
Defines functions motifEcdf getBackgroundFrequencies makeBackground getPromoters makePWMGEVBackground makeStartEndPos makePWMPvalCutoffBackgroundFromSeq makePWMPvalCutoffBackground makePWMEmpiricalBackground makePWMCutoffBackground makePWMLognBackground makePriors .normalize.bg.seq

Documented in getBackgroundFrequencies getPromoters makeBackground makePriors makePWMCutoffBackground makePWMEmpiricalBackground makePWMGEVBackground makePWMLognBackground makePWMPvalCutoffBackground makePWMPvalCutoffBackgroundFromSeq makeStartEndPos motifEcdf .normalize.bg.seq

# Functions to create background distributions

#' check consistency of bg.seq input parameter
#' @param bg.seq a set of background sequences, either a list of DNAString object or DNAStringSet object
.normalize.bg.seq = function(bg.seq){
	# check if the sequences are in the right format
	if(!inherits(bg.seq, "DNAStringSet")) {
		if(is.list(bg.seq)) {
			if(length(bg.seq) > 0 && ! inherits(bg.seq[[1]], "DNAString"))
				stop("bg.seq needs to be a list of DNAString objects or a DNAStringSet object")
		} else {
			stop("bg.seq needs to be a list of DNAString objects or a DNAStringSet object")
	} #else {
		#bg.seq = DNAStringSetToList(bg.seq)

#' Make priors from background sequences
#' These priors serve both as background nucleotide frequencies and pseudo-counts
#' for PWMs. 
#' @param bg.seq a set of background sequences
#' @param bg.pseudo.count the total pseudocount shared between nucleotides
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # some example sequences
#' sequences = list(DNAString("AAAGAGAGTGACCGATGAC"), DNAString("ACGATGAGGATGAC"))
#' # make priors with pseudo-count of 1 shared between them
#' makePriors(sequences, 1)
makePriors = function(bg.seq, bg.pseudo.count){
	bg.seq = .normalize.bg.seq(bg.seq)

	# start with the count of the first sequence
	acgt.count = alphabetFrequency(bg.seq[[1]])[c("A", "C", "G", "T")]
	acgt.count = acgt.count[c("A", "C", "G", "T")] + acgt.count[c("T", "G", "C", "A")]
	# add ACGT counts for the rest
	if(length(bg.seq) > 1 ){
		for(i in 2:length(bg.seq)){
			cont = alphabetFrequency(bg.seq[[i]])[c("A", "C", "G", "T")]
			# add the counts on the other strand
			cont[c("A", "C", "G", "T")] = cont[c("A", "C", "G", "T")] + cont[c("T", "G", "C", "A")]
			# sum up
			acgt.count = acgt.count + cont
	# scale to bg.pseudo.count
	prior = (acgt.count / sum(acgt.count)) * bg.pseudo.count


#' Make a lognormal background distribution
#' Construct a lognormal background distribution for a set of sequences. 
#' Sequences concatenated are binned in 'bg.len' chunks and lognormal distribution 
#' fitted to them. 
#' @param bg.seq a set of background sequences, either a list of DNAString object or DNAStringSet object
#' @param motifs a set of motifs, either a list of frequency matrices, or a list of PWM objects. If
#'               frequency matrices are given, the background distribution is fitted from bg.seq. 
#' @param bg.pseudo.count the pseudo count which is shared between nucleotides when frequency matrices are given
#' @param bg.len background sequences will be split into tiles of this length (default: 250bp)
#' @param bg.len.sizes background tiles will be joined into bigger tiles containing this much smaller tiles. 
#'                     The default is \code{2^(0:4)}, which with \code{bg.len} translates into 
#'                     250bp, 500bp, 1000bp, 1500bp, 2000bp, 4000bp. Note this is only used in the "human" algorithm.
#' @param bg.source a free-form textual description of how the background was generated
#' @param verbose if to produce verbose output
#' @param algorithm type of algorithm to use, valid values are: "default" and "human".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")){
#'    data(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#'    # make background for MotifDb motifs using 2kb promoters of all D. melanogaster transcripts 
#' 	  if(requireNamespace("BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3")) 
#'      makePWMLognBackground(Dmelanogaster$upstream2000, MotifDb.Dmel.PFM)
#' }
#' }
makePWMLognBackground = function(bg.seq, motifs, bg.pseudo.count=1, bg.len=250, bg.len.sizes=2^(0:4), bg.source="", verbose=TRUE, algorithm="default"){
	# check if the sequences are in the right format
	bg.seq = .normalize.bg.seq(bg.seq)

