
Defines functions colAcfs acf2 logEmissionArray isFF .checkOrder .getArm setSequenceLengths statesToEvaluate loglikInitial prTrioState cumulativeLogLik referenceIndex trioSet2data.frame dataFrameFromRange2 rescale2 gcSubtractMatrix neededPkgs trioSetListExample initializeLrrAndBafArrays stackRangedDataList read.bsfiles2 originalNames make.unique2 callDenovoSegments stackListByColIndex narrowRangeForChromosome narrowRanges posterior computeC computeB stateIndex lookUpTable3 vectorizeTable1 lookUpTable1 readTable1 transitionProbability trioStateNames trioStates rowMAD fillInMissing LikSet meanLogR pHet addRangeIndex tnorm Phi phi pruneMD calculateChangeSd duplicationStatesPenn duplicationStates deletionStates offspring.homozygous offspring.hemizygous offspring.hemizygousPenn combine.data.frames thresholdSegMeans madVsCoverage combineRangesByFactor pruneByFactor combineRanges getRefGene overlapsCentromere isDeletion correspondingCall concAtTop discAtTop splitIndicesByLength2 splitByDistance catFun2

Documented in acf2

catFun2 <- function(rd.query, rd.subject, ...){
	##stopifnot(nrow(rd.query) == nrow(rd.subject)) ## must compare same list size
	ir.q <- IRanges(start(rd.query), end(rd.query))
	ir.s <- IRanges(start(rd.subject), end(rd.subject))
	mm <- findOverlaps(ir.q, ir.s, ...)
	query.index <- queryHits(mm)
	if(length(query.index) == 0){
	subject.index <- subjectHits(mm)
	index <- which(chromosome(rd.query)[query.index] == chromosome(rd.subject)[subject.index] &
		       sampleNames(rd.query)[query.index] == sampleNames(rd.subject)[subject.index])
	if(length(index) > 0){
		query.index <- unique(query.index[index])
		p <- length(query.index)/nrow(rd.query)
		if(p > 1) {
      stop("Reached a place in catFun2 that we shouldn't have")
	} else p <- 0

splitByDistance <- function(x, thr=100e3){
	d <- diff(x)
	if(all(d < thr)) return(rep(0, length(x)))
	f <- c(0, cumsum(d > thr))
	tab.f <- table(f)
	## combine regions if number of markers is very small
	while(any(tab.f < 1000) & length(x) > 1000){
		j <- which(tab.f < 1000)[[1]]
		factor.val <- as.integer(names(tab.f)[j])
		if(factor.val < max(f)){
			f[f==factor.val] <- factor.val+1
		} else {
			f[f==factor.val] <- factor.val-1
		tab.f <- table(f)

splitIndicesByLength2 <- function(x, MIN.LENGTH=1000, ...){
	f <- splitIndicesByLength(x, ...)
	l <- sapply(f, length)
	L <- length(l)
	l <- l[L]
	if(l < MIN.LENGTH & length(f) > 1){
		f[[L-1]] <- c(f[[L-1]], f[[L]])
		f <- f[-L]

discAtTop <- function(ranges.query, ranges.subject, verbose=TRUE,...){
	ir.q <- IRanges(start(ranges.query), end(ranges.query))
	ir.s <- IRanges(start(ranges.subject), end(ranges.subject))
	mm <- findOverlaps(ir.q, ir.s,...)
	query.index <- queryHits(mm)
	subject.index <- subjectHits(mm)
	index <- which(chromosome(ranges.query)[query.index] == chromosome(ranges.subject)[subject.index] &
		       sampleNames(ranges.query)[query.index] == sampleNames(ranges.subject)[subject.index])
	query.index <- unique(query.index[index])
	##subject.index <- unique(subject.index[index])
	notOverlapping.index <- seq(length=nrow(ranges.query))[!seq(length=nrow(ranges.query)) %in% query.index]
	res <- ranges.query[notOverlapping.index, ]

#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
concAtTop <- function(ranges.query, ranges.subject, list.size, verbose=TRUE, ...){
	p <- rep(NA, length(list.size))
	pAny1 <- rep(NA, length(list.size))
	pAny2 <- rep(NA, length(list.size))
	if(verbose) {
		message("Calculating the proportion of ranges in common for the first ", max(list.size), " ranges")
		pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(p), style=3)
	for(i in seq_along(list.size)){
		if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
		L <- list.size[i]
		p[i] <- catFun2(ranges.query[seq(length=L), ], ranges.subject[seq(length=L), ], ...)
		pAny1[i] <- catFun2(ranges.query[seq(length=L), ], ranges.subject, ...)
		pAny2[i] <- catFun2(ranges.subject[seq(length=L), ], ranges.query, ...)
	if(verbose) close(pb)
	res <- list(p=p, pAny.queryList=pAny1, pAny.subjectList=pAny2)
	names(res) <- c("cat", "topMD", "topPenn")

correspondingCall <- function(ranges.query, ranges.subject, subject.method){
	overlap <- findOverlaps(ranges.query, ranges.subject)
	subj.index <- subjectHits(overlap)
	quer.index <- queryHits(overlap)
	## what are the chromosomes for the subject hits
	index <- which(chromosome(ranges.query)[quer.index] == chromosome(ranges.subject)[subj.index] &
		       sampleNames(ranges.query)[quer.index] == sampleNames(ranges.subject)[subj.index])
	if(length(index) == 0) return("no overlap")
	matching.index <- subj.index[index]
	res <- ranges.subject[matching.index, ]
	if(!missing(subject.method)) res$method <- subject.method

isDeletion <- function(x){
	if(length(grep("-", x)) > 0){
		tmp <- strsplit(x, "_")[[1]]
		state <- substr(tmp, 3, 3)
		state <- ifelse(any(state < 3), TRUE, FALSE)
	} else{
		state <- as.integer(substr(x, 3, 3))
		state <- ifelse(state < 3, TRUE, FALSE)

overlapsCentromere <- function(myranges){
	data(chromosomeAnnotation, package="SNPchip", envir=environment())
	chromosomeAnnotation <- get("chromosomeAnnotation")
	centromere.ranges <- RangedData(IRanges(chromosomeAnnotation[, "centromereStart"],
						chromosomeAnnotation[, "centromereEnd"]),
	myranges.bak <- myranges
	chrom <- unique(myranges$chrom)
	overlaps.centromere <- rep(NA, nrow(myranges))
	for(CHR in chrom){
		centromere.ir <- IRanges(start(centromere.ranges)[CHR],
		ix <- which(myranges$chrom==CHR)
		ir <- IRanges(start(myranges)[ix],
		overlaps.centromere[ix] <- countOverlaps(ir, centromere.ir) > 0

#' @importFrom utils read.delim
getRefGene <- function(filename="~/Data/Downloads/hg18_refGene.txt"){
	colClasses <- c("integer", "character", "character", "factor",
			"integer", "integer",
			"integer", "integer",
			"character", "character",
			"integer", rep("character", 4))
	tmp <- read.delim(filename, header=FALSE,
	tmp <- tmp[, c(2:6, 13)]
	colnames(tmp) <- c("NM", "chrom", "strand", "start", "end", "gene_name")
	chrom <- sapply(tmp$chrom, function(x) strsplit(x, "chr")[[1]][2])
	tmp$chrom <- chromosome2integer(chrom)
	tmp <- tmp[!is.na(tmp$chrom), ]
	refGene <- RangedData(IRanges(tmp$start, tmp$end),

combineRanges <- function(deletion.ranges, amp.ranges){
	state <- deletion.ranges$state
	hemizygous.states <- c("332", "432", "342")
	homozygous.states <- c("331", "321", "231", "431", "341", "441", "221")
	deletion.ranges <- deletion.ranges[state %in% hemizygous.states | state %in% homozygous.states, ]
	amp.ranges <- amp.ranges[, colnames(amp.ranges) %in% colnames(deletion.ranges)]
	index <- match(colnames(amp.ranges), colnames(deletion.ranges))
	deletion.ranges2 <- deletion.ranges[,  index]
	stopifnot(all.equal(colnames(deletion.ranges2), colnames(amp.ranges)))
	ranges.all <- RangedData(IRanges(c(start(deletion.ranges2), start(amp.ranges)),
					 c(end(deletion.ranges2), end(amp.ranges))),
				 id=c(deletion.ranges2$id, amp.ranges$id),
				 chrom=c(deletion.ranges2$chrom, amp.ranges$chrom),
				 num.mark=c(deletion.ranges2$num.mark, amp.ranges$num.mark),
				 seg.mean=c(deletion.ranges2$seg.mean, amp.ranges$seg.mean),
				 state=c(deletion.ranges2$state, amp.ranges$state))

