
Defines functions PerformMirrorPlotting PerformMirrorPlottingWeb exportSwathDesign GetSWATHDesginUp GetSWATHDesginLow PerformSWATHDesignDetection checkdataexits PerformExtractHMDBCMPD PerformResultSummary plotBPIs plotTICs PlotSpectraInsensityStatics PlotSpectraBPIadj PlotSpectraRTadj PerformPeakProfiling PerformParamsOptimization PerformROIExtraction PerformDataTrimming centroidMSData FastRunningShow_auto FastRunningShow_customized PerformDataInspect PlotXIC plotMSfeature plotSingleTIC generateAsariPeakList GeneratePeakList SetPeakParam GenerateParamFile CentroidCheck InitializaPlan getCOVIDRawData getBloodRawData getMalariaRawData cleanEICLayer PlotXICUpdate plotSingleXIC retrieveAlgorithmInfo retrieveModeInfo readAdductsList FTno2Num mzrt2ID2 mzrt2ID updateSpectra3DPCA getSpectraInclusion spectraInclusion verifyParam .getDataPath SetUserPath GetRawClassNms GetRawFileNms ReadRawMeta SetRawFileNames CreateRawRscript4AsariPro CreateRawRscript4Asari CreateMS2RawRscript CreateRawRscriptPro CreateRawRscript

Documented in CentroidCheck GeneratePeakList InitializaPlan PerformDataInspect PerformDataTrimming PerformMirrorPlotting PerformMirrorPlottingWeb PerformParamsOptimization PerformPeakProfiling PerformROIExtraction plotMSfeature plotSingleTIC PlotXIC SetPeakParam

### This is a online script to do some pre-define before job scheduler

#' InitMSObjects
#' @param data.type should be "raw"
#' @param anal.type should be "spec"
#' @param paired should be "FALSE"
#' @export
InitMSObjects <- function (data.type = NULL, anal.type = NULL, paired=FALSE) {
  if(anal.type == "raw" & data.type == "spec") {
    return(OptiLCMS::InitDataObjects(anal.type = "raw", 
                                     data.type = "spec", 
                                     paired = FALSE))
  } else {
    return(OptiLCMS::InitDataObjects(anal.type = "raw", 
                                     data.type = "spec", 
                                     paired = FALSE))

#' CreateRawRscript
#' @description used to create a running for raw spectra processing
#' this file will be run by SLURM by using OptiLCMS
#' @noRd
#' @author Guangyan Zhou, Zhiqiang Pang
CreateRawRscript <- function(guestName, planString, planString2, rawfilenms.vec){
  guestName <- guestName;
  planString <- planString;
    users.path <-paste0("/data/glassfish/projects/metaboanalyst/", guestName);
  }else {
    users.path <-getwd();
  ## create algorithm marker
  if(grepl("ROIExtraction", planString)){
    write.table("centWave_auto", file = "ms1_algorithm.txt", quote = F, sep = "", col.names = F, row.names = F)
  } else {
    write.table("centWave_manual", file = "ms1_algorithm.txt", quote = F, sep = "", col.names = F, row.names = F)
  ## Prepare Configuration script for slurm running
  conf_inf <- paste0("#!/bin/bash\n#\n#SBATCH --job-name=Spectral_Processing\n#\n#SBATCH --ntasks=1\n#SBATCH --time=720:00\n#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=5G\n#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2\n#SBATCH --output=", users.path, "/metaboanalyst_spec_proc.txt\n")
  ## Prepare R script for running
  # need to require("OptiLCMS")
  str <- paste0('library(OptiLCMS)');
  # Set working dir & init env & files included
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "metaboanalyst_env <- new.env()");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "setwd(\'",users.path,"\')");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- InitDataObjects(\'spec\', \'raw\', FALSE)");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- UpdateRawfiles(mSet,", rawfilenms.vec, ")");
  ## Construct the opt pipeline
  if(planString2 == "opt"){
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n', 'plan <- InitializaPlan(\'raw_opt\')')
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  planString)
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "res <- ExecutePlan(plan)")
  ## Construct the default pipeline
  if(planString2 == "default"){
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n', 'plan <- InitializaPlan(\'raw_ms\')')
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  planString)
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "res <- ExecutePlan(plan)")
  str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "Export.Annotation(res[['mSet']])")
  str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "Export.PeakTable(res[['mSet']])")
  str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "Export.PeakSummary(res[['mSet']])")
  # sink command for running
  cat(paste0("\nsrun R -e \"\n", str, "\n\""));
  # record the R command
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj); 
  mSetObj$cmdSet <- c(mSetObj$cmdSet, str);
  # add job cancel control button: 0 means running, 1 means kill!
  write.table(0, quote = FALSE, append = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, file = "JobKill");

#' CreateRawRscriptPro
#' @description used to create a running for raw spectra processing
#' this file will be run by SLURM by using OptiLCMS
#' @noRd
#' @author Guangyan Zhou, Zhiqiang Pang
CreateRawRscriptPro <- function(guestName, planString, planString2, rawfilenms.vec, source_path){
  guestName <- guestName;
  planString <- planString;
    users.path <-paste0("/data/glassfish/projects/metaboanalyst/", guestName);
  }else {
    users.path <-getwd();
  ## create algorithm marker
  if(grepl("ROIExtraction", planString)){
    write.table("centWave_auto", file = "ms1_algorithm.txt", quote = F, sep = "", col.names = F, row.names = F)
  } else {
    write.table("centWave_manual", file = "ms1_algorithm.txt", quote = F, sep = "", col.names = F, row.names = F)
  ## Prepare Configuration script for slurm running
  conf_inf <- paste0("#!/bin/bash\n#\n#SBATCH --job-name=Spectral_Processing\n#\n#SBATCH --ntasks=2\n#SBATCH --time=720:00\n#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8G\n#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2\n#SBATCH --output=", users.path, "/metaboanalyst_spec_proc.txt\n")
  ## Prepare R script for running
  # download files if needed
  allMSFiles <- list.files("upload", full.names = T, recursive = T)
  if(length(allMSFiles)<3 & file.exists("isGoogleDriveUpload")){
    download_script <- paste0("Rscript --vanilla ", source_path, "/XiaLabPro/R/download_googledrive.R ", users.path)
  } else {
    download_script <- "";
  # need to require("OptiLCMS")
  str <- paste0('library(OptiLCMS)');
  # Set working dir & init env & files included
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "metaboanalyst_env <- new.env()");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "setwd(\'",users.path,"\')");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- InitDataObjects(\'spec\', \'raw\', FALSE)");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- UpdateRawfiles(mSet,", rawfilenms.vec, ")");
  ## Construct the opt pipeline
  if(planString2 == "opt"){
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n', 'plan <- InitializaPlan(\'raw_opt\')')
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  planString)
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "res <- ExecutePlan(plan)")
  ## Construct the default pipeline
  if(planString2 == "default"){
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n', 'plan <- InitializaPlan(\'raw_ms\')')
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  planString)
    str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "res <- ExecutePlan(plan)")
  str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "Export.Annotation(res[['mSet']])")
  str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "Export.PeakTable(res[['mSet']])")
  str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "Export.PeakSummary(res[['mSet']])")
  # sink command for running
    cat("\n\n", download_script, "\n\n")
  cat(paste0("\nsrun R -e \"\n", str, "\n\""));
  # record the R command
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj); 
  mSetObj$cmdSet <- c(mSetObj$cmdSet, str);
  # add job cancel control button: 0 means running, 1 means kill!
  write.table(0, quote = FALSE, append = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, file = "JobKill");

#' CreateMS2RawRscript#'
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
CreateMS2RawRscript <- function(guestName, planString, mode = "dda"){
  guestName <- guestName;
  planString <- planString;
  cat("current planString ---> ", planString, "\n")
  cat("current guestName  ---> ", guestName, "\n")
    users.path <-paste0("/data/glassfish/projects/metaboanalyst/", guestName);
  } else {
    users.path <-getwd();
  ## Prepare Configuration script for slurm running
  conf_inf <- "#!/bin/bash\n#\n#SBATCH --job-name=Spectral_Processing\n#\n#SBATCH --ntasks=1\n#SBATCH --time=720:00\n#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=5G\n#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2\n"
  ## Prepare R script for running
  # need to require("OptiLCMS")
  str <- paste0('library(OptiLCMS)');
  # Set working dir & init env & files included
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "metaboanalyst_env <- new.env()");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "setwd(\'",users.path,"\')");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "load(\'mSet.rda\')");
  # parse param string
  # planString <- "ppm1:5.0;ppm2:10.0;filtering:200.0;targets_opt:sigs;db_opt:[hmdb_exp, hmdb_pre, gnps];win_size:1.5;similarity_method:dot_product;ionMode:positive;intensity_threshold:10000.0;enabledDDADeco:true"
  param_strs <- strsplit(planString, ";")[[1]]
  param_list <- strsplit(param_strs, ":")
  names(param_list) <- vapply(param_list, function(x){x[1]}, FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
  param_list <- lapply(param_list, function(x){x[2]})
  if(param_list$enabledDDADeco == "true"){
    param_list$enabledDDADeco <- TRUE;
  if(param_list$similarity_method =="entropy"){
    param_list$useentropy <- TRUE;
  } else {
    param_list$useentropy <- FALSE;
  qs::qsave(param_list, file = "msn_param_list.qs");
  param_list$db_opt <- gsub(" ", "", param_list$db_opt);
  param_list$db_opt <- gsub("\\[", "c('", param_list$db_opt);
  param_list$db_opt <- gsub("]", "')", param_list$db_opt);
  param_list$db_opt <- gsub(",", "','", param_list$db_opt);
  if(mode == "dda"){
    # import feature list
    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "ft <- mSet@peakAnnotation[[\'camera_output\']][,c(2,3,5,6)]");
    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "idx <- OptiLCMS:::generatePvals_SigFeatures(mSet@dataSet)");
    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "if(length(idx)>0){ft<- ft[idx,]}")
    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "cat('There are total of ', nrow(ft), ' target MS1 features included for MS2 data processing!')")
    # progress 104
    cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 7/12: Starting importing MS/MS data... \n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 104)";
    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
    # import data
      str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- PerformMSnImport(filesPath = c(list.files(\'upload/MS2\',
                                                  pattern = \'.mzML|.mzXML|.cdf\',
                                                  full.names = T, recursive = T)), targetFeatures = as.matrix(ft), acquisitionMode = \'DDA\')")
    } else if(any(grepl("MS2_", list.files("upload/")))) {
      str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- PerformMSnImport(filesPath = c(list.files(\"upload/\",
                                                  pattern = \"^MS2_\",
                                                  full.names = T, recursive = T)), targetFeatures = as.matrix(ft), acquisitionMode = \'DDA\')")
    } else if(file.exists("isGoogleDriveUpload")){
      str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- PerformMSnImport(filesPath = c(list.files(\'upload/MS2\',
                                                  pattern = \'.mzML|.mzXML|.cdf\',
                                                  full.names = T, recursive = T)), targetFeatures = as.matrix(ft), acquisitionMode = \'DDA\')")
    # progress 110
    cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(
      mes = paste0(\'Step 7/12: MS/MS data imported completely! \n\n\'),
      ecol = \'\',
      progress = 110
    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
    # perform deconvolution
    # progress 120
    cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 8/12: MS/MS data deconvolution is starting... \n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 120)";
      cmd_deco <- paste0("mSet <- PerformDDADeconvolution(mSet,
                                    ppm1 = ", param_list$ppm1,
                                    ", ppm2 = ", param_list$ppm2,
                                    ", sn = 12, filtering = ", param_list$filtering, 
                                    ", window_size = ", param_list$win_size,
                                    ", intensity_thresh = ", param_list$intensity_threshold, 
                                    ", database_path = \'/data/glassfish/ms2databases/MS2ID_Complete.sqlite\',
                                    ncores = 4L, decoOn = ", param_list$enabledDDADeco, 
                                    ", useEntropy = ", param_list$useentropy, ")");
    } else if (file.exists("/home/glassfish/sqlite/MS2ID_Complete_v09102023.sqlite")) {
      cmd_deco <- paste0("mSet <- PerformDDADeconvolution(mSet,
                                    ppm1 = ", param_list$ppm1,
                                    ", ppm2 = ", param_list$ppm2,
                                    ", sn = 12, filtering = ", param_list$filtering, 
                                    ", window_size = ", param_list$win_size,
                                    ", intensity_thresh = ", param_list$intensity_threshold, 
                                    ", database_path = \'/home/glassfish/sqlite/MS2ID_Complete_v09102023.sqlite\',
                                    ncores = 4L, decoOn = ", param_list$enabledDDADeco, 
                                    ", useEntropy = ", param_list$useentropy, ")");

    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_deco)
    # progress 140
    cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 8/12: MS/MS data deconvolution completed ! \n\n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 140)";
    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
  } else {
    # for swath-dia
    # progress 102
    cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 7/12: Starting importing MS/MS data... \n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 102)";
    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
    if(param_list[["targets_opt"]] == "sigs") {
      str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "idx <- OptiLCMS:::generatePvals_SigFeatures(mSet@dataSet)");
    # import data
      str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- PerformMSnImport(mSet = mSet, filesPath = c(list.files(\'upload/MS2\',
                                                  pattern = \'.mzML|.mzXML|.cdf\',
                                                  full.names = T, recursive = T)), acquisitionMode = \'DIA\', SWATH_file = 'swath_design_metaboanalyst.txt')")
    } else if(any(grepl("MS2_", list.files("upload/")))) {
      str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- PerformMSnImport(filesPath = c(list.files(\"upload/\",
                                                  pattern = \"^MS2_\",
                                                  full.names = T, recursive = T)), acquisitionMode = \'DIA\', SWATH_file = 'swath_design_metaboanalyst.txt')")
    } else if(file.exists("isGoogleDriveUpload")){
      str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- PerformMSnImport(mSet = mSet, filesPath = c(list.files(\'upload/MS2\',
                                                  pattern = \'.mzML|.mzXML|.cdf\',
                                                  full.names = T, recursive = T)), acquisitionMode = \'DIA\', SWATH_file = 'swath_design_metaboanalyst.txt')")
    # progress 110
    cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 7/12: MS/MS data imported completely!  \n\n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 110)";
    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
    if(param_list[["targets_opt"]] == "sigs") {
      str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "if(length(idx)>0){mSet@MSnData[['peak_mtx']] <- mSet@MSnData[['peak_mtx']][idx]}")
      str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "cat('There are total of ', length(mSet@MSnData[['peak_mtx']]), ' target MS1 features included for MS2 data processing!\n')")

