2,drop=FALSE])
complex.strength <- do.call(cbind, complex.strength)
complex.pval <- do.call(cbind, complex.pval)
comb.table <- rbind(single.table, complex.table)
comb.table$interaction_name <- c(colnames(x = single.strength), colnames(x = complex.strength))
complex.strength <- complex.strength[, unique(x = colnames(x = complex.strength))]
complex.pval <- complex.pval[, unique(x = colnames(x = complex.pval))]
object@misc$single_interaction <- object@interaction
object@misc$single_strength <- object@strength
object@misc$single_pvalue <- object@pvalue
object@interaction <- comb.table
object@strength <- cbind(single.strength, complex.strength)
object@pvalue <- cbind(single.pval, complex.pval)
object@command$Complexing <- logCommand()
message("Complexing finished, re-run Selecting(object, ...) if neccesary.")
#' Reset Interactions
#' Reset complex-complex interactions back to single gene-gene interactions.
#' The single gene-gene interactions are stored in the @misc slot with names: single_interaction, single_strength, single_pvalue.
#' @param object Matchmaker object.
#' @param by Method to reset interaction data. Default is complex.
#' \itemize{
#' \item complex, reset to single gene-gene interactions before Complexing is called.
#' \item merge, reset to unmerged (directed) interactions before Merging is called.
#' }
#' @return Returns a Matchmaker object.
#' @export
#' @concept matchmake
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # reset to single gene-tene interaction
#' object <- Resetting(object, by = "complex")
#' # reset to unmerged interaction
#' object <- Resetting(object, by = "merge")
#' }
Resetting <- function(object, by = c("complex", "merge")){
reset.by <- match.arg(arg = by)
if(reset.by == "merge"){
if(is.null(x = object@misc$unmerged_strength) | is.null(x = object@misc$unmerged_pvalue))
stop("Unmerged interactions not found, please make sure if Merging(object, ...) has been run.", call. = FALSE)
object@strength <- object@misc$unmerged_strength
object@pvalue <- object@misc$unmerged_pvalue
message("Resetting merged interactions finished, @strength, @pvalue have been resetted.")
if(reset.by == "complex"){
if(is.null(x = object@misc$single_strength) | is.null(x = object@misc$single_strength) | is.null(x = object@misc$single_pvalue))
stop("Single gene-gene interactions not found, please make sure if Complexing(object, ...) has been run.", call. = FALSE)
object@interaction <- object@misc$single_interaction
object@strength <- object@misc$single_strength
object@pvalue <- object@misc$single_pvalue
message("Resetting comlex interactions finished, @interaction, @strength, @pvalue have been resetted.")
object@command$Resetting <- logCommand()
message("Re-run Selecting(object, ...) if neccesary.")
#' Merge Interactions
#' Merge directed (one-way) interactions into undirected (two-way) interactions.
#' For example, before merging, DC1|dM1 and dM1|DC1 represents two different cell-cell interactions.
#' After merging, they will be combined as one undirected cell-cell interaction between DC1 and dM1.
#' @param object Matchmaker object.
#' @param strength_merge Method to combine complex interaction strength from its subunits. Default is max (maximum).
#' \itemize{
#' \item max, maximum strength of directed interactions.
#' \item average, average strength of directed interactions.
#' \item min, minimum strength of directed interaction.
#' }
#' @param pval_merge Method to combine complex interaction p value from its subunits. Default is min (minimum).
#' \itemize{
#' \item min, minimum p value of directed interactions.
#' \item average, average p value of directed interactions.
#' \item max, maximum p value of directed interactions.
#' }
#' @return Returns a Matchmaker object.