#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
pruneByFactor <- function(range.object, f, verbose=FALSE){
	rd <- list()
	id.chr <- paste(sampleNames(range.object), chromosome(range.object), sep="_")
	ff <- unique(id.chr)
	##for(i in seq_along(unique(range.object$id))){
		message("Pruning ", length(ff), " files.")
		pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(ff), style=3)
	## do for each element in a GRangesList
	for(i in seq_along(ff)){
		if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
		##id <- unique(range.object$id)[i]
		##(index <- which(range.object$id == id))
		index <- which(id.chr==ff[i])
		rd[[i]] <- combineRangesByFactor(range.object[index, ], f=f[index])
	if(verbose) close(pb)
	##ok <- tryCatch(stack(RangedDataList(rd)), error=function(e) FALSE)
	##rd <- GRangesList(rd)
	rd <- unlist(GRangesList(rd))
	##rd <- stackRangedDataList(rd)
##	names(rd) <- unique(sampleNames(range.object))
##	if(!is(ok, "RangedData")) {
##		message("trouble combining RangedData objects.  Returning list")
##		ok <- rd
##	} else {
##		j <- match("sample",colnames(ok))
##		if(length(j) == 1)
##			ok <- ok[, -j]
##	}

combineRangesByFactor <- function(range.object, f){
	##range.object <- range.object[!is.na(state(range.object)), ]
	i <- which(is.na(f))
	j <- 1
	while(length(i) > 0){
			f[1] <- f[2]
		} else {
			f[is.na(f)] <- f[i-1]
		i <- which(is.na(f))
		j <- j+1
		if(j > 10) stop("too many na's in f")
	ff <- cumsum(c(0, abs(diff(as.integer(as.factor(f))))))
	if(!any(duplicated(ff))) {
	for(i in seq_along(unique(ff))){
		x <- unique(ff)[i]
		if(sum(ff==x) == 1) next()
		index <- which(ff==x)
		min.index <- min(index)
		max.index <- max(index)
		end(range.object)[index] <- max(end(range.object)[index])
		emd <- elementMetadata(range.object)
		emd$lik.state[index] <- sum(emd$lik.state[index], na.rm=TRUE)
		emd$seg.mean[index] <- sum((numberProbes(range.object)[index]*emd$seg.mean[index]), na.rm=TRUE)/sum(numberProbes(range.object)[index], na.rm=TRUE)
		emd$numberProbes[index] <- sum(numberProbes(range.object)[index], na.rm=TRUE)
		emd$lik.norm[index] <- sum(emd$lik.norm[index], na.rm=TRUE)
		elementMetadata(range.object) <- emd
		j <- seq_len(length(range.object))
		index <- index[-1]
		j <- j[-index]
		if(length(j) == 0){
		ff <- ff[j]
		range.object <- range.object[j, ]

madVsCoverage <- function(lambda=0.1, MIN=1, MAX=4, coverage=3:100){
	p <- lambda*exp(-lambda*coverage) ## 0 - 0.04 (Pr (X=x)
	b <- 1/(MAX - MIN)
	a <- MIN * b
	numberMads <- ((p-min(p))/(max(p)-min(p)) + a)/b
	list(x=coverage, y=numberMads)

thresholdSegMeans <- function(ranges.object, ylim){
	ranges.object$seg.mean[ranges.object$seg.mean < ylim[1]] <- ylim[1]
	ranges.object$seg.mean[ranges.object$seg.mean > ylim[2]] <- ylim[2]

combine.data.frames <- function(dist.df, penn.df){
	if(is.null(dist.df) & is.null(penn.df)) return(NULL)
	if(is.null(dist.df)) dist.df <- penn.df[integer(0), ]
	if(is.null(penn.df)) penn.df <- dist.df[integer(0), ]
	combined.df <- rbind(dist.df, penn.df)
	combined.df <- combined.df[order(combined.df$chr), ]

##offspring.hemizygousPenn <- function() c("332", "432", "342", "442")
offspring.hemizygousPenn <- function(){
  tmp <- expand.grid(c(1,3,5,6), c(1,3,5,6), 1)
  dels <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
  dels <- dels[-1]
##offspring.hemizygous <- function() c("221", "321", "231", "441", "341", "431")

offspring.hemizygous <- function() {
	tmp <- expand.grid(c(0,2,3,4), c(0,2,3,4), 1)
	dels <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
	dels <- dels[-1]
offspring.homozygous <- function(){
	tmp <- expand.grid(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,2,3,4), 0)
	dels <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
deletionStates <- function(){
	st1 <- offspring.hemizygous()
	st2 <- offspring.homozygous()
duplicationStates <- function(){
	tmp <- expand.grid(c(0,1,2,4), c(0,1,2,4), 3)
	sdups <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
	sdups <- sdups[-1]
	tmp <- expand.grid(c(0,1,2,3), c(0,1,2,3), 4)
	ddups <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
	ddups <- ddups[-1]
	c(sdups, ddups)
duplicationStatesPenn <- function() {
	tmp <- expand.grid(c(1,2,3,6), c(1,2,3,6), 5)
	sdups <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
	sdups <- sdups[-1]
	tmp <- expand.grid(c(1,2,3,6), c(1,2,3,6), 5)
	ddups <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
	ddups <- ddups[-1]
	c(sdups, ddups)

calculateChangeSd <- function(coverage=1:500, lambda=0.05, a=0.2, b=0.025)
	a + lambda*exp(-lambda*coverage)/b

pruneMD <- function(genomdat,
		  ##trimmed.SD, ##
		  weights=NULL) {
	if(length(unique(range.object$id)) != 1) stop("multiple ids in range.object")
	if(length(unique(chromosome(range.object))) > 1) stop("Multiple chromosomes in range.object")
	##change.SD <- trimmed.SD*change.SD
	genomdat <- as.numeric(genomdat)/100
	coverage <- range.object$num.mark
	trimmed.SD <- max(mad(genomdat, na.rm=TRUE), .15)
	##trimmed.SD <- unique(range.object$mindist.mad)
	coverage <- coverage[-length(coverage)]
		numberSds <- calculateChangeSd(coverage=3:100, lambda=lambda, a=MIN.CHANGE, b=SCALE.EXP)
		y <- MIN.CHANGE+lambda*exp(-lambda*(3:100))/SCALE.EXP
		plot(3:100, y, ylab="number of MADs", xlab="coverage")
	##thrSD <- calculateChangeSd(coverage, lambda, trimmed.SD, change.SD)
		##change.SD <- change.SD  ##Thresholds for right cutpoint
	##cpt.loc <- cumsum(lseg) ## indices of the cutpoints same as coverage.
	cpt.loc <- range.object$end.index
	sdundo <- TRUE
	while(sdundo) {
		k <- length(cpt.loc)
		if (k>1) {
			coverage <- diff(c(0, cpt.loc))
			coverage <- coverage[-length(coverage)]
			##  number of sds as a function of coverage
			##  -- segments with high coverage have small y
			requiredNumberSd <- calculateChangeSd(coverage=coverage, lambda=lambda, a=MIN.CHANGE, b=SCALE.EXP)
			## number of standard deviations
			segments0 <- cbind(c(1,1+cpt.loc[-k]),cpt.loc)
			## median copy number for each segment
			segmed <- apply(segments0, 1, function(i,x) {median(x[i[1]:i[2]], na.rm=TRUE)}, genomdat)
			## absolute copy number difference of adjacent segments
 			##adsegmed <- abs(diff(segmed))
			adsegmed <- abs(diff(segmed))
			## number of standard deviations of observed shift
			empiricalNumberSd <- adsegmed/trimmed.SD
			if(any(empiricalNumberSd < requiredNumberSd | coverage < MIN.COVERAGE)){
				## drop order: coverage then distance
				##i <- which(adsegmed < thrSD | coverage < MIN.COVERAGE)
				i <- which(empiricalNumberSd < requiredNumberSd | coverage < MIN.COVERAGE)
				if(length(i) > 1){
					i <- i[order(coverage[i], adsegmed[i], decreasing=FALSE)[1]]
				cpt.loc <- cpt.loc[-i]
			} else {
				sdundo <- FALSE
		} else {
			sdundo <- FALSE
	lseg <- diff(c(0,cpt.loc)) ## back to coverage
	## update segment means
	segmeans <- 0*lseg
	ll <- uu <- 0
	for(i in 1:length(lseg)) {
		uu <- uu + lseg[i]
		if (weighted) {
			segmeans[i] <- sum(genomdat[(ll+1):uu]*weights[(ll+1):uu])/sum(weights[(ll+1):uu])
		} else {
			segmeans[i] <- mean(genomdat[(ll+1):uu], na.rm=TRUE)
		ll <- uu
	segments0 <- cbind(c(1,1+cpt.loc[-k]),cpt.loc)
	starts <- physical.pos[segments0[, 1]]
	ends <- physical.pos[segments0[, 2]]
	if(length(ends) < length(starts)) ends <- c(ends, max(end(range.object)))
	id <- unique(range.object$id)
	res <- RangedDataCBS(IRanges(starts, ends),
			     mindist.mad=mad(genomdat, na.rm=TRUE))

## pdf of standard normal
## the msm package has this stuff, but it seemed slow...
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
phi <- function(x, mu, sigma) dnorm(x, mu, sigma)

## cdf of standard normal
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
Phi <- function(x, mu, sigma) pnorm(x, mu, sigma)

## pdf of truncated normal on support [0, 1]
tnorm <- function(x, mean, sd, lower=0, upper=1){
	res <- phi(x, mean, sd)/(Phi(upper, mean, sd)-Phi(lower, mean, sd))
	ind <- which(x < lower | x > upper)
		res[ind] <- 0
TN <- tnorm

addRangeIndex <- function(id, trioSet, ranges){
	ranges <- ranges[sampleNames(ranges) %in% id, ]
	stopifnot(nrow(ranges) > 0)
	stopifnot(id %in% sampleNames(trioSet))
	ir1 <- IRanges(start=position(trioSet), end=position(trioSet))
	ir2 <- IRanges(start(ranges), end(ranges))
	mm <- findOverlaps(ir1, ir2)
	## there should be no query that is in more than 1 subject
	qhits <- queryHits(mm)
	shits <- subjectHits(mm)
	right.chromosome <- chromosome(ranges)[shits] == chromosome(trioSet)[qhits]
	qhits <- qhits[right.chromosome]
	shits <- shits[right.chromosome]
	range.index <- rep(NA, nrow(trioSet))
	##fData(object)$range.index <- NA
	##fData(object)$range.index[qhits] <- shits
	range.index[qhits] <- shits
	if(sum(table(range.index)) != nrow(trioSet)){
		msg <- "# of markers in the ranges not equal to total number of markers"

pHet <- function(i, id, trioSet){
	j <- match(id, sampleNames(trioSet))
	stopifnot(length(j) > 0)
	is.ff <- is(baf(trioSet), "ff")
	b <- baf(trioSet)[i, j, 3]
	mean(b > 0.4 & b < 0.6, na.rm=TRUE)
meanLogR <- function(i, id, trioSet){
	j <- match(id, sampleNames(trioSet))
	stopifnot(length(j) > 0)
	is.ff <- is(lrr(trioSet), "ff")
	r <- lrr(trioSet)[i, j, 3]
	mean(r, na.rm=TRUE)

