#' @include AllClasses.R Annotations.R CAGEexp.R CAGEr.R ClusteringMethods.R ClusteringFunctions.R CTSS.R Multicore.R
#' @name aggregateTagClusters
#' @title Aggregate TCs across all samples
#' @description Aggregates tag clusters (TCs) across all CAGE datasets within
#' the CAGEr object to create a referent set of consensus clusters.
#' @param object A [`CAGEr`] object
#' @param tpmThreshold Ignore tag clusters with normalized signal `< tpmThreshold`
#' when constructing the consensus clusters.
#' @param excludeSignalBelowThreshold When `TRUE` the tag clusters with
#' normalized signal `< tpmThreshold` will not contribute to the total
#' CAGE signal of a consensus cluster. When set to `FALSE` all TCs that
#' overlap consensus clusters will contribute to the total signal,
#' regardless whether they pass the threshold for constructing the
#' clusters or not.
#' @param qLow,qUp Set which "lower" (or "upper") quantile should be used as 5'
#' (or 3') boundary of the tag cluster. If `NULL` the start (for `qLow`)
#' or end (for `qUp`) position of the TC is used.
#' @param maxDist Maximal length of the gap (in base-pairs) between two tag
#' clusters for them to be part of the same consensus clusters.
#' @param useMulticore Logical, should multicore be used (supported only on
#' Unix-like platforms).
#' @param nrCores Number of cores to use when `useMulticore = TRUE`. Default
#' (`NULL`) uses all detected cores.
#' @details Since the tag clusters (TCs) returned by the [`clusterCTSS`]
#' function are constructed separately for every CAGE sample within the CAGEr
#' object, they can differ between samples in both their number, genomic
#' coordinates, position of dominant TSS and #' overall signal. To be able to
#' compare all samples at the level of clusters of TSSs, TCs from all CAGE
#' datasets are aggregated into a single set of consensus clusters. First, TCs
#' with signal `>= tpmThreshold` from all CAGE datasets are selected, and their
#' 5' and 3' boundaries are determined based on provided `qLow` and `qUp`
#' parameter (or the start and end coordinates, if they are set to `NULL`).
#' Finally, the defined set of TCs from all CAGE datasets is reduced to a
#' non-overlapping set of consensus clusters by merging overlapping TCs and TCs
#' `<= maxDist` base-pairs apart. Consensus clusters represent a referent set
#' of promoters that can be further used for expression profiling or detecting
#' "shifting" (differentially used) promoters between different CAGE samples.
#' @return For [`CAGEset`] objects, the `consensusClusters` slot will be
#' populated with a data frame indicating the cluster name, chromosome, start
#' and end coordinates, the strand, and the normalised expression score of the
#' cluster. This table is returned by the [`consensusClusters`] function.
#' For [`CAGEexp`] objects, the experiment `consensusClusters` will be occupied
#' by a [`RangedSummarizedExperiment`] containing the cluster coodinates as row
#' ranges, and their expression levels in the `counts` and `normalized` assays.
#' These genomic ranges are returned by the [`consensusClustersGR`] function.
#' The CTSS ranges of the `tagCountMatrix` experiment will gain a `cluster`
#' column indicating which cluster they belong to. Lastly, the number of
#' CTSS outside clusters will be documented in the `outOfClusters` column data.
#' This table is returned by the [`consensusClusters`] function.
