
Defines functions liftOver convertProbeID mLiftOver

Documented in convertProbeID liftOver mLiftOver

#' Lift over beta values or SigDFs to another Infinium platform
#' This function wraps ID conversion and provide optional
#' imputation functionality.
#' @param x either named beta value (vector or matrix), probe IDs
#' or SigDF(s)
#' if input is a matrix, probe IDs should be in the row names
#' if input is a numeric vector, probe IDs should be in the vector
#' names.
#' If input is a character vector, the input will be
#' considered probe IDs.
#' @param target_platform the platform to take the data to
#' @param source_platform optional information of the source data
#' platform (when there might be ambiguity).
#' @param BPPARAM use MulticoreParam(n) for parallel processing
#' @param mapping a liftOver mapping file. Typically this file
#' contains empirical evidence whether a probe mapping is reliable.
#' If given, probe ID-based mapping will be skipped. This is to
#' perform more stringent probe ID mapping.
#' @param impute whether to impute or not, default is FALSE
#' @param sd_max the maximum standard deviation for filtering low
#' confidence imputation.
#' @param celltype the cell type / tissue context of imputation,
#' if not given, will use nearest neighbor to find out.
#' @param ... extra arguments, see ?convertProbeID
#' @return imputed data, vector, matrix, SigDF(s)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sesameDataCache()
#' ## lift SigDF
#' sdf = sesameDataGet("EPICv2.8.SigDF")[["GM12878_206909630042_R08C01"]]
#' dim(mLiftOver(sdf, "EPICv2"))
#' dim(mLiftOver(sdf, "EPIC"))
#' dim(mLiftOver(sdf, "HM450"))
#' sdfs = sesameDataGet("EPICv2.8.SigDF")[1:2]
#' sdfs_hm450 = mLiftOver(sdfs, "HM450")
#' ## parallel processing
#' sdfs_hm450 = mLiftOver(sdfs, "HM450", BPPARAM=BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(2))
#' sdf = sesameDataGet("EPIC.5.SigDF.normal")[[1]]
#' dim(mLiftOver(sdf, "EPICv2"))
#' dim(mLiftOver(sdf, "EPIC"))
#' dim(mLiftOver(sdf, "HM450"))
#' sdf = sesameDataGet("HM450.10.SigDF")[[1]]
#' dim(mLiftOver(sdf, "EPICv2"))
#' dim(mLiftOver(sdf, "EPIC"))
#' dim(mLiftOver(sdf, "HM450"))
#' ## lift beta values
#' betas = openSesame(sesameDataGet("EPICv2.8.SigDF")[[1]])
#' betas_hm450 = mLiftOver(betas, "HM450", impute=TRUE)
#' length(betas_hm450)
#' sum(is.na(betas_hm450))
#' betas_hm450 <- mLiftOver(betas, "HM450", impute=FALSE)
#' length(betas_hm450)
#' sum(is.na(betas_hm450))
#' betas_epic1 <- mLiftOver(betas, "EPIC", impute=TRUE)
#' length(betas_epic1)
#' sum(is.na(betas_epic1))
#' betas_epic1 <- mLiftOver(betas, "EPIC", impute=FALSE)
#' length(betas_epic1)
#' sum(is.na(betas_epic1))
#' betas_matrix = openSesame(sesameDataGet("EPICv2.8.SigDF")[1:4])
#' dim(betas_matrix)
#' betas_matrix_hm450 = mLiftOver(betas_matrix, "HM450", impute=T)
#' dim(betas_matrix_hm450)
#' ## parallel processing
#' betas_matrix_hm450 = mLiftOver(betas_matrix, "HM450", impute=T,
#' BPPARAM=BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(4))
#' ## use empirical evidence in mLiftOver
#' mapping = sesameDataGet("liftOver.EPICv2ToEPIC")
#' betas_matrix = openSesame(sesameDataGet("EPICv2.8.SigDF")[1:4])
#' dim(mLiftOver(betas_matrix, "EPIC", mapping = mapping))
#' ## compare to without using empirical evidence
#' dim(mLiftOver(betas_matrix, "EPIC"))
#' betas <- c("cg04707299"=0.2, "cg13380562"=0.9, "cg00000103"=0.1)
#' head(mLiftOver(betas, "HM450", impute=TRUE))
#' betas <- c("cg00004963_TC21"=0, "cg00004963_TC22"=0.5, "cg00004747_TC21"=1.0)
#' betas_hm450 <- mLiftOver(betas, "HM450", impute=TRUE)
#' head(na.omit(mLiftOver(betas, "HM450", impute=FALSE)))
#' ## lift probe IDs
#' cg_epic2 = names(sesameData_getManifestGRanges("EPICv2"))
#' head(mLiftOver(cg_epic2, "HM450"))
#' cg_epic2 = grep("cg", names(sesameData_getManifestGRanges("EPICv2")), value=T)
#' head(mLiftOver(cg_epic2, "HM450"))
#' cg_hm450 = grep("cg", names(sesameData_getManifestGRanges("HM450")), value=T)
#' head(mLiftOver(cg_hm450, "EPICv2"))
#' rs_epic2 = grep("rs", names(sesameData_getManifestGRanges("EPICv2")), value=T)
#' head(mLiftOver(rs_epic2, "HM450", source_platform="EPICv2"))
#' probes_epic2 = names(sesameData_getManifestGRanges("EPICv2"))
#' head(mLiftOver(probes_epic2, "EPIC"))
#' head(mLiftOver(probes_epic2, "EPIC", target_uniq = TRUE))
#' head(mLiftOver(probes_epic2, "EPIC", include_new = FALSE))
#' head(mLiftOver(probes_epic2, "EPIC", include_old = FALSE))
#' head(mLiftOver(probes_epic2, "EPIC", return_mapping=TRUE))
#' }
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @export
mLiftOver <- function(x,
    target_platform, source_platform=NULL, BPPARAM=SerialParam(),
    mapping=NULL, impute=FALSE, sd_max = 999, celltype="Blood", ...) {