LikSet <- function(trioSet, pedigreeData, id, CHR, ranges){
	is.ff <- is(lrr(trioSet), "ff")
	if(missing(id)) id <- sampleNames(trioSet)[1]
	i <- match(id, sampleNames(trioSet))
	stopifnot(length(i) == 1)
	## the trios are in the same order as the sampleNames of the trioSetList object
	## validity methods for the class ensure that this is correct
	indNames <- as.character(trios(pedigreeData)[i,])
	##offspring.id <- id[id %in% offspringNames(trioSet)]
	##i <- match(offspring.id, sampleNames(trioSet))
	##i <- match(id[["O"]], offspringNames(trioSet))
	mads <- mad(trioSet)[i, ]
	##S <- length(states)
	loglik <- array(NA, dim=c(2, nrow(trioSet), 3, 5))
	dimnames(loglik) <- list(c("logR", "baf"),
	object <- new("LikSet",
		      logR=as.matrix(lrr(trioSet)[ ,i,]),
		      BAF=as.matrix(baf(trioSet)[ ,i , ]),
	object$MAD <- mads
	fData(object)$range.index <- NA
	##tmp=findOverlaps(featureData(object), ranges)
	fo <- findOverlaps(ranges, featureData(object))
	i1 <- subjectHits(fo)
	i2 <- queryHits(fo)
	fData(object)$range.index[i1] <- i2
		msg <- paste("Segmentation was run on chunks of the data for which the markers are less than 75kb apart.\n",
			     "When log R ratios are missing at the boundaries of the partioned data, not all markers \n",
			     "will be covered by a segment.\n")
			.GlobalEnv[[".warningMessageAlreadyDisplayed"]] <- TRUE
		object <- object[!is.na(range.index(object)), ]
	## NA values occur if there are ranges that do not overlap the
	## marker locations in object.
##	ir1 <- IRanges(start=position(object), end=position(object))
##	ir2 <- IRanges(start(ranges), end(ranges))
##	mm <- findOverlaps(ir1, ir2)
##	subject.index <- subjectHits(mm)
##	## there should be no query that is in more than 1 subject
##	qhits <- queryHits(mm)
##	shits <- subjectHits(mm)
##	fData(object)$range.index <- NA
##	fData(object)$range.index[qhits] <- shits

fillInMissing <- function(rangeIndex){
	if(!any(is.na(rangeIndex))) return(rangeIndex)
	if(sum(is.na(rangeIndex)) > 1000 & length(unique(rangeIndex[!is.na(rangeIndex)])) == 1){
		## for calculating the posterior for a single range
		## essentially, ignoring what comes before and what comes after
		ii <- range(which(!is.na(rangeIndex)))
		if(ii[1] > 1){
			rangeIndex[1:(ii[1]-1)] <- 0
		if(ii[2] < length(rangeIndex)){
			rangeIndex[(ii[2]+1):length(rangeIndex)] <- 2
	} else {
		ii <- which(is.na(rangeIndex))
		if(max(ii) < length(rangeIndex)){
			rangeIndex[ii] <- rangeIndex[ii+1]
		} else{
			rangeIndex[max(ii)] <- rangeIndex[max(ii)-1]
			if(any(ii != max(ii))){
				iii <- ii[ii != max(ii)]
				rangeIndex[iii] <- rangeIndex[iii+1]

#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMads
rowMAD <- function(x, y, ...){
	rowMads(x, ...)

dups.penn <- expand.grid(c(1,2,3,5,6), c(1,2,3,5,6), c(5,6))

trioStates <- function(states=0:4){
	trio.states <- as.matrix(expand.grid(states, states, states))
	index <- which(trio.states[, 1] == 0 & trio.states[, 2] == 0 & trio.states[, 3] > 0)
	##trio.states <- trio.states+1
	colnames(trio.states) <- c("F", "M", "O")
	## 125 possible
	## remove 00 > 0 as possibilities
	trio.states <- trio.states[-index, ]

trioStateNames <- function(trio.states){
  if(missing(trio.states)) trio.states <- trioStates()
  paste(paste(trio.states[,1], trio.states[,2], sep=""), trio.states[,3], sep="")

transitionProbability <- function(nstates=5, epsilon=1-0.999){
	off.diag <- epsilon/(nstates-1)
	tpm <- matrix(off.diag, nstates, nstates)
	diag(tpm) <- 1-epsilon

readTable1 <- function(states=0:4, a=0.0009){
	S <- length(states)
	tmp <- array(NA, dim=rep(S,3))
	dimnames(tmp) <- list(paste("F", states, sep=""),
			      paste("M", states, sep=""),
			      paste("O", states, sep=""))
	tmp["F0", "M0", ] <- c(1, rep(0,4))
	tmp["F0", "M1", ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0)
	tmp["F0", "M2", ] <- c(0.5*a, 1-a, 0.5*a, 0, 0)
	tmp["F0", "M3", ] <- c(0.5*a, 0.5*(1-a), 0.5*(1-a), 0.5*a, 0)
	tmp["F0", "M4", ] <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0)

	tmp["F1", "M1", ] <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0)
	tmp["F1", "M2", ] <- c(0.25, 0.5-0.25*a, 0.5-0.25*a, 0.25*a, 0)
	tmp["F1", "M3", ] <- c(0.25*a, 0.25, 0.5*(1-a), 0.25, 0.25*a)
	tmp["F1", "M4", ] <- c(0, 0.125, 0.375, 0.375, 0.125)

	tmp["F2", "M2", ] <- c(0.25*a^2, a*(1-a), (1-a)^2 + 0.5*a^2, a*(1-a), 0.25*a^2)
	tmp["F2", "M3", ] <- c(0.25*a^2, 0.75*a*(1-a), 0.5*(1-a)^2+0.25*a*(1-a)+0.25*a^2,
	tmp["F2", "M4", ] <- c(0,0.125*a, 0.25, 0.5-0.25*a,0.25+0.125*a)

	tmp["F3", "M3", ] <- c(0.25^2, 0.5*a*(1-a), 0.5*a*(1-a)+0.25*(1-a)^2, 0.5*(1-a)^2+0.5^2,
			       0.25*(1-a)^2 + a*(1-a)+0.25^2)
	tmp["F3", "M4", ] <- c(0, 0.125*a, 0.125*(1+a), 0.125*(3-2*a), 0.5)

	tmp["F4", "M4", ] <- c(0, 0, 0.0625, 0.25, 0.6875)

lookUpTable1 <- function(state, table1){
  index <- state+1
  p <- table1[index[1], index[2], index[3]]
    p <- table1[index[2], index[1], index[3]]

vectorizeTable1 <- function(table1, stateMatrix){
  setNames(apply(stateMatrix, 1, lookUpTable1, table1=table1), rownames(stateMatrix))

lookUpTable3 <- function(table3, state.prev, state.curr){
  f1 <- state.prev[1]
  m1 <- state.prev[2]
  o1 <- state.prev[3]
  f2 <- state.curr[1]
  m2 <- state.curr[2]
  ## Each element in the result is for a specific offspring state
  result <- table3[f1, f2, m1, m2, o1, ]

stateIndex <- function(param, state) state(param)[state, ] + 1L

##bothMendelian <- function(param, prev_index, state_index, transitionNM){
##  ## Pr(cTS, pNM, cNM | pTS) =
##  ## Pr(cO | cTS[-O], pTS, cNM, pNM) * Pr(cTS[-O] | pTS, cNM=0, pNM=0) * Pr(cNM=0 | pNM=0) * Pr(pNM=0)
##  ## A = term1 * term2 * term3 * term4
##  term1 <- lookUpTable3(table3(param), prev_index, state.curr=state_index)
##  ## Pr(cTS[-O] | pTS, cNM=0, pNM=0) = Pr(cF, cM | pF, pM)
##  ##                                 = Pr(cF | pF) * Pr(cM | pM) *
##  term2 <- tau.f * tau.m
##  term3 <- transitionNM
##  term4 <- 1-probNM
##  term1*term2*term3*term4
##bothNonMendelian <- function(param, prev_index, state_index, transitionNM){
##  ## Pr(cTS, pNM, cNM | pTS) =
##  ## Pr(cO | cTS[-O], pTS, cNM, pNM) * Pr(cTS[-O] | pTS, cNM=1, pNM=1) * Pr(cNM=1 | pNM=1) * Pr(pNM=1)
##  ## = Pr(cO | pO, cNM, pNM) * Pr(cF | ...) * Pr(cM | ...) * Pr(cNM=1|pNM=1) * Pr(pNM=1)
##  ## = term1 * term2 * term3 * term4 * term5
##  term1 <- 1/5
##  term2 <- tau.f
##  term3 <- tau.m
##  term4 <- transitionNM
##  term5 <- probNM
####  tau <- transitionProb(param)
####  probNM <- prNonMendelian(param)
####  tau.o <- tau[prev_index[3], state_index[3]]
##  ## check below
##  ##  p.11 <- 1/5*tau.o * transitionNM * probNM
##  term1*term2*term3*term4*term5

