
Defines functions make_foldername make_filename logit expit rvbern bin2dec symb2I I2symb Imat2cat beta_plot getPckg unfactor sort_data_frame my_reorder logOR visualize_case_control_matrix NA2dot beta_parms_from_quantiles load_or_install null_as_zero set_strat is_discrete is.error unique_month sym_diff_month dm_Rdate_FPR dm_Rdate_Eti create_bugs_regressor_FPR create_bugs_regressor_Eti delete_start_with make_list

Documented in beta_parms_from_quantiles beta_plot bin2dec create_bugs_regressor_Eti create_bugs_regressor_FPR delete_start_with dm_Rdate_Eti dm_Rdate_FPR expit getPckg I2symb Imat2cat is_discrete is.error load_or_install logit logOR make_filename make_foldername make_list my_reorder NA2dot null_as_zero rvbern set_strat sort_data_frame symb2I sym_diff_month unfactor unique_month visualize_case_control_matrix

#' Create new folder name
#' @param parent_path The parent directory where to put the new folder
#' @param parameter_names The parameters that distinguish this folder's scenario
#' @param parameter_vals The actual parameter values
#' @return A string for folder name
#' @export
make_foldername <- function(parent_path,parameter_names,parameter_vals){
  subfolder <- paste(parameter_names,parameter_vals,collapse="_",sep="=")
  res       <- paste(parent_path,subfolder,sep="\\")

#' Create new file name
#' @param parameter_names The parameters that distinguish this folder's scenario
#' @param parameter_vals The actual parameter values
#' @param format The suffix ".XXX" in the end to specify the file format
#' @return A string for file name
#' @export
    res1 <- paste(parameter_names,parameter_vals,collapse="_",sep="=")
    res  <- paste(res1,format,sep=".")

#' logit function
#' @param p Probability between 0 and 1
#' @return A real number
#' @export
logit <- function(p) log(p)-log(1-p)

#' expit function
#' @param x A real number
#' @return a Probability between 0 and 1
#' @export
expit <- function(x) 1/(1+exp(-x))

#' Sample a vector of Bernoulli variables.
#' Sample a vector of Bernoulli variables with higher speed
#' (same length with \code{"p"}).
#' The Bernoulli random variables can have different means.
#' @param p A vector of probabilities, each being the head probability
#' of an independent coin toss
#' @return A vector of 1s (head) and 0s (tail)
#' @export
  U  <-runif(length(p),0,1)

#' Convert 0/1 binary coded sequence into decimal digits
#' Useful when try to list all the binary patterns. One can group the binary
#' sequences according to their equivalent decimal values.
#' @param binary_vector a binary number
#' @return a decimal number
#' @export
bin2dec <- function(binary_vector) {

#' Convert names of pathogen/combinations into 0/1 coding
#' @param pathogen_name The allowed pathogen name (can be a combination of pathogens in "pathlist")
#' @param pathogen_list The complete list of pathogen names
#' @return A 1 by length(pathlist) matrix of binary code (usually for pathogen presence/absence)
#' @examples
#' symb2I("A",c("A","B","C"))
#' symb2I("A+B",c("A","B","C"))
#' symb2I("NoA",c("A","B","C"))
#' symb2I(c("A","B+C"),c("A","B","C")) # gives a 2 by 3 matrix.
#' @export
symb2I <-
        J <- length(pathogen_list)
  splited <- strsplit(pathogen_name,split="+",fixed=TRUE)
  deploy  <- function(inst,J) {
    if (inst[1] == "NoA"){
  res <- lapply(splited,deploy,J=J)
  for (l in seq_along(res)){
    any_integer_0 <- sum(sapply(res[[l]],function(v) length(v)==0))>0
    if (any_integer_0){
      stop(paste0("\n==",l,"-th cause, \n",pathogen_name[l],",
                  \n has pathogen(s) not in the overall pathogen list!=="))

  nc  <- length(res)
  matres <- t(sapply(1:nc,function(i) {
    tempres <- rep(0,J)

#symb2I("A+D",c("A","B","C")) # will return error.

#' Convert 0/1 coding to pathogen/combinations
#' Reverse to \code{\link{symb2I}}
#' @param binary_code Binary indictors for pathogens
#' @param pathogen_list The complete list of pathogen names
#' @return The name of pathogen or pathogen combination indicated by "code"
#' @examples
#' I2symb("001",c("A","B","C"))
#' I2symb("000",c("A","B","C"))
#' @export
I2symb <- function(binary_code,pathogen_list){
  ind <- grep("1",strsplit(binary_code,split="")[[1]])
  res <- ifelse(length(ind)==0,"NoA",paste(pathogen_list[ind],collapse="+"))

#' Convert a matrix of binary indicators to categorial variables
#' @param binary_mat The matrix of binary indicators. Rows for subjects, columns for pathogens in the \code{"pathogen.list"}
#' @param allowed_list The list of allowed single pathogen or pathogen combination
#' @param pathogen_list The complete list of pathogen names
#' @return A vector of categorical variables. Its length equals the length of \code{"allowed.list"}
#' @examples
#' Imat2cat(rbind(diag(3),c(1,1,0),c(0,0,0)),c("A","B","C","A+B","NoA"),c("A","B","C"))
#' @export
Imat2cat <- function(binary_mat,allowed_list,pathogen_list){
  known_code = apply(binary_mat,1,function(v) paste(v,collapse=""))
  known_symb = sapply(known_code,I2symb,pathogen_list)
  if (sum(known_symb %in% allowed_list==FALSE)>0){
  stop("Some binary pattern in 'binary_mat' is not included by 'allowed_list'.")
  }else {
  known_Icat = sapply(known_symb,function(s) which(allowed_list==s))