    # perform deconvolution
    # progress 120
    cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 8/12: MS/MS data deconvolution is starting... \n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 120)";
    cmd_deco <- paste0("mSet <- PerformDIADeconvolution(mSet,
                                    min_width = 5,
                                    ppm2 = ", param_list$ppm2,
                                    ", sn = 12,
                                    filtering = ", param_list$filtering, ",
                                    ncores = 4L)");
    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_deco)
    # progress 140
    cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 8/12: MS/MS data deconvolution completed! \n\n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 140)";
    str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
  # PerformSpectrumConsenus
  # progress 150
  cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 9/12: MS/MS spectra consensus is starting .. \n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 145)";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
  cmd_consenus <- paste0("mSet <- PerformSpectrumConsenus (mSet, ppm2 = ", param_list$ppm2, ", concensus_fraction = 0.2, database_path = '', use_rt = FALSE,
                                     user_dbCorrection = FALSE)");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_consenus)
  # progress 150
  cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 9/12: MS/MS spectra consensus finished! \n\n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 150)";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
  # PerformDBSearchingBatch
  # progress 150
  cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 10/12: MS/MS spectra database searching is starting ...\n this step may take some time.. \n\n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 150)";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
    cmd_seareching <- paste0("mSet <- PerformDBSearchingBatch (mSet,
                                     ppm1 = ", param_list$ppm1, ",
                                     ppm2 = ", param_list$ppm2, ",
                                     rt_tol = 5, 
                                     database_path = \'/data/glassfish/ms2databases/MS2ID_Complete.sqlite\', 
                                     use_rt = FALSE, enableNL = FALSE, ncores = 4L, useEntropy = ", param_list$useentropy, ", 
                                     databaseOptions =", param_list$db_opt, ")");
  } else if (file.exists("/home/glassfish/sqlite/MS2ID_Complete_v09102023.sqlite")){
    cmd_seareching <- paste0("mSet <- PerformDBSearchingBatch (mSet,
                                     ppm1 = ", param_list$ppm1, ",
                                     ppm2 = ", param_list$ppm2, ",
                                     rt_tol = 5, 
                                     database_path = \'/home/glassfish/sqlite/MS2ID_Complete_v09102023.sqlite\', 
                                     use_rt = FALSE, enableNL = FALSE, ncores = 4L, useEntropy = ", param_list$useentropy, ", 
                                     databaseOptions =", param_list$db_opt, ")");

  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_seareching)
  # progress 180
  cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 10/12: MS/MS database searching completed! \n\n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 180)";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
  # PerformResultsExport
  # progress 190
  cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 11/12: MS/MS data processing result exporting.. \n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 190)";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
  cmd_export <- "mSet <- PerformResultsExport (mSet, type = 0L,
                                  topN = 10L, ncores = 4L)";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_export)
  # progress 190
  cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 11/12: MS/MS data processing result exported! \n\n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 190)";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
  # FormatMSnAnnotation
  cmd_annotation <- "dtx <- FormatMSnAnnotation(mSet, 5L, F)";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_annotation)
  cmd_write <- "write.csv(dtx, file = \'compound_msn_results.csv\', row.names = F, col.names = F)";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_write)
  cmd_write <- "write.table(dtx, file = \'compound_msn_results.tsv\', row.names = F, quote = FALSE, sep = \'\\t\')";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_write)
  cmd_saving <- "qs::qsave(mSet, file = \'msn_mset_result.qs\')";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_saving)
  # progress 198
  cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput(mes = paste0(\'Step 12/12: MS/MS data processing finished! We are finalizing the job! \n\'),ecol = \'\',progress = 198)";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
  # progress 200 
  cmd_prgs <- "OptiLCMS:::jobFinished()";
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", cmd_prgs)
  # sink command for running
  sink("ExecuteRawSpec.sh", append = TRUE);
  cat(paste0("\nsrun R -e \"\n", str, "\n\""));

#' CreateRawRscript4Asari
#' @description used to create a running for raw spectra processing
#' this file will be run by SLURM by using OptiLCMS and Asari from python.
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
CreateRawRscript4Asari <- function(guestName, planString, asari_str, rawfilenms.vec){
    users.path <-paste0("/data/glassfish/projects/metaboanalyst/", guestName);
  } else {
    users.path <-getwd();
  ## create algorithm marker
  write.table("asari", file = "ms1_algorithm.txt", quote = F, sep = "", col.names = F, row.names = F)
  ## Prepare Configuration script for slurm running
  conf_inf <- paste0("#!/bin/bash\n#\n#SBATCH --job-name=Spectral_Processing\n#\n#SBATCH --ntasks=1\n#SBATCH --time=720:00\n#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=5G\n#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2\n#SBATCH --output=", users.path, "/metaboanalyst_spec_proc.txt\n")
  allMSFiles <- list.files("upload", full.names = T, recursive = T)
  for(i in allMSFiles){
    if(!grepl("^upload/MS2", i)){
      createLink(link = paste0(users.path, "/uploadAll/",basename(i)), target = i)
  users_path <- paste0(users.path, "/uploadAll/")
  ## Prepare Asari code to execute
  str_asari <- paste0(asari_str, " ", users_path, " --output ", users.path, "/results", " --project metabo_asari_res ");
  #str_asari <- paste0(str_asari, "sed '1,$s/",gsub("\\/", "\\\\/", users.path), "//' > ")
  #str_asari <- paste0(str_asari, "awk '{gsub(\"", users.path, "\",\"\")}1' > ")
  #str_asari <- paste0(str_asari, users.path, "/metaboanalyst_spec_proc.txt 2>&1")
  ## Prepare R script for running
  # need to require("OptiLCMS")
  str <- paste0('library(OptiLCMS)');
  # Set working dir & init env & files included
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "metaboanalyst_env <- new.env()");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "setwd(\'",users.path,"\')");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- InitDataObjects(\'spec\', \'raw\', FALSE)");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- UpdateRawfiles(mSet,", rawfilenms.vec, ")");
  ## Construct the default pipeline
  #str <- paste0(str, ';\n', 'plan <- InitializaPlan(\'raw_ms\')')
  str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  planString)
  str <- paste0(str, '\n',  "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput('\nStep 2/6: Start raw spectral processing with Asari! 
                  \nThis step may take a long time...', '\n', NULL)")
  #str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "res <- ExecutePlan(plan)")
  #str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "Export.Annotation(res[['mSet']])")
  #str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "Export.PeakTable(res[['mSet']])")
  #str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  "Export.PeakSummary(res[['mSet']])")
  # check the latest result folder
  minFrc <- peakParams[["minFraction"]];
  str2 <- paste0('library(OptiLCMS)');
  str2 <- paste0(str2, ";\n", "metaboanalyst_env <- new.env()");
  str2 <- paste0(str2, ";\n", "setwd(\'",users.path,"\')");
  str2 <- paste0(str2, ";\n", "OptiLCMS:::PerformAsariResultsFormating(", minFrc, ")")
  # sink command for running
  # str_asari
  cat(paste0("\nsrun R -e \"\n", str, "\n\";\n"));
  cat(paste0("\n", str_asari, "; \n\n"));
  cat(paste0("\nsrun R -e \"\n", str2, "\n\";"));
  # record the R command
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj); 
  mSetObj$cmdSet <- c(mSetObj$cmdSet, str);
  # add job cancel control button: 0 means running, 1 means kill!
  write.table(0, quote = FALSE, append = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, file = "JobKill");

#' CreateRawRscript4AsariPro
#' @description used to create a running for raw spectra processing
#' this file will be run by SLURM by using OptiLCMS and Asari from python.
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
CreateRawRscript4AsariPro <- function(guestName, planString, asari_str, rawfilenms.vec, source_path){
    users.path <-paste0("/data/glassfish/projects/metaboanalyst/", guestName);
  } else {
    users.path <-getwd();
  ## create algorithm marker
  write.table("asari", file = "ms1_algorithm.txt", quote = F, sep = "", col.names = F, row.names = F)
  ## Prepare Configuration script for slurm running
  conf_inf <- paste0("#!/bin/bash\n#\n#SBATCH --job-name=Spectral_Processing\n#\n#SBATCH --ntasks=2\n#SBATCH --time=720:00\n#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8G\n#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2\n#SBATCH --output=", users.path, "/metaboanalyst_spec_proc.txt\n")
  allMSFiles <- list.files("upload", full.names = T, recursive = T)
  if(length(allMSFiles)<3 & file.exists("isGoogleDriveUpload")){
    download_script <- paste0("Rscript --vanilla ", source_path, "/XiaLabPro/R/download_googledrive.R ", users.path)
  } else {
    download_script <- "";

  for(i in allMSFiles){
    if(!grepl("^upload/MS2", i)){
      createLink(link = paste0(users.path, "/uploadAll/",basename(i)), target = i)
  users_path <- paste0(users.path, "/uploadAll/")
  ## Prepare Asari code to execute
  str_asari <- paste0(asari_str, " ", users_path, " --output ", users.path, "/results", " --project metabo_asari_res ");
  #str_asari <- paste0(str_asari, "sed '1,$s/",gsub("\\/", "\\\\/", users.path), "//' > ")
  #str_asari <- paste0(str_asari, "awk '{gsub(\"", users.path, "\",\"\")}1' > ")
  #str_asari <- paste0(str_asari, users.path, "/metaboanalyst_spec_proc.txt 2>&1")
  ## Prepare R script for running
  # need to require("OptiLCMS")
  str <- paste0('library(OptiLCMS)');
  # Set working dir & init env & files included
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "metaboanalyst_env <- new.env()");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "setwd(\'",users.path,"\')");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- InitDataObjects(\'spec\', \'raw\', FALSE)");
  str <- paste0(str, ";\n", "mSet <- UpdateRawfiles(mSet,", rawfilenms.vec, ")");
  ## Construct the default pipeline
  #str <- paste0(str, ';\n', 'plan <- InitializaPlan(\'raw_ms\')')
  str <- paste0(str, ';\n',  planString)
  str <- paste0(str, '\n',  "OptiLCMS:::MessageOutput('\nStep 2/6: Start raw spectral processing with Asari! 
                  \nThis step may take a long time...', '\n', NULL)")

  # check the latest result folder
  minFrc <- peakParams[["minFraction"]];
  str2 <- paste0('library(OptiLCMS)');
  str2 <- paste0(str2, ";\n", "metaboanalyst_env <- new.env()");
  str2 <- paste0(str2, ";\n", "setwd(\'",users.path,"\')");
  str2 <- paste0(str2, ";\n", "OptiLCMS:::PerformAsariResultsFormating(", minFrc, ")")
  # sink command for running
    cat("\n\n", download_script, "\n\n")
  # str_asari
  cat(paste0("\nsrun R -e \"\n", str, "\n\";\n"));
  cat(paste0("\n", str_asari, "; \n\n"));
  cat(paste0("\nsrun R -e \"\n", str2, "\n\";"));
  # record the R command
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj); 
  mSetObj$cmdSet <- c(mSetObj$cmdSet, str);
  # add job cancel control button: 0 means running, 1 means kill!
  write.table(0, quote = FALSE, append = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, file = "JobKill");

#' SetRawFileNames
#' @description #TODO: SetRawFileNames
#' @noRd
#' @author Guangyan Zhou, Zhiqiang Pang
SetRawFileNames <- function(filenms){
  rawfilenms.vec <<- filenms

#' #Raw Spectra Upload
#' @description function used to process during uploading stage
#' @noRd
#' @author Guangyan Zhou, Zhiqiang Pang
  if(grepl(".txt", fileName, fixed=T)){
    tbl=read.table(fileName,header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = F, sep = "\t");
  }else if(grepl(".csv", fileName, fixed=T)){
    tbl = read.csv(fileName,header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = F);
  rawFileNms <-as.vector(tbl[,1])
  rawClassNms <-as.vector(tbl[,2])
  rawFileNms <- sapply(strsplit(rawFileNms, "\\."), function(x) paste0(head(x,-1), collapse="."));
  clsTable = table(rawClassNms)
  #check replicate number
  clsTypes = names(table(rawClassNms))
  for(name in clsTypes){
    if(toupper(name) !="QC"){
      replicateNum = clsTable[[name]]

#' @noRd
GetRawFileNms <- function(){

#' @noRd
GetRawClassNms <- function(){

#' Set User Path
#' @description play roles at the first uploading and login stage
#' @noRd
#' @author Guangyan Zhou, Zhiqiang Pang
#' TODO: can be delete in the future
  fullUserPath <<- path;
.getDataPath<- function() {
    path = "/home/glassfish/payara5/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/MetaboAnalyst/resources/data/"
  }else if(dir.exists("/media/zzggyy/disk/")){
    path <- "/media/zzggyy/disk/MetaboAnalyst/target/MetaboAnalyst-5.18/resources/data/"
  }else if(.on.public.web){
    path = "../../data/";

#' verifyParam
#' @description Verify the example params has changed or not
#' @noRd
#' @author Guangyan Zhou, Zhiqiang Pang
verifyParam <- function(param0_path, users.path) {
  load(paste0(users.path, "/params.rda"));
  verify.vec <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(peakParams)) {
    for (j in 1:length(peakParams0)) {
      if (names(peakParams[i]) == names(peakParams0[j])) {
        verify.vec_tmp <- peakParams[[i]] == peakParams0[[j]]
        verify.vec <- c(verify.vec, verify.vec_tmp)
  if (all(verify.vec)) {
    print("Examples' param not changed !")
  } else{
    print("Examples' param changed !")

