# Package Name: SeqArray
# Description:
# Data Management of Large-scale Whole-Genome Sequence Variant Calls
# Format Conversion: VCF -> GDS
# get split from the total count
.file_split <- function(count, pnum, start=1L, multiple=8L)
.Call(SEQ_VCF_Split, start, count, pnum, multiple)
# need unique temporary file names
.get_temp_fn <- function(pnum, fn, tmpdir)
ptmpfn <- character()
while (length(ptmpfn) < pnum)
s <- tempfile(pattern=sprintf("%s_tmp%02d_", fn, length(ptmpfn)+1L),
if (!(s %in% ptmpfn)) ptmpfn <- c(ptmpfn, s)
# Parse the header of a VCF file
# http://www.1000genomes.org/wiki/analysis/variant-call-format
.count_vcf_samtools <- function(fn, parallel=FALSE)
# check
stopifnot(is.character(fn), length(fn)==1L, !is.na(fn))
if (!requireNamespace("Rsamtools", quietly=TRUE))
stop("Rsamtools should be installed when 'parallel' is not FALSE.")
# check the indexing file
idxfn <- paste0(fn, ".csi")
if (!file.exists(idxfn))
idxfn <- paste0(fn, ".tbi")
if (!file.exists(idxfn))
stop("The indexing file should exist (either .csi or .tbi) when 'parallel' is used.")
# process
pnum <- .NumParallel(parallel)
if (pnum<=1L || isTRUE(file.size(fn) <= 67108864L))
# if file size <= 64MB
f <- Rsamtools::TabixFile(fn, idxfn)
unlist(Rsamtools::countTabix(f), use.names=FALSE)
} else {
f <- Rsamtools::TabixFile(fn, idxfn)
s <- Rsamtools::seqnamesTabix(f)
# generate Granges object
if (length(s) < pnum)
each <- 5000000L
p <- (seq_len(100L)-1L) * each + 1L
r <- IRanges::IRanges(p, width=each)
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(rep(s, each=length(r)),
rep(r, length(s)))
} else {
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(s, IRanges::IRanges(1L, 2^29))
# parallel
lst <- seqParApply(parallel, 1:length(gr),
FUN=function(i, vcffn, idxfn, gr)
f <- Rsamtools::TabixFile(vcffn, idxfn)
open(f); on.exit(close(f))
unlist(Rsamtools::countTabix(f, param=gr[i,]), use.names=FALSE)
}, vcffn=fn, idxfn=idxfn, gr=gr)
do.call(sum, lst)
seqVCF_Header <- function(vcf.fn, getnum=FALSE, use_Rsamtools=NA,
parallel=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
# check
if (!inherits(vcf.fn, "connection"))
ilist <- seq_along(vcf.fn)
} else {
ilist <- 1L
stopifnot(is.logical(getnum), length(getnum)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(use_Rsamtools), length(use_Rsamtools)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
if (getnum)
njobs <- .NumParallel(parallel)
# open the vcf file
# parse and determine how many copies of genomes: haploid, diploid or others
geno.text <- NULL
nSample <- nVariant <- 0L
samp.id <- NULL
# add a message if fails
error_fn <- FALSE
if (!isFALSE(error_fn))
if (is.character(error_fn))
message("Parsing the VCF header fails: ", error_fn)
message("Parsing the VCF header from a connection object fails.")
error_fn <- FALSE
n <- 0L
for (i in ilist)
is_vcf_fn <- FALSE
if (!inherits(vcf.fn, "connection"))
infile <- file(vcf.fn[i], open="rt")
error_fn <- sQuote(vcf.fn[i])
if (grepl("\\.bcf$", vcf.fn[i], ignore.case=TRUE))
s <- readChar(infile, 9L)
if (substr(s, 1L, 4L) != "BCF\002")
stop(vcf.fn[i], " should be BCF2 format.")
