
Defines functions findNGSPairs getGAlignmentsPairs getGAlignments getGRanges bedToGR

Documented in bedToGR findNGSPairs getGAlignments getGAlignmentsPairs getGRanges

#' Converts bed style data.frame to Granges
#' For info on columns, see:
#' https://www.ensembl.org/info/website/upload/bed.html
#' @param x A \code{\link{data.frame}} from imported bed-file,
#'  to convert to GRanges
#' @param skip.name default (TRUE), skip name column (column 4)
#' @return a \code{\link{GRanges}} object from bed
#' @family utils
bedToGR <- function(x, skip.name = TRUE) {
  if (ncol(x) < 3) stop("bed file must have a least 3 columns!")
  starts <- x[, 2L] + 1L
  ends <- x[, 3L]
  gr <- GRanges(x[, 1L], IRanges(starts, ends))

  bed4 <- (ncol(x) >= 4) & !skip.name #name column
  if (bed4) mcols(gr) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(mcols(gr), name = x[, 4L])
  bed5 <- ncol(x) >= 5 # score column
  if (bed5) mcols(gr) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(mcols(gr), score = x[, 5L])
  bed6 <- ncol(x) >= 6
  if (bed6) strand(gr) <- x[, 6L]
  if (ncol(x) > 6L) mcols(gr) <- x[, 7L:ncol(x)]

#' Internal GRanges loader from fst data.frame
#' @param df a data.frame with columns minimum 4 columns:
#' seqnames, start, strand and width.\cr
#' Additional columns will be assigned as meta columns
#' @return GRanges object
#' @importFrom S4Vectors new2
getGRanges <- function(df) {
  if (!all(c("seqnames", "start", "width", "strand") %in% colnames(df)))
    stop("df must at minimum have 4 columns named: seqnames, start, width and strand")
  ranges <- new2("IRanges", start = df$start,
                 width = df$width,
                 NAMES = df$NAMES,
                 elementMetadata = NULL,
                 check = FALSE)
  if (is.null(levels(df$seqnames))) {
    df$seqnames <- factor(df$seqnames, levels = unique(df$seqnames))
  seqinfo <- Seqinfo(levels(df$seqnames))
  df$NAMES <- NULL
  if (ncol(df) == 4){
    mcols <- NULL
  } else {
    mcols <- df[,5:ncol(df)]
    if (ncol(df) == 5) {
      mcols <- data.frame(mcols)
      names(mcols) <- names(df)[5]
  mcols <- S4Vectors:::normarg_mcols(mcols, "GRanges", nrow(df))

  new2("GRanges", seqnames = Rle(df$seqnames), ranges = ranges, strand = Rle(df$strand),
       elementMetadata = mcols, seqinfo = seqinfo, check = FALSE)

#' Internal GAlignments loader from fst data.frame
#' @param df a data.frame with columns minimum 4 columns:
#' seqnames, start ("pos" in final GA object), strand and width.\cr
#' Additional columns will be assigned as meta columns
#' @return GAlignments object
#' @importFrom S4Vectors new2
getGAlignments <- function(df) {
  if (!all(c("seqnames", "start", "cigar", "strand") %in% colnames(df)))
    stop("df must at minimum have 4 columns named: seqnames, start, cigar and strand")
  if (nrow(df) == 0) return(GenomicAlignments::GAlignments())
  if (is.null(levels(df$seqnames))) {
    df$seqnames <- factor(df$seqnames, levels = unique(df$seqnames))

  seqinfo <- Seqinfo(levels(df$seqnames))
  names <- df$NAMES
  if (!is.null(df$NAMES)) df$NAMES <- NULL
  if (ncol(df) == 4){
    mcols <- NULL
  } else {
    mcols <- df[,5:ncol(df)]
    if (ncol(df) == 5) { # Hm... Is this safe ? What if a score is there ?
      mcols <- data.frame(mcols)
      names(mcols) <- names(df)[5]
  df$strand <- factor(df$strand, levels = c("+", "-", "*"))
  mcols <- S4Vectors:::normarg_mcols(mcols, "GRanges", nrow(df))
  new2("GAlignments", NAMES = names, seqnames = Rle(df$seqnames), start = df$start,
       cigar = as.character(df$cigar), strand = Rle(df$strand), elementMetadata = mcols,
       seqinfo = seqinfo, check = FALSE)