#' spectraInclusion
#' @description save the spectra file info for project loading
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @importFrom qs qsave
spectraInclusion <- function(files, number){
    qs::qsave(list(files, number), file = "IncludedSpectra.qs");

#' getSpectraInclusion
#' @description read the spectra file info for project loading
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @importFrom qs qread
getSpectraInclusion <- function(){

#' updateSpectra3DPCA
#' @description update Spectra 3D PCA, mainly json file
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
updateSpectra3DPCA <- function(featureNM = 100){
  #.feature_values <- OptiLCMS:::.feature_values;
  sample_idx <-
  # feature_value <-
  #   .feature_values(
  #     pks = mSet@peakfilling$msFeatureData$chromPeaks,
  #     fts = mSet@peakfilling$FeatureGroupTable,
  #     method = "medret",
  #     value = "into",
  #     intensity = "into",
  #     colnames = mSet@rawOnDisk@phenoData@data[["sample_name"]],
  #     missing = NA
  #   );
  ## Pre-process here
  feature_value0 <- mSet@dataSet[-1,];
  rownames(feature_value0) <- feature_value0[,1];
  feature_value <- feature_value0[,-1];
  feature_value[is.na(feature_value)] <- 0;
  int.mat <- as.matrix(feature_value)
  rowNms <- rownames(int.mat);
  colNms <- colnames(int.mat);
  int.mat <- t(apply(int.mat, 1, function(x) .replace.by.lod(as.numeric(x))));
  rownames(int.mat) <- rowNms;
  colnames(int.mat) <- colNms; 
  feature_value <- int.mat;
  feature_value[feature_value==0] <- 1;

  # feature_value[is.na(feature_value)] <- 0;
  # int.mat <- feature_value
  # rowNms <- rownames(int.mat);
  # colNms <- colnames(int.mat);
  # int.mat <- t(apply(int.mat, 1, .replace.by.lod));
  # rownames(int.mat) <- rowNms;
  # colnames(int.mat) <- colNms; 
  # feature_value <- int.mat;
  # feature_value[feature_value==0] <- 1;
  min.val <- min(abs(feature_value[feature_value!=0]))/10;
  pca_feats <- log10((feature_value + sqrt(feature_value^2 + min.val^2))/2);
  pca_feats[is.na(pca_feats)] <- 0;
  df0 <- na.omit(pca_feats);
  df1 <- df0[is.finite(rowSums(df0)),];
  df <- t(df1);

  ## Filtering
  mSet_pca <- prcomp(df, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE);
  coords0 <- coords <- data.frame(t(signif(mSet_pca$rotation[,1:3], 5)));
  colnames(coords) <- NULL; 

  weights <- imp.pca[2,][1:3]
  mypos <- t(coords);
  meanpos <- apply(abs(mypos),1, function(x){weighted.mean(x, weights)})
  df.idx <- data.frame(pos = meanpos, inx = seq.int(1,length(meanpos)))
  df.idx <- df.idx[order(-df.idx$pos),]

  selectRow_idx <- df.idx[c(1:featureNM), 2]
  feature_value1 <- feature_value[sort(selectRow_idx),];
  dists <- GetDist3D(coords0);
  colset <- GetRGBColorGradient(dists);
  cols <- colset[sort(selectRow_idx)];
  ## Processing to save Json
  coords0 <- coords <- df0 <- df1 <- df <- NULL;
  min.val <- min(abs(feature_value1[feature_value1!=0]))/10;
  pca_feats <- log10((feature_value1 + sqrt(feature_value1^2 + min.val^2))/2);
  pca_feats[is.na(pca_feats)] <- 0;
  df0 <- na.omit(pca_feats);
  df1 <- df0[is.finite(rowSums(df0)),];
  df <- t(df1);
  mSet_pca <- prcomp(df, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE);
  sum.pca <- summary(mSet_pca);
  var.pca <-
    sum.pca$importance[2,]; # variance explained by each PCA
  xlabel <- paste("PC1", "(", round(100 * var.pca[1], 1), "%)");
  ylabel <- paste("PC2", "(", round(100 * var.pca[2], 1), "%)");
  zlabel <- paste("PC3", "(", round(100 * var.pca[3], 1), "%)");
  # using ggplot2
  df <- as.data.frame(mSet_pca$x);
  df$group <- sample_idx;
  ## For score plot
  pca3d <- list();
  pca3d$score$axis <- c(xlabel, ylabel, zlabel);
  xyz0 <- df[,c(1:3)];
  colnames(xyz0) <- rownames(xyz0) <- NULL;
  pca3d$score$xyz <- data.frame(t(xyz0));
  pca3d$score$name <- rownames(df);
  pca3d$score$facA <- df$group;
  if(length(unique(df$group)) < 9){
    col.fun <-
      grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(unique(df$group)), "Set1"));
  } else {
    col.fun <-
      grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(unique(df$group)), "Set3"));
  pca3d$score$colors <- col.fun(length(unique(df$group)));
  json.obj <- rjson::toJSON(pca3d);
  sink(paste0("spectra_3d_score", featureNM,".json"));
  ## For loading plot
  #pca3d <- list();
  pca3d$loading$axis <- paste("Loading ", c(1:3), sep="");
  coords0 <- coords <- data.frame(t(signif(mSet_pca$rotation[,1:3], 5)));
  colnames(coords) <- NULL; 
  pca3d$loading$xyz <- coords;
  pca3d$loading$name <- rownames(mSet_pca$rotation);

    pca3d$loading$entrez <- mSet@dataSet[["Samples"]][-1][sort(selectRow_idx)]
  } else {
    pca3d$loading$entrez <- paste0(round(mSet@peakfilling[["FeatureGroupTable"]]@listData$mzmed, 4), 
                                   round(mSet@peakfilling[["FeatureGroupTable"]]@listData$rtmed, 2))[sort(selectRow_idx)];

  pca3d$loading$cols <- cols;
  pca3d$cls =  df$group;
  json.obj <- rjson::toJSON(pca3d);
  sink(paste0("spectra_3d_loading", featureNM,".json"));

  qs::qsave(pca3d$score, "score3d.qs");
  qs::qsave(pca3d$loading, "loading3d.qs");
  fileNm <- paste0("spectra_3d_loading", featureNM,".json");


  my.json.scatter(fileNm, T);


#' mzrt2ID
#' @description convert mzATrt as Feature ID
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
mzrt2ID <- function(mzrt){
  FTID = 1;
  FTID <- which(mSet@dataSet[["Sample"]] == mzrt)-1;

#' mzrt2ID2
#' @description convert mzATrt as Feature ID
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
mzrt2ID2 <- function(mzrt){
  ### NOTE: this function is a temperary function, will be removed later 
  FTID = 1;
  mSet@peakAnnotation[["camera_output"]]-> dt;
  if(grepl("@", mzrt)) {
      FTID <- which((abs(dt[,1] - as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(mzrt,"@")))[1]) < 1e-4) & 
                (abs(dt[,4] - as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(mzrt,"@")))[2]< 2))); 
  } else if(grepl("__", mzrt)) {
      FTID <- which((abs(dt[,1] - as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(mzrt,"__")))[1]) < 1e-4) & 
                (abs(dt[,4] - as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(mzrt,"__")))[2]) < 2)); 

#' featureNO2Num
#' @description convert mzATrt as Feature ID
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
FTno2Num <- function(FTno){
  FeatureOrder <- qs::qread("FeatureOrder.qs");  

#' readAdductsList
#' @description readAdductsList for user customization
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
readAdductsList <- function(polarity = NULL){
  res <- NULL;
  r <- OptiLCMS:::.exportmSetRuleClass();
  setDefaultLists <- OptiLCMS:::setDefaultLists;
  readLists <- OptiLCMS:::readLists;
  setParams <- OptiLCMS:::setParams;
  generateRules <- OptiLCMS:::generateRules;
  r <- setDefaultLists(r, lib.loc=.libPaths());
  r <- readLists(r);
  if(polarity == "positive" || is.null(polarity)){
    r <- setParams(r, maxcharge=3, mol=3, nion=2,
                   nnloss=1, nnadd=1, nh=2, polarity="positive", lib.loc = .libPaths());
    r <- generateRules(r);
    rules <- unique(r@rules);
    res <- rules[order(rules$ips,decreasing = TRUE),][["name"]];
  } else {
    r <- setParams(r, maxcharge=3, mol=3, nion=2,
                   nnloss=1, nnadd=1, nh=2, polarity="negative", lib.loc = .libPaths());
    r <- generateRules(r);
    rules <- unique(r@rules);
    res <- rules[order(rules$ips,decreasing = TRUE),][["name"]];

#' retrieveModeInfo
#' @description retrieveModeInfo
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
retrieveModeInfo <- function(){
  plantext <- read.delim("ExecuteRawSpec.sh")
  if(grepl("PerformROIExtraction", plantext) && grepl("PerformParamsOptimization", plantext)){
  } else {

#' retrieveAlgorithmInfo
#' @description retrieveAlgorithmInfo
#' @noRd
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
retrieveAlgorithmInfo <- function(){
  plantext <- readLines("ms1_algorithm.txt")
  if(grepl("asari", plantext)){
  } else if(grepl("centWave_auto", plantext)){
  } else if(grepl("centWave_manual", plantext)){
  } else {

#' plotSingleXIC
#' @description plotSingleXIC
#' @param mSet 
#' @param featureNum 
#' @param sample 
#' @noRd
plotSingleXIC <- function(mSet = NA, featureNum = NULL, sample = NULL, showlabel = TRUE) {
  } else {
      stop("mSet object is required! Should be an mSet generated after Peak Profiling!")
    } else if(!is(mSet, "mSet")) {
      stop("Invalid mSet Object! Please check!")
  raw_data <- mSet@rawOnDisk;
  samples_names <- raw_data@phenoData@data[["sample_name"]];
  rawFiles <- raw_data@processingData@files;
  if(any(raw_data@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]] == "MS2")) {
    samples_names <- samples_names[raw_data@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]] !="MS2"]
    rawFiles <- rawFiles[raw_data@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]] !="MS2"]
    samples_names <- 
      samples_names[raw_data@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]] != "BLANK"];
    rawFiles <- 
      rawFiles[raw_data@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]] != "BLANK"];

  if(is.null(sample)) {
    sampleOrder <- 1;
  } else {
    sampleOrder <- which(sample == samples_names);
  if(is.null(featureNum)) {
    featureOder <- 1;
  } else {
    featureOder <- as.numeric(featureNum);
  # Standard EIC extraction
  resDT <- mSet@peakAnnotation[["camera_output"]];
  errorProne <- is0Feature <- FALSE;
  if(is.na(resDT[featureNum, sample])) is0Feature = TRUE;
  RawData <- readMSData(files = rawFiles[sampleOrder],
                        mode = "onDisk");
  ## Here is to choose correct chrompeak for this specific sample

  mzValue <- resDT[featureOder, "mz"];
  rtValue <- resDT[featureOder, "rt"];
  chromPeaks0 <- mSet@peakfilling$msFeatureData$chromPeaks;
    # for asari results
    chromPeaks <- resDT[featureNum,]
    orderN <- 1
    js <- rjson::fromJSON(file = paste0(featureNum,".json"))
    colv <- unique(js[["fill"]][js[["label"]] == sample])
  } else {
    groupval <- OptiLCMS:::groupval;
    mat <- groupval(mSet);
    orderN <- mat[featureOder,sampleOrder];
    if(is.na(orderN)) {
      errorProne <- TRUE;
      orderN <- numeric();
    } else {
      chromPeaks <- as.data.frame(chromPeaks0);
      rtlist <- (mSet@peakRTcorrection$adjustedRT);
      RawData@featureData@data$retentionTime <- rtlist[[sampleOrder]];
    if(length(orderN) == 0) {
      chromPeaks0 <- mSet@peakpicking[["chromPeaks"]];
      chromPeaks <- as.data.frame(chromPeaks0[(chromPeaks0[,"sample"] == sampleOrder),])
      orderN <- which(chromPeaks$mzmin-0.02 < mzValue & 
                        chromPeaks$mzmax+0.02 > mzValue & 
                        chromPeaks$rtmin-5 < rtValue &
                        chromPeaks$rtmax+5 > rtValue);
    if(length(orderN) == 0){
      # EIC extraction to handle the filled peaks from gap filling step
      rtlist <- (mSet@peakRTcorrection$adjustedRT);
      RawData@featureData@data$retentionTime <- rtlist[[sampleOrder]];
      chromPeaks0 <- mSet@peakAnnotation[["peaks"]];
      chromPeaks <- as.data.frame(chromPeaks0[(chromPeaks0[,"sample"] == sampleOrder),])
      orderN <- which(chromPeaks$mzmin-0.02 < mzValue & 
                        chromPeaks$mzmax+0.02 > mzValue & 
                        chromPeaks$rtmin-5 < rtValue &
                        chromPeaks$rtmax+5 > rtValue)
    if(length(orderN) == 0) {
      # EIC extraction of some corner cases, just in case.
      errorProne <- TRUE;
      rawList <- mSet@peakgrouping[[2]]@listData;
      rawList[["peakidx"]] <- NULL;
      orderN <- which((abs(rawList[["mzmed"]] - mzValue) < 2e-3)
                      & (abs(rawList[["rtmed"]] - rtValue) < 3));
      chromPeaks <- rawList;
    js <- rjson::fromJSON(file = paste0(featureNum,".json"))
    colv <- unique(js[["fill"]][samples_names == sample])
  if(is0Feature & errorProne) {
    minRT <- chromPeaks$rtmin[orderN];
    maxRT <- chromPeaks$rtmax[orderN];
    RTi <- 0.2;
    res <- 
      data.frame(Retention_Time = c(minRT-4*RTi, minRT-3*RTi,
                                    minRT-2*RTi, minRT-1*RTi,
                                    maxRT + 1*RTi, maxRT + 2*RTi,
                                    maxRT + 3*RTi, maxRT + 4*RTi),
                 Intensity = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
                 colorv = colv,
                 sample = sample)
  } else {
    minMZ <- chromPeaks$mzmin[orderN];
    maxMZ <- chromPeaks$mzmax[orderN];
    minRT <- chromPeaks$rtmin[orderN];
    maxRT <- chromPeaks$rtmax[orderN];
    if(errorProne) {
      if(maxMZ - minMZ > 0.1) {
        cat("Trigger mz Correction\n")
        minMZ <- mzValue - 0.0025;
        maxMZ <- mzValue + 0.0025;
      if(maxRT - minRT > 30){
        cat("Trigger rt Correction\n")
        minRT <- rtValue + 10;
        maxRT <- rtValue - 10;
    RawChrom <- chromatogram(RawData, 
                             mz = c(minMZ - 0.0001, maxMZ + 0.0001),
                             rt = c(minRT - 1, maxRT + 1));

