
Defines functions SS_output

Documented in SS_output

SS_output <-
  function(dir="C:/myfiles/mymodels/myrun/", model="ss3",
           repfile="Report.sso", compfile="CompReport.sso",covarfile="covar.sso",
           forefile="Forecast-report.sso", wtfile="wtatage.ss_new",
           ncols=200, forecast=TRUE, warn=TRUE, covar=TRUE, readwt=TRUE,
           checkcor=TRUE, cormax=0.95, cormin=0.01, printhighcor=10, printlowcor=10,
           verbose=TRUE, printstats=TRUE,hidewarn=FALSE, NoCompOK=FALSE,
  # SS_output
  # This function comes with no warranty or guarantee of accuracy
  # Purpose: To import content from Stock Synthesis model run.
  # Written: Ian Stewart, NWFSC. Ian.Stewart-at-noaa.gov
  #          Ian Taylor, NWFSC/UW. Ian.Taylor-at-noaa.gov
  #          and other contributors to http://code.google.com/p/r4ss/
  # Returns: a list containing elements of Report.sso and/or covar.sso,
  #          formatted as R objects, and optional summary statistics to R console


  ## embedded functions: emptytest, matchfun and matchfun2

  emptytest <- function(x){ sum(!is.na(x) & x=="")/length(x) }

  matchfun <- function(string, obj=rawrep[,1], substr1=TRUE)
    # return a line number from the report file (or other file)
    # sstr controls whether to compare subsets or the whole line
    match(string, if(substr1){substring(obj,1,nchar(string))}else{obj} )

  matchfun2 <- function(string1,adjust1,string2,adjust2,cols="nonblank",matchcol1=1,matchcol2=1,
    # return a subset of values from the report file (or other file)
    # subset is defined by character strings at the start and end, with integer
    # adjustments of the number of lines to above/below the two strings
    line1 <- match(string1,if(substr1){substring(objmatch[,matchcol1],1,nchar(string1))}else{objmatch[,matchcol1]})
    line2 <- match(string2,if(substr2){substring(objmatch[,matchcol2],1,nchar(string2))}else{objmatch[,matchcol2]})
    if(is.na(line1) | is.na(line2)) return("absent")

    if(is.numeric(cols))    out <- objsubset[(line1+adjust1):(line2+adjust2),cols]
    if(cols[1]=="all")      out <- objsubset[(line1+adjust1):(line2+adjust2),]
      # returns only columns that contain at least one non-empty value
      out <- objsubset[(line1+adjust1):(line2+adjust2),]
      out <- out[,apply(out,2,emptytest) < 1]
    if(header && nrow(out)>0){
      out[1,out[1,]==""] <- "NoName"
      names(out) <- out[1,]
      out <- out[-1,]

  # get info on output files created by Stock Synthesis
  shortrepfile <- repfile
  repfile <- file.path(dir,repfile)

  parfile <- dir(dir,pattern=".par$")
    filetimes <- file.info(file.path(dir,parfile))$mtime
    parfile <- parfile[filetimes==max(filetimes)][1]
    if(verbose) cat("Multiple files in directory match pattern *.par\n",
                    "choosing most recently modified:",parfile,"\n")
    if(!hidewarn) cat("Some stats skipped because the .par file not found:\n  ",parfile,"\n")
    parfile <- NA
    parfile <- file.path(dir,parfile)

  # read three rows to get start time and version number from rep file
      if(verbose) cat("Getting header info from:\n  ",repfile,"\n")
      stop("report file is empty: ",repfile)
    stop("can't find report file: ",repfile)
  rephead <- readLines(con=repfile,n=15)

  # warn if SS version used to create rep file is too old or too new for this code
  # note: SS_versionCode is new with V3.20
  # perhaps in the future we will use it to replace SS_versionshort throughout r4ss?
  SS_versionCode <- rephead[grep("#V",rephead)]
  SS_version <- rephead[grep("Stock_Synthesis",rephead)]
  SS_version <- SS_version[substring(SS_version,1,2)!="#C"] # remove any version numbering in the comments
  SS_versionshort <- toupper(substr(SS_version,1,8))
  SS_versionNumeric <- as.numeric(substring(SS_versionshort,5))
  # rough limits on compatibility of this code
  SS_versionMax <- 3.24
  SS_versionMin <- 3.21 # a stab in the dark at which versions still work

  # test for version compatibility with this code
  if(SS_versionNumeric < SS_versionMin  | SS_versionNumeric > SS_versionMax){
    cat("\n! Warning, this function tested on SS-V",SS_versionMin," through SS-V",SS_versionMax,".\n",
        "  you are using ",substr(SS_version,1,9)," which MIGHT NOT WORK with this R code.\n\n",sep="")
    cat("! Warning, this function tested on SS-V",SS_versionMin," through SS-V",SS_versionMax,".\n",
        "  you are using ",substr(SS_version,1,9)," which SHOULD work with this R code.\n",sep="")

  findtime <- function(lines){
    # quick function to get model start time from SS output files
    time <- strsplit(lines[grep("ime",lines)],"ime: ")[[1]]
    if(length(time)<2) return() else return(time[2])
  repfiletime <- findtime(rephead)
  if(verbose) cat("Report file time:",repfiletime,"\n")

  corfile <- NA
    # .cor file
      corfile <- sub(".par",".cor",parfile,fixed=TRUE)
        cat("Some stats skipped because the .cor file not found:",corfile,"\n")
        corfile <- NA
    # CoVar.sso file
    covarfile <- file.path(dir,covarfile)
      stop("covar file not found. Change input to covar=FALSE, or modify 'covarfile' input.\n")

    # time check for CoVar file
    covarhead <- readLines(con=covarfile,n=10)
    covarskip <- grep("active-i",covarhead)-1
    covartime <- findtime(covarhead)
    # the conversion to R time class below may no longer be necessary as strings should match
    if(is.null(covartime) || is.null(repfiletime)){
      cat("problem comparing the file creation times:\n")
      cat("  Report.sso:",repfiletime,"\n")
      cat("  covar.sso:",covartime,"\n")
      if( covartime != repfiletime){
        cat("covar time:",covartime,"\n")
        stop(shortrepfile," and ",covarfile," were from different model runs. Change input to covar=FALSE")
    # covar file exists, but has problems
    nowrite <- grep("do not write",covarhead)
      stop("problem with covar file: file contains the warning\n",
           "Change input to covar=FALSE, or modify 'covarfile' input.\n",sep="")

  # time check for CompReport file
  compfile <- file.path(dir,compfile)
    comphead <- readLines(con=compfile,n=30)
    compskip <- grep("Composition_Database",comphead)
    # compend value helps diagnose when no comp data exists in CompReport.sso file.
    compend <- grep(" end ",comphead)
    if(length(compend)==0) compend <- 999
    comptime <- findtime(comphead)
    if(is.null(comptime) || is.null(repfiletime)){
      cat("problem comparing the file creation times:\n")
      cat("  Report.sso:",repfiletime,"\n")
      cat("  CompReport.sso:",comptime,"\n")
      if(comptime != repfiletime){
        cat("CompReport time:",comptime,"\n")
        stop(shortrepfile," and ",compfile," were from different model runs.")
    comp <- TRUE
    if(!NoCompOK) stop("Missing ",compfile,
                       ". Change the compfile input or rerun model to get the file.\n",sep="")
    else comp <- FALSE

  # read report file
  if(verbose) cat("Reading full report file\n")
  rawrep <- read.table(file=repfile,col.names=1:ncols,fill=TRUE,quote="",

  # Ian T.: if the read.table command above had "blank.lines.skip=TRUE" then blank lines could play a role in parsing the report file

  # check empty columns
  nonblanks <- apply(rawrep,2,emptytest) < 1
  maxnonblank = max(0,(1:ncols)[nonblanks==TRUE])
    stop("all columns are used and some data may been missed,\n",
         "  increase 'ncols' input above current value (ncols=",ncols,")")
    if((maxnonblank+1)==ncols) cat("Got all columns.\n")
    if((maxnonblank+1)<ncols) cat("Got all columns. To speed code, use ncols=",maxnonblank+1," in the future.\n",sep="")
    cat("Got Report file\n")

  # read forecast report file
    forecastname <- file.path(dir,forefile)
    temp <- file.info(forecastname)$size
    if(is.na(temp) | temp==0){
      stop("Forecase-report.sso file is empty.\n",
           "Change input to 'forecast=FALSE' or rerun model with forecast turned on.")
    # read the file
    rawforecast1 <- read.table(file=forecastname,col.names=1:ncols,fill=TRUE,quote="",colClasses="character",nrows=-1)
    sprtarg <- as.numeric(rawforecast1[matchfun("SPR_target",rawforecast1[,1]),2])
    btarg   <- as.numeric(rawforecast1[matchfun("Btarget",rawforecast1[,1]),2])
    endyield <- matchfun("MSY_not_calculated",rawforecast1[,1])
    if(is.na(endyield)) yesMSY <- TRUE else yesMSY <- FALSE
    if(yesMSY) endyield <- matchfun("findFmsy",rawforecast1[,10])
    if(verbose) cat("Got forecast file\n")