#' Plot beta density
#' @param a The first parameter
#' @param b The second parameter
#' @return None
#' @export
  x= seq(0,1,by=0.001)
  y = dbeta(x,a,b)

#' Get package from CRAN website
#' @param pckg package name
#' @return None
#' @export
getPckg <- function(pckg) {
  install.packages(pckg, repos = "http://cran.r-project.org")

#' Convert factor to numeric without losing information on the label
#' @param f A factor
#' @return A numeric vector
#' @export
unfactor <- function(f){ as.numeric(levels(f))[f]}

#' Order rows of data frame according to variable combinations.
#' Author: Kevin Wright\cr
#' http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/04/09/4300.html
#' Some ideas from Andy Liaw\cr
#' http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/04/07/1076.html\cr
#' Use + for ascending, - for decending.\cr
#' Sorting is left to right in the formula\cr
#' Useage is either of the following:\cr
#' sort.data.frame(~Block-Variety,Oats)\cr
#' sort.data.frame(Oats,~-Variety+Block)\cr
#'@param form A Formula. See example in \strong{Description}.
#'@param dat Data frame to be ordered.
#'@return Ordered data frame.

sort_data_frame <- function(form,dat){
  # Author: Kevin Wright
  # http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/04/09/4300.html
  # Some ideas from Andy Liaw
  # http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/04/07/1076.html
  # Use + for ascending, - for decending.
  # Sorting is left to right in the formula
  # Useage is either of the following:
  # sort.data.frame(~Block-Variety,Oats)
  # sort.data.frame(Oats,~-Variety+Block)

  # If dat is the formula, then switch form and dat
  if(form[[1]] != "~") {
    stop("Formula must be one-sided.")
  # Make the formula into character and remove spaces
  formc <- as.character(form[2])
  formc <- gsub(" ","",formc)
  # If the first character is not + or -, add +
  if(!is.element(substring(formc,1,1),c("+","-"))) {
    formc <- paste("+",formc,sep="")
  # Extract the variables from the formula
  vars <- unlist(strsplit(formc, "[\\+\\-]"))
  vars <- vars[vars!=""] # Remove spurious "" terms
  # Build a list of arguments to pass to "order" function
  calllist <- list()
  pos=1 # Position of + or -
  for(i in 1:length(vars)){
    varsign <- substring(formc,pos,pos)
    pos <- pos+1+nchar(vars[i])
        calllist[[i]] <- -rank(dat[,vars[i]])
        calllist[[i]] <- rank(dat[,vars[i]])
    else {
        calllist[[i]] <- -dat[,vars[i]]
        calllist[[i]] <- dat[,vars[i]]

#' Reorder the measurement dimensions to match the order for display
#' @param disp_order The vector of names to be displayed (order matters) 
#' @param raw_nm The vector of names from raw measurements (order matters)
#' @return A permuted vector from 1 to \code{length(raw_nm)}. For example, if
#' its first element is 3, it means that the 3rd pathogen in \code{raw_nm}
#' should be arranged to the first in the raw measurements.
#' @examples
#'   disp_order <- c("B","E","D","C","F","A")
#'   raw_nm <- c("C","A","E")
#'   my_reorder(disp_order,raw_nm)
#' @export
my_reorder <- function(disp_order,raw_nm){
        #disp_order <- display_order
        #raw_nm <- pathogen_BrS
        res <- rep(NA,length(raw_nm))
        for (i in seq_along(raw_nm)){

#' calculate pairwise log odds ratios
#' Case at upper triangle; control at lower triangle
#' @param MBS.case Case Bronze-Standard (BrS) data
#' @param MBS.ctrl Control Bronze-Standard (BrS) data
#' @export

logOR <- function(MBS.case,MBS.ctrl){  
  JBrS <- ncol(MBS.case)
  logORmat       <- matrix(NA,nrow=JBrS,ncol=JBrS)
  logORmat.se    <- matrix(NA,nrow=JBrS,ncol=JBrS)
  for (j2 in 1:(JBrS-1)){ #case (j2,j1); ctrl (j1,j2).
    for (j1 in (j2+1):JBrS){
      # cases: (upper triangle)
      x <- MBS.case[,j2]
      y <- MBS.case[,j1]
      fit <- glm(y~x,family = binomial(link="logit"))
      if ("x" %in% rownames(summary(fit)$coef)){
        logORmat[j2,j1] = round(summary(fit)$coef["x",1],3)
        logORmat.se[j2,j1] = round(summary(fit)$coef["x",2],3)
      # controls: (lower triangle)
      x <- MBS.ctrl[,j2]
      y <- MBS.ctrl[,j1]
      fit <- glm(y~x,family = binomial(link="logit"))
      if ("x" %in% rownames(summary(fit)$coef)){
        logORmat[j1,j2] = round(summary(fit)$coef["x",1],3)
        logORmat.se[j1,j2] = round(summary(fit)$coef["x",2],3)
  #cell.num = logORmat/logORmat.se
  tmp       = logORmat
  tmp.se = logORmat.se
  tmp.se[abs(logORmat.se)>10] = NA
  res <- list(tmp,tmp.se)
  names(res) <- c("logOR","logOR.se")