    minRT <- min(MSTrace@rtime);
    maxRT <- max(MSTrace@rtime);
    RTi <- (maxRT - minRT)/length(MSTrace@rtime);
    if(RTi == 0) RTi <- 0.2;
    res0 <- 
      data.frame(Retention_Time = unname(MSTrace@rtime),
                 Intensity = MSTrace@intensity);
      res0 <- res0[!is.na(res0$Intensity),]
      res0 <- data.frame(Retention_Time = c(minRT, maxRT), Intensity = 0.001)
    minRT <- min(res0$Retention_Time);
    maxRT <- max(res0$Retention_Time);
    res <- 
      data.frame(Retention_Time = c(minRT-4*RTi, minRT-3*RTi,
                                    minRT-2*RTi, minRT-1*RTi,
                                    maxRT + 1*RTi, maxRT + 2*RTi,
                                    maxRT + 3*RTi, maxRT + 4*RTi),
                 Intensity = c(0,0,0,0, res0$Intensity,0,0,0,0),
                 colorv = colv[1],
                 sample = sample)
      res <- res[!is.na(res$Intensity),]
    ## TO handle the big gaps of retention time of EIC
    gapPos <- which(sapply(1:(nrow(res)-1), FUN = function(x){
      res$Retention_Time[x+1] - res$Retention_Time[x] > RTi*20
    if(length(gapPos) > 0) {
      resk <- res;
      for(gp in gapPos){
        r0 <- data.frame(Retention_Time = seq(from = resk$Retention_Time[gapPos], 
                                              to=resk$Retention_Time[gapPos + 1], 
                                              by = RTi*2), 
                         Intensity = 0, 
                         colorv = unique(resk$colorv), 
                         sample = unique(resk$sample))
        res <- rbind(res, r0)
    if(nrow(res) < 10){
      # To smooth the spike peak
      res$Intensity[nrow(res)-3] <- 
        res$Intensity[4] <- 
      res$Intensity[nrow(res)-2] <- 
        res$Intensity[3] <- 
      res$Intensity[nrow(res)-1] <- 
        res$Intensity[2] <- 

  if(file.exists(paste0("EIC_layer_", featureOder,".qs"))){
    res1 <- qs::qread(paste0("EIC_layer_", featureOder,".qs"));
    # Remove existing info of the peak of the sample
    if(any(res1$sample == sample)) {res1 <- res1[res1$sample != sample, ]}
    res2save <- rbind(res1, res)
    qs::qsave(res2save, file = paste0("EIC_layer_", featureOder,".qs"))
    if(nrow(res1)>0)  res1 <- cbind(res1, alpha1 = 0.03, alpha2 = 0.1);
    resf <- rbind(res1, cbind(res, alpha1 = 0.03, alpha2 = 0.1));
  } else {
    qs::qsave(res, file = paste0("EIC_layer_", featureOder,".qs"));
    resf <- cbind(res, alpha1 = 0.03, alpha2 = 0.1)
  # Here we adjust the layer of figure
  resf$sample <- factor(resf$sample, 
                        levels = c(sample, 
                                   unique(resf$sample)[!sample == unique(resf$sample)]));
  # Add labels
  resf <- cbind(resf, label = NA);
  sampleNMs <- unique(as.character(resf$sample));
  row4Label <- sapply(sampleNMs, function(x) {
    resk <- resf[as.character(resf$sample) == x,];
    if(all(resk$Intensity == 0)) {return(as.numeric(median(row.names(resk))))}
    resk <- resk[resk$Intensity != 0, ]
    if(nrow(resk) > 2) {
      resk <- resk[c(-1, -nrow(resk)),] # Avoid edge extreme value
    maxinto <- max(resk$Intensity)
    labelorder <- which((as.character(resf$sample) == x) & (resf$Intensity == maxinto))[1];
    #ceiling(median(which(as.character(resf$sample) == x)))
  resf[row4Label, 7] <- sampleNMs;
  peak_width <- (maxRT - minRT) + 6
  s_image0 <- ggplot(
    aes(x = Retention_Time, 
        y = Intensity,
        label = label)) +
      aes(fill = colorv,
          alpha = alpha1, 
          group = sample),
      geom = 'area',
      method = "loess",
      se = FALSE,
      span = 0.25,
      formula = "y ~ x"
      ) + 
      aes(color = colorv,
          alpha = alpha2, 
          group = sample),
      method = "loess",
      se = FALSE,
      span = 0.25,
      linewidth = 0.35,
      formula = "y ~ x") + 
    scale_color_identity() + 
  if(showlabel) {
    s_image0 <- s_image0 + 
      geom_text_repel(aes(x = Retention_Time, 
                          y = Intensity*0.8,
                          color = colorv), 
                      force = 1.5)
  title = paste0(sample,"_",featureNum);
  title0 <- paste0(round(mzValue, 4), "mz@", round(rtValue, 2),"s");
  s_image <- s_image0 +
    theme_bw() +
    ylim(0, NA) +
    xlim(min(resf$Retention_Time) - 2 , 
         max(resf$Retention_Time) + 2) +
      legend.position = "none",
      plot.title = element_text(
        size = 12,
        face = "bold",
        hjust = 0.5
      legend.title = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
    ) +
  s_image[["plot_env"]][["raw_data"]] <- 
    s_image[["plot_env"]][["chromPeaks"]] <- 
    s_image[["plot_env"]][["chromPeaks0"]] <- 
    s_image[["plot_env"]][["MSTrace"]] <- 
    s_image[["plot_env"]][["raw_data"]] <- 
    s_image[["plot_env"]][["RawChrom"]] <- 
    s_image[["plot_env"]][["RawData"]] <- 
    s_image[["plot_env"]][["rtlist"]] <- 
    s_image[["plot_env"]][["mSet"]] <- 
    s_image[["plot_env"]][["js"]] <- NULL;
  qs::qsave(s_image, file = paste0("EIC_image_", featureOder,".qs"))
  fileName = paste0("EIC_", title, "_group_", "72", ".", "png");
  if (.on.public.web) {
      file = fileName,
      unit = "in",
      dpi = 72,
      width = 6,
      height = 6,
      type = "png",
      bg = "white"
  if (.on.public.web) {
  cat("Ploting EIC successfully!\n")

PlotXICUpdate <- function(featureNum, format = "png", dpi = 72, width = NA){
    width <- 6;
  s_image <- qs::qread(file = paste0("EIC_image_", featureNum,".qs"))
  fileName = paste0("EIC_", featureNum, "_updated_", dpi, ".", format);
  if (.on.public.web) {
      file = fileName,
      unit = "in",
      dpi = dpi,
      width = width,
      height = width*1,
      type = format,
      bg = "white"
  if (.on.public.web) {

cleanEICLayer <- function(featureNum) {
  if(file.exists(paste0("EIC_layer_", featureNum,".qs"))) {
   file.remove(paste0("EIC_layer_", featureNum,".qs")) 

getMalariaRawData <- function(homedir) {
  print("Downloading raw Malaria Data.... ")
  datalink <- "https://www.dropbox.com/s/kwwe8q2yvsvbcf5/malaria.zip";
  desfile <- paste0(homedir,"/malaria.zip");
  markerfile <- paste0(homedir, "/upload/QC/QC_001.mzML");
                destfile = desfile, 
                method = "wget", quiet = TRUE);
  unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload"))
  # do some verification here
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
                  destfile = desfile, 
                  method = "libcurl", quiet = TRUE);
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)

  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
                  destfile = desfile, 
                  method = "libcurl", quiet = TRUE);
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
                  destfile = desfile, 
                  method = "libcurl", quiet = TRUE);
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
    cmd <- paste0("wget -P ", homedir, " https://www.dropbox.com/s/kwwe8q2yvsvbcf5/malaria.zip")
    try(system(cmd),silent = TRUE)
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
    print("Downloading failed, please contact Zhiqiang Pang! ")

getBloodRawData <- function(homedir) {
  print("Downloading raw blood Data.... ")
  datalink <- "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/eofgffstyp9p4dbpj2s0f/blood_dda.zip";
  desfile <- paste0(homedir,"/blood_dda.zip");
  markerfile <- paste0(homedir, "/upload/QC/QC1.mzML");
                destfile = desfile, 
                method = "wget", quiet = TRUE);
  unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload"))
  # do some verification here
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
                  destfile = desfile, 
                  method = "libcurl", quiet = TRUE);
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
                  destfile = desfile, 
                  method = "libcurl", quiet = TRUE);
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
                  destfile = desfile, 
                  method = "libcurl", quiet = TRUE);
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
    cmd <- paste0("wget -P ", homedir, " https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/eofgffstyp9p4dbpj2s0f/blood_dda.zip")
    try(system(cmd),silent = TRUE)
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
    print("Downloading failed, please contact Zhiqiang Pang! ")

getCOVIDRawData <- function(homedir) {
  print("Downloading raw covid Data.... ")
  datalink <- "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a7kizcjw1q9y4jkyzv2fx/swath_data_file.zip";
  desfile <- paste0(homedir,"/swath_data_file.zip");
  markerfile <- paste0(homedir, "/upload/MS2/Covid_Cov_16_MS2.mzML");
                destfile = desfile, 
                method = "wget", quiet = TRUE);
  unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload"))
  # do some verification here
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
                  destfile = desfile, 
                  method = "libcurl", quiet = TRUE);
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
                  destfile = desfile, 
                  method = "libcurl", quiet = TRUE);
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
                  destfile = desfile, 
                  method = "libcurl", quiet = TRUE);
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
    cmd <- paste0("wget -P ", homedir, " https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a7kizcjw1q9y4jkyzv2fx/swath_data_file.zip")
    try(system(cmd),silent = TRUE)
    try(unzip(zipfile = desfile, exdir = paste0(homedir, "/upload")),silent = TRUE)
  if(file.exists(markerfile)) {
    print("Downloading done! ")
  } else {
    print("Downloading failed, please contact Zhiqiang Pang! ")

################## ------------- Shell function here below ------------- ######################

#' InitializePlan
#' @description this function is used to initialize a plan before submit job to spring daemon
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @export
InitializaPlan <- function(){
  plan <- OptiLCMS::InitializaPlan();
  # Nothing to return

#' CentroidCheck
#' @description CentroidCheck function used to check centroid or not 
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @param filename filename to check
#' @export
CentroidCheck <- function(filename){

GenerateParamFile <- function(){
    file.copy("param_default.txt", "param_file.txt", overwrite = TRUE)
  } else {
    opparam <- read.table("param_optimized.txt");
    if(nrow(opparam) > 5){
      dfparam <- read.table("param_default.txt");
      res <- vapply(1:nrow(dfparam), FUN = function(x){
        opparam[x,2] == dfparam[x,2]
      }, FUN.VALUE = vector(mode = "logical", length = 1))
        file.copy("param_default.txt", "param_file.txt", overwrite = TRUE)
      } else {
        mgparam <- merge(dfparam, opparam, by = "V1");
        colnames(mgparam) <- c("Parameters", "Default", "Optimized");
        write.table(mgparam, file = "param_file.txt", quote = F, row.names = F)
    } else {
      checksh <- read.csv("ExecuteRawSpec.sh", sep = "\n")[8,];
      if(grepl("PerformParamsOptimization", checksh)){
        write.table("Optimization is in progress.. Please download later... ", 
                    file = "param_file.txt", quote = F, col.names = F, row.names = F)
      } else {
        file.copy("param_default.txt", "param_file.txt", overwrite = TRUE)

#' SetPeakParam
#' @description SetPeakParam, used to set the peak param 
#' @param platform platform
#' @param Peak_method Peak_method
#' @param RT_method RT_method
#' @param mzdiff mzdiff
#' @param snthresh snthresh
#' @param bw bw
#' @param ppm ppm
#' @param min_peakwidth min_peakwidth
#' @param max_peakwidth max_peakwidth
#' @param noise noise
#' @param prefilter prefilter
#' @param value_of_prefilter value_of_prefilter
#' @param fwhm fwhm
#' @param steps steps
#' @param sigma sigma
#' @param peakBinSize peakBinSize
#' @param max max
#' @param criticalValue criticalValue
#' @param consecMissedLimit consecMissedLimit
#' @param unions unions
#' @param checkBack checkBack
#' @param withWave withWave
#' @param profStep profStep
#' @param minFraction minFraction
#' @param minSamples minSamples
#' @param maxFeatures maxFeatures
#' @param mzCenterFun mzCenterFun
#' @param integrate integrate
#' @param extra extra
#' @param span span
#' @param smooth smooth
#' @param family family
#' @param fitgauss fitgauss
#' @param polarity polarity
#' @param perc_fwhm perc_fwhm
#' @param mz_abs_iso mz_abs_iso
#' @param max_charge max_charge
#' @param max_iso max_iso
#' @param corr_eic_th corr_eic_th
#' @param mz_abs_add mz_abs_add
#' @param adducts adducts
#' @param rmConts rmConts
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @export
SetPeakParam <- function(platform = "general", Peak_method = "centWave", RT_method = "loess",
                         mzdiff, snthresh, bw, # used for both "centwave" and "matchedFilter"
                         ppm, min_peakwidth, max_peakwidth, noise, prefilter, value_of_prefilter, # used for "centwave"
                         fwhm, steps, sigma, peakBinSize, max, # used for "matchedFilter"
                         criticalValue, consecMissedLimit, unions, checkBack, withWave, # used for "massifquant"
                         profStep, # used for "obiwarp"
                         minFraction, minSamples, maxFeatures, mzCenterFun, integrate,# used for grouping
                         extra, span, smooth, family, fitgauss, # used for RT correction with peakgroup "loess"
                         polarity, perc_fwhm, mz_abs_iso, max_charge, max_iso, corr_eic_th, mz_abs_add, adducts, #used for annotation
                         rmConts, #used to control remove contamination or not
    OptiLCMS::SetPeakParam(platform = platform, Peak_method = Peak_method, RT_method = RT_method,
                           mzdiff, snthresh, bw, 
                           ppm, min_peakwidth, max_peakwidth, noise, prefilter, value_of_prefilter, 
                           fwhm, steps, sigma, peakBinSize, max, 
                           criticalValue, consecMissedLimit, unions, checkBack, withWave, 
                           minFraction, minSamples, maxFeatures, mzCenterFun, integrate,
                           extra, span, smooth, family, fitgauss, 
                           polarity, perc_fwhm, mz_abs_iso, max_charge, max_iso, corr_eic_th, mz_abs_add, adducts, #used for annotation
                           rmConts, BlankSub
  #return nothing