##currentNonMendelian <- function(param, prev_index, state_index, transitionNM){
##  ## Pr(cTS, pNM, cNM | pTS) =
##  ## Pr(cO | cTS[-O], pTS, cNM, pNM) * Pr(cTS[-O] | pTS, cNM=1, pNM=1) * Pr(cNM=1 | pNM=1) * Pr(pNM=1)
##  ## = Pr(cO | pO, cNM, pNM) * Pr(cF | ...) * Pr(cM | ...) * Pr(cNM=1|pNM=1) * Pr(pNM=1)
##  prev_name <- rownames(state(param))[prev_index]
##  1/5 * table1(param)[prev_name] * transitionNM * probNM

computeB <- function(param, current_state, previous_state){
  ## B = Pr(S_iO, S_{i-1, O} | S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M}, NM)
  B <- setNames(vector("list", 4), c("NM=0,0","NM=0,1", "NM=1,0", "NM=1,1"))
  ## For each pair of mendelian indicators, return a vector of length <#CN STATES>
  ##    - element i of the vector is the probability for S_i0 = CN[i], CN = [0,1,2,3,4]
  nms <- paste0("CN (offspr):", 0:4)
  ## NM = 0, 0
  current_index <- stateIndex(param, current_state)
  previous_index <- stateIndex(param, previous_state)
  B[[1]] <- lookUpTable3(table3(param), previous_index, state.curr=current_index[1:2])
  B[[1]] <- setNames(B[[1]], nms)
  ## NM = 0, 1 denotes [previous NM, current Mendelian]
  ## Pr(S_iO, S_{i-1, O} | S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M}, NM)
  ##  assume offspring states are independent
  ## = Pr(S_iO | S_iF, S_iM, NM_i)*Pr(S_{i-1,O} | S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M} NM_{i-1})
  ## = Pr(S_iO | NM_i=1) * Tabled probability
  ## = 1/5 * tabled probability
  prev_name <- paste0(previous_state, collapse="")
  B[[2]] <- rep(1/5, 5) * table1(param)[prev_name]  ## previous state is Mendelian
  B[[2]] <- setNames(B[[2]], nms)
  ## NM = 1, 0  Similar to above, but current state is Mendelian
  states <- paste0(substr(current_state, 1, 2), 0:4)
  B[[3]] <- 1/5*table1(param)[states]
  B[[3]] <- setNames(B[[3]], nms)
  ## NM = 1, 1  Both non-Mendelian
  ## Pr(S_iO, S_{i-1, O} | S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M}, NM)
  ## = Pr(S_iO | S_{i-1}, NM_i=1) Pr(S_{i-1} | NM_{i-1}=1)
  ## = transition probability between offspring states * 1/5
  tau <- transitionProb(param)
  tau.o <- tau[previous_index[3], current_index[3]]
  B[[4]] <- rep(1/5, 5) * tau.o
  B[[4]] <- setNames(B[[4]], nms)
  ## Assign Pr=0 to states that can not occur (instead of NA)
  B <- lapply(B, function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x))

computeC <- function(param, current_state, previous_state){
  ## C = Pr(S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M} | NM)
  ##   = Pr(S_iF | S_{i-1,F}) * Pr(S_iM | S_{i-1,M})
  ##     transition prob mom * transition prob father
  previous_state <- paste0(previous_state, collapse="")
  current_index <- stateIndex(param, current_state)[c("F", "M")]
  previous_index <- stateIndex(param, previous_state)[c("F", "M")]
  tau <- transitionProb(param)
  tau.m <- tau[previous_index["M"], current_index["M"]]
  tau.f <- tau[previous_index["F"], current_index["F"]]

## Function for computing posterior probabilities
  ## Let S_i = [S_iO, S_iF, S_iO]
  ## The posterior probability if the trio state is given by
  ## Pr(S_i | S_{i-1}, data) \propto Pr(data | S_i, S_{i-1}) Pr(S_i | S_{i-1})/ Pr(S_i)
  ##                             =   Likelihood x "Prior Model"
  ## Tedious calculations with the Prior Model show
  ## Pr(S_i | S_{i-1}) = sum_{NM_i} sum_{NM_{i-1}}  Pr(S_i, NM_i, NM_{i-1} | S_{i-1})
  ##                   = sum_{NM_i} sum_{NM_{i-1}}  Pr(S_i | S_{i-1}, NM_i, NM_{i-1}) * Pr(NM_i, NM_{i-1} | S_{i-1})
  ## Denote sum_{NM_i} sum_{NM_{i-1}} by SUM, let Pr(NM_i, NM_{i-1} | S_{i-1}) = A, and denote [NM_i, NM_{i-1}] by NM. Then,
  ##                   = SUM Pr(S_i, S_{i-1} | NM) / Pr(S_{i-1} | NM) * A
  ##                   = SUM (B*C)/D * A, where
  ## B = Pr(S_iO, S_{i-1, O} | S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M}, NM)
  ## C = Pr(S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M} | NM)
  ## D = Pr(S_{i-1} | NM)
  ## A = Pr(NM_i , NM_{i-1} | S_{i-1})
  ## Rewriting D, we have
  ## Pr(S_{i-1} | NM ) = sum_{S_{i}} Pr(S_i, S_{i-1} | NM)
  ##                   = sum_{S_{i}} Pr(S_iO, S_{i-1,O} | NM, S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M}) * C
  ##                   = sum_{S_{i}} B
  ## =>
  ## Pr(S_i | S_{i-1}) = SUM[ (B*C*A)/(sum_{S_{i}} B) ]
  ## since term C does not depend on the non-Mendelian indicators, we have
  ##                   = C * SUM [ (B*A)/(sum_{S_{i} B)]
  ## For offspring state index i, we have
  ## Pr(S_i | S_{i-1}) = C * ( B[["NM=0,0"]][i]/sum(B[["NM=0,0"]]) * A[["NM=0,0"]]  + B[["NM=0,1"]][i]/sum(B[["NM=0,1"]]) * A[["NM=0,1"]] ...)
  ## The numerator sums over the non-mendelian indicator and involves 4 terms
  ## The denominator sums over all possible offspring states at segment i and therefore involves 5 terms
posterior <- function(state,
  if(is.null(state.prev)) {
    result <- setNames(loglikInitial(param, LLT=log.lik, state), state)
  A <- transitionNM(param) ## precomputed, length 4
  B <- computeB(param, state, state.prev) ## length 4 list
  C <- computeC(param, state, state.prev)
  i <- stateIndex(param, state)
  ## sum over the mendelian indicators for the offspring state indexed by i
  ## sum over all possible offspring states
  totalB <- sapply(B, sum)
  prior <- mapply(function(B, A, totalB) (B*A)/totalB, B=B, A=A, totalB=totalB)
  ## Set 0/0 to 0
  prior[is.nan(prior)] <- 1e-5
  prior <- sum(prior[i["O"], ])
  loglik <- sum(diag(log.lik[, i]))
  posterior <- loglik + log(prior)
  if(all(is.na(posterior))) {
    stop("all NAs in posterior")

