Man pages for BioGeoBEARS
BioGeography with Bayesian (and Likelihood) Evolutionary Analysis in R Scripts

add_cornersIterate up through a plotted tree, getting the coordinates of...
addslashAdd a slash to a directory name if needed
add_to_downpass_labelsIterate up and down a tree in C++ LAGRANGE downpass order
adfConvert to data.frame, without factors
adf2Convert to data.frame, without factors
AICstats_2modelsCalculate all the AIC and LRT stats between two models
AkaikeWeights_and_Ratios_pairwise_on_summary_table_compared_to_refGet the ratio between the pairwise Akaike Weights
AkaikeWeights_on_summary_tableCalculate Akaike Weights, and add to table
areas_list_to_states_list_newConvert a list of areas to a list of geographic ranges...
average_tr_tipsAverage the heights of (non-fossil) tips to make...
axisPhylo2axisPhylo with more flexibility in labeling
bears_2param_DIVA_fast2-parameter model, fixed cladogenesis model (as in LAGRANGE)
bears_2param_standard_fast2-parameter model, fixed cladogenesis model (as in LAGRANGE)
bears_2param_standard_fast_fixnode2-parameter model, fixed cladogenesis model (as in LAGRANGE)
bears_2param_standard_fast_fortest2-parameter model, fixed cladogenesis model (as in LAGRANGE)...
bears_2param_standard_fast_symOnly2-parameter model, no cladogenesis model (as in BayArea or...
bears_2param_standard_fast_symOnly_simp2-parameter model, no cladogenesis model (as in BayArea or...
bears_2param_standard_slowQ_slowSP2-parameter model, fixed cladogenesis model - slow version
bears_3param_standard_fast3-parameter model, adding j (founder-event speciation)
bears_3param_standard_fast_fixnode3-parameter model, adding j (founder-event speciation)
bears_3param_standard_fast_noJ3-parameter model, adding v (vicariance proportion), but no j...
bears_4param_standard_fast4-parameter model, adding j (founder-event speciation) and v...
bears_5param_standard_fast5-parameter model, adding j (founder-event speciation), v...
bears_5param_standard_fast_diffstart5-parameter model, with different starting points for...
bears_5param_standard_fast_v5-parameter model, adding j (founder-event speciation), v...
bears_6param_standard_fast_ys_v6-parameter model, adding j (founder-event speciation), v...
bears_9param_standard_fast_ys_v_cb6-parameter model, adding j (founder-event speciation), v...
bears_optim_runRun ML search from 'BioGeoBEARS_run' object
binary_ranges_to_letter_codesConvert binary presence/absence codes (1/0) to a list of text...
binary_range_to_letter_code_listConvert binary presence/absence codes (1/0) to a list of text...
binary_range_to_letter_code_txtConvert binary presence/absence codes (1/0) to text area...
BioGeoBEARS_model-classAn object of class BioGeoBEARS_model holding the model inputs
BioGeoBEARS_model_defaultsSet up a default BioGeoBEARS model object
BioGeoBEARS_model_object_to_est_paramsExtract estimated parameters from a BioGeoBEARS model object
BioGeoBEARS_model_object_to_init_paramsProduce initial parameters from a BioGeoBEARS model object
BioGeoBEARS_model_object_to_params_lowerProduce the lower limit on the parameters from a BioGeoBEARS...
BioGeoBEARS_model_object_to_params_upperProduce the upper limit on the parameters from a BioGeoBEARS...
BioGeoBEARS-packageBioGeography with Bayesian (and likelihood) Evolutionary...
BioGeoBEARS_run-classAn object of class BioGeoBEARS_run holding the model inputs
calc_AICc_columnCalculate AICc values for a list of models
calc_AIC_columnCalculate AICs to make a column in a table
calc_AICc_valsCalculate AICc values for a list of models
calc_AIC_valsCalculate AICs for a list of models
calc_linked_params_BioGeoBEARS_model_objectUpdate parameters that are deterministic functions of free...
calc_loglike_for_optimTake model parameters and the data and calculate the...
calc_loglike_for_optim_stratifiedTake model parameters and the data and calculate the...
calc_loglike_spCalculate log-likelihood with a transition matrix and...
calc_loglike_sp_prebyteCalculate log-likelihood with a transition matrix and...
calc_loglike_sp_stratifiedCalculate log-likelihood with a transition matrix and...
calc_obs_likeCalculate likelihood of count data given true...
calcP_nCalculate Z (part of equation 6.4 of Harte 2011)
calc_post_prob_presenceCalculate posterior probability of presence, given count data...
calc_prob_forward_onebranch_denseDense matrix exponentiation forward on a branch, with...