} else
is_vcf_fn <- TRUE
} else {
infile <- vcf.fn
error_fn <- TRUE
# read header
ans <- NULL
while (length(s <- readLines(infile, n=1L)) > 0L)
n <- n + 1L
if (substr(s, 1L, 6L) != "#CHROM")
s <- substring(s, 3L)
ans <- c(ans, s)
} else {
samp.id <- scan(text=s, what=character(), sep="\t",
nSample <- length(samp.id)
if (is_vcf_fn)
s <- readLines(infile, n=1L)
if (length(s) > 0L)
ss <- scan(text=s, what=character(), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE)
geno.text <- c(geno.text, ss[-seq_len(9L)])
if (isTRUE(getnum))
call_count_vcf <- FALSE
if (njobs > 1L)
if (is.na(use_Rsamtools))
use_Rsamtools <- requireNamespace("Rsamtools", quietly=TRUE)
if (use_Rsamtools) call_count_vcf <- TRUE
if (call_count_vcf)
nVariant <- nVariant +
.count_vcf_samtools(vcf.fn[i], parallel)
} else {
nVariant <- nVariant + length(s) +
.Call(SEQ_VCF_NumLines, infile, FALSE, verbose)
if ((n %% 10000L) == 0L)
"There are too many lines in the header (>= %d). ", n),
"In order not to slow down the conversion, please consider ",
"deleting unnecessary annotations (like contig).",
if (!inherits(vcf.fn, "connection")) close(infile)
# add a message if fails
if (!inherits(vcf.fn, "connection"))
error_fn <- paste(sQuote(vcf.fn), collapse=", ")
} else {
error_fn <- TRUE
ans <- unique(ans)
# parse texts
# get names and values
ValString <- function(txt)
# string splited by "="
x <- as.integer(regexpr("=", txt, fixed=TRUE))
rv <- matrix("", nrow=length(txt), ncol=2L)
for (i in seq_along(txt))
if (x[i] > 0L)
rv[i,1L] <- trimws(substring(txt[i], 1L, x[i]-1L))
rv[i,2L] <- trimws(substring(txt[i], x[i]+1L))
# get names and values, length(txt) == 1L
AsDataFrame <- function(txt, check.name)
if (substr(txt, 1L, 1L) == "<")
txt <- substring(txt, 2L)
if (substr(txt, nchar(txt), nchar(txt)) == ">")
txt <- substr(txt, 1L, nchar(txt)-1L)
v <- ValString(scan(text=txt, what=character(),
sep=",", quote="\"", quiet=TRUE))
# check
ans <- list()
if (!is.null(check.name))
if (is.null(names(check.name)))
flag <- rep(TRUE, length(check.name))
flag <- (names(check.name) == "T")
for (i in seq_along(check.name))
j <- match(check.name[i], v[,1L])
if (is.na(j))
if (flag[i])
stop("No '", check.name[i], "'.")
a <- NA_character_
} else
a <- v[j,2L]
ans[[ check.name[i] ]] <- a
} else {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(v)))
ans[[ v[i,1L] ]] <- v[i,2L]
as.data.frame(ans, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# check number
CheckNum <- function(number)
if (!(number %in% c("A", "G", ".", "R")))
N <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(number))
if (is.finite(N))
N >= 0L
} else
# start
# ploidy
if (length(geno.text))
txt <- unlist(vapply(geno.text, function(s) {
scan(text=s, what="", sep=":", quiet=TRUE, nmax=1L) },
if (any(grepl(",", txt, fixed=TRUE)))
ploidy <- NA_integer_
} else {
num <- lengths(strsplit(txt, "[|/]"))
ploidy <- max(num)
if (ploidy > 2L)
if (sum(num<=2L) >= sum(num>2L))
ploidy <- 2L
ploidy <- ((ploidy+1L) %/% 2L) * 2L
} else
ploidy <- NA_integer_
if (is.null(ans))
rv <- list(fileformat="unknown", info=NULL, filter=NULL, format=NULL,
alt=NULL, contig=NULL, assembly=NULL, header=NULL,
ploidy = ploidy)
class(rv) <- "SeqVCFHeaderClass"
ans <- ValString(ans)
ans <- data.frame(id=ans[,1L], value=ans[,2L], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# fileformat=VCFv4.*
s <- ans$value[ans$id == "fileformat"]
if (length(s) < 1L)
stop("no defined fileformat!")
else if (length(s) > 1L)
stop("Multiple fileformat!")
else {
if (substr(s, 1L, 4L) == "VCFv")
v <- suppressWarnings(as.double(substring(s, 5)))
if (!is.finite(v)) v <- 0
if (v < 4.0)
stop("'fileformat' should be >= v4.0.")
} else
stop("Invalid 'fileformat'.")