	# convert to list if a single motif is given
		motifs = list(motifs)
	if(bg.len.sizes[1] != 1)
		stop("First value of 'bg.len.sizes' needs to be 1")
	if(!(algorithm %in% c("default", "human")))
		stop("Parameter 'algorithm' needs to be one of: ['default', 'human']")
	cat("NOTE: Using the '", 	algorithm, "' algorithm to infer background parameters,\n      ", sep="")
	if(algorithm == "default"){
		cat("appropriate for all organisms except human.\n")
	} else {
		cat("appropriate only for human data.\n")

	# concatenate all the background sequences into a single long sequence
	bg.seq.all = concatenateSequences(bg.seq)
	# generate start and end positions
	bg.seq.start = seq(1, nchar(bg.seq.all)+1, bg.len)
	bg.seq.end = bg.seq.start - 1
	bg.seq.start = bg.seq.start[1:(length(bg.seq.start)-1)]
	bg.seq.end = bg.seq.end[2:length(bg.seq.end)]
	# split into bg.len sequences
	bg = DNAStringSet(bg.seq.all, start=bg.seq.start, end=bg.seq.end)
		warnings(paste("The number of chunks of size", bg.len, "is smaller than 1000. This might lead to an non-robust estimate of lognormal distribution parameters."))
	# convert motifs to PWM format if neccessary
	if(!inherits(motifs[[1]], "PWM")) {
		prior = makePriors(list(DNAString(bg.seq.all)), bg.pseudo.count)
		pwms = PFMtoPWM(motifs, prior.params = prior)
	} else {
		pwms = motifs
	# finally, do motif scanning and calculate mean and sd
	bg.res = motifScores(bg, pwms, verbose=verbose)
	# pwm lengths and base lengths
	pwm.len = sapply(pwms, length)
	bg.len.real = bg.len - pwm.len + 1
	# do a robust estimate of parameters

	# dnorm with left-censored data and known meanlog
	# x value for which dnorm is needed
	# cen logical vector if the value is censored
	# meanlog meanlog parameter
	# sdlog sdlog parameter
	dlnorm.lcen = function(x, cen, meanlog, sdlog){
		if(sdlog <= 0)
		xn = x[!cen]
		xc = x[cen]

		sum(dlnorm(xn, meanlog, sdlog, log=TRUE)) + sum(plnorm(xc, meanlog, sdlog, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=TRUE))

	# Negative log-likelihood of left-censored data
	# NOTE: this function assumes xc, cen and meanlog and in environment
	# p set of parameters (in this case only sdlog)
	ll.lcen = function(p){
		-dlnorm.lcen(xc, cen, meanlog, p)
	if(algorithm == "default"){
		# the simple default algorithm
		bg.mean = colMeans(bg.res)
		bg.sd = apply(bg.res, 2, sd)
	} else {	
		# a matrix of inferred values that will be averaged over
		bg.mean.mat = bg.sd.mat = matrix(0, nrow=length(bg.len.sizes), ncol=ncol(bg.res))
		colnames(bg.mean.mat) = colnames(bg.sd.mat) = colnames(bg.res)
			cat("Parameter estimation...\n")

		# do estimation for different sizes of background
		for(size.inx in 1:length(bg.len.sizes)){
			# current size multiplier
			cur.mul = bg.len.sizes[size.inx]
				cat("Recording distribution properties for", bg.len * cur.mul, "bp tiles (this may take a while...)\n") 
			# summarise bg.res for the current size		
			max.len = nrow(bg.res) %/% cur.mul * cur.mul
			group = (0:(max.len-1)) %/% cur.mul
			# group by the groups and do an average
			if(cur.mul == 1){
				bg.res.size = bg.res
			} else {
				# new implementation for faster grouping!
				out = matrix(0, nrow=length(unique(group)), ncol=ncol(bg.res))
				for(i in 1:nrow(out)){
					row.inx = (i-1)*cur.mul+1
					r = bg.res[row.inx,]
					for(j in 1:(cur.mul-1)){
						r = r + bg.res[row.inx+j,]
					out[i,] = r / cur.mul
				bg.res.size = out
				# double-check just in case !
				#bg.res.size = by(bg.res[1:max.len,], group, colMeans)
				#bg.res.size = do.call("rbind", as.list(bg.res.size))
			# consistency check
			stopifnot(nrow(bg.res.size) == max.len/cur.mul)
			# do robust estimate for each motif
			for(i in 1:ncol(bg.res)){
					cat("Estimating parameters for motif", i, "/", ncol(bg.res), "\n")
				x = bg.res.size[,i]
				# censor everything below the 75% quantile
				b = quantile(x, 0.75)

