
Defines functions .fixCounts .score2pval .showHeader .headTail .oligonucSim plotFreq oligoNucTest triNucTest1 triNucTest2 .triNucStat diNucTest .oneWayTest .twoWayTest views2nucFreq .nucFreq allGroups allWords exportBindSequence .noOverlap simpleNucCall getBindLen getBindCor getCutoff pickPeak startScore pos2gff .plotReads .plotBind .plotWindow windowCounts alignFeature

Documented in alignFeature allGroups allWords diNucTest exportBindSequence getBindCor getBindLen getCutoff oligoNucTest pickPeak plotFreq .plotReads .plotWindow pos2gff simpleNucCall startScore triNucTest1 triNucTest2 views2nucFreq windowCounts

# Functions for ChIPseqR package
# Author: Peter Humburg

############## read mapping #######################

## align sequence data according to transcription start sites
## data: mapped reads (ReadCounts object)
## anno: gff formated annotations for genes (or any other feature of interest)
## offset: number of base pairs to use from either side of TSS
## returns a list of sequences centred around TSS
alignFeature <- function(data, anno, offset = 1000){
	align <- function(start,x,offset){
		chr <- as.character(start[1,1])
		pos <- as.numeric(start[1,2])
		if(is.null(x[[chr]])) return(NULL)
		## read counts may be compressed
		x <- decompress(x[[chr]])
		## may be dealing with pooled forward and reverse read counts
		if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- matrix(x, ncol=1)
		ret <- matrix(0,ncol=ncol(x),nrow=2*offset+1)
		slice <- (offset-min(pos,offset)+1):(offset+min(offset,nrow(x)-pos-1)+1)
		ret[slice,] <- x[(pos-(offset-slice[1]+1)):(pos+(slice[length(slice)]-offset-1)),]
	seq.genes <- vector(nrow(anno), mode="list")
	for(i in 1:nrow(anno)){
		reverse <- anno[i,7]=="-"
		seq.genes[[i]] <- align(anno[i,c(1,4+reverse)], data, offset)
		if(reverse) seq.genes[[i]] <- rev(seq.genes[[i]])

## compute sliding window summaries of read counts
windowCounts <- function(reads, window=1000, shift=500, method=sum){
    views <- slidingViews(reads, window, shift)
    wndw <- viewApply(views, function(v) method(as.vector(v)))
    names(wndw) <- mid(ranges(views))

########### visualisation ####################

## plot read counts in a window, optionally with overlayed score and nucleosome positions
.plotWindow <- function(data, chr, center, score, width=2000, bind, start, end,
		bind.col=3, score.type='l',	xlab=NULL, ylab="Read count", cutoff=TRUE, offset=1, ...){
	stopifnot(is(data, "ReadCounts") || is.list(data))
	data <- data[[chr]]
	if(missing(start)) start <- floor(center - ceiling(width/2))
	if(missing(end)) end <- ceiling(center + ceiling(width/2))
	range <- start:end - offset + 1
	height <- max(data[range,])
		mar <- par("mar")
		mar[4] <- max(4.1, mar[4])
		score <- score[[chr, start:end]]
		peaks <- unlist(peaks(score))
		if(missing(bind)) bind <- binding(score)
		support <- support(score)
		binding <- binding(score)
		cutValue <- cutoff(score)["score"]
		score <- unlist(score(score))
	## plot read counts
	if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- paste(chr, start, "-", end)
	plot(start:end, data[range,1], ylim=c(0,height), type='h', ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, col=2, ...)
	lines(start:end, data[range,2], type='h', col=4, lty=2)
	## plot score
		score.col <- col2rgb(3)/255
		score.col <- rgb(sqrt(score.col[1,]), sqrt(score.col[2,]), sqrt(score.col[3,]))
		min.score <- min(score, na.rm=TRUE)
		max.score <- max(score, na.rm=TRUE)
		denom <- ((max.score-min.score)/height)
		lines(start:end, (score - min.score)/denom, col=score.col, lty=1, type=score.type, cex=0.5)
		if(cutoff) abline(h=(cutValue - min.score)/denom, col=score.col, lty=2)
		## add axis
		ticks <- pretty(score)
		ticks.at <- height*(ticks - min.score)/(max.score-min.score)
		axis(4, labels=ticks, at=ticks.at, col=score.col, col.axis=score.col)
		mtext("Score", side=4, line=2.5, cex=par("cex")*par("cex.lab"), col=score.col)
		## plot predicted binding sites
		if(length(peaks) > 0)
			.plotBind(peaks, 0, col=bind.col, b=bind, bind=binding, offset=0, 
					step=-0.01*(par("usr")[4]-par("usr")[3]), lwd=4, lend=1, extend=support)