#' Visualize matrix for a quantity measured on cases and controls (a single number)
#' Special to case-control visualization: upper right for cases, lower left
#' for controls. 
#' @param mat matrix of values: upper for cases, lower for controls;
#' @param dim_names names of the columns, from left to right. It is also the 
#' names of the rows, from bottom to top. Default is 1 through \code{ncol(mat)};
#' @param cell_metrics the meaning of number in every cell;
#' @param folding_line Default is \code{TRUE} for adding dashed major diagnoal
#' line.
#' @param axes plot axes; default is \code{FALSE};
#' @param xlab label for x-axis
#' @param ylab label for y-axis
#' @param asp aspect ratio; default is \code{1} to ensure square shape
#' @param title text for the figure
#' @export
visualize_case_control_matrix <- function(mat, dim_names=ncol(mat), 
                                   axes = FALSE, xlab = "",ylab = "",
                                   asp = 1,title=""){
  n = nrow(mat)
  J = n
  # size of the numbers in the boxes:
  cex_main= min(2,20/n)
  cex_se  = min(1.5,15/n)
  par(mar = c(0, 0, 5, 0), bg = "white",xpd=TRUE)
  plot(c(0, n + 0.8), c(0, n + 0.8), axes = axes, xlab = "",
       ylab = "", asp = 1, type = "n")
  ##add grid
  segments(rep(0.5, n + 1), 0.5 + 0:n, rep(n + 0.5, n + 1),
           0.5 + 0:n, col = "gray")
  segments(0.5 + 0:n, rep(0.5, n + 1), 0.5 + 0:n, rep(n + 0.5,
                                                      n), col = "gray")  
  mat.txt<- round(t(mat)[,n:1],1)
  mat.txt3<- round(t(mat)[,n:1],3)
  # add meaning of the number in a cell:
  for (i in 1:n){
    for (j in 1:n){
      abs.mat <- abs(mat.txt[i,j])
      if ((!is.na(abs.mat)) && abs.mat>2){
  if (folding_line){
  # diagonal line:

  # put pathogen names on rows and columns:
  for (s in 1:J){
  # labels for cases and controls:

#' convert 'NA' to '.'
#' @param s A string of characters that may contain "NA"
#' @return A string of characters without 'NA'
#' @export
NA2dot <- function(s){

