
Defines functions CheckAndFixChrNamesForTransRanges CheckAndFixChrNames StandardChromNameNew StandardChromName

Documented in CheckAndFixChrNames CheckAndFixChrNamesForTransRanges StandardChromName StandardChromNameNew

#' Standardize the chromosome name annotations for a data frame.
#' @param df A data frame whose first column contains the Chromosome name
#' @return A data frame whose Chromosome names are only in the form of 1:22, "X"
#'   and "Y".
#' @keywords internal
StandardChromName <- function(df) {
  # Is there any row in df whose Chromosome names have "GL"?
  if (sum(grepl("GL", df[[1]])) > 0) {
    df <- df[-grep("GL", df[[1]]), ]

  # Is there any row in df whose Chromosome names have "KI"?
  if (sum(grepl("KI", df[[1]])) > 0) {
    df <- df[-grep("KI", df[[1]]), ]

  # Is there any row in df whose Chromosome names have "random"?
  if (sum(grepl("random", df[[1]])) > 0) {
    df <- df[-grep("random", df[[1]]), ]

  # Is there any row in df whose Chromosome names are "Hs37D5"?
  if (sum(grepl("^Hs", df[[1]])) > 0) {
    df <- df[-grep("^Hs", df[[1]]), ]

  # Is there any row in df whose Chromosome names contain "M"?
  if (sum(grepl("M", df[[1]])) > 0) {
    df <- df[-grep("M", df[[1]]), ]

  # Remove the "chr" character in the Chromosome's name
  df[, 1] <- sub(pattern = "chr", replacement = "", df[[1]])


#' Standardize the chromosome name annotations for a data frame.
#' @param df An in-memory data.frame representing a VCF.
#' @param name.of.VCF Name of the VCF file.
#' @return A \strong{list} with the elements
#' * \code{df} a data frame with variants that had "legal" chromosome
#'   names (see below for illegal chromosome names).
#'   Leading "chr" strings are removed.
#' * \code{discarded.variants}: \strong{Non-NULL only if} there
#'   variants with illegal chromosome names; these are
#'   names that contain the strings "GL", "Hs", "KI", "M", "random".
#' @md
#' @keywords internal
StandardChromNameNew <- function(df, name.of.VCF = NULL) {
  # Create an empty data frame for discarded variants
  discarded.variants <- df[0, ]

  # Is there any row in df whose Chromosome names have "GL"?
  if (sum(grepl("GL", df$CHROM)) > 0) {
    warning("In VCF ", ifelse(is.null(name.of.VCF), "", dQuote(name.of.VCF)),
            " ", sum(grepl("GL", df$CHROM)), " row out of ",
            nrow(df), " had chromosome names that contain 'GL' and ",
            "were removed. ",
            "See discarded.variants in the return value for more details")
    df1 <- df[-grep("GL", df$CHROM), ]
    df1.to.remove <- df[grep("GL", df$CHROM), ]
    df1.to.remove$discarded.reason <- 'Chromosome name contains "GL"'
    discarded.variants <-
      dplyr::bind_rows(discarded.variants, df1.to.remove)
  } else {
    df1 <- df

  # Is there any row in df whose Chromosome names have "KI"?
  if (sum(grepl("KI", df1$CHROM)) > 0) {
    warning("In VCF ", ifelse(is.null(name.of.VCF), "", dQuote(name.of.VCF)),
            " ", sum(grepl("KI", df1$CHROM)), " row out of ",
            nrow(df), " had chromosome names that contain 'KI' and ",
            "were removed. ",
            "See discarded.variants in the return value for more details")
    df2 <- df1[-grep("KI", df1$CHROM), ]
    df2.to.remove <- df1[grep("KI", df1$CHROM), ]
    df2.to.remove$discarded.reason <- 'Chromosome name contains "KI"'
    discarded.variants <-
      dplyr::bind_rows(discarded.variants, df2.to.remove)
  } else {
    df2 <- df1