## plot binding sites
## plots binding region (bind) of predicted binding site as well as actual (assumed) length of binding site (b) 
.plotBind <- function(x, y, col=1, add=TRUE, b=147, bind=128, offset=-1000, step, extend, ...){
	## assume bind <= b
	## TODO: May want to allow bind > b, not sure whether it is needed in practice though
	x.centre <- x
	## calculate vertical position of features to plot
	len <- max(b, bind + 2*extend) + 1
	ypos <- numeric(length(x)) + y
	if(length(x) > 1) for(i in 2:length(x)){
		if(x[i] <= x[i-1] + len) ypos[i] <- ypos[i-1] + step
	x <- x.centre - ceiling(b/2)
	## plot larger feature first
	if(!identical(b, bind)){
		col <- rep(col,length.out=length(x))
			plot(c(x[1],x[1]+b-1)+offset, c(y,y), col=col[1], type='l',...)
		for(i in (1+!add):length(x)){
			null<-mapply(function(s,col){ lines(c(s,s+b)+offset,c(ypos[i],ypos[i]),col=col,...)}, x[[i]],col[[i]])
		add <- TRUE
	## use lighter colour for overlayed feature
	col <- col2rgb(col)/255
	col <- rgb(sqrt(col[1,]), sqrt(col[2,]*0.5), sqrt(col[3,]))
	x <- x.centre - ceiling(bind/2)
	col <- rep(col,length.out=length(x))
		plot(c(x[1],x[1]+bind-1)+offset, c(y,y), col=col[1], type='l',...)
		if(!missing(extend) && extend > 0){
			lines(c(x-extend, x)+offset, c(y,y), col=col, lend=1)
			lines(c(x + bind + extend - 1, x)+offset, c(y,y), col=col, lend=1)
#	pos <- !add
	for(i in (1+!add):length(x)){
#		if(i > 1 && x[[i]] > x[[i-1]] + bind + ifelse(missing(extend), 0, 2*extend)) pos <- 0
		null<-mapply(function(s,col){ lines(c(s,s+bind)+offset,c(ypos[i],ypos[i]),col=col,...)}, x[[i]],col[[i]])
		if(!missing(extend) && extend > 0){
			null <- mapply(function(x,col) lines(c(x-extend, x)+offset, c(ypos[i],ypos[i]), col=col, lend=1), 
					x[[i]], col[[i]])
			null <- mapply(function(x,col) lines(c(x + bind + extend, x)+offset, c(ypos[i],ypos[i]), col=col, lend=1), 
					x[[i]], col[[i]])
#		pos <- pos + 1

.plotReads <- function(x, scale=c("total", "ratio"), log=TRUE, ...){
	stopifnot(is(x, "matrix"), ncol(x) == 2)
	method <- match.arg(scale)
	hilbert <- list(HilbertVis::hilbertImage(x[,1]), HilbertVis::hilbertImage(x[,2]))
	## process plot parameters
	dots <- list(...)
	if(!is.null(dots$mar)) mar <- dots$mar
	else mar <- c(0,0,4,0)
	if(!is.null(dots$col)) col <- dots$col
	oldPar <- par("mar","bg","xpd")
	par(mar=mar, bg="gray", xpd=TRUE)
	if(method == "total"){
		data <- hilbert[[1]] + hilbert[[2]]
		if(log) data <- log(data)
		if(is.null(dots$col)) col <- fBasics::seqPalette(256,"Blues")
		dataRange <- diff(range(data[is.finite(data)], na.rm=TRUE))
		centre <- as.numeric(!log)
		step <- dataRange/length(col)
		breaks <- c(seq(min(data[is.finite(data)], na.rm=TRUE), centre - step, length.out=length(col)/2), centre, 
				seq(step, max(data[is.finite(data)], na.rm=TRUE), length.out=length(col)/2))
		image(data, col=col, breaks=breaks, xaxt="n",yaxt="n")
	else if(method == "ratio"){
			data <- log(hilbert[[1]]) - log(hilbert[[2]])
		else data <- hilbert[[1]]/hilbert[[2]]
		if(is.null(dots$col)) col <- fBasics::divPalette(256,"RdYlGn")
		image(data, col=col,xaxt="n",yaxt="n")		
	## ensure margin background is white
	offset <- 1/(2*(nrow(data)-1)) 
	top <-  grconvertY(grconvertY(1 + offset, "user", "inches") + par("mai")[3], "inches", "user")
	rect(-offset, 1 + offset, 1 + offset, top, col="white", border=NA)
	## add title
	if(!is.null(dots$main)) title(dots$main)
		if(method == "ratio") main <- "Ratio of Read Counts"
		else if(method == "total") main <- "Total Read Counts"
		title(paste(ifelse(log, "Log", ""), main))	