#' Pick parameters in the Beta distribution to match the specified range
#' \code{beta_parms_from_quantiles} produces prior Beta parameters for 
#'  the true positive rates (TPR)
#' @param q A vector of lower and upper bounds, in which Beta distribution
#' will have quantiles specified by \code{p}. For example, \code{q=c(0.5,0.99)}
#' @param p The lower and upper quantiles of the range one wants to specify.
#' @param precision Approximation precisions.
#' @param derivative.epsilon Precision of calculating derivative.
#' @param start.with.normal.approx Default is \code{TRUE}, for normal approximation.
#' @param start Starting values of beta parameters.
#' @param plot Default is \code{FALSE} to suppress plotting of the beta density,
#' otherwise, set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A list containing the selected Beta prameters \code{a}, and \code{b}.
#' Other elements of the list include some details about the computations involved
#' in finding \code{a} and \code{b}.
#' @references \url{http://www.medicine.mcgill.ca/epidemiology/
#'                  Joseph/PBelisle/BetaParmsFromQuantiles.html}
#' @export
beta_parms_from_quantiles <- function(q, p=c(0.025,0.975),
                                      start=c(1, 1),
  # Version 1.2.2 (December 2012)
  # Function developed by
  # Lawrence Joseph and Patrick Belisle
  # Division of Clinical Epidemiology
  # Montreal General Hospital
  # Montreal, Qc, Can
  # patrick.belisle@clinepi.mcgill.ca
  # http://www.medicine.mcgill.ca/epidemiology/Joseph/PBelisle/BetaParmsFromQuantiles.html
  # Please refer to our webpage for details on each argument.
  f <- function(x, theta){dbeta(x, shape1=theta[1], shape2=theta[2])}
  F.inv <- function(x, theta){qbeta(x, shape1=theta[1], shape2=theta[2])}
  f.cum <- function(x, theta){pbeta(x, shape1=theta[1], shape2=theta[2])}
  f.mode <- function(theta){a <- theta[1]; b <- theta[2]; 
  mode <- ifelse(a>1, (a-1)/(a+b-2), NA); mode}
  theta.from.moments <- function(m, v){a <- m*m*(1-m)/v-m; b <- a*(1/m-1); c(a, b)}
  plot.xlim <- c(0, 1)
  dens.label <- 'dbeta'
  parms.names <- c('a', 'b')
  if (length(p) != 2) stop("Vector of probabilities p must be of length 2.")
  if (length(q) != 2) stop("Vector of quantiles q must be of length 2.")
  p <- sort(p); q <- sort(q)
  print.area.text <- function(p, p.check, q, f, f.cum, F.inv, 
                              theta, mode, cex, plot.xlim, M=30, M0=50)
    par.usr <- par('usr')
    par.din <- par('din')
    p.string <- as.character(round(c(0,1) + c(1,-1)*p.check, digits=4))
    str.width <- strwidth(p.string, cex=cex)
    str.height <- strheight("0", cex=cex)
    J <- matrix(1, nrow=M0, ncol=1)
    x.units.1in <- diff(par.usr[c(1,2)])/par.din[1]
    y.units.1in <- diff(par.usr[c(3,4)])/par.din[2]
    aspect.ratio <- y.units.1in/x.units.1in
    # --- left area  -----------------------------------------------------------
    scatter.xlim <- c(max(plot.xlim[1], par.usr[1]), q[1])
    scatter.ylim <- c(0, par.usr[4])
    x <- seq(from=scatter.xlim[1], to=scatter.xlim[2], length=M)
    y <- seq(from=scatter.ylim[1], to=scatter.ylim[2], length=M)
    x.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), M)
    y.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), rep(M, M))
    grid.df <- f(x, theta)
    # Estimate mass center
    tmp.p <- seq(from=0, to=p[1], length=M0)
    tmp.x <- F.inv(tmp.p, theta)
    h <- f(tmp.x, theta)
    mass.center <- c(mean(tmp.x), sum(h[-1]*diff(tmp.x))/diff(range(tmp.x)))
    # Identify points under the curve
    # (to eliminate them from the list of candidates)
    gridpoint.under.the.curve <- y[y.grid.index] <= grid.df[x.grid.index]
    w <- which(gridpoint.under.the.curve)
    x <- x[x.grid.index]; y <- y[y.grid.index]
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    # Eliminate points to the right of the mode, if any
    w <- which(x>mode)
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    # Eliminate points for which the text would fall out of the plot area
    w <- which((par.usr[1]+str.width[1]) <= x & (y + str.height) <= par.usr[4])
    x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]
    # For each height, eliminate the closest point to the curve
    # (we want to stay away from the curve to preserve readability)
    w <- which(!duplicated(y, fromLast=T))
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    # For each point, compute distance from mass center and pick the closest point
    d <- ((x-mass.center[1])^2) + ((y-mass.center[2])/aspect.ratio)^2
    w <- which.min(d)
    x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]
    if (length(x))
      text(x, y, labels=p.string[1], adj=c(1,0), col='gray', cex=cex)
      text(plot.xlim[1], mean(par.usr[c(3,4)]), labels=p.string[1], 
           col='gray', cex=cex, srt=90, adj=c(1,0))
    # --- right area  ----------------------------------------------------------
    scatter.xlim <- c(q[2], plot.xlim[2])
    scatter.ylim <- c(0, par.usr[4])
    x <- seq(from=scatter.xlim[1], to=scatter.xlim[2], length=M)
    y <- seq(from=scatter.ylim[1], to=scatter.ylim[2], length=M)
    x.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), M)
    y.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), rep(M, M))
    grid.df <- f(x, theta)
    # Estimate mass center
    tmp.p <- seq(from=p[2], to=f.cum(plot.xlim[2], theta), length=M0)
    tmp.x <- F.inv(tmp.p, theta)