#' GeneratePeakList
#' @description GeneratePeakList is used to generate the peak summary list for result page
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @export
#' @param userPath userPath
GeneratePeakList <- function(userPath) {

    #cat("waiting data writing done...")
  ## Claculate the mean internsity of all groups
  sample_data <-mSet@dataSet;

  groups <- as.character(as.matrix(sample_data[1, ]))[-1]
  sample_data <- sample_data[-1, -1]
  if (length(unique(groups)) == 1) {
    sample_data_mean  <-
        FUN = function(x) {
          mean(as.numeric(x), na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    sample_data1 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(sample_data))
    for (i in seq_along(unique(groups))) {
      columnnum <- unique(groups)[i] == groups
      sample_data0  <-
        subset.data.frame(sample_data, subset = TRUE, select = columnnum)
      sample_data0  <-
          FUN = function(x) {
            mean(as.numeric(x), na.rm = TRUE)
        ), 2)
      sample_data1 <- cbind(sample_data1, sample_data0)
    sample_data_mean <- sample_data1[, -1]
    colnames(sample_data_mean) <- unique(groups)

  ## Prepare other information
    cat("waiting data writing done...")
  ann_data <- readRDS("annotated_peaklist.rds");
  ann_data <-
    ann_data[, c(1, 4, ncol(ann_data) - 4, ncol(ann_data) - 5, ncol(ann_data) -1 , ncol(ann_data)-2, ncol(ann_data))];
  ann_data[, 1] <- round(ann_data[, 1], 4);
  ann_data[, 2] <- round(ann_data[, 2], 2);
  # run t-test or annova
  data <- matrix(as.numeric(as.matrix(sample_data)), ncol = ncol(as.matrix(sample_data)));
  LogNorm<-function(x, min.val){
    log10((x + sqrt(x^2 + min.val^2))/2)
  CalCV<- function(x){
    x <- as.numeric(x)
  min.val <- min(abs(data[data!=0]))/10;
  data<-apply(data, 2, LogNorm, min.val);
  sample_data_log <- data;
  cvs <- round(apply(data, 1,FUN = CalCV),4)*100
  lvls <- groups[groups != "QC"];
  sample_data_log <- sample_data_log[,groups != "QC"];
  groups <- as.factor(lvls);
  if(length(unique(groups)) != 1){
    tt.res <- PerformFastUnivTests(t(sample_data_log), groups, var.equal=TRUE);
    pvals <-tt.res$p.value;
    pvals[is.nan(pvals)] <- 1;
    pfdr <-p.adjust(pvals, method = "fdr")
    pvals <- signif(pvals, 8)
    pfdr <- round(signif(pfdr, 8), 8)
    FeatureOrder <- order(pvals)
    intenVale <- round(apply(sample_data_mean, 1, mean),1)
  } else {
    pfdr <- pvals <- rep(-10, nrow(sample_data_log));
    #featureIntSum <- apply(sample_data_log, 1, sum);
    intenVale <- round(sample_data_mean,1);    
      FeatureOrder <- order(intenVale, decreasing = TRUE);
    } else {
      FeatureOrder <- order(intenVale[,1], decreasing = TRUE);
            file = "formula2cmpd.qs")

  my.dat <- cbind(ann_data, intenVale, pvals, pfdr, cvs);
  my.dat <- my.dat[FeatureOrder,];
  qs::qsave(FeatureOrder, file = "FeatureOrder.qs")
  write.table(my.dat, sep = "\t",
              file = "peak_feature_summary.tsv",
              row.names = FALSE,
              quote = FALSE);
            file = "peak_feature_summary.csv", 
            quote = TRUE, 
            row.names = FALSE);
  feat.num <- nrow(ann_data);
  cat("Total number of features is ", feat.num, "\n")

generateAsariPeakList <-  function(userPath) {
  alfs <- list.files(".", pattern = "results_metabo_asari_res")
  alfs_idx <- as.numeric(gsub("results_metabo_asari_res_","",alfs))
  result_folder <- alfs[which.max(alfs_idx)];
  # generate metaboanalyst table
  ftable <- read.csv(paste0(result_folder, "/preferred_Feature_table.tsv"), sep = "\t", check.names=FALSE)
  features <- paste0(ftable$mz, "__", ftable$rtime)
  ftable1 <- ftable[,c(12:ncol(ftable))]
  allSamples <- colnames(ftable1)
  allGroups <- 
    vapply(allSamples, FUN = function(x){
      idx <- which(mSet@rawOnDisk@phenoData@data[["sample_name"]] == x)
    }, character(1L))
  ftable2 <- t(data.frame(Groups = allGroups))
  ftable3 <- data.frame(Samples = c("Groups", features))
  ftable0 <- rbind(ftable2, ftable1)
  ftable0 <- cbind(ftable3, ftable0)
  rownames(ftable0) <- NULL;
  mSet@dataSet <- ftable0;
  write.csv(ftable0, file = "metaboanalyst_input.csv", row.names = F, quote = F)
  # generate peak_feature_summary
  ftab_annotation <- read.csv(paste0(result_folder, "/Feature_annotation.tsv"), sep = "\t", check.names=FALSE)
  idx_num <- ftable$id_number
  idx_row <- vapply(idx_num, FUN = function(x){
    which(ftab_annotation[,1] == x)[1]
  }, FUN.VALUE = integer(1L))
  ftab_annotation <- ftab_annotation[idx_row, ]
  annots <- strsplit(ftab_annotation[,6], ",")
  adds <- vapply(annots, function(x){
    if(length(x) == 0){
    } else {
  }, FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
  isos <- vapply(annots, function(x){
    if(length(x) == 0){
    } else {
  }, FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
  #all_annots <- rjson::fromJSON(file = paste0(result_folder, "/Annotated_empiricalCompounds.json"))
  all_recrds <- ftab_annotation$matched_DB_records
  all_forumus <- sapply(all_recrds, function(x){
    res <- strsplit(x, "\\), \\(")
    if(length(res[[1]]) == 0){
    } else {
      res <- gsub("\\(|\\)", "", res[[1]])
      res2 <- vapply(res, FUN = function(y){
        strsplit(strsplit(y, "'")[[1]][2], "_")[[1]][1]
      }, character(1L), USE.NAMES = F)
      if(length(res2) == 1){
        res2 <- paste0(res2, "; ")
      } else {
        res2 <- paste0(res2, collapse = "; ")
  all_cmpds <- ftab_annotation$matched_DB_shorts
  all_cmpd <- sapply(all_cmpds, function(x){
    res <- strsplit(x, "\\), \\(")
    if(length(res[[1]]) == 0){
    } else {
      res <- gsub("\\(|\\)", "", res[[1]])
      res2 <- lapply(res, FUN = function(y){
        w <- strsplit(y, ";")[[1]]
        strsplit(w, "\\$")
      res2_done <- vapply(res2, function(nn){
        } else {
          res2x <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(nn))
          for(kk in 1:length(nn)){
            res2x[kk] <- nn[[kk]][2]
          return(paste0(res2x, collapse = "; "))
      }, FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
      if(length(res2_done) == 1){
        res2_done <- paste0(res2_done, "; ")
      } else {
        res2_done <- paste0(res2_done, collapse = "; ")
  all_hmdb <- sapply(all_cmpds, function(x){
    res <- strsplit(x, "\\), \\(")
    if(length(res[[1]]) == 0){
    } else {
      res <- gsub("\\(|\\)", "", res[[1]])
      res2 <- lapply(res, FUN = function(y){
        w <- strsplit(y, ";")[[1]]
        strsplit(w, "\\$")
      res2_done <- vapply(res2, function(nn){
        } else {
          res2x <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(nn))
          for(kk in 1:length(nn)){
            res2x[kk] <- nn[[kk]][2]
          return(paste0(res2x, collapse = "; "))
      }, FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
      if(length(res2_done) == 1){
        res2_done <- paste0(res2_done, ";")
      } else {
        res2_done <- paste0(res2_done, collapse = "; ")
  ftab_annotation$matched_DB_records[is.na(ftab_annotation$matched_DB_records)] <- ""
  Formula2Cmpd_list <- lapply(1:length(all_recrds), function(x){
    res <- list()
    if(ftab_annotation$matched_DB_records[x] == ""){
    fms <- ftab_annotation$matched_DB_records[x]
    res <- strsplit(fms, "\\), \\(")
    res <- gsub("\\(|\\)", "", res[[1]])
    res2 <- vapply(res, FUN = function(y){
      strsplit(strsplit(y, "'")[[1]][2], "_")[[1]][1]
    }, character(1L), USE.NAMES = F)
    res2_ori <- res2
    res2 <- unique(res2)
    res <- rep(list(list(cmpd = vector(mode = "character"),
                         hmdb = vector(mode = "character"))), length(res2))
    names(res) <- res2
    this_cmpd <- ftab_annotation$matched_DB_shorts[x]
    resx <- strsplit(this_cmpd, "\\), \\(")
    if(length(resx[[1]]) == 0){
    } else {
      resx <- gsub("\\(|\\)", "", resx[[1]])
      res2cmpd <- lapply(resx, FUN = function(y){
        w <- strsplit(y, ";")[[1]]
        strsplit(w, "\\$")
      res2_done <- lapply(res2cmpd, function(nn){
        } else {
          res2x <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(nn))
          for(kk in 1:length(nn)){
            res2x[kk] <- nn[[kk]][2]
      for(nn in 1:length(res2_done)){
        res[[res2_ori[nn]]][["cmpd"]] <- unique(c(res[[res2_ori[nn]]][["cmpd"]], res2_done[[nn]]))
    resy <- strsplit(this_cmpd, "\\), \\(")
    if(length(resy[[1]]) == 0){
    } else {
      resy <- gsub("\\(|\\)", "", resy[[1]])
      res2hmdb <- lapply(resy, FUN = function(y){
        w <- strsplit(y, ";")[[1]]
        strsplit(w, "\\$")
      res2_done <- lapply(res2hmdb, function(nn){
        } else {
          res2x <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(nn))
          for(kk in 1:length(nn)){
            res2x[kk] <- nn[[kk]][1]
      for(nn in 1:length(res2_done)){
        res[[res2_ori[nn]]][["hmdb"]] <- unique(c(res[[res2_ori[nn]]][["hmdb"]], res2_done[[nn]]))
  mSet@peakAnnotation[["Formula2Cmpd"]] <- Formula2Cmpd_list
  # peak_feature_summary
  LogNorm<-function(x, min.val){
    log10((x + sqrt(x^2 + min.val^2))/2)
  CalCV<- function(x){
    x <- as.numeric(x)
  ftable1 -> data
  allGroups -> groups
  min.val <- min(abs(data[data!=0]))/10;
  data<-apply(data, 2, LogNorm, min.val);
  sample_data_log <- data;
  cvs <- round(apply(data, 1,FUN = CalCV),4)*100
  lvls <- groups[groups != "QC"];
  sample_data_log <- sample_data_log[,groups != "QC"];
  groups <- as.factor(lvls);
  ttest_res <- PerformFastUnivTests(t(sample_data_log), as.factor(groups))
  pvals <- ttest_res[,2]
  pfdr <-p.adjust(pvals, method = "fdr")
  pvals <- signif(pvals, 8)
  pfdr <- round(signif(pfdr, 8), 8)
  pvals[is.nan(pvals)] = 1
  pfdr[is.nan(pfdr)] = 1
  my.dat <- data.frame(mz = ftab_annotation$mz,
                       rt = ftab_annotation$rtime,
                       adduct = adds,
                       isotopes = isos,
                       Formula = all_forumus,
                       Compound = all_cmpd,
                       HMDBID = all_hmdb,
                       intenVale = ftable$peak_area,
                       pvals = pvals,
                       pfdr = pfdr,
                       cvs = cvs)
  HMDBIDs <- my.dat$HMDBID
  HMDBIDs[HMDBIDs==""] <- NA
  mSet@peakAnnotation[["massMatching"]] <- data.frame(Compound = my.dat$Compound, 
                                                      Formula = my.dat$Formula, 
                                                      HMDBID = HMDBIDs)
  FeatureOrder <- order(pvals)
  my.dat <- my.dat[FeatureOrder,]
  qs::qsave(FeatureOrder, file = "FeatureOrder.qs")
  write.table(my.dat, sep = "\t",
              file = "peak_feature_summary.tsv",
              row.names = FALSE,
              quote = FALSE);
            file = "peak_feature_summary.csv", 
            quote = TRUE, 
            row.names = FALSE);
            file = "formula2cmpd.qs")
  # generate peak_result_summary
  mzrange <- vapply(allSamples, FUN = function(x){
    ftab_annotation$mz -> mzs;
    idx <- which(colnames(ftable1) == x)
    min_mz <- round(min(mzs[ftable1[,idx] != 0]), 4)
    max_mz <- round(max(mzs[ftable1[,idx] != 0]), 4)
    paste0(min_mz, "~", max_mz)
  }, FUN.VALUE = character(1L));
  rtrange <- vapply(allSamples, FUN = function(x){
    ftab_annotation$rtime -> rts;
    idx <- which(colnames(ftable1) == x)
    min_rt <- round(min(rts[ftable1[,idx] != 0]), 2)
    max_rt <- round(max(rts[ftable1[,idx] != 0]), 2)
    paste0(min_rt, "~", max_rt)
  }, FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
  peak_num <- vapply(allSamples, FUN = function(x){
    idx <- which(colnames(ftable1) == x)
    length(which(ftable1[,idx] != 0))
  }, FUN.VALUE = integer(1L))
  peak_ratio_missing <- vapply(allSamples, FUN = function(x){
    idx <- which(colnames(ftable1) == x)
    round(1-length(which(ftable1[,idx] != 0))/nrow(ftable1),4)*100
  }, FUN.VALUE = double(1L))
  datam <- data.frame(samples = allSamples,
                      groups = allGroups,
                      rtrange = rtrange,
                      mzrange = mzrange,
                      peak_num = peak_num,
                      missing = peak_ratio_missing)
  mSet@peakAnnotation[["peak_result_summary"]] <- as.matrix(datam)
    file = paste0("peak_result_summary.txt"),
    row.names = FALSE,
    col.names = FALSE,
    quote = FALSE
  feat.num <- nrow(ftable1);
  cat("Total number of features is ", feat.num, "\n")