				# left-censor data
				xc = x
				xc[x<=b] = b
				cen = rep(FALSE, length(x))
				cen[x<=b] = TRUE

				# meanlog based on median
				meanlog = median(log(x))

				# optimize sdlog
				p = optimize(ll.lcen, c(1e-8, 1e5))
				# transform and save
				ml = meanlog
				sl = p$minimum
				mx = exp(ml + (sl^2)/2)
				sx = sqrt((exp(sl^2)-1)*exp(2*ml+sl^2))
				# save
				bg.mean.mat[size.inx, i] = mx
				bg.sd.mat[size.inx, i] = sx
		# record the values
		bg.mean = bg.mean.mat
		bg.sd = bg.sd.mat
		# record the sizes
		bg.len.real = outer(bg.len.sizes, bg.len.real)
		rownames(bg.len.real) = NULL
	new("PWMLognBackground", bg.source=bg.source, bg.len=bg.len.real, bg.mean=bg.mean, bg.sd=bg.sd, pwms=pwms)

#' Make a cutoff background
#' Make a background based on number of motifs hits above a certain threshold. 
#' @param bg.seq a set of background sequences, either a list of DNAString object or DNAStringSet object
#' @param motifs a set of motifs, either a list of frequency matrices, or a list of PWM objects. If
#'               frequency matrices are given, the background distribution is fitted from bg.seq. 
#' @param cutoff the cutoff at which the background should be made, i.e. at which a motif hit is called significant
#' @param bg.pseudo.count the pseudo count which is shared between nucleotides when frequency matrices are given
#' @param bg.source a free-form textual description of how the background was generated
#' @param verbose if to produce verbose output
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")){
#'    data(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#'    # make background for MotifDb motifs using 2Kb promoters of all D. melanogaster transcripts 
#'    # using a cutoff of 5
#' 	  if(requireNamespace("BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3")) 
#'      makePWMCutoffBackground(Dmelanogaster$upstream2000, MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, cutoff=log2(exp(5)))
#' }
#' }
makePWMCutoffBackground = function(bg.seq, motifs, cutoff=log2(exp(4)), bg.pseudo.count=1, bg.source="", verbose=TRUE){
	# check if the sequences are in the right format
	bg.seq = .normalize.bg.seq(bg.seq)
	# convert to list if a single motif is given
		motifs = list(motifs)
	# make priors and PWMs
	if(!inherits(motifs[[1]], "PWM")) {
		prior = makePriors(bg.seq, bg.pseudo.count)
		pwms = PFMtoPWM(motifs, prior.params = prior)
	} else {
		pwms = motifs
	# scan with cutoff - this gives motif *hit counts*
	bg.res = motifScores(bg.seq, pwms, verbose=verbose, cutoff=cutoff)
	seq.len = sapply(bg.seq, length)
	pwm.len = sapply(pwms, length)
	# total length of the scanned sequences for each sequence
	total.len = sum(seq.len) - length(seq.len)*(pwm.len-1)
	# total number of hits
	total.hits = colSums(bg.res)
	# density of binding sites
	bg.P = total.hits / total.len
	new("PWMCutoffBackground", bg.source=bg.source, bg.cutoff=cutoff, bg.P=bg.P, pwms=pwms)