#' Internal GAlignmentPairs loader from fst data.frame
#' @param df a data.frame with columns minimum 6 columns:
#' seqnames, start1/start2 (integers), cigar1/cigar2 and strand\cr
#' Additional columns will be assigned as meta columns
#' @inheritParams readBam
#' @return GAlignmentPairs object
#' @importFrom S4Vectors new2
getGAlignmentsPairs <- function(df, strandMode = 0) {
  if (nrow(df) == 0) {
    return(GenomicAlignments::GAlignmentPairs(first = GAlignments(),
                                              last = GAlignments(),
                                              strandMode = strandMode))
  if (is.null(levels(df$seqnames))) {
    df$seqnames <- factor(df$seqnames, levels = unique(df$seqnames))
  seqinfo <- Seqinfo(levels(df$seqnames))
  names <- df$NAMES
  if (!is.null(df$NAMES)) df$NAMES <- NULL
  if (ncol(df) == 6){
    mcols <- NULL
  } else {
    mcols <- df[,7:ncol(df)]
    if (ncol(df) == 7) { # Hm... Is this safe ? What if a score is there ?
      mcols <- data.frame(mcols)
      names(mcols) <- names(df)[7]
  mcols <- S4Vectors:::normarg_mcols(mcols, "GRanges", nrow(df))
  # reverse strand for last
  levels = c("+", "-", "*")
  strand2 <- strandTemp <- df$strand <-
    factor(df$strand, levels = levels)
  strandTemp[strand2 == "+"] <- "-"
  strandTemp[strand2 == "-"] <- "+"
  strand2 <- strandTemp
       first = new2("GAlignments", NAMES = names, seqnames = Rle(df$seqnames), start = df$start1,
        cigar = as.character(df$cigar1), strand = Rle(df$strand),
        seqinfo = seqinfo, check = FALSE,
        elementMetadata = DataFrame(data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(df), ncol = 0)))),
       last = new2("GAlignments", NAMES = names, seqnames = Rle(df$seqnames), start = df$start2,
             cigar = as.character(df$cigar2), strand = Rle(factor(strand2, levels)),
             seqinfo = seqinfo, check = FALSE,
             elementMetadata = DataFrame(data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(df), ncol = 0)))),
       isProperPair = rep(TRUE, nrow(df)), strandMode = as.integer(strandMode),
       elementMetadata = mcols, check = FALSE)

#' Find pair of forward and reverse strand wig / bed files and
#' paired end bam files split in two
#' @param paths a character path at least one .wig / .bed file
#' @param f Default (c("forward", "fwd")
#' a character vector for forward direction regex.
#' @param r Default (c("reverse", "rev")
#' a character vector for reverse direction regex.
#' @param format default "wig", for bed do "bed". Also searches
#' compressions of these variants.
#' @return if not all are paired, return original list,
#' if they are all paired, return a data.table with matches as 2 columns
findNGSPairs <- function(paths, f = c("forward", "fwd"),
                         r = c("reverse", "rev"), format = "wig") {
  f <- paste0(f, "\\.", format, "*", collapse = "|")
  r <- paste0(r, "\\.", format, "*", collapse = "|")
  forwardPath <- grep(f, paths)
  reversePath <- grep(r, paths)

  if ((length(forwardPath) != length(reversePath)) |
      length(forwardPath) == 0 | length(reversePath) == 0) return(paths)
  dt <- data.table(forward = paths[forwardPath],
                   reverse = paths[reversePath], match = FALSE)
  dt.sub <- dt[, .(forward = gsub(pattern = f, x = forward, ""),
                   reverse = gsub(pattern = r, x = reverse, ""))]
  matches <- chmatch(dt.sub$forward, dt.sub$reverse)
  if (!anyNA(matches)) {
    dt <- dt[, .(forward, reverse = reverse[matches], match = TRUE)]
  if (all(dt$match)) {

#' Remove file extension of path
#' Allows removal of compression
#' @param path character path (allows multiple paths)
#' @param basename relative path (TRUE) or full path (FALSE)? (default: FALSE)
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @return character path without file extension
remove.file_ext <- function(path, basename = FALSE) {
  out <- c()
  for (p in path) {
    fext <- file_ext(path)
    compressions <- c("gzip", "gz", "bgz", "zip")
    areCompressed <- fext %in% compressions
    if (areCompressed) {
      ext <- file_ext(file_path_sans_ext(path, compression = FALSE))
      regex <- paste0("*\\.",ext,"\\.", fext,"$")
    } else {
      regex <- paste0("*\\.",fext,"$")
    new <- gsub(pattern = regex, "", path)
    out <- c(out, new)
  return(ifelse(basename, basename(out), out))

