# Functions to perform the deconvolution analysis
# Author: Xuran Wang
#' Estimate cell type proportion with MuSiC and NNLS
#' @param Y vector of bulk tissue expression
#' @param X matrix, Signature matrix
#' @param S vector of Avg. Library size
#' @param Sigma matrix of Subject level variation (gene * cell type)
#' @param iter.max numeric, maximum iteration number
#' @param nu regulation parameter, take care of weight when taking reciprocal
#' @param eps Threshold of convergence
#' @return a list with elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item {p.nnls: vector of cell type proportions estimated by nnls (add up to 1);}
#' \item {q.nnls: vector of original estimation from nnls;}
#' \item {fit.nnls: fitted value of Y from nnls;}
#' \item {resid.nnls: residual value from nnls;}
#' \item {p.weight: vector of cell type proportions estimated by weighted-nnls (add up to 1);}
#' \item {q.weight: vector of original estimation from weight-nnls;}
#' \item {fit.weight: fitted value of Y from weighted-nnls;}
#' \item {resid.weight: residual value from weighted-nnls;}
#' \item {weight.gene: weight calculated from weighted-nnls;}
#' \item {converge: 'Reach Maxiter', 'Converge at m';}
#' \item {rsd: residual value from weighted-nnls transformed by weight;}
#' \item {R.squared: R square of weighted-nnls;}
#' \item {var.p: variance of weighted-nnls estimated cell type proportions;}
#' @export
#' @importFrom nnls nnls
music.basic = function(Y, X, S, Sigma, iter.max, nu, eps){
k = ncol(X)
lm.D = nnls(X, Y)
r = resid(lm.D);
weight.gene = 1/(nu + r^2 + colSums( (lm.D$x*S)^2*t(Sigma) ))
Y.weight = Y*sqrt(weight.gene)
D.weight = sweep(X, 1, sqrt(weight.gene), '*')
lm.D.weight = nnls(D.weight, Y.weight)
p.weight = lm.D.weight$x/sum(lm.D.weight$x)
p.weight.iter = p.weight
r = resid(lm.D.weight)
for(iter in 1:iter.max){
weight.gene = 1/(nu + r^2 + colSums( (lm.D.weight$x*S)^2*t(Sigma) ))
Y.weight = Y*sqrt(weight.gene)
D.weight = X * as.matrix(sqrt(weight.gene))[,rep(1,k)]
lm.D.weight = nnls(D.weight, Y.weight )
p.weight.new = lm.D.weight$x/sum(lm.D.weight$x)
r.new = resid(lm.D.weight)
if(sum(abs(p.weight.new - p.weight)) < eps){
p.weight = p.weight.new;
r = r.new
R.squared = 1 - var(Y - X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x))/var(Y)
fitted = X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x)
var.p = diag(solve(t(D.weight)%*%D.weight)) * mean(r^2)/sum(lm.D.weight$x)^2
return(list(p.nnls = (lm.D$x)/sum(lm.D$x), q.nnls = lm.D$x, fit.nnls = fitted(lm.D), resid.nnls = resid(lm.D),
p.weight = p.weight, q.weight = lm.D.weight$x, fit.weight = fitted, resid.weight = Y - X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x),
weight.gene = weight.gene, converge = paste0('Converge at ', iter),
rsd = r, R.squared = R.squared, var.p = var.p));
p.weight = p.weight.new;
r = r.new;
fitted = X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x)
R.squared = 1 - var(Y - X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x))/var(Y)
var.p = diag(solve(t(D.weight)%*%D.weight)) * mean(r^2)/sum(lm.D.weight$x)^2
return(list(p.nnls = (lm.D$x)/sum(lm.D$x), q.nnls = lm.D$x, fit.nnls = fitted(lm.D), resid.nnls = resid(lm.D),
p.weight = p.weight, q.weight = lm.D.weight$x, fit.weight = fitted, resid.weight = Y - X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x),
weight.gene = weight.gene, converge = 'Reach Maxiter', rsd = r,
R.squared = R.squared, var.p = var.p))
#' Scaling bulk data and signature matrix and estimate cell type proportion
#' @param Y vector of bulk tissue expression
#' @param D matrix, Signature matrix
#' @param S vector of Avg. Library size
#' @param Sigma matrix of subject level variation (gene * cell type)
#' @param iter.max numeric, maximum iteration number
#' @param nu regulation parameter, when take reciprocal
#' @param eps threshold of convergence
#' @param centered logic, subtract avg of Y and D
#' @param normalize logic, divide Y and D by their standard deviation
#' @return a list same as nnls.weight.basic
#' @export
music.iter = function(Y, D, S, Sigma, iter.max = 1000, nu = 0.0001, eps = 0.01, centered = FALSE, normalize = FALSE){
common.cell.type = intersect(colnames(D), names(S))
stop('Not enough cell types!')