#' Make an empirical P-value background
#' Make a background appropriate for empirical P-value calculation. The provided set of background
#' sequences is contcatenated into a single long sequence which is then scanned with the motifs
#' and raw scores are saved. This object can be very large. 
#' For reliable P-value calculation the size of the background set needs to be at least seq.len / min.P.value.
#' For instance, to get P-values at a resolution of 0.001 for a single sequence of 500bp, we would need 
#' a background of at least 500/0.001 = 50kb. This ensures that we can make 1000 independent 500bp samples from
#' this background to properly estimate the P-value. For a group of sequences, we would take seq.len to be the
#' total length of all sequences in a group. 
#' @param bg.seq a set of background sequences, either a list of DNAString object or DNAStringSet object
#' @param motifs a set of motifs, either a list of frequency matrices, or a list of PWM objects. If
#'               frequency matrices are given, the background distribution is fitted from bg.seq. 
#' @param bg.pseudo.count the pseudo count which is shared between nucleotides when frequency matrices are given
#' @param bg.source a free-form textual description of how the background was generated
#' @param verbose if to produce verbose output
#' @param ... currently unused (this is for convenience for makeBackground function)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")){
#'    data(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#'    # make empirical background by saving raw scores for each bp in the sequence. This can be 
#'    # very large in memory!
#' 	  if(requireNamespace("BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3")) 
#'      makePWMEmpiricalBackground(Dmelanogaster$upstream2000[1:100], MotifDb.Dmel.PFM)
#' }
#' }
makePWMEmpiricalBackground = function(bg.seq, motifs, bg.pseudo.count=1, bg.source="", verbose=TRUE, ...){
	# check if the sequences are in the right format
	bg.seq = .normalize.bg.seq(bg.seq)
	# convert to list if a single motif is given
		motifs = list(motifs)
	# make priors and PWMs
	if(!inherits(motifs[[1]], "PWM")) {
		prior = makePriors(bg.seq, bg.pseudo.count)
		pwms = PFMtoPWM(motifs, prior.params = prior)
	} else {
		pwms = motifs
	# scan one very long sequence that is formed by concatenating all sequences
	bg.seq.all = DNAString(concatenateSequences(bg.seq))
	bg.res = motifScores(bg.seq.all, pwms, raw.scores=TRUE, verbose=verbose)
	bg.len = length(bg.seq.all)
	bg.fwd = bg.res[[1]][1:bg.len,]
	bg.rev = bg.res[[1]][(bg.len+1):(bg.len*2),]
	if(length(motifs) == 1){
		bg.fwd = matrix(bg.fwd, ncol=1, dimnames=list(NULL, names(motifs)))
		bg.rev = matrix(bg.rev, ncol=1, dimnames=list(NULL, names(motifs)))
	new("PWMEmpiricalBackground", bg.source=bg.source, bg.fwd=bg.fwd, bg.rev=bg.rev, pwms=pwms)

#' Construct a cutoff background from empirical background
#' This function takes already calculated empirical background distribution and chooses
#' cutoff for each motif based on P-value cutoff for individual sites. 
#' @param bg.p an object of class PWMEmpiricalBackground
#' @param p.value the P-value used to find cuttoffs for each of the motifs
#' @param bg.source textual description of background source
#' @return an object of type PWMCutoffBackground
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")){
#'    data(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#'    # make empirical background - here we use only 100 sequences for illustrative purposes
#' 	  if(requireNamespace("BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3")) 
#'      bg.p = makePWMEmpiricalBackground(Dmelanogaster$upstream2000[1:100], MotifDb.Dmel.PFM)
#'    # use the empirical background to pick a threshold and make cutoff background
#'    makePWMPvalCutoffBackground(bg.p, 0.001)
#' }
#' }
makePWMPvalCutoffBackground = function(bg.p, p.value=1e-3, bg.source=""){
	# extract stuffs
	bg.fwd = bg.p@bg.fwd
	bg.rev = bg.p@bg.rev
	pwms = bg.p@pwms
	bg.len = nrow(bg.fwd)
	if(bg.len * p.value < 1){
		stop("The P-value is too small for background of this size. Should have at least 1/p.value nucleotides in the background.")
	# get cutoffs
	cutoff = structure(rep(0, length(pwms)), names=names(pwms))
	P = structure(rep(0, length(pwms)), names=names(pwms))
	for(i in 1:length(pwms)){
		# join both strands
		all.data = log2(c(bg.fwd[!is.na(bg.fwd[,i]),i], bg.rev[!is.na(bg.rev[,i]),i]))
		# stop if not all data is finite, because then there is an error!
		stopifnot(length(is.finite(all.data)) == length(all.data))
		# find out the cutoff for 1-p.value
		cutoff[i] = quantile(ecdf(all.data), 1 - p.value)
		# work out the actual P value
		# NOTE: since the distribution is decrete, this won't be exactly the same as 2*P.value but will be quite close
		P[i] = 2 * (sum(all.data >= cutoff[i]) / length(all.data))