  # Is there any row in df whose Chromosome names have "random"?
  if (sum(grepl("random", df2$CHROM)) > 0) {
    warning("In VCF ", ifelse(is.null(name.of.VCF), "", dQuote(name.of.VCF)),
            " ", sum(grepl("random", df2$CHROM)), " row out of ",
            nrow(df), " had chromosome names that contain 'random' and ",
            "were removed. ",
            "See discarded.variants in the return value for more details")
    df3 <- df2[-grep("random", df2$CHROM), ]
    df3.to.remove <- df2[grep("random", df2$CHROM), ]
    df3.to.remove$discarded.reason <- 'Chromosome name contains "random"'
    discarded.variants <-
      dplyr::bind_rows(discarded.variants, df3.to.remove)
  } else {
    df3 <- df2

  # Is there any row in df whose Chromosome names are "Hs37D5"?
  if (sum(grepl("^Hs", df3$CHROM)) > 0) {
    warning("In VCF ", ifelse(is.null(name.of.VCF), "", dQuote(name.of.VCF)),
            " ", sum(grepl("^Hs", df3$CHROM)), " row out of ",
            nrow(df), " had chromosome names that contain 'Hs' and ",
            "were removed. ",
            "See discarded.variants in the return value for more details")
    df4 <- df3[-grep("^Hs", df3$CHROM), ]
    df4.to.remove <- df3[grep("^Hs", df3$CHROM), ]
    df4.to.remove$discarded.reason <- 'Chromosome name contains "Hs"'
    discarded.variants <-
      dplyr::bind_rows(discarded.variants, df4.to.remove)
  } else {
    df4 <- df3

  # Is there any row in df whose Chromosome names contain "M"?
  if (sum(grepl("M", df4$CHROM)) > 0) {
    warning("In VCF ", ifelse(is.null(name.of.VCF), "", dQuote(name.of.VCF)),
            " ", sum(grepl("M", df4$CHROM)), " row out of ",
            nrow(df), " had chromosome names that contain 'M' and ",
            "were removed. ",
            "See discarded.variants in the return value for more details")
    df5 <- df4[-grep("M", df4$CHROM), ]
    df5.to.remove <- df4[grep("M", df4$CHROM), ]
    df5.to.remove$discarded.reason <- 'Chromosome name contains "M"'
    discarded.variants <-
      dplyr::bind_rows(discarded.variants, df5.to.remove)
  } else {
    df5 <- df4

  if (nrow(discarded.variants) == 0) {
    return(list(df = df5))
  } else {
    return(list(df = df5, discarded.variants = discarded.variants))

#' Check and, if possible, correct the chromosome names in a VCF \code{data.frame}.
#' @param vcf.df A VCF as a \code{data.frame}. Check the names in column
#' \code{CHROM}.
#' @param name.of.VCF Name of the VCF file.
#' @param ref.genome The reference genome with the chromosome names to check
#' \code{vcf.df$CHROM} against; must be a Bioconductor
#' \code{BSgenome}, e.g.
#' \code{BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38}.
#' @return If the \code{vcf.df$CHROM} values are correct or
#' can be corrected, then a vector of chromosome names
#' that can be used as a replacement for \code{vcf.df$CHROM}.
#' If the names in \code{vcf.df$CHROM} cannot be made to
#' be consistent with the chromosome names in \code{ref.genome},
#' then \code{stop}.
#' @keywords internal
CheckAndFixChrNames <- function(vcf.df, ref.genome, name.of.VCF = NULL) {
  names.to.check <- unique(vcf.df$CHROM)
  # Check whether the naming of chromosomes in vcf.df is consistent
  if(!sum(grepl("^chr", names.to.check)) %in% c(0, length(names.to.check))) {
    stop("\nNaming of chromosomes in VCF ", dQuote(name.of.VCF),
         " is not consistent: ",
         paste(names.to.check, collapse = " "))

  ref.genome.names <- seqnames(ref.genome)

  not.matched <- setdiff(names.to.check, ref.genome.names)