##xypanelMD <- function(x, y,
##		      id,
##		      gt,
##		      is.snp,
##		      range,
##		      cex,
##		      col.hom="grey20",
##		      fill.hom="lightblue",
##		      col.het="grey20" ,
##		      fill.het="salmon",
##		      col.np="grey20",
##		      fill.np="grey60",
##		      show.state=TRUE,
##		      lrr.segs,
##		      md.segs,
##		      ..., subscripts){
##	xypanel(x, y,
##                gt,
##                is.snp,
##                range,
##                col.hom=col.hom,
##                fill.hom=fill.hom,
##                col.het=col.het,
##                fill.het=fill.het,
##                col.np=col.np,
##                fill.np=fill.np,
##                show.state, cex=cex, ..., subscripts=subscripts)
##	id <- unique(id[subscripts])
##	range <- range[1, ]
##	CHR <- chromosome(range)
##	##stopifnot(length(CHR)==1)
##	if(id != "min dist" & !missing(lrr.segs)){
##		cbs.sub <- lrr.segs[sampleNames(lrr.segs)==as.character(id) & chromosome(lrr.segs)==CHR, ]
##		segments <- TRUE && nrow(cbs.sub) > 0
##	} else segments <- FALSE
##	if(!missing(md.segs) & id == "min dist"){
##		cbs.sub <- md.segs[sampleNames(md.segs) %in% sampleNames(range), ]
##		cbs.sub <- cbs.sub[chromosome(cbs.sub) == chromosome(range), ]
##		##cbs.sub$seg.mean <- -1*cbs.sub$seg.mean
##		segments.md <- TRUE && nrow(cbs.sub) > 0
##	} else segments.md <- FALSE
##	if(segments | segments.md){
##		##if(missing(ylimit)) ylimit <- range(y, na.rm=TRUE) ##else ylim <- ylimit
##		ylimit <- current.panel.limits()$ylim
##		if(nrow(cbs.sub) > 0){
##			index <- which(cbs.sub$seg.mean < ylimit[1])
##			if(length(index) > 0)
##				cbs.sub$seg.mean[index] <- ylimit[1] + 0.2
##			index <- which(cbs.sub$seg.mean > ylimit[2])
##			if(length(index) > 0)
##				cbs.sub$seg.mean[index] <- ylimit[2] - 0.2
##			panel.segments(x0=start(cbs.sub)/1e6, x1=end(cbs.sub)/1e6, y0=cbs.sub$seg.mean, y1=cbs.sub$seg.mean, lwd=2, col="black")#gp=gpar("lwd"=2))
##		}
##	}
##xypanelMD2 <- function(x, y,
##		       id,
##		       gt,
##		       is.snp,
##		       range,
##		       show.state=TRUE,
##		       lrr.segs,
##		       md.segs,
##		       col,
##		       cex=1,
##		       cex.state=1,
##		       col.state="blue",
##		       ..., subscripts){
##	panel.grid(v=0, h=4, "grey", lty=2)
##	panel.xyplot(x, y, cex=cex, col=col[subscripts], ...)
##	##lpoints(x, y, col=col[subscripts], cex=cex, ...)
####	lpoints(x[!is.snp], y[!is.snp], col=col.np, cex=cex, ...)
##	id <- unique(id[subscripts])
##	range <- range[1, ]
##	CHR <- chromosome(range)
##	##stopifnot(length(CHR)==1)
##	if(id != "min dist" & !missing(lrr.segs)){
##		cbs.sub <- lrr.segs[sampleNames(lrr.segs)==as.character(id) & chromosome(lrr.segs)==CHR, ]
##		segments <- TRUE && nrow(cbs.sub) > 0
##	} else segments <- FALSE
##	if(!missing(md.segs) & id == "min dist"){
##		cbs.sub <- md.segs[sampleNames(md.segs) %in% sampleNames(range), ]
##		cbs.sub <- cbs.sub[chromosome(cbs.sub) == chromosome(range), ]
##		##cbs.sub$seg.mean <- -1*cbs.sub$seg.mean
##		segments.md <- TRUE && nrow(cbs.sub) > 0
##	} else segments.md <- FALSE
##	if(segments | segments.md){
##		##if(missing(ylimit)) ylimit <- range(y, na.rm=TRUE) ##else ylim <- ylimit
##		ylimit <- current.panel.limits()$ylim
##		if(nrow(cbs.sub) > 0){
##			index <- which(cbs.sub$seg.mean < ylimit[1])
##			if(length(index) > 0)
##				cbs.sub$seg.mean[index] <- ylimit[1] + 0.2
##			index <- which(cbs.sub$seg.mean > ylimit[2])
##			if(length(index) > 0)
##				cbs.sub$seg.mean[index] <- ylimit[2] - 0.2
##			panel.segments(x0=start(cbs.sub)/1e6, x1=end(cbs.sub)/1e6, y0=cbs.sub$seg.mean, y1=cbs.sub$seg.mean, lwd=2, col="black")#gp=gpar("lwd"=2))
##		}
##	}
##	j <- panel.number()
##	st <- start(range)[j]/1e6
##	lrect(xleft=st, xright=end(range)[j]/1e6,
##	      ybottom=-10, ytop=10, ...)
##	if(show.state){
##		## left justify the label to the start of the range
##		y.max <- current.panel.limits()$ylim[2]
##		ltext(st, y.max, labels=paste("state", state(range)[j]),
##		      adj=c(0,1), cex=cex.state, col=col.state)
##	}

##narrow <- function(object, lrr.segs, thr=0.9,
##		   mad.minimumdistance, verbose=TRUE,
##		   fD, genome) .Defunct("The 'narrow' function is defunct in MinimumDistance. Use narrowRanges instead.")

#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
narrowRanges <- function(object,
                         fD, genome){
  if(missing(fD)) stop("fD not specified. fD must be a list of GenomeAnnotatedDataFrames (if multiple chromosomes are in 'object'), or a single GenomeAnnotatedDataFrame (one chromosome represented in 'object')")
  if(!is(names(mad.minimumdistance), "character")) stop("mad.minimumdistance must be named")
  if(!missing(genome)) metadata(lrr.segs) <- list(genome=genome)
  ix <- match(sampleNames(object), names(mad.minimumdistance))
  object$mindist.mad <- mad.minimumdistance[ix]
  lrr.segs <- lrr.segs[sampleNames(lrr.segs) %in% sampleNames(object), ]
  if(length(unique(chromosome(object))) > 1){
      message("narrowing the ranges by chromosome")
    if(!is(fD, "list")) stop("when object contains multiple chromosomes, fD should be a list of GenomeAnnotatedDataFrames")
    chromsInFD <- paste("chr", sapply(fD, function(x) chromosome(x)[1]), sep="")
    indexList <- split(seq_len(length(object)), as.character(chromosome(object)))
    indexList2 <- split(seq_len(length(lrr.segs)), as.character(chromosome(lrr.segs)))
    if(!all.equal(names(indexList), names(indexList2))){
      stop("the chromosomes represented in the minimum distance genomic intervals (object) must be the same as the chromosomes represented in the offspring genomic intervals (lrr.segs)")
    fD <- fD[match(names(indexList), as.character(chromsInFD))]
    if(length(fD) != length(indexList)){
      stop("The list of GenomeAnnotatedDataFrames (argument fD) must be the same length as the number of chromosomes represented in the minimum distange genomic intervals (object)")
    if(verbose)  pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(indexList), style=3)
    segList <- vector("list", length(indexList))
    pkgs <- neededPkgs()
    j <- k <- NULL
    segList <- foreach(j=indexList, k=indexList2, featureData=fD, .packages=pkgs) %dopar%{
      narrowRangeForChromosome(object[j, ],
                               lrr.segs[k, ],
    if(verbose) close(pb)
    segs <- unlist(GRangesList(segList))
  } else {
    if(is(fD, "list")) {
      chroms <- paste("chr", sapply(fD, function(x) chromosome(x)[1]), sep="")
      fD <- fD[[match(as.character(chromosome(object))[1], chroms)]]
      chr <- as.character(chromosome(object)[1])
      if(paste("chr", chromosome(fD)[1], sep="") != chr) stop("The supplied GenomeAnnotatedDataFrame (fD) does not have the same chromosome as object")
    segs <- narrowRangeForChromosome(object, lrr.segs, thr, verbose, fD=fD)
  metadata(segs) <- metadata(lrr.segs)

narrowRangeForChromosome <- function(md.range, cbs.segs, thr=0.9, verbose=TRUE, fD){
  md.range <- md.range[order(md.range$sample, start(md.range))]
  mads <- pmax(md.range$mindist.mad, .1)
  abs.thr <- abs(md.range$seg.mean)/mads
  md.range2 <- md.range[abs.thr > thr]
  if(length(md.range2) < 1) return(md.range)

  cbs.segs <- cbs.segs[order(sampleNames(cbs.segs), start(cbs.segs))]
  o <- findOverlaps(md.range2, cbs.segs)
  j <- subjectHits(o)
  ## only consider the cbs segments that have an overlap
  if(!is.na(match("sample", colnames(cbs.segs)))) cbs.segs <- cbs.segs[-match("sample", colnames(cbs.segs))]
  offspring.segs <- cbs.segs[j]
  sns <- unique(sampleNames(md.range2))
  chr <- chromosome(md.range)[1]
  rdlist <- list()
  for(j in seq_along(sns)){
    md <- md.range2[md.range2$sample == sns[j]]
    of <- offspring.segs[offspring.segs$sample==sns[j]]
    md.mad <- md$mindist.mad
    mcols(md) <- mcols(md)[, match(colnames(mcols(of)), colnames(mcols(md)))]
    ## stack the ranges of the minimum distance segments and the offspring segments
    un <- unlist(GRangesList(list(md, of)))
    ## find the disjoint ranges
    disj <- disjoin(un)
    o <- findOverlaps(md, disj)
    ## which minimumdistance intervals are spanned by a disjoint interval
    r <- subjectHits(o)
    s <- queryHits(o)
    ## only keep the disjoint intervals for which a minimum distance segment is overlapping
    ##  (filters intervals that have a minimum distance of approx. zero)
    disj <- disj[r, ]
    disj$sample <- md$sample[s]
    disj$numberProbes <- 0L ## update later
    disj$seg.mean <- md$seg.mean[s]
    disj$mindist.mad <- md.mad[s]
    rdlist[[j]] <- disj
  rd <- unlist(GRangesList(rdlist))
  metadata(rd) <- metadata(md.range)
  frange <- makeFeatureGRanges(fD, metadata(rd)[["genome"]])
  cnt <- countOverlaps(rd, frange)
  rd$numberProbes <- cnt
  rd <- rd[numberProbes(rd) > 0L]
  mrd <- md.range[abs.thr <= thr]
  mcols(mrd) <- mcols(mrd)[, match(colnames(mcols(rd)), colnames(mcols(mrd)))]
  rd2 <- c(rd, mrd)
  rd2 <- rd2[order(rd2$sample, start(rd2))]