	# final object
	new("PWMCutoffBackground", bg.source=bg.source, bg.cutoff=cutoff, bg.P=P, pwms=pwms)

#' Construct a P-value cutoff background from a set of sequences
#' This function creates a P-value cutoff background for motif enrichment. 
#' @param bg.seq a set of background sequences, either a list of DNAString object or DNAStringSet object
#' @param motifs a set of motifs, either a list of frequency matrices, or a list of PWM objects. If
#'               frequency matrices are given, the background distribution is fitted from bg.seq. 
#' @param p.value the P-value used to find cuttoffs for each of the motifs
#' @param bg.pseudo.count the pseudo count which is shared between nucleotides when frequency matrices are given
#' @param bg.source textual description of background source
#' @param verbose if to print verbose output
#' @return an object of type PWMCutoffBackground
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")){
#'    data(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#'    # use the empirical background to pick a threshold and make cutoff background
#'    makePWMPvalCutoffBackground(Dmelanogaster$upstream2000, 0.001)
#' }
#' }
makePWMPvalCutoffBackgroundFromSeq = function(bg.seq, motifs, p.value=1e-3, bg.pseudo.count=1, bg.source="", verbose=TRUE){
	# check if the sequences are in the right format
	bg.seq = .normalize.bg.seq(bg.seq)
	# convert to list if a single motif is given
		motifs = list(motifs)
	# make priors and PWMs
	if(!inherits(motifs[[1]], "PWM")) {
		prior = makePriors(bg.seq, bg.pseudo.count)
		pwms = PFMtoPWM(motifs, prior.params = prior)
	} else {
		pwms = motifs
	# pre-calculate the big sequence motifScoresBigMemory() is faster
	seq.input = .inputParamSequences(bg.seq)
	seq.all = DNAString(concatenateSequences(seq.input))
	# get cutoffs
	cutoff = structure(rep(0, length(pwms)), names=names(pwms))
	P = structure(rep(0, length(pwms)), names=names(pwms))
	for(i in 1:length(pwms)){	
		# get the raw values for this motif only!
		bg.res = motifScoresBigMemory(bg.seq, pwms[i], verbose=verbose, raw.scores=TRUE, seq.all=seq.all)
		bg.res = na.omit(unlist(bg.res))
		# transform to log2 to get the final data
		all.data = log2(bg.res)
		# find out the cutoff for 1-p.value
		cutoff[i] = quantile(ecdf(all.data), 1 - p.value)
		# work out the actual P value
		# NOTE: since the distribution is decrete, this won't be exactly the same as 2*P.value but will be quite close
		P[i] = 2 * (sum(all.data >= cutoff[i]) / length(all.data))

	# final object
	new("PWMCutoffBackground", bg.source=bg.source, bg.cutoff=cutoff, bg.P=P, pwms=pwms)

#' Divide total.len into fragments of length len by providing start,end positions
#' @param total.len total available length to be subdivided
#' @param len size of the individual chunk
#' @return a data.frame containing paired up start,end positions
makeStartEndPos = function(total.len, len){
	# make start positions
	start = seq(1, total.len+1, len)
	# make end positions
	end = start - 1
	# pair them up
	start = start[1:(length(start)-1)]
	end = end[2:length(end)]
	data.frame(start, end)

#' Make a GEV background distribution
#' Construct a lognormal background distribution for a set of sequences. 
#' Sequences concatenated are binned in 'bg.len' chunks and lognormal distribution 
#' fitted to them. 
#' @param bg.seq a set of background sequences, either a list of DNAString object or DNAStringSet object
#' @param motifs a set of motifs, either a list of frequency matrices, or a list of PWM objects. If
#'               frequency matrices are given, the background distribution is fitted from bg.seq. 
#' @param bg.pseudo.count the pseudo count which is shared between nucleotides when frequency matrices are given
#' @param bg.len the length range of background chunks
#' @param bg.source a free-form textual description of how the background was generated
#' @param verbose if to produce verbose output
#' @param fit.log if to fit log odds (instead of odds)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(requireNamespace("PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")){
#'    data(MotifDb.Dmel.PFM, package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background")
#'    # make background for MotifDb motifs using 2kb promoters of all D. melanogaster transcripts 
#' 	  if(requireNamespace("BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3")) 
#'      makePWMGEVBackground(Dmelanogaster$upstream2000, MotifDb.Dmel.PFM)
#' }
#' }
makePWMGEVBackground = function(bg.seq, motifs, bg.pseudo.count=1, bg.len=seq(200,2000,200), bg.source="", verbose=TRUE, fit.log=TRUE){
	# check if the sequences are in the right format
	bg.seq = .normalize.bg.seq(bg.seq)