    # this section on equilibrium yield moved to Report.sso on Jan 6
    startline <- matchfun("profile",rawforecast1[,11])
    if(!is.na(startline)){ # before the Jan 6 fix to benchmarks
      yieldraw <- rawforecast1[(startline+1):endyield,]
      yieldraw <- matchfun2("SPR/YPR_Profile",1,"Dynamic_Bzero",-2)
      # note: section with "Dynamic_Bzero" is missing before Hessian is run or skipped
      cat("!warning: Report.sso appears to be early version from before Hessian was estimated.\n",
          "         equilibrium yield estimates not included in output.\n")
      yieldraw <- NA
      yielddat <- NA
        yielddat <- yieldraw[c(2:(as.numeric(length(yieldraw[,1])-1))),c(4,7)]
        colnames(yielddat) <- c("Catch","Depletion")
        names <- yieldraw[1,1:9]
        names[names=="SSB/Bzero"] <- "Depletion"
        yielddat <- yieldraw[c(2:(as.numeric(length(yieldraw[,1])-1))),1:9]
        names(yielddat) <- names #colnames(yielddat) <- c("Catch","Depletion","YPR")
      for(icol in 1:ncol(yielddat)){
        yielddat[,icol] <- as.numeric(yielddat[,icol])
      yielddat <- yielddat[order(yielddat$Depletion,decreasing = FALSE),]
      cat("You skipped the forecast file\n",
          "  setting SPR target and Biomass target to -999\n",
          "  lines won't be drawn for these targets\n",
          "  (can replace or override in SS_plots by setting 'sprtarg' and 'btarg')\n")
    sprtarg <- -999
    btarg <- -999
  minbthresh <- -999
  if(!is.na(btarg) & btarg==0.4){
      cat("Setting minimum biomass threshhold to 0.25\n",
          "  based on US west coast assumption associated with biomass target of 0.4.\n",
          "  (can replace or override in SS_plots by setting 'minbthresh')\n")
    minbthresh <- 0.25 # west coast assumption for non flatfish
  if(!is.na(btarg) & btarg==0.25){
      cat("Setting minimum biomass threshhold to 0.25\n",
          "  based on US west coast assumption associated with flatfish target of 0.25.\n",
          "  (can replace or override in SS_plots by setting 'minbthresh')\n")
    minbthresh <- 0.125 # west coast assumption for flatfish

  # check for use of temporary files
  logfile <- dir(dir,pattern=".log$")
  logfile <- logfile[logfile != "fmin.log"]
    filetimes <- file.info(file.path(dir,logfile))$mtime
    logfile <- logfile[filetimes==max(filetimes)]
    if(verbose) cat("Multiple files in directory match pattern *.log\n",
                    "choosing most recently modified file:",logfile,"\n")
  if(length(logfile)==1 && file.info(file.path(dir,logfile))$size>0){
    logfile <- read.table(file.path(dir,logfile))[,c(4,6)]
    names(logfile) <- c("TempFile","Size")
    maxtemp <- max(logfile$Size)
      if(verbose) cat("Got log file. There were NO temporary files were written in this run.\n")
        cat("!warning: temporary files were written in this run:\n")
    logfile <- NA
    if(verbose) cat("No non-empty log file in directory or too many files matching pattern *.log\n")

  # read warnings file
    warnname <- file.path(dir,"warning.sso")
      cat("warning.sso file not found\n")
      nwarn <- NA
      warn <- NA
      warn <- readLines(warnname,warn=FALSE)
      warnstring <- warn[grep("N warnings: ",warn)]
        nwarn <- as.numeric(strsplit(warnstring,"N warnings: ")[[1]][2])
        textblock <- c(paste("were", nwarn, "warnings"),paste("was", nwarn, "warning"))[1+(nwarn==1)]
        if(verbose) cat("Got warning file.\n",
                        " There", textblock, "in", warnname,"\n")
        cat("warning.sso file is missing the string 'N warnings'!\n")
        nwarn <- NA
    if(verbose) cat("You skipped the warnings file\n")
    nwarn <- NA
  if(verbose) cat("Finished reading files\n")

  # positions of timeseries section
  begin <- matchfun("TIME_SERIES")+2
  end  <- matchfun("SPR_series")-1

  # selectivity read first because it was used to get fleet info
  # this can be moved to join rest of selex stuff after SSv3.11 not supported any more
  selex <- matchfun2("LEN_SELEX",6,"AGE_SELEX",-1,header=TRUE)
  for(icol in (1:ncol(selex))[!(names(selex) %in% c("Factor","label"))]) selex[,icol] <- as.numeric(selex[,icol])

  ### DEFINITIONS section (new in SSv3.20)
    nfleets <- length(unique(selex$Fleet))
    nfishfleets <- max(selex$Fleet[selex$Factor=="Ret"])
    FleetNames <- matchfun2("FleetNames",1,"FleetNames",nfleets,cols=2)
    ## fleet_area <- NA
    ## catch_units <- NA
    ## catch_error <- NA
    ## survey_units <- NA
    ## survey_error <- NA
    ## FishFleet <- NA
    nseasons <- max(as.numeric(rawrep[(begin+3):end,4]))
    seasdurations <- 1/nseasons
    seasfracs <- (0:(nseasons-1))/nseasons # only true of all equal in length
    # version 3.20-3.24
    rawdefs <- matchfun2("DEFINITIONS",1,"LIKELIHOOD",-1)
    # get season stuff
    nseasons <- as.numeric(rawdefs[1,2])
    seasdurations <- as.numeric(rawdefs[3,1+1:nseasons])
    seasfracs <- round(12*cumsum(seasdurations))/12
    seasfracs <- seasfracs - seasdurations/2 # should be mid-point of each season as a fraction of the year
    # get fleet info
    defs <- rawdefs[-(1:3),apply(rawdefs[-(1:3),],2,emptytest)<1]
    defs[defs==""] <- NA
    lab <- defs$X1
    fleet_ID    <- as.numeric(defs[grep("fleet_ID",lab),-1])
    names(defs) <- c("Label",paste("Fleet",fleet_ID,sep=""))
    FleetNames <- as.character(defs[grep("fleet_names",lab),-1])
    fleet_area  <- as.numeric(defs[grep("fleet_area",lab),-1])
    catch_units <- as.numeric(defs[grep("Catch_units",lab),-1])
    catch_error <- as.numeric(defs[grep("Catch_error",lab),-1])
    survey_units <- as.numeric(defs[grep("Survey_units",lab),-1])
    survey_error <- as.numeric(defs[grep("Survey_error",lab),-1])
    FishFleet   <- !is.na(catch_units)
    nfleets <- length(FleetNames)
    nfishfleets <- sum(FishFleet)
  # more dimensions
  nsexes <- length(unique(as.numeric(selex$gender)))
  nareas <- max(as.numeric(rawrep[begin:end,1]))
  startyr <- min(as.numeric(rawrep[begin:end,2]))+2  # this is the 'initial' year not including
  temptime <- rawrep[begin:end,2:3]
  endyr <- max(as.numeric(temptime[temptime[,2]=="TIME",1])) # this is the beginning of the last year of the normal timeseries
  tempaccu <- as.character(rawrep[matchfun("Natural_Mortality")+1,-(1:5)])
  accuage <- max(as.numeric(tempaccu[tempaccu!=""]))
  ncpue <- sum(as.numeric(rawrep[matchfun("INDEX_1")+1+1:nfleets,11]))

  # compositions
  if(comp){   # skip this stuff if no CompReport.sso file
    allbins <- read.table(file=compfile, col.names=1:ncols, fill=TRUE, colClasses="character", skip=3, nrows=15)
    #lbins is data length bins
    lbins <- as.numeric(allbins[7,-1])
    lbins <- lbins[!is.na(lbins)]
    nlbins <- length(lbins)
    #lbinspop is Pop_len_mid used for selex and bio quantities
    lbinspop <- as.numeric(allbins[3,-1])
    lbinspop <- lbinspop[!is.na(lbinspop)]
    nlbinspop <- length(lbinspop)
    Lbin_method <- as.numeric(allbins[matchfun("Method_for_Lbin_definition",allbins[,1]),2])
      cat("It appears that there is no composition data in CompReport.sso\n")
      comp <- FALSE # turning off switch to function doesn't look for comp data later on
      agebins <- NA
      nagebins <- length(agebins)
      # read composition database
      if(SS_versionshort=="SS-V3.11") col.names=1:21 else col.names=1:22
      if(SS_versionshort=="SS-V3.24") col.names=1:23
      rawcompdbase <- read.table(file=compfile, col.names=col.names, fill=TRUE, colClasses="character", skip=compskip, nrows=-1)
      names(rawcompdbase) <- rawcompdbase[1,]
      names(rawcompdbase)[names(rawcompdbase)=="Used?"] <- "Used"
      endfile <- grep("End_comp_data",rawcompdbase[,1])
      compdbase <- rawcompdbase[2:(endfile-2),] # subtract header line and last 2 lines

      # make correction to tag output associated with 3.24f (fixed in later versions)
        cat('Correcting for bug in tag data output associated with SSv3.24f\n')
        tag1rows <- compdbase$Pick_gender=="TAG1"
          tag1 <- compdbase[tag1rows,]
          tag1new <- tag1
          tag1new[,4:23] <- tag1new[,3:22] # shift columns over
          tag1new$Yr.S <- tag1new$Yr # move Yr.S
          tag1new$Yr <- floor(as.numeric(tag1new$Yr)) # turn Yr.S into Yr
          compdbase[tag1rows,] <- tag1new

      compdbase <- compdbase[compdbase$Obs!="",]
      compdbase[compdbase=="_"] <- NA
      compdbase$Used[is.na(compdbase$Used)] <- "yes"
      if(!("SuprPer" %in% names(compdbase))) compdbase$SuprPer <- "No"
      compdbase$SuprPer[is.na(compdbase$SuprPer)] <- "No"

      n <- sum(is.na(compdbase$N) & compdbase$Used!="skip" & compdbase$Kind!="TAG2")
        cat("Warning:",n,"rows from composition database have NA sample size\n  but are not part of a super-period. (Maybe input as N=0?)\n")
      for(i in (1:ncol(compdbase))[!(names(compdbase) %in% c("Kind","SuprPer","Used"))]) compdbase[,i] <- as.numeric(compdbase[,i])