#' plotSingleTIC
#' @description plotSingleTIC is used to plot single TIC
#' @param filename filename
#' @param imageNumber imageNumber
#' @param format format
#' @param dpi dpi
#' @param width width
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @export
plotSingleTIC <- function(filename, imageNumber, format = "png", dpi = 72, width = NA){

  if (is.na(width)) {
    widthm <- "default"
    width <- 7;
  } else if (width < 5) {
    widthm <- "half"
  } else if (width > 11) {
    widthm <- "12in"
  } else {
    widthm <- "7in"
  if(imageNumber == -1){
    imgName <- paste0(filename,".", format);
  } else {
    imgName <- paste0("TIC_", filename, "_", dpi, "_", widthm, "_",  imageNumber, ".", format);

  #OptiLCMS::plotSingleTIC(NULL, filename, imgName, format = format, dpi = dpi, width = width);
  bpVec <- mSet@rawOnDisk@featureData@data[["basePeakMZ"]];
  raw_data_filt <-
    MSnbase::filterFile(mSet@rawOnDisk, file = 
                   which(sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", 
                             basename(mSet@rawOnDisk@processingData@files)) == filename)
  tics <- chromatogram(raw_data_filt, aggregationFun = "sum")
  samplels <- tics@phenoData@data$sample_name;
  al <- sapply(tics, FUN = function(x) x);
  ticls <- al[[which(filename == samplels)]];

  minRT <- min(ticls@rtime);
  maxRT <- max(ticls@rtime);
  RTi <- (maxRT - minRT)/5;
  ## Split the chromatogram as 6 regions and select 3 top peaks from each
  dt <- data.frame(Retention_Time = rtime(ticls), Intensity = intensity(ticls), mz = NA);
  #thresh <- min(mSet@rawOnDisk@featureData@data$totIonCurrent)/10
  labPos <- sapply(1:5, function(x){
    maxVec <- vector();
    ovec <- which(minRT + RTi*x >= ticls@rtime & ticls@rtime >= minRT + RTi*(x-1));
    allPeaks0 <- ovec[find_peaks(dt$Intensity[ovec],1)]
    binsize <- length(allPeaks0) %/% 3;
    maxVec <- c(maxVec, head(allPeaks0, binsize)[which.max(dt$Intensity[head(allPeaks0, binsize)])]);
    maxVec <- c(maxVec, allPeaks0[binsize:(binsize*2)][which.max(dt$Intensity[allPeaks0[binsize:(binsize*2)]])]);
    maxVec <- c(maxVec, tail(allPeaks0, binsize)[which.max(dt$Intensity[tail(allPeaks0, binsize)])]);
  dim(labPos) <- NULL;
  labPos <- labPos[dt$Intensity[labPos] > mean(dt$Intensity)*2/3]
  #dt <- data.frame(Retention_Time = rtime(ticls), Intensity = intensity(ticls), mz = NA);
  dt$mz[labPos] <- round(bpVec[labPos],4);
  ydrift <- ceiling(max(dt$Intensity)/8)
  p <- ggplot(dt, aes(x = Retention_Time, y = Intensity, label = mz)) + 
    geom_line()  + 
    geom_text(aes(x = Retention_Time, 
                        y = Intensity + ydrift),
              color = "darkblue",
              angle = 90,
              size = 3.75) + 
    ggtitle(filename) + theme_bw() +
    theme(legend.position = "none", 
          plot.title = element_text(size = 12, hjust = 0.5)) + 
    ylim(NA, max(dt$Intensity) + ydrift*1.85)
  if (.on.public.web) {
      file = imgName,
      unit = "in",
      dpi = dpi,
      width = width,
      height = width/7*5,
      type = format,
      bg = "white"
  if (.on.public.web) {

findPeaks <- function (x, thresh = 0) {
  pks <- which(diff(sign(diff(x, na.pad = FALSE)), na.pad = FALSE) < 
                 0) + 2
  if (!missing(thresh)) {
    if (sign(thresh) < 0) 
      thresh <- -thresh
    pks[x[pks - 1] - coredata(x[pks]) > thresh]
  else pks

find_peaks <- function (x, m = 3){
  shape <- diff(sign(diff(x, na.pad = FALSE)))
  pks <- sapply(which(shape < 0), FUN = function(i){
    z <- i - m + 1
    z <- ifelse(z > 0, z, 1)
    w <- i + m + 1
    w <- ifelse(w < length(x), w, length(x))
    if(all(x[c(z : i, (i + 2) : w)] <= x[i + 1])) return(i + 1) else return(numeric(0))
  pks <- unlist(pks)

#' plotMSfeature
#' @description plotMSfeature is used to plot MS feature stats for different groups
#' @param FeatureNM FeatureNM
#' @param format format
#' @param dpi dpi
#' @param width width
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @export
plotMSfeature <- function(FeatureNM, format = "png", dpi = 72, width = NA){

  if (is.na(width)) {
    #width <- 6;
  } else if (width < 5) {
    widthm <- "half"
  } else if (width > 11) {
    widthm <- "enlarged"
  } else {
    widthm <- "full"

  title = FeatureNM;
  if(file.exists(paste0("EIC_layer_", FeatureNM,".qs"))){
    file.remove(paste0("EIC_layer_", FeatureNM,".qs"))

  if(format == "png" | format == "pdf" | format == "tiff" | format == "svg" | format == "ps"){
    imgName <- OptiLCMS::plotMSfeature(NULL, FeatureNM, dpi = dpi, format = format, width = width)
    str <- imgName
  }else if(format == "svg2"){
    imgName0 <- OptiLCMS::plotMSfeature(NULL, FeatureNM, dpi = 72, format = "png", width = NA)
    format <- "svg";
    width <- 6;
    imgName <- paste0(title, ".", format);
    pdf(NULL, width=width, height=width/6 * 6.18); 
    p <- plotMSfeatureSvg(NULL, FeatureNM, width = width)
    #pcafig.svg <- gridSVG::grid.export(imgNm,addClasses=TRUE,exportCoords="file", exportMappings="file",exportJS="file")
    rootAttrs = c("svgboxplot", "interactiveSvg")
    names(rootAttrs) = c("id", "class");
    fig.svg <- gridSVG::grid.export(name=NULL, indent=F, xmldecl=NULL,addClasses=TRUE, rootAttrs = rootAttrs)
    str <- paste(capture.output(fig.svg$svg, file=NULL), collapse="\n");

    jsonNm <- paste0(title, ".json");
    p = p + geom_text();
    plotData <- ggplot_build(p)
    for(i in 1:length(plotData$data)){
        df <- plotData$data[[i]]    
      if("outliers" %in% colnames(df)){
        df <- df[ , -which(colnames(df) == "outliers")]
        plotData$data[[i]] <- df
    json.obj <- rjson::toJSON(plotData$data[[3]]);

#' PlotXIC
#' @description PlotXIC is used to plot both MS XIC/EIC features of different group and samples
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @param featureNum featureNum
#' @param format format
#' @param dpi dpi
#' @param width width
#' @export
PlotXIC <- function(featureNum, format = "png", dpi = 72, width = NA){
    width <- 6;
  return(OptiLCMS::PlotXIC(NULL, featureNum, format = format, dpi = dpi, width = width))

#' PerformDataInspect
#' @description PerformDataInspect is used to plot 2D/3D structure of the MS data
#' @param datapath data file path
#' @param rt.range retention time range, unit is seconds
#' @param mz.range m/z range
#' @param dimension view dimension, canbe "2D" or "3D"
#' @param res resolution number, higher of the number means higher resolution
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @export
PerformDataInspect <- function(datapath = NULL,
                               rt.range = c(0,0),
                               mz.range = c(0,0),
                               dimension = "3D",
                               res = 100){
  OptiLCMS::PerformDataInspect(datapath, rt.range,
                               mz.range, dimension,

#' FastRunningShow_customized
#' @description FastRunningShow_customized is used to showcase the customized running pipeline
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @noRd
FastRunningShow_customized <- function(fullUserPath){
  metaboanalyst_env <<- new.env();

#' FastRunningShow_auto
#' @description FastRunningShow_auto is used to showcase the AUTO running pipeline
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @noRd
FastRunningShow_auto <- function(fullUserPath){
  metaboanalyst_env <<- new.env();

#' centroidMSData
#' @description centroidMSData is used to centroid MS Data
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang
#' @noRd
centroidMSData <- function(fileName, outFolder, ncore = 1){
  .CentroidSpectra <- OptiLCMS:::.CentroidSpectra;
  writeMSData <- MSnbase::writeMSData;
  if(tolower(tools::file_ext(fileName)) %in% c("mzml", "mzxml")){
    CMS <- try(.CentroidSpectra(paste0(outFolder, "/" , fileName)),silent = TRUE)
    if(class(CMS) == "try-error") {return(-1)}
    files.mzml <- paste0(outFolder, "/", fileName)
    writeMSData(CMS, file = files.mzml)
  } else {

#' @title Perform ROI Extraction from raw MS data (PerformDataTrimming)
#' @description This function performs the raw data trimming. This function will output 
#' an trimmed MSnExp file to memory or hardisk according to the choice of users must 
#' provide the data path for 'datapath', and optionally provide other corresponding parameters.
#' @param datapath Character, the path of the raw MS data files' or folder's path (.mzXML, .CDF and .mzML) 
#' for parameters training.
#' @param mode Character, mode for data trimming to select the chraracteristic peaks. 
#' Default is 'ssm'. Users could select random trimed according to mz value (mz_random) or 
#' RT value (rt_random). Besides, specific peaks at certain mz (mz_specific) or 
#' RT (rt_specific) could also be extracted. 'none' will not trim the data.
#' @param mz Numeric, mz value(s) for specific selection. Positive values means including (the values 
#' indicted) and negative value means excluding/removing.
#' @param mzdiff Numeric, the deviation (ppm) of mz value(s).
#' @param rt Numeric, rt value for specific selection. Positive values means including 
#' and negative value means excluding.
#' @param rtdiff Numeric, the deviation (seconds) of rt value(s).
#' @param rt.idx Numeric, the relative rt (retention time) range, from 0 to 1. 1 means all retention time
#' will be retained, while 0 means none. Default is 1/15. If default rt.idx produce too few peaks, 
#' please consider increasing this value.
#' @param write Logical, if true, will write the trimmed data to the directory 'trimmed' folder 
#' in the datapath. The data in memory will be kept.
#' @param plot Logical, if TRUE, will plot the chromatogram of the trimmed data.
#' @param rmConts LOgical, whether to exclude/remove the potential contamination for parameters optimization. Default is TRUE.
#' @param running.controller The resuming pipeline running controller. Optional. Don't need to define by hand.
#' @export
#' @return will return an mSet objects with extracted ROI
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang \email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca} Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' Mcgill University
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PerformDataTrimming<- function(datapath, mode="ssm", write=FALSE, mz, mzdiff, rt, rtdiff, 
                               rt.idx=1/15, rmConts = TRUE, plot=TRUE, running.controller=NULL){
  OptiLCMS::PerformROIExtraction(datapath, mode=mode, write, mz, mzdiff, rt, rtdiff, 
                       rt.idx, rmConts = rmConts, plot,running.controller);

#' @title Perform ROI Extraction from raw MS data (PerformDataTrimming)
#' @description This function performs the raw data trimming. This function will output 
#' an trimmed MSnExp file to memory or hardisk according to the choice of users must 
#' provide the data path for 'datapath', and optionally provide other corresponding parameters.
#' @param datapath Character, the path of the raw MS data files' or folder's path (.mzXML, .CDF and .mzML) 
#' for parameters training.
#' @param mode Character, mode for data trimming to select the chraracteristic peaks. 
#' Default is 'ssm'. Users could select random trimed according to mz value (mz_random) or 
#' RT value (rt_random). Besides, specific peaks at certain mz (mz_specific) or 
#' RT (rt_specific) could also be extracted. 'none' will not trim the data.
#' @param mz Numeric, mz value(s) for specific selection. Positive values means including (the values 
#' indicted) and negative value means excluding/removing.
#' @param mzdiff Numeric, the deviation (ppm) of mz value(s).
#' @param rt Numeric, rt value for specific selection. Positive values means including 
#' and negative value means excluding.
#' @param rtdiff Numeric, the deviation (seconds) of rt value(s).
#' @param rt.idx Numeric, the relative rt (retention time) range, from 0 to 1. 1 means all retention time
#' will be retained, while 0 means none. Default is 1/15. If default rt.idx produce too few peaks, 
#' please consider increasing this value.
#' @param write Logical, if true, will write the trimmed data to the directory 'trimmed' folder 
#' in the datapath. The data in memory will be kept.
#' @param plot Logical, if TRUE, will plot the chromatogram of the trimmed data.
#' @param rmConts LOgical, whether to exclude/remove the potential contamination for parameters optimization. Default is TRUE.
#' @param running.controller The resuming pipeline running controller. Optional. Don't need to define by hand.
#' @export
#' @return will return an mSet objects with extracted ROI
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang \email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca} Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' Mcgill University
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PerformROIExtraction<- function(datapath, mode="ssm", write=FALSE, mz, mzdiff, rt, rtdiff, 
                               rt.idx=1/15, rmConts = TRUE, plot=TRUE, running.controller=NULL){
  OptiLCMS::PerformROIExtraction(datapath, mode=mode, write, mz, mzdiff, rt, rtdiff, 
                                 rt.idx, rmConts = rmConts, plot,running.controller);