  # The names match -- we leave well-enough alone
  if (length(not.matched) == 0) return(vcf.df$CHROM)

  vcf.has.chr.prefix <- any(grepl(pattern = "^chr", names.to.check))
  ref.has.chr.prefix <- any(grepl(pattern = "^chr", ref.genome.names))

  new.chr.names <- vcf.df$CHROM
  if (ref.has.chr.prefix && !vcf.has.chr.prefix) {
    names.to.check <- paste0("chr", names.to.check)
    new.chr.names <- paste0("chr", new.chr.names)
    not.matched1 <- setdiff(names.to.check, ref.genome.names)
    if (length(not.matched1) == 0) return(new.chr.names)

  if (!ref.has.chr.prefix && vcf.has.chr.prefix) {
    names.to.check <- gsub("chr", "", names.to.check)
    new.chr.names <- gsub("chr", "", new.chr.names)
    not.matched2 <- setdiff(names.to.check, ref.genome.names)
    if (length(not.matched2) == 0) return(new.chr.names)

  organism <- BSgenome::organism(ref.genome)

  CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName <- function(chr1, chr2) {
    if (chr1 %in% names.to.check) {
      # If chr2 is already in names.to.check, then give a warning
      if (chr2 %in% names.to.check) {
        warningmessage <- function(x, y) {
          warning("\n", x, " and ", y, " both are chromosome names in VCF ",
                  "for ", organism, ". ", x, " has been changed to ", y, 
                  " internally for downstream processing")
        if (vcf.has.chr.prefix) {
          if (grepl(pattern = "^chr", chr1)) {
            warningmessage(chr1, chr2)
          } else {
            x <- paste0("chr", chr1)
            y <- paste0("chr", chr2)
            warningmessage(x, y)
        } else {
          if (!grepl(pattern = "^chr", chr1)) {
            warningmessage(chr1, chr2)
          } else {
            x <- gsub("chr", "", chr1)
            y <- gsub("chr", "", chr2)
            warningmessage(x, y)

      new.chr.names[new.chr.names == chr1] <<- chr2
      names.to.check <- setdiff(names.to.check, chr1)
      names.to.check <<- unique(c(names.to.check, chr2))

  if (organism == "Homo sapiens") {

    # Maybe the problem is that X and Y are encoded as chr23 and chr24
    CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("chr23", "chrX")
    CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("chr24", "chrY")

    # Maybe the problem is that X and Y are encoded as 23 and 24
    CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("23", "X")
    CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("24", "Y")

  if (organism == "Mus musculus") {

    # Maybe the problem is that X and Y are encoded as chr20 and chr21
    CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("chr20", "chrX")
    CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("chr21", "chrY")

    # Maybe the problem is that X and Y are encoded as 20 and 21
    CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("20", "X")
    CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("21", "Y")

  not.matched3 <- setdiff(names.to.check, ref.genome.names)
  if (length(not.matched3) == 0) return(new.chr.names)

  stop("\nChromosome names in VCF ", dQuote(name.of.VCF),
       " not in ref.genome for ", organism, ": ",
       # We report the _original_ list of not matched names
       paste(not.matched, collapse = " "))

#' Check and, if possible, correct the chromosome names in a trans.ranges \code{data.table}
#' @param trans.ranges A \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} which contains
#'   transcript range and strand information. Please refer to
#'   \code{\link{TranscriptRanges}} for more details.
#' @param vcf.df A VCF as a \code{data.frame}. Check the names in column
#' \code{CHROM}.
#' @param name.of.VCF Name of the VCF file.
#' @param ref.genome The reference genome with the chromosome names to check
#' \code{vcf.df$CHROM} against; must be a Bioconductor
#' \code{BSgenome}, e.g.
#' \code{BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38}.
#' @return If the \code{vcf.df$CHROM} values are correct or can be corrected,
#'   then a vector of chromosome names that can be used as a replacement for
#'   \code{trans.ranges$chrom}. If the names in \code{vcf.df$CHROM} cannot be
#'   made to be consistent with the chromosome names in
#'   \code{trans.ranges$chrom}, then \code{stop}.
#' @keywords internal
CheckAndFixChrNamesForTransRanges <-
  function(trans.ranges, vcf.df, ref.genome, name.of.VCF = NULL) {
    names.to.check <- as.character(unique(trans.ranges$chrom))