####################### conversion #####################################
## convert list of genome coordinates into gff format
## pos: named list with start positions for each chromosome
pos2gff <- function(pos, method, feature, len, strand, score, name){
	total <- sum(S4Vectors::elementNROWS(pos))
	chr <- rep(names(pos), times = S4Vectors::elementNROWS(pos))
	start <- unlist(pos, use.names=FALSE)
	method <- rep(method, length.out=total)
	feature <- rep(feature, length.out=total)
	if(missing(strand)) strand <- "."
	strand <- rep(strand, length.out=total)
	if(missing(score)) score <- "."
	score <- rep(score, length.out=total)
	if(missing(name)) name <- paste(feature, 1:total, sep="_")
	name <- paste("name \"", name, "\"", sep='')
	data.frame(chromosome=chr, method=method, feature=feature, start=start, 
			end=start+len, score=score, strand=strand, frame=".", name=I(name),

####################### finding binding sites ##########################

## using C code
startScore <- function(data, b, support, background, bgCutoff, supCutoff){
	if(typeof(data) != "integer")
            data <- matrix(as.integer(unlist(data, use.names=FALSE)), ncol = 2)
	score <- .Call(startScore_pois, data, as.integer(b), as.integer(support), as.integer(background), 
			bgCutoff, supCutoff)

## given binding site scores (for one chromosome), identify all peaks above given threshold
pickPeak <- function(score, threshold, offset=0, sub=FALSE){
	idx <- which(score > threshold)
	if(length(idx) == 0) return(NULL)
	idx.dist <- diff(idx)
	change.at <- which(idx.dist > 1)
	idx.start <- c(1, change.at +1)
	idx.end <- c(change.at, length(idx))
	broadPeak <- IRanges::Views(score, idx[idx.start], idx[idx.end])
	peak <- IRanges::viewWhichMaxs(broadPeak)
	## if the peak is flat we pick the centre
	for(i in 1:length(peak)){
	  runs <- as(broadPeak[[i]][(peak[i] - start(broadPeak)[i] + 1):width(broadPeak)[i]], "Rle")
	  peakWidth <- runLength(runs)[1]
	  if(peakWidth > 1){
	    peak[i] <- peak[i] + floor(peakWidth/2) 
		subPeaks <- mapply(function(s,e, x) {
					if(s == e) p <- s + offset
					else if(isTRUE(all.equal(diff(window(x, s, e)), rep(0, e-s)))) 
						p <- s + floor((e - s)/2) + offset
					else if(e-s > 1){
						p <- which(diff(window(x, s, e-1)) >= 0 &  
										diff(window(x, s+1, e)) <= 0) + s + offset
						if(x[s] > x[s + 1]) p <- c(s + offset, p)
						if(x[e] > x[e - 1]) p <- c(p, e + offset)
						drop <- which(diff(p) == 1)
						if(length(drop) > 0) p <- p[-(drop + 1)]
					else p <- which.max(x[s:e]) + s -1 + offset
				},idx[idx.start], idx[idx.end], 
				MoreArgs=list(x=score), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
		ret <- list(peaks=peak+offset, subPeaks=subPeaks)
	else ret <- peak + offset

## determine significance threshold for binding site scores
## alpha is the target level of the FDR (which will be adapted to the data)
getCutoff <- function(score, alpha = 0.05, tailCut=0.95, adapt=FALSE, lambda, plot = TRUE, returnPval = TRUE){
	nllk <- function(sd, x, cutoff){
		dnom <- log(pnorm(cutoff, sd=sd, log.p=FALSE) - pnorm(0, sd=sd, log.p=FALSE))
		-(sum(dnorm(x[x < cutoff], sd=sd, log=TRUE) - dnom))
	score <- score[!is.na(score)]
	score2 <- -score[score <= median(score)]
	score2 <- score2 - min(score2)
	fit <- optimize(nllk, c(.Machine$double.eps, .Machine$double.max), x=score2, cutoff=quantile(score2, tailCut))
	sigma <- fit$minimum
	pval <- pnorm(score, mean=median(score), sd=sigma, lower.tail=FALSE)
	fdr <- p.adjust(pval, "BH")
	pi0 <- NA
		F_hat <- sum(pval <= lambda)/length(pval)
		pi0 <- min(1, (1 - F_hat)/(1 - lambda))
		alpha <- alpha/pi0
	cutoff <- ifelse(min(fdr) > alpha, Inf, min(score[fdr <= alpha])) 
#	if(plot){
#		range <- max(score) - min(score)
#		breaks <- seq(min(score), max(score), length.out=max(range, 100))
#		hist(score, breaks=breaks, freq=FALSE, main="Empirical and fitted null distribution", xlab="Score")
#		lines(seq(min(score), max(score), by=0.1), dnorm(seq(min(score), max(score), by=0.1),
#						mean=median(score), sd=sigma), col=2)
#		if(is.finite(cutoff)) abline(v=cutoff, col=4, lty=2)
#	}
	## assemble result
	result <- list(cutoff=c(cutoff, alpha), h0=c(median(score), sigma))
	names(result$cutoff) <- c("cutoff", "alpha")
	names(result$h0) <- c("mean", "sd")
	if(returnPval) result[["pvalue"]] <- fdr
	if(adapt) result[["pi0"]] <- pi0