    h <- f(tmp.x, theta)
    mass.center <- c(mean(tmp.x), sum(h[-length(h)]*diff(tmp.x))/diff(range(tmp.x)))
    # Identify points under the curve
    # (to eliminate them from the list of candidates)
    gridpoint.under.the.curve <- y[y.grid.index] <= grid.df[x.grid.index]
    w <- which(gridpoint.under.the.curve)
    x <- x[x.grid.index]; y <- y[y.grid.index]
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    # Eliminate points to the left of the mode, if any
    w <- which(x<mode)
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    # Eliminate points for which the text would fall out of the plot area
    w <- which((par.usr[2]-str.width[2]) >= x & (y + str.height) <= par.usr[4])
    x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]
    # For each height, eliminate the closest point to the curve
    # (we want to stay away from the curve to preserve readability)
    w <- which(!duplicated(y))
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    # For each point, compute distance from mass center and pick the closest point
    d <- ((x-mass.center[1])^2) + ((y-mass.center[2])/aspect.ratio)^2
    w <- which.min(d)
    x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]
    if (length(x))
      text(x, y, labels=p.string[2], adj=c(0,0), col='gray', cex=cex)
      text(plot.xlim[2], mean(par.usr[c(3,4)]), labels=p.string[2], 
           col='gray', cex=cex, srt=-90, adj=c(1,0))
  # ......................................................................................................................................
  Newton.Raphson <- function(derivative.epsilon, precision, 
                             f.cum, p, q, theta.from.moments, 
                             start.with.normal.approx, start)
    Hessian <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)
    if (start.with.normal.approx)
      # Probably not a very good universal choice, 
      # but proved good in most cases in practice
      m <-  diff(q)/diff(p)*(0.5-p[1]) + q[1]
      v <- (diff(q)/diff(qnorm(p)))^2
      theta <- theta.from.moments(m, v)
    else theta <- start
    change <- precision + 1
    niter <- 0
    # Newton-Raphson multivariate algorithm
    while (max(abs(change)) > precision)
      Hessian[,1] <- (f.cum(q, theta) - f.cum(q, theta - 
                                                c(derivative.epsilon, 0))) / derivative.epsilon
      Hessian[,2] <- (f.cum(q, theta) - f.cum(q, theta -
                                                c(0, derivative.epsilon))) / derivative.epsilon
      f <- f.cum(q, theta) - p
      change <- solve(Hessian) %*% f
      last.theta <- theta
      theta <- last.theta - change
      # If we step out of limits, reduce change
      if (any(theta<0))
        k <- min(last.theta/change)
        theta <- last.theta - k/2*change
      niter <- niter + 1
    list(theta=as.vector(theta), niter=niter, last.change=as.vector(change))
  # ...............................................................................................................
  plot.density <- function(p, q, f, f.cum, F.inv, mode, theta, 
                           plot.xlim, dens.label, parms.names, cex)
    if (length(plot.xlim) == 0)
      plot.xlim <- F.inv(c(0, 1), theta)
      if (is.infinite(plot.xlim[1]))
        tmp <- min(c(0.001, p[1]/10))
        plot.xlim[1] <- F.inv(tmp, theta)
      if (is.infinite(plot.xlim[2]))
        tmp <- max(c(0.999, 1 - (1-p[2])/10))
        plot.xlim[2] <- F.inv(tmp, theta)
    plot.xlim <- sort(plot.xlim)
    x <- seq(from=min(plot.xlim), to=max(plot.xlim), length=1000)
    h <- f(x, theta)
    x0 <- x; f0 <- h
    ylab <- paste(c(dens.label, '(x, ', parms.names[1], ' = ', 
                    round(theta[1], digits=5), ', ', parms.names[2], ' = ', 
                    round(theta[2], digits=5), ')'), collapse='')
    plot(x, h, type='l', ylab=ylab)
    # fill in area on the left side of the distribution
    x <- seq(from=plot.xlim[1], to=q[1], length=1000)
    y <- f(x, theta)
    x <- c(x, q[1], plot.xlim[1]); y <- c(y, 0, 0)
    polygon(x, y, col='lightgrey', border='lightgray')
    # fill in area on the right side of the distribution
    x <- seq(from=max(plot.xlim), to=q[2], length=1000)
    y <- f(x, theta)
    x <- c(x, q[2], plot.xlim[2]); y <- c(y, 0, 0)
    polygon(x, y, col='lightgrey', border='lightgray')
    # draw distrn again
    points(x0, f0, type='l')
    h <- f(q, theta)
    points(rep(q[1], 2), c(0, h[1]), type='l', col='orange')
    points(rep(q[2], 2), c(0, h[2]), type='l', col='orange')
    # place text on both ends areas
    print.area.text(p, p.check, q, f, f.cum, F.inv, theta, mode, cex, plot.xlim)
    xaxp <- par("xaxp")
    x.ticks <- seq(from=xaxp[1], to=xaxp[2], length=xaxp[3]+1)
    q2print <- as.double(setdiff(as.character(q), as.character(x.ticks)))
    mtext(q2print, side=1, col='orange', at=q2print, cex=0.6, line=2.1)
    points(q, rep(par('usr')[3]+0.15*par('cxy')[2], 2), pch=17, col='orange')
  parms <- Newton.Raphson(derivative.epsilon, precision, f.cum, p, q, 
                    theta.from.moments, start.with.normal.approx, start=start)
  p.check <- f.cum(q, parms$theta)
  if (plot) plot.density(p, q, f, f.cum, F.inv, f.mode(parms$theta), 
                         parms$theta, plot.xlim, dens.label, parms.names, 0.8)
  list(a=parms$theta[1], b=parms$theta[2], last.change=parms$last.change, 
       niter=parms$niter, q=q, p=p, p.check=p.check)