#' @importFrom matrixStats colMaxs colMins colMeans2
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export
#' @concept matchmake
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' object <- Merging(object, strength_merge = "average", pval_merge = "max")
#' }
Merging <- function(object, strength_merge = c("max","average", "min"), pval_merge = c("min", "average", "max")){
strength.merg <- match.arg(arg = strength_merge)
strength.fxn <- switch(strength.merg,
average = colMeans2,
min = colMins,
max = colMaxs)
pval.merg <- match.arg(arg = pval_merge)
pval.fxn <- switch(pval.merg,
max = colMaxs,
average = colMeans2,
min = colMins)
all.comb <- combn(x = unique(x = object@annotation[,1]), m = 2)
self <- paste(unique(x = object@annotation[,1]), unique(x = object@annotation[,1]), sep = "|")
merged.strength <- c()
merged.pval <- c()
names.use <- c()
for(i in 1:ncol(x = all.comb)){
idx <- c(paste(all.comb[,i], collapse = "|"), paste(rev(x = all.comb[,i]), collapse = "|"))
merged.strength <- rbind(merged.strength, strength.fxn(x = object@strength[idx, ]))
merged.pval <- rbind(merged.pval, pval.fxn(x = object@pvalue[idx, ]))
names.use <- c(names.use, idx[1])
rownames(x = merged.strength) <- names.use
rownames(x = merged.pval) <- names.use
merged.strength <- rbind(merged.strength, object@strength[self,])
merged.pval <- rbind(merged.pval, object@pvalue[self,])
object@misc$unmerged_strength <- object@strength
object@misc$unmerged_pvalue <- object@pvalue
object@strength <- merged.strength
object@pvalue <- merged.pval
object@command$Merging <- logCommand()
message("Merging finished, re-run Selecting(object, ...) if neccesary.")
#' Differential Interactions
#' Conduct differential interaction analysis based on permutation similar to \code{\link[scMatchmaker]{Matchmaking}}.
#' To use this feature, save.perm parameter in \code{\link[scMatchmaker]{Matchmaking}} has to be set to TRUE when running Matchmaking.
#' @param object Matchmaker object.
#' @param interaction1 Cell-Cell interactions of interests.
#' @param interaction2 Cell-Cell interactions to compare against. Default is NULL, all other cell types except the ones in interaction1 will be used.
#' @param diff.thresh Differential interaction strength cutoff, default is 1.
#' @param p.val.cutoff p value cutoff. Default is 0.05
#' @param p.adjust.method p value adjustment method. Default is "none". See details \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}.
#' @return A data.frame with interaction differences and p values.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% divide_by add
#' @importFrom Matrix colMeans
#' @export
#' @concept matchmake
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' object <- Differing(object, interaction1 = "Macrophage|CAF", interaction2 = "Macrophage|Tumor")
#' }
Differing <- function(object, interaction1, interaction2 = NULL, diff.thresh = 1, p.val.cutoff = 0.05, p.adjust.method = "none"){
if(!all(interaction1 %in% rownames(x = object@strength))) stop(setdiff(x = interaction1, y = rownames(x = object@strength)), " in interaction1 not found.", call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(x = interaction2)) interaction2 <- setdiff(x = rownames(x = object@strength), y = interaction1)
if(!all(interaction2 %in% rownames(x = object@strength))) stop(setdiff(x = interaction1, y = rownames(x = object@strength)), " in interaction2 not found.", call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(x = object@misc$permute_result)) stop("Permutation results not saved, try setting save.perm=TRUE when running Matchmaking.", call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(x = object@command$Complexing)){
strength.null <- object@strength
} else {
strength.null <- object@misc$single_strength
interact.diff.null <- colMeans(x = strength.null[interaction1, ,drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(x = strength.null[interaction2, ,drop=FALSE])
interact.diff.abs <- abs(x = interact.diff.null)
interact.diff.pval <-
lapply(X = object@misc$permute_result, FUN = function(x){
interact.diff <- abs(x = colMeans(x = x[interaction1, ,drop=FALSE]) - colMeans(x = x[interaction2, ,drop=FALSE]))
interact.diff >= interact.diff.abs
}) %>%
Reduce(f = "+") %>%
add(1) %>%
divide_by(length(x = object@misc$permute_result) + 1) %>%
p.adjust(method = p.adjust.method)
diff.data <- data.frame(Difference = interact.diff.null, p_value = interact.diff.pval,
row.names = make.names(names(x = interact.diff.null), unique = TRUE))
diff.data <- diff.data[abs(diff.data[["Difference"]]) >= diff.thresh & diff.data[["p_value"]] <= p.val.cutoff,]
diff.data <- diff.data[order(diff.data[["Difference"]], decreasing = TRUE),]
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