calc_prob_forward_onebranch_sparseSparse matrix exponentiation forward on a branch, with...
calcZ_partCalculate Z (equation 6.3 of Harte 2011)
chainsaw2Saw a tree off at a particular time before present
check_BioGeoBEARS_runCheck the inputs for various problems
check_if_state_is_allowedCheck if a geographic range/state is allowed, given an...
cls.dfGet the class for each column in a list
colors_legendPlot a colors legend for geographic ranges
conditional_format_cellConditionally format a number (mostly)
conditional_format_tableConditionally format the numbers (mostly) in a table
corner_coordsGet the corner coordinates
cornerlabelsMake labels for plotting ranges on corners
cornerpiesMake pie charts for plotting ranges on corners
default_states_listDefault input for a states_list
define_BioGeoBEARS_model_objectDefine a BioGeoBEARS_model class and object
define_BioGeoBEARS_runDefine a maximum likelihood search, perhaps stratified
define_tipranges_objectDefine a tipranges class and object
dfnums_to_numericGet the class for each column in a list
divide_probs_by_number_of_options_numsDivide each type of event by its frequency, return calculated...
divide_probs_by_number_of_options_txtDivide each type of event by its frequency
expand.grid.altA faster version of expand.grid
expand.grid.jcAn even faster version of expand.grid
expokit_dgpadm_Qmat2A byte-compiled version of expokit_dgpadm_Qmat2_prebyte
expokit_dgpadm_Qmat2_prebyteA version of expokit_dgpadm_Qmat to byte-compile
extend_tips_to_ultrametricizeTake a tree, extend all tips (including fossils) up to 0.0 my...
extract_numbersExtract just the numbers from a string, including decimal...
findallGet indices of all matches to a list
getAICCalculate AIC
getAICcCalculate AICc
getAIC_weight_for_model1Calculate Akaike Weight
get_AICweight_ratio_model1_over_model2Calculate ratio of Akaike Weights
get_Akaike_weight_ratio_from_Akaike_pairwise_weightsGet the ratio between the pairwise Akaike Weights
get_Akaike_weights_from_rel_likesCalculate the Akaike Weights, from the relative likelihoods...
get_Akaike_weights_from_rel_likes_pairwiseCalculate the Akaike Weights, from the relative likelihoods...
get_all_daughter_tips_of_a_nodeGet all the daughter tips of a node
get_all_node_agesGet the ages of all the nodes in the tree (above the root)
get_APE_nodenumsGet R internal node numbers
getareas_from_tipranges_objectGet the names of the areas in a tipranges object
get_colors_for_numareasGet colors for a certain number of single areas
get_daughtersGet all the direct daughters nodes of a node
get_deltaAICCalculate deltaAIC
get_deltaAIC_pairwise_w_ref_modelCalculate deltaAIC
get_edge_times_before_presentGet the times of the top and bottom of each edge
get_fn_prefixGet everything BEFORE the last suffix (.nex or whatever)
get_indices_of_branches_under_tipsGet the indices of the branches (row number in edge matrix)...
get_indices_of_tip_nodesGet TRUE/FALSE for nodes being tips
get_indices_where_list1_occurs_in_list2Return (first!) indices in second list matching the first...
get_indices_where_list1_occurs_in_list2_noNAReturn (first!) indices in second list matching the first...
get_inf_LgL_etc_optimxGet the inferred parameters from a results object (utility...
get_infparams_optimxGet the inferred parameters from an ML optimization
get_infparams_optimx_nosimGet the inferred parameters from an ML optimization...
get_infprobs_of_simstatesGet the probabilities of the true (simulated) states
get_lagrange_nodenumsGet internal node numbers in LAGRANGE's downpass order
get_leftright_nodes_matrix_from_resultsMake a table of the Right and Left nodes descending from each...
get_levelGet a node's level in the tree
get_max_height_treeGet the maximum age of all the nodes (above the root)
get_ML_probsGet the probability of the ML state for each node, from a...
get_MLsplitprobs_from_resultsExtract the ML probs for the base of each branch above a...
get_ML_state_indicesExtract the indices for the ML states at each node, given a...
get_ML_statesGet ML states from a BioGeoBEARS model results list
get_ML_states_from_relprobsExtract the ML states at each node, from a table of relative...
getnameCollapse range abbreviations to strings
get_node_ages_of_tipsGet the ages of each tip above the root
get_nodenumsGet the unique node numbers in a tree
get_nodenum_structural_rootGets the root node
get_parentGet the direct parent node of a node
get_path_firstGet the text that comes before the last slash
get_path_lastGet the text that comes after the last slash
get_perEvent_probsGet the per-event probabilities at cladogenesis
get_probvalsCalculate probability of ordered discrete states using a...