##narrow <- function(object, lrr.segs, thr=0.9, mad.minimumdistance, verbose=TRUE){
##	if(!is(names(mad.minimumdistance), "character")) stop("mad.minimumdistance must be named")
##	##stopifnot(!is.null(names(mad.minimumdistance)))
##	ix <- match(sampleNames(object), names(mad.minimumdistance))
##	object$mindist.mad <- mad.minimumdistance[ix]
##	stopifnot("mindist.mad" %in% colnames(object))
##	lrr.segs <- lrr.segs[sampleNames(lrr.segs) %in% sampleNames(object), ]
##	if(length(unique(chromosome(object))) > 1){
##		if(verbose)
##			message("narrowing the ranges by chromosome")
##		indexList <- split(seq_len(nrow(object)), chromosome(object))
##		indexList2 <- split(seq_len(nrow(lrr.segs)), chromosome(lrr.segs))
##		stopifnot(all.equal(names(indexList), names(indexList2)))
##		if(verbose) {
##			pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(indexList), style=3)
##		}
##		segList <- vector("list", length(indexList))
##		for(i in seq_along(indexList)){
##			if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
##			j <- indexList[[i]]
##			k <- indexList2[[i]]
##			md.segs <- object[j, ]
##			lr.segs <- lrr.segs[k, ]
##			segList[[i]] <- narrowRangeForChromosome(md.segs, lr.segs, thr=thr, verbose=FALSE)
##			rm(md.segs, lr.segs); gc()
##		}
##		if(verbose) close(pb)
##		segs <- stack(RangedDataList(segList))
##		j <- match("sample", colnames(segs))
##		if(length(j) == 1) segs <- segs[, -j]
##	} else {
##		segs <- narrowRangeForChromosome(object, lrr.segs, thr, verbose)
##	}
##	rd.cbs <- RangedDataCBS(ranges=ranges(segs), values=values(segs))
##	return(rd.cbs)
##narrowRangeForChromosome <- function(md.range, cbs.segs, thr=0.9, verbose=TRUE){
##	md.range <- md.range[order(sampleNames(md.range), start(md.range)), ]
##	cbs.segs <- cbs.segs[order(sampleNames(cbs.segs), start(cbs.segs)), ]
##	ir1 <- IRanges(start(md.range), end(md.range))
##	ir2 <- IRanges(start(cbs.segs), end(cbs.segs))
##	mm <- findOverlaps(ir1, ir2)
##	qhits <- queryHits(mm)
##	shits <- subjectHits(mm)
##	index <- which(sampleNames(md.range)[qhits] == sampleNames(cbs.segs)[shits])
##	if(length(index) > 0){
##		qhits <- qhits[index]
##		shits <- shits[index]
##	} else stop("no overlap")
##	##---------------------------------------------------------------------------
##	##
##	## only narrow the range if the minimum distance segment is
##	## bigger than some nominal value. Otherwise, we use the
##	## minimum distance range as is.
##	##
##	##
##	##---------------------------------------------------------------------------
##	##abs.thr <- abs(md.range$seg.mean)/md.range$mindist.mad > thr
##	mads <- pmax(md.range$mindist.mad, .1)
##	abs.thr <- abs(md.range$seg.mean)/mads > thr
##	## I1 is an indicator for whether to use the cbs start
##	deltaStart <- start(cbs.segs)[shits] > start(md.range)[qhits] & (start(cbs.segs)[shits] - start(md.range)[qhits] < 100e3)
##	deltaEnd <- end(cbs.segs)[shits] < end(md.range)[qhits]  & (end(md.range)[qhits] - end(cbs.segs)[shits] < 100e3)
##	I1 <- deltaStart & start(cbs.segs)[shits] >= start(md.range)[qhits] & start(cbs.segs)[shits] <= end(md.range)[qhits] & abs.thr[qhits]
##	## indicator of whether to use the cbs end
##	I2 <- deltaEnd & end(cbs.segs)[shits] <= end(md.range)[qhits] & end(cbs.segs)[shits] >= start(md.range)[qhits] & abs.thr[qhits]
##	st <- start(cbs.segs)[shits] * I1 + start(md.range)[qhits] * (1-I1)
##	en <- end(cbs.segs)[shits] * I2 + end(md.range)[qhits] * (1-I2)
##	st.index <- (cbs.segs$start.index[shits] * I1 + md.range$start.index[qhits]*(1-I1))
##	en.index <- (cbs.segs$end.index[shits] * I2 + md.range$end.index[qhits]*(1-I2))
##	## For each md.range range, there should only be one I1 that is TRUE
##	## If I1 and I2 are true, then a range is completely contained within the md.range segment
##	ids <- md.range$id[qhits]
##	##  |--------------|
##	## ---|--------|-----
##	## Becomes
##	##  |-|--------|---|
##	.i <- which(I1 & I2)
##	if(length(.i) > 0){
##		## new intervals
##		ir <- IRanges(st[.i], en[.i])
##		## remove intervals from ir1
##		## these intervals in ir1 must be bigger
##		ix <- subjectHits(findOverlaps(ir, ir1))
##		originalIntervals <- ir1[ix, ]
##		ids <- md.range$id[ix]
##		means <- md.range$seg.mean[ix]
##		chr <- chromosome(md.range)[ix]
##		mads <- md.range$mindist.mad[ix]
##		firstNew <- IRanges(start(originalIntervals), start(ir)-1)
##		endNew <- IRanges(end(ir)+1, end(originalIntervals))
##		ids <- rep(ids, each=3)
##		chr <- rep(chr, each=3)
##		means <- rep(means, each=3)
##		mads <- rep(mads, each=3)
##		res <- c(ir, firstNew, endNew)
##		## remove originalIntervals from the original set
##		ir1 <- ir1[-ix, ]
##		ids1 <- md.range$id[-ix]
##		chr1 <- chromosome(md.range)[-ix]
##		means1 <- md.range$seg.mean[-ix]
##		mads1 <- md.range$seg.mean[-ix]
##		irnew <- c(ir1, res)
##		ids2 <- c(ids1, ids)
##		chr2 <- c(chr1, chr)
##		mads2 <- c(mads1, mads)
##		means2 <- c(means1, means)
##		tmp <- RangedDataCBS(irnew,
##				     sampleId=ids2,
##				     chrom=chr2,
##				     seg.mean=means2,
##				     mindist.mad=mads2)
##	} else return(md.range)
##		##irnew <- irnew[order(start(irnew)), ]
####	index <- which(I1 & I2)-1
####	index <- index[index!=0]
####	index <- index[ids[index] == ids[index+1]]
#### 	ir3 <- IRanges(st[index], en[index])
####	ir4 <- IRanges(st[index+1], en[index+1])
####	##newRanges1 <- IRanges(st[index], st[index+1]-1)
####	##newRanges2 <- IRanges(st[index+1], en[index])
####	if(length(index) > 1){
####		originalEnd <- en[index]
####		originalStart <- st[index]
####		newEnd <- st[index+1]-1
####		newStart <- st[index+1]
####		en[index] <- newEnd
####		st <- c(st, newStart)
####		en <- c(en, originalEnd)
####		##en.index[index] <- st.index[index+1]-1
####	}
##	##split(I1, qhits)
##	##split(I2, qhits)
##	##stopifnot(sapply(split(st, qhits), function(x) all(diff(x) >= 0)))
####	nm <- apply(cbind(st.index, en.index), 1, function(x) length(x[1]:x[2]))
##	## keep segment means the same as the minimum distance
####	tmp <- RangedData(IRanges(st, en),
####			  ##id=sampleNames(md.range)[qhits],
####			  id=ids2,
####			  ##chrom=chromosome(md.range)[qhits],
####			  chrom=chr2,
####			  ##num.mark=nm,
####			  seg.mean=md.range$seg.mean[qhits],
####			  start.index=st.index,
####			  end.index=en.index,
####			  mindist.mad=md.range$mindist.mad[qhits])
##	##family=md.range$family[qhits])
##	##ranges.below.thr <- split(!abs.thr[qhits], qhits)
##	##ns <- sapply(ranges.below.thr, sum)
####	uid <- paste(tmp$id, start(tmp), tmp$chrom, sep="")
##	##duplicated(uid)
##	##stopifnot(!all(duplicated(uid)))
####	tmp <- tmp[!duplicated(uid), ]
##	## for each subject, the following must be true
####	index <- which(tmp$id[-nrow(tmp)] == tmp$id[-1])
##	##stopifnot(all(end(tmp)[index] < start(tmp)[index+1]))
##	res <- tmp[order(tmp$id, start(tmp)), ]
##	return(res)

stackListByColIndex <- function(object, i, j){
	X <- vector("list", length(object))
	is.matrix <- is(object[[1]], "matrix") || is(object[[1]], "ff_matrix")
		for(k in seq_along(X)){
			X[[k]] <- object[[k]][, i, drop=FALSE]
		X <- do.call("rbind", X)
	} else {
		is.array <- is(object[[1]], "array")
		for(k in seq_along(X)){
			X[[k]] <- object[[k]][, i, j, drop=FALSE]
			dim(X[[k]]) <- c(nrow(X[[k]]), ncol(X[[k]])) ## drop 3rd dimension
		X <- do.call("rbind", X)