    vcf.chr.names <- as.character(unique(vcf.df$CHROM))
    # Check whether the naming of chromosomes in vcf.df is consistent
    if(!sum(grepl("^chr", vcf.chr.names)) %in% c(0, length(vcf.chr.names))) {
      stop("\nNaming of chromosomes in VCF ", dQuote(name.of.VCF),
           " is not consistent: ",
           paste(vcf.chr.names, collapse = " "))

    not.matched <- setdiff(vcf.chr.names, names.to.check)

    # The names match -- we leave well-enough alone
    if (length(not.matched) == 0) return(trans.ranges$chrom)

    vcf.has.chr.prefix <- any(grepl(pattern = "^chr", vcf.chr.names))
    trans.has.chr.prefix <- any(grepl(pattern = "^chr", names.to.check))

    new.chr.names <- as.character(trans.ranges$chrom)
    if (trans.has.chr.prefix && !vcf.has.chr.prefix) {
      names.to.check <- gsub("chr", "", names.to.check)
      new.chr.names <- gsub("chr", "", names.to.check)

      names.to.check <- paste0("chr", names.to.check)
      new.chr.names <- paste0("chr", new.chr.names)
      not.matched1 <- setdiff(vcf.chr.names, names.to.check)
      if (length(not.matched1) == 0) return(new.chr.names)

    if (!trans.has.chr.prefix && vcf.has.chr.prefix) {
      names.to.check <- paste0("chr", names.to.check)
      new.chr.names <- paste0("chr", new.chr.names)
      not.matched2 <- setdiff(vcf.chr.names, names.to.check)
      if (length(not.matched2) == 0) return(new.chr.names)

    organism <- BSgenome::organism(ref.genome)

    CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName <- function(chr1, chr2) {
      if (chr2 %in% vcf.chr.names) {
        # If chr1 is already in vcf.chr.names, then stop
        if (chr1 %in% vcf.chr.names) {
          stopmessage <- function() {
            stop("\n", chr2, " and ", chr1, " both are chromosome names in VCF ",
                 ", which should not be the case for ", organism, ". Please check ",
                 "your data or specify the correct ref.genome argument")
          if (vcf.has.chr.prefix) {
            if (grepl(pattern = "^chr", chr2)) {
            } else {
              chr1 <- paste0("chr", chr1)
              chr2 <- paste0("chr", chr2)
          } else {
            if (!grepl(pattern = "^chr", chr1)) {
            } else {
              chr1 <- gsub("chr", "", chr1)
              chr2 <- gsub("chr", "", chr2)

        # Update the trans.ranges chromosome names to be consistent with
        # those in vcf.df
        new.chr.names[new.chr.names == chr1] <<- chr2
        names.to.check <- setdiff(names.to.check, chr1)
        names.to.check <<- unique(c(names.to.check, chr2))

    if (organism == "Homo sapiens") {

      # Maybe the problem is that X and Y are encoded as chr23 and chr24
      CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("chrX", "chr23")
      CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("chrY", "chr24")

      # Maybe the problem is that X and Y are encoded as 23 and 24
      CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("X", "23")
      CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("Y", "24")

    if (organism == "Mus musculus") {

      # Maybe the problem is that X and Y are encoded as chr20 and chr21
      CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("chrX", "chr20")
      CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("chrY", "chr21")

      # Maybe the problem is that X and Y are encoded as 20 and 21
      CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("X", "20")
      CheckForPossibleMatchedChrName("Y", "21")

    not.matched3 <- setdiff(vcf.chr.names, names.to.check)
    if (length(not.matched3) == 0) return(new.chr.names)

    stop("\nChromosome names in VCF ", dQuote(name.of.VCF),
         " not in trans ranges for ", organism, ": ",
         # We report the _original_ list of not matched names
         paste(not.matched, collapse = " "))

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