#' Generate interactive 3D UMAP plot with cones for velocity. Work in progress.
#' The opacity of the cones is manipulated so that dot colors are visible.
#' The provided SingleCellExperiment `txis` MUST have an element `scVelo` in
#' its metadata, and that element (a SingleCellExperiment) needs to have a
#' colData column "velocity_pseudotime" unless an argument 'colr' is provided.
#' (Hence the references internally to "COLORING" rather than "COLOR")
#' @param txis a SingleCellExperiment with metadata(txis)$scVelo
#' @param embed which reducedDims() element to use for plotting? (UMAP)
#' @param replace replace any existing metadata element `embedded`? (FALSE)
#' @param colr column(s) to use for colors (default: velocity_pseudotime)
#' @param flip flip the velocity arrows (ghetto CellRank)? (FALSE)
#' @param ... optional arguments to pass to plotly::plot_ly()
#' @return a plotly plot
#' @import plotly
#' @import viridis
#' @import Polychrome
#' @import viridisLite
#' @import velociraptor
#' @export
plot_velo <- function(txis, embed="UMAP", replace=FALSE, colr="velocity_pseudotime", flip=FALSE, ...) {
# sanity checking
if (!.velo_ok(txis)) stop("Velocity information missing. Cannot proceed.")
if (!"velocity_pseudotime" %in% names(colData(txis))) txis <- .add_vpt(txis)
if (!.colrs_ok(colr, txis)) stop("Missing colData columns. Cannot proceed.")
embedded <- .get_embedding(txis, embed=embed, replace=replace)
# now actually get to work
stopifnot(nrow(reducedDims(txis)[[embed]]) == nrow(embedded))
stopifnot(ncol(reducedDims(txis)[[embed]]) >= ncol(embedded))
cols <- seq_len(ncol(embedded))
dat <- velociraptor::gridVectors(reducedDims(txis)[[embed]][,cols], embedded)
rownames(dat) <- colnames(txis)[as.integer(rownames(dat))]
swap <- c(".1"="X", ".2"="Y", ".3"="Z", "start"="")
for (s in names(swap)) names(dat) <- sub(s, swap[s], fixed=TRUE, names(dat))
# for cones (refactor this out)
starts <- c("U"="X", "V"="Y", "W"="Z")
ends <- paste0("end", starts)
names(ends) <- names(starts)
for (n in names(ends)) dat[, n] <- dat[, ends[n]] - dat[, starts[n]]
# ghetto cellrank
if (flip) for (n in names(ends)) dat[, n] <- dat[, starts[n]] - dat[, ends[n]]
# for colors and point labels
dat$SAMPLE <- colData(txis)[rownames(dat), "sample"]
dat$COLORING <- colData(txis)[rownames(dat), colr]
if (colr != "velocity_pseudotime") dat$COLORING <- factor(dat$COLORING)
# for colors and point labels
if (colr == "velocity_pseudotime") {
dat$COLORING <- round(dat$COLORING * 100) # percent
if (flip) dat$COLORING <- 100 - dat$COLORING # reverse it
dat$LABEL <- paste0(dat$SAMPLE, ": ", dat$COLORING, "%")
pal <- inferno(100) # colorful continuous scale
} else {
dat[, colr] <- colData(txis)[rownames(dat), colr]
dat[, "LABEL"] <- paste0(dat$SAMPLE, ": ", dat[, colr])
seed <- c("#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#00ff00") # R, B, G
pal <- createPalette(nlevels(dat$COLORING), seed, prefix="color")
names(pal) <- levels(dat$COLORING)
dat$SAMPLE <- colData(txis)[rownames(dat), "sample"]
# for axis labels and formatting
axes <- lapply(list(xaxis=1, yaxis=2, zaxis=3), .clean_axis, embed=embed)
# FIXME1: make it so the cones (velocity) and points (cells) can be turned
# on/off and/or relabeled/recolored arbitrarily during interaction.
message("FIXME: add velocity and cells as two separate traces.")
# FIXME2: provide a way for users to squash a 3D UMAP down into a 2D UMAP,
# ideally resulting in something like the output of plot_features().
message("FIXME: add 3D-to-2D squashing.")
# FIXME3: provide a way for users to switch subsetting/coloring on the fly.
message("FIXME: add dynamic subsetting for cells (and velocity?).")
# build the plot
# add the velocity trace, unless requested to ditch it
p <- plot_ly(dat,
x = ~X,
y = ~Y,
z = ~Z,
u = ~U,
v = ~V,
w = ~W,
colors = pal,
type = "cone",
opacity = 0.5,
text = ~LABEL,
color = ~COLORING,
hoverinfo = "text",
showscale = FALSE,
colorscale = "Greys",
alpha_stroke = I(0.5),
alpha = I(0.75),
p <- config(p, displayModeBar = FALSE)
# if only one scheme:
if (length(colr) < 2) {
layout(add_markers(p), scene = axes)
} else {
# add switch button
message("FIXME: add swapping buttons!")
layout(add_markers(p), scene = axes)
# helper fn
.velo_ok <- function(txis) {
ret <- TRUE
if (!"scVelo" %in% names(metadata(txis))) {
message("Cannot find scVelo output in metadata(txis).")
ret <- FALSE
if (!"velocity_pseudotime" %in% names(colData(metadata(txis)$scVelo))) {
message("metadata(txis)$scVelo does not appear to be velociraptor output.")
ret <- FALSE
# helper fn
.colrs_ok <- function(colr, txis) {
ret <- TRUE
if (!all(colr %in% names(colData(txis)))) {
for (missed in setdiff(colr, names(colData(txis)))) {
message("Cannot find ", missed, "in names(colData(txis)).")
ret <- FALSE
# helper fn
.add_vpt <- function(txis) {
scVelo <- metadata(txis)$scVelo
colData(txis)[,"velocity_pseudotime"] <- scVelo$velocity_pseudotime
# helper fn
.get_embedding <- function(txis, embed="UMAP", replace=FALSE) {
if ("embedded" %in% names(metadata(txis)) & !replace) {
} else {
rd <- reducedDims(txis)[[embed]]
return(velociraptor::embedVelocity(rd, metadata(txis)$scVelo))
# helper fn
.make_color_menu <- function(txis, colr, ...) {
# helper fn
.make_velo_menu <- function(...) {
velo_size <- list(
type = "buttons",
direction = "right",
xanchor = "center",
yanchor = "top",
pad = list('r'= 0, 't'= 10, 'b' = 10),
x = 0.5,
y = 1.27,
buttons = list(
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("type", "heatmap"),
label = "Heatmap"),
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("type", "contour"),
label = "Contour"),
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("type", "surface"),
label = "Surface")
# helper fn
.make_annotations <- function(updatemenus, ...) {
# helper fn
.clean_axis <- function(i, embed="axis") {
list(title=paste0(embed, i),
showticklabels = FALSE,
zeroline = FALSE,
showline = FALSE,
showgrid = FALSE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.