## calculate cross-correlation between strands
getBindCor <- function(data, max.lag, summary, plot=TRUE, ...){
	result <- sapply(lapply(decompress(data), timsac::fftcor, lag=max.lag, plot=FALSE), function(x) x$ccor21)
		matplot(0:max.lag,result, type='l', xlab="Lag", ylab="Cross-correlation", 
				main="Correlation between forward and reverse strand", lty=1:5, col=1:6)
		if(is.null(names(data))) names <- 1:length(data)
		else names <- names(data)
		if(length(names) > 1 )legend("topright", legend=names, col=1:6, lty=1:5)
	if(!missing(summary)) result <- apply(result, 1, summary)

## identify peaks in cross-correlation between strands to determine binding site length (and optionally support region length)
## bind and support give the maximum (and optionally minimum) length for binding site and support region
## Note that the assumption that the first peak in the cross-correlation indicates the length of the binding site 
## is not accurate. The peak is closer to bind + 2*m where m is the median of the read distribution in the support region.
## ('read distribution in the support region' means the read density as a function of distance to binding site start/end)
## Consequently this method will overestimate the length of the binding site.
## If either bind or support are of length 1 this is assumed to be the known value and a more accurate estimate for the
## remaining parameter is used.
getBindLen <- function(data, bind, support, summary=median, verbose=FALSE, plot=TRUE, ...){
	max.lag <- ifelse(missing(support), ceiling(max(bind)*1.5), 2*max(bind)+ceiling(max(support)*1.5))
	bindCor <- getBindCor(data, max.lag, summary, plot=FALSE, ...)
	## fit smoothing spline 
	bindSpline <- smooth.spline(0:(length(bindCor)-1), bindCor)
	#determine lag that maximises correlation, this should be close to length of binding site
	if(length(bind) == 1){
		bindLen <- bind
		#supLen <- which.max(bindSpline$y[(bind + min(support)):(bind + max(support)) + 1]) + min(support) - 1
		supPeak <- which.max(window(bindSpline$y, bindLen + 2*min(support),
						bindLen + 2*max(support) + 1)) + bindLen + 2*min(support) - 1
		supLen <- round((supPeak - bindLen) * 0.5)
		bindPeak <- supPeak   ## need only location of first peak 
		if(verbose) message("Estimated length of support region: ", supLen)
		if(length(support) == 1){
			supLen <- support
			bindPeak <- which.max(window(bindSpline$y, supLen + min(bind), 
									supLen + max(bind) + 1)) +	min(bind) + supLen -1 
			bindLen <- bindPeak - 2*supLen
			supPeak <- bindPeak   ## need only location of first peak
			if(verbose) message("Estimated length of binding site: ", bindLen)
			bindPeak <- which.max(window(bindSpline$y, support[1] + bind[1],
							support[2] + bind[2]+1)) + bind[1] + support[1] - 1
			if(!missing(support) && length(support) > 1){
				supLen <- which.max(window(bindSpline$y, 2*bindPeak+support[1],
								2*bindPeak+support[2]+1)) +	support[1] - 1 
				bindLen <- bindPeak - 2*supLen
				supPeak <- 2*bindPeak + supLen
				if(verbose) message("Estimated length of support region: ", supLen)
			if(verbose) message("Estimated length of binding site: ", bindLen)
	result <- c(bind=bindLen, support=supLen)
		plot(0:max.lag, bindCor, xlab="Lag", ylab="Cross-correlation")
		lines(bindSpline, col=2)
		if(length(bind) > 1) abline(v=bind + support, lty=2)
		if(!missing(support) && length(support) > 1) 
			abline(v=if(length(bind)>1) 2*bindPeak+support else bindLen+2*support, lty=2)
		if(length(bind) > 1) abline(v=bindPeak, lty=3, col=2)
		if(!missing(support) && length(support) > 1) abline(v=supPeak, lty=3, col=3)

## call nucleosomes. This is just for convenience  
simpleNucCall <- function(data, bind=128, support=17, background=2000, chrLen, ...){
		callBindingSites(data, bind=bind, support=support, background=background, chrLen=chrLen, ...)
		callBindingSites(data, bind=bind, support=support, background=background, ...)

