Man pages for ChIPanalyser
ChIPanalyser: Predicting Transcription Factor Binding Sites

averageExpPWMScoreAccessor for 'averageExpPWMScore' slot in a 'genomicProfiles'...
averageExpPWMScore-methods~~ Methods for Function 'averageExpPWMScore' ~~
backgroundSignalAccessor method for the 'backgroundSignal' slot in a...
backgroundSignal_-Setter method for 'backgroundSignal' slot in a...
backgroundSignal_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'backgroundSignal<-' ~~
backgroundSignal-methods~~ Methods for Function 'backgroundSignal' ~~
boundMoleculesAccessor methods for 'boundMolecules' slot in...
boundMolecules_-Setter method for the 'boundMolecules' slot in a...
boundMolecules_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'boundMolecules<-' ~~
boundMolecules-methods~~ Methods for Function 'boundMolecules' ~~
BPFrequencyAccessor method for 'BPFrequency' slot in a 'genomicProfiles'...
BPFrequency_-Setter method for 'BPFrequency' slot in a 'genomicProfiles'...
BPFrequency_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'BPFrequency<-' ~~
BPFrequency-methods~~ Methods for Function 'BPFrequency' ~~
ChIPanalyser-packageChIPanalyser: Predicting Transcription Factor Binding Sites
chipMeanAccessor method for 'chipMean' slot in a 'parameterOptions'...
chipMean_-Access methods for 'chipMean' slot in 'parameterOptions'...
chipMean_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'chipMean<-' ~~
chipMean-methods~~ Methods for Function 'chipMean' ~~
ChIPScore-classClass '"ChIPScore"'
chipSdAccessor method for 'chipSd' slot in a 'parameterOptions'...
chipSd_-Setter methods for 'chipSd' slot in a 'parameterOptions'...
chipSd_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'chipSd<-' ~~
chipSd-methods~~ Methods for Function 'chipSd' ~~
chipSmoothAccessor methods for 'chipSmooth' slot in a...
chipSmooth_-Setter method for 'chipSmooth' slot in 'parameterOptions'...
chipSmooth_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'chipSmooth<-' ~~
chipSmooth-methods~~ Methods for Function 'chipSmooth' ~~
computeChIPProfileComputing ChIP-seq like profiles from Occupancy data.
computeGenomeWideScoresComputing Genome Wide scores
computeOccupancyCompute Occupancy values from PWM Scores based on model.
computeOptimalcompute Optimal Parameters
computePWMScoreCompute PWM Scores of sites above threshold.
DNASequenceLengthAccessor method for 'DNASequenceLength' slot in a...
DNASequenceLength-methods~~ Methods for Function 'DNASequenceLength' ~~
dropAccessor Method for the 'drop' slot in a 'genomicProfiles'...
drop-methods~~ Methods for Function 'drop' ~~
genomicProfilesGenomic Profile object
genomicProfiles-classClass '"genomicProfiles"'
genomicProfilesInternal-classClass '"genomicProfilesInternal"'
GRList-classClass '"GRList"'
initialize-methods~~ Methods for Function 'initialize' ~~
lambdaPWMAccessor Method for the 'lambdaPWM' slot in a...
lambdaPWM_Setter Method for the 'lambdaPWM' slot in a...
lambdaPWM_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'lambdaPWM<-' ~~
lambdaPWM-methods~~ Methods for Function 'lambdaPWM' ~~
lociAccessor Method for the 'loci' slot in a 'ChIPScore' object
loci-classClass '"loci"'
loci-methods~~ Methods for Function 'loci' ~~
lociWidthAccessor Method for the 'lociWidth' slot in a...
lociWidth_Setter Method for the 'lociWidth' slot in a...
lociWidth_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'lociWidth<-' ~~
lociWidth-methods~~ Methods for Function 'lociWidth' ~~
maxPWMScoreAccessor function for 'maxPWMScore' slot in a...
maxPWMScore-methods~~ Methods for Function 'maxPWMScore' ~~
maxSignalAccessor method for the 'maxSignal' slot in a...
maxSignal_-Setter method for 'maxSignal' slot in a 'parameterOptions'...
maxSignal_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'maxSignal<-' ~~
maxSignal-methods~~ Methods for Function 'maxSignal' ~~
minPWMScoreAccessor method the 'minPWMScore' slot in a 'genomicProfiles'...
minPWMScore-methods~~ Methods for Function 'minPWMScore' ~~
naturalLogAccessor method the 'naturalLog' slot in a 'parameterOptions'...