fileformat <- s[1L]
ans <- ans[ans$id != "fileformat", ]
# assembly=url
s <- ans$value[ans$id == "assembly"]
assembly <- if (length(s) > 0L) s else NULL
ans <- ans[ans$id != "assembly", ]
# INFO=<ID=ID,Number=number,Type=type,Description="description">
# INFO=<ID=ID,Number=number,Type=type,Description="description",Source="source",Version="version">
s <- ans$value[ans$id == "INFO"]
for (i in seq_along(s))
v <- AsDataFrame(s[i], c(T="ID", T="Number", T="Type", T="Description",
F="Source", F="Version"))
if (!is.null(v))
if (!is.element(tolower(v$Type),
c("integer", "float", "flag", "character", "string")))
stop("Invalid data type (", v$Type, ")\nINFO=", s[i])
if (!CheckNum(v$Number))
stop("Invalid number (", v$Number, ")\nINFO=", s[i])
INFO <- rbind(INFO, v)
} else
stop("INFO=", s[i])
INFO <- unique(INFO)
ans <- ans[ans$id != "INFO", ]
# FILTER=<ID=ID,Description="description">
s <- ans$value[ans$id == "FILTER"]
for (i in seq_along(s))
v <- AsDataFrame(s[i], c("ID", "Description"))
if (!is.null(v))
FILTER <- rbind(FILTER, v)
stop("FILTER=", s[i])
FILTER <- unique(FILTER)
ans <- ans[ans$id != "FILTER", ]
# FORMAT=<ID=ID,Number=number,Type=type,Description="description">
s <- ans$value[ans$id == "FORMAT"]
for (i in seq_along(s))
v <- AsDataFrame(s[i], c("ID", "Number", "Type", "Description"))
if (!is.null(v))
if (!is.element(tolower(v$Type),
c("integer", "float", "character", "string")))
stop("Invalid data type (", v$Type, ")\nFORMAT=", s[i])
if (!CheckNum(v$Number))
stop("Invalid number (", v$Number, ")\nFORMAT=", s[i])
FORMAT <- rbind(FORMAT, v)
} else
stop("FORMAT=", s[i])
FORMAT <- unique(FORMAT)
ans <- ans[ans$id != "FORMAT", ]
# ALT=<ID=type,Description=description>
s <- ans$value[ans$id == "ALT"]
for (i in seq_along(s))
v <- AsDataFrame(s[i], c("ID", "Description"))
if (!is.null(v))
ALT <- rbind(ALT, v)
} else
stop("ALT=", s[i])
ALT <- unique(ALT)
ans <- ans[ans$id != "ALT", ]
# contig=<ID=ctg1,URL=ftp://somewhere.org/assembly.fa,...>
contig <- NULL
s <- ans$value[ans$id == "contig"]
lst <- lapply(s, function(x) {
v <- AsDataFrame(x, NULL)
if (is.null(v)) stop("contig=", x)
nmlst <- unique(unlist(lapply(lst, function(x) colnames(x))))
xx <- lapply(lst, function(x) {
for (nm in setdiff(nmlst, colnames(x)))
x[[nm]] <- NA_character_
x[, match(nmlst, colnames(x)), drop=FALSE]
contig <- unique(Reduce(rbind, xx))
for (i in seq_len(NCOL(contig)))
s <- type.convert(contig[, i], as.is=TRUE, numerals="no.loss")
if (is.logical(s) && all(is.na(s))) s <- as.integer(s)
contig[, i] <- s
ans <- ans[ans$id != "contig", ]
# reference=""
reference <- NULL
s <- ans$value[ans$id == "reference"]
if (length(s) > 0L) reference <- s
reference <- unique(reference)
ans <- ans[ans$id != "reference", ]
# output
error_fn <- FALSE
rv <- list(fileformat=fileformat, info=INFO, filter=FILTER, format=FORMAT,
alt=ALT, contig=contig, assembly=assembly, reference=reference,
header=ans, ploidy=ploidy)
rv$num.sample <- nSample
if (getnum)
rv$num.variant <- nVariant
rv$sample.id <- samp.id
class(rv) <- "SeqVCFHeaderClass"
print.SeqVCFHeaderClass <- function(x, ...) str(x)
# get sample id from a VCF file
seqVCF_SampID <- function(vcf.fn)
if (!inherits(vcf.fn, "connection"))
# check
stopifnot(is.character(vcf.fn), length(vcf.fn)==1L)
# open the vcf file
infile <- file(vcf.fn[1L], open="rt")
} else {
infile <- vcf.fn
# read header
samp.id <- NULL
while (length(s <- readLines(infile, n=1L)) > 0L)
if (substr(s, 1L, 6L) == "#CHROM")
samp.id <- scan(text=s, what=character(0), sep="\t",
if (is.null(samp.id))
stop("Error VCF format: invalid sample id!")
# Convert a VCF file to a GDS file
seqVCF2GDS <- function(vcf.fn, out.fn, header=NULL,
storage.option="LZMA_RA", info.import=NULL, fmt.import=NULL,
genotype.var.name="GT", ignore.chr.prefix="chr",
scenario=c("general", "imputation"), reference=NULL, start=1L, count=-1L,
variant_count=NA_integer_, optimize=TRUE, raise.error=TRUE, digest=TRUE,
use_Rsamtools=NA, parallel=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
# check
if (!inherits(vcf.fn, "connection"))
stopifnot(is.character(vcf.fn), length(vcf.fn)>0L)
stopifnot(is.character(out.fn), length(out.fn)==1L)
stopifnot(is.null(header) | inherits(header, "SeqVCFHeaderClass"))
scenario <- match.arg(scenario)
storage.tmp <- storage.option
if (is.character(storage.option))
storage.option <- seqStorageOption(storage.option)
if (scenario == "imputation")
storage.option$mode <- c(
} else {
scenario <- ""
stopifnot(inherits(storage.option, "SeqGDSStorageClass"))
stopifnot(is.character(genotype.var.name), length(genotype.var.name)==1L)
if (is.na(genotype.var.name)) genotype.var.name <- "GT"
stopifnot(is.null(info.import) | is.character(info.import))
stopifnot(is.null(fmt.import) | is.character(fmt.import))
stopifnot(is.character(ignore.chr.prefix), length(ignore.chr.prefix)>0L)
stopifnot(is.null(reference) | is.character(reference))
stopifnot(is.numeric(start), length(start)==1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(count), length(count)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(optimize), length(optimize)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(raise.error), length(raise.error)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(digest) | is.character(digest), length(digest)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(use_Rsamtools), length(use_Rsamtools)==1L)
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
pnum <- .NumParallel(parallel)
parallel <- .McoreParallel(parallel)
if (inherits(vcf.fn, "connection"))
if (pnum > 1L)
stop("No parallel support when the input is a connection object.")