## x is position, y is score. The higher scoring of two overlapping entries is retained
## if y is missing the first entry is chosen
.noOverlap <- function(x, y, minDist){
	result <- numeric(length(x))
	result[1] <- x[1]
	count <- 1
	idx <- 1
	if(length(x) > 1) 
		for(i in 2:length(x)){
			if(x[i] >= result[count] + minDist){
				result[count+1] <- x[i]
				count <- count + 1
				idx <- i
			else if(!missing(y)){
				if(y[i] > y[idx]) result[count] <- x[i]
	length(result) <- count

## get sequences for predicted binding sites, removing overlaps by default
exportBindSequence <- function(prediction, reference, bind, overlap=FALSE, file=""){
	## check arguments
	stopifnot(is(prediction, "BindScore"))
	stopifnot(is(reference, "XStringSet"))
	if(missing(bind)) bind <- prediction@functionCall$bind
	## predicted binding sites
	peaks <- as.data.frame(prediction)
	peaks <- lapply(levels(peaks$chromosome), function(chr) subset(peaks, chromosome==chr)[,2:3])
	## remove overlap
		peaks <- lapply(peaks, function(x) .noOverlap(x[,1], x[, 2], minDist=bind))
	else peaks <- lapply(peaks, "[[", 1)
	start <- lapply(peaks, "-", floor(bind/2))
	end <- lapply(peaks, "+", floor(bind/2))
	seqs <- mapply(function(chr, s, e) Views(reference[[chr]], start=s, end=e, 
						names=paste("site", chr, 1:length(s), sep="_")), 1:length(names(prediction)), start, end)	
	if(file=="") return(seqs)
	files <- sapply(names(prediction), function(chr) paste(file, "_", chr, ".fasta", sep=""))
	mapply(function(x, file, format) writeXStringSet(as(x, "XStringSet"), file), seqs, files)

allWords <- function(alphabet, n){
	x <- vector(n, mode="list")
	for(i in 1:n) x[[i]] <- alphabet
	df <- expand.grid(x)
	result <- character(nrow(df))
	for(i in 1:n) result <- paste(result, df[[i]], sep="")

allGroups <- function(alphabet, n){
	words <- allWords(alphabet, n)
	groups <- lapply(words, I)
	names(groups) <- words

.nucFreq <- function(seq, classes=list(AT=c("AA","AT", "TA", "TT"), GC=c("CC", "CG", "GC", "GG"))){
	patternLen <- nchar(classes[[1]][1])
	counts <- matrix(0, nrow=nchar(seq) - patternLen + 1, ncol=length(classes))
	colnames(counts) <- names(classes)
	for(i in 1:(nchar(seq) - patternLen + 1)){
		counts[i,] <- counts[i,] + sapply(classes, function(x) substr(seq, i, i + patternLen - 1) %in% x)

views2nucFreq <- function(x, classes=list(AT=c("AA","AT", "TA", "TT"), GC=c("CC", "CG", "GC", "GG"))){
	stopifnot(is(x, "XStringViews"))
	patternLen <- nchar(classes[[1]][1])
	## TODO: check pattern length
	counts <- matrix(0, nrow=max(width(x)) - patternLen + 1, ncol=length(classes))
	colnames(counts) <- names(classes)
	for(i in 1:length(x)){
		f <- .nucFreq(toString(x[i]), classes)
		if(nrow(f) == nrow(counts))	counts <- counts + f
		## TODO: not sure how to best handle this. Only use for uniform windows!

.twoWayTest <- function(x, classes=c("A", "C", "G", "T"), df, blocked=FALSE){
		classes1 <- classes[[1]]
		classes2 <- classes[[2]]
		classes1 <- classes2 <- classes
	dfOffset <- 0
	x <- matrix(x, nrow=length(classes1))
	rownames(x) <- classes1
	colnames(x) <- classes2
	if(blocked > 0){
		nblock <- nrow(x)/4
		#overlap <- 2*nchar(classes1[1]) - nchar(colnames(x)[1])
		blockIdx <- numeric(nblock)
		block <- 1
		for(i in seq(1,length(classes1), by=4)){
			pattern <- substr(classes1[i], nchar(classes1[i]) - blocked + 1, nchar(classes1[i]))
			for(j in 1:length(classes2))
				if(substr(classes2[j], 1, blocked) == pattern){
					blockIdx[block] <- j
			block <- block + 1
		result <- vector(nblock, mode="list")
		for(i in 1:nblock){
			result[[i]] <- Recall(x[((i-1)*4+1):(i*4), (blockIdx[i]):(blockIdx[i]+3)])
		stat <- sum(sapply(result, "[[", "statistic"))
		df <- sum(sapply(result, "[[", "df"))
		comp <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(x), ncol=ncol(x))
		for(i in 1:nblock)
			comp[((i-1)*4+1):(i*4), (blockIdx[i]):(blockIdx[i]+3)] <- result[[i]]$components
		relFreq <- x/sum(x)
		m <- list()
		m[[1]] <- rowSums(relFreq)
		m[[2]] <- colSums(relFreq)
		expected <- matrix(apply(expand.grid(m),1,prod)*sum(x),nrow=nrow(x))
		isNull <- sapply(expected, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x,0)))
		comp <- ifelse(isNull, 0, sign(x - expected) * sqrt((x - expected)^2/expected))
		stat <- sum(comp^2)
		dfOffset <- sum(isNull)
		if(dfOffset) warning("Table contains zero counts. Result may be unreliable.")
	if(missing(df) && blocked) df <- 9 * nblock -dfOffset
	if(missing(df)) df <- (nrow(x)-1)*(ncol(x)-1) - dfOffset
	pvalue <- pchisq(stat, df, lower.tail=FALSE)
	list(statistic=stat, pvalue=pvalue, components=comp, df=df)