      # configure seasons
      if(nseasons>1) compdbase$YrSeasName <- paste(floor(compdbase$Yr),"s",compdbase$Seas,sep="") else compdbase$YrSeasName <- compdbase$Yr

      # starting with SSv3.24a, the Yr.S column is already in the output, otherwise fill it in
      if(!"Yr.S" %in% names(compdbase)){
          # in some cases, year is already a decimal number
          compdbase$Yr.S <- compdbase$Yr
          compdbase$Yr <- floor(compdbase$Yr)
          # add fraction of season to distinguish between samples
          compdbase$Yr.S <- compdbase$Yr + (0.5/nseasons)*compdbase$Seas

      # deal with Lbins
      compdbase$Lbin_range <- compdbase$Lbin_hi - compdbase$Lbin_lo
      compdbase$Lbin_mid <- 0.5*(compdbase$Lbin_lo + compdbase$Lbin_hi)

      # divide into objects by kind
      Lbin_range <- compdbase$Lbin_range
      if(is.null(Lbin_range)){ # if/else required to avoid warning if no comp data at all
        notconditional <- TRUE
        conditional <- FALSE
        notconditional <- !is.na(Lbin_range) & Lbin_range >  aalmaxbinrange
        conditional    <- !is.na(Lbin_range) & Lbin_range <= aalmaxbinrange

      if(SS_versionNumeric >= 3.22){
        # new designation of ghost fleets from negative samp size to negative fleet
        lendbase         <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="LEN"  & compdbase$Used!="skip",]
        sizedbase        <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="SIZE" & compdbase$Used!="skip",]
        agedbase         <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="AGE"  & compdbase$Used!="skip" & notconditional,]
        condbase         <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="AGE"  & compdbase$Used!="skip" & conditional,]
        # older designation of ghost fleets from negative samp size to negative fleet
        lendbase         <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="LEN"  & (compdbase$SuprPer=="Sup" | (!is.na(compdbase$N) & compdbase$N > 0)),]
        sizedbase        <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="SIZE" & (compdbase$SuprPer=="Sup" | (!is.na(compdbase$N) & compdbase$N > 0)),]
        agedbase         <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="AGE"  & (compdbase$SuprPer=="Sup" | (!is.na(compdbase$N) & compdbase$N > 0)) & notconditional,]
        condbase         <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="AGE"  & (compdbase$SuprPer=="Sup" | (!is.na(compdbase$N) & compdbase$N > 0)) & conditional,]
      ghostagedbase    <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="AGE"  & compdbase$Used=="skip" & compdbase$SuprPer=="No" & notconditional,]
      ghostcondbase    <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="AGE"  & compdbase$Used=="skip" & compdbase$SuprPer=="No" & conditional,]
      ghostlendbase    <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="LEN"  & compdbase$Used=="skip" & compdbase$SuprPer=="No",]
      compdbase$Kind[compdbase$Kind=="L@A" & compdbase$Ageerr < 0] <- "W@A"

      # extra processing for sizedbase

        if(any(sizedbase$units %in% c("lb","in"))){
            cat("Note: converting bins in generalized size comp data in sizedbase\n",
                " back to the original units of lbs or inches.\n")
        # convert bins from kg to lbs when that was the original unit
        sizedbase$Bin[sizedbase$units=="lb"] <-
        # convert bins from cm to inches when that was the original unit
        sizedbase$Bin[sizedbase$units=="in"] <-


        good <- TRUE
        good <- !is.na(compdbase$N)
      ladbase          <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="L@A" & good,]
      wadbase          <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="W@A" & good,]
      tagdbase1        <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="TAG1",]
      tagdbase2        <- compdbase[compdbase$Kind=="TAG2",]
      # consider range of bins for conditional age at length data
        cat("CompReport file separated by this code as follows (rows = Ncomps*Nbins):\n",
            "  ",nrow(lendbase), "rows of length comp data,\n",
            "  ",nrow(sizedbase),"rows of generalized size comp data,\n",
            "  ",nrow(agedbase), "rows of age comp data,\n",
            "  ",nrow(condbase), "rows of conditional age-at-length data,\n",
            "  ",nrow(ghostagedbase),"rows of ghost fleet age comp data,\n",
            "  ",nrow(ghostcondbase),"rows of ghost fleet conditional age-at-length data,\n",
            "  ",nrow(ghostlendbase),"rows of ghost fleet length comp data,\n",
            "  ",nrow(ladbase),  "rows of mean length at age data,\n",
            "  ",nrow(wadbase),  "rows of mean weight at age data,\n",
            "  ",nrow(tagdbase1),"rows of 'TAG1' comp data, and\n",
            "  ",nrow(tagdbase2),"rows of 'TAG2' comp data.\n")
      # convert bin indices to true lengths
        Lbin_ranges <- as.data.frame(table(agedbase$Lbin_range))
        names(Lbin_ranges)[1] <- "Lbin_hi-Lbin_lo"
        if(length(unique(agedbase$Lbin_range)) > 1){
          cat("Warning!: different ranges of Lbin_lo to Lbin_hi found in age comps.\n")
          cat("  consider increasing 'aalmaxbinrange' to designate\n")
          cat("  some of these data as conditional age-at-length\n")
        agebins <- sort(unique(agedbase$Bin[!is.na(agedbase$Bin)]))
        agebins <- NA
      nagebins <- length(agebins)
    # if comp option is turned off
    lbins <- NA
    nlbins <- NA

    #### need to get length bins from somewhere
    ## temp <- rawrep[grep("NUMBERS_AT_LENGTH",rawrep[,1])+1,]
    ## lbinspop <- as.numeric(temp[temp!=""][-(1:11)])
    ## nlbinspop <- length(lbinspop)
    lbinspop <- NA
    nlbinspop <- ncol(selex)-5 # hopefully this works alright
    agebins <- NA
    nagebins <- NA
    Lbin_method <- 2

  # info on growth morphs (see also section setting mainmorphs below)
  endcode <- "SIZEFREQ_TRANSLATION" #(this section heading not present in all models)
  #if(SS_versionshort=="SS-V3.11") shift <- -1 else shift <- -2
  shift <- -1
    endcode <- "MOVEMENT"
    shift <- -2
  morph_indexing <- matchfun2("MORPH_INDEXING",1,endcode,shift,cols=1:9,header=TRUE)
  for(i in 1:ncol(morph_indexing)) morph_indexing[,i] <- as.numeric(morph_indexing[,i])
  ngpatterns <- max(morph_indexing$Gpattern)

  # forecast
    grab  <- rawforecast1[,1]
    nforecastyears <- as.numeric(rawforecast1[grab %in% c("N_forecast_yrs:"),2])
    nforecastyears <- nforecastyears[1]
    nforecastyears <- NA
  if(verbose) cat("Finished dimensioning\n")

  # stats list: items that are output to the GUI (if printstats==T) for a quick summary of results
  stats <- list()
  stats$SS_version <- SS_version
  stats$SS_versionshort <- SS_versionshort

  stats$Run_time <- paste(as.character(matchfun2("StartTime",0,"StartTime",0,cols=1:6)),collapse=" ")

  tempfiles  <- as.data.frame(rawrep[4:5,1:2],row.names = NULL)
  tempfiles <- matchfun2("Data_File",0,"Control_File",0,cols=1:2)
  stats$Files_used <- paste(c(tempfiles[1,],tempfiles[2,]),collapse=" ")

  # check warnings
  stats$Nwarnings <- nwarn
  if(length(warn)>20) warn <- c(warn[1:20],paste("Note:",length(warn)-20,"additional lines truncated. Look in warning.sso file to see full list."))
  stats$warnings <- warn

  # likelihoods
  rawlike <- matchfun2("LIKELIHOOD",2,"Fleet:",-2)
  like <- data.frame(signif(as.numeric(rawlike[,2]),digits=7))
  names(like) <- "values"
  rownames(like) <- rawlike[,1]
  lambdas <- rawlike[,3]
  lambdas[lambdas==""] <- NA
  lambdas <- as.numeric(lambdas)
  like$lambdas <- lambdas
  stats$likelihoods_used <- like
  stats$likelihoods_raw_by_fleet <-
    likelihoods_by_fleet <-
  likelihoods_by_fleet[likelihoods_by_fleet=="_"] <- NA
  for(icol in 2:ncol(likelihoods_by_fleet)) likelihoods_by_fleet[,icol] <- as.numeric(likelihoods_by_fleet[,icol])
  names(likelihoods_by_fleet) <- c("Label","ALL",FleetNames)
  labs <- likelihoods_by_fleet$Label
  # removing ":" at the end of likelihood components
  for(irow in 1:length(labs)) labs[irow] <- substr(labs[irow],1,nchar(labs[irow])-1)
  likelihoods_by_fleet$Label <- labs
  stats$likelihoods_by_fleet <- likelihoods_by_fleet