if (length(variant_count)!=1L || !is.na(variant_count))
warning("'variant_count' is not used in seqVCF2GDS() when 'vcf.fn' is a connection object.")
} else if (!identical(variant_count, NA_integer_))
if (!is.numeric(variant_count))
stop("'variant_count' should be a numeric vector.")
if (length(variant_count) != length(vcf.fn))
stop("'variant_count' and 'vcf.fn' should have the same length.")
if (verbose) cat(date(), "\n", sep="")
genotype.storage <- "bit2"
# check sample id
if (!inherits(vcf.fn, "connection"))
vcf.fn <- normalizePath(vcf.fn, mustWork=FALSE)
samp.id <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(vcf.fn))
if (is.null(samp.id))
samp.id <- seqVCF_SampID(vcf.fn[i])
if (length(samp.id) <= 0L)
message("No sample in '", vcf.fn[i], "'")
} else {
tmp <- seqVCF_SampID(vcf.fn[i])
if (length(samp.id) != length(tmp))
stop(sprintf("The file '%s' has different sample id.",
if (!all(samp.id == tmp))
stop(sprintf("The file '%s' has different sample id.",
# parse the header of VCF
if (!inherits(vcf.fn, "connection"))
if (is.null(header))
header <- seqVCF_Header(vcf.fn, verbose=FALSE)
} else {
if (is.null(header))
header <- seqVCF_Header(vcf.fn, verbose=FALSE)
samp.id <- header$sample.id
} else
samp.id <- seqVCF_SampID(vcf.fn)
if (!inherits(header, "SeqVCFHeaderClass"))
stop("'header' should be NULL or returned from 'seqVCF_Header()'.")
# 'seqVCF_Header'
# returns list(fileformat=fileformat, info=INFO, filter=FILTER,
# format=FORMAT, alt=ALT, contig=contig, assembly=assembly,
# reference, header, ploidy)
# genome reference information
reference <- as.character(unique(c(reference, header$reference)))
if (verbose)
.cat("Variant Call Format (VCF) Import:")
if (!inherits(vcf.fn, "connection"))
sz <- file.size(vcf.fn)
if (length(vcf.fn) == 1L)
.cat(" file:")
.cat(" files: [", .pretty_size(sum(sz)), " totally]")
for (i in seq_along(vcf.fn))
.cat(" ", basename(vcf.fn[i]), " (",
.pretty_size(sz[i]), ")")
} else {
.cat(" [connection object]")
.cat(" file format: ", header$fileformat)
.cat(" genome reference: ", if (length(reference))
paste(reference, collapse=", ") else "<unknown>")
.cat(" # of sets of chromosomes (ploidy): ", header$ploidy)
.cat(" # of samples: ", .pretty(length(samp.id)))
.cat(" genotype field: ", genotype.var.name)
.cat(" genotype storage: ", genotype.storage)
if (!is.character(storage.tmp))
storage.tmp <- "customized"
.cat(" compression method: ", storage.tmp)
.cat(" # of samples: ", length(header$sample.id))
if (identical(scenario, "imputation"))
cat(" scenario: imputation\n")
if ("DS" %in% header$format$ID)
cat(" annotation/format/DS: packedreal16\n")
if ("GP" %in% header$format$ID)
cat(" annotation/format/GP: packedreal16\n")
# check header
oldheader <- header
tmp <- FALSE
if (!is.null(header$format))
flag <- duplicated(header$format$ID)
if (any(flag))
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf("Duplicated Format ID (%s) are removed.\n",
paste(header$format$ID[flag], collapse=",")))
header$format <- header$format[!flag, ]
if (nrow(header$format) > 0L)
tmp <- TRUE
if (tmp)
geno_idx <- which(header$format$ID == genotype.var.name)
if (length(geno_idx) <= 0L)
"No variable '%s' in the FORMAT field.",
} else if (length(geno_idx) > 1L)
"There are more than one variable in the FORMAT field according to '%s', please fix the header.",
} else {
if (tolower(header$format$Type[geno_idx]) != "string")
"'%s' in the FORMAT field should be string-type according to genotypes, please fix the header.",
if (header$format$Number[geno_idx] != "1")
"'%s' in the FORMAT field should be one-length string-type, please fix the header.",
if (length(geno_idx) > 0L)
geno_format <- header$format[geno_idx, ]
header$format <- header$format[-geno_idx, ]
} else {
geno_format <- list(Description="Genotype")
} else {
if (length(samp.id) > 0L)
"variable id in the FORMAT field should be defined ahead, ",
"and the undefined id is/are ignored during the conversion.")