#' PerformParamsOptimization
#' @title Perform Parameters Optimization
#' @description This function is used to optimize the critical 
#' parameters of peak picking and alignment for 
#' the following data processing. It utilizes the trimed data and 
#' the internal instrument-specific parameters.
#' Parallel computing will be performed. The number of cores user 
#' want to use could be specified.
#' @param mSet mSet object, usually generated by 'PerformROIExtraction' 
#' or 'PerformDataTrimming' here.
#' @param param List, Parameters defined by 'SetPeakParam' function.
#' @param method Character, method of parameters optimization, including 
#' "DoE' only. Default is "DoE". Other method 
#' is under development.
#' @param ncore Numeric, CPU threads number used to perform the parallel 
#' based optimization. If thers is memory issue,
#' please reduce the 'ncore' used here. For default, 2/3 CPU threads of 
#' total will be used.
#' @param running.controller The resuming pipeline running controller. Optional. 
#' Don't need to define by hand.
#' @export
#' @return will a parameter object can be used for following processing
#' @author Zhiqiang Pang \email{zhiqiang.pang@mail.mcgill.ca} 
#' Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' Mcgill University
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

PerformParamsOptimization <- function(mSet, 
                                      param= NULL, 
  return(OptiLCMS::PerformParamsOptimization(mSet = mSet,
                                             param = param,
                                             method = method,
                                             ncore = ncore,
                                             running.controller = running.controller))

#' PerformPeakProfiling
#' @param mSet mSet
#' @param Params Params
#' @param plotSettings plotSettings
#' @param ncore number of cores
#' @export
PerformPeakProfiling <- function(mSet, Params, plotSettings, ncore) {
  return(OptiLCMS::PerformPeakProfiling(mSet, Params, plotSettings, ncore));

PlotSpectraRTadj <- function(imageNumber, format = "png", dpi = 72, width = NA) {
  if (is.na(width)) {
    widthm <- "default"
    width <- 9;
  } else if (width < 5) {
    widthm <- "half"
  } else if (width > 11) {
    widthm <- "12in"
  } else {
    widthm <- "7in"
  imgName <- paste0("Adjusted_RT_", dpi, "_", widthm, "_",  imageNumber, ".", format);
  OptiLCMS::PlotSpectraRTadj (mSet = NULL, imgName = imgName, format = format, dpi = dpi, width = width)


PlotSpectraBPIadj <- function(imageNumber, format = "png", dpi = 72, width = NA) {
  if (is.na(width)) {
    widthm <- "default"
    width <- 9;
  } else if (width < 5) {
    widthm <- "half"
  } else if (width > 11) {
    widthm <- "12in"
  } else {
    widthm <- "7in"
  imgName <- paste0("Adjusted_BPI_", dpi, "_", widthm, "_",  imageNumber, ".", format);
  OptiLCMS::PlotSpectraBPIadj(mSet = NULL, imgName = imgName, format = format, dpi = dpi, width = width)


PlotSpectraInsensityStatics <- function(imageNumber, format = "png", dpi = 72, width = NA) {
  if (is.na(width)) {
    widthm <- "default"
    width <- 8;
  } else if (width < 5) {
    widthm <- "half"
  } else if (width > 11) {
    widthm <- "12in"
  } else {
    widthm <- "7in"
  imgName <- paste0("Insensity_Statics_", dpi, "_", widthm, "_",  imageNumber, ".", format);
  OptiLCMS::PlotSpectraInsensityStistics (mSet = NULL, 
                                          imgName = imgName, format = format, dpi = dpi, width = width);


plotTICs <- function(imageNumber, format = "png", dpi = 72, width = NA) {
  if (is.na(width)) {
    widthm <- "default"
    width <- 9;
  } else if (width < 5) {
    widthm <- "half"
  } else if (width > 11) {
    widthm <- "12in"
  } else {
    widthm <- "7in"
  imgName <- paste0("TICs_", dpi, "_", widthm, "_",  imageNumber, ".", format);
  OptiLCMS::plotTICs (mSet = NULL, imgName = imgName, format = format, dpi = dpi, width = width);


plotBPIs <- function(imageNumber, format = "png", dpi = 72, width = NA) {
  if (is.na(width)) {
    widthm <- "default"
    width <- 9;
  } else if (width < 5) {
    widthm <- "half"
  } else if (width > 11) {
    widthm <- "12in"
  } else {
    widthm <- "7in"
  imgName <- paste0("BPIs_", dpi, "_", widthm, "_",  imageNumber, ".", format);
  OptiLCMS::plotBPIs (mSet = NULL, imgName = imgName, format = format, dpi = dpi, width = width);


plotMSfeatureSvg <- function (mSet = NULL, FeatureNM = 1, width = NA) {
    if (is.null(mSet)) {
        if (.on.public.web) {
        else {
            stop("No mSet Object found !")
    peakdata <- mSet@peakAnnotation$camera_output
    peakdata1 <- peakdata[, c((-1):-6, -ncol(peakdata), -ncol(peakdata) + 
        1, -ncol(peakdata) + 2, -ncol(peakdata) + 3, -ncol(peakdata) + 
          4, -ncol(peakdata) + 5)]
    peakdata1[is.na(peakdata1)] <- 0
    group_info <- mSet@dataSet[c(1), -1]
    data_table <- as.data.frame(t(
        round(as.numeric(peakdata1[FeatureNM, ]), 1), 
    data_table[, 1] <- as.numeric(data_table[, 1])
    colnames(data_table) <- c("value", "Group", "label")
    rownames(data_table) <- NULL

    if (is.na(width)) {
        width = 6
        title = paste0(round(peakdata[FeatureNM, 1], 4), "mz@", 
            round(peakdata[FeatureNM, 4], 2), "s")
    }else {
        title = paste0(round(peakdata[FeatureNM, 1], 4), "mz@", 
            round(peakdata[FeatureNM, 4], 2), "s")
    lvls <- unique(data_table$Group)
    p1 <- ggplot(data_table, 
                 aes(x = factor(Group, levels =c(lvls[lvls != "QC"], "QC")) , y = log2(value + 1), 
                            fill = Group, label=label)) + 
      stat_boxplot(geom = "errorbar", 
                   width = 0.15, 
                   aes(color = "black")) + 
      geom_boxplot(size = 0.35, 
                   width = 0.5, 
                   fill = "white", 
                   outlier.fill = "white", 
                   outlier.color = "white") + 
      geom_jitter(aes_string(fill = "Group"), 
                  width = 0.2, 
                  shape = 21, 
                  size = 2.5) + 
      scale_color_manual(values = c("black", 
                                    "black", "black", "black", 
                                    "black", "black", "black", 
                                    "black", "black", "black", 
                                    "black", "black", "black")) + 
      theme_bw() + #ylim(log2(min(data_table$value + 1))*2/3, log2(max(data_table$value + 1))*1.15) +
      theme(legend.position = "none", 
            axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12, 
                                       angle = 45, hjust = 1), 
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12, 
                                   face = "plain"), 
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12, 
                                    face = "plain"), 
        axis.title.x = element_text(size = 16, 
                                    face = "plain"), 
        plot.title = element_text(size = 16, 
                                  face = "bold", hjust = 0.5)) + 
      ylab("Intensity~(log2)") + 
      xlab("Groups") + 


PerformResultSummary <- function(mSet = NA) {

  IntroMsg <- paste0("MetaboAnalyst has finished raw spectra processing with OptiLCMS (", packageVersion("OptiLCMS"), "): ");
  ProcessingMsg <- paste0("There are ", length(mSet@rawOnDisk@phenoData@data[["sample_name"]]), 
                          " samples of ", length(unique(mSet@rawOnDisk@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]])), 
                          " groups (", paste(unique(mSet@rawOnDisk@phenoData@data[["sample_group"]]), collapse = ", "), ") included for processing!")
  FeatureMsg <- paste0("Total of ", nrow(mSet@dataSet) - 1, " features have been detected and aligned across the whole sample list.")
  ppmMsg <- paste0("The mass deviation of this study was estimated/set as ", mSet@params$ppm, " ppm.")
  isoNum <- length(which(mSet@peakAnnotation[["camera_output"]][["isotopes"]] !=""));
  addNum <- length(which(mSet@peakAnnotation[["camera_output"]][["adduct"]] !=""));
  nonNum <- length(which(mSet@peakAnnotation[["camera_output"]][["adduct"]] =="" & 
                           mSet@peakAnnotation[["camera_output"]][["isotopes"]] ==""));

  IsotopMsg <- paste0(isoNum, 
                      " features (",round(isoNum/nrow(mSet@dataSet)*100,2),
                      "%) have been annotated as isotopes.")
  AdductsMsg <- paste0(addNum, 
                       " features (",round(addNum/nrow(mSet@dataSet)*100,2),
                       "%) have been annotated as adducts.")
  NonMsg <- paste0(nonNum, 
                       " features (",round(nonNum/nrow(mSet@dataSet)*100,2),
                       "%) cannot be annotated.")
  formulas <- unique(mSet@peakAnnotation$massMatching$Formula);
  formulas <- formulas[formulas != "Unknown"]
  formulass <- unique(unname(unlist(sapply(formulas, FUN = function(x){strsplit(x, "; ")}))))
  cmpds <- unique(mSet@peakAnnotation$massMatching$Compound);
  cmpds <- cmpds[cmpds != "Unknown"]
  cmpdss <- unique(unname(unlist(sapply(cmpds, FUN = function(x){strsplit(x, "; ")}))))
  formulaMsg <- paste0(length(formulass), 
                       " unique formulas have been matched to HMDB database.")
  cmpdsMsg <- paste0(length(cmpdss), 
                       " potential compounds have been matched to HMDB database.");

  return(c(IntroMsg, ProcessingMsg, FeatureMsg, ppmMsg, IsotopMsg, AdductsMsg, formulaMsg, cmpdsMsg))

PerformExtractHMDBCMPD <- function(formula, featureOrder) {

  res <- qs::qread("formula2cmpd.qs")
  thisRes <- res[[featureOrder]][[formula]]
  hmdbids <- thisRes$hmdb;
  cmpds <- thisRes$cmpd;
  cmpdsnew <- ""
  for (i in seq(thisRes$cmpd)) {
    cmpdsnew <- paste0(cmpdsnew, 
                       "<a href=http://www.hmdb.ca/metabolites/" , 
                       hmdbids[i] , 
                       " target='_blank'>" , 
                       cmpds[i] , "</a>; ")


checkdataexits <- function(fileNM){
  i <- 0;
  cat(fileNM, " exists? ", file.exists(fileNM), "\n")
    i <- i + 1;
    cat(fileNM, ' not exists, waiting for writing done!\n')
    if(i > 20){
      return (0)

PerformSWATHDesignDetection <- function(mSetObj=NA, file = ""){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  DetectMS2Design <- OptiLCMS:::DetectMS2Design;
  df <- DetectMS2Design(file)
  mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["swath_design"]] <- df

GetSWATHDesginLow <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  df <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["swath_design"]]
  if(nrow(df) == 0){
  vecs <- as.double(df[,1])

GetSWATHDesginUp <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  df <- mSetObj[["dataSet"]][["swath_design"]]
  if(nrow(df) == 0){
  vecs <- as.double(df[,2])

exportSwathDesign <- function(lowMZs, UpMZs){
  vecs <- character(length = length(lowMZs))
  for(i in seq(lowMZs)){
    vecs[i] <- paste(lowMZs[i], UpMZs[i], sep = "\t")
  write.table(vecs, file = "swath_design_metaboanalyst.txt", quote = F, sep = "\n", col.names = F, row.names = F)

#' PerformMirrorPlottingWeb
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param fragDB_path Fragmentation database path
#' @param featurelabel featurelabel
#' @param result_num result_num
#' @param sub_idx sub_idx
#' @param ppm ppm
#' @param imageNM imageNM
#' @param dpi dpi
#' @param format format
#' @param width width
#' @param height height
#' @export