  # parameters
  if(SS_versionNumeric>= 3.23) shift <- -1
  if(SS_versionNumeric== 3.22) shift <- -2
  if(SS_versionNumeric < 3.22) shift <- -1
  parameters <- matchfun2("PARAMETERS",1,"DERIVED_QUANTITIES",shift,header=TRUE)

  if(SS_versionNumeric >= 3.23){
    temp <- tail(parameters,2)[,1:3]
    parameters <- parameters[1:(nrow(parameters)-2),]

  parameters[parameters=="_"] <- NA
  parameters[parameters==" "] <- NA

  if(SS_versionNumeric >= 3.22){ # current approach to parameter section
    for(i in (1:ncol(parameters))[!(names(parameters)%in%c("Label","PR_type","Status"))])
      parameters[,i] <- as.numeric(parameters[,i])
    # revised section in SS-V3.21 where text description of PR_type instead of number
    for(i in (1:ncol(parameters))[!(names(parameters)%in%c("Label","PR_type","Status"))])
      parameters[,i] <- as.numeric(parameters[,i])
    temp <- names(parameters)
    cat("Note: inserting new 13th column heading in parameters section due to error in Report.sso in SSv3.21f\n")
    temp <- c(temp[1:12],"PR_type_code",temp[-(1:12)])
    temp <- temp[-length(temp)]
    names(parameters) <- temp
  if(SS_versionNumeric <= 3.20){
    # really old parameters section
    for(i in (1:ncol(parameters))[!(names(parameters)%in%c("Label","Status"))])
      parameters[,i] <- as.numeric(parameters[,i])
  activepars <- parameters$Label[!is.na(parameters$Active_Cnt)]

    parline <- read.table(parfile,fill=TRUE,comment.char="",nrows=1)
    parline <- matrix(NA,1,16)

  stats$N_estimated_parameters <- parline[1,6]

  pars <- parameters[!is.na(parameters$Phase) & parameters$Phase>0,]

    pars$Afterbound <- ""
    pars$checkdiff <- pars$Value - pars$Min
    pars$checkdiff2 <- pars$Max - pars$Value
    pars$checkdiff3 <- abs(pars$Value-(pars$Max-(pars$Max-pars$Min)/2))
    pars$Afterbound[pars$checkdiff < 0.001 | pars$checkdiff2 < 0.001 | pars$checkdiff2 < 0.001] <- "CHECK"
    pars$Afterbound[!pars$Afterbound %in% "CHECK"] <- "OK"
  stats$table_of_phases <- table(parameters$Phase)
  #pars <- pars[pars$Phase %in% 0:100,]
  #stats$estimated_non_rec_devparameters <- pars[,c(2,3,5:14,17)]
  stats$estimated_non_rec_devparameters <- pars[,names(pars) %in%

  # read covar.sso file
    CoVar <- read.table(covarfile,header=TRUE,colClasses=c(rep("numeric",4),rep("character",4),"numeric"),skip=covarskip)
    if(verbose) cat("Got covar file.\n")
    stdtable <- CoVar[CoVar$Par..j=="Std",c(7,9,5)]
    names(stdtable) = c("name","std","type")
    N_estimated_parameters2 <- sum(stdtable$type=="Par")

    # this section was muddling Derived Quants with Parameters in early version of SSv3.20
    # got work-around pending fix from Rick to use of "Par" vs. "Der" in covar file.
      stats$N_estimated_parameters <- N_estimated_parameters2
        cat(" ",stats$N_estimated_parameters,"estimated parameters indicated by",parfile,"\n")
        cat(" ",N_estimated_parameters2,"estimated parameters shown in",covarfile,"\n")
        cat("  returning the first value,",stats$N_estimated_parameters,"\n")
        stats$N_estimated_parameters <- stats$N_estimated_parameters
    Nstd <- sum(stdtable$std>0)

    if(Nstd<=1) stop("Too few estimated quantities in covar file (n=",Nstd,"). Change input to covar=FALSE.")
    if(checkcor==TRUE & stats$N_estimated_parameters > 1)
      corfilter <- CoVar[CoVar$all.i!=CoVar$all.j &
                         CoVar$Par..i=="Par" &
                         CoVar$Par..j=="Par" &
                         CoVar$label.i %in% activepars &
                         CoVar$label.j %in% activepars &
                         !substr(CoVar$label.i,1,8)=="ForeRecr" &
      rangecor <- range(abs(corfilter$corr))
      corstats <- list()
      corstats$cormessage1 <- paste("Range of abs(parameter correlations) is",min(rangecor),"to",max(rangecor))
      # search for high or low correlations in covar file
      highcor <- corfilter[abs(corfilter$corr) >= cormax, names(CoVar)%in%c("label.i", "label.j", "corr")]
      lowcorcandidates <- corfilter[abs(corfilter$corr) <= cormin, names(CoVar)%in%c("label.i", "label.j", "corr")]
      lowcortestlist <- data.frame(unique(c(lowcorcandidates$label.i,lowcorcandidates$label.j)))
      lowcortestlist$name <- as.character(lowcortestlist[,1])
      nlowcor <- 0
      lowcor <- 0
        lowcortestlist$max <- NA
        for(i in 1:length(lowcortestlist[,1]))
          lowcortestlist$max[i] <- max(corfilter$corr[corfilter$label.i == lowcortestlist$name[i]],corfilter$corr[corfilter$label.j == lowcortestlist$name[i]])
        lowcor <- lowcortestlist[abs(lowcortestlist$max) <= cormin,2:3]
        nlowcor <- nrow(lowcor)
      nhighcor <- nrow(highcor)
        if(nhighcor==0) textblock <- "No correlations"
        if(nhighcor==1) textblock <- "1 correlation"
        if(nhighcor>1)  textblock <- paste(nhighcor,"correlations")
        corstats$cormessage2 <-paste(textblock, " above threshold (cormax=", cormax,")",sep="")
        if(nhighcor>0 & nhighcor<=printhighcor){
          row.names(highcor) = paste("   ",1:nhighcor)
          corstats$cormessage3 <- highcor
        if(nhighcor>0 & nhighcor>printhighcor){
          highcorsub <- highcor[order(-abs(highcor$corr)),]
          highcorsub <- highcorsub[1:printhighcor,]
          row.names(highcorsub) <- paste("   ",1:printhighcor)
          corstats$cormessage4 <- paste("Highest",printhighcor,
          "parameter correlations above threshold (to print more, increase 'printhighcor' input):")
          corstats$cormessage5 <- highcorsub
        corstats$cormessage6 <- "High correlations not reported. To report, change 'printhighcor' input to a positive value."

        if(nlowcor==0) textblock <- "No uncorrelated parameters"
        if(nlowcor==1) textblock <- "1 uncorrelation"
        if(nlowcor>1)  textblock <- paste(nlowcor,"uncorrelated parameters")
        corstats$cormessage7 <- paste(textblock, " below threshold (cormin=", cormin,")",sep="")
        if(nlowcor>0 & nlowcor<=printlowcor){
          corstats$cormessage8 <-lowcor
        if(nlowcor>0 & nlowcor>printlowcor){
          lowcorsub <- lowcor[order(abs(lowcor$max)),]
          lowcorsub <- lowcorsub[1:printlowcor,]
          corstats$cormessage9 <- paste("Lowest",printlowcor,
          "parameters uncorrelations below threshold (to print more, increase 'printlowcor' input):")
          corstats$cormessage10 <-lowcorsub
        corstats$cormessage11 <-"Uncorrelated parameters not reported. To report, change 'printlowcor' input to a positive value."
    }else{if(verbose) cat("You skipped the correlation check\n")}
  }else{if(verbose) cat("You skipped the covar file\n")}

  # read weight-at-age file
  wtatage <- NULL
    wtfile <- file.path(dir,wtfile)
    if(!file.exists(wtfile) | file.info(wtfile)$size==0){
      if(verbose) cat("Skipping weight-at-age file. File missing or empty:",wtfile,"\n")
      # read top few lines to figure out how many to skip
      wtatagelines <- readLines(wtfile,n=20)
      # read full file
      wtatage <- read.table(wtfile,header=TRUE,comment.char="",
                            skip=(grep("yr seas gender",wtatagelines)-1))
      names(wtatage)[1] <- "yr" # replacing "X.yr" created by presence of #
  # derived quantities
  der <- matchfun2("DERIVED_QUANTITIES",4,"MGparm_By_Year_after_adjustments",-1,cols=1:3,header=TRUE)
  der[der=="_"] <- NA
  for(i in 2:3) der[,i] = as.numeric(der[,i])

  managementratiolabels <- matchfun2("DERIVED_QUANTITIES",1,"DERIVED_QUANTITIES",3,cols=1:2)
  names(managementratiolabels) <- c("Ratio","Label")

  # time-varying parameters
  MGparmAdj <- matchfun2("MGparm_By_Year_after_adjustments",1,
    for(icol in 1:ncol(MGparmAdj)) MGparmAdj[,icol] <- as.numeric(MGparmAdj[,icol])
    MGparmAdj <- NA

  # time-varying size-selectivity parameters
  SelSizeAdj <- matchfun2("selparm(Size)_By_Year_after_adjustments",2,"selparm(Age)_By_Year_after_adjustments",-1)
    SelSizeAdj <- SelSizeAdj[,apply(SelSizeAdj,2,emptytest)<1]
    SelSizeAdj[SelSizeAdj==""] <- NA
    for(icol in 1:ncol(SelSizeAdj)) SelSizeAdj[,icol] <- as.numeric(SelSizeAdj[,icol])
    names(SelSizeAdj) <- c("FleetSvy","Yr",paste("Par",1:(ncol(SelSizeAdj)-2),sep=""))
    SelSizeAdj <- NA