callDenovoSegments <- function(path="",
			       prOutlierBAF=list(initial=1e-3, max=1e-1, maxROH=1e-3),
			       verbose=FALSE, genome=c("hg19", "hg18"), ...){
  pkgs <- c("VanillaICE", "oligoClasses", "matrixStats", "MinimumDistance")
  genome <- match.arg(genome)
  if(!is(pedigreeData, "Pedigree")) stop("pedigreeData must be an object of class Pedigree")
  filenames <- file.path(path, paste(originalNames(allNames(pedigreeData)), ext, sep=""))
  ##obj <- read.bsfiles(filenames=filenames, path="", ext="")
  headers <- names(read.bsfiles(filenames[1], nrows=0))
  select <- match(c("SNP Name", "Allele1 - AB", "Allele2 - AB",
                    "Log R Ratio", "B Allele Freq"), headers)
##  ##labels <- setNames(c("Allele1", "Allele2", "LRR", "BAF"), keep[-1])
##  classes <- c(rep("character", 3), rep("numeric", 2))
##  header_info <- VanillaICE:::headerInfo(filenames[1], skip=10, sep=",",
##                                         keep=keep, labels=labels,
##                                         classes=classes)
##  obj <- read_beadstudio(filenames=filenames)
  obj <- fread(filenames, select=select)
    trioSetList <- TrioSetList(lrr=integerMatrix(obj[, "lrr",], 100),
                               baf=integerMatrix(obj[, "baf",], 1000),
  } else {
    trioSetList <- TrioSetList(lrr=integerMatrix(obj[, "lrr",], 100),
                               baf=integerMatrix(obj[, "baf",], 1000),
  isff <- is(lrr(trioSetList)[[1]], "ff")
  if(isff) pkgs <- c("ff", pkgs)
  md <- calculateMindist(lrr(trioSetList), verbose=verbose)
  mads.md <- mad2(md, byrow=FALSE)
  fns <- featureNames(trioSetList)
  md.segs <- segment2(object=md,
                      chrom=chromosome(trioSetList, as.list=TRUE),
  lrrs <- lrr(trioSetList)
    ## when segmenting only the offspring,
    ## the trio names are the same as the sampleNames
    lrrs <- lapply(lrrs, function(x){
      dns <- dimnames(x)
      x <- x[, , 3, drop=FALSE]
      dim(x) <- c(nrow(x), ncol(x))
      dimnames(x) <- list(dns[[1]], dns[[2]])
    id <- offspringNames(trioSetList)
  } else{
  pos <- position(trioSetList)
  lrr.segs <- segment2(object=lrrs,
                       chrom=chromosome(trioSetList, as.list=TRUE),
                       id=id, ## NULL if segmentParents is FALSE
                       featureNames=fns, genome=genome, ...)
  md.segs2 <- narrowRanges(md.segs, lrr.segs, 0.9, mad.minimumdistance=mads.md, fD=Biobase::featureData(trioSetList))
  index <- splitIndicesByLength(seq_len(ncol(trioSetList)), 1)
  ##if(!getDoParRegistered()) registerDoSEQ()
  outdir <- ldPath()
  id <- sampleNames(trioSetList)
  object <- i <- NULL
  map.segs <- foreach(i=index,
                      .packages=pkgs, .combine="unlist") %dopar% {

make.unique2 <- function(names, sep="___DUP") make.unique(names, sep)
originalNames <- function(names){
	if(length(names) ==0) return(names)
	sep <- formals(make.unique2)[["sep"]]
	index <- grep(sep, names)
	if(length(index) > 0) names[index] <- sapply(names[index], function(x) strsplit(x, sep)[[1]][[1]])

read.bsfiles2 <- function(path, filenames, sampleNames, z, marker.index,
			  lrrlist, baflist, featureNames){
  i <- seq_along(sampleNames)
  ## this is simply to avoid having a large 'dat' object below.
    NN <- min(length(sampleNames), 2)
    ilist <- splitIndicesByLength(i, NN)
    for(k in seq_along(ilist)){
      j <- ilist[[k]]
      sns <- sampleNames[j]
      datlist <- lapply(file.path(path, filenames[j]), read.bsfiles)
      id <- datlist[[1]][[1]]
      datlist <- lapply(datlist, "[", c(2,3))
      r <- do.call(cbind, lapply(datlist, "[[", 1))
      b <- do.call(cbind, lapply(datlist, "[[", 2))
      dimnames(r) <- dimnames(b) <- list(id, filenames)
      if(!identical(id, featureNames)){
        r <- r[featureNames, , drop=FALSE]
        b <- b[featureNames, , drop=FALSE]
      l <- match(sns, colnames(baflist[[1]]))
      for(m in seq_along(marker.index)){
        M <- marker.index[[m]]
        baflist[[m]][, l, z] <- integerMatrix(b, scale=1000)
        lrrlist[[m]][, l, z] <- integerMatrix(r, scale=100)
  } else {
    ##dat <- read.bsfiles(path=path, filenames=filenames)
    fnames <- file.path(path, filenames)
    datlist <- lapply(fnames, read.bsfiles)
    id <- datlist[[1]][[1]]
    datlist <- lapply(datlist, "[", c(2,3))
    r <- do.call(cbind, lapply(datlist, "[[", 1))
    b <- do.call(cbind, lapply(datlist, "[[", 2))
    tmp <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(r), 2, length(fnames)))
    tmp[, 1, ] <- integerMatrix(r, 100)
    tmp[, 2, ] <- integerMatrix(b, 1000)
    dat <- tmp
    dimnames(dat) <- list(id, c("lrr", "baf"), basename(fnames))

stackRangedDataList <- function(...) {
  ##object <- stack(RangedDataList(...))
  object <- GRangesList(list(...)[[1]])
  ##j <- match("sample", colnames(object))
  ##if(is.na(j))  object else object[, -j]

#~~~~ The rest is old code that has been commented out.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
##inferMissingRanges <- function(start, end){
##inferNormalRangesFromPenn <- function(penn.object, vi.object){
##	chr <- chromosome(penn.object)
##	starts <- split(start(penn.object), chr)
##	ends <- split(end(penn.object), chr)
##	foreach(start=starts, end=ends) %do% inferMissingRanges(start=start,
##			      end=end)

##shrinkTo <- function(x, x.0, DF.PRIOR){
##	DF <- ncol(x)-1
##	DF <- Ns-1
##	DF[DF < 1] <- 1
##	x.0 <- apply(x, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
##	x <- (x*DF + x.0*DF.PRIOR)/(DF.PRIOR + DF)
##	for(j in 1:ncol(x)) x[is.na(x[, j]), j] <- x.0[j]
##	return(x)

##dna <- function(object) harmonizeDnaLabels(phenoData2(object[[1]])[, "DNA.Source", ])
##plate <- function(object) phenoData2(object[[1]])[, "Sample.Plate", ]

##readTable3 <- function(a=0.009){
##	## initialize with small value to avoid -Inf
##	results <- .C("calculateCHIT", a=a, M=array(0, dim=c(rep(5,6))))$M
##	## Make sure to transpose!
##	aperm(results)

##arrangeSideBySide2 <- function(object1, object2){
##	grid.newpage()
##	lvp <- viewport(x=0,
##			y=0.05,
##			width=unit(0.50, "npc"),
##			height=unit(0.95, "npc"), just=c("left", "bottom"),
##			name="lvp")
##	pushViewport(lvp)
##	nfigs1 <- length(object1$condlevels[[1]])
##	nfigs2 <- length(object2$condlevels[[1]])
##	stopifnot(length(nfigs1) == length(nfigs2))
##	pushViewport(dataViewport(xscale=c(0,1), yscale=c(0.05,1), clip="on"))
##	object1$layout <- c(1, nfigs1)
##	print(object1, newpage=FALSE, prefix="plot1", more=TRUE)
##	upViewport(0)
##	lvp2 <- viewport(x=0.5,
##			 y=0.25,
##			 width=unit(0.50, "npc"),
##			 height=unit(0.95, "npc"), just=c("left", "bottom"),
##			 name="lvp2")
##	pushViewport(lvp2)
##	pushViewport(dataViewport(xscale=c(0,1), yscale=c(0.05,1), clip="on"))
##	object2$layout <- c(1, nfigs1)
##	print(object2, newpage=FALSE, prefix="plot2", more=TRUE)

##read.bsfiles <- function(path="./", filenames, ext="", row.names=1,
##			 sep="\t",
##			 as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE,
##			 drop=FALSE, ...){
##	fnames <- file.path(path, paste(filenames, ext, sep=""))
##	stopifnot(all(file.exists(fnames)))
##	for(i in seq_along(filenames)){
##		cat(".")
##		tmp <- read.table(file.path(path, paste(filenames[i], ext, sep="")),
##				  row.names=row.names,
##				  sep=sep,
##				  header=header,
##				  as.is=as.is, ...)
##		if(i==1){
##			j <- grep("Log.R.Ratio", colnames(tmp))
##			k <- grep("B.Allele", colnames(tmp))
##			dat <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(tmp), 2, length(filenames)))
##			if(!drop){
##				dimnames(dat) <- list(rownames(tmp),
##						      c("lrr", "baf"),
##						      basename(filenames))
##			}
##			##lrr.data <- matrix(NA, nrow(tmp), length(filenames))
##			##baf.data <- matrix(NA, nrow(tmp), length(filenames))
##		}
##		dat[, 1, i] <- tmp[, j]
##		dat[, 2, i] <- tmp[, k]
##	}
##	cat("\n")
##	return(dat)

initializeLrrAndBafArrays <- function(dims, col.names, outdir, name=""){
	if(name != ""){
		bafname <- paste(name, "baf", sep="_")
		lrrname <- paste(name, "lrr", sep="_")
	} else {
		bafname <- "baf"
		lrrname <- "lrr"
	bafs <- initializeBigArray(bafname, dim=dims, vmode="integer")
	lrrs <- initializeBigArray(lrrname, dim=dims, vmode="integer")
	colnames(bafs) <- colnames(lrrs) <- col.names
	res <- list(baf=bafs, lrr=lrrs)

trioSetListExample <- function(){
	data(trioSetListExample, envir=environment())
	ad <- assayData(trioSetList)
	b <- lapply(ad[["BAF"]], integerArray, scale=1000)
	r <- lapply(ad[["logRRatio"]], integerArray, scale=100)
	ad2 <- AssayDataList(BAF=b, logRRatio=r)
	trioSetList@assayDataList <- ad2

neededPkgs <- function() c("oligoClasses", "Biobase", "MinimumDistance")