	# convert to list if a single motif is given
		motifs = list(motifs)
	# give automatic names
		names(motifs) = paste("Motif", 1:length(motifs), sep="")

	# concatenate all the background sequences into a single long sequence
	bg.seq.all = concatenateSequences(bg.seq)
	# convert motifs to PWM format if neccessary
	if(!inherits(motifs[[1]], "PWM")) {
		prior = makePriors(list(DNAString(bg.seq.all)), bg.pseudo.count)
		pwms = PFMtoPWM(motifs, prior.params = prior)
	} else {
		pwms = motifs
	# GEV parameters that need to be fitted in linear regression
	params = array(0, dim=c(length(bg.len), 3, length(pwms)), 
		dimnames=list(bg.len, c("loc", "scale", "shape"), names(pwms)))
	# iterate over background lengths and fit GEV distributions
	for(i in 1:length(bg.len)){
			message("Scanning background of size ", bg.len[i])
		bg.pos = makeStartEndPos(nchar(bg.seq.all), bg.len[i])
		bg = DNAStringSet(bg.seq.all, start=bg.pos$start, end=bg.pos$end)
		# scan
		bg.res = motifScores(bg, pwms, verbose=verbose)
		# fit GEV for each PWM
		params[i,,] = apply(bg.res, 2, function(x) {
				x = log(x)
			fgev(x, std.err=FALSE)$param[c("loc", "scale", "shape")]
	## now fit linear regression for each PWM
	bg.loc = lapply(names(pwms), function(pwm.name){
		loc = params[,"loc",pwm.name]
		log.len = log(bg.len)
	names(bg.loc) = names(pwms)
	bg.scale = lapply(names(pwms), function(pwm.name){
		scale = params[,"scale",pwm.name]
		log.len = log(bg.len)
	names(bg.scale) = names(pwms)
	bg.shape = lapply(names(pwms), function(pwm.name){
		shape = params[,"shape",pwm.name]
		log.len = log(bg.len)
	names(bg.shape) = names(pwms)
	# return the object	
	new("PWMGEVBackground", bg.source=bg.source, bg.loc=bg.loc, bg.scale=bg.scale, bg.shape=bg.shape, pwms=pwms)

#' Get the promoter sequences either for a named organism such as "dm3" or a BSgenome object
#' @param organismOrGenome either organism name, e.g. "dm3", or BSgenome object
#' @return a list of: promoters - DNAStringSet of (unique) promoters; organism - name of species; version - genome version
getPromoters = function(organismOrGenome){
	org = organismOrGenome
	sek = NULL
	org.valid = c("dm3", "mm9", "hg19")
	# check if it's a valid UCSC name
		if(org %in% org.valid){
			sel = org
		} else {
			stop(paste("Unrecognised organism name, valid values are:", paste(org.valid, collapse=", ")))
	# check for a BSgenome object	
	} else if(is(org, "BSgenome")){
	  genome <- metadata(org)[["genome"]]
		if(genome %in% org.valid){
			sel = genome 
		} else {
			stop(paste("Promoter sequences cannot be retrieved automatically for ", genome, ", please provide a set of background sequences explicitely.", sep=""))
	} else {
		stop("The input parameter needs to be a valid genome name ('dm3', 'mm9' or 'hg19') or a set of background sequences.")
	e = new.env()
	# get the promoter sequences from the saved object
	if(sel == "dm3"){		
			data("dm3.upstream2000", package = "PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background", envir=e)
			promoters = e$dm3.upstream2000
			organism = "D. melanogaster"
			version = "dm3"
		} else {
			stop("This function requires the 'PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background' package, please install it.")
	} else if(sel == "mm9"){
			data("mm9.upstream2000", package = "PWMEnrich.Mmusculus.background", envir=e)
			promoters = e$mm9.upstream2000
			organism = "M. musculus"
			version = "mm9"
		} else {
			stop("This function requires the 'PWMEnrich.Mmusculus.background' package, please install it.")
	} else if(sel == "hg19"){
			data("hg19.upstream2000", package = "PWMEnrich.Hsapiens.background", envir=e)
			promoters = e$hg19.upstream2000
			organism = "H. sapiens"
			version = "hg19"
		} else {
			stop("This function requires the 'PWMEnrich.Hsapiens.background' package, please install it.")
	} else {
		stop("Internal error, should never reach this point!")
	list(promoters=promoters, organism=organism, version=version)