D = D[,match(common.cell.type, colnames(D))]
S = S[match(common.cell.type, names(S))]
if(ncol(Sigma) != ncol(D)){
common.cell.type = intersect(colnames(D), colnames(Sigma))
stop('Not enough cell type!')
D = D[, match(common.cell.type, colnames(D))]
Sigma = Sigma[, match(common.cell.type, colnames(Sigma))]
S = S[match(common.cell.type, names(S))]
k = ncol(D); # number of cell types
common.gene = intersect(names(Y), rownames(D))
if(length(common.gene)< 0.1*min(length(Y), nrow(D))){
stop('Not enough common genes!')
Y = Y[match(common.gene, names(Y))];
D = D[match(common.gene, rownames(D)), ]
Sigma = Sigma[match(common.gene, rownames(Sigma)), ]
X = D
## First, no intercept and no normalization
X = X - mean(X)
Y = Y - mean(Y)
X = X/sd(as.vector(X));
S = S*sd(as.vector(X));
Y = Y/sd(Y)
Y = Y*100
lm.D = music.basic(Y, X, S, Sigma, iter.max = iter.max, nu = nu, eps = eps)
#' Calculate weight with cross cell type covariance
#' @param Sp vector, library size of each cell type
#' @param Sigma.ct matrix, cell type^2 by genes. Each columns store the cross cell-type covariance matrix of a gene.
#' @return vector of weight
#' @export
weight.cal.ct = function(Sp, Sigma.ct){
nGenes = ncol(Sigma.ct); n.ct = length(Sp);
weight = sapply(1:nGenes, function(g){
sum(Sp%*%t(Sp)*matrix(Sigma.ct[,g], n.ct))
#' Calculate weight with cross-subject variance for each cell types
#' @param p vector, cell type proportions
#' @param M.S vector of average library size for each cell type
#' @param Sigma gene by cell type matrix. Each entry is the cross-subject variance.
#' @return vector of weight
#' @export
Weight_cal <- function(p, M.S, Sigma){
Sigma%*%(M.S * t(p))^2
#' Estimate cell type proportion with MuSiC and NNLS
#' weight is estimated with cell type covariance
#' @param Y vector of bulk tissue expression
#' @param X matrix, Signature matrix
#' @param S vector of Avg. Library size
#' @param Sigma.ct matrix of Subject level variation with
#' @param iter.max numeric, maximum iteration number
#' @param nu regulation parameter, take care of weight when taking reciprocal
#' @param eps Threshold of convergence
#' @return a list with elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item {p.nnls: vector of cell type proportions estimated by nnls (add up to 1);}
#' \item {q.nnls: vector of original estimation from nnls;}
#' \item {fit.nnls: fitted value of Y from nnls;}
#' \item {resid.nnls: residual value from nnls;}
#' \item {p.weight: vector of cell type proportions estimated by weighted-nnls (add up to 1);}
#' \item {q.weight: vector of original estimation from weight-nnls;}
#' \item {fit.weight: fitted value of Y from weighted-nnls;}
#' \item {resid.weight: residual value from weighted-nnls;}
#' \item {weight.gene: weight calculated from weighted-nnls;}
#' \item {converge: 'Reach Maxiter', 'Converge at m';}
#' \item {rsd: residual value from weighted-nnls transfromed by weight;}
#' \item {R.squared: R square of weighted-nnls:}
#' \item {var.p: variance of weighted-nnls estimated cell type proportions.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom nnls nnls
music.basic.ct = function(Y, X, S, Sigma.ct, iter.max, nu, eps){
k = ncol(X)
lm.D = nnls(X, Y)
r = resid(lm.D);
weight.gene = 1/(nu + r^2 + weight.cal.ct(lm.D$x*S, Sigma.ct))
Y.weight = Y*sqrt(weight.gene)
D.weight = sweep(X, 1, sqrt(weight.gene), '*')
lm.D.weight = nnls(D.weight, Y.weight)