PerformMirrorPlottingWeb <- function(mSetObj=NA, 
                                     result_num, sub_idx, 
                                     ppm, imageNM, 
                                     dpi, format, width, height){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  MirrorPlotting <- OptiLCMS:::MirrorPlotting;
  parse_ms2peaks <- OptiLCMS:::parse_ms2peaks;
    mSet_raw <- qs::qread("msn_mset_result.qs")
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["ms2res"]] <- mSet_raw@MSnResults;
      peak_list <- lapply(mSet_raw@MSnData[["peak_mtx"]], function(x){x[c(2,3,5,6)]})
      peak_mtx <- do.call(rbind, peak_list)
      colnames(peak_mtx) <- c("mzmin", "mzmax", "rtmin", "rtmax")
      peak_mtx <- peak_mtx[mSet_raw@MSnResults[["Concensus_spec"]][[1]]+1,]
    } else {
      peak_mtx <- mSet_raw@MSnData[["peak_mtx"]][mSet_raw@MSnResults[["Concensus_spec"]][[1]]+1,]
    DBAnnoteRes <- lapply(mSetObj[["analSet"]][["ms2res"]][["DBAnnoteRes"]], function(x){
     res <- x[[1]][[1]]
     if(length(res) == 0) {
     } else {
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["DBAnnoteRes"]] <- DBAnnoteRes
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["peak_mtx"]] <- peak_mtx
  } else {
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["DBAnnoteRes"]] -> DBAnnoteRes
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["peak_mtx"]] -> peak_mtx
  #save(featurelabel, result_num, sub_idx, imageNM, ppm, format, mSetObj, file = "mSetObj___2678.rda")
  #cat("==== fragDB_path ---> ", fragDB_path, "\n");

  fl <- gsub("mz|sec|min", "", featurelabel)
  fl <- strsplit(fl,"@")[[1]]
  mz <- as.double(fl[1])
  rt <- as.double(fl[2])
  peak_mtx <- as.data.frame(peak_mtx)
  idx <- which((peak_mtx$mzmin-0.00005 <= mz) & (peak_mtx$mzmax+0.00005 >= mz) & (peak_mtx$rtmin-0.5 <= rt) & (peak_mtx$rtmax+0.5 >= rt))
  ucmpds <- unique(DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["InchiKeys"]])
  uidx <- vapply(ucmpds, function(x){
    which(DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["InchiKeys"]] == x)[1]
  }, FUN.VALUE = integer(1L))
  spec_bottom <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["MS2Pekas"]][uidx][sub_idx+1]
  spec_bottom <- parse_ms2peaks(spec_bottom)
  spec_top_m <- mSetObj[["analSet"]][["ms2res"]][["Concensus_spec"]][[2]][[idx]][[1]]
  compound_name <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["Compounds"]][uidx][sub_idx+1]
  title <- paste0(mz, "__", rt)
  subtitle <- paste0(compound_name)
  p1 <- MirrorPlotting(spec_top_m, 
                       ppm = ppm,
                       title= title, 
                       subtitle = subtitle,
                       cutoff_relative = 1)
  DBID_num <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["IDs"]][uidx][sub_idx+1]
  frgs_vec_done <- vector("character", 0L)
    con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), fragDB_path)
    db <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT DB_Tables FROM Index_table where Max_ID>",DBID_num," AND Min_ID<",DBID_num))
    frgs <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT Fragments FROM ", db, " where ID='",DBID_num,"'"))
    frgs_vec <- strsplit(frgs$Fragments, split = "\t")[[1]]
    normalize_spectrum <- OptiLCMS:::normalize_spectrum
    bottom <- normalize_spectrum(spec_bottom, 1)
    frgs_vec_done <- vapply(bottom$mz, function(x){
      y <- frgs_vec[spec_bottom[,1] == x]
    }, FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
                file = paste0("reference_spectrum_",result_num, "_", sub_idx,".txt"), 
                row.names = F, col.names = T)
    compoundName <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["Compounds"]][sub_idx+1]
    score <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["Scores"]][[1]][sub_idx+1]
    inchikeys <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["InchiKeys"]][sub_idx+1]
    formulas <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["Formula"]][sub_idx+1]
    df_cmpd <- data.frame(CompoundName = compoundName,
                          score = score,
                          InchiKeys = inchikeys,
                          Formula = formulas)
                file = paste0("compound_info_",result_num, "_", sub_idx,".txt"), 
                row.names = F, col.names = T)
  # add some modification
  p1 <- p1 + theme(
    axis.title.x = element_text(size = 16),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14),
    axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14),
    axis.title.y = element_text(size = 16),
    text=element_text(family="serif", face = "plain"),
    plot.subtitle=element_text(size=13, face="plain", color="black"),
    plot.title=element_text(size=18, face="plain", color="black"))
    file = paste0("mirror_plotting_", result_num, "_", sub_idx, "_72.png"),
    unit = "in", dpi = dpi, width = width, height = height, type = format, bg = "white")
  # Save the interactive plot with ggplot
  imageNM <- paste0("mirror_plotting_", result_num, "_", sub_idx, "_72.png")
  save(p1, file = "p1.rda")
  # px <- plotly::ggplotly(p1);
  px <- ggplotly_modified(p1, tempfile_path = paste0(getwd(), "/temp_file4plotly"));
  #pxl <- list(px$x$data,px$x$layout,px$x$config);
  #names(pxl) <- c("data","layout","config");
  px[["x"]][["layout"]][["width"]] <- px[["width"]] <- 850
  px[["x"]][["layout"]][["height"]] <- px[["height"]] <- 425
  px[["x"]][["layout"]][["yaxis"]][["title"]][["font"]][["size"]] <- 16
  px[["x"]][["layout"]][["xaxis"]][["title"]][["font"]][["size"]] <- 16
  #px[["x"]][["layout"]][["title"]] <-NULL
  px[["x"]][["layout"]][["title"]][["font"]][["size"]] <- 16
    px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["marker"]][["size"]] <- px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["marker"]][["size"]]/2
  ## update the top data  -data1
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]] <- gsub("normalized|-normalized","Relative Intensity",px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]] <- gsub("y: 0<br />","",px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]] <- gsub("mz: [0-9]+.[0-9]+<br />mz","mz",px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]] <- gsub("-","",px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]])
  ## update the bottom data  -data2
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]] <- gsub("normalized|-normalized","Relative Intensity",px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]] <- gsub("y: 0<br />","",px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]] <- gsub("mz: [0-9]+.[0-9]+<br />mz","mz",px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]] <- gsub("-","",px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])
        non_na_txt <- px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]][!is.na(px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])]
        frgs_vec_done[frgs_vec_done==""] <- "Unknown"
        new_labels <- sapply(1:length(non_na_txt), function(x){
          paste0(non_na_txt[x], "<br />Fragment Formula: ", frgs_vec_done[ceiling(x/2)])
        px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]][!is.na(px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])] <- new_labels
  ## update the matched star  -data3
        px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["text"]] <- gsub("<br />star_intensity.*","",px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["text"]])
        px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["text"]] <- paste0("<b>Matched Fragment: </b><br />", px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["text"]])
  saveRDS(px, file = paste0(gsub(".png|.svg|.pdf", "", imageNM), ".rds"))
  jsonlist <- RJSONIO::toJSON(px, pretty = T,force = TRUE,.na = "null");
  sink(paste0(gsub(".png|.svg|.pdf", "", imageNM),".json"));
    df <- data.frame(indx = result_num, imageNM = imageNM)
    mSetObj[["imgSet"]][["msmsmirror"]] <- df
  } else {
    mSetObj[["imgSet"]][["msmsmirror"]] -> df0
    df <- data.frame(indx = result_num, imageNM = imageNM)
    mSetObj[["imgSet"]][["msmsmirror"]] <- rbind(df, df0)


#' PerformMirrorPlotting
#' @param mSetObj mSetObj
#' @param fragDB_path Fragmentation database path
#' @param featurelabel featurelabel
#' @param peak_idx peak_idx
#' @param sub_idx sub_idx
#' @param ppm ppm
#' @param interactive interactive or not
#' @param imageNM imageNM
#' @param dpi dpi
#' @param format format
#' @param width width
#' @param height height
#' @export

PerformMirrorPlotting <- function(mSetObj=NA, 
                                  fragDB_path = NA,
                                  peak_idx, sub_idx, 
                                  interactive = T,
                                  dpi, format, width, height){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  MirrorPlotting <- OptiLCMS:::MirrorPlotting;
  parse_ms2peaks <- OptiLCMS:::parse_ms2peaks;
    stop("Your mSet object does not contain MS2 analysis results!")
  } else {
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["ms2res"]] -> MSnResults
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["ms2data"]] -> MSnData
  peak_idx0 <- peak_idx-1
  idx <- which(peak_idx0 == MSnResults[["Concensus_spec"]][[1]])
  if(!(peak_idx0 %in% MSnResults[["Concensus_spec"]][[1]])){
    message(paste0("No corresponding MS2 results found for peak: ", peak_idx))
  useFrg = FALSE;
      useFrg = TRUE;
    } else {
      useFrg = FALSE;
      warning("fragDB_path does not exist!")
  if(is.null(mSetObj[["analSet"]][["DBAnnoteRes"]])) {
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["ms2res"]] <- MSnResults;
      peak_list <- lapply(MSnData[["peak_mtx"]], function(x){x[c(2,3,5,6)]})
      peak_mtx <- do.call(rbind, peak_list)
      colnames(peak_mtx) <- c("mzmin", "mzmax", "rtmin", "rtmax")
    } else {
      peak_mtx <- MSnData[["peak_mtx"]]
    DBAnnoteRes <- lapply(mSetObj[["analSet"]][["ms2res"]][["DBAnnoteRes"]], function(x){
      res <- x[[1]][[1]]
      if(length(res) == 0) {
      } else {
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["DBAnnoteRes"]] <- DBAnnoteRes
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["peak_mtx"]] <- peak_mtx
  } else {
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["DBAnnoteRes"]] -> DBAnnoteRes
    mSetObj[["analSet"]][["peak_mtx"]] -> peak_mtx
  # fl <- gsub("mz|sec|min", "", featurelabel)
  # fl <- strsplit(fl,"@")[[1]]
  # mz <- as.double(fl[1])
  # rt <- as.double(fl[2])
  peak_mtx <- as.data.frame(peak_mtx)
  mz <- mean(as.numeric(peak_mtx[peak_idx, c(1:2)]))
  rt <- mean(as.numeric(peak_mtx[peak_idx, c(3:4)]))
  mz <- round(mz, 4)
  rt <- round(rt, 2)
  result_num <- idx #<- peak_idx;
  ucmpds <- unique(DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["InchiKeys"]])
  uidx <- vapply(ucmpds, function(x){
    which(DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["InchiKeys"]] == x)[1]
  }, FUN.VALUE = integer(1L))
  spec_bottom <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["MS2Pekas"]][uidx][sub_idx]
  spec_bottom <- parse_ms2peaks(spec_bottom)
  spec_top_m <- mSetObj[["analSet"]][["ms2res"]][["Concensus_spec"]][[2]][[idx]][[1]]
  compound_name <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["Compounds"]][uidx][sub_idx]
  title <- paste0(mz, "__", rt)
  subtitle <- paste0(compound_name)
  p1 <- MirrorPlotting(spec_top_m, 
                       ppm = ppm,
                       title= title, 
                       subtitle = subtitle,
                       cutoff_relative = 0.1)
  DBID_num <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["IDs"]][uidx][sub_idx]
  frgs_vec_done <- vector("character", 0L)
      con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), fragDB_path)
      db <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT DB_Tables FROM Index_table where Max_ID>",DBID_num," AND Min_ID<",DBID_num))
      frgs <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT Fragments FROM ", db, " where ID='",DBID_num,"'"))
      frgs_vec <- strsplit(frgs$Fragments, split = "\t")[[1]]
      normalize_spectrum <- OptiLCMS:::normalize_spectrum
      bottom <- normalize_spectrum(spec_bottom, 1)
      frgs_vec_done <- vapply(bottom$mz, function(x){
        y <- frgs_vec[spec_bottom[,1] == x]
      }, FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
                  file = paste0("reference_spectrum_",result_num, "_", sub_idx,".txt"), 
                  row.names = F, col.names = T)
      compoundName <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["Compounds"]][sub_idx]
      score <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["Scores"]][[1]][sub_idx]
      inchikeys <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["InchiKeys"]][sub_idx]
      formulas <- DBAnnoteRes[[idx]][["Formula"]][sub_idx]
      df_cmpd <- data.frame(CompoundName = compoundName,
                            score = score,
                            InchiKeys = inchikeys,
                            Formula = formulas)
                  file = paste0("compound_info_",result_num, "_", sub_idx,".txt"), 
                  row.names = F, col.names = T)
  # add some modification
  p1 <- p1 + theme(
    axis.title.x = element_text(size = 16),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14),
    axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14),
    axis.title.y = element_text(size = 16),
    text=element_text(family="serif", face = "plain"),
    plot.subtitle=element_text(size=13, face="plain", color="black"),
    plot.title=element_text(size=18, face="plain", color="black"))
    file = paste0("mirror_plotting_", result_num, "_", sub_idx, "_72.png"),
    unit = "in", dpi = dpi, width = width, height = height, type = format, bg = "white")
  # Save the interactive plot with ggplot
  imageNM <- paste0("mirror_plotting_", result_num, "_", sub_idx, "_72.png")
  save(p1, file = "p1.rda")
  px <- plotly::ggplotly(p1);
  # px <- ggplotly_modified(p1, tempfile_path = paste0(getwd(), "/temp_file4plotly"));
  #pxl <- list(px$x$data,px$x$layout,px$x$config);
  #names(pxl) <- c("data","layout","config");
  px[["x"]][["layout"]][["width"]] <- px[["width"]] <- 850
  px[["x"]][["layout"]][["height"]] <- px[["height"]] <- 425
  px[["x"]][["layout"]][["yaxis"]][["title"]][["font"]][["size"]] <- 16
  px[["x"]][["layout"]][["xaxis"]][["title"]][["font"]][["size"]] <- 16
  #px[["x"]][["layout"]][["title"]] <-NULL
  px[["x"]][["layout"]][["title"]][["font"]][["size"]] <- 16
    px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["marker"]][["size"]] <- px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["marker"]][["size"]]/2
  ## update the top data  -data1
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]] <- gsub("normalized|-normalized","Relative Intensity",px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]] <- gsub("y: 0<br />","",px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]] <- gsub("mz: [0-9]+.[0-9]+<br />mz","mz",px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]] <- gsub("-","",px[["x"]][["data"]][[1]][["text"]])
  ## update the bottom data  -data2
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]] <- gsub("normalized|-normalized","Relative Intensity",px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]] <- gsub("y: 0<br />","",px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]] <- gsub("mz: [0-9]+.[0-9]+<br />mz","mz",px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])
      px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]] <- gsub("-","",px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])
          non_na_txt <- px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]][!is.na(px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])]
          frgs_vec_done[frgs_vec_done==""] <- "Unknown"
          new_labels <- sapply(1:length(non_na_txt), function(x){
            paste0(non_na_txt[x], "<br />Fragment Formula: ", frgs_vec_done[ceiling(x/2)])
          px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]][!is.na(px[["x"]][["data"]][[2]][["text"]])] <- new_labels
  ## update the matched star  -data3
        px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["text"]] <- gsub("<br />star_intensity.*","",px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["text"]])
        px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["text"]] <- paste0("<b>Matched Fragment: </b><br />", px[["x"]][["data"]][[3]][["text"]])
    save(px, file = "px.rda")
xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR documentation built on July 26, 2024, 12:09 a.m.