  # time-varying age-selectivity parameters
  SelAgeAdj <- matchfun2("selparm(Age)_By_Year_after_adjustments",2,"RECRUITMENT_DIST",-1)
    SelAgeAdj <- SelAgeAdj[,apply(SelAgeAdj,2,emptytest)<1]
    SelAgeAdj[SelAgeAdj==""] <- NA
      SelAgeAdj <- NA
      for(icol in 1:ncol(SelAgeAdj)) SelAgeAdj[,icol] <- as.numeric(SelAgeAdj[,icol])
      names(SelAgeAdj) <- c("FleetSvy","Yr",paste("Par",1:(ncol(SelAgeAdj)-2),sep=""))
    SelAgeAdj <- NA

  # recruitment distribution
  recruitment_dist <- matchfun2("RECRUITMENT_DIST",1,"MORPH_INDEXING",-1,header=TRUE)
  for(i in 1:6) recruitment_dist[,i] <- as.numeric(recruitment_dist[,i])

  # gradient
  if(covar & !is.na(corfile)) stats$log_det_hessian <- read.table(corfile,nrows=1)[1,10]
  stats$maximum_gradient_component <- as.numeric(matchfun2("Convergence_Level",0,"Convergence_Level",0,cols=2))

  # sigma_R
  srhead <- matchfun2("SPAWN_RECRUIT",0,"SPAWN_RECRUIT",10,cols=1:6)
  rmse_table <- as.data.frame(srhead[-(1:9),1:5])
  for(icol in 2:5) rmse_table[,icol] <- as.numeric(rmse_table[,icol])
  names(rmse_table) <- srhead[9,1:5]
  names(rmse_table)[4] <- "RMSE_over_sigmaR"

  stats$sigma_R_in <- as.numeric(srhead[4,1])
  stats$rmse_table <- rmse_table

  # variance and sample size tuning information
  vartune <- matchfun2("INDEX_1",1,"INDEX_1",(nfleets+1),cols=1:21,header=TRUE)
  vartune <- vartune[vartune$N > 0,]
  vartune[,1] <- vartune[,21]
  vartune <- vartune[,c(1,8,11,13,16,18)]
  stats$index_variance_tuning_check <- vartune

  # Length comp effective N tuning check
  lenntune <- matchfun2("FIT_AGE_COMPS",-(nfleets+1),"FIT_AGE_COMPS",-1,cols=1:10,header=TRUE)
  names(lenntune)[10] <- "FleetName"
  lenntune <- lenntune[lenntune$N>0, c(10,1,4:9)]
  # avoid NA warnings by removing #IND values
  lenntune$"MeaneffN/MeaninputN"[lenntune$"MeaneffN/MeaninputN"=="-1.#IND"] <- NA
  for(i in 2:ncol(lenntune)) lenntune[,i] <- as.numeric(lenntune[,i])
  lenntune$"HarEffN/MeanInputN" <- lenntune$"HarMean(effN)"/lenntune$"mean(inputN*Adj)"
  stats$Length_comp_Eff_N_tuning_check <- lenntune

  # Age comp effective N tuning check
  agentune <- matchfun2("FIT_SIZE_COMPS",-(nfleets+1),"FIT_SIZE_COMPS",-1,cols=1:10,header=TRUE)
  names(agentune)[10] <- "FleetName"
  agentune <- agentune[agentune$N>0, c(10,1,4:9)]
  # avoid NA warnings by removing #IND values
  agentune$"MeaneffN/MeaninputN"[agentune$"MeaneffN/MeaninputN"=="-1.#IND"] <- NA
  for(i in 2:ncol(agentune)) agentune[,i] <- as.numeric(agentune[,i])
  agentune$"HarEffN/MeanInputN" <- agentune$"HarMean(effN)"/agentune$"mean(inputN*Adj)"
  stats$Age_comp_Eff_N_tuning_check <- agentune

  # !! Ian T., fix this to read tuning for generalized size comp data
  #            this can be done with a shift in strategy of using blank.lines.skip=TRUE
  #            in read.table, but that will require additional revisions throughout
  sizentune <- matchfun2("LEN_SELEX",-(nfleets+1),"LEN_SELEX",-1,cols=1:10,header=TRUE)
  sizentune[,1] <- sizentune[,10]
  sizentune <- sizentune[sizentune$Npos>0, c(1,3,4,5,6,8,9)]
  stats$Size_comp_Eff_N_tuning_check <- sizentune

  if(verbose) cat("Finished primary run statistics list\n")

  # data return object
  returndat <- list()

  if(SS_versionshort!="SS-V3.11"){ # these things didn't exist in 3.11
    returndat$definitions  <- defs
    returndat$fleet_ID     <- fleet_ID
    returndat$fleet_area   <- fleet_area
    returndat$catch_units  <- catch_units
    returndat$catch_error  <- catch_error
    returndat$survey_units <- survey_units
    returndat$survey_error <- survey_error
    returndat$IsFishFleet  <- !is.na(catch_units)

  returndat$nfleets     <- nfleets
  returndat$nfishfleets <- nfishfleets
  returndat$nsexes      <- nsexes
  returndat$ngpatterns  <- ngpatterns
  returndat$lbins       <- lbins
  returndat$Lbin_method <- Lbin_method
  returndat$nlbins      <- nlbins
  returndat$lbinspop    <- lbinspop
  returndat$nlbinspop   <- nlbinspop
  returndat$agebins     <- agebins
  returndat$nagebins    <- nagebins
  returndat$accuage     <- accuage
  returndat$nareas      <- nareas
  returndat$startyr     <- startyr
  returndat$endyr       <- endyr
  returndat$nseasons    <- nseasons
  returndat$seasfracs   <- seasfracs
  returndat$seasdurations  <- seasdurations
  returndat$nforecastyears <- nforecastyears
  returndat$morph_indexing <- morph_indexing
  returndat$MGparmAdj   <- MGparmAdj
  returndat$SelSizeAdj  <- SelSizeAdj
  returndat$SelAgeAdj   <- SelAgeAdj
  returndat$recruitment_dist <- recruitment_dist

  # Static growth
  begin <- matchfun("N_Used_morphs",rawrep[,6])+1 # keyword "BIOLOGY" not unique enough
  rawbio <- rawrep[begin:(begin+nlbinspop),1:8]
  names(rawbio) <- rawbio[1,]
  biology <- rawbio[-1,]
  for(i in 1:ncol(biology)) biology[,i] <- as.numeric(biology[,i])

  # determine fecundity type
  FecType <- 0
  if("Eggs/kg_slope_wt_Fem" %in% parameters$Label){
    FecType <- 1
    FecPar1name <- "Eggs/kg_inter_Fem"
    FecPar2name <- "Eggs/kg_slope_wt_Fem"
  if("Eggs_exp_len_Fem" %in% parameters$Label){
    FecType <- 2
    FecPar1name <- "Eggs_scalar_Fem"
    FecPar2name <- "Eggs_exp_len_Fem"
  if("Eggs_exp_wt_Fem" %in% parameters$Label){
    FecType <- 3
    FecPar1name <- "Eggs_scalar_Fem"
    FecPar2name <- "Eggs_exp_wt_Fem"
  if("Eggs_slope_len_Fem" %in% parameters$Label){
    FecType <- 4
    FecPar1name <- "Eggs_intercept_Fem"
    FecPar2name <- "Eggs_slope_len_Fem"
  if("Eggs_slope_Wt_Fem" %in% parameters$Label){
    FecType <- 5
    FecPar1name <- "Eggs_intercept_Fem"
    FecPar2name <- "Eggs_slope_Wt_Fem"
  returndat$biology <- biology
  returndat$FecType <- FecType
  returndat$FecPar1name <- FecPar1name
  returndat$FecPar2name <- FecPar2name

  returndat$FecPar1 <- parameters$Value[parameters$Label==FecPar1name]
  returndat$FecPar2 <- parameters$Value[parameters$Label==FecPar2name]

  ## Growth_Parameters <- matchfun2["Growth_Parameters",1,"Seas_Effects",-1]
  ## returndat$Growth_Parameters <- Growth_Parameters
  Seas_Effects <- matchfun2("Seas_Effects",1,"Biology_at_age_in_endyr",-1,header=TRUE)
    for(i in 1:ncol(Seas_Effects)) Seas_Effects[,i] <- as.numeric(Seas_Effects[,i])
    Seas_Effects <- NA
  returndat$Seas_Effects <- Seas_Effects

  # ending year growth, including pattern for the CV (added in SSv3.22b_Aug3)
  growthCVtype <- matchfun2("Biology_at_age",0,"Biology_at_age",0,header=FALSE)
    returndat$growthCVtype <- substring(growthCVtype,30)
    returndat$growthCVtype <- "unknown"
  growdat <- matchfun2("Biology_at_age",1,"MEAN_BODY_WT(begin)",-1,header=TRUE)
  for(i in 1:ncol(growdat)) growdat[,i] <- as.numeric(growdat[,i])
  nmorphs <- max(growdat$Morph)
  midmorphs <- c(c(0,nmorphs/nsexes)+ceiling(nmorphs/nsexes/2))
  returndat$endgrowth <- growdat