#' Make a background for a set of position frequency matrices
#' This is a convenience front-end function to compile new backgrounds for a set of PFMs. 
#' Currently only supports D. melanogaster, but in the future should support other common organisms as well. 
#' @param motifs a list of position frequency matrices (4xL matrices)
#' @param organism either a name of the organisms for which the background should be compiled 
#'                 (currently supported names are "dm3", "mm9" and "hg19"), or a \code{BSgenome} object (see \code{BSgenome} package). 
#' @param type the type of background to be compiled. Possible types are: 
#'             \itemize{
#'                 \item "logn" - estimate a lognormal background
#'                 \item "cutoff" - estimate a Z-score background with fixed log-odds cutoff (in log2)
#'                 \item "pval" - estimate a Z-score background with a fixed P-value cutoff. Note that this may require a lot of memory
#'                                since the P-value of motif hits is first estimated from the empirical distribution. 
#'                 \item "empirical" - create an empirical P-value background. Note that this may require a lot of memory (up to 10GB in
#'                                     default "slow" mode (quick=FALSE) for 126 JASPAR motifs and 1000 D. melanogaster promoters).
#'                 \item "GEV" - estimate a generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution background by fitting linear regression to distribution 
#'                               parameters in log space
#'             }
#' @param quick if to preform fitting on a reduced set of 100 promoters. This will not give as good results but is much quicker than fitting to all the promoters (~10k). 
#'              Usage of this parameter is recommended only for testing and rough estimates. 
#' @param bg.seq a set of background sequences to use. This parameter overrides the "organism" and "quick" parameters.
#' @param ... other named parameters that backend function makePWM***Background functions take.
#' @export
#' @author Robert Stojnic, Diego Diez
#' @examples
#' # load in the two example de-novo motifs
#' motifs = readMotifs(system.file(package = "PWMEnrich", dir = "extdata", file = "example.transfac"), 
#'   remove.acc = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#'   # construct lognormal background
#'   bg.logn = makeBackground(motifs, organism="dm3", type="logn")
#'   # alternatively, any BSgenome object can also be used
#'   if(requireNamespace("BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3"))
#'     bg.logn = makeBackground(motifs, organism=Dmelanogaster, type="logn")
#'   # construct a Z-score of hits with P-value background
#'   bg.pval = makeBackground(motifs, organism="dm3", type="pval", p.value=1e-3)
#'   # now we can use them to scan for enrichment in sequences (in this case there is a consensus 
#'   # Tin binding site).
#'   motifEnrichment(DNAString("TGCATCAAGTGTGTAGTG"), bg.logn)
#'   motifEnrichment(DNAString("TGCATCAAGTGTGTAGTG"), bg.pval)
#' }
makeBackground = function(motifs, organism="dm3", type="logn", quick=FALSE, bg.seq=NULL, ...){
	# check input parameters
	valid.types = c("logn", "cutoff", "pval", "empirical", "GEV")
	if(!(type %in% valid.types)){
		stop(paste("Invalid type, please choose from:", paste(valid.types, collapse=", ")))

	# make sure we have this defined.... 
		bg.source = NULL
		bg.source = list(...)$bg.source

	# use the explicitely set sequences
		bg.seq = .normalize.bg.seq(bg.seq)
	} else {
		# get the promoters for the organism
		promoters.all = getPromoters(organism)
		promoters = promoters.all$promoters
			bg.seq = promoters[seq(1, length(promoters), length.out=100)]
				bg.source = paste(promoters.all$organism, " (", promoters.all$version, ") 100 unique 2kb promoters", sep="")
		} else {
			if(type %in% c("pval")){
				bg.seq = promoters[seq(1, length(promoters), length.out=500)]
					bg.source = paste(promoters.all$organism, " (", promoters.all$version, ") 500 unique 2kb promoters", sep="")
			} else {
				bg.seq = promoters
					bg.source = paste(promoters.all$organism, " (", promoters.all$version, ") ", length(promoters), " unique 2kb promoters", sep="")
	#bg.seq = DNAStringSetToList(bg.seq)
	# capture ... as parameters so we can remove bg.source if present
	# and set the other parameters
	params = list(...)	
	params$bg.seq = bg.seq
	params$motifs = motifs
	params$bg.source = bg.source
	# select the human algorithm
	if(type == "logn" && is.character(organism) && organism == "hg19" && !("algorithm" %in% names(params)))
		params$algorithm = "human"
	## now run the appropriate backend function
	if(type == "logn"){
		bg = do.call("makePWMLognBackground", params)
	} else if(type == "cutoff"){
		bg = do.call("makePWMCutoffBackground", params)
	} else if(type == "pval"){
		bg = do.call("makePWMPvalCutoffBackgroundFromSeq", params)
	} else if(type == "empirical"){
		bg = do.call("makePWMEmpiricalBackground", params)
	} else if(type == "GEV"){
		bg = do.call("makePWMGEVBackground", params)