#' Load or install a package
#'\code{load_or_install} checks if a package is installed, 
#' loads it if it is, and installs it if not. 
#' @param package_names A vector of package names
#' @param repos URL for downloading the packages. Default is
#' \url{http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/R/CRAN}
#' @references Credit: 
#'  \url{http://www.vikparuchuri.com/blog/loading-andor-installing-packages/}
#' @return No message if it successfully loads the specified packages; Error
#'  if such a package does not exist.
#' @export
load_or_install <- function(package_names,repos="http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/R/CRAN"){  
  is_installed <- function(mypkg) is.element(mypkg, installed.packages()[,1])  
  for(package_name in package_names)  

#' Convert \code{NULL} to zero.
#' \code{null_as_zero} make \code{NULL} to be zero. 
#' @param x A number (usually a member of a list) that might be \code{NULL}
#' @return A number
#' @export
null_as_zero <- function(x){
  if (is.null(x)){
  } else {

#' Stratification setup by covaraites
#' \code{set_strat} makes group indicators based on \code{model_options$X_reg_*}
#' @details the resuls from this function will help stratify etiology or FPR for
#' different strata; the ways of stratification for etiology and FPR can be based
#' on different covariates.
#' @param X   A data frame of covariates
#' @param X_reg The vector of covariates that will stratify the analyses. These
#' variables have to be categorical.
#' @return A list with following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{N_group} The number of groups
#' \item \code{group} A vector of group indicator for every observation
#' }
#' @export

set_strat <- function(X,X_reg){
  if (!is.data.frame(X)){
    stop("==X is not a data frame. Please transform it into a data frame.==")
  if (!all(X_reg%in%names(X))){
    stop("==",paste(X_reg,collapse=", ")," not in X ==")
  X_group        <- X[,X_reg,drop=FALSE]
  #   # dichotomize age variable:
  #   if ("AGECAT" %in% model_options$X_reg_Eti){
  #    X_group$AGECAT <- as.numeric(X_group$AGECAT > 1)+1
  #   }
  X_group$group_names <- apply(X_group,1,paste,collapse="&")
  X_group$ID          <- 1:nrow(X_group)
  form_agg <- as.formula(paste0("cbind(group_names,ID)~",
  grouping <- aggregate(form_agg,X_group,identity)
  ## temporary code to get the count of observations in each group:
  #form_agg2 <- as.formula(paste0("cbind(group_names,ID)~",
  #                              paste(c("Y",model_options$X_reg),collapse="+")))
  group_nm <- lapply(grouping$group_names,function(v) unique(as.character(v)))
  names(group_nm) <- 1:length(group_nm)
  X_group$grp <- rep(NA,nrow(X_group))
  for (l in seq_along(group_nm)){
    X_group$grp[unfactor(grouping$ID[[l]])] <- l
  group <- X_group$grp
  N_vec <- table(group)
  N_grp <- length(N_vec)
  list(N_grp = N_grp, group=group)

#' Check if covariates are discrete
#' \code{is_discrete} checks if the specified covariates could be regarded as discrete
#' variables. 
#' @details Note that this function should be used with caution. It used
#' \deqn{nrow(X)/nrow(unique(X[,X_reg,drop=FALSE]))>10} as an \emph{ad hoc} criterion.
#' It is not the same as \code{\link{is.discrete}}
#' @inheritParams set_strat
#' @return \code{TRUE} for discrete; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @export

is_discrete <- function(X,X_reg){
  if (!is.data.frame(X)){
    stop("==X is not a data frame. Please transform it into a data frame.==")
  if (!all(X_reg%in%names(X))){
    stop("==",paste(X_reg,collapse=", ")," not in X ==")

# is_discrete(X,"ENRLDATE")
# is_discrete(X,c("ENRLDATE","AGECAT"))
# is_discrete(X,c("HIV","AGECAT"))
# is_discrete(X,c("newSITE","AGECAT"))

#' Test for 'try-error' class
#' @param x An object to be test if it is "try-error"
#' @references  \url{http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Exceptions-Debugging.html}
#' @return Logical. \code{TRUE} for "try-error"; \code{FALSE} otherwise
#' @export
is.error <- function(x) inherits(x, "try-error")

#' Get unique month from Date
#' \code{unique_month} converts observed dates into unique months
#' to help visualize sampled months
#' @param Rdate standard date format in R
#' @return a vector of characters with \code{month-year}, e.g., \code{4-2012}.
#' @export
unique_month <- function(Rdate){

#' get symmetric difference of months from two vector of R-format dates
#' \code{sym_diff_month} evaluates the symmetric difference between two sets
#' of R-formated date
#' @param Rdate1,Rdate2 R-formated R dates. See \code{\link{as.Date}}
#' @return \code{NULL} if no difference; the set of different months otherwise.
#' @export
sym_diff_month <- function(Rdate1, Rdate2){
  month1 <- unique_month(Rdate1)
  month2 <- unique_month(Rdate1)
  symdiff <- function(x, y) {setdiff(union(x, y), intersect(x, y))}
  res <- symdiff(month1,month2)
  if (length(res)==0){
  #cat("==Different months for cases and controls: ", sym_diff_month ,"==")