#' @author Vanja Haberle
#' @author Charles Plessy
#' @family CAGEr object modifiers
#' @family CAGEr clusters functions
#' @importFrom data.table data.table setkeyv setnames
#' @examples
#' head(consensusClusters(exampleCAGEset))
#' aggregateTagClusters( exampleCAGEset, tpmThreshold = 50
#' , excludeSignalBelowThreshold = FALSE, maxDist = 100)
#' head(consensusClusters(exampleCAGEset))
#' aggregateTagClusters(object = exampleCAGEset, tpmThreshold = 50,
#' excludeSignalBelowThreshold = FALSE, qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9, maxDist = 100)
#' head(consensusClusters(exampleCAGEset))
#' consensusClustersGR(exampleCAGEexp)
#' aggregateTagClusters( exampleCAGEexp, tpmThreshold = 50
#' , excludeSignalBelowThreshold = FALSE, maxDist = 100)
#' consensusClustersGR(exampleCAGEexp)
#' aggregateTagClusters( exampleCAGEexp, tpmThreshold = 50
#' , excludeSignalBelowThreshold = TRUE, maxDist = 100)
#' consensusClustersGR(exampleCAGEexp)
#' aggregateTagClusters( exampleCAGEexp, tpmThreshold = 50
#' , excludeSignalBelowThreshold = TRUE, maxDist = 100
#' , qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9)
#' consensusClustersGR(exampleCAGEexp)
#' @export
setGeneric( "aggregateTagClusters"
, function( object
, tpmThreshold = 5, excludeSignalBelowThreshold = TRUE
, qLow = NULL, qUp = NULL
, maxDist = 100
, useMulticore = FALSE, nrCores = NULL)
#' @rdname aggregateTagClusters
setMethod( "aggregateTagClusters", "CAGEr"
, function ( object, tpmThreshold, excludeSignalBelowThreshold
, qLow, qUp, maxDist, useMulticore, nrCores) {
objname <- deparse(substitute(object))
consensus.clusters <- .aggregateTagClustersGR( object, tpmThreshold = tpmThreshold
, qLow = qLow, qUp = qUp, maxDist = maxDist)
if (excludeSignalBelowThreshold) {
filter <- .filterCtss( object
, threshold = tpmThreshold
, nrPassThreshold = 1
, thresholdIsTpm = TRUE)
} else filter <- TRUE
if (inherits(object, "CAGEset")) {
filteredSE <- CTSStagCountSE(object)[filter,]
.getTotalTagCountSample <- function(x) {
ctss.s <- as(rowRanges(filteredSE), "CTSS")
score(ctss.s) <- assay(filteredSE, "normalizedTpmMatrix")[[x]]
ctss.s <- ctss.s[ctss.s$filteredCTSSidx]
ctss.s <- ctss.s[score(ctss.s) > 0]
.getTotalTagCount(ctss = ctss.s, ctss.clusters = consensus.clusters)}
tpm.list <- bplapply( sampleList(object), .getTotalTagCountSample
, BPPARAM = CAGEr_Multicore(useMulticore, nrCores))
m <- as.matrix(data.frame(tpm.list))
rownames(m) <- 1:nrow(m)
consensus.clusters$tpm <- rowSums(m)
object@consensusClustersTpmMatrix <- m
consensusClusters(object) <- CCgranges2dataframe(consensus.clusters)
if (inherits(object, "CAGEexp")) {
CTSScoordinatesGR(object)$cluster <-
ranges2names(CTSScoordinatesGR(object), consensus.clusters)
se <- CTSStagCountSE(object)[filter & decode(filteredCTSSidx(object)), ]
consensusClustersSE(object) <- .CCtoSE(se, consensus.clusters)
score(consensusClustersGR(object)) <- rowSums(assays(consensusClustersSE(object))[["normalized"]])
object$outOfClusters <- librarySizes(object) - colSums(assay(consensusClustersSE(object)))
assign(objname, object, envir = parent.frame())
setGeneric( ".aggregateTagClustersGR"
, function( object, tpmThreshold = 5
, qLow = NULL, qUp = NULL, maxDist = 100)
setMethod( ".aggregateTagClustersGR", "CAGEr"
, function ( object, tpmThreshold
, qLow, qUp, maxDist) {
if (all( !is.null(qLow), !is.null(qUp))) {
TC.list <- tagClustersGR(object, returnInterquantileWidth = TRUE, qLow = qLow, qUp = qUp)
TC.list <- endoapply(TC.list, function(x) {
end(x) <- mcols(x)[[paste0("q_", qUp) ]] + start(x)
start(x) <- mcols(x)[[paste0("q_", qLow)]] + start(x)
} else {
TC.list <- tagClustersGR(object)
consensus.clusters <- .make.consensus.clusters( TC.list = TC.list
, plus.minus = round(maxDist/2)
, = tpmThreshold)
consensus.clusters <- .clusterAggregateAndSum(consensus.clusters, "consensus.cluster")
consensus.clusters <- GRanges(consensus.clusters)
names(consensus.clusters) <- as.character(consensus.clusters)
setGeneric( ".CCtoSE" , function(se, consensus.clusters, tpmThreshold = 1)
setMethod( ".CCtoSE"
, c(se = "RangedSummarizedExperiment")
, function(se, consensus.clusters, tpmThreshold = 1) {
if (is.null(assays(se)[["normalizedTpmMatrix"]]))
stop("Needs normalised data; run ", sQuote("normalizeTagCount()"), " first.")