  # test for use of empirical weight-at-age input file (wtatage.ss)
  test <- matchfun2("MEAN_BODY_WT(begin)",0,"MEAN_BODY_WT(begin)",0,header=FALSE)
  wtatage_switch <- length(grep("wtatage.ss",test))>0
  returndat$wtatage_switch <- wtatage_switch
  # mean body weight
  mean_body_wt <- matchfun2("MEAN_BODY_WT(begin)",1,"MEAN_SIZE_TIMESERIES",-1,header=TRUE)
  for(i in 1:ncol(mean_body_wt)) mean_body_wt[,i] <- as.numeric(mean_body_wt[,i])
  returndat$mean_body_wt <- mean_body_wt

  # Time-varying growth
  rawgrow <- matchfun2("MEAN_SIZE_TIMESERIES",1,"mean_size_Jan_1_for_gender",-1,cols=1:(4+accuage+1))
  growthvaries <- FALSE
    names(rawgrow) <- rawgrow[1,]
    growdat <- rawgrow[-1,]
    for(i in 1:ncol(growdat)) growdat[,i] <- as.numeric(growdat[,i])
    growdat <- growdat[growdat$Beg==1 & growdat$Yr >= startyr & growdat$Yr < endyr,]
    if(nseasons > 1) growdat <- growdat[growdat$Seas==1,]
    if(length(unique(growdat$Yr))>1) growthvaries <- TRUE
    returndat$growthseries <- growdat
    returndat$growthvaries <- growthvaries

  # Length selex and retention
  if(!forecast) selex <- selex[selex$year <= endyr,]
  returndat$sizeselex <- selex

  # Age based selex
  ageselex <- matchfun2("AGE_SELEX",4,"ENVIRONMENTAL_DATA",-1,header=TRUE)
  if(!forecast) ageselex <- ageselex[ageselex$year <= endyr,]
  for(icol in (1:ncol(ageselex))[!(names(ageselex) %in% c("factor","label"))]) ageselex[,icol] <- as.numeric(ageselex[,icol])
  returndat$ageselex <- ageselex

  # time series
  timeseries <- matchfun2("TIME_SERIES",1,"SPR_series",-1,header=TRUE)
  timeseries[timeseries=="_"] <- NA
  for(i in (1:ncol(timeseries))[names(timeseries)!="Era"]) timeseries[,i] = as.numeric(timeseries[,i])
  returndat$timeseries <- timeseries

  # get spawning season
  # currently (v3.20b), Spawning Biomass is only calculated in a unique spawning season within the year
  returndat$spawnseas <- spawnseas <- unique(timeseries$Seas[!is.na(timeseries$SpawnBio)])
  # get birth seasons as vector of seasons with non-zero recruitment
  returndat$birthseas <- sort(unique(timeseries$Seas[timeseries$Recruit_0 > 0]))

  # set mainmorphs as those morphs born in the spawning season
  # and the largest fraction of the submorphs (should equal middle morph when using sub-morphs)
  temp <- morph_indexing[morph_indexing$Bseas==min(spawnseas) &
  # however, if there are no fish born in the spawning season, then it should be the first birth season
    temp <- morph_indexing[morph_indexing$Bseas==min(recruitment_dist$Seas[recruitment_dist$Used==1]) &

  # filter in case multiple growth patterns (would cause problems)
  mainmorphs <- min(temp$Index[temp$Gender==1])
  if(nsexes==2) mainmorphs <- c(mainmorphs, min(temp$Index[temp$Gender==2]))
  if(length(mainmorphs)==0) cat("!Error with morph indexing in SS_output function.\n")
  returndat$mainmorphs  <- mainmorphs

  # stats and dimensions
  timeseries$Yr <- timeseries$Yr + (timeseries$Seas-1)/nseasons
  ts <- timeseries[timeseries$Yr <= endyr+1,]
  tsyears <- ts$Yr[ts$Seas==1]

  # Depletion
  tsspaw_bio <- ts$SpawnBio[ts$Seas==spawnseas & ts$Area==1]
  if(nareas > 1) # loop over areas if necessary to sum spawning biomass
    for(a in 2:nareas){
      tsspaw_bio <- tsspaw_bio + ts$SpawnBio[ts$Seas==spawnseas & ts$Area==a]
  if(nsexes==1) tsspaw_bio <- tsspaw_bio/2
  depletionseries <- tsspaw_bio/tsspaw_bio[1]
  stats$SBzero <- tsspaw_bio[1]
  stats$current_depletion <- depletionseries[length(depletionseries)]

  # total landings
  ls <- nrow(ts)-1
  totretainedmat <- as.matrix(ts[,substr(names(ts),1,nchar("retain(B)"))=="retain(B)"])
  ts$totretained <- 0
  ts$totretained[3:ls] <- rowSums(totretainedmat)[3:ls]

  # total catch
  totcatchmat <- as.matrix(ts[,substr(names(ts),1,nchar("enc(B)"))=="enc(B)"])
  ts$totcatch <- 0
  ts$totcatch[3:ls] <- rowSums(totcatchmat)[3:ls]

  # harvest rates
  F_method <- as.numeric(rawrep[matchfun("F_Method"),2])
  returndat$F_method <- F_method
    stringmatch <- "Hrate:_"
  }else{stringmatch <- "F:_"}
  Hrates <- as.matrix(ts[,substr(names(ts),1,nchar(stringmatch))==stringmatch])
  fmax <- max(Hrates)
  #stats$fmax <- fmax
  #stats$endyrcatch <- ts$totcatch[ls]
  #stats$endyrlandings <- ts$totretained[ls]

  # depletion
  depletion_method <- as.numeric(rawrep[matchfun("Depletion_method"),2])
  depletion_basis <- rawrep[matchfun("B_ratio_denominator"),2]
    depletion_basis <- "none"
    depletion_basis <- as.numeric(strsplit(depletion_basis,"%*",fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1])/100
  returndat$depletion_method <- depletion_method
  returndat$depletion_basis <- depletion_basis

  ## discard fractions ###

  # degrees of freedom for T-distribution (or indicator 0, -1, -2 for other distributions)
  if(SS_versionNumeric < 3.20){
    # old header from 3.11
    DF_discard <- rawrep[matchfun("DISCARD_OUTPUT"),3]
      DF_discard <- as.numeric(strsplit(DF_discard,"=_")[[1]][2])
    if(length(grep("_normal_with_Std_in_as_CV",DF_discard))>0)     DF_discard <- 0
    if(length(grep("_normal_with_Std_in_as_stddev",DF_discard))>0) DF_discard <- -1
    if(length(grep("_lognormal",DF_discard))>0)                    DF_discard <- -2
    shift <- 2
    discard_spec <- NULL
  }else{ # newer header in 3.20 and beyond
    DF_discard <- NA
    shift <- 1
    discard_spec <- matchfun2("DISCARD_SPECIFICATION",9,"DISCARD_OUTPUT",-2,
    for(icol in 1:3) discard_spec[,icol] <- as.numeric(discard_spec[,icol])
    names(discard_spec)[1] <- "Fleet"
  discard <- matchfun2("DISCARD_OUTPUT",shift,"MEAN_BODY_WT_OUTPUT",-1,header=TRUE)
    discard <- NA
  if(!is.na(discard) && names(discard)[1]!="Fleet"){
    # rerun read of discard if in SSv3.20b which had missing line break
    discard <- matchfun2("DISCARD_OUTPUT",shift,"MEAN_BODY_WT_OUTPUT",-1,header=FALSE)
    names(discard) <- c("Fleet","Yr","Seas","Obs","Exp","Std_in","Std_use","Dev")
  discard_type <- NA
  if(!is.na(discard) && nrow(discard)>1){
    discard[discard=="_"] <- NA
    if(SS_versionNumeric <= 3.23){ # v3.23 and before had things combined under "name"
      for(icol in (1:ncol(discard))[!(names(discard) %in% c("Fleet"))])
        discard[,icol] <- as.numeric(discard[,icol])
      discard$FleetNum <- NA
      if(!"Name"%in%names(discard)) discard$Name <- discard$Fleet
      for(i in 1:nrow(discard)){
        discard$FleetNum[i] <- strsplit(discard$Name[i],"_")[[1]][1]
        discard$FleetName[i] <- substring(discard$Name[i],nchar(discard$FleetNum[i])+2)
    }else{ # v3.24 and beyond has separate columns for fleet number and fleet name
      for(icol in (1:ncol(discard))[!(names(discard) %in% c("Name","SuprPer"))])
        discard[,icol] <- as.numeric(discard[,icol])
      # redundant columns are holdovers from earlier SS versions
      discard$FleetNum <- discard$Fleet
      discard$FleetName <- discard$Name
    discard <- NA
  returndat$discard <- discard
  returndat$discard_type <- discard_type
  returndat$DF_discard <- DF_discard
  returndat$discard_spec <- discard_spec