naturalLog_-Setter method for the 'naturalLog' slot in a...
naturalLog_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'naturalLog<-' ~~
naturalLog-methods~~ Methods for Function 'naturalLog' ~~
noiseFilterAccessor Method for the 'noiseFilter' slot in a...
noiseFilter_Setter Method for the 'noiseFilter' slot in a...
noiseFilter_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'noiseFilter<-' ~~
noiseFilter-methods~~ Methods for Function 'noiseFilter' ~~
noOfSitesAccessor Method for the 'noOfSites' slot in a...
noOfSites_-Setter Method for the 'noOfSites' slot in a...
noOfSites_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'noOfSites<-' ~~
noOfSites-methods~~ Methods for Function 'noOfSites' ~~
nos-classClass '"nos"'
parameterOptionsparameter Options object
parameterOptions-classClass '"parameterOptions"'
PFMFormatAccesor method for the 'PFMFormat' slot in a...
PFMFormat_Setter method for the 'PFMFormat' slot in a 'genomicProfiles'...
PFMFormat_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'PFMFormat<-' ~~
PFMFormat-methods~~ Methods for Function 'PFMFormat' ~~
ploidyAccessor method for the 'ploidy' slot in a 'parameterOptions'...
ploidy_-Setter Method for the 'ploidy' slot in an 'parameterOptions'...
ploidy_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'ploidy<-' ~~
ploidy-methods~~ Methods for Function 'ploidy' ~~
plotOccupancyProfilePlot Occupancy Profiles
plotOptimalHeatMapsHeat Map of optimal Parameters
PositionFrequencyMatrixAccessor method for the 'PFM' slot in a 'genomicProfiles'...
PositionFrequencyMatrix_-Setter method for the 'PFM' slot in a 'genomicProfiles'...
PositionFrequencyMatrix_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'PositionFrequencyMatrix<-' ~~
PositionFrequencyMatrix-methods~~ Methods for Function 'PositionFrequencyMatrix' ~~
PositionWeightMatrixAccessor Method for the 'PWM' slot in a 'genomicProfiles'...
PositionWeightMatrix_-Setter Method for the 'PositionWeightMatrix' slot in a...
PositionWeightMatrix_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'PositionWeightMatrix<-' ~~
PositionWeightMatrix-methods~~ Methods for Function 'PositionWeightMatrix' ~~
processingChIPPre-processing ChIP-seq data
profileAccuracyEstimateEstimating Accuracy of predicted Profiles
profiles-methods~~ Methods for Function 'profiles' ~~
PWMpseudocountAccessor Method for a 'PWMpseudocount' slot in a...
PWMpseudocount_-Setter Method for the 'pseudocount' slot in a...
PWMpseudocount_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'PWMpseudocount<-' ~~
PWMpseudocount-methods~~ Methods for Function 'PWMpseudocount' ~~
PWMThresholdAccessor method for the 'PWMThreshold' slot in a...
PWMThreshold_-Setter Method for the 'PWMThreshold' slot in a...
PWMThreshold_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'PWMThreshold<-' ~~
PWMThreshold-methods~~ Methods for Function 'PWMThreshold' ~~
removeBackgroundAccessor Method for the 'removeBackground' slot in a...
removeBackground_-Setter Method for the 'removeBackground' slot in a...
removeBackground_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'removeBackground<-' ~~
removeBackground-methods~~ Methods for Function 'removeBackground' ~~
scoresAccessor Method for the 'scores' slot in a 'ChIPScore' object
scores-methods~~ Methods for Function 'scores' ~~
searchSitesSearching function for Sites above threshold and predicted...
show-methods~~ Methods for Function 'show' ~~
stepSizeAccessor method of the 'stepSize' slot in 'parameterOptions'...
stepSize_-Setter Method for the 'stepSize' slot in a 'parameterOptions'
stepSize_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'stepSize<-' ~~
stepSize-methods~~ Methods for Function 'stepSize' ~~
strandRuleAccessor Method for the 'strandRule' slot in a...
strandRule_-Setter method for the 'strandRule' slot in a...
strandRule_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'strandRule<-' ~~
strandRule-methods~~ Methods for Function 'strandRule' ~~
whichstrandAccessor method for the 'whichstrand' slot in a...
whichstrand_-Setter method for the 'whichstrand' slot in a...
whichstrand_--methods~~ Methods for Function 'whichstrand<-' ~~
whichstrand-methods~~ Methods for Function 'whichstrand' ~~
ChIPanalyser documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:23 p.m.