if (is.null(rowRanges(se)$cluster))
rowRanges(se)$cluster <- ranges2names(rowRanges(se), consensus.clusters)
if (tpmThreshold > 0)
se <- se[rowSums(DelayedArray(assays(se)[["normalizedTpmMatrix"]])) > tpmThreshold,]
.rowsumAsMatrix <- function(DF, names) {
rs <- rowsum(as.matrix(DelayedArray(DF)), as.factor(names))
if (rownames(rs)[1] == "") # If some CTSS were not in clusters
rs <- rs[-1, , drop = FALSE]
counts <- .rowsumAsMatrix(assays(se)[["counts"]], rowRanges(se)$cluster)
norm <- .rowsumAsMatrix(assays(se)[["normalizedTpmMatrix"]], rowRanges(se)$cluster)
SummarizedExperiment( rowRanges = consensus.clusters[rownames(counts)]
, assays = SimpleList( counts = counts
, normalized = norm))
#' @name CustomConsensusClusters
#' @title Expression levels of consensus cluster
#' @description Intersects custom consensus clusters with the CTSS data in a
#' [`CAGEexp`] object, and stores the result as a expression matrices
#' (raw and normalised tag counts).
#' @param object A `CAGEexp` object
#' @param clusters Consensus clusters in [`GRanges`] format.
#' @param threshold,nrPassThreshold Only CTSSs with signal `>= threshold` in
#' `>= nrPassThreshold` experiments will be used for clustering and will
#' contribute towards total signal of the cluster.
#' @param thresholdIsTpm Logical, is threshold raw tag count value (FALSE) or
#' normalized signal (TRUE).
#' @details Consensus clusters must not overlap, so that a single base of the
#' genome can only be attributed to a single cluster. This is enforced by the
#' [`.ConsensusClusters`] constructor.
#' @return stores the result as a new [`RangedSummarizedExperiment`] in the
#' `experiment` slot of the object. The assays of the new experiment are called
#' `counts` and `normalized`. An `outOfClusters` column is added
#' to the sample metadata to reflect the number of molecules that do not have
#' their TSS in a consensus cluster.
#' @author Charles Plessy
#' @family CAGEr object modifiers
#' @family CAGEr clusters functions
#' @examples
#' cc <- consensusClustersGR(exampleCAGEexp)
#' CustomConsensusClusters(exampleCAGEexp, cc)
#' @export
setGeneric( "CustomConsensusClusters"
, function( object
, clusters
, threshold = 0
, nrPassThreshold = 1
, thresholdIsTpm = TRUE)
#' @rdname CustomConsensusClusters
setMethod( "CustomConsensusClusters", c("CAGEexp", "GRanges")
, function (object, clusters
, threshold, nrPassThreshold, thresholdIsTpm = TRUE) {
objname <- deparse(substitute(object))
clusters <- .ConsensusClusters(clusters)
filter <- .filterCtss( object
, threshold = threshold
, nrPassThreshold = nrPassThreshold
, thresholdIsTpm = thresholdIsTpm)
CTSScoordinatesGR(object)$cluster <- ranges2names(CTSScoordinatesGR(object), clusters)
consensusClustersSE(object) <- .CCtoSE( CTSStagCountSE(object)[filter, ]
, clusters)
score(consensusClustersGR(object)) <- rowSums(assays(consensusClustersSE(object))[["normalized"]])
object$outOfClusters <- librarySizes(object) - colSums(assay(consensusClustersSE(object)))
assign(objname, object, envir = parent.frame())
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