  ## Average body weight observations
  # degrees of freedom for T-distribution
  # old way: DF_mnwgt <- rawrep[matchfun("MEAN_BODY_WT_OUTPUT")+1,1]
  DF_mnwgt <- rawrep[matchfun("log(L)_based_on_T_distribution"),1]
    DF_mnwgt <- as.numeric(strsplit(DF_mnwgt,"=_")[[1]][2])
    mnwgt <- matchfun2("MEAN_BODY_WT_OUTPUT",2,"FIT_LEN_COMPS",-1,header=TRUE)

    mnwgt[mnwgt=="_"] <- NA
    if(SS_versionNumeric <= 3.23){ # v3.23 and before had things combined under "name"
      for(icol in (1:ncol(mnwgt))[!(names(mnwgt) %in% c("Fleet"))])
        mnwgt[,icol] <- as.numeric(mnwgt[,icol])
      mnwgt$FleetNum <- NA
      for(i in 1:nrow(mnwgt)){
        mnwgt$FleetNum[i] <- strsplit(mnwgt$Fleet[i],"_")[[1]][1]
        mnwgt$FleetName[i] <- substring(mnwgt$Fleet[i],nchar(mnwgt$FleetNum[i])+2)
    }else{ # v3.24 and beyond has separate columns for fleet number and fleet name
      for(icol in (1:ncol(mnwgt))[!(names(mnwgt) %in% c("Name"))])
        mnwgt[,icol] <- as.numeric(mnwgt[,icol])
      # redundant columns are holdovers from earlier SS versions
      mnwgt$FleetNum <- mnwgt$Fleet
      mnwgt$FleetName <- mnwgt$Name
    DF_mnwgt <- NA
    mnwgt <- NA
  returndat$mnwgt <- mnwgt
  returndat$DF_mnwgt <- DF_mnwgt

  # Yield and SPR time-series
  spr <- matchfun2("SPR_series",5,"SPAWN_RECRUIT",-1,header=TRUE)
    shift <- -3
    if(SS_versionNumeric < 3.23) shift <- -1
    spr <- matchfun2("SPR_series",5,"Kobe_Plot",shift,header=TRUE)
    Kobe_head <- matchfun2("Kobe_Plot",0,"Kobe_Plot",3,header=TRUE)
      shift <- 2
      Kobe_warn <- Kobe_head[1,1]
      shift <- 1
      Kobe_warn <- NA
    Kobe <- matchfun2("Kobe_Plot",shift,"SPAWN_RECRUIT",-1,header=TRUE)
    Kobe_MSY_basis <- names(Kobe)[1]
    names(Kobe) <- Kobe[1,]
    Kobe <- Kobe[-1,]
    Kobe[Kobe=="_"] <- NA
    for(icol in 1:3){
      names(Kobe)[icol] <- sub("/",".",names(Kobe)[icol],fixed=TRUE)
      Kobe[,icol] <- as.numeric(Kobe[,icol])
    Kobe <- NA
    Kobe_warn <- NA
    Kobe_MSY_basis <- NA
  returndat$Kobe_warn <- Kobe_warn
  returndat$Kobe_MSY_basis <- Kobe_MSY_basis
  returndat$Kobe <- Kobe
  spr[spr=="_"] <- NA
  spr[spr=="&"] <- NA
  for(i in (1:ncol(spr))[!(names(spr)%in%c("Actual:","More_F(by_morph):"))]) spr[,i] <- as.numeric(spr[,i])
  #spr <- spr[spr$Year <= endyr,]
  spr$spr <- spr$SPR
  returndat$sprseries <- spr
  stats$last_years_SPR <- spr$spr[nrow(spr)]
  stats$SPRratioLabel <- managementratiolabels[1,2]
  stats$last_years_SPRratio <- spr$SPR_std[nrow(spr)]

  returndat$managementratiolabels <- managementratiolabels
  returndat$F_report_basis <- managementratiolabels$Label[2]
  returndat$B_ratio_denominator <- as.numeric(strsplit(managementratiolabels$Label[3],"%")[[1]][1])/100
  returndat$sprtarg <- sprtarg
  returndat$btarg <- btarg
  returndat$minbthresh <- minbthresh
   returndat$equil_yield <- yielddat
   # stats$spr_at_msy <- as.numeric(rawforecast[33,2])
   # stats$exploit_at_msy <- as.numeric(rawforecast[35,2])
   # stats$bmsy_over_VLHbzero <- as.numeric(rawforecast[38,3])
   # stats$retained_msy <- as.numeric(rawforecast[43,5])
  }else{if(verbose) cat("You skipped the equilibrium yield data\n")}

  # Spawner-recruit curve
  rawsr <- matchfun2("SPAWN_RECRUIT",11,"INDEX_2",-1,cols=1:9)
  names(rawsr) <- rawsr[1,]
  rawsr[rawsr=="_"] <- NA
  rawsr <- rawsr[-(1:2),] # remove header rows
  sr <- rawsr[-(1:2),] # remove rows for Virg and Init
  for(i in 1:(ncol(sr)-1)) sr[,i] <- as.numeric(sr[,i])
  returndat$recruit <- sr

    # CPUE/Survey series
    cpue <- matchfun2("INDEX_2",1,"INDEX_2",ncpue+1,header=TRUE)
    cpue[cpue=="_"] <- NA
    cpue$FleetName <- NA
    cpue$FleetNum <- NA
    if(SS_versionNumeric < 3.24){
      for(i in (1:ncol(cpue))[!names(cpue) %in% c("Fleet","Supr_Per")]) cpue[,i] <- as.numeric(cpue[,i])
      for(i in 1:nrow(cpue)){
        cpue$FleetNum[i] <- strsplit(cpue$Fleet[i],"_")[[1]][1]
        cpue$FleetName[i] <- substring(cpue$Fleet[i],nchar(cpue$FleetNum[i])+2)
      for(i in (1:ncol(cpue))[!names(cpue) %in% c("Name","Supr_Per")]) cpue[,i] <- as.numeric(cpue[,i])
      # redundant columns are used to easily maintain backwards compatibility of plotting code
      cpue$FleetNum <- cpue$Fleet
      cpue$FleetName <- cpue$Name
    cpue <- NA
  returndat$cpue <- cpue

  # Numbers at age
  rawnatage <- matchfun2("NUMBERS_AT_AGE",1,"NUMBERS_AT_LENGTH",-1,cols=1:(12+accuage),substr1=FALSE)
    names(rawnatage) <- rawnatage[1,]
    rawnatage <- rawnatage[-1,]
    for(i in (1:ncol(rawnatage))[!(names(rawnatage) %in% c("Beg/Mid","Era"))]) rawnatage[,i] = as.numeric(rawnatage[,i])
    returndat$natage <- rawnatage

  # Numbers at length
    rawnatlen <- matchfun2("NUMBERS_AT_LENGTH",1,"CATCH_AT_AGE",-1,cols=1:(11+nlbinspop),substr1=FALSE)
    rawnatlen <- matchfun2("NUMBERS_AT_LENGTH",1,"BIOMASS_AT_LENGTH",-1,cols=1:(11+nlbinspop),substr1=FALSE)
    names(rawnatlen) <- rawnatlen[1,]
    rawnatlen <- rawnatlen[-1,]
    for(i in (1:ncol(rawnatlen))[!(names(rawnatlen) %in% c("Beg/Mid","Era"))]) rawnatlen[,i] = as.numeric(rawnatlen[,i])
    returndat$natlen <- rawnatlen

  # Biomass at length (first appeared in version 3.24l, 12-5-2012)
    rawbatlen <- matchfun2("BIOMASS_AT_LENGTH",1,"CATCH_AT_AGE",-1,cols=1:(11+nlbinspop),substr1=FALSE)
      names(rawbatlen) <- rawbatlen[1,]
      rawbatlen <- rawbatlen[-1,]
      for(i in (1:ncol(rawbatlen))[!(names(rawbatlen) %in% c("Beg/Mid","Era"))]) rawbatlen[,i] = as.numeric(rawbatlen[,i])
      returndat$batlen <- rawbatlen

  # Movement
  movement <- matchfun2("MOVEMENT",1,"EXPLOITATION",-1,cols=1:(7+accuage),substr1=FALSE)
  names(movement) <- c(movement[1,1:6],paste("age",movement[1,-(1:6)],sep=""))
  movement <- movement[-1,]
  for(i in 1:ncol(movement)) movement[,i] <- as.numeric(movement[,i])
  returndat$movement <- movement

  # reporting rates
  tagreportrates <- matchfun2("Reporting_Rates_by_Fishery",1,
    names(tagreportrates) <- tagreportrates[1,]
    tagreportrates <- tagreportrates[-1,]
    for(i in 1:ncol(tagreportrates)) tagreportrates[,i] <- as.numeric(tagreportrates[,i])
    returndat$tagreportrates <- tagreportrates
    returndat$tagreportrates <- NA

  # tag recapture table
  tagrecap <- matchfun2("TAG_Recapture",1,
    tagfirstperiod <- tagrecap[1,1]
    tagaccumperiod <- tagrecap[2,1]
    names(tagrecap) <- tagrecap[4,]
    tagrecap <- tagrecap[-(1:4),]
    for(i in 1:ncol(tagrecap)) tagrecap[,i] <- as.numeric(tagrecap[,i])
    returndat$tagrecap <- tagrecap
    returndat$tagrecap <- NA
    returndat$tagfirstperiod <- NA
    returndat$tagaccumperiod <- NA

  # tags alive
  tagsalive <- matchfun2("Tags_Alive",1,
    tagcols <- max((1:ncols)[apply(tagsalive,2,function(x){any(x!="")})])
    tagsalive <- tagsalive[,1:tagcols]
    names(tagsalive) <- c("TG",paste("period",0:(tagcols-2),sep=""))
    for(i in 1:ncol(tagsalive)) tagsalive[,i] <- as.numeric(tagsalive[,i])
    returndat$tagsalive <- tagsalive
    returndat$tagsalive <- NA