.oneWayTest <- function(freq, ref){
	if(any(ref > 1)) ref <- ref/sum(ref)
	expected <- ref * sum(freq[1,])
	comp <- t(apply(freq, 1, function(x) sign(x - expected) * sqrt((x - expected)^2/expected)))
	stat <- rowSums(comp^2)
	pvalue <- pchisq(stat, ncol(freq) -1, lower.tail=FALSE )
	list(statistic=stat, pvalue=pvalue, components=comp)

diNucTest <- function(dinucFreq, reference){
	order <- c("AA","CA","GA", "TA","AC","CC","GC","TC","AG","CG","GG","TG", "AT","CT","GT","TT")
	dinucFreq <- dinucFreq[, order]
		## two-way test
		#test <- apply(dinucFreq, 1, .diNucChisqTest2)
		test <- apply(dinucFreq, 1, .twoWayTest)
		stat <- sapply(test, "[[", "statistic")
		pvalue <- sapply(test, "[[", "pvalue")
		comp <- t(sapply(test, function(x) c(x[["components"]])))
		colnames(comp) <- order
		## one-way test
		reference <- reference[order]
		test <- .oneWayTest(dinucFreq, reference)
		comp <- test$components
		stat <- test$statistic
		pvalue <- test$pvalue
		colnames(comp) <- order
	list(statistic=stat, pvalue=pvalue, components=comp)

.triNucStat <- function(nuc, mononucFreq, dinucFreq, trinucFreq, n){
	expected <- dinucFreq[-1, substr(nuc,2,3)]/mononucFreq[-c(1,nrow(mononucFreq)), substr(nuc,2,2)]
	observed <- trinucFreq[ , nuc]/n
	(observed - expected)^2/expected
triNucTest2 <- function(trinucFreq){
	order <- mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), 3)
	trinucFreq <- trinucFreq[, order]
	subStr1 <- mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), 2, "left")
	subStr2 <- mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), 2, "right")
	classes <- expand.grid(subStr1, subStr2)
	table <- matrix(0, ncol=nrow(classes), nrow=nrow(trinucFreq))
	idx <- numeric(ncol(trinucFreq))
	names(idx) <- order
	for(nuc in order){
		idx[nuc] <- which(classes[,1] == substr(nuc, 1, 2) & classes[,2] == substr(nuc, 2, 3))
		table[,idx[nuc]] <- trinucFreq[, nuc]
	## df = 36 = 4*9 (9 df from each of the 4 blocks)
	test <- apply(table, 1, .twoWayTest, classes=list(subStr1,subStr2), df=36, blocked=TRUE) 
	## restructure result
	stat <- sapply(test, "[[", "statistic")
	pval <- sapply(test, "[[", "pvalue")
	comp <- t(sapply(test, function(x) x$components[idx]))
	colnames(comp) <- order
	list(statistic=stat, pvalue=pval, components=comp)

triNucTest1 <- function(trinucFreq, reference){
	## one-way test
	reference <- reference[colnames(trinucFreq)]
	.oneWayTest(trinucFreq, reference)

## two way test for arbitrarily long nucleotides
oligoNucTest <- function(oligoFreq, alphabet=c("A", "C", "G", "T"), subLen){
	if(missing(subLen)) subLen <- nchar(colnames(oligoFreq)[1]) - 1
	oligo <- nchar(colnames(oligoFreq)[1])
	## row and column classes
	subStr1 <- mkAllStrings(alphabet, subLen, "left")
	subStr2 <- mkAllStrings(alphabet, subLen, "right")
	classes <- expand.grid(subStr1, subStr2)
	## expand table, each row contains all entries of table for one position
	table <- matrix(0, ncol=nrow(classes), nrow=nrow(oligoFreq))
	idx <- numeric(ncol(oligoFreq))
	names(idx) <- colnames(oligoFreq)
	for(nuc in colnames(oligoFreq)){
		idx[nuc] <- which(classes[,1] == substr(nuc, 1, subLen) & classes[,2] == substr(nuc, oligo-subLen+1, oligo))
		table[,idx[nuc]] <- oligoFreq[, nuc]
	## position specific two-way chi^2 test
	test <- apply(table, 1, .twoWayTest, classes=list(subStr1,subStr2), blocked=2*subLen - oligo)