#' Make FPR design matrix for dates with R format. 
#' \code{dm_Rdate_FPR} creates desigm matrices for false positive rate regressions.
#' @param Rdate a vector of dates of R format
#' @param Y binary case/control status; 1 for case; 0 for controls
#' @param effect The design matrix for "random" or "fixed" effect; Default
#' is "fixed". When specified as "fixed", it produces standardized R-format dates
#' using control's mean and standard deviation; When specified as "random", it produces
#' \code{num_knots_FPR} columns of design matrix for thin-plate regression splines (TPRS) fitting.
#' One needs both "fixed" and "random" in a FPR regression formula in \code{model_options} 
#' to enable TPRS fitting. For example, \code{model_options$X_reg_FPR} can be \cr
#' \cr
#' \code{~ AGECAT+HIV+dm_Rdate_FPR(ENRLDATE,Y,"fixed")+dm_Rdate_FPR(ENRLDATE,Y,"random",10)}\cr
#' \cr
#' means FPR regression with intercept, main effects for 'AGECAT' and 'HIV', and TPRS
#' bases for 'ENRLDATE' using 10 knots placed at 10 equal-probability-spaced sample quantiles.
#' @param num_knots_FPR number of knots for FPR regression; default is \code{NULL}
#' to accomodate fixed effect specification.
#' @seealso \code{\link{nplcm}}
#' @return Design matrix for FPR regression:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Z_FPR_ctrl} transformed design matrix for FPR regression for controls
#' \item \code{Z_FPR_case} transformed design matrix for borrowing FPR 
#' regression from controls to cases. It is obtained using control-standardation,
#' and square-root the following matrix (\eqn{\Omega}]) with (\eqn{j_1},\eqn{j_2}) element being
#' \deqn{\Omega_{j_1j_2}=\|knots_{j_1}-knots_{j_2}\|^3}.
#' }
#' @export
dm_Rdate_FPR <- function(Rdate,Y,effect="fixed",num_knots_FPR=NULL){
  if (is.null(num_knots_FPR) & effect=="random"){
    stop("==Please specify number of knots for FPR in thin-plate regression spline using 'num_knots_FPR'.==")
  if (!is.null(num_knots_FPR) & effect=="fixed"){
    stop("==Don't need 'num_knots_FPR' for fixed effects.==")
  }# standardization:
  df    <- data.frame(Y=Y,num_date = as.numeric(Rdate))
  grp_mean <- c(mean(df$num_date[Y==0]),mean(df$num_date[Y==1]))
  grp_sd <- c(sd(df$num_date[Y==0]),sd(df$num_date[Y==1]))
  df$ingrp_std_num_date <- (df$num_date - grp_mean[df$Y+1])/grp_sd[df$Y+1]
  #outgrp_std_num_date standardizes the cases' dates using controls' mean and sd:
  df$outgrp_std_num_date <- (df$num_date - grp_mean[1])/grp_sd[1]
  df$outgrp_std_num_date[df$Y==0] <- NA
  if (effect == "random"){
      # for FPR regression in controls:
      ctrl_ingrp_std_num_date <- df$ingrp_std_num_date[df$Y==0]
      knots_FPR <- quantile(unique(ctrl_ingrp_std_num_date), 
      Z_K_FPR_ctrl <- (abs(outer(ctrl_ingrp_std_num_date,knots_FPR,"-")))^3
      OMEGA_all_ctrl <- (abs(outer(knots_FPR,knots_FPR,"-")))^3
      svd.OMEGA_all_ctrl <-  svd(OMEGA_all_ctrl)
      sqrt.OMEGA_all_ctrl<-  t(svd.OMEGA_all_ctrl$v %*% (t(svd.OMEGA_all_ctrl$u)*sqrt(svd.OMEGA_all_ctrl$d)))
      Z_FPR_ctrl<-  t(solve(sqrt.OMEGA_all_ctrl,t(Z_K_FPR_ctrl)))
      # for borrowing FPR regression from controls to cases:
      case_outgrp_std_num_date <- df$outgrp_std_num_date[df$Y==1]
      Z_K_FPR_case <- (abs(outer(case_outgrp_std_num_date,knots_FPR,"-")))^3
      Z_FPR_case <- t(solve(sqrt.OMEGA_all_ctrl,t(Z_K_FPR_case)))
      ind <- which(Y==1)
      res <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(Y),ncol=ncol(Z_FPR_case))
      res[ind,] <- Z_FPR_case
      res[-ind,] <- Z_FPR_ctrl
  if (effect == "fixed"){
    ind <- which(Y==1)
    res <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(Y),ncol=1)
    res[ind,1] <- df$outgrp_std_num_date[ind]
    res[-ind,1] <- df$ingrp_std_num_date[-ind]

#' Make etiology design matrix for dates with R format. 
#' \code{dm_Rdate_Eti} creates desigm matrices for etiology regressions.
#' @param Rdate a vector of dates of R format
#' @param Y binary case/control status; 1 for case; 0 for controls
#' @param num_knots_Eti number of knots for etiology regression
#' @param basis_Eti the type of basis functions to use for etiology regression. It can be "ncs" (natural
#' cubic splines) or "tprs" (thin-plate regression splines). Default is "ncs". "tprs"
#' will be implemented later.
#' @details It is used in \code{model_options$X_reg_Eti}. For example, one can specify
#' it as: \cr
#' \cr
#' \code{~ AGECAT+HIV+dm_Rdate_Eti(ENRLDATE,Y,5)} \cr
#' \cr
#' to call an etiology regression with intercept, main effects for 'AGECAT' and 'HIV', and
#' natual cubic spline bases for 'ENRLDATE' using 5 knots defined as 5 equal-probability-spaced
#' sample quantiles.
#' @seealso \code{\link{nplcm}}
#' @return Design matrix for etiology regression:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Z_Eti} transformed design matrix for etiology regression
#' }
#' @export
dm_Rdate_Eti <- function(Rdate,Y,num_knots_Eti,basis_Eti = "ncs" ){
#       #
#       # test:
#       #
#       Rdate <- data_nplcm$X$ENRLDATE
#       Y <- data_nplcm$Y
#       num_knots_Eti <- 5
#       basis_Eti = "ncs"
#       #
#       #
#       #
  # standardization:
  df    <- data.frame(Y=Y,num_date = as.numeric(Rdate))
  grp_mean <- c(mean(df$num_date[Y==0]),mean(df$num_date[Y==1]))
  grp_sd <- c(sd(df$num_date[Y==0]),sd(df$num_date[Y==1]))
  df$ingrp_std_num_date <- (df$num_date - grp_mean[df$Y+1])/grp_sd[df$Y+1]
  #outgrp_std_num_date standardizes the cases' dates using controls' mean and sd:
  df$outgrp_std_num_date <- (df$num_date - grp_mean[1])/grp_sd[1]
  df$outgrp_std_num_date[df$Y==0] <- NA
  if (basis_Eti=="ncs"){
    # for etiology regression:
    case_ingrp_std_num_date <- df$ingrp_std_num_date[df$Y==1]
    Z_Eti <- splines::ns(case_ingrp_std_num_date,df=num_knots_Eti)
  if (basis_Eti=="tprs"){
    stop("==Under development. Please contact maintainer. Thanks.==")
    # for etiology regression:
    case_ingrp_std_num_date <- df$ingrp_std_num_date[df$Y==1]
    knots_Eti <- quantile(unique(case_ingrp_std_num_date), 
    Z_K_Eti <- (abs(outer(case_ingrp_std_num_date,knots_Eti,"-")))^3
    OMEGA_all_Eti <- (abs(outer(knots_Eti,knots_Eti,"-")))^3
    svd.OMEGA_all_Eti <- svd(OMEGA_all_Eti)
    sqrt.OMEGA_all_Eti<- t(svd.OMEGA_all_Eti$v %*% (t(svd.OMEGA_all_Eti$u)*sqrt(svd.OMEGA_all_Eti$d)))
    Z_Eti  <- t(solve(sqrt.OMEGA_all_Eti,t(Z_K_Eti)))
  ind <- which(Y==1)
  res <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(Y),ncol=ncol(Z_Eti))
  res[ind,]  <- Z_Eti