  # total recaptures
  tagtotrecap <- matchfun2("Total_recaptures",1,
    tagcols <- max((1:ncols)[apply(tagtotrecap,2,function(x){any(x!="")})])
    tagtotrecap <- tagtotrecap[,1:tagcols]
    names(tagtotrecap) <- c("TG",paste("period",0:(tagcols-2),sep=""))
    for(i in 1:ncol(tagtotrecap)) tagtotrecap[,i] <- as.numeric(tagtotrecap[,i])
    returndat$tagtotrecap <- tagtotrecap
    returndat$tagtotrecap <- NA

  # age-length matrix
  rawALK <- matchfun2("AGE_LENGTH_KEY",4,"AGE_AGE_KEY",-1,cols=1:(accuage+2))
    ALK = array(NA,c(nlbinspop,accuage+1,nmorphs))
    starts <- grep("Morph:",rawALK[,3])+2
    ends <- grep("mean",rawALK[,1])-1
    for(i in 1:nmorphs){
      ALKtemp <- rawALK[starts[i]:ends[i],-1]
      for(icol in 1:(accuage+1)) ALKtemp[,icol] <- as.numeric(ALKtemp[,icol])
      ALK[,,i] <- as.matrix(ALKtemp)
    returndat$ALK <- ALK

  # ageing error matrices
  rawAAK <- matchfun2("AGE_AGE_KEY",1,"SELEX_database",-1,cols=1:(accuage+2))
    starts <- grep("KEY:",rawAAK[,1])
    returndat$N_ageerror_defs <- N_ageerror_defs <- length(starts)
    if(N_ageerror_defs > 0)
      nrowsAAK <- nrow(rawAAK)/N_ageerror_defs - 3
      AAK = array(NA,c(N_ageerror_defs,nrowsAAK,accuage+1))
      age_error_mean <- age_error_sd <- data.frame(age=0:accuage)
      for(i in 1:N_ageerror_defs){
        AAKtemp <- rawAAK[starts[i] + 2 + 1:nrowsAAK,-1]
        # what about 2-sex model?
        for(icol in 1:(accuage+1)) AAKtemp[,icol] <- as.numeric(AAKtemp[,icol])
        AAK[i,,] <- as.matrix(AAKtemp)
        age_error_mean[[paste("type",i,sep="")]] <- as.numeric((rawAAK[starts[i] + 1,-1]))
        age_error_sd[[paste("type",i,sep="")]] <- as.numeric((rawAAK[starts[i] + 2,-1]))
      returndat$AAK <- AAK
      returndat$age_error_mean <- age_error_mean
      returndat$age_error_sd <- age_error_sd

  # catch at age
  catage <- matchfun2("CATCH_AT_AGE",1,"BIOLOGY",-1)
    catage <- NA
    cat("! Warning: no catch-at-age numbers because 'detailed age-structured reports'\n",
        "          is turned off in starter file.\n")
    catage <- catage[,apply(catage,2,emptytest)<1]
    names(catage) <- catage[1,]
    catage <- catage[-1,]
    for(icol in (1:ncol(catage))[substr(names(catage),1,2)!="XX" & names(catage)!="Era"]){
      catage[,icol] <- as.numeric(catage[,icol])
  returndat$catage <- catage

    # Z at age
    Z_at_age <- matchfun2("Z_AT_AGE_Annual_2",1,"Spawning_Biomass_Report_1",-2,header=TRUE)
    M_at_age <- matchfun2("Z_AT_AGE_Annual_1",1,"-ln(Nt+1",-1,matchcol2=5, header=TRUE)
      Z_at_age[Z_at_age=="_"] <- NA
      M_at_age[M_at_age=="_"] <- NA
      # if birth season is not season 1, you can get infinite values
      Z_at_age[Z_at_age=="-1.#INF"] <- NA
      M_at_age[M_at_age=="-1.#INF"] <- NA
      if(Z_at_age[[1]][1]!="absent" && nrow(Z_at_age>0)){
        for(i in 1:ncol(Z_at_age)) Z_at_age[,i] <- as.numeric(Z_at_age[,i])
        for(i in 1:ncol(M_at_age)) M_at_age[,i] <- as.numeric(M_at_age[,i])
        Z_at_age <- NA
        M_at_age <- NA
    # this could be cleaned up
    Z_at_age <- NA
    M_at_age <- NA
  returndat$Z_at_age <- Z_at_age
  returndat$M_at_age <- M_at_age

  # Dynamic_Bzero output "with fishery"
  Dynamic_Bzero1 <- matchfun2("Spawning_Biomass_Report_2",1,"NUMBERS_AT_AGE_Annual_2",-1)
  # Dynamic_Bzero output "no fishery"
  Dynamic_Bzero2 <- matchfun2("Spawning_Biomass_Report_1",1,"NUMBERS_AT_AGE_Annual_1",-1)
    Dynamic_Bzero <- NA
    Dynamic_Bzero <- cbind(Dynamic_Bzero1,Dynamic_Bzero2[,3])
    names(Dynamic_Bzero) <- c("Yr","Era","SPB","SPB_nofishing")
    if(nareas==1 & ngpatterns==1){ # for simpler models, do some cleanup
      Dynamic_Bzero <- Dynamic_Bzero[-(1:2),]
      for(icol in c(1,3,4)) Dynamic_Bzero[,icol] <- as.numeric(as.character(Dynamic_Bzero[,icol]))
      names(Dynamic_Bzero) <- c("Yr","Era","SPB","SPB_nofishing")
  returndat$Dynamic_Bzero <- Dynamic_Bzero

  # adding stuff to list which gets returned by function
    returndat$comp_data_exists <- TRUE
    returndat$lendbase      <- lendbase
    returndat$sizedbase     <- sizedbase
    returndat$agedbase      <- agedbase
    returndat$condbase      <- condbase
    returndat$ghostagedbase <- ghostagedbase
    returndat$ghostcondbase <- ghostcondbase
    returndat$ghostlendbase <- ghostlendbase
    returndat$ladbase       <- ladbase
    returndat$wadbase       <- wadbase
    returndat$tagdbase1     <- tagdbase1
    returndat$tagdbase2     <- tagdbase2
    returndat$comp_data_exists <- FALSE

  returndat$derived_quants <- der
  returndat$parameters <- parameters
  returndat$FleetNames <- FleetNames
  returndat$repfiletime <- repfiletime
  returndat$SRRtype <- as.numeric(rawrep[matchfun("SPAWN_RECRUIT"),3]) # type of stock recruit relationship

    returndat$CoVar    <- CoVar
    if(stats$N_estimated_parameters > 1){returndat$highcor  <- highcor}
    if(stats$N_estimated_parameters > 1){returndat$lowcor   <- lowcor}
    returndat$stdtable <- stdtable
  returndat <- c(returndat,stats)
  if(covar) returndat$corstats <- corstats
  returndat$logfile <- logfile

  # process annual recruit devs
  recdevEarly   <- parameters[substring(parameters$Label,1,13)=="Early_RecrDev",]
  early_initage <- parameters[substring(parameters$Label,1,13)=="Early_InitAge",]
  main_initage  <- parameters[substring(parameters$Label,1,12)=="Main_InitAge",]
  recdev        <- parameters[substring(parameters$Label,1,12)=="Main_RecrDev",]
  recdevFore    <- parameters[substring(parameters$Label,1, 8)=="ForeRecr",]
  recdevLate    <- parameters[substring(parameters$Label,1,12)=="Late_RecrDev",]

    recdev$Yr        <- as.numeric(substring(recdev$Label,14))
    recdevEarly$Yr   <- as.numeric(substring(recdevEarly$Label,15))
    early_initage$Yr <- startyr - as.numeric(substring(early_initage$Label,15))
    recdevEarly <- rbind(early_initage,recdevEarly)
    main_initage$Yr  <- startyr - as.numeric(substring(main_initage$Label,14))
    recdev <- rbind(main_initage,recdev)
    recdevFore$Yr <- as.numeric(substring(recdevFore$Label,10))
    recdevLate$Yr <- as.numeric(substring(recdevLate$Label,14))
  if(nrow(recdevFore)>0 & nrow(recdevLate)>0)
    recdevFore <- rbind(recdevLate,recdevFore)

  Yr <- c(recdevEarly$Yr,recdev$Yr,recdevFore$Yr)
  recruitpars <- rbind(if(nrow(recdevEarly)>0){recdevEarly}else{NULL},
  returndat$recruitpars <- recruitpars
  # process adjustments to recruit devs
  RecrDistpars <- parameters[substring(parameters$Label,1,8)=="RecrDist",]
  returndat$RecrDistpars <- RecrDistpars

  # adding read of wtatage file
  returndat$wtatage <- wtatage

  # print list of statistics
    cat("Statistics shown below (to turn off, change input to printstats=FALSE)\n")

    # remove scientific notation (only for display, not returned values, which were added to returndat already)
    stats$likelihoods_used <- format(stats$likelihoods_used,scientific=20)
    stats$estimated_non_rec_devparameters <- format(stats$estimated_non_rec_devparameters,scientific=20)
      if(stats$N_estimated_parameters > 1){print(corstats, quote=FALSE)}else{cat("Too few estimated parameters to report correlations")}

  # return the inputs to this function so they can be used by SSplots or other functions
  inputs <- list()
  inputs$dir      <- dir
  inputs$model    <- model
  inputs$repfile  <- repfile
  inputs$forecast <- forecast
  inputs$warn     <- warn
  inputs$covar    <- covar
  inputs$verbose  <- verbose

  returndat$inputs <- inputs

  if(verbose) cat("completed SS_output\n")

} # end function

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