	## restructure result
	stat <- sapply(test, "[[", "statistic")
	pval <- sapply(test, "[[", "pvalue")
	comp <- t(sapply(test, function(x) x$components[idx]))
	colnames(comp) <- colnames(oligoFreq)
	df <- sapply(test, "[[", "df")
	list(statistic=stat, pvalue=pval, components=comp, df=df)

plotFreq <- function(data, nameLen=1, alphabet=c("A", "C", "G", "T"), 
		xlim=c(-200, 200), bind=c(-73, 73), support=10, range=c(-500,499)){
	par.old <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
	layout.mat <- matrix(1:16,ncol=4)
	par(mar=rep(0, 4))
	par(oma=rep(4.1, 4))
	rowNames <- mkAllStrings(alphabet, nameLen, "left")
	colNames <- mkAllStrings(alphabet, nameLen, "right")
#	rowNames <- unique(sapply(colnames(data), function(x) substr(x, 1, nameLen)))
#	colNames <- unique(sapply(colnames(data), function(x) substr(x, nchar(x) - nameLen + 1, nchar(x))))

	bindLen <- bind[2]-bind[1]
	ticks <- c(seq(sign(bind[1])*ceiling(bindLen/5)*5, xlim[1], by=-ceiling(bindLen/5)*5), 
			bind[1], (bindLen)/2 + bind[1], bind[2], 
			seq(sign(bind[2])*ceiling(bindLen/5)*5, xlim[2], by=ceiling(bindLen/5)*5))
	## determine row and column indices for plotting of 4x4 blocks
	row <- numeric()
	for(i in seq(4, length(rowNames), by=4)) row <- c(row, rep((i-3):i, times=4))
	row <- rep(row, times=ceiling(length(colNames)/4))
	col <- numeric()
	for(i in seq(4, length(colNames), by=4)) col <- c(col, rep(rep((i-3):i, each=4), 
	## if plotting a blocked design, i.e. row and column names overlap, remove all
	## non matching combinations (structural 0s)
	overlap <- 2*nameLen - nchar(colnames(data)[1])
		match <- mapply(function(r, c) 
					substr(rowNames[r], nameLen-overlap +1, nameLen) == substr(colNames[c], 1, overlap), 
				row, col)
		row <- row[match]
		col <- col[match]
	idx <- 1:length(row)
	for(i in idx){
		nuc <- paste(rowNames[row[i]], substr(colNames[col[i]], overlap + 1, nameLen), sep="")
		plot(range[1]:range[2], data[,nuc], ylim=range(data),xlim=xlim,xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
		lines(bind, c(0,0), col=rgb(0,1,0, 0.75), lwd=3, lend=1)
		lines(bind + c(-support, support), c(0,0), col=rgb(0,1,0, 0.75), lwd=1, lend=1)
		sp <- smooth.spline(range[1]:range[2], data[,nuc], nknots=200)
		lines(sp, col=2)
		if(col[i]%%4 == 1){
#			if(length(rowNames)*length(colNames) == ncol(data))
			mtext(rowNames[row[i]], 2, 2)
#			else ## blocked layout
#				mtext(rowNames[floor(i/16)*4 + ((i-1)%%16)+1], 2, 2)
		if(col[i] %% 4 == 0){
		if(row[i] %% 4 == 1){
#				if(length(rowNames)*length(colNames) == ncol(data))
			mtext(colNames[col[i]], 3, 2)
#				mtext(colNames[floor(i/16) * 4 + (((((i - 1)%%16) + 1)/4) + 1)], 3, 2)
		if(row[i] %% 4 == 0){
			axis(1, at=ticks)
		if(row[i]*col[i] %% 16 == 0){
			mtext("Distance from nucleosome centre", 1, 3, outer=TRUE)
			mtext("Score", 4, 3, outer=TRUE)
#	for(i in 1:ncol(data)){
#		plot(range[1]:range[2], data[,i], ylim=range(data),xlim=xlim,xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
#		lines(bind, c(0,0), col=rgb(0,1,0, 0.75), lwd=3, lend=1)
#		lines(bind + c(-support, support), c(0,0), col=rgb(0,1,0, 0.75), lwd=1, lend=1)
#		sp <- smooth.spline(range[1]:range[2], data[,i], nknots=200)
#		lines(sp, col=2)
#		row <- (i-1)%%length(rowNames) + 1
#		col <- ceiling(i/length(rowNames))
#		if(col%%4 == 1){
##			if(length(rowNames)*length(colNames) == ncol(data))
#				mtext(rowNames[row], 2, 2)
##			else ## blocked layout
##				mtext(rowNames[floor(i/16)*4 + ((i-1)%%16)+1], 2, 2)
#		}
#		if((((i-1)%%16)+1) %in% 13:16){
#			axis(4)
#		}
#		if((((i-1)%%16)+1) %in% c(1,5,9,13)){
#			if(length(rowNames)*length(colNames) == ncol(data))
#				mtext(colNames[floor(i/16)+1], 3, 2)
#			mtext(colNames[floor(i/16) * 4 + (((((i - 1)%%16) + 1)/4) + 1)], 3, 2)
#		}
#		if((((i-1)%%16)+1) %in% c(4,8,12,16)){
#			axis(1, at=ticks)
#		}
#		if(i %% 16 == 0){
#			mtext("Distance from nucleosome centre", 1, 3, outer=TRUE)
#			mtext("Score", 4, 3, outer=TRUE)
#		}
#	}