#' create regressor summation equation used in regression for FPR
#' \code{create_bugs_regressor_FPR} creates linear product of coefficients
#' and a row of design matrix used in regression
#' @param n the length of coefficients
#' @param dm_nm name of design matrix; default \code{"dm_FPR"}
#' @param b_nm name of the coefficients; defaul \code{"b"}
#' @param ind_nm name of the coefficient iterator; default \code{"j"}
#' @param sub_ind_nm name of the subject iterator; default \code{"k"}
#' @return a character string with linear product form
#' @export

create_bugs_regressor_FPR <- function(n,dm_nm="dm_FPR",
                                  sub_ind_nm = "k"){
  summand  <- rep(NA,n)
  for (i in 1:n){
    summand[i] <- paste0(b_nm,"[",ind_nm,",",i,"]*",

#' create regressor summation equation used in regression for etiology
#' \code{create_bugs_regressor_Eti} creates linear product of coefficients
#' and a row of design matrix used in regression
#' @param n the length of coefficients
#' @param dm_nm name of design matrix; default \code{"dm_Eti"}
#' @param b_nm name of the coefficients; defaul \code{"betaEti"}
#' @param ind_nm name of the coefficient iterator; default \code{"j"}
#' @param sub_ind_nm name of the subject iterator; default \code{"k"}
#' @return a character string with linear product form
#' @export
create_bugs_regressor_Eti <- function(n,dm_nm="dm_Eti",
                                      sub_ind_nm = "k"){
  summand  <- rep(NA,n)
  for (i in 1:n){
    summand[i] <- paste0(b_nm,"[",ind_nm,",",i,"]*",

#' Deletes a pattern from the start of a string, or each of a vector of strings.
#' \code{delete_start_with} is used for clean the column names in raw data. 
#' For example, R adds "X" at the start of variable names. This function deletes 
#' "X_"s from the column names. This can happen if the raw data have column
#' names such as "\code{_CASE_ABX}".
#' @param s the pattern (a single string) to be deleted from the start. 
#' @param vec a vector of strings with unwanted starting strings (specified by \code{s}).
#' @return string(s) with deleted patterns from the start. 
#' @examples
#' delete_start_with("X_",c("X_hello"))
#' delete_start_with("X_",c("X_hello","hello2"))
#' delete_start_with("X_",c("X_hello","hello2","X_hello3"))
#' @export

delete_start_with = function(s,vec){
  ind = grep(s,substring(vec,1,nchar(s)))
  old = vec[ind]
  vec[ind] = substring(old,nchar(s)+1)

#' Takes any number of R objects as arguments and returns a list whose names are 
#' derived from the names of the R objects. 
#' Roger Peng's listlabeling challenge from
#' \url{http://simplystatistics.tumblr.com/post/11988685443/computing-on-the-language}.
#' Code copied from \url{https://gist.github.com/ajdamico/1329117/0134148987859856fcecbe4446cfd37e500e4272}
#' @param ... any R objects
#' @return a list as described above
#' @examples
#' #create three example variables for a list
#' x <- 1
#' y <- 2
#' z <- "hello"
#' #display the results
#' makeList( x , y , z )
#' @export

#create the function
make_list <- function(...) {
  #put all values into a list
  argument_values <- list(...)
  #save all argument names into another list
  argument_names <- as.list(sys.call())
  #cycle through the first list and label with the second, ignoring the function itself
  for ( i in 2:length(argument_names) ){
    names(argument_values)[i-1] <- argument_names[i]
  #return the newly-labeled function
zhenkewu/nplcm documentation built on May 4, 2019, 10:19 p.m.