#' @importFrom stats lowess
gcSubtractMatrix <- function(object, center=TRUE, gc, pos, smooth.gc=TRUE, ...){
	if(ncol(object) !=3) stop("Must pass one trio at a time.")
	cnhat <- matrix(NA, nrow(object), ncol(object))
	isna <- rowSums(is.na(object)) > 0
		i <- which(isna)
		gc <- gc[-i]
		pos <- pos[-i]
			gc <- lowess(gc~pos, ...)$y
		object <- object[-i, , drop=FALSE]
	X <- cbind(1, gc)
	## needs to be a big enough window such that we do not remove a true deletion/amplification
	index <- splitIndicesByLength2(x=seq_along(pos), lg=10000, MIN.LENGTH=2000)
	fitGCmodel <- function(X, Y){
		betahat <- solve(crossprod(X), crossprod(X, Y))
		yhat <- X %*% betahat
		resid <- Y-yhat
	j <- NULL
	resid <- foreach(j=index, .combine="rbind") %do% fitGCmodel(X=X[j, ], Y=object[j, ])
	## ensure that the chromosome arm has the same median as in the original Y's
	if(center) resid <- resid+median(object,na.rm=TRUE)
	if(any(isna)) cnhat[-i, ] <- resid else cnhat <- resid

rescale2 <- function(x, l, u){
  y <- (x-min(x,na.rm=TRUE))/(max(x,na.rm=TRUE)-min(x,na.rm=TRUE))
  rescale(y, l, u)

dataFrameFromRange2 <- function(object, range, range.index, frame=0, nchar_sampleid=15){
	frange <- makeFeatureGRanges(featureData(object), genomeBuild(object))
	rm <- findOverlaps(range, frange, maxgap=frame)
	mm <- IRanges::as.matrix(rm)
	mm.df <- data.frame(mm)
	mm.df$featureNames <- featureNames(object)[mm.df$subject]
	marker.index <- mm.df$subject
	sample.index <- match(sampleNames(range), sampleNames(object))
	if(any(is.na(sample.index))) stop("sampleNames in RangedData do not match sampleNames in ", class(data), " object")
	sample.index <- unique(sample.index)
	obj <- object[marker.index, sample.index]
	mm.df$subject <- match(mm.df$featureNames, featureNames(obj))
	## coersion to data.frame
	df <- trioSet2data.frame(obj)
	chr <- unique(chromosome(object))
	oindex <- which(df$memberId=="offspring")
	findex <- which(df$memberId=="father")
	mindex <- which(df$memberId=="mother")
	memberid <- as.character(df$memberId)
	nchr <- min(nchar_sampleid, nchar(sampleNames(obj)[1]))
	oid <- substr(sampleNames(obj)[1], 1, nchr)
	fid <- substr(fatherNames(obj)[1], 1, nchr)
	mid <- substr(motherNames(obj)[1], 1, nchr)
	memberid[oindex] <- paste(oid, "(offspring)")
	memberid[findex] <- paste(fid, "(father)")
	memberid[mindex] <- paste(mid, "(mother)")
	memberid <- paste("chr", chr, ": ", memberid, sep="")
	memberid <- factor(memberid, levels=rev(unique(memberid)))
	df$memberId <- I(memberid)
	##df$range <- rep(i, nrow(df))##mm.df$query
	##dfList[[i]] <- df
	df$range <- range.index

trioSet2data.frame <- function(from){
	cn <- lrr(from)[, 1, ]/100
	md.null <- is.null(mindist(from))
	if(!md.null) {
		md <- as.numeric(mindist(from))/100
		mdlabel <- "md"
	} else {
		mdlabel <- md <- NULL
	labels <- c("father", "mother", "offspring", mdlabel)
	J <- length(labels)
	sns <- matrix(labels, nrow(cn), J, byrow=TRUE)
	sns <- as.character(sns)
	cn <- as.numeric(cn)
	y <- c(cn, md)
	bf <- as.numeric(baf(from)[, 1, ])/1000
	bf <- c(bf, rep(NA, length(md)))
	x <- rep(position(from)/1e6, J)
	is.snp <- rep(isSnp(from), J)
	df <- data.frame(x=x,
			 trioId=rep(sampleNames(from), length(y)),
	df$memberId <- factor(df$memberId, ordered=TRUE, levels=rev(labels))

referenceIndex <- function(param) which(stateNames(param) == referenceState(param))

cumulativeLogLik <- function(log_emit){
  LLT <- apply(log_emit, c(2, 3), sum, na.rm=TRUE)
  ## copy number 2 prob is max(diploid not ROH, diploid ROH)
  LLT[, 3] <- pmax(LLT[, 3], LLT[, 4])
  ## remove diploid ROH state
  LLT <- LLT[, -4]

prTrioState <- function(param, state){
  ## We need to compute Pr(trio state | model)
  ## See Additional File 1, p6 (Scharpf et al., 2012)
  ## Pr(trio state | model )      =  Pr(trio state, nonmendelian | model) + Pr (trio state, Mendlianl | model)
  ##                              =  Pr( offspring | parents, nonmendelian) * Pr(parents | nonmendelian) * Pr(nonmendelian) + Pr (offspring | parents, mendelian) * Pr(parents | mendelian) * Pr (mendelian)
  ##                              =  Pr( offspring | nonmendelian) * Pr(parents) * Pr(nonmendelian) + Pr(offspring | mendelian, parents) * pr(parents)* Pr(mendelian)
  ##                              =  Term 1  *  Term2  * Term 3  +  Term4 * Term2 * (1-Term3)
  ##                              =  Term 2 [Term1 * Term3 + Term4*(1-Term3)]
  ## we assume a priori that any of the states are equally likely for the parents
  Term2 <- 1/5^2
  Term3 <- prNonMendelian(param)
  ## Term 4, or Pr(offspring | parents, mendelian), is given by tabled values in Wang et al. (Suppl Table 1)
  Term4 <- table1(param)[state]
  Term1 <- 1/5
  Term2 * (Term1 * Term3 + Term4 * (1-Term3))

loglikInitial <- function(param, LLT, state){
  ## assume Pr(state_1,father | lambda) = Pr(state_2,mother | lambda) = pi
  ## Equation 3: Scharpf et al., 2012
  ## We need to compute the posterior probability of the trio states, or
  ## Pr(trio state | B, R, model)  propto  Likelihood * prior
  ##                               = likelihood * Pr(trio state | model)
  ## Taking logarithms, we have
  ## log lik + log Pr(trio state | model)
  state_index <- state(param)[state, ] + 1L
  loglik <- sum(diag(LLT[, state_index]))
  pr_triostate <- prTrioState(param, state)
  loglik + log(pr_triostate)

statesToEvaluate <- function(param, above_thr){
  nms <- stateNames(param)
    x <- setNames(rep(TRUE, length(nms)), nms)
  } else {
    x <- setNames(rep(FALSE, length(nms)), nms)
    x[referenceIndex(param)] <- TRUE

setSequenceLengths <- function(build, names){ ## names are unique(seqnames(object))
  sl <- getSequenceLengths(build)
  sl[match(unique(names), names(sl))]

.getArm <- function(chrom, pos, genome){
  if(is.integer(chrom)) chrom <- paste("chr", integer2chromosome(chrom), sep="")
  path.gap <- system.file("extdata", package="SNPchip")
  gaps <- readRDS(list.files(path.gap, pattern=paste("gap_", genome, ".rda", sep=""), full.names=TRUE))
  centromere.starts <- start(gaps)
  centromere.ends <- end(gaps)
  names(centromere.ends) <- names(centromere.starts) <- seqnames(gaps)
  centromere.starts <- centromere.starts[chrom]
  centromere.ends <- centromere.ends[chrom]
  chr.arm <- arm <- rep(NA, length(pos))
  arm[pos <= centromere.starts] <- "p"
  arm[pos >= centromere.ends] <- "q"
  ##arm <- ifelse(pos <= centromere.starts, "p", "q")
  chr.arm[!is.na(arm)] <- paste(chrom[!is.na(arm)], arm[!is.na(arm)], sep="")

.checkOrder <- function(object, verbose=FALSE){
  d <- diff(order(chromosome(object), position(object)))
  if(any(d < 0)){
      warning("Object should be ordered by chromosome and physical position.\n",
              "Try \n",
              "> object <- order(object) \n")

isFF <- function(object){
  names <- ls(assayData(object))
  is(assayData(object)[[names[[1]]]], "ff") | is(assayData(object)[[names[[1]]]], "ffdf")

logEmissionArray <- function(object){
  emitlist <- assays(object)
  ##emitlist <- lapply(emitlist, function(x, epsilon) log(x+epsilon), epsilon=epsilon)
  lemit_array <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(object), length(emitlist), 6))
  for(i in seq_len(length(emitlist))) lemit_array[, i, ] <- log(emitlist[[i]])

#' Function for computing autocorrelations
#' By default, this function returns the lag-10 autocorrelations of a
#' numeric vector and omits missing values.
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @param lag.max see \code{acf}
#' @param type see \code{acf}
#' @param plot logical, as in \code{acf}
#' @param na.action ignored.  Missing values are automattically omitted.
#' @param demean logical, as in \code{acf}
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{acf}
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{acf}}
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(100)
#' x[5] <- NA
#' acf2(x)
#' @importFrom stats acf
#' @export
acf2 <- function(x, lag.max=10, type = c("correlation", "covariance", "partial"),
                 plot = FALSE, na.action = na.omit, demean = TRUE,
  x <- x[!is.na(x)]
  y <- acf(x, lag.max=lag.max, type=type, plot=plot,
           na.action=na.action, demean=demean, ...)
  y[[1]][lag.max+1, , 1]

colAcfs <- function(X, lag.max=10, plot=FALSE) {
  res <- rep(NA, ncol(X))
  apply(X, 2, acf2, lag.max=lag.max)

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