    if (is.numeric(x)) {
        if (is.matrix(x)) {
            betas <- do.call(cbind, bplapply(seq_len(ncol(x)), function(i) {
                mLiftOver(x[,i], target_platform,
                    source_platform = source_platform,
                    mapping = mapping, impute = impute,
                    sd_max = sd_max, celltype = celltype)}, BPPARAM=BPPARAM))
            colnames(betas) <- colnames(x)
        } else {
            mapping <- convertProbeID(names(x),
                target_platform, source_platform,
                mapping = mapping, return_mapping = TRUE, include_new = TRUE)
            betas <- setNames(x[mapping$ID_source], mapping$ID_target)
            if (impute) {
                betas <- imputeBetas(betas, target_platform,
                    celltype = celltype, sd_max = sd_max)
    } else if (is(x, "SigDF")) {
        mapping <- convertProbeID(
            x$Probe_ID, target_platform, source_platform,
            return_mapping = TRUE,
            target_uniq = TRUE, include_new = TRUE)
        x2 <- x[match(mapping$ID_source, x$Probe_ID),]
        x2$Probe_ID <- mapping$ID_target
        x2 <- x2[order(x2$Probe_ID),]
        x2$mask[is.na(x2$mask)] <- TRUE
        rownames(x2) <- NULL
        attr(x2, "platform") <- target_platform
    } else if (is.character(x)) {
        convertProbeID(x, target_platform, source_platform, ...)
    } else if (is.list(x) && is(x[[1]], "SigDF")) {
        bplapply(x, mLiftOver, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, target_platform,
            source_platform = source_platform, mapping = mapping,
            impute = impute, sd_max = sd_max, celltype = celltype, ...)

#' Convert Probe ID
#' @param x source probe IDs
#' @param target_platform the platform to take the data to
#' @param source_platform optional source platform
#' @param mapping a liftOver mapping file. Typically this file
#' contains empirical evidence whether a probe mapping is reliable.
#' If given, probe ID-based mapping will be skipped. This is to
#' perform more stringent probe ID mapping.
#' @param target_uniq whether the target Probe ID should be kept unique.
#' @param include_new if true, include mapping of added probes
#' @param include_old if true, include mapping of deleted probes
#' @param return_mapping return mapping table, instead of the target IDs.
#' @return mapped probe IDs, or mapping table if return_mapping = T
#' @importFrom dplyr full_join
#' @importFrom dplyr distinct
#' @importFrom stats setNames
convertProbeID <- function(
    x, target_platform, source_platform = NULL, mapping = NULL,
    target_uniq = TRUE, include_new = FALSE, include_old = FALSE,
    return_mapping = FALSE) {

    if (is.null(mapping)) {
        source_platform <- sesameData_check_platform(source_platform, x)
        dfs <- tibble(ID_source = x)
        dft <- tibble(
            ID_target = sesameDataGet(sprintf(
                "%s.address", target_platform))$ordering$Probe_ID)
        if (target_platform %in% c("EPIC", "HM450", "HM27") &&
            source_platform %in% c("EPICv2", "MSA")) {
            dfs$prefix <- vapply(
                strsplit(dfs$ID_source, "_"), function(xx) xx[1], character(1))
            dft$prefix <- dft$ID_target
        } else if (target_platform %in% c("EPICv2", "MSA") &&
                   source_platform %in% c("EPIC", "HM450", "HM27")) {
            dfs$prefix <- dfs$ID_source
            dft$prefix <- vapply(
                strsplit(dft$ID_target, "_"), function(xx) xx[1], character(1))
        } else {
            dfs$prefix <- dfs$ID_source
            dft$prefix <- dft$ID_target
        mapping <- dplyr::full_join(dfs, dft, by="prefix")
    if (target_uniq) {
        m <- dplyr::distinct(mapping, .data[["ID_target"]], .keep_all = TRUE)
        mapping <- rbind(

    if (!include_new) { mapping <- mapping[!is.na(mapping$ID_source),] }
    if (!include_old) { mapping <- mapping[!is.na(mapping$ID_target),] }
    if (return_mapping) {
    } else {
        stats::setNames(mapping$ID_target, mapping$ID_source)

#' liftOver, see mLiftOver (renamed)
#' @param ... see mLiftOver
#' @return imputed data, vector, matrix, SigDF(s)
#' @export
liftOver <- function(...) { mLiftOver(...) }
zwdzwd/sesame documentation built on June 24, 2024, 6:34 p.m.