#' Get the four nucleotides background frequencies
#' Estimate the background frequencies of A,C,G,T on a set of promoters from an organism
#' @param organism either a name of the organisms for which the background should be compiled 
#'                 (supported names are "dm3", "mm9" and "hg19"), a \code{BSgenome} object,
#'                  \code{DNAStringSet}, or list of \code{DNAString} objects
#' @param pseudo.count the number to which the frequencies sum up to, by default 1
#' @param quick if to preform fitting on a reduced set of 100 promoters. This will not give as good results but is much quicker than fitting to all the promoters (~10k). 
#'              Usage of this parameter is recommended only for testing and rough estimates.
#' @export
#' @author Robert Stojnic, Diego Diez
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   getBackgroundFrequencies("dm3")
#' }
getBackgroundFrequencies = function(organism="dm3", pseudo.count=1, quick=FALSE){
	# bug reported on support.bioconductor.org
	if (inherits(organism, "DNAStringSet")) {
		bg.seq = organism
	} else if (is.list(organism) && length(organism) > 0 && inherits(organism[[1]], "DNAString")) {
		bg.seq = organism
	} else {
		# pick the set of background sequences
		promoters = getPromoters(organism)$promoters
			bg.seq = promoters[seq(1, length(promoters), length.out=100)]
		} else {
			bg.seq = promoters
	#bg.seq = DNAStringSetToList(bg.seq)
	makePriors(bg.seq, pseudo.count)

#' Calculate the empirical distribution score distribution for a set of motifs
#' @param motifs a set of motifs, either a list of frequency matrices, or a list of PWM objects. If
#'               frequency matrices are given, the background distribution is fitted from bg.seq. 
#' @param organism either a name of the organisms for which the background should be compiled 
#'                 (supported names are "dm3", "mm9" and "hg19"), or a \code{BSgenome} object (see \code{BSgenome} package).
#' @param bg.seq a set of background sequence (either this or organism needs to be specified!). Can be a DNAString or DNAStringSet object.
#' @param quick if to do the fitting only on a small subset of the data (only in combination with \code{organism}). Useful only for code testing!
#' @param pseudo.count the pseudo count which is shared between nucleotides when frequency matrices are given
#' @return a list of \code{ecdf} objects (see help page for \code{ecdf} for usage). 
#' @export
motifEcdf = function(motifs, organism=NULL, bg.seq=NULL, quick=FALSE, pseudo.count=1){
	if(is.null(organism) && is.null(bg.seq)){
		stop("Either the 'organism' or 'bg.seq' parameter need to be specified!")
		motifs = list(motifs)
		# check if the sequences are in the right format
		bg.seq = .normalize.bg.seq(bg.seq)
	} else {
		# take only a single promoter from each of the genes
		promoters = getPromoters(organism)$promoters
			bg.seq = promoters[seq(1, length(promoters), length.out=100)]
		} else {
			bg.seq = promoters
	# make priors and PWMs
	if(! inherits(motifs[[1]], "PWM")) {
		prior = makePriors(bg.seq, pseudo.count)
		pwms = PFMtoPWM(motifs, prior.params = prior)
	} else {
		pwms = motifs
	# always use the big memory implementation as it is much faster in typical usage!
	s = motifScoresBigMemory(bg.seq, pwms, raw.scores=TRUE)
	# group together distributions for motifs
	s = lapply(1:length(pwms), function(i) na.omit(unlist(lapply(s, function(x) x[,i]))))
	# create empirical CDFs and return
	e = lapply(s, ecdf)
	names(e) = names(pwms)

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PWMEnrich documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:45 p.m.