#' A wrapper for seqlevelsStyle
#' To make sure chromosome naming is correct (chr1 vs 1 vs I etc)
#' @param range a ranged object, (GRanges, GAlignment etc)
#' @param chrStyle a GRanges object, TxDb, FaFile,
#' or a \code{\link{seqlevelsStyle}}
#' (Default: NULL) to get seqlevelsStyle from. Is chromosome 1
#' called chr1 or 1, is mitocondrial chromosome called MT or chrM etc.
#' Will use 1st seqlevel-style if more are present.
#' Like: c("NCBI", "UCSC") -> pick "NCBI"
#' @return a GAlignment/GRanges object depending on input.
matchSeqStyle <- function(range, chrStyle = NULL) {
  # TODO: Check if this makes it safer:
  # if (tryCatch(seqlevelsStyle(cage) <- seqlevelsStyle(fiveUTRs),
  #              error = function(e) {TRUE}) == TRUE) {
  #   warning("seqlevels of CAGE/fiveUTRs are not standardized, check them.")
  # } else {
  #   seqlevelsStyle(cage) <- seqlevelsStyle(fiveUTRs)
  # }
  if (!is.null(chrStyle)) {
    if (is.character(chrStyle)) {
      seqlevelsStyle(range) <- chrStyle[1]
    } else if (is.gr_or_grl(chrStyle) | is(chrStyle, "TxDb") |
               is(chrStyle, "FaFile")) {
      seqlevelsStyle(range) <- seqlevelsStyle(chrStyle)[1]
    } else stop("chrStyle must be valid GRanges object, or a valid chr style!")

#' Find optimized subset of valid reads
#' Keep only the ones that overlap within the grl ranges.
#' Also sort them in the end
#' @inheritParams validSeqlevels
#' @return the reads as GRanges,  GAlignment or GAlignmentPairs
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments first
#' @family utils
optimizeReads <- function(grl, reads) {
  seqMatch <- validSeqlevels(grl, reads)
  reads <- keepSeqlevels(reads, seqMatch, pruning.mode = "coarse")

  reads <- reads[countOverlaps(reads, grl, type = "within") > 0]
  reads <- if (is(reads, "GAlignmentPairs")) {
    reads <- reads[order(GenomicAlignments::first(reads))]
    } else reads <- sort(reads)

  if (length(reads) == 0) warning("No reads left in 'reads' after",


#' Transform object
#' Similar to normal transform like log2 or log10.
#' But keep 0 values as 0, to avoid Inf values and negtive values
#' are made as -scale(abs(x)), to avoid NaN values.
#' @param x a numeric vector or data.frame/data.table of numeric columns
#' @param scale a function, default log2, which function to transform with.
#' @param by.reference logical, FALSE. if TRUE, update object by reference
#' if it is data.table.
#' @return same object class as x, with transformed values
pseudo.transform <- function(x, scale = log2, by.reference = FALSE) {

  if (!by.reference)
    x <- copy(x)
  xl <- x
  if (is.numeric(x)) {
    x[(x > 0)] <- scale(x[(x > 0)])
    x[(xl < 0)] <- - scale(abs(x[(xl < 0)]))
  } else if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    for (i in names(x)) {
      b <- x[, get(i)]
      bigger <- b > 0
      smaller <- (b < 0)
      b[bigger] <- scale(b[bigger])
      b[smaller] <- -scale(b[abs(smaller)])
      x[, (i):= b]
  } else stop("x must be numeric or data.frame/data.table/matrix")


#' Create all unique combinations pairs possible
#' Given a character vector, get all unique combinations of 2.
#' @param x a character vector, will unique elements for you.
#' @return a list of character vector pairs
#' @importFrom utils combn
combn.pairs <- function(x) {
  pairs <- list() # creating compairisons :list of pairs
  comparisons.design <- unique(x)
  my_comparison <- combn(unique(comparisons.design), 2)
  pairs <- list()
  for (i in seq(ncol(my_comparison))) {
    pairs[[i]] <- c(my_comparison[1, i], my_comparison[2, i])

#' A copy of biomartr ftp check
#' Will be removed when biomartr::exists.ftp.file.new
#'  is pushed to CRAN stable
#' @param url character, full path directory of url
#' @param file.path character, full path url to file
#' @return logical, TRUE if file exists
#' @importFrom RCurl url.exists
exists.ftp.file.fast <- function(url, file.path) {
  if (!RCurl::url.exists(paste0(dirname(url), "/")))

  con <- RCurl::getURL(url, ftp.use.epsv = FALSE, dirlistonly = TRUE)

  ftp.content <-
    suppressMessages(data.table::fread(con, sep = "\n", header = FALSE))


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ORFik documentation built on March 27, 2021, 6 p.m.