.oligonucSim <- function(freq1, freq2, oligo=3, iter=3000){
	freq1 <- freq1[mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), oligo-1, "left")]
	freq2 <- freq2[mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), oligo-1, "right")]
	## calculate oligonucleotide frequencies
	oligonuc <- mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), oligo)
	oligonucFreq <- numeric(length(oligonuc))
	names(oligonucFreq) <- oligonuc
	for(nuc in oligonuc){
		oligonucFreq[nuc] <- freq1[substr(nuc, 1, oligo-1)] * freq2[substr(nuc, 2, oligo)]
	## generate oligonucleotide counts
	oligonucSample <- sample(oligonuc, iter, prob=oligonucFreq, replace=TRUE)
	oligonucSample <- table(oligonucSample)
	## arrange oligonucleotides into blocks
	classes <- expand.grid(names(freq1), names(freq2))
	table <- numeric(nrow(classes))
	idx <- numeric(length(oligonuc))
	names(idx) <- oligonuc
	for(nuc in oligonuc){
		idx[nuc] <- which(classes[,1] == substr(nuc, 1, oligo-1) & classes[,2] == substr(nuc, 2, oligo))
		table[idx[nuc]] <- ifelse(is.na(oligonucSample[nuc]), 0, oligonucSample[nuc])
	test <- .twoWayTest(table, classes=list(names(freq1), names(freq2)), blocked=oligo-2)

## print head and tail of a vector
.headTail <- function(x, n = 6L){
	start <- paste(head(x, n), collapse = ", ")
	middle <- if(length(x) == 2*n + 1) {
		paste(", ", x[n+1], ", ", sep="") 
	}else if(length(x) > 2*n + 1) ", ..., " else if(length(x) < 2*n + 1 && length(x) > n) ", "
	end <- if(length(x) > n) paste(tail(x, min(n, length(x) - n)), collapse = ", ")
	paste(start, middle, end, sep = "")

## helper function to print common information about objects of classes defined in this package
.showHeader <- function(object){
	cat("Class:", class(object),"\n")
	if("functionCall" %in% slotNames(object)){
		cat("Generated by: ")
	cat("Chromosomes: ", length(chrLength(object)), " (", .headTail(names(object), 2) ,")\n", sep="")
	cat("Genome length:", sum(chrLength(object)), "\n")

## calculate p-values
.score2pval <- function(score, null){
	scores <- c(lapply(score, function(y) 
						as.numeric(y[!is.na(y)])), recursive=TRUE)
	pval <- pnorm(scores, mean=null["mean"], sd=null["sd"], lower.tail=FALSE)
	pval <- p.adjust(pval, "BH")
	## split back into chromosomes
	len <- sapply(score, function(y) sum(!is.na(y)))
	end <- cumsum(len)
	start <- c(1, end[-length(end)]+1)
	result <- vector(mode="list", length(score))
	for(i in 1:length(result)){
		result[[i]][!is.na(score[[i]])] <- pval[start[i]:end[i]]

## append trailing zeros to get full chromosome length
## returns RleList with read counts for both strands
.fixCounts <- function(counts, totalLen){
	countLen <- sapply(counts, length)
	if(countLen[1] < totalLen){
		counts[[1]]@lengths <- c(runLength(counts[[1]]), as.integer(totalLen) - countLen[1])
		counts[[1]]@values <- c(runValue(counts[[1]]), 0L)
	if(countLen[2] < totalLen){
		counts[[2]]@lengths <- c(runLength(counts[[2]]), as.integer(totalLen) - countLen[2])
		counts[[2]]@values <- c(runValue(counts[[2]]), 0L)
	RleList(counts[[1]], counts[[2]])

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