geno_format <- list(Description="Genotype")
# format conversion in parallel
if (pnum > 1L)
if (verbose)
cat(" # of cores/jobs: ", pnum, "\n", sep="")
a <- variant_count < 0L
if (length(a) < length(vcf.fn)) a[length(vcf.fn)] <- NA
if (anyNA(a) || any(a, na.rm=TRUE))
cat(" calculating the total number of variants")
if (!isFALSE(use_Rsamtools))
if (requireNamespace("Rsamtools", quietly=TRUE))
cat(" using Rsamtools")
cat(" ...\n")
# get the number of variants in each VCF file
for (i in seq_along(vcf.fn))
v <- variant_count[i]
if (is.na(v) || (v < 0L))
fn <- vcf.fn[i]
variant_count[i] <- seqVCF_Header(fn, getnum=TRUE,
use_Rsamtools=use_Rsamtools, parallel=parallel,
num_var <- sum(variant_count)
if (anyNA(num_var)) stop("Getting invalid # of variants.")
if (start < 1L)
stop("'start' should be a positive integer if conversion in parallel.")
else if (start > num_var)
stop("'start' should not be greater than the total number of variants.")
if (count < 0L)
count <- num_var - start + 1L
if (start+count > num_var+1L)
stop("Invalid 'count'.")
if (verbose)
cat(" # of variants: ", .pretty(count), "\n", sep="")
if (count >= pnum)
# need unique temporary file names
ptmpfn <- .get_temp_fn(pnum,
sub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1", basename(out.fn)), dirname(out.fn))
psplit <- .file_split(count, pnum, start)
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf(" >>> writing to %d files: <<<\n", pnum))
cat(sprintf(" %s\t[%s .. %s]\n", basename(ptmpfn),
.pretty(psplit[[1L]] + psplit[[2L]] - 1L)), sep="")
# unlimit the last one
psplit[[2L]][length(psplit[[2L]])] <- -1L
# conversion in parallel
seqParallel(parallel, NULL, FUN = function(
vcf.fn, header, storage.option, info.import, fmt.import,
genotype.var.name, ignore.chr.prefix, scenario, optim,
raise.err, ptmpfn, psplit, variant_count)
i <- process_index # the process id, starting from one
SeqArray::seqVCF2GDS(vcf.fn, ptmpfn[i], header=oldheader,
storage.option=storage.option, info.import=info.import,
fmt.import=fmt.import, genotype.var.name=genotype.var.name,
start = psplit[[1L]][i], count = psplit[[2L]][i],
optimize=optim, scenario=scenario, raise.error=raise.err,
digest=FALSE, parallel=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
invisible() # return
}, split="none",
vcf.fn=vcf.fn, header=header, storage.option=storage.option,
info.import=info.import, fmt.import=fmt.import,
ignore.chr.prefix=ignore.chr.prefix, scenario=scenario,
optim=optimize, raise.err=raise.error,
ptmpfn=ptmpfn, psplit=psplit, variant_count=variant_count)
if (verbose)
cat(" >>> Done (", date(), ") <<<\n", sep="")
} else {
pnum <- 1L
message("No use of parallel environment!")