get_pruningwise_nodenumsGet internal node numbers in pruningwise order
getranges_from_LagrangePHYLIPRead a LAGRANGE PHYLIP-style file containing geographic...
get_relative_prob_model1oldCalculate relative probability of model 1 (=Akaike Weight)
get_relative_prob_model2oldCalculate relative probability of model 1 (Akaike Weight)
get_rownum_ref_modelGet rownum of named model
get_simparamsGet the simulated model parameters from the row of a table
get_simstatesLoad the simulation information from an underscore delimited...
get_sister_nodeGet the node sister to two nodes
get_statesColors_tableMake a color table for each area and their combinations
get_TF_tipsGet TRUE/FALSE for nodes being tips
get_tiplabel_rangesFor each tip, get a text string of the areas in a tipranges...
given_a_starting_state_simulate_branch_endGiven the state at the start of a branch, simulate the state...
given_a_starting_state_simulate_splitGiven the state just below a node, simulate the states after...
infprobs_to_probs_of_each_areaConvert probabilities of each state, to the probabilities of...
infprobs_to_probs_of_each_area_from_relprobsConvert relative probabilities matrix to the probabilities of...
is.not.naCheck for not NA
label_nodes_postorder_phylo3Add postorder node number labels to a phylo3 tree object.
letter_strings_to_tipranges_dfConvert ranges in the form of letters (A, AB, BFG, etc.) to a...
letter_string_to_binaryConvert ranges in the form of letters (A, AB, BFG, etc.) to...
LGcpp_MLstate_per_nodeGet the ML states per node, from a states table
LGcpp_splits_fn_to_tableGet the ML splits per node, from C++ LAGRANGE output
LGcpp_splits_fn_to_table2Get the ML splits per node, from Python LAGRANGE output
LGcpp_states_fn_to_tableGet the ML states per node, from C++ LAGRANGE output
LGpy_MLsplit_per_nodeGet the ML splits per node, from a splits table
LGpy_splits_fn_to_tableGet the ML splits per node, from Python LAGRANGE output
list2strConvert a list of items to a string
lrttestCalculate Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT)
lrttest_on_summary_tableCalculate Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) results, and add to...
make_dispersal_multiplier_matrixMake a default matrix of relative dispersal probabilities...
make_relprob_matrix_biMake a relative probability matrix for a single speciation...
make_relprob_matrix_deMake a relative dispersal probability matrix (in text form)
make_relprob_nummatrix_sp1Convert a observed-speciation transition matrix to an...
make_relprob_txtmatrix_sp1Convert a observed-speciation transition matrix to an...
make_spmat_rowConstruct a (text) cell of the cladogenesis/speciation matrix
map_LG_MLsplits_to_treeTake the table of ML splits and node number and map on tree...
map_LG_MLsplits_to_tree_cornersMap splits to the corners on a phylogeny
map_LG_MLstates_to_treeMap states to the nodes on a phylogeny
map_LGpy_MLsplits_to_treeTake the table of ML splits and node number and map on tree...
mapply_calc_obs_likeMapply version of calc_obs_like()
mapply_calc_post_prob_presenceMapply version of calc_post_prob_presence()
mapply_likelihoodsUse mapply on matrix exponentiations - post-byte-compiling
mapply_likelihoods_prebyteUse mapply on matrix exponentiations - pre-byte-compiling
match_list1_in_list2Return TRUE for list1 items when they occur in list2
maxsizeGet the maximum rangesize for a given ancestral rangesize
merge_words_nonwordsMerge lists of words and nonwords (numbers) that may be of...
meval'eval()' function for use in 'sapply'
mix_colors_for_statesMix colors logically to produce colors for multi-area ranges
morefprint to screen the header of a file
nodenums_bottom_upAssign node labels in bottom-up, left-first format (as in...
normatUtility functions to help deal with matrices Normalize a...
npnormalizePath shortcut
nullsym_to_NAConvert a specified null range code to NA
order_LGnodesOrder LAGRANGE-numbered nodes so that they can be plotted in...
order_tipranges_by_trOrder the tipranges in a tipranges object so they match the...
order_tipranges_by_tree_tipsReorder the rows in a 'tipranges' object, to correspond to...
params_into_BioGeoBEARS_model_objectFeed modified parameters back into a BioGeoBEARS model object
parse_lagrange_outputParse the output file from python 'LAGRANGE'
parse_lagrange_output_oldParse the output file from python 'LAGRANGE' - older version
parse_lagrange_python_outputParse the output file from python 'LAGRANGE'
parse_lagrange_python_output_oldParse the output file from python 'LAGRANGE' - old version
paste_rows_without_zerosConcatenate cells in each row of a text-based transition...