p.weight = lm.D.weight$x/sum(lm.D.weight$x)
p.weight.iter = p.weight
r = resid(lm.D.weight)
for(iter in 1:iter.max){
weight.gene = 1/(nu + r^2 + weight.cal.ct(lm.D$x*S, Sigma.ct))
Y.weight = Y*sqrt(weight.gene)
D.weight = X * as.matrix(sqrt(weight.gene))[,rep(1,k)]
lm.D.weight = nnls(D.weight, Y.weight )
p.weight.new = lm.D.weight$x/sum(lm.D.weight$x)
r.new = resid(lm.D.weight)
if(sum(abs(p.weight.new - p.weight)) < eps){
p.weight = p.weight.new;
r = r.new
R.squared = 1 - var(Y - X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x))/var(Y)
fitted = X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x)
var.p = diag(solve(t(D.weight)%*%D.weight)) * mean(r^2)/sum(lm.D.weight$x)^2
return(list(p.nnls = (lm.D$x)/sum(lm.D$x), q.nnls = lm.D$x, fit.nnls = fitted(lm.D), resid.nnls = resid(lm.D),
p.weight = p.weight, q.weight = lm.D.weight$x, fit.weight = fitted, resid.weight = Y - X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x),
weight.gene = weight.gene, converge = paste0('Converge at ', iter),
rsd = r, R.squared = R.squared, var.p = var.p));
p.weight = p.weight.new;
r = r.new;
fitted = X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x)
R.squared = 1 - var(Y - X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x))/var(Y)
var.p = diag(solve(t(D.weight)%*%D.weight)) * mean(r^2)/sum(lm.D.weight$x)^2
return(list(p.nnls = (lm.D$x)/sum(lm.D$x), q.nnls = lm.D$x, fit.nnls = fitted(lm.D), resid.nnls = resid(lm.D),
p.weight = p.weight, q.weight = lm.D.weight$x, fit.weight = fitted, resid.weight = Y - X%*%as.matrix(lm.D.weight$x),
weight.gene = weight.gene, converge = 'Reach Maxiter', rsd = r,
R.squared = R.squared, var.p = var.p))
#' Scaling bulk data and signature matrix and estimate cell type proportion
#' @inheritParams music.basic.ct
#' @param Y vector of bulk tissue expression
#' @param X matrix, Signature matrix
#' @param S vector of Avg. Library size
#' @param Sigma.ct matrix of Subject level variation with cross-cell-type covariance.
#' @param iter.max numeric, maximum iteration number. Default is 1000
#' @param nu regulation parameter, take care of weight when taking recipical
#' by default nu = 0.0001.
#' @param eps Threshold of convergence. Default is 0.01.
#' @param centered logic, subtract avg of Y and D.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param normalize logic, divide Y and D by their standard deviation.
#' Default is FALSE
#' @return a list same as nnls.weight.basic
#' @export
music.iter.ct = function(Y, D, S, Sigma.ct, iter.max = 1000, nu = 0.0001, eps = 0.01, centered = FALSE, normalize = FALSE){
common.cell.type = intersect(colnames(D), names(S))
stop('Not enough cell types!')
D = D[,match(common.cell.type, colnames(D))]
S = S[match(common.cell.type, names(S))]
k = ncol(D); # number of cell types
common.gene = intersect(names(Y), rownames(D))
common.gene = intersect(common.gene, colnames(Sigma.ct))
if(length(common.gene)< 0.1*min(length(Y), nrow(D), ncol(Sigma.ct))){
stop('Not enough common genes!')
Y = Y[match(common.gene, names(Y))];
D = D[match(common.gene, rownames(D)), ]
Sigma.ct = Sigma.ct[, match(common.gene, colnames(Sigma.ct))]
X = D
## First, no intercept and no normalization
X = X - mean(X)
Y = Y - mean(Y)
X = X/sd(as.vector(X));
S = S*sd(as.vector(X));
Y = Y/sd(Y)
Y = Y*100
lm.D = music.basic.ct(Y, X, S, Sigma.ct, iter.max = iter.max, nu = nu, eps = eps)
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