# create a GDS file
gfile <- createfn.gds(out.fn)
on.exit({ if (!is.null(gfile)) closefn.gds(gfile) }, add=TRUE)
put.attr.gdsn(gfile$root, "FileFormat", "SEQ_ARRAY")
put.attr.gdsn(gfile$root, "FileVersion", "v1.0")
n <- addfolder.gdsn(gfile, "description")
put.attr.gdsn(n, "vcf.fileformat", header$fileformat)
if (!is.null(header$assembly))
put.attr.gdsn(n, "vcf.assembly", header$assembly)
.AddVar(storage.option, n, "reference", reference, closezip=TRUE,
if (!is.null(header$alt))
if (nrow(header$alt) > 0L)
.AddVar(storage.option, n, "vcf.alt", header$alt, closezip=TRUE,
if (!is.null(header$contig))
if (nrow(header$contig) > 0L)
.AddVar(storage.option, n, "vcf.contig", header$contig,
closezip=TRUE, visible=FALSE)
if (!is.null(header$header))
if (nrow(header$header) > 0L)
.AddVar(storage.option, n, "vcf.header", header$header,
closezip=TRUE, visible=FALSE)
# add sample.id
nSamp <- length(samp.id)
.AddVar(storage.option, gfile, "sample.id", samp.id, closezip=TRUE)
# add basic site information
# add variant.id
.AddVar(storage.option, gfile, "variant.id", storage="int32")
# add position
# TODO: need to check whether position can be stored in 'int32'
.AddVar(storage.option, gfile, "position", storage="int32")
# add chromosome
.AddVar(storage.option, gfile, "chromosome", storage="string")
# add allele
.AddVar(storage.option, gfile, "allele", storage="string")
# add a folder for genotypes
varGeno <- addfolder.gdsn(gfile, "genotype")
put.attr.gdsn(varGeno, "VariableName", genotype.var.name[1L])
put.attr.gdsn(varGeno, "Description", geno_format$Description[1L])
# add data to the folder of genotype
if (is.na(header$ploidy)) header$ploidy <- 2L
if (header$ploidy > 0L)
if (nSamp > 0L)
geno.node <- .AddVar(storage.option, varGeno, "data",
storage=genotype.storage, valdim=c(header$ploidy, nSamp, 0L))
} else
geno.node <- NULL
} else
stop("Invalid ploidy.")
node <- .AddVar(storage.option, varGeno, "@data", storage="uint8",
node <- .AddVar(storage.option, varGeno, "extra.index", storage="int32",
put.attr.gdsn(node, "R.colnames",
c("sample.index", "variant.index", "length"))
.AddVar(storage.option, varGeno, "extra", storage="int16")
# add phase folder
varPhase <- addfolder.gdsn(gfile, "phase")
if (header$ploidy > 1L && nSamp > 0L)
# add data
if (header$ploidy > 2L)
dm <- c(header$ploidy-1L, nSamp, 0L)
else if (header$ploidy > 1L)
dm <- c(nSamp, 0L)
dm <- NULL
if (!is.null(dm))
.AddVar(storage.option, varPhase, "data", storage="bit1", valdim=dm)
node <- .AddVar(storage.option, varPhase, "extra.index",
storage="int32", valdim=c(3L,0L))
put.attr.gdsn(node, "R.colnames",
c("sample.index", "variant.index", "length"))
.AddVar(storage.option, varPhase, "extra", storage="bit1")
# add annotation folder
varAnnot <- addfolder.gdsn(gfile, "annotation")
# add id
.AddVar(storage.option, varAnnot, "id", storage="string")
# add qual
.AddVar(storage.option, varAnnot, "qual", storage="float")
# add filter
varFilter <- .AddVar(storage.option, varAnnot, "filter", storage="int32")
varInfo <- addfolder.gdsn(varAnnot, "info")
if (verbose) { prefix <- " "; cat(" INFO:") }
if (!is.null(header$info))
flag <- duplicated(header$info$ID)
if (any(flag))
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf("Duplicated Info ID (%s) are removed.\n",
paste(header$info$ID[flag], collapse=",")))
header$info <- header$info[!flag, ]
if (NROW(header$info) > 0L)
int_type <- integer(nrow(header$info))
int_num <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(header$info$Number))
if (is.null(info.import))
import.flag <- rep(TRUE, length(int_num))
import.flag <- header$info$ID %in% info.import
for (i in 1:nrow(header$info))
# INFO Type
integer = { mode <- "int32"; int_type[i] <- 1L },
float = { mode <- "float"; int_type[i] <- 2L },
flag = { mode <- "bit1"; int_type[i] <- 3L },
character = { mode <- "string"; int_type[i] <- 4L },
string = { mode <- "string"; int_type[i] <- 4L },
stop(sprintf("Unknown INFO Type: %s", header$info$Type[i]))
# INFO Number
s <- header$info$Number[i]
if (grepl("^[[:digit:]]", s))
initdim <- as.integer(s)
if (mode == "bit1")
if (initdim != 0L)
print(header$info[i, ])
stop("The length of 'Flag' type should be ZERO!")
} else {
if (initdim <= 0L)
print(header$info[i, ])
stop("The length should be >0.")
