perturbLM is a lightweight package for assessing the effects of perturbations on single cell omics datasets. Here, we'll demonstrate fitting a regularized linear model to a dataset measuring the single cell RNA-seq response to transcription factor overexpression in H1 stem cells.

First download the example dataset from figshare here. The study that generated this dataset is linked here. The dataset is stored as a Seurat object

knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) 

Next load the necessary libraries


Read in the dataset and pull out the variable genes

obj <- readRDS("/share/ywu/perturbation-analysis/processed_data/parekh.rds")
var.genes <- intersect(obj@assays$RNA@var.features, rownames(obj))

perturbLM offers a wrapper functionm RunLinearModel, that 1) sets up the linear model inputs and outputs, 2) optimizes model hyperparameters, 3) runs the linear model, and 4) evaluates the linear model and assesses which perturbations are likely to have significant effects. RunLinearModel automatically plots the hyperparameter optimization

model.results <- RunLinearModel(obj,
                                pert.col = "condition",
                                batch.col = "batch",
                                size.factor.col = "nCount_RNA",
                                mito.col = "",
                                features.use = var.genes)

The RunLinearModel wrapper function returns a list including the model design matrix (x), response (y) which in this case is the normalized expression matrix, the ElasticNet model (model) and coefficients (coefs), and the model evaluation


The model coefficients represent the effect of each perturbation on gene expression

print(model.results$coefs[1:5, 1:5])

The evaluation dataframe summarizes which perturbations the model was able to effectively predict by comparing the full model with a reduced model that has no perturbation information.


The rel_performance metric describes the relative performance of the full vs reduced model for each perturbation. In this case, it's specifically the log2 transform of the ratio of the full model pearson correlation with the reduced model pearson correlation. You can modify the evaluation metric in RunLinearModel by specifying the eval.metric parameter. Perturbations with a high rel_performance (>>1) are more likely to have a significant effect on expression.

We can pull out all the perturbations with rel_performance > 2.

sig.perts <- subset(model.results$evaluation, rel_performance > 2)$group

And find the top upregulated genes (by coefficient magnitude) for each perturbation

ngenes <- 4
top.sig.genes <- lapply(sig.perts, function(i) {
  top.up <- head(names(sort(model.results$coefs[,i], decreasing = T)), n = ngenes)
  # top.dn <- head(names(sort(model.results$coefs[,i], decreasing = F)), n = ngenes)
  # c(top.up, top.dn)
top.sig.genes <- unique(unlist(top.sig.genes, F, F))

We can create a new Seurat object with the model coefficients for visualization

pert.coefs <- model.results$coefs[,colnames(model.results$coefs) %in% levels(as.factor(obj$condition))]
coef.obj <- CreateSeuratObject(pert.coefs)
coef.obj <- ScaleData(coef.obj, verbose = F)
coef.obj$pert <- as.factor(colnames(coef.obj))

We can plot the effects of the top perturbations <- coef.obj[,sig.perts]$pert <- droplevels($pert)
levels($pert) <- sig.perts
DoHeatmap(, features = top.sig.genes, = "pert", size = 4, disp.max = 5, draw.lines = F) + 
  scale_fill_gradient2(low = "skyblue", mid = "white", high = "tomato", midpoint = 0) + 
  labs(fill='Scaled Coefficient') 

We can also embed the perturbations using PCA

coef.obj <- RunPCA(coef.obj, features = rownames(coef.obj))
PCAPlot(coef.obj, = "pert", label = T) + 
  theme(legend.position = "none")

We can also use a nonlinear embedding like UMAP

coef.obj <- RunUMAP(coef.obj, dims = 1:15)
DimPlot(coef.obj, reduction = "umap", label = T, = "pert") + 
  theme(legend.position = "none")

yanwu2014/perturbLM documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 2:28 p.m.