Pdata_given_rangerowCalculate probability of detection data given a true...
Pdata_given_rangerow_dpCalculate probability of detection data given a true...
pdfitPrint a table to LaTeX format
pdftablePrint a table to LaTeX format
plot_BioGeoBEARS_modelGraphical display of your anagenetic and cladogenetic...
plot_BioGeoBEARS_resultsPlot the results of a BioGeoBEARS run
plot_cladogenesis_size_probabilitiesGraphical display of P(daughter rangesize) for your input or...
postorder_nodes_phylo4_return_tableGet a table of node numbers, including DIVA node numbers
post_prob_statesCalculate posterior probability of each states/geographic...
post_prob_states_matrixCalculate posterior probability of each states/geographic...
prflagUtility function to conditionally print intermediate results
printallPrint an entire table to screen
prob_of_states_from_prior_prob_areasCalculate probability of detection data for each OTU at each...
process_optimExtract 'optim' results to a row
prtPrint tree in table format
prune_specimens_to_speciesTake a tree and species names/geography table and produce a...
prune_states_listCut down the states list according to areas_allowed_mat
rangestxt_to_colorsConvert a list of ranges text (KOM, MH, KOMIH, etc.)
read_area_of_areas_fnRead in the area areas by time
read_areas_allowed_fnRead in the area areas by time
read_controlsRead a file with the total number of detections in a...
read_detectionsRead a file with detection counts per area
read_dispersal_multipliers_fnRead in the hard-coded dispersal multipliers from file
read_distances_fnRead in the distances by time
readfiles_BioGeoBEARS_runRead in the extra input files, if any
read_PHYLIP_dataRead a PHYLIP-format file
read_times_fnRead in the stratification time breakpoints
relative_probabilities_of_subsetsCalculate probability of different descendant rangesizes, for...
relative_probabilities_of_vicariantsCalculate probability of different descendant rangesizes, for...
rel_likes_from_deltaAICsCalculate the relative likelihoods of the models, from the...
rel_likes_from_deltaAICs_pairwiseCalculate the relative likelihoods of the models, from the...
remove_null_rowcols_from_matRemove rows or columns representing a null geographic range...
return_items_not_NARemove NAs from a vector/list
save_tipranges_to_LagrangePHYLIPSave a tipranges object to a LAGRANGE PHYLIP-style file...
section_the_treeSection a tree for stratified analysis
sfuncExtract the appropriate probability for a subset speciation...
simstates_to_probs_of_each_areaConvert simulated states to probabilities of each area
simulate_biogeog_historySimulate a biogeographical history, given a transition matrix...
simulated_indexes_to_tipranges_fileConvert simulated Qmat 0-based indexes to a tipranges file
simulated_indexes_to_tipranges_objectConvert simulated Qmat 0-based indexes to a tipranges object
size_species_matrixCalculate the dimensions of the cladogenesis/speciation...
slashslashRemove double slash (slash a slash)
sourceallSource all .R files in a directory, except "compile" and...
states_list_indexes_to_areastxtStates (ranges) lists to txt string of the areas
strsplit2String splitting shortcut
strsplit_whitespaceSplit strings on whitespace
symbolic_cell_to_relprob_cellConvert symbolic cell (a text equation) to relprob matrix (a...
symbolic_cell_to_relprob_cell_spConvert symbolic cell (a text equation) to relprob cell (a...
symbolic_to_P_matrixConvert symbolic matrix to relprob matrix
symbolic_to_Q_matrixConvert symbolic matrix to an instantaneous rate matrix (Q...
symbolic_to_Q_matrix_experExperimental version of 'symbolic_to_Q_matrix_exper',...
symbolic_to_relprob_matrix_spConvert symbolic matrix (with text equations) to relprob...
tiplikes_wDetectionModelCalculate probability of detection data for each OTU at each...
tipranges-classThe tipranges class
tipranges_to_area_stringsConvert tipranges binary coding to range strings
tipranges_to_tip_condlikes_of_data_on_each_stateConvert a tipranges object to the tip likelihoods
traverse_upTraverse the tree from node up to the tips
unlist_dfUnlist the columns in a data.frame
unlist_df2Unlist the columns in a data.frame, with more checks
unlist_df3Unlist the columns in a data.frame, with more checks and adf
unlist_df4Unlist the columns in a data.frame, with more checks, adf,...
unlist_dtf_colsUnlist the columns in a data.frame
vfuncExtract the appropriate probability for a vicariant...
yfuncExtract the appropriate probability for a...
BioGeoBEARS documentation built on May 29, 2017, 8:36 p.m.