} else if (initdim > 1L)
initdim <- c(initdim, 0L)
initdim <- 0L
} else {
initdim <- 0L
if (s == ".")
int_num[i] <- -1L
else if (s == "A")
int_num[i] <- -2L
else if (s == "G")
int_num[i] <- -3L
else if (s == "R")
int_num[i] <- -4L
else {
stop(sprintf("Unknown INFO (%s) Number: %s",
header$info$ID[i], s))
# add
if (import.flag[i])
if (verbose)
cat(prefix, header$info$ID[i], sep="")
prefix <- ","
node <- .AddVar(storage.option, varInfo, header$info$ID[i],
storage=mode, valdim=initdim)
put.attr.gdsn(node, "Number", header$info$Number[i])
put.attr.gdsn(node, "Type", header$info$Type[i])
put.attr.gdsn(node, "Description", header$info$Description[i])
if (!is.na(header$info$Source[i]))
put.attr.gdsn(node, "Source", header$info$Source[i])
if (!is.na(header$info$Version[i]))
put.attr.gdsn(node, "Version", header$info$Version[i])
if (s %in% c(".", "A", "G", "R"))
node <- .AddVar(storage.option, varInfo,
paste("@", header$info$ID[i], sep=""),
storage="int32", visible=FALSE)
header$info$int_type <- as.integer(int_type)
header$info$int_num <- as.integer(int_num)
header$info$import.flag <- import.flag
if (verbose) cat("\n")
# VCF Format
# add the FORMAT field
varFormat <- addfolder.gdsn(varAnnot, "format")
if (verbose) { prefix <- " "; cat(" FORMAT:") }
if (!is.null(header$format))
int_type <- integer(nrow(header$format))
int_num <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(header$format$Number))
if (is.null(fmt.import))
import.flag <- rep(TRUE, length(int_num))
import.flag <- header$format$ID %in% fmt.import
} else {
int_type <- integer()
int_num <- integer()
import.flag <- logical()
for (i in seq_along(int_type))
integer = { mode <- "vl_int"; int_type[i] <- 1L },
float = { mode <- "float"; int_type[i] <- 2L },
character = { mode <- "string"; int_type[i] <- 4L },
string = { mode <- "string"; int_type[i] <- 4L },
stop(sprintf("Unknown FORMAT Type: %s", header$format$Type[i]))
# FORMAT Number
s <- header$format$Number[i]
if (grepl("^[[:digit:]]", s))
if (as.integer(s) <= 0)
print(header[, i])
stop("The length should be >0.")
} else {
if (s == ".")
int_num[i] <- -1L
else if (s == "A")
int_num[i] <- -2L
else if (s == "G")
int_num[i] <- -3L
else if (s == "R")
int_num[i] <- -4L
else {
stop(sprintf("Unknown FORMAT (%s) Number: %s",
header$format$ID[i], s))
# add
if (import.flag[i])
if (verbose)
cat(prefix, header$format$ID[i], sep="")
prefix <- ","
node <- addfolder.gdsn(varFormat, header$format$ID[i])
put.attr.gdsn(node, "Number", header$format$Number[i])
put.attr.gdsn(node, "Type", header$format$Type[i])
put.attr.gdsn(node, "Description", header$format$Description[i])
if (nSamp > 0L)
.AddVar(storage.option, node, "data", storage=mode, valdim=c(nSamp, 0L))
.AddVar(storage.option, node, "@data", storage="int32", visible=FALSE)
if (!is.null(header$format))
header$format$int_type <- as.integer(int_type)
header$format$int_num <- as.integer(int_num)
header$format$import.flag <- import.flag
if (verbose) cat("\n")
# add annotation folder
addfolder.gdsn(gfile, "sample.annotation")
# sync file
if (verbose)
cat("Output:\n ", out.fn, "\n", sep="")
# for-loop each file
if (pnum <= 1L)
filterlevels <- header$filter$ID
linecnt <- double(1L)
# progress file
prog_fn <- paste0(out.fn, ".progress")
progfile <- file(prog_fn, "wt")
cat(">>> ", out.fn, " <<<\n", file=progfile, sep="")
if (verbose)
cat(" [Progress Info: ", basename(prog_fn), "]\n", sep="")
infile <- NULL
unlink(paste0(out.fn, ".progress"), force=TRUE)
if (!is.null(infile)) close(infile)
}, add=TRUE)
if (!inherits(vcf.fn, "connection"))
for (i in seq_along(vcf.fn))
if (!is.null(variant_count))
cnt <- cumsum(variant_count)[i]
if (is.finite(cnt) & (start > cnt))
linecnt <- as.double(cnt)
infile <- file(vcf.fn[i], open="rt")
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf("Parsing '%s':\n", basename(vcf.fn[i])))
# call C function
v <- .Call(SEQ_VCF_Parse, vcf.fn[i], header, gfile$root,
list(sample.num = length(samp.id),
genotype.var.name = genotype.var.name,
infile = infile,
raise.error = raise.error, filter.levels = filterlevels,
start = start, count = count,
chr.prefix = ignore.chr.prefix,
progfile = progfile, use.file = TRUE,
verbose = verbose),
linecnt, new.env())
filterlevels <- unique(c(filterlevels, v))
