
#  Dataset annotations
#  Package SynergyScreen
#  Yury V Bukhman, 05 June 2015

#' Simulated screen of 15 compounds and their pairwise combinations.
#' This dataset is the result of a complete simulation of a 15-compound screen, with data normalization and synergy computation.  
#' Dose-response experiments included 5 doses, logarithmically spaced.  
#' To generate this kind of dataset, run \code{source(system.file("extdata/15_cpds_simulation/15_cpds_simulation.R",package="SynergyScreen"))}.
#' Since generating this dataset includes an element of randomness, do not expect identical results.
#' @format Object of class \linkS4class{SynergyScreen}
ybukhman/SynergyScreen documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:31 p.m.