if (verbose && !is.null(geno.node))
infile <- NULL
} else {
if (verbose)
cat("Parsing 'connection object':\n")
# call C function
v <- .Call(SEQ_VCF_Parse, "connection object", header, gfile$root,
list(sample.num = length(samp.id),
genotype.var.name = genotype.var.name,
infile = vcf.fn,
raise.error = raise.error, filter.levels = filterlevels,
start = start, count = count,
chr.prefix = ignore.chr.prefix,
progfile = progfile, use.file = FALSE,
verbose = verbose),
linecnt, new.env())
filterlevels <- unique(c(filterlevels, v))
if (verbose) print(geno.node)
} else {
## merge all temporary files
# all GDS variables to be merged
varnm <- c("variant.id", "position", "chromosome", "allele",
"genotype/data", "genotype/@data",
"genotype/extra", "genotype/extra.index",
"phase/data", "phase/extra", "phase/extra.index",
"annotation/id", "annotation/qual")
if (is.null(index.gdsn(gfile, "phase/data", silent=TRUE)))
varnm <- setdiff(varnm,
c("phase/data", "phase/extra", "phase/extra.index"))
s <- ls.gdsn(index.gdsn(gfile, "annotation/info"), include.hidden=TRUE)
if (length(s) > 0L)
varnm <- c(varnm, paste0("annotation/info/", s))
s <- ls.gdsn(index.gdsn(gfile, "annotation/format"))
if (length(s) > 0L)
varnm <- c(varnm, paste0("annotation/format/", rep(s, each=2L),
c("/data", "/@data")))
if (verbose) cat("Merging:\n")
filtervar <- character()
# open all temporary files
for (fn in ptmpfn)
if (verbose)
cat(" ", basename(fn), " ...", sep="")
# open the gds file
tmpgds <- seqOpen(fn, allow.duplicate=TRUE)
# merge variables
for (nm in varnm)
n <- index.gdsn(tmpgds, nm, silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
append.gdsn(index.gdsn(gfile, nm), n)
# merge filter variable (a factor variable)
filtervar <- c(filtervar, as.character(
read.gdsn(index.gdsn(tmpgds, "annotation/filter"))))
# close the file
if (verbose)
cat(" [done]\n")
filtervar <- as.factor(filtervar)
append.gdsn(varFilter, filtervar)
s <- levels(filtervar)
filterlevels <- c(s, setdiff(header$filter$ID, s))
# remove temporary files
unlink(ptmpfn, force=TRUE)
if (length(filterlevels) > 0L)
put.attr.gdsn(varFilter, "R.class", "factor")
put.attr.gdsn(varFilter, "R.levels", filterlevels)
if (NROW(header$filter) > 0L)
dp <- header$filter$Description[match(filterlevels, header$filter$ID)]
dp[is.na(dp)] <- ""
} else
dp <- rep("", length(filterlevels))
put.attr.gdsn(varFilter, "Description", dp)
# RLE-coded chromosome
# if there is no genotype
n <- index.gdsn(gfile, "genotype/data", silent=TRUE)
if (is.null(n) || prod(objdesp.gdsn(n)$dim) <= 0)
for (nm in c("genotype/data", "genotype/@data", "genotype/extra.index",
"genotype/extra", "phase/data", "phase/extra.index", "phase/extra"))
n <- index.gdsn(gfile, nm, silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n)) delete.gdsn(n)
# create hash
.DigestFile(gfile, digest, verbose)
# close the GDS file
gfile <- NULL
# optimize access efficiency
if (verbose)
cat(date(), "\n", sep="")
if (optimize)
if (verbose)
cat("Optimize the access efficiency ...\n")
cleanup.gds(out.fn, verbose=verbose)
if (verbose) cat(date(), "\n", sep="")
# output
# Convert a BCF file to a GDS file
seqBCF2GDS <- function(bcf.fn, out.fn, header=NULL, storage.option="LZMA_RA",
info.import=NULL, fmt.import=NULL, genotype.var.name="GT",
ignore.chr.prefix="chr", scenario=c("general", "imputation"),
reference=NULL, optimize=TRUE, raise.error=TRUE, digest=TRUE,
bcftools="bcftools", verbose=TRUE)
# check
stopifnot(is.character(bcf.fn), length(bcf.fn)==1L)
stopifnot(is.character(out.fn), length(out.fn)==1L)
stopifnot(is.character(bcftools), length(bcftools)==1L)
# command-line
cmd <- paste(shQuote(bcftools), "view", shQuote(bcf.fn))
if (verbose)
cat("Running:\n ", cmd, "\n", sep="")
f <- pipe(paste(shQuote(bcftools), "-v"))
s <- readLines(f)
if (length(s) <= 0L)
stop("Please install bcftools (http://samtools.github.io/bcftools).")
pipefile <- pipe(cmd, "rt")
# run VCF to GDS
seqVCF2GDS(pipefile, out.fn, header=header,
info.import=info.import, fmt.import=fmt.import,
ignore.chr.prefix=ignore.chr.prefix, scenario=scenario,
reference=reference, optimize=optimize, raise.error=raise.error,
digest=